A i " Section One Pages 1 to 24 68 Pages Five Sections VOL. XXXVII. XO. 48. I'OKTLAM), OliEGON, DECEMBER -1, 1918. PKICE FIVE CENTS. KRESS AWAITS WILSON FAREWELL President's Ignoring o Senate Causes Wrath. LIVELY DEBATES FORESEEN Senators May Send Specia Committee to Peace Parley. U. S. PARTY SAILS TUESDA Several Hand red Persons Will Be Taken to Europe by President w on Georje Washington. WASHINGTON. Not. 0 Seldom has any utterance of President Wilson been awaited with greater Interest than the annual address be la to deliver Monday at the opening- of the Winter aession of Congress and on the ere of bla de partura for Europe to attend the peace conference. Members of the Senate and House expect to bear something- of American plans for the conference, as well aa an outline of the executive's views of legislation needed to aid In the task of readjusting the war-organised country to a peace basis. Arrangements were made today for a Joint session in the hall of the House Monday afternoon at t o'clock after Congressional leaders had been notified that the President desired to be heard on the first day of the new session in stead of on the second day as usual, in order to hasten his departure. SaWas Date Taeadar. The address will constitute bis goodbye to Congress and through it to the people, for he la. expected to sail Tuesday. . No official comment was forthcora leg during the day- on the personnel of the peace delegation announced last night at the White House. No one would undertake to say whether the President himself would be regarded aa a part of the delegation accom ranylog hlra, or what might be the "9rral -i'lt accorded the four dele rates Secretary Lansing. ex-Ambassador Henry White. E. M. House and Gen eral Tuker H. Eltss. 'The State De. irtment made public the names of the chief officers and at .tacb.es for the delegation. Including the secretaries, and Dr. James Brown-Scott and David Hunter Miller, expert advis ers la International law. The Wa De partment announced the personnel of the group of assistants to General Bliss, among whom will be a number of officers detailed from the American expeditionary force.' irewespersaea to Ge Ahead. All of the party, which with Its large clerical force and corps of experts will number some hundreds, will sail on the steamer George Washington with the President. Preceding then on the steamer Orizaba, leaving New Tork at noon tomorrow, will be several hundred American newspaper correspondents. Resentment among Senators over the President's failure to take on of their I number on the delegation was apparent I today, although no statements on the subject were Issued for publication. Sev eral of the Republicans discussed plans for Introducing resolutions Monday pro posing to send a special Senate com- -nlttee to France to remain during the conference, particularly to keep Con gress advised regarding- the proceed ings. Crftleiaaaa Axe Cxaeed. Senator Cummins, of Iowa, was one ef those who prepared to offer such a resolution. The others were under stood to be making ready speeches on the general subject of the President's -Mllcy. and there were predictions that (Concluded oa Pag 6. Column 1.) I ' PICTORLL REVIEW F LEADING EVENTS OF THE W EEK AS SEEN BY CARTOONIST REYNOLDS. - " j i ' 1 .h ) vr . V --' : : : GH 106.2 UKRAINE ANXIOUS TO THROW OFF HUN YOKE PEOPLE LONG FOR INTERVEN TION BY ENTENTE. Aid of Germans Never TVonld Have Been Asked Had Results Been Foreseen. BERLIN. Friday. Nov. 2. (By the Associated Press.) The Ukrainians are longing for intervention by the en tente to eject the Germans and protect the country against the Bolshevlkl. ac according to a statement made to the Associated Press correspondent by cn Ukrainian delegation now In Berlin. -When we threw off the Russian yke," said the delegation's spokesman, "our alternatives were to Join the Bolshevik! or summon the help of the Germans. We chose the latter course, but we would never have done so if we had known what would be the re suit." The Ukralnaln representative told how the Germans dissolved the Ukrain Ian Parliament and installed their tool as hetman. When the German revo lutlon came, the Ukrainians attempted to secure their independence. They were prevented from seising control o Kiev only by the German artillery, he declared. The German aoldlerr coun cils In the Ukraine have restored re la tions with their officers he reports. snd the old spirit now rules among them, the orders from the revolution ary government at Berlin being dlsre garded. The correspondent's Informant Insist ed that the present revolt is anti-Bol shevikl and directed solely to securing the independence of the Ukraine. Their hope is that the entente will police the Ukraine and make the summoning of a constituent assembly possible. SPAING STYLES MODEST Short, Boxy Models and Toutbfu Skirts Dae, Not Too Tight. CLEVELAND. Nov. 30. The National Association of Cloak and Suit Manu facturera closed a two days conven tion here today. Manufacturers believe that prices of ults and cloaks for next Spring and Fail may be 25 per cent higher than In 1518, due to the Increased cost of labor and operating expenses. The style committee's recommenda tions for next Spring as announced to day shows short, loose banging, boxy models with braid, cording or embroid ery trimming will be popular In- suits. Others are mors simple of outline and will be worn with white or colored vests or vestees. " ' The skirts for Spring will be built on youthful lines, not too tight and avlng the appearance of tapering at the foot line. REQUENT RAINS FORECAST early Normal Temperatures Pre dicted by Weather Bureau. WASHINGTON. Nov. 30 Weather predictions for the week beginning Monday, issued by the Weather Bu reau today, are: Pacific States Frequent rains over north portion and generally fair weath er over south portion; nearly normal temperatures. WOMAN LIVES. 103 YEARS ative of Ireland Dies at Home of Daughter In Berkeley. . BERKELEY. CaL. Nov. 30. Mrs. Mary Irwin. 103 years old. died today at the home of a daughter here. Mrs. Irwin had lived at points on the Paclflo Coast for 43 years. She was born in Ireland. $1 DINNER WILL COST 75c McAdoo Announces Concession for Returning; Soldiers. WASHIXOTOK. Not. 30. Dollar meals in railroad diners will be' served for 75 cents to soldiers returning; home after being; mustered out. Director- i General McAdoo announced today. I PICTORIAL CONTRACTS FOR SHIPS KILLED HERE Shipping Board Has No Halted Work. INVESTIGATION IS ORDERED Some Deals on Atlantic and Gulf Called Off: McARTHUR DIGS UP FACTS Indications Are That Board Soon Will Permit Building Here on Private Contract. OREGONtAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash Ington, Nov. 30. At a conference with Charles R. Page, a member of the United States Shipping Board, today, Representative McArthur was advised that no orders have been Issued for cancellation of wooden ship contracts on the Pacific Coast, . although the board has ordered an investigation as to the feasibility of going ahead with the wooden ship' programme' and has suspended the. preliminary work of as sembling machinery and other ma terials pending this investigation. The board has cancelled contracts for 48 wooden ships on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, but in no instances had orders been placed for the material for these ships. Contracts are out standing for 100 wooden ships, besides those now on the ways, and these are the subject of the present investiga tlon. Included in these are a large number In Oregon and Washington. Ccatlnued Werk Is Urged. Mr. McArthur urged upon Mr. Page the desirability of completing the wooden ship programme without inter ruptlon, not only to increase the Na tlon s tonnage, but also because of pressing economic conditions that re- quire cvnuuuuus employment oi laDor, He urged that It .would be most un fortunate to terminate the wooden ship- ounuing programme at the present time, or at any time during the Winter months, for sucuactloa would throw thousands of men out of employment at a' time when they could not be ab sorbed In other Industries. . . Mr. McArthur told Mr. Page that men In the shipyards In the Northwest subscribed largely f6r liberty bonds of the last Issue upon the theory that they would have continuous employment for many months to come, and if the ship yards are shut down after the launch ing of vessels now on the ways, many of these men will be unable to meet the obligations assumed. Private Contracts Likely. It developed during the conference between Mr. Page and Mr. McArthur that there is strong probability that the Shipping Board wilL soon permit the wooden shipbuilding plants of the country to build for private contract; both domestic and foreign. Xr. McArthur doubts, however, that this will bring any great measure of relief to the wooden shipyards for the reason that British yards already have Deen mrown open to private contract and have agreed to build a large num ber of ships for the Norwegian govern ment. Mr. McArthur says the Shipping Board must act in this matter immedi ately if satisfactory results are 'to be secured. Ne Drastic Acts Expected. Mr. Page advised Mr. McArthur that no drastic action will be taen in can cellation of contracts until the board has full Information on every phase of the subject, although in the meantime the work of assembling and fabricating materials will be suspended. Mr. Mc Arthur will bring the wooden ship building question to the attention of (Concluded on Fage 7, Column 3.) REVIEW OF LEADING EVENTS OF THE W EEK Daily Casualty Report. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30, General March gave"cut today amended casualty reports from General-Pershing giving the official total to November 26 ar 262,723, exclusive of prisoners. The figures on prisoners were unintelligible In the cablegram.' General March said the total under, this . head would be practically the same as announced last Saturday. ' , General Pershing reported the follow ing official casualties to November 26: . Killed In action, SS.363. Died of wounds. 12.101. Died of disease. 16,031. Difd ot other causes, 1080. MlfRlnr In action. 14.200. -Prisoners, (unintelligible). Wounded. 1S9.U55. divided as follows: Severely wounded, 54,751: undetermined, 48. 168: sllg-htly, 92,036. The new casualty reports add more than 23,000 names to the American total for the war. The summary announced last week totaled 236,117. including 2163 prisoners. - v ' Casualties reported today total izi3; 351 died In action. 165 of wounds, 140 of disease, t of accident, 28 were wounded severely,. 34 .degree undetermined, 135 slightly and 311 are missing. Following Is the tabulated summary: Deaths Reported. Today. Total Klllled n action is.a sol 19.313 Lost at sea SI'S 396 Died oi wounds 165 140 9 7.42 9.642 1.SS2 Died of disease 9.51,2 Died ef accident 1.5S3 Total deaths 37.770 5 38.435 Wounded 46.S.V5 237 47.oj Missing snd prisoners.. .11.000 oil 11.311 Total casualties ...... 95,625 1,213 96.838 OREGON. Killed In action . Bricknn. Robert. Weston. Or. Tlndale. Albert W., Portland. Or. Reese. L. C. (Mech.), Newbei. Or, Hartles, Martin, Grande Ronde, Or. Died of wounds Ehlen,, Fred, Aurora. Or. Weese. Guy C. Antone, Or. Uled of disease Uonatt. C K. iSerst.). Portland, Or. Missing- m action Elfort. James B.. Portland. Or. - WA8H1NOXOJC. - -Killed in action Ecay. E. si. (Lieut.), Port Chester. Ramey. Wm. H., uiarKsion. vvasn. Mason, Alf.. Mount Vernon. - Wash. Died or wound Benson. Alfred E.. Enumclaw, Wash. WnnMlMl .HchtlT Johnston. Leo E. (Set), Colvllla, Wash. Mlnsinr In action Freeland, Earl. Empire. Wash. Rdmiston. James G . Marshall, wasn. Duane, Victor E Harbor, Wash IDAHO. Rlllnl In action Evans. R. (Corp.). American Falls, Idaho. Garrett. Leo Q... Rig-by. Idaho. rned ef wounds . . Holland. C. P. (Corp.). Priest River, Idano. Hand. Walter C..: Weiser, Idaho. Missing in action Barron, Thomas L.. Buhl. Idaho. . . ALABAMA. Klllad In action Coston. O. M (Lieut.), Birmingham. Ala, Cochram Roland li., rort rayne. aja. Baucum, Oran R-, Masnolia, Ark. Pearson, William B... Gordo, Ala. Died of wounds Boswell, J. A. (Lieut.), Elmore, Ala. Waldrip, Allen H.. coiunavuie. Ala. Died of disease Autrey, Mack. . Brooklyn. Ala. ounned undetermined Klrkland. Albert. Abblcvilnv Ala. Wounded sllgntly . Smith, Js. A- Uric. Ala, -- - MiKslna- In action CI I more. W. O. (LltUt), Birmingham. Ala. Campbell, W. E. (Corp.). TaHedga, Ala. Cooper, Joe W Newh'ope. Ala. Harris. Robert D., ML Vernon, Ala. ARIZONA. Killed tn action Tillman. Dennle Franklin, Fhoenix, Aria. Missing In action ARKANSAS. Killed In action Cabe. Floyd C. lone. Ark. Caldwell, Ernest J., Black Oak, Ark, Mstteson, Ben W Bog springs. Ark. Died or wounds- Green, -M. H., Garfield, Ark. x Died of disease Hogue. William Y.,- Mabel vale. -Ark. Hall, Cloy F.. Rison. -Ark. tout, Leon. Slloam . foprinirs. Ark. Wounded undetermined- Brown, Clarence. Graysonla, Ark. Wounded slightly Land. Thomas H., Port, Ark. Geisler, Robert. Duvallsluff, Ark. Missing in action Bright, Marley. Monette, Ark. '' Bradford. Arvin, Morruton. Ark. Hamilton. Bert. Ponca, Ark.. CALIFORNIA. Killed in action lam. Edw. M. (Lieut), Berkeley, Cal. Beasley. 8. O.-lMaJ.). San Francisco. CaL Wa?S jno. j sV" fVancisca ell Sabinl. Lieugi, &an jranctsco, uai. Luy, R. L (Sergt.), San Gabriel, Cal. Hooper, W. J. (Sergt.), Alameda, CaL Lacross, Clarence J., Visalla, Cal. Catron, Charles C, Los Angeles, Cal. Del Zoto, Caesar, Napa Junction, Cal. Btuettlg. Herman (Cook), Los Angers, CaL Hansen, Louis A., Alameda, Cal. Garretty, Charles L., Santa Cruz, CaL D ed of wounds . Briggs. C. W. (Musician), W. Riverside. CaL cuip. oeorge x., x iiimore, i.ai. Canevasclni, S. L., Petaluna, CaL Brebe, Edwin, King City,'-Cal. Atkins. J. H-. Ontario, CaL Johnson, Fred C. C. Fullerton, CaL Folites, 6. A., Santa Barbara, Cal. Died of awident Barron, Melver. W. (SgL), Los Angeles. Wounded severely Rotlriguez, Joe. .Milpltas, CaL Died of disease Love, Harry E. (Sergt.), Los Angeles, CaL Fletcher, Edwin A., Alhambra, Cal. (Continue!, on Page 20, Column 1.) Gi 106.2 POLITICAL CONTROL FEARED BY HUGHES War Powers. Not Needed in Time of Peace. AMERICANS ALERT TO FUTURE j Federal Enterprise Said to Tend -To ward Inefficiency. GRAVE QUESTIONS AT HAND Undne Decentralization7 Declared as Dangerous to Prosperity aa Over-Centralization. NEW TORK, Nov. 30. Charles E. Hughes, speaking tonight before the Institute of Arts and Sciences at Co lumbia University, asserted that "Gov' ernmental enterprise tends constantly to inefficiency." He characterized as "enemies of liberty" all "thoee whose interests lie simply in extending the activities of government so as to em brace all Industry." . Discussing conditions following the war he declared that readjustment should be brought about as soon as practicable and that war powers should not be used to control peace conditions. Such a control, he said, would conetl tute a most serious offense against American institutions. , War Exigencies Fade. "The question of government .owner ship and operation is after alia merely practical one," said Mr. Hughes. "Of course there are those whose interests lie simply In extending the activities ef government so as to embrace all In dustry and who are endeavoring to pro ceed along what they conceive to be the line of least resistance in trying to keep in government hands in time of peace what has been taken temporarily by reason of the exigencies of war. "Toe lpstinct of the. American people. I believe; can be trusted to thwart the Insidious plans" bfethese. enemies. of lib erty. who, -If given their way, would n6t stop short oipa tyranny which, whatever name It might bear, would lnave llttj room for preference as com pared to Prusslanism. . . Political Control Feared. It is regrettable, but it Is true, that Governmental enterprise tends con stantly to inefficiency. . . It can not ail to be observed that even in connection with the war, despite the endeavor and patriotic impulse of countless workers, inefficiency In Im portant fields of activity has been no torious. "Along with this is the grave ques tion of putting the direct operation of these great activities unnecessarily un der political control. That is the most serious question. The dovetailing of Government with business Is apt to in jure both." -. It is undoubtedly true," he con tinued, "that whenever during the war extraordinary powers were fitting ly exercised and Governmental control . was assumed for war purposes the re-1 adjustment to conditions of peace must be effected gradually and with the circumspection essential to the protec tion of all the public and private in terests involved. Seund Legislation Needed. "But the immediate purpose should be to readjust as soon as may be, not to use war powers to control peace conditions, a proceeding essentially vicious and constituting the mose seri ous offense against our institutions." Mr. Hughes added, however, that un due decentralization would be as dan gerous to National prosperity as over centralization. Congress, he said. (CoueluUecl on Page 4, Column 1.) AS SEEN BY CARTOONIST GERMAN RESERVES OF GOLD ARE REDUCED IMPERIAL BAXK OF GER MASTS GIVES UP FOREIGN LOOT. Armistice Terms Providing for Res titution to Belgium, Russia and Roumania Complied With. BERLIN, Nov. 30, via Amsterdam. Gold reserves In the Imperial Bank ot Germany, in connection with the obliga tions undertaken under article 19 of the armistice terms, have undergone a re duction of 241,700,000 marks, according to the weekly report of the institution issueti November 23. The gold reserve now stands at 2,308,558,000 marks. Article 19 of the German armistice terms provided for the restitution of the ' Russian and Roumanian gold yielded to Germany or taken by that power. The article also Imposed the follow ing conditions: "Immediate restitution of the cash deposit In the National bank of Bel gium, and In general immediate return of all documents, specie, stocks, shares. paper money, together with plant for the issue thereof, touching, public or private interests in the invaded coun tries." YANKEES ROUT BOLSHEVIKI Americans Push Southeastward From Archangel: "ARCHANGEL. Nov. 30. (By the As sociated Press.) An American detach ment, assisted by Russian volunteers, has advanced 50 versts (S3 miles) up the Plnega River, clearing the. villages of Kurtchinska of Bolshevlkl and taking prisoners. For the first time since the Bolshe vlkl revolution the shoulder straps of the old Russian army have been re stored to the officers enlisted with the Russian forces in the Northern region. DR. LIEBKNECHT IS SCORED Socialist Leader Said to Have Slept Two Xigrbts In ex-Ruler's Bed. LONDON. Nov. 30. When the corre spondent at The Hague of the Dally Mail visited -the royal palace at Berlin recently, he found the aged servants there bursting with Indignation over the fact that Dr. Liebknecht, the rad ical Socialist leader, had-slept in the former Emperor's bed. The corre spondent quotes the servants as saying: 'That cursed Liebknecht slept lor two nights in the Kaiser's bed." B0CHE DIVERS TAKEN OVER Allied Jfaval Squadron Anchors at Russian Base in Crimea. LONDON, Nov. 30. The allied na val squadron which recently passed through the Dardanelles Into the Black Sea anchored off Sebastopol, the Rus sian naval base in the Crimea, on Sep tember 26. The Russian ships, which were In the hands of the Germans, and also some German submarines were surren dered to the allied naval representa tives. SEAPLANE CARRIES 50 MEN XaTy's Newest Type Flyer Breaks All Load Records. WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. The Navy's newest type seaplane,, the giant NC-1, tt. . 1. ,..nt RKBnlflnA in the world. brokJ aU-recoras for the number of . ,,, . , iimiane passengers carried in any airplane when it made a flight with 50 men on board Wednesday at the Naval Air Sta tion, Rockaway, L. L HAWAII SEEKS STATEHOOD Territorial Delegate Leaves for Cap ital Early In December. HONOLULU. T. H.. Nov. 30. J. Kv hio Kalaniauaole, re-elected territorial delegate to Congress, will leave for Washington early In December. His first move. It was said, will bp to ask Congress for statehood for Hawaii. REYNOLDS A AT N OFFICERS RELEASED BY HUNS Warm Welcome Given Yanks in Switzerland. MEN HELD FIYE MONTHS Americans Say Treatment German Camps Fair. in MEDICAL CARE PRAISED Swiss and American Red Cross and Young Men's Christian Asso ciation Commended. BERNE.Switzerland. Nov. 29. (By the. Associated Press.) One Hundred and fftty-six American officers and non commissioned officers, the first prison ers of war In Germany to be released through Switzerland, were repatriated today. The majority had been captured about five montns ago. A large num ber of the men were aviators. The men rode on a special train, three cars of which were filled witlt French and British military prisoners. Interest, however, centered In the Americans since they were the first group to be released. The repatriated men left Bavaria "this morning and crossed Lake Constance. They were met at Zurich by enthusias tic crowds of Swiss and Americans. Pleasant A. Stovall, the American Minister, and ''rs. Stovall, the enflrs American Legation, members of the Red Cross, the diplomatic carp other allied nationals here and high Swiss military and civil authorities lined up at the railway station as th train pulled in nearly two hours late. A Swiss military band furnished a musi cal welcome, .-while on all sides were Swiss and American flags entwined. The crowd broke Into tremendous cheering, Thich -s replied to by the American officers on the tra" wlth "Vive la Suisse." The train was halted for hours, during hich the Americans were showered with delicacies. Min ister Stovall held an impromptv recep tion, shaking hands with many of them. Minister Breaks Down. The Minister frankly broke down when some of his native Georgians appeared. The women of the Amer ican colony were on hand In full force, decorated uniformly with American flags fastened to a white background bearing the names of their home states. They distributed every .con ceivable luxury and necessity, such as overcoats, bags containing toilet kits, writing paper, pencils and other things which the men lacked. The quiet of the Berne station. where ordinarily one hears nothing more exciting than a locomotive whis tle, resounded for an hour with shouts and cheers, the Americans improvising college-style yells, especially for the Swiss Red Crops, which all agreed had done wonderful work until tho Amer ican Red Cross took over the task of sending food packages. The Y. M. C. A. likewise came in for tremendous en thusiasm, while the- sleepy little city was stirred by recurrent shouts of "What's the matter with the United States? It's all right:" The Americans were overjoyed, par ticularly at seeing their country-women again. Some of them seemed on the verge of a breakdown while talking to these women gathered on the platform. The officeis'responded to the gifts by distributing "souvenirs." which they had been able to bring along, chiefly German iron money pieces, and, with a touch of humor, samples of German (Concluded on Fuse 7, Column 2.)