The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 01, 1918, Section One, Page 4, Image 4

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'.uxurious Cabin Suites Are
Ready for Occupancy.
Battleship and Five Fast Destroy
er Will Be Convoy;. Hour of
Sailing Is Unknown.
NEW TURK. Nov. 19. The American
transport George Washington, selected
by President Wilson to- convey to
Kurop himself and other members of
the American delegation to the peace
conference, will be convoyed by the
battleship Pennsylvania and a fleet of
five fast destroyers. The George
Washing-ton Is lying tonight at her
pier In Hoboken in readiness to sail on
her history making trip at a moment's
To Rear Admiral Cleaves, com
mander of the cruiser and transport
force of the Atlantic fleet, fell the
honor of providing for the presidential
ship, arranging details of the voyage
and the protecting force of war vessels.
and selecting the transports com pie
meet of officers and men. Captain
Kdward McCanley. U. S. N.. commands
tho George Washington, and the crew
has been drawn entirely from tho
navy. The escorting battleship is com
man Jed by Captain Lewis Nulton.
Great Uaer Was Genus. ,
The George Washington, a vessel
75,530 gross tons, was formerly one of
the crack liners of the North German
Lloyd fleet. Although she has been
nsed as a troop transport for more
than a year, many of her luxurious
cabin suites were not removed and the
best of these have been reserved for
the pres'dential party.
When launched In 1)08 the ship was
named by Dr. David Jayne Hill, then
American Ambassador to Germany, and
It waa the only large German vessel
seised by the United States the name
of which was not changed.
Capable of making abont 21 knots
speed at that time, American marine
engineers have Improved her engines
and It is possible that she will establish
a new record for herself on the coming
Tm ef Departure) No Knows.
The exact time of the departure of
the George Washington Is not yet
known, but today the engines of the
big liner were given a lost testing out
at the dock at which she is made fast
prepared for the arrival of the presi
dential party.
The ship Is lying convenient to
pur track over which the President's
train will arrive. The pier and track
will be under guard of soldiers and
sailors and secret service men.
Formidable Array of Battleships
Will Greet President.
LONDON. Nov. 30 President Wil
son on reaching European waters In all
likelihood will be escorted to Brest by
only American warships, but by a
formidable array of them. In view of
the lack of official notification regard
ing Mr. Wilson's trip, it Is understood
that neither the French nor the Brit
Ish governments have been requested
to aid In the naval reception. The Brit
uh authorities, however, unofficially
are discussing plans to- welcome the
American President should . he com
American ' battleship commanders,
probably all nine or them In these
waters, are ' understood to be holding
themselves In readiness to proceed to
a point 100 miles or so off Brest to
meet the presidential liner and the bat
tles hip accompanying It across the At
lantic It is probable that 14 American
torpedo destroyers will Join In the re
Thar la no likelihood. It Is stated
here, that the warships will proceed as
far as the mid-Atlantic for the meeting
as naa neen stated.
Bocfaes la Alsace and Lorraine Find
Selves in Queer Position.
8TRASSBOCRQ. Nov. 10. Several
hundred thousand Germans In ' Alsace
and Lorraine have begun to experience
suffering like that which the Germans
have Inflicted upon the natives during
the Ust 4S years. A great many of
them who have held public offices find
their occupation suddenly withdrawn.
In add.tioa the Germans dislike to
leave Alsace-Lorraine. They no'
strongly prefer the two provinces to
uermany. They have ceased to be Ger
man, but still have not become Alsa
tian a
"It Is not French rule that we dread."
nam me aaugnter oi the rirst German
station master to arrive in Lorraine
after the war of 1S70. "It Is the na
tive population that will not accept us."
(Continued From Flirt Pxge.)
should provide a sensible plan for rail
road regulation permitting sound credit
and growth, stabilising securities and
insuring adequate service at reasonable
rates. He further declared that serious
labor conditions were looming on the
horison and suggested that In order
to take up the labor slack an effort
should be made to start Immediately
all Important public work throughout
the country which has been held np
curing in war.
sss"Ssw , . jOsjTWSSsBsjillf BBsssBlwrWwi '''JvWfWIWI-
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dm. bLtflnii.bD,uinbtn ,; s -1 f rLHir rnuMi3t3 muun ;
I " - x FIXANCIAIj retcrx keyxote
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Re-1 I ' ,v:;-'!(:. ' i!;v I State Land Settlement Commission 1 1
x f to Visit Washington In Hope
f " . - - - H I of Securing; Jjeglslatlon.
f v ' '"V 1 ,
f v-V- , rk- . Guaranty of a satisfactory financial
I ' . VI V return to the farmer of average Intel-
i y ,lV':.V.V;'i AA,: 1 llgence In possession of a farm unit
Make This
An Electrical Christmais . .
1m ' NothinS Gives More Comfort and Charm to a Home &
j m Electric Appliances B
f ffjf-u A;aa f . "Wff'lnll S
well known for its beauty of
design and finish, utility and
splendid wearing qualities,
makes a most appropriate gift
for every member of the
Demonstration of "HOTPOINT"
Labor-Saving; Electrical Devices
All This Week
with double stamps on every pur
chase of electrical goods.
aid Robinson, for the theft of Jioo in
thrift stamps and l0 in cash from T.
T. Favlnger; I A. Davidson, assault
and battery; John Gill and Herman
Gartland, theft of auto - belonging to
George Blehn; Arthur Varnum. statu
tory offense against uertna ncKeic
Not a true bill was found against Cd
and Maud Haller for assault with a
rock on B. L. Hopkins. The Decern Der
term of court will convene here Mon
Tillamook Lifts Inflnenza Ban.
TILLAMOOK, Or., Nov. 30. (SpeclaL)
-The influenza ban which has been on
here for over a month was lifted this
week. School will be resumed Mon
day and ai: public gatherings are per
mttted. There have been several severe
cases, but only one death from the
Marine Hospital Incorporated.
ASTORIA, Or.. Nov, SO. (SpeclaL)
Articles oi incorporation oi
rine HosDltal Association were filed
the County Clerk's office yesterday
afternoon. The Incorporators are a- a.
Anderson, R. C. Ellsworth and jonn
Ray, and the capital stock Is sio.uuu.
Building Permits and Postal
ceipts AIm Show Steady
Bank clearings and balance totals
for November, postal receipts and total
value of building permits issued ail ex
ceed those for ice corresponding month
of last year. The greatest gains are
registered in banking totals and build-
in r oermlts.
Bank clearings for Novemoer ot tms
year totaled l3r,, compared
with IS4.002.S02 S7 for November of last
year, according to figures announced
by the Clearlng-House Association.
Balances for the month just ended
totaled i:.17.l 88, compared with
i:0.S32.11S 5 for November of 1917.
Clearings for the first 11 months ot
this year totaled com
oared with f7gt.S83.321 for the same
period of 1917.
In round numbers tne value or tne
building permits Issued during Novem
ber was IS1S.U00. compared with 1498.360
In October and S3S6.32 In November
of 1917. Building permits Issued the
first 11 months of this year total
35.297. 930. compared with fl,10t,3S0 for
the same period last year.
Postal receipts for November totaled
approximately 1132.000. It was an
nounced by Postmaster Myers, a gain
of about 1 per cent over .November
of 1917. Comparative figures were
available for the first time, he said, for
the 3-cent postage went into effect
In November of last year. Receipts
for 118 to date have reached $1.41.61.
compared with $1,173,294 for the first
11 months of last year.
Is Prao
at Penitentiary
tlcally Completed.
SALEM. Or, Nov. SO. (Special)
While the grand jury which has been
Investigating conditions at the State
Penitentiary .virtually cleaned op Its
Top President WUsok aad Secretary
f State Robert Lanslns;. - Next Be
low Heary White -(Left) and Gen
eral Tasker H. Bltea. Bottem Colo-
ael E. M. Uoose. .
work today. District Attorney Max
Gehlhar stated that no report would
be issued until next week. How early
next week it will be handed down, he
was unable to say. The report evidently
will be quite extensive in Its nature
and will consume some . time - In Its
Hotel to Be Enlarged.
ASTORIA. Or, Nov. JO. (Special.)
The Welnhard estate of Portland today
purchased a tract SO by 100 feet imme
diately .jeast of. the Welnhard Astoria
Hotel and will enlarge the hotel by
the erection of an addition containing
about 100 rooms. i ' .
Guaranty of a satisfactory financial
return to tho farmer of average Intel
ligence In possession of a farm unit
obtained at the smallest outlay neces
sary for good land and proper equip
ment is the keynote of the Oregon
land settlement plan. This plan will
be presented to the Secretary of the
Interior and Secretary of Agriculture
at Washington by Whitney Boise,
president of the Oregon Land Settle
ment Commission, and Professor H. D.
Scudder. of Oregon Agricultural Col
lege, farm management specialist.
These representatives of the organ!
satlon that hopes to have Oregon lands
made ready for returning soldiers, or
lands that are already prepared placed
ithin their reach, will leave prob
ably Tuesday for Washington to con
fer with members or tne Oregon aeie
gatlon, as well as heads of depart
ments concerned.
The plan, as described by Secretary
W. H. Crawford, of the commission, is
ntended to be practical rather than
Idealistic. Farms of 60 acres are to be
sold on small frist payment and the re
mainder in instalments extending over
a period of years, based upon the in
Klamath Jury Finishes Work.
(Special.) The grand jury for the De
cember term of court finished Its delib
erations this afternoon. True bills were
nded In against the following: Don-
Sunday Dinner
Served 12 noon till 9 P.M.
at the
Special Plate Dinner 60c
Cream of Chicken. Corn or Vegetable Soup
Baked Salmon tomato sauce
Chicken Fricassee with Rice or
Roast Sirloin of Beet an Jus
Asparagus Spinach
Pie, Pudding or Tee Cream
Bread and Butter
Tea Coffee Milk
Exceptional Vegetable Dinner 35c
Hazelwood Special Menu $1 '
The STRADIVARA is educating
the music-loving public to make
comparisons. It plays all rec
ords, and plays them perfectly.
Beauty of Tone
is the prime cause for the ex
istence of - '
Po not fail to hear it, before
deciding on a phonograph.
Prices From
$95.00 Up
Sold on Terms
Hdvenden Piano Co.
146 fark Street. Bet. Morrison and Alder
' J Ivers & Pond Pianos, Clarendon Pianos
Victor Records, Okeh Records
IK ?
If you have Catarrhal Deafness
or are even Just a little hard of
hearing or have head 'noises, go
to your druggist and get 1 ounce
of Parmint (double strength), smd
add to it pint of hot water and
a little granulated sugar. Take 1
tablespoonful four times a day.
This will often bring quick re
lief from the distressing head
noises. Clogged nostrils should
open, breathing become easy and
the mucus stop dropping into the
throat. It is easy to prepare, costs
little and is pleasant to take.
Anyone losing bearing or who
has Catarrhal Deafness or head
noises should give this prescrip
tion a trial Adv.
Light enough to carry any place.
Ten Figure Keys
Just the most practical keyboard
arrangement you ever saw.
Two Color Ribbon
Sub-totals and totals, print red
on all models.
Short Handle Pull
An easy, short and snappy han
dle pulL
One Hand Operation -
Operate the Sundstrand with one
hand! your left is free to fol
low column of figures or han
dle papers.
Machine absolutely guaranteed
you mu6t be satisfied.
Priced $125 Vp
Motor Drive installed on any
model extra, including stand.
E. W. Pease
Oregon Distributor
110 Sixth St.
ami Jiai.wituwiww.)!'HMuu.iiMiMiiu an .lit ,
p . '. "v 1
l i: : - ! f :
mf -L-i - ,
U rh ; i -v. ;. j .
- - 7 v 3 - .
v-h , - ? .
V ' " !i
A ''7:--
A Yankee Shtp)undet It
"WJT r J "m Atlsntie Port."
Keeping friends
by keeping faith
This shipbuilder is , one of the dependable
Americans who kept the faith with our boys
"over there." Owl and White Owl are proud
to have such friends. They are proud to say
7 to all their friends, "Owl and White Owl shall
always be the same dependable cigars they
are today. Depend always on their mellow
But words don't keep cigars dependable. So
we .keep constantly for Owl and White Owl an
immense store of ever-curing leaf. This Owl
leaf reserve worth nearly $2,000,000 is the de
pendable performance behind the promise of
Phone Broadway 2800 A 219S
Your Health Depends
Upon Your Kidneys
Manv organs take part in assimila
tion of food, and a number are active in
eliminating those portions of the food
which are not taken into the blood for
the upbuilding of the body, or tne
eliminative organs, the liver and the
kldnevs are of major importance and
are most likely to be overworked and
become diseased. When such is the case.
various troubles or a digestive ana
eliminative character occur, and such
troubles are so frequent and so com
mon that it Is absolutely nicessary to
find some relief. Warner's Safe Kidney
and Liver Remedy was compounded
over 40 years ago to help equalize the
work of both kidneys and liver. How
successful It has been Is evidenced by
its wide-spread sale and its value is
attested by an Immense number of sp
preclatlve users who through these
many years have put it to the severest
tests with the most satisfactory re
sults. "I wish to say that your remedies
have been used in our family for about
fifteen years. We are never without a
bottle 'Of Warner's Saie Kidney and
Liver Remedy in our home, and It has)
saved many a doctor's bill. It Is a won
derful medicine for all diseases of the
kidney and liver." Florence E.
Schmidt, R. F. D. No. 1, Dunkirk, O.
Sold by leading druggists every
where. Sample sent on receipt of ten
cents. WaYner's Safe Remedies Cc Dept.
265, Rochester, N. Y. Adv.