The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 01, 1918, Section One, Page 5, Image 5

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Entire Equipment of Spruce
Division for Sale.
VALUE IS ABOUT $10,000,000
Three Boards Created By General
e to Plan and Execate
Big Sales Project.
Am t largest produrlr.r operator In
vpruca the world has tvif tnown, the
Sprue Division is entitled td a place
ot prominence in the history of the
war. but now It Is to become a gigantic
Ian 1: Col. J. IT. Raley. Pendleton, and
A. K. Reames. Esq., Medford.
The Federal court will be represent
ed on this occasion by Charles II.
Carey, chairman: C. K. B. Wood. Wirt
Minor. William . Fenton. and Arthur
C. Spencer.
The Multnomah bar will be repre
sented by Joserh H- Simon, chairman;
Fred V. Holman. A. M. Crawford. Cic
ero M. Idleman. and William M. Davis.
Officers of the Oregon Bar Association,
as well as a large number of local at
torneys are planning- to leave Portland
on the 19:40 Oregon Electric train at
the North Bank depot, and will reach
f3alm in Mm In limrh brfnrs Attend.
I ing the exercises.
A. B. Richards Surrenders Office to
Former Assistant.
SAN FRANCISCO. Not! 30. (Special.)
A. B. Richards, superintendent of the
Pacific division of the Postal Telegraph
Company, has been relieved of his du
ties by telegraphic orders from Postmaster-General
Burleson. It is ru
mored that William Hears, Richards'
assistant, has been named as his suc
cessor, and that Richards has already
turned over his office to Hum. It was
admitted at the local offlees of the Pos
tal Telegraph Company tonight that the
Jobber of machinery, power, railroads ; change had been made.
acd railroading material, locomotives. The reason for the change ia a mat
cara, sawmills complete and in their ter of gossip, but it is said that Rich
elemental parts, and other equipment ards wrote a letter some time ago to the
and paraphernalia. Creation by General general manager of the Postal Company
IMsque of three boards, the personnel I attacking Government ownership, and
of which was announced a few days: that a copy of this letter has reached
Members of Sf.'Andrew's So
ciety Laud- Land of Birth.
Mayor Baker Telia Assemblage There
Is Room for bat One Flag
In United States.'
ago. was the initial step la the new
protcre-nrae peace baa made necessary.
The cancelliton of contracts board.
the first of these. Is designed to con
clude relations with those engaged in
production or the work of the division
under contracts. The cataloguing
board has the task of listing every
article owned by the Government and
held by the Spruce Division, from rail
roads and sawmills and miscellaneous
equipment, down to the last pick, shovel
or hammer in the mass of small tools.
The sales board is probablf the organi
sation upon which will devolve the
greatest responsibility, for it will be
under the jurisdiction of this body that
the material r-Ul be sold.
Sale Board Ilaa Bis; Job.
The sales department will formulate
and execute plans to convert 116.000.
00 worth of property, more or less.
Into cash. It will be organised on the
the Postmaster-General. Copies of the
letter were sent to all the division su
Theft of Anto and Robbery of Store
Jack Rhain and Alex Marthalen.
minors, were remanded to the Juvenile
Court yesterday by Municipal Judge
Rossman on two charges of stealing an
automobile and breaking into a sfore.
The boya were arrested by Motorcycle
Patrolman Wright after an automobile
In which they were riding with two
other boys collided with a machine
driven by J. Domisse at East Twenty-
eighth street and Sandy boulevard Fri
day night.
After the boys were taken to ponce
magnitude ''porand" confine headquarter- tklr are afleged to have
magnitude. Portland is to continue confeH--ed tnat they nad ,tolen the ma-
!h qU"f "ifi'Cr re "k! cnlne In which . they were riding, and
Teon building. There will be a pub- " to jLlllJf,
,,-,, . .. -.m-- a store near the scene or the collision.
nion" wnt wHI ff-rm nroJf The two other boys who participated
organisation, wno win inxorni pros- . , .-..- ,
pectiv, purchasers regarding the qual- in'n" ""
lty and condition of the goods, and I i-"--
when open to Inspection and purchase.
Just what form thia publicity work
will take is not announced, but it will
be an advertising Job, of some magni
The warehouses and material yards
f enele Sams machinery bouse con
ducted by the Spruce division, will be
at Vancouver Barracks. Presumably
Rev. Dr. Matthews, of Seattle, to
. Study Reconstruction Needs.
SEATTLE. Nor. SO. Rev. SI. A.
"We Scotch are great people. The ad
miral at the head of the British navy
facing the Germans is a Scot. So is
the Commander-in-Chief of the British
armies In f ranco. nut we ocoicn
aren't making any noise about it. We
are wearing our high honors with
Such were keynotes running through
the annual banquet of the St. Andrew's
Society of Oregoneld last night in
the grill of the Hotel Portland. Two
hundred people were present, about 15
per cent being women.
Another and a deeper keynote was
contained in a patriotic speech by
Mayor Baker, who, speaking on the
toast "The Rose City," said
"Some of the other speakers have re
ferred to the menace of the red flag
In this country. Such a peril may
Xm Reoas For Red Flaar Here.
Turning ' to Rer. E. V. Sbayler, of
Seattle, Wash, one of the previous
speakers. Mayor Baker proceeded
"The red flag trouble may be started
in Seattle some day. But mark me, no
red flag will be allowed in this city.
There Is only room for one flag in this
country, and that is the Stars and
Stripes. Don't let any red-flag bus!
ness start. II It is allowed, iook out
for your women and children because
they will not be safe from the rabble
that carry the red flag. In this coun
try. It is good to know that there are
so many loyal English and Scotch, and
better still that they are all good
Pershing's Name Applauded,
Mayor Baker also lauded the spirit of
the gallant little British army that
barred the way of the Germans when
they advanced at Ypres, ten Germans
to one Briton. "But." went on the May
or, "strength only did not win that day.
The armed might and brute strength of
it win occupy more rioor space than is " , ' ' " , " the Germans warranted the assumption
cdmmon.y utilised for the display of J?te tresn vfeVl.n Church is that "W uht to havo P' on to
machinery. Each article of the large f "f. Z . .hr.J mh-.tUdv P"la. But God willed it otherwise,
assortment .Is to be sold on its own !'V 'ooarr 'h.r To,, nt.d. of Something better than mere physical
merits, and the assembling will be from Europe of reconstruction needs of t .,
many camps, mill plants, hundreds of
miles of railroad pushed into the sprace
wood, and from docks along livers of
the Columbia River district. There will
be locomotives, cars, rolling stock of
the devastated countries.
He goes as an independent Investi
gator, it was announced.
other sorts and special equipment for GOTTSTEIN FOUND GUILTY
production oi material ,ior airplanes; i
Murder of John Murray, Near Seat-
tic, on. October 4, Proved
stationary engines, donkey engines,
hoists, electric power plants, saw and
planing mill machinery and equipment
for large and small plants; miles of
cable, and Incidentally the culinary
equipment required in the cam pa to
SEATTLE, Nor. JO. William Gott-
steln. realty dealer was tonight con-
feed the soldiers and civilians engaged I victed of murder in the first degree
r New. 1
is a part. But
In spruce production.
Jiaea .lac-leery
Second-hand material
only a part, for there will be lots of
machinery and equipment that has
never been unpacked. It will be brought
to the material yards from where it had !
been delivered or from cara in tran
sit when operat'ons ceased. It is mate
rial that belongs to the Spruce Divi
sion, brought from far factories, wher
ever it could be obtained, and now it la
to be assembled here In the Vancouver
Barracks yards to be sold to the best
possible advantage.
I'ncle Sam has had one bit of expe
rience to guide In a way in the dis
posal of the material. When the Panama
Canal was completed the material on
that work was listed In a complete cat
alogue. A large part of that material
suited to the work was transferred to
Alaska for use In building railroads
by a superior court Jury.
Gottsteln was charged witn me Kill
ing of John Murray, a railway bag
gage checker, near Des Moines, Wash,
not far from Seattle, on October 4. Rob
bery was said to have been th motive.
Mr. Shayler pictured the hopeful new
era, the new democracy that Is being
ushered in to curb, the spirit of social
unrest that may be before us in days of
reconstruction of our. social fabric
Patriotic speeches also were made by
John McCourt, Major T. A. Mills, United
States Army, W. R. MacKenzie and A.
H. Blrrell. Governor Withycombe, who
was to Have responded to the toast of
"The Beaver State." was prevented from
keeping his engagement.
Music was rendered by Harold Hurl
but, tenor; Fred T. Crowther, baritone,
and Miss Nan Gray, -of Pantages The
ater. Miss Elsie Johnston danced the
Highland fling and Pipe Major Macdon-
ald clayed bacDiDe selections. Carl Den
ton was accompanist. A. G. Flndlaythe
newly installed president, was toast-master.
SOCIATj workers gather and
discuss war problems.
Public TTealth Department Asked to
Safeguard Returning Soldiers
Against "Fin" Epidemic.
'NEW YORK. Nov. -30. Social work
ers from all parts of the United States
gathered here to. consider prob
lems arising from demobilization of the
Nation's armed forces today adopted a
resolution calling upon the Governmen
for avoidance of the evils of the pen
slon system for our victorious troops
and of preventable poverty among
Further extension "of the social In'
surance and in workmen's compensa
tion laws" was suggested as a remedy.
The conference also resolved to re
quest the United States Public Health
Service and the American Public
Health Association "to take immediate
steps to safeguard the returning Array
and the civilian population against
possible recurrence of the influenza
Other resolutions called for "perpetu
tlon, extension and improvement of the
United States Public Employment
Service." "restoration of" the protec
tion for working children granted
through the Federal child labor act of
1916" and adoption by the Government
of a programme "by which the author
ity and responsibility of the Nation for
Americanization should be organized,
centralized and unified, with every en
couragement to state and local effort.'
The Mayor thought that the big war
has cemented all peoples into one. He
lauded General Halg and Admiral Beat
ty, of the British army and navy; also
General Foch, the commander-in-chief
of the allies, and the meeting heard the
speaker in silence. But when the Mayor
mentioned General Pershing, the Scots
broke into delightful applause.
Scotch Tenacity Landed.
Rer. E. V. Shayler. rector of St.
Mary's Episcopal Church, Seattle, spoke
on "Scotland s Part in the Great World
War," and referred appreciatively to
Scotch spirit and tenacity that helped to
win the battles. He though that much
of this tenacity cornea from the Scot's
religion, giving him the tenacity that
says, "A man s a man for a that. Rev.
' '
Intensive worth
in Overcoats
Many of the materials I
show are not now to be had
by makers, but I have the
largest supply of Overcoats
I ever have shown.
Meltons, Scotches, tweeds; for
street, dress, storm wear.
Welt waist models, double breast
ed models, raglans, Chesterfields.
Altogether an exhibit calculated
to. delight the eyes of the man
who's looking for .Winter garments.-
- ' .
At . prices "for quality you can'
$20 $25 $30 $35 $40
$45 $50 $55 $60
The entire third floor for Over
coats take the elevator.
MB ' ii ii Mm nu l '
worris on street al fourth;
Ireland's Claim for Self-Determina
tion Is Topic of Addresses.
This afternoon at 2:30 o'clock a mass
meeting will- be held at Lincoln High
School in behalf of Ireland's claim for
self-determination. Speakers will In
clude Dr. A. C. Smith, chairman; J. P.
O'Harra, Isaac Swett, Rev. George
Thompson. E. H. Deery, president of
the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and
Rev. W. A. Daly. -The meeting will be
held under the auspices of the United
Irish Societies of Portland. Admission
will be free and a musical programme
wllf be rendered. ,
At a special meeting of the State
board of Ladies' Auxiliary to the An
cient Order of Hibernians in America,
held Friday evening, a resolution was
n,)TtDr1 natltfnnini, PrAqiHpnt Wllsnn
his influence at the near con-I . We wish to thank our many friends
: j-.Ii.ti 1 for their kind sympathy ana peauti-
ference In gaining self-determination . fu, floral otterlnga ln our sad be
of the Peace N. J. Chapman and fined
$200 each. Both men paid their fines
and were released.
We wish to thank the many friends
for their kindness and sympathy dur
ing the illness and death of our be
loved mother. Mrs. S: Coyne; also for
the many beautiful floral pieces.
For an Xmas gift why not give him an order for some
Let him be measured and select patterns that suit HIM at
his leisure.
for Ireland.
Klamath Men Arrested.
-KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. Nov. 3d.
(Special.) John Oliver and Charles
Buti, who were arrested at Pelican City
this week for having liquor in their
possession, were brought before Justice
Postmaster-General's Stand on Date
of Wage Advance to Oper
ators Is Opposed.
SALEM. Or.. Nor. IQ.--(SpeciaL)-
Tfce Public Service Commission will
stand pat In the Pacific Telephone A
Telegraph Company rate Increase mat
ter, and will srnd no further messages
to the Postroaster-Ueneral. excepting a
formal acknowledgment by mail of
his latest telegram and a copy of the
commission's order covering service of
the company.
At an informal conference today it
developed that the commission prob
ably will take exception to the Post-
roaster-General's stand that increased
wages for operating employes should
go into effect as of November Ik. At
tention was called to the fact that the I
company had issued a bulletin some
time ago that such lacreases would be
effective from October It. but had
failed to carry out its promises.
The commissioners held it palpably
wrong to attempt to postpone the wage
iocrease for a monttj, and this matter
probably win ne taaen up at me Hear
ing in Portland December 13.
Work of Committee on Public 'In
formation Now Limited.
WASHINGTON. Not. JO. The news
division of the commutes on- public
Information which has served as a
clearing house for Information on gov
ernment activities during the war. was
closed tonight-
All other branches of the committee
except the foreign and official bulletin
divisions, will be closed before the end
of the year.
Resolutions Prepared for Presenta
tion to Court Tuesday.
Memorial exercises will bo held In
the Supreme Court rooms at Salem.
Tuesday afternoon. December S, at 1:30
P. M.. . In honor of the late Justice
Frank A. Moore, who died September I
2. Resolutions have been pre
pared and will be presented to the
Supreme Court on behalf of the Oregon
Bar Association by . the following
named committee:
Judge Wallace McCamant. chairman.
Portland; Judge George G. Bingham,
Salem; Judge ilartln, U. Pipes, Port-
' I In- 310 Washington f till
I , j ' BewnFitn' aj J
j Dortlanb'sf paramount JBtsfpIap I
u tin
reavement. and especially Arleta Camp,
No. 805. W. O. W.
Estab. 1888. Raleigh BIdg., 327 Washington St. Cor. Sixth
ortlantfe ; paramount feplap
Of ' ' v .
From 1870 to 1918! Two generations and morel Not lightly
do we value the name and prestige which rightfully come to
us by reason of forty-eight years of continuous diamond-selling.
Silver-haired are now the maidens of 1870, yet the diamonds On
their hands glow with the same fire as in that far day when they
were slipped on fair young fingers, while vows were whispered
into willing ears!
Even then, as now, a Friedlander diamond was thejoken of life'
long love and fidelity! , '
TODAY, with wondrously beau
tiful and alluring diamond
stocks with all the reputa
tion and high repute of 48 years'
of service Friedlander's offers
you djamonda of positive,' fixed
quality diamonds of never-diminishing
beauty and value.
Diamonds, not only, but diamonds
set in cunningly-wrought conceits
of gold of platinum treasures
that bring joy with the giving
treasures that will keep you in re
membrance so long as memory
Friedlander diamonds! Beauty,
worth, quality, prestige ! If you
buy a diamond, buy a Freidlander
: diamond! If you give a diamond,
give a Friedlander diamond !
Many are the treasures at Fried
lander's. Space is here to tell you
of but a few. Come, look, and
choose freely: ' .
Watches in gold in platinum and
diamonds; the largest collection
that Portland can show you.
Jewelry for men seal rings, scarf
pins, vest chains, cuff buttons,
cigar cutters.
Jewelry for women brooches, bar
pins, bracelets, vanity cases. .
Every conceivable article in the
finest of sterling silver for the
home. .
Novelties in' fine leathers for men
and women; things of beauty and
sicheHs, as in previous years, Portland's foremost men's gift shop
here you, will find assembled a world of beautiful merchandise, se
lected with the greatest of care from America's finest makers.
practically every article in this store is a standard make, therefore,
you are assured of getting the finest the market affords.
if in doubt what to buy "him," do not hesitate on that score, for
you 'will find here a thousand and one beautiful gifts, intelligent,
courteous salespeople to assist you in making your selection.
just 20 shopping days till xmas. . !
you will find it a great pleasure to do your buying now. think it over
i a few suggestions:
neckwear imported and domes
tic silks, plain and beautiful
multi-colored effects 75c to
hosiery agent for the famous
phoenix and interwoven
hosiery, plain and fancy colors,
in cotton, lisle, fiber silk . and
all silk 35c to $3.00.
shirts m anhattan and other
well-known makes, in fine
madras, fiber silk, silk and
linen, pure silk $2 to $12.50.
smoking jackets, and bath robes
complete assortment of fine
lounging robes $5 to $50.
handkerchiefs every man ap
preciates a gift of handker
chiefs, plain and initialed, silk,
fine imported french linen, fine
cambric 25c to $3.00.
suitcases and bags something
that is useful and lasting $5
to $35.
yrtg Home ofthf jl
n M---B-EW-hP--H-D-iWBB-0.
leather collar boxes, handkerchief cases, toilet sets, bill folds and
card cases.
cjo your shopping early store closes 8 p. m, Saturdays.
men's furnisher and hatter
331 Washington street . near broad way