19 DECEMBER 1, 1918. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, - 1 " - ' , . in . ... . - - - 1 -- ; IN tlie past four years out; factory at Clintonville, Wisconsin, has grown to many times its former production capacity, but The great F-W-D Truck the .truck which for all time established the superiority of the four-wheel-drive principle has not been available for the American market. It has had bigger work to do abroad. ' Shortly after the war began in 1914 two F-W-D Trucks Were sent to England alone, without demonstrators or instructors. Within two months representatives of the British Government came all the way to Clintonville, Wisconsinnot to the great motoring centers, but to the little town of QintonviUe--to place an order with us which has run continuously for over four years. . And every day in those four years the F-W-D Truck has been demon- ; strating the superiority of the four-wheel-drive principle, and the supremacy of the' exclusive F-W-D application of that prin ciple on giant tasks and emer gencies never before encountered 'Tnr mntnr f-rrirlra Luis aisunguisnea ixuck is again at the service of Amer icon commerce and industry, With driving power in all four wheels every wheel a driving wheel -it is able to master your transportation problem, whether over smooth pave tnents or rough country roads. TjpAT "PfJQJ 1? triUT&pdre strong representatives in various profitable terri JXJ'"L1'Lil'V, tories not note covered throughout the United States, This is the first national announcement that the F-W-D Truck is back in the American market. This is a remarkable opportunity for far-seeing business men to build up a stable and perma nent business in securing the agency. - We are ready to make deliveries now. We suggest that you wire us. Four-Wheel-Drive Auto Company CLINTONVILLE, WISCONSIN