THE SUNDAY - OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, DECEMBER 1, 1918. BHimgBtlHgHIIH "THE STORE THA T UNDERSELLS EEC A USE IT SELLS FOR CASH" A Great Store Filled to Overflowing With Practical, Sensible Gift Articles for Prudent Pre-Holiday Shoppers First and Foremost Is Our Unsurpassed Showing of B B a m a I m a m Representative Hawley Tells of Various Grievances. mis HEARD Tl B B B CARS IN WEST NOT HEATED Possible Reason for Resignation of McAdoo Director-General la Suggested. OHEGONTAV NEWS BUREAU. Wash fog-ton. Not. SO. That a flood of com plaints orer tb character of the train aervica may hara had something- to do with ths resignation of I.Mrector Gen ral McAdoo. is the significant remark of Representative W. G Hawley who has Just returned from a brief trip. Everybody waa complaining-, asserts the Congressman, and If the grievances reached the head of the railroad serr lea they were enough to make a man want to quit. In his opinion It will take a long time to get the railroad service back to ita former high stand ard. for employees seem to have lost tha pride they formerly took in giving the best of service to the patrons of their respective lines. Evidently tha complaints were not directed against deficiencies due to wartime congestion, for the trains were running on time. Paaeeagera Suffer From Cold. From Chicago to Denver, says the Congressman, the passenger coaches were not heated, and in that part of the country at thia time of the year there is snow on tha ground. Requests for heat were met with the response from the porter that he "hadn't had any orders to turn on the heat. Ail were suffering from thev low temperature and some were taking cold and at a time when the country Is just recovering from an epidemic of Influenza. comment among passengers was equally aevere concerning the new dinlnfc ear aervlce. The Director-Gen eral has established a table d'hote service Instead of the ria carte eerv lea heretofore, maintained. The price charged ror a dinner is reasonable, aald Mr. Hawley. but It would take three or four of the dinners served to satisfy a man with an ordinary appetite. There was universal com plaint, not only of the meals served, but of tha manner In which the service waa given the waiters seeming ' to have lost all interest In trying to Please the patrons of the dining cars. The slovenliness and indifference were In marked contrast with the careful at tention formerly given. Baalaeaa Mrm Are Coatlalalaa'. But It waa not concerning railroad passenger service alone that the Oregon Congressman heard complaints. Busi ness men with whom he engaged In conversation seemed each to have some Individual grievance against the man agement, of public affairs. A fellow passenger waa the head of a large motor truck concern. He told cf the unsystematic manner In which tha ad ministration had cancelled contracts for Various parts of motor trucks. Instead of arranging to have suffi cient number of parts completed to build a specified number of trucks, some contracta were cancelled abruptly while concerns making other parte v. era allowed to continue, with the re sult tnat there will be an overaupply of some parts, and the Government will have no use for them because there will cot be a sufficient number of complete sets of parts to make complete trucks, lajaatlew Seeaaa Apparent. Another passenger with a grievance waa a manufacturer of woolen goods, who had a contract to make woolen cloth. After making a Contract to sup ply the Government with cloth, he made another contract to buy his raw wool from the Government, the Gov ernment having commandeered all the wooL The next day after he made his contract to buy wool, the Adminis tration canceled his cloth contract, but would not release him from his wool contract. Unless he can persuade the Administration to change its mind he will have to buy 150.00ft worth of wool for which ha will have no apparent use. After listening to these and ether tales of woe. Mr. Hawley can under stand why the Administration got bumped at the November election and why some members of the Cabinet want to get back into private life. 7 18 SPEAK VOLUMES Feldenheimer Jewelry represents the spirit of Christmas better than any other selection. For half a century it has represented the highest art of the craftsmen and artisans. It expresses the romance and sentiment that no other gift possesses. This year we have chosen a superfine collection of distinctive gifts for men and women soldiers and civilians. The prestige, dignity and character of such gifts always reflect the good taste of the giver and more than delight the recipient. Our success is based upon giving generous val ues, utmost quality and conscientious service at prices that are as low as is consistent with quality. Buy Liberally and Buy Early Both Are Government Christmas Policies Mail Orders Given Prompt and Personal Attention A. & C. Feldenheimer Jewelers Silversmiths Opticians Established Since 1868 Washington Street at Park . " f DEBACLE CUPLETEt TURCO - GERMAN BREAKDOWN ACCOUNTED FOR. "Incredible Incapacity" of Commander-in-Chief Is Revealed to Teuton, People. LABOR DELEGATES NAMED American Leaders to Attend Inter national Conference. WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. Delegates ef the American Federation of Labor to the International labor conference. to be held at Paris while the great peace conference Is sitting, were an nonnced today by the executive coun cil. They are: Samuel Gompers, president of the Federation. William Green, secretary-treasurer of the United Mine Workers. John R. Alpine, president of the plumbers' organisation James Duncan, president of tha In ternational Association of Granite Cut' term. Frank Duffy, secretary of the United jErotherbood of Carpenters and Joiners. Frank Morrison, secretary of the Federation, aaid the purpose of the In ternational conference "is to consider and help In peace discussion and to es tablish a new international trade anion federation." The executive council of the federa tion, he said, would Issue Invitations to the trade organlsationa of all nations to participate, and he added that repre sentatives from all the principal na tions were expected to attend. MORRIS ENLISTED IN 1917 Frlnevllle Boy, of Well Known in Coast Artillery, Rome Town. FRINEVILLE. Or., Nov. 10. (Spe cial.) Stanley il orris, who escaped several days ago while being arraigned In Richmond. Vs.. on a charge of rob bery, waa a resident of 'this place be fore the war broke out. He enlisted in the Coast Artillery In April. 1317. lie Is a son of Mrs. Fannie iOrrla. of Frlnevllle. The crime for which he waa being held was committed more than a month ago. and consisted of the rjbbery of Conneli dc Miller's Hotel. I pon arraignment hla case waa set for December SC. He had been stationed at Newport News. Varremon Budget Approved. WAER ENTON, Or, Nov. 30 (Spe cial.) The city budget approved by the taxpayers of Warreaton today totaled tT9.3i3. divided aa follows: Twelve thousand dollars for Interest on tZOO. 00 reclamation bond issue. Junt ap proved by the National Issue Commit tee; $11.54$ for general fund. $3000. dike district No. 1. $2000 dike district No. 2. $:i dike district No. I. and $5100 for water commission account. AMSTERDAM. Nor. JS. The stagger ing completeness of the Turco -German debacle In Palestine and Syria la shown the German public in an eye-witness story published in the Vossiche Zeitung of "Berlin. The writer attacka General Liman von Sanders, the German com mander In the Turkish field of opera tions. for his "incredible incapacity and necllgence. The German general's entire concern, he declares, was for the safety of the general's daughters, who were at a sea side resort. He likewise confirms the British reports of the general's flight. whl-h the British official statemen worded: "The enemy comroander-in chief fled far in the rear of his troops.' How the British break-through oc eurred on September 18, west of the Jordan, Is described by the writer. The whole of the general headquarters staff was captured in their beds on Septem ber 10 and a complete rout followed. East of the Jordan, the troops of the Turkish army heard of the breair through too late to retreat successfully, Tfte British fell on their rear and their position became Hopeless. The Turks, were rarely seen on the retreat. They either fled In good time or surrendered. Two German detach ments. the writer declares, made -a last gallant effort to stem theMjde, but whfn this resistance broke down, the remnants of the army fled, completely demoralized, to Aleppo. . where they added to the confusion prevailing there. An epidemic of Influenza completed the havoc The account ends thus: "AH the army saved was four guns, the commander-in-chief, hla daughters. and the latter"s btre." throw the government admit the use leanness of such action. The correspondent has had many vis itors, one of whom said he represented a political group which wished to know if it were possible to annex Austria to the United States. He said that Austria was now in a hopeless situation, sur rounded by enemies, both men and women, who were ruthlessly robbing. Food conditions in Vienna are gradu ally becoming worse, with the poor eat ing black bread in small quantities and a soup made of water and baked flour or vegetables. The lack of fats is un dermining strength, even in the cake of the rich. DISEASE RAGES JN AUSTRIA VTEXNA TAKES OS APPEARANCE OF WAR-ZOXE CITT. Political Situation Is Pathetic and There Is Talk of Serious Rev olution pa All Side. VIENNA, Nov. SO. (By the Associ ated Press.) The grip has become prevalent again in this city and Budapest, with more fatal results than in the former epidemic although the cases as yet are not so numerous. VI enna tonight for the first time took on the appearance of a war-sone city, all the lights being turned low In order to save coaL All houses were shut up at S o'clock, the stores and restaurants at 9 and the cafes at 10. The political situation here la pathet c There Is talk of a revolution on all sides, though those proposing to over- NO TONIC LIKE HOOD'S SaraaparUla f r a Time Like This, After Iaflaeaxa, the Grip, When purified blood, rebuilt strength and regulated bowels are essential. In the after-effects of Influenza, the grip and other prostrating- diseases. Hood's Sarsaparilla has remarkable health-helping effect. It expels the poisons that have weak ened and depleted the blood, causing pallor, anemia, flabby flesh and lax muscles. It is the standard blood rem edy with a auccessful record of nearly fifty years. Many people- It Is really astonishing how many needa fine, gentle, easy cathartic In these trying; times. We recommend Hood's Pills, used In the best families, and equally effective with delicate women or robust men. asy to take, easy to operate. Adv. RAILWAYS ASK DAMAGES City of San Francisco Defendant in Salt for $6,870,130. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 30. A claim for $6,870,130 damages against the city, alleged to have been occasioned their company through the establishment and operation of the Municipal Rail ways, was filed with the Board of Su pervisors here today by attorneys of the United Railways of San Francisco. The paralleling: of United Railways tracks by the Municipal line depre ciated franchise and property values of the latter to the extent mentioned, they claimed. closed, last night by County Health Officer Dr. B. H. McCallon, on account of an Increase of cases of the epidemic or bpanish influenza. With extra pre cautions it is believed the ban can be lifted within a week. Read The Oregonlan classified ads. Dallas Again Under Ban. DALLAS. Or, Nov. SO. (Special.) The schools, churches, theaters and all places of public gatherings were again DANCING taught by professional instructor a DeHoney's beautiful academy, Twenty' third and Washington. NEW CLASSES FOR BEGINNERS start Monday and Thursday evenings. Advanced class starts Tuesday. All dances taught In eight lessons ladies $4, gents $5. The only school teaching the entire even ing, 8 to 11. Every step and figure taught. Sepa rate step room and extra teachers for backward pupils. Plenty of practice. No embarrassment. Tou will meet refined people and are sure to learn cor rectly. One lesson from us is worth six in the average school. A print ed description of ail dances for pupils free. Join these Beginners' Classes. Learn from professional dancers who guarantee to teach you. Strictly private lessons, all hours. Lady and gentlemen instructors. Call afternoon or evening. Select dancing parties every Wednesday and Saturday evening, rnone Main 7b5t. E B B Xmas Handkerchiefs EDITORIAL Signs of the Times PRACTICAL AND WORTHY. There is a spirit of sincerity in the air these days. And you -know, that "sincere" comes from an ancient language mean ing "without wax." And so we come to the real, practical things; Practical v pleasures, practical clothes, practical ways. And because practical ways are sound and sensible and plain, and, above all, honest and true just so solid worth more than flash is the touchstone of pop ular favor, and intrinsic value based on actual cost plus real service is the measure of popu lar prices. The thing we all seek today must be of practical service and worth its-price. BUY NOW FOR XMAS. Thousands of them put up in neat and attractive boxes or single. Handkerchiefs of Swiss, Irish and domestic manufacture all crisp, new and this season's goods beautiful silk and lace-trimmed silk embroidered in itialed hemstitched and colored bordered styles AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERY PURSE. 20c Each, 3 for 50c Shamrock hdkfs., with pretty colored border and dainty hand embroidered patterns in white and colors. ' 39c for Box of Six. Sheer hdkfs., embroidered in cor ner with white initial. 29c for Box of Three. Sheer hdkfs., embroidered in cor ner in white or colored. 25c for Box of Two. Children's hdkfs., embroidered in colored juvenile figures. 50c for Box of Three. Initialed hdkfs., embroidered in corner in white or 2-tone effects. 65c for Box of Three. Sheer hdkfs., embroidered with initial and Madeira eyelet work. $1.00 for Box of Three. v Hand-embroidered Irish linen handkerchiefs. 50c for Box of Three. Fine quality embroidered hdkfs., with pretty white and colored patterns. 25c for Box of Three. Children's initialed hdkfs., of sheer lawn with narrow colored edge. i 35c Each, 3 for $1.00. Imported hand-embroidered Irish linen hdkfs., with dainty floral patterns. 25c Each for Linen hdkfs., with white or col ored embroidered corner. 15c Each for Shamrock and sheer lawn hdkfs., embroidered in white, gray or colored floral patterns; also all linen with white emb. corner. 10c Each for Sheer lawn hdkfs., embroidered in pretty floral patterns in white or colors. 6c Each for Good quality lawn hdkfs., with colored roll edge and colored emb. figure in corner; also ini tialed hdkfs. in all white. A Sensational Pre-Holiday Gathering and Sale of SILK REMNANTS at HALF PRICE , This is without doubt the most important Silk Sale of the season coining as it does right at a time when most every woman is in need of silks for the fashioning of garments for personal wear or for gift making AND just think of purchasing Beautiful New Silks at xh regular remnant prices! WELL! THAT IS WHAT YOU CAN DO AT THIS SALE! Those who come early, will have choice from: Plain Messalines Satins Poplir.s Crepes Tub Silks Jap Silks Taffetas Foulards Fancy Lining Silks Plaids Stripes Novelties, etc, etc 1 to 5-yard lengths, in all colors, all weaves, all weights, and all J REMNANT widths; plain shades and light and dark fancies all to go at 2 PRICES NO PHONE ORDERS NO MAIL ORDERS NO SAMPLES NONE C. O. D. Is a Joy to Possess and Yet Economical MsiMss'weMwwMMpeMnBMawa sj JFJn m Musical Iff ... IM( FIRST llfl , I -Wl Ukuleles.. .$3.25 to $35.00 KpgEi $3 ' R . I ?3 U-.fW Steel Guitars... $5.00 to $85.00 icrf?'' ' &i :'&' Banjos $8.50 to $85.00 l B&sl ( J -ffl Violins. $6.00 to $150.00 i g lt J Mandolins $5.00 to. $60.00 I r M&l 1 Conn Band Instruments V l McDougall Music Sffp 69c WLM I Company ' ' ) I 75c wC& I' 125 AUer Ber Brodwy- I VX-! c 85c ' qui, rin-rir-r- t mi 9 1 For years women have sought for improvements that would make silk underwear as truly an economy as it is a joy to possess. The new Marvelfit features give you a new idea of how well silk underwear can fit and wear. THE NEW SILK KNICKER There are no seams to rip or pull in the Kayser Marvelfit "Italian" Silk Knicker. It is made with a bias gore wtiich stretches with every step. THE NEW SILK .UNION SUIT The Kayser Marvelfit Italian Silk Union Suit is the one perfect-fitting union suit that will not gap or bind. The patented flaps remain closed, wether the wearer is standing or sitting. You can obtain the Marvelfit fea tures only in the genuine js.ayser Italian Silk Union Suits, Vests and Knickers. Principal Portland Agents. Rich Colored CRETONNES For Xmas Sewing At 40c, 50c, 60c to $1.00 Yard la. our Main Floor Drapery Section we have arranged a special showing and sale of Cretonnes the assortment in cludes patterns and colorings suitable for Bags, Pillows, Scarfs, Drapes, Box Coverings, etc. We feel assured that you'll be well pleased with both the styles and prices Bathrobe Blankets at $5.00 Each Best Beacon quality Blankets complete with cords fig ure, flower and Indian styles in all colors. 18-Inch Linen Hnck Toweling at 75c Yard All our 18-inch fine linen huck Toweling shown in figure styles on sale at above price. Xmas Suggestions Men 's Furnishings BOX Men's initial cambric hdkfs., 3 in a box for 35c BOX Men's initial all-linen hdkfs., 3 in a box for 69c PAIR Men's silk half hose in black and colors, 75c pair. PAIR Men's silk half hose in black and colors, 85c pair. Jrt fC PAIR Men's gray suede tDslU kid gloves, $2.00 a pair. A Saving Opportunity to Purchase Elegant Envelope Chemise $1.98 and $2.39 Made of Crepe De Chine and Wash Satins and " All Beautifully Trimmed Styles With lace or tailored patterns or hand-embroidered ef fects. All sizes, 36 to 44. Purchase at this sale for both personal use and, for gift purposes. Purchase Slippers For Xmas Early Purchase While Styles and Sizes Are Complete Women's Felt ' Slippers at $10 Both fur and ribbon trimmed styles in all colors and sizes a high-grade Slipper. Men's Leather Slippers Women's Felt Slippers at $2.00 Felt Slippers in styles with soft soles and ribbon trimmed, at $1.73 and $2.00 a pair. at $1.75 to $3J00 Pair Best styles in black and tan leather, also in felt. All sizes and prices. Store Opens at8-.30A.M., Saturdays at 9 A. M. 9. The Most in Value The Best in Quality Store Closes at 5:30 P. M. Saturdays at 6 P. M. lIIIIIIIIIIIIIiailllllBlllllBIHllllllllIliBHlililliillllllll a a i: a a a a a m m a a a a a a B B a a a a NE a a M a a a H 3 a a a a a ni ra a a M a a 9 H m a a a a a a a w n a a a a a a a a a