The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 01, 1918, Section One, Page 11, Image 11

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1, 1918.V 11
I Washington at Fifth lENNING'S Washington at Fifth 1
Signing of Peace Terms Signal
. for Rush Abroad.
Xetklag tike Plala BKre-Pboephate
rsi f iras. tlealtfey Klesh aaa
te laerease streasrtb, v igor
aad .Verve r'erce.
PHOSPHATE I . yKijiJNh&su $kp J
Money Sent Oat of America, How
eser Commendable the PnVpose,
Ix:l as Circulating Medium.
ington. Nor. 10. (Special.) Announce
ment that tourist trarel to Europe will
be prevented until about July 1, If
strictly adhered to will mean the sarins
of millions of dollars to America. It
the passenger steamers crossing the At
lantic Kach of these tourists would
par not only bis steamship fare over
and back, but would spend many, many
times as much traveling over kurope,
buying souvenirs, hiring- automobiles,
employing guides, etc
TearUt Travel Is Cetly.
A Nation that spent $100,000,009
year touring Europe In ordinary fme
could easily apend more than a blllio
a year with the ununual attraction
battlefields over which relatives bad
marched In their campaigns against the
Hun. Money spent In this manne
would be an absolute loss to America
business. It would be money take
ut of the country with nothing ma'
terlal brought back In return for It.
In normal times the balance of trad
In merchandise has nearly always
been In favor of America, and yet 1
very freauently happened that the busl
- ness balance was against the United
States for the reason that we were
sending abroad sums of money, th
amount of which "can only be approxl
mated, for various purposes othe
than the purchase of goods.
Interest Charges Heavy.
We were paying, for Instance, some
IZOO.OOO.OOO to 1300.000.000 as Interes
and dividends on capital invested In
this country by Europeans. We were
paying some $200,000,000 a year to the
owners of ships sailing under foreign
flags. Added to these sums were the
1 100.000.00". according to estimates.
taken to Europe by tourists.
In the futuYe things will be differ
ent- We shall certainly not' be paying
Interest and dividends on foreign In
vestments, for at the present time the
United States Is a creditor to the extent
of ten billions or more, on which there
should be an Interest income of ap
proximately U00.000.000 a year.
Presumably because of the large
merchant marine we have been con
structlng, we shall carry most of our
goods In American bottoms. Thus we
should save at least 1400.000.000 we
have paid out for transportation. In
terest and dividends, and receive In
stead an Interest Income of some $400.
000.000. or a difference of $800,000,000
in our favor as compared with pre-war
times. In addition to this we should
have an unusually large balance in our
favor In our merchandise trade, par
tlcularly until Europe gets on a, self-
supporting basis in the production of
Karvpeaa Travel Carfced.
But It Is readily apparent that If the
American people, who are Just now en
Joying an abundance of wealth, should
return with greatly Increased Interest
to the pleasure of touring Europe, it
will be very easy to overcome the
financial balance now In our favor. We
ran easily send back to Europe th
$400,000,000 we shall receive as Interest
on our credits and as much more to
cover all or part of our future annual
balance In merchandise.
'or the present. It Is estimated that
no tourist travel will be permitted, as
all. the available space will be needed
for the transportation of goods. The
demand for passage Is very strong.
however, and It will not be surprising
If the pressure shall result in a relaxa
tion of the regulations and a throwing
open of the gates so that the rush to
Europe may begin.
Big Forelga Trade leesss.
There Is another channel through
which large sums of money will pass
from America to Europe. Persons of
foreign birth who have relatives In
France." Northern Italy, Germany and
Belgium will be sending money to
those relatives to assist them In recon
struction. This, of course, Is entirety
commendable, but It is a factor Jhat
must be taken Into consideration never
theless. In figuring the future of
America's financial position.
Money sent out of America, however
commendable the purpose, la so much
subtracted from our circulating medium
and vastly more subtracted from the
basis of our credit system.
Practically all discussion of our com
mercial status assumes that we shall
continue to be larger exporters than
Importers of commodities. This will
undoubtedly be true, for a time at least,
but with a free-trade law on the stat
ute books and with the nations of
Europe and Asia anxious to get back
into trade competition, the length of
time we shall be able to maintain our
balance of trade In commodities Is
problematical. For several months be
fore the war broke we were buying
more goods than we were selling. That
situation was brought about by the
free trade traffic law.
Hundreds of Soldiers Enjoy Pro
gramme at Vancouver Post.
Thanksgiving at Vancouver Barracks
wes celebrated in a T. M. C. A. hut
under the supervision of II. A. Stewart,
"Y" secretary, with an entertainment
for the soldiers.
The building was decorated with ce
dar boughs and two shocks of corn fod
der, with a horn of plenty filled with
apples and vegetables hidden In each.
Chaplain Bronson conducted a Thanks
giving service In the forenoon, while
indoor games and singing were the af
ternoon feature. In the evening the
committee on war work entertainment.
led by Miss Mayme Helen Flynn. pre
sented Mr. and Mrs. Elchenlaub, who
performed creditably upon the violin
and piano and opened the performance
with an old-fasbioned full-dress
Thanksgiving service, which was fol
lowed by songs and readlnga
Miss Goldle Peterson. Mrs. Scott and
Messrs. Fargo and Gillette gave va
rious vocal selections, while Miss Elsie
Mae Gordon, a Southern dialect reader,
and Mrs. Brong assisted In the pro
gramme. The entire entertainment
was received by the soldiers In a most
appreciative manner.
Most economical fuel for apartment
houses, buildings, dwellings.
East 4lh and Haisey SU-,
Tabor 153. C 1S41
Adv. -.
I 7
Ml Vm&mmL "Hwl f W m W - Koruna s eatest lurmmre store nasa lavisn display ox gut pieces lor your. - g
ml 6r'5lig5r i I IW Bit S 1 " noosing, in o matter wnat you wisn m iurniture we m
Iml fogga!-5"" jl l ii MM" i ' . havP it. hprn. r,nmn nriH chnnsp frnm mir nmnlp sfnpVs ...... - ' I
fl I "' ' ' ' s i'ls" mi irl.saus ,.m-r ' 1! hi :HI RUII n 111 r ' " " " 1"- - WikT
ts e.umated that befor. the outbreak llf--s4, j, .Xi- if k H 1 fl IM M i l LiOwest prices most liberal-terms. , -Ts i
of the war In turope American tour- I f, Kby-il U itl. f 33 I A llP Rfl 111 9 (U UfSPDl f- .
Ista were spending In the neighborhood 1 1 T. . T j ' s '-J'pl ..3SJ -tmM, WM I 1 If) v . ' ' ra I
"vr&ruiszzk.tor ..Vkj.. wmMyi V wnt iTk lIMlmwml ' telephone,- rm&W
ovwbeVVrTs W If MBl jl I F 1 iiil ' ' tr STANDS ' Cf51M
Europe that will tax the capacity of'all j.V !M iULWn " I " U Otli "mm",mm)f '"' lffH G ; M&tfjimfir . I h Jk tL... ,.-. U&MlW- ' &&ZJ&3&!&fb I
Cretonne' Snecial W V - M - W V I
Judging from the countless nrenars
tions and treatments which are contin
ually being advertised for the purpose
of making thin people fleshy, develop
ing arms, neck and bust, and replacing
ugly hollows and angles by the soft
curved lines of health and beauty, there
are evidently thousands of men and
women who keenly feel their excessive
Thinness and weakness are usually
due to starved nerves. Our bodies need
more phosphate than Is contained In
modern foods. Physicians claim there
is nothing that will supply this fieri
ciency so well as the organic phos
phate Known among druggists as bltro-
phosphate, which Is Inexpensive and If
n i- CI it. MS ,.: r I
jig p " ' '
w J
Miss Josephine Davis
sold by most all druggists under a
guarantee of satisfaction or money
back. By feeding the nerves directly
nd by supplying the body cells with
he .necessary phosphoric food ele
ments, bltro - phosphate quickly pro-
uces a welcome transformation in tne
ajipearance; the Increase In weight fre-
uentiy neing astonishing.
Clinical tekts made in tot, Catherines
Hospital, X. T. C. showed that two
patients gained In weight. 23 and 27
pounds, respectively, through the ad
ministration of this organic phosphate;
both patients claim they have not felt
as strong and well for the past twelve
i ma increase in weigni aiso carries
1th It a general Improvement In the
eailn. rtervousness. sleeplessness and
ack of energy, which nearly always
(company excessive thinness. . soon
disappear, dull eyes become bright and
pale cheeks glow with the bloom of
perfect nealth.
I'nysicians ana nospiiais everywnere
are now recognizing Its merits by Its
se In ever increasing Quantities.
Frederick Kolle. M. P.. editor of New
York Physicians' "Who's Who." says:
Bitro-Pbosohate should be prescribed
by every doctor and used in every hos
pital to Increase strength and nerve
force and to enrich the blood."
Miss Josephine Davis, reporting her
own experience with bltro-phosphate,
says: "It Is remarkable what it did for
me. After a few days I began to re
gain my strength, felt full of life, was
able to sleep soundly and all my little
troubles seemed to disappear. I gained
twelve pounds In four weeks."
Joseph V. Harris-an. rormer Visiting
Specialist to North Eastern Dlspensa-
ory. says: ict mose wno are weak.
thin, nervous, anaemic or run down,
take a natural, unadulterated substance
uch as bltro-phosphate and you will
soon see some astonishing results In
the Increase of nerve energy, strength
body and mind and power of en
CAUTIOIf Altheegh BItre-Faospkate
issiorpassen for relieving aerross.
i, sleeplessness aad general Weak-
esa, owing to Its remarkable flesh-
growing properties It should not be
used by anyone who does aot desire to
pot flesh. Adv.
Owing to the great variety of stom
ach aliments and the hundred and one
"specifics" for their treatment it would
Indeed be a mere chance if the average
layman selected a remedy for his own
case that would give substantial and
lasting benefits; even granting that the
selected remedy possessed real merit
when administered for a speclfle con
dition. It Is therefore not surprising
to find the sufferer from stomach Ir
regularities buying and trying first
one "cure" then another In a vain en
deavor to obtain relief.
Recent Investigations of the treat
ment of a large number of cases of in
digestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and con
ditions arising; from hyper-acldlty of
the stomach, prove that there is noth
ing more effective in the treatment of
these ailments than ordinary Serathol
which can be obtained from any good
druggist at trifling cost. Many a suf
ferer from these complaints has 'been
agreeably surprised at the almost in
stantaneous relief and subsequent per
manent benefit from Its use. In many
cases of hyper-acidity a single dose of
Serathol produces almost magic ef
fects. Adv. ; .
Christmas Rug
$115 Saxony
Rugs $89.25
We offer a big assortment of
Hartford Saxony Rugs, 9x12
size, in plain colors rose, brown,
green,, bine, etc These are1
woven from the finest of yarns.
A. decided bargain at our reduced
Large assortment of designs and
$1.15 Cretonnes for 85
.85 Cretonnes for 59
.65 Cretonnes for 47
SPECIAL 50c hemstitched Mar
quisettes, 36 inches wide; O?
ecra and cream. Yard OUU
New Moquette Couch
Covers .......... $19.50
A gift for a
man! We
show them
in both oak
and mahog
any. $3, $3.50
$8.50,$ 10
Davenports Only $98.50
Big,' luxurious davenports, tapestry upholstered. Spring seat and back
and loose spring cushions. One of the finest home gifts you could make.
Select one now and let us lay it aside for you.
Furniture and rebuilt heaters and
ranges at a fraction of original
cost. Tou can furnish a home at
a very small outlay.
Spinet Desks
We show a wonderful assortment
' of spinet desks In fine mahog
any, handsomely finished. An ac
ceptable gift to wife or daughter.
$37.50 and Upwards
A Clearance of Heaters!
The mild weather, resulting in a short heater season has left us with
scores of Heaters on hand many more than we want. We will close
them out at greatly reduced prices. This is your opportunity to buy
a good Heater for much less than you would ordinarily pay. Shown
on the basement salesroom floor. . .
Good Heaters at the Year's Lowest Prices
Castiron top a.nd bottom; steel
body with castiron lining. Heav
ily nickeled. Large end door and
large top swing door. Screw
$24 Heaters for. ...... .$19.20
$26 Heaters for. ... 1 . . .20.80
Castiron top and bottom; steel
box with castiron lining. Heav
ily nickeled. Very large swing
top door. ..One of the best heat-v
ing stoves made.
$25 Heaters for $18.95 -
$28 Heaters for f $21.50
' Iris heaters
. (Wood or Coal)
Castiron top and bottom; steel
body with castiron lining; Heav
ily nickeled. Large front door
and swing top door. Screw
draft. - . .
$19 Heaters for ..$15.85
$22 Heaters for. .$17.75
(Wood or Coal)
Castiron top and bottom;
-steel body with castiron
lining. Heavily nickeled.
Large front door and large
swing top door. Hot blast;
twin screw draft. ,.
$36 Heaters for. .$28.80
$40 Heaters for.. $32.00
, -
Cedar Chests
Handsomely made ' and trimmed;
genuine red Tennessee cedar. Mod
erately priced.
$14, $15, $19.50
and Upwards
This Tea Wagon in
Mahogany, $27.50
A dainty, convenient piece of furni
ture. Equipped with artillery
wheels and rubber tires. Handsome
ly finished. .
Other Tea Wagons
$17.25 to $65.00 .
. 20c .
10c . .
Many - an. innocent man has been
hanged and many an innocent hus
band has been suspected by his wife
but what would you say of the fel
low who was caught with the good
(silk at that) right in his arms!
A pretty hefty explanation is needed,
Bume m
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