The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 01, 1918, Section One, Page 6, Image 6

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'Return to Germany Is Confi-
dently Expected.
rangements" Inland HarVlaoi'of the K f 1 1 fl Uyl 1 1 1" I l i M I I
Latin-American Division and Phillip H. IIUU lUlU UIIL.IIUIIL.
Servant at patch Castle . Reports
Master "Much Brighter" oa
ArriTal of ei-Kalserln. '
AJft-RON'GEJ". Holland, rrldiy. Jior.
J. it is understood her that William
Hohecsollern baa been awaiting the ar
rival cf hl wife before going else
where. . Germane In hi aulta believe he
will return to Germany and are opti
mistic enough, to thine; he .will resume
the throne. '
A member of Count von Bentlnck's
household said today that the former
tmperor was greatly moved when his
wife arrived and seemed particularly
delighted. One of Herr Hohenzollern's
servants is reported to have said that
Ilia master wm "much brlgnter ana
to have added "thing's evre- looking
better for oa,"
BERLIN, via Basel. Not. SI (By the
Associated Press.) The . text of the
former German Emperor's act of re
nunciation, which was issued by the
sew German government, la order to
reply to certain misunderstandings
which have arisen with, regard to the
abdication.' follows:
AU Fewer Is Keaowace.
. "By the present document. I renounce
forever my rlichti -to. the crown- of
Prussia and the rights to the German
Imperial crown. I release at the same
time all the officials of the German
Umpire and Prussia and also all offi
cers, non-commissioned offioers and
soldiers of the Prussian navy and army
and of contingents from confederate
states from the oath of fidelity they
have taken to me. As their Emperor,
King and supreme chief, I expect from
them nntil a new organization of the
German Empire exists that they will
aid those who effectively hold the
power In Germany to protect the Ger
man people against the menacing dan
gers of anarchy, famine and foreign
"Made and executed and signed by
oar hand, with the Imperial seal, at
Amerongen, November 2S.
IJXDOJ. Nov. 19. The meeting; of
former Emperor William and the former
Empress at Amerqpgen is described by
a Dutch, correspondent of the Daily Ex
press. . -
Mectlaa; ef Twe Desert bed. .
"The gates were thrown open, the
draw-bridge was lowered with a noise
of chains and' Iron bars that sounded
very medieval, and in the courtyard be
fore the castle an elderly man In a gray
military cloak was seen at a distance,
walking slowly and leaning on his
tick." the correspondent writes? "It
was the ex-Kaiser. The ex-Kalserin's
car was driven into the courtyard, the
ex-Kaiser threw down his stick and be
fore the valet was able, opened the door
and handed out his wife.
"They shook hands and then threw
themselves Into each others arms, the
ex-Kalsertn falling upon her husband's
shoulder and crying like a child. The
closing of the gates shut out a further
University .Men Haul Banner
Down, Rebuking Radicals.
Patchin. confidential assistant to Sec
retary Lansing.
William McN'ier will go as disbars-
nng officer and S. T. Smith as draught
Ing officer, and a large force or clerical
assistants from the department will
accompany, the party. Dr. Si E. Mezes,
head of the State Department Bureau
of Inquiry, established last year to
study peace problems, will, attend the
conference as director of specialists, a
party of whom will accompany him
from New Tork.
WASHINGTON. Not. 80. An official
dispatch from Japan today announced
that Marquis Klnmochl fcaionjl, former
Premier, baa been re-designated to
head the Japanese delegation to the
peace conference. Yesterday word came
that the Marquis had been replaced by
VUrnnnt w m t n former Foreisrn Min
ister, but. now It Is said the original Head of Jfew German Democratic
personnel has been restored and Vis- I t- . . wr, UMJU
count Kato will not be a member of Party Alma to Holr- Middle
the party,
Classes for Democracy.
fy3ggjgj -
Funeral Directors: m
LONTK3J. Not. (British Wire
less Service.) Fuller reports of the
etatrment published by Von Bethmann
Hollwee;. the former Imperial German
Chancellor, In the North German Ga
zette, shows that, although be attempts
various arguments In excuse for his
share In German guilt for the war, he
makes the following .confession:
Sesee Sieves Admitted.
"But. above all, we must confess that
by our deficiencies of National char
acter and by the sins of our general
behavior, we have contributed to the
warlike tension which filled the air
for the last few years. Words which
might be taken as provocation were
repeatedly uttered. The Pan-German
activities at home and abroad have
done us the greatest harm. but. above
all. our naval policy brought us the
fatal opposition."
Release Immediately All . Political Associated' Press.) A red flag hoisted
- . lover the University of Leipzig at th
mt r,UCI. " behest of the soldiers' and workers'
fAVP T.T5WTS. Taeoma. Wash- Not. council was hauled down tonight by a
a u..-j. -tiv.-. i,..,in I committee of the student abody, com
the words: "We demand the Immediate I
release of all political prisoners." made Th. tUdenta then Dosted a bulletin
their appearance on the parade grounds I saying their action was a protest
and on some buildings here today. I against the menace to academic free'
size and-
rea in. .o onicer couia account iroui ,..,.., hour nation's des
whence the stickers came, out investi- tiny."
ration la helnsr made. There was DO I'
alsrn attached. The stickers are believed I AMSTERDAM, Nov. 0. The Tage-
. - - ..,!. I blatt, of Berlin,' says It has been offi-
to be part of a propaganda scheme I . , Vi... .i. i . ,a
which has been noticed elaewhere In loldlers. councli ha, demanded the
n Some DUliuingB acri lUUaf Kgauioi tu. uiouu; v awuvuiiu ico-
sTlckers are about x8 Inches In dom. The notice also expressed "shame
, i., ..niil In nd sorrow .at the failure of the Ger-
ind-the lettering was printed In . t(j ent 4 nlted front ,n
k. No officer could account from , v..,, th .,!., ,.,.
the country.
speedy retirement of , Dr. W. JS. Solf,
the German Foreign Secretary. The
council also has ordered the seizure of
all documents relating to. foreign af
fairs and the old government syBtem.
BERLIN. Friday, Nov. 29. (By the
Associated Press.) A group of Inde
pendent Socialist-Democrats, closely
Thirty Thousand Allied Soldiers
- Reach Met and Vcrdnn.
. PARIS. Not. 17. Fifteen thousand idn"fle1. w,lth th Spartacus element
lab Empire.
allied soldiers who have been prisoners , . 'nec"; n" "1Iea
of war in Germany are pouring ot all wireless stations In Germany and
through Mets and an equal number Is ow tran"Jni"lnff prpaB1f,nf "i
paeslnir through Verdun, according to olhar news, the Berlin Tageblatt says
T. M. C. A. headquarters here. Araerl- I fc -
cane and British are being received at I Chancellor Isatiea Warn lag,
Verdun by the T. M. C A. and are I Chancellor Ebert and Berr Haase. on
given any aid that may be necessary, behalf of the government, the news
A large number of American officers I paper addict warn the press at home
will enter Switzerland on rlaay. ac-l.nd abroad of this condition and de
cording to the T. -M. C A. - These menlclare further-that the government will
are now being concentrated at Villen-lnot assume responsibility for wireless
gen. Germany. Information now being sent out of Ger
Associated rres.j ino aime oi lam
Foch Is Honored by Head of Brit- outlIned to the correspondent today by
Theodore Wolff, editor-ln-chlef of the
Berlin Tageblatt. It was on Herr
PARIS. Thursday, Nor. 2S. (Havas.) Wolff's initiative that the party was
Following the dinner given at the I formed. He said:
Elysee Palace tonight in honor of King "Our party has been formed to sup-
-George a- reception was held at . the port the republic, to further democratic
British Embassy. During the recep- I reforms on a sociallstlc-economlo basis
tlon. King George bestowed upon Mar- I and to furnish a rallying point for the
ahal Foch the Order of Alerit. I middle "classes and keep them from
falllnsr Into the power of the reactlon-
The British Order of Merit waa In- .riea. The nartv will naturally onnose
stltuted by King Edward VIL June 2, Bolshevism with all means at Its com-
1902. It Is very exclusive, but carries mand. In other words, we aim to win
with It no special title or personal and hold the middle classes for democ-
precedence. . . racy."
Herr Wolff explained that all former
HARBOR RESTRICTIONS OFF Ptles who have been actlva In mUl-
taristic ana n&uonaiisuc affKaciona or
W- .JwMeaJ V. skaK
War-Tlmo Espionage Act Regala- Pamn.tern have been fiativ m-
tlons Rescinded. formed that while, they cannot be ex-
I eluded from the party if they desire to
WASHINGTON, Not. 10. Removal of Join, they will nevertheless be rigor-
harbor restrictions imposed under the I ouslv excluded from any. participation
espionage act was announced today by I m Us leadership. '
me x reasury mutomi oureau. I
This permits the carrying of cameras I wttrt.tV tivi.- r-a th.
In harbors, the movement of vessels jn pre8a) The Soldiers' Coiin-
after dark, the Inspection of manifests,
boarding of vessels by newswrlters and
the arrival and departure of coastwise
ships without reporting to port author
Cent!nuea From Flrvt Pare.)
the sessions duringxlhe first days of
the week would be lively ones.
Composition of the military person
nel to accompany General Bliss with
the peace delegation was announced by
Jeneral March today as follows: Major
General - Francis Jy Keman. Brigadier
General Marlborough Churchill. Chief
of the Military Intelligence Bureau:
and Colonels P-alph II. Van Drain,
Jordan. Ayres. Helms. Furlong.- Fling;
Captains Auchencloss and Childa.
Staff Well Reandrd." - - -
Brigadier-General William W. Harts,
former aide to. President Wilson, will
be In command of the military aides
and messengers at the conference.
There also will be attached to General
Bliss' staff a number of Army officers
who are specialists In law. finance and
ethnology, furnishing what General
March describes as a "well-rounded
military staff."
Secretaries of "thys delegation, an
nounced today by the State Depart
ment, will be Joseph C Grew, former
inrretary of embassy at Berlin and
cil of Greater Berlin,- at a stormy
plenary meeting today, expressed dis
satisfaction with the appointment of
anj executive, council of 28 men by
adopting a resolution appointing a rep
resentative from each of the seven
aeglmenta stationed in Berlin to weigh
charges against the executive council
and, if necessary, to reform the organl-
Co-operatlve Systems Xot Subject to satlon.
Council Talks Too Mnen.
The charges had been formulated by
WASHINGTON. Not. So. Co-onerm- I the Soldiers" Council of the Third Army
tlvo telephone systems which receive Corps, which declared among other
revenue only from partners, stockhold- things that the executive council talked
ers or members are not reaulred to instead of acted. It was declared also
comply with orders of the wire control I that the executive council had "shame
administration at present, under a fully debased the high aims of the
ruling announced today. I councils, failed to effect co-operation
The onlv reaulreraent as to these svs- I with the soldiers In other parts of Ger-
tems. is that they be operated at a I many, failed to protect the eastern I air forces were amalgamated, to No-
standard satisfactory to the Postmas- border and hindered every orderly and 1 vember 1L were: Killed, 2680; wounded.
Federal Administration.
"Srj S
The Flnley establishment has become recognised as
the foremost of its kind on the Pacific Coast, because
it has been able to throw about the last ' sacred
services an atmosphere of reverence and appropriate
.ness which pleases all. This is done, too, without
extra charges or high cost. .
One of Portland's prominent citizens recently re-
marked to one of our friends, "The funeral at Finley's
Tuesday was one of the most Impressive I ever at- '
' tended. Everything went off smoothly and quietly.
The chancel Is beautiful and well arranged; It is so
much more appropriate for a funeral than a huge,
lonesome, barren church.".
We know that our ideas are right because they have .
been successful; and we are naturally proud of such,
'v Dependable Foaeral Directors
' . . . Montgomery at Fifth
. declaration that the executive coun
cil's control over the government was
unnecessary since the soldiers naa tne
fullest confidence in the government
and demanded the summoning or a con
stituent assembly as speedily as pos
Grave Aceaaatlena Blade.
Accusations of Inefficiency and graft
ing-were supported by Herr Gerhatdt,
himself a member of the executive
council. .
PhllliD Scheldemann waa applauded.
but his defense waa badly received by
the soldiers. He admitted everything
had not rone as he wished, but he
hoped to get along until a new central
council had been summoned. Schelde
mann met the reproaches of the Ba
varian delegates by disclosing that the
efforts of the Socialists during the war
to secure autonomy, for Alsace-Lorraine
promised to be successful, but were
stranded br the opposition of the King
of Bavaria who wished parts of Al
sace-Lorraine to be added to Havana.
The meetinr adjourned until Satur
day after soldiers ' from the army of
the East gave warning that if there
were disturbances in Berlin, the East
ern troops would abandon Berlin ahd
act Independently. .
Salt- for" Wilson Dismissed.
STOCKHOLM, Friday, Nov. 29. The
suit Initiated by the American Lega
tion ajralnst the Aftonbladet of this
city. In which it wascharged that the
newspaper had Insulted President Wil
son has been dismissed on technical
British Air Losses Given.
LONDOI. Nov. 29. Casualties In the
I royal air forces from April, when, the
istry. The total air casualties through
out the war will be announced later.
170,000 Hnna Will Be Held on
' French Orders.
COPENHAGEN, Nov. 80. (Router's)
The Hungarian government has de
cided to intern the whole of Field
Marshal MacU.nsen's army of 170,000
men, in acc.rdance with the demand of
the French government, It Is reported
from Budapest by way of Berlin.
Von Mackensen has declared he would
yield 'to-the decision.
Continued III Treatment by Hnns of
Prisoners Is Opposed.-
. PARIS, Not. 28. (Havae.) The
French- government through Marshal
Foch will send a vigorous protest to
Berlin concerning the treatment of war
prisoners, Edouard Ignace, under-sec
retary .for military Justice and pen
sions, announced in the Chamber of
Deputies today. '
He said the new government in Ger
many treated the prisoners no better
than the old one.
The Dalles Girl to Wed
TACOMAT-Nov. 80. (Special.) Mar
riage licenses were issued in Taeoma
today to Glenn Stockton, of Camp
Lewis, and Ethel Clark. The Dalles,
tr.otia.rl 'mil rniki no .il.n.lnm practical work." nl.ilnr nrt nrisonera. 4909: according Oregon, and to J. a. nasDurg, j.d.cuuj.
without his approval. ' , The soldiers tumultuously applauded to an official statement by the air min- I and Martha Dougherty, ADeraeen.
Opening of University Postponed
Because of Epidemic."
MISSOULA. Mont.. Nov. io. The open
ing of the University of Montana,
scheduled for next Monday, was post
poned today by the university authori
ties because of the increasing number
ot cases of influenza reported through
out the state.
- Students who already have arrived
at the university or are on their way
will be given individual instructions, it
was announced.
Cheballs Men Bonnd Oyer..
CHE HA LIS. Wash.. Nov. 80. (Spe
cial.) Sam and Bill Platls were bound
over today by Justice Westover for an
attempted assault on O. C Farrell. sec- I
tion boss. . Farrell drew a pistol for
protection-"during- the -mlxtrp and his
would-be assailants desisted In their I
eeaeeseee'Teeeeeeeeeseeee Jeeeeeeeeeee '
)) eV. W ) I B mm e ) 41 1 e
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