TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 34, 1918. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF CttrEdltw Mln TT. A"SS fundT tdltnr Mailt 7i7. A 65 Adrtlin rprtmit . . Main TOTUl A !.'. fcuprtntniUni of Bulldlncalaia 7o7u. A be held at ChehalU on November 2 and 30. Ths object of th conference Is to discuss some of the important topics to coma before the State Legislature this Winter. One subject Is State Road Number 1, which opens the country between the Cowllts River and Ocean Beach and completes the North Co lnmbia River Highway to the ocean. Governor Ernest Lister. Herbert Cmhbert. of Seattle: Congressman John O. Holland, ot amcsement. ORPHETTV Braadway at TaylorV -Vaudeville, tliis afiernooo and tonight. BAKER (Broadway. nar Morrison) Bkr K filler. President K. and tuniat. AI.TAZAR M"Tlon at Eleventh) Alraxar p!ayer In "Too Unknown Volea." This afternoon and tonight. PAVTAGK3 (Broadway at Alder-, Vaude ville. Tbrca ajiowa llly. luto. I and :0i. HIPPODROIIK (Broadway at Tamhlll Va.'ilevlil and movlne Dlrturea. - too :. to 11 1. M . . baturdaa, Sunday. boiidara. continuou. 1:15 to 11 P. STRANn (WaVrinston atreet. batweaa Pork and Wi I'i'ki Vaudeville and moving picturea; conunuoua. LTRJC 'Fourth and Stark) Lyrte Company In "The Black Cat." THIS alieraoou 2:.tO and tonlrht at 7:30. the fc'tate College, and other prominent men are expected to take a leading; part in the discussions of the conference. Trve counties of Klickitat. Skamania, Clarke, Cowllts. Lewis. Thurston, Orays Harbor. Pacific and Wahkiakum win be well represented. Representatives from the Sound cities and Portland will attend. I RED CROSS OUTPUT. HUGE THRIFT STAMPS and WAR SAVINGS STAMPS On Fale at Boslness Office. Oregonlaa. REPORT SHOWS ORGANIZATION MANUFACTURING COJfCEILY. Eight Million Workers Form In. dastrial Army Under Its Direction. A late report from the American Red Cross received at the offices or the Portland chapter show the society to b one of the greatest manufacturing con cerns In the world. Eight million patriotic Red Cross workers form the great-Industrial army that finds employment wltn tne Kea THAXKSGIVIJf Q AND W. 9. 9.. We are thankful for our land. We are thankful for our homes. We are thankful for our In stitutions and civilisation. We art thankful for our boys. Make their hearts glad and their courage strong by buying more war savings stamps. C S. JACKSON, State Director. ST. AJCDRFW'S DAT TO BS OBSgRVXD. Fir David Beatty, In command of the British fleet, and Sir Douglas naig. another Scot, who was In command of the British army on the French rront, will be toasted at the annual banquet of St. Andrew's Society of Orefton to be held on St. Andrew's day. Saturday, November 30. In the rrill of the Hotel Portland. Dr K. V. Shayler. rector of St, Mark's Church. Seattle, will rpeak on -Scotland's Part in the World War.' An American Army officer will respond to the toast. "The Allied Armies and ICavies": Governor Withycombe will resDond to the toast. "The Beaver State" and Mayor Baker will respond to "The Rose City." A. IL Blrrell will speak on "The Lassies": Dr. C. II. Chap man will respond for "The Press"; Pipe Major J. H. McDonnell will give bag pipe selections. There will be an ex hibition of Highland dancing ana w, T. Crowther and Mr Bell will sing. Houoat Mb ats. Farm D hissed. At Frank I. Smith's. 328 Alder street. Oven roasts of prime, choice beer, lie. Prime rib roasts of fancy beef. 18c. Pig pork roasts, they're great. 23c. Buy your holiday turkey at Smith's. Really choice loin roast veal. 15c. Leg roast veal. tie. Veal stew, lHt Shoulder roast veal; river, 16c But vonr holiday ceesa at Smith'. Smith's Die Dork chops. 10c: bacon. 40a. Pigs hocks. 20c Fresh side pork. Ha Smith's right fresh pure lard, 30c. Holiday chickens at Smith's. Leaf lard from farm dressed pigs. lOe. Sliced bacon. 45c Sausage. 18a Shortening. 25c. Hamburg. 18c. All Oregon meats at Frank L Smith's. Loin chops of farm-dressed veal. 25c. Polling beef? 12 He. Shoulder lamb, ISO. Corned beer. lie. j'late Deer, i:ic Pot roasts. 15c. Porterhouse. 20c. Round steak. 20c. Soup bones, Sc. Beef tongues. 20c. Tenderloin stk. 17c. Sirloin steak. 18c. iJimb chops. 25c. Legs lamb. 25c. Kid chops. 25c. Kid lea-s. 25c. Legs mutton. 20c, frank L. Smith's Is 28 Alder st. Adv. 'Lackuet to Address Servicb Circi.b. An open meeting of service circle No. 850. Neighbors of Woodcraft, will be held tomorrow evening at wood craft Hall. Tenth and Taylor streets. at which Fred Lockley, returned Y. M. C. A. secretary, will speak to the seas. Service circle is largely composed SALARY REDUCTION ot women wnose sons are in r ranee. Cross, and since the United States be came on of the allies the Red Cross army has made 2(1.004.000 necessary ar ticles for war purposes. In this arlgantic total there are ac counted for: 25S.198.ooo surgical aress- Inn: 14.088.000 knitted articles; 1.4 , 000 refugee garments: 22.225,000 hospi tal garments and supplies. This output has been directed through S870 chanters and 80,000 branches and auxiliaries of the American Red Cross, situated In every country In the world. but. of course, mainly in America. In the last year alone the supplies manufactured were estimated, at S59, 000,000. of which (40.000,000 represented r materials. Knitted articles were made mostly In the spare time ol workers and thousands of miles of yarn used, but the other supplies were man ufactured in big and little workrooms, ranging from those such as the work room on the eighth floor of the Llpman- Wolfe building to two-worker rooms in crossroads or villages. MADE The meeting will begin at 8 o'clock. All women are Invited, but space will be alloted to mothers first in case the hall is crowded, which is likely. No admission fee will be charged. RgcoNSTRUcnojr. To prevent the diseases among; chll dren which are responsible for much suffering during adult life, a well tested and fully indorsed system of In atructlon to parents Is a most Im portant part of the dental treatment for children. While most busy dentists do not care to work for children we so thoroughly realize the extreme Im portance of getting -this preventive knowledge to the parents, that we solicit children's work. Our motto is gentleness, patience and efficiency. Smith Long. Clinic. Broadway bldg. Adv. Milk ajto Rest Ccre. The self food poisoner, the person whose body is overwhelmed with toxic elements, be cause of defective digestive organs and faulty elimination, finds ready cor rection of the trouble In the Milk and Rest Cure. The Moore Sanitarium. East 47. Office 908 Selling- bldg. Main C10L Adv. Go to Westminster Presbtteriam Church. East Seventeenth and Schuyler streets, today, and hear Dr Kdward H. Pence, pastor, preach. At 10:30 A. M., "The Spiritual Springs of Democracy, and at 7:30 P. M., "Three Big Things "Which Christianity Will Do." Hear beautiful pipe organ music and quaslet both services. Adv. CHANGE OF PCHEDTJLL Dalles-Columbia line steamers will leave Ash-st. dock Mondays. Wednes days and Fridays at 11 P. M. Return ing; leave The Dalles Wednesdays. Fri days and Sundays at 4 A. SL. arriving at Portland t l. 31. Tel. Broadway 3451, A 7112. AdV. Tl-esdat MErrrma Set. Greater Port land Association will hold the first meeting in several weeks on Tuesday evening at 8. o clock In the Multnomah Hotel. Reservations have been made for 100 members and the meeting promises to be very interesting. We Wish to Sell our 7-roora Dutch Colonial house in Irvlngton; modern, well-built, excellent condition, attract ive arrangement. May be purchased partly furnished. Price reasonable. Lmnu Wald. Last 3:134. Adv. II. M. Wicks to Leotcre. II. M. Wicks will lecture pn "The Proletarian Dictatorship in Russia and Germany tonight in Arion Hall. Second and Oak streets, at 8 o'clock. Admission is free. Public Lecture Sunday. Nov. 24, 1918. at 8 P. M. Theosor-hical Hall. 301 Cen tral bldg.. corner Tenth and Alder; sub ject. "The Spoken Word," delivered by ur. ix. ti. Pickett. Adv Hate Goon. Permanent position for Intelligent man as clerk in hotel cater ing; principally to permanent guests In this city. C 724. Oregonlan. Adv. Klks Dance, Monday evening, the 25th. at Cotillion Hall. 9 o'clock, ad mission. $1.10 per couple, for Elks and their friends. Adv. Gkorolana, 7 A. M. dally, except Fri day. Astoria and way points; Lurllne, 1:20 P. M. daily, except Sunday. Adv. Sapett Boxes for valuables. 83.60 yearly. Liberty bonds bought and sold. Safe deposit vaults. 2S4 Oak. Adv. 50 Fairbanks Platform Scales, COO to -000-lbs. capacity; bargains. Kafka Bros., 284 Front. Adv. Dr. George S. Barrett, dentist, re turned; 851 Morgan bldg. Main 3398. Adv. Razors Honed, safety blades sharpened. Portland Cutlery Co, 85 4th. near Stark. v. Woodbnrn City Attorney to Get $30 Monthly Instead of $35. WOODBDRN. Not. 22. (Special.) The new City Council has re-elected L. M. Bitney assistant marshal, street commissioner and water works super intendent, merging the three offices. E. P. Morcom was chosen City Attorney and Dr. W. A. Chapman re-elected health officer. Allie Engle was ap pointed chief of police by Mayor Hall. Standing committees were named and tax levy of 16.4 mills made. All salaries were fixed the same as allowed by the retiring Council, with the exception of City Attorney, who was allowed 120 a month Instead of 235 as heretofore. 1RVINGT0N HOME. New England Colonial, fine location. 881 Thompson street. Splendidly built, full cemented basement, hardwood floors throughout. 9 rooms, large living room, sun parlor, 6 bedrooms, two fire places, furnace, laundry, garage. Open for Inspection. Just completed and for sale by F. E. Bowman & Co, 212 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 302S. Adv. SUITS PRESSED, 35c. French - dry or steam - cleaned. 21. We pay yon to do your own delivering. Unique Tailoring Co, 104 4th, Adv. Bank Deposits Show Increase. SALEM, Or, Nov. 23. (Special.) De posits in Portland banks on November 1 had Increased 219.588.213 from the preceding statement two months and a half previously, according; to a state ment by Superintendent of Banks Ben nett. The total deposits aggregate $125,- 884.709 in the banks of that city and total resources $127,677,900. The savings deposits reached a total of $24,876,555, or an Increase of $478,856 since August and $4,182,323 over a year ago. Funds Bequeathed to College. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, Forest Grove'. Or, Nov. 23. (Special.) Pacific Uni versity recently received a gift of $14,- 000 from the estate of Mrs. C. J. Mann, founder of the Mann Home In Portland. Mrs. Mann was Interested In the school and had previously contributed $1000 to the funds of the college. CARD OP THANKS. We wish to express our thanks and appreciation to our friends for their kindness and sympathy in the recent loss of our beloved husband and father. and also for the beautiful floral offer- Mrs. M. s. Leggett. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Horsman. Inge. Adv. CARD OP" THANKS. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to our many friends and tha Chauffeurs" Union for the beautiful flo ral offerings, their great kindness and courtesy shown us in our time of sor row In the loss ol our beloved wife, mother and sister. Mr. li. A. Eastlund. Daughter. Adv. Son and Relatives. Commerce Safe Deposit Vaults. et Third street. Both phones. Adv. KM liuCitmliiltii "Save the Babies at Home"Waverley Baby Home Tag Day Wednesday, Nov. 27 MM affile Lf?V A Perfect Diamond At Jaeger Bros. Means a Perfect Diamond The majority of diamond purchas ers are dependent upon the advice and integrity of the dealer. Not only have the people of Portland and elsewhere come to know Jaeger Bros, as diamond experts, but that their word as to the quality and value of their diamonds is as "good as gold." And whether you choose the mod estly priced yet beautiful diamond at ' $25 or any other up to $1000, $1500. $2000 or more, you are assured of the same full measure of advice and service. OUR SPECIAL $100 DIAMOND Is the Supreme $100 Diamond Value. JAEGER BROS. The Value of Trustworthy Service A young man in the East is sending his diamond to this store to be reset in one of our expcfOy-chosen platinum mountings, his intention being to present it to his sweetheart. This is one of many instances of the far-reaching reputation and service of Jaeger Bros. Could anything be more indic ative of this store's leadership? YOU CAN' ENTRUST YOUR DIAMOND TO US FOR RESETTING and feel confident that the very same stone will be returned to you. The Ban on Platinum Has Been Lifted Fortunately, we prepared long before restrictions went into effect, and as a result have a comprehensive collection of Platinum Ring Mountings of artistic merit. Also a worthy showing of Platinum LA VALLI ERES SCARF PINS BROOCHES ' FULL DRESS SETS and other articles of jewelry for ladies and gentlemen. Beautiful Effects in Lavallieres Artistically decorated Diamond Lavallieres; also with other precious gems. Those in the coral and cameo effects are much in vogue and favor. Lavallieres, set with diamonds, as lov as $7.50. Others ranging upwards m price at $25, $50, $75 to $1000. Expressive Are New Effects in Wedding Rings Particularly the decorated styles, engraved and diamond encircled. In platinum, plain gold, and white gold. Plain Cold Bands as ZoE as, $3.50. Engraved White Cold Bands as low as $10. Our beautiful little booklet. "Wed ding Ring Sentiment" is FREE for the asking. If You're Planning to Give a WRIST WATCH Better Select It Now Wrist Watches for both men and women are going to be much in demand for Christmas giving. We pride ourselves on having the most extensive showing in Port land, which includes such leading makes as Gruen, Waltham, Elgin and others. Ladies' Bracelet Watches. . .$15.00 and up Mens Wrist Watches $ 2.50 and up A Number of Distinguished Patterns in HEIRLOOM SILVER are featured in our displays of Sterling Tableware. JAEGER BROS. Jewelers -Silversmiths 131-133 SIXTH STREET, Oregonian Building CARD OP THAXKJ. We wish to extend our deepest ap preciation and gratitude to the many friends for their loving kindness and beautiful floral offerings during our Bad bereavement and death of dearest eon and brother, Harlie. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ballard Adv. - and Family. CARD OP THAJiKS. Wo wish to thank our many friends for the kindness and sympatny snown us during the illness and death of our beloved wife and daughter, Mrs. Mae L. Williams; also for the many beautiful floral offerings. Mr. Fred Williams and Family. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mason. CARD OP THANKS. Mrs. Ida Krumpf and family desire tol thank tha manv kind friends for their I sympathy and beautiful lloral oiierings in our sad loss of loved son, Albert I Krumpf. and especially do we wisn to i thank the inignts ot rymias oi run land. Adv. Mrs. Ida Krumpf. CARD OP THAJiKS. W wish to thank our many friends for the beautiful flowers eent our De loved husband and father. Adv. Mrs. W. Kowaleski and Family. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. W. W. Taylor, at 1206 Williams Lavenue, wishes to tnanK nis many irlends ror tneir Kinaness in nis recem bereavement. Adv. v V y DR. WALDO. Morning Service 11 o'clock. "A LIVING SACRIFICE.' Patriotic Thanksgiving Service "A NATION'S GRATITUDE Special Music, Orchestra of the 10.tk Sqnadrom, White Temple Quartet. B. T. P. U. Service 6:30 P. M. WHITE TEMPLE, Twelfth and Taylor Streets. Ftxrwr varieties of Iris for sale. Mar shall 277. Adv. Di Harrt Sevler has returned from Ban Francisco. Adv. Da. W. G. Cols, office C7S E. Broad way. Phone feast C45. Adv. Socialist CMTERTAiKXEirr and dance, Arion Hall. 2d st Thanksgiving-. Adv. IMPROVEMENT MEET SET Road Problem to Come at Souiliwest Washington Conference. CATHLAMET. Wash.. Nov. tJ. (Spe cial.) A Southwest Washington Im provement conference, to which every private citizen, public official, legis lator, and organization are Invited, will HURLBUT VOICE PI-ACEMKJTT AND BRKATHI.VG. Papll ef the Great CAMPANARI of the METROPOLITAN OPERA. S13 Biuk . Laae Bldg. Mar. 2387. Hnh 1'Monr. uast 8707. F. DE BRUIN Formerly of Asaaterdaaa. Holland.) TEACHER OF SINGING BARITONE SOLOIST. WHITE TEMPLE Studied De Resxke Method Four Tears. S13 Bosk A Lane Bids, lUr, 23S7. ' HAVE YO'J HEARD MAJOR T. A. MILLS? ' IP NOT COME TO THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL A CHURCH PARK AND MADISON STS. 10:30 A. M. "IF OR THOUGH" 7i43 P. N. THE SERVANT IN THE HOUSE" HElPFtL SERMONS. GOOD Bit SIC. YOU WILL ENJOY BOTH OP THESE SERVICES. COME AND WORSHIP WITH TJS. EVERYBODY WELCOME 8. S., 12 NOON. C. E., 6:30 P. M. .-Tldof I 'Mciiswt VUlfMI 1 w,,n I'M I nilklUTAl vw .LENSES We Specialize in Fitting Punktal Lenses Because It's the Lens That Gives Results Because, your health, happiness and efficiency depend in large measure upon condition of your eyes. Ask for the booklet, "The Eye and the Lens." Edw. W. Wheeler, Optometrist (WHEELER' OPTICAL CO. 2nd.FLOOR OPgQONlAN B"LDQ LEOPOLD DESKS IS TOUR OFFICE BEST EQUIPPED TO PUSH FOR AFTER WAR BUSINESS? LEOPOLD DESKS AND MACEY FILINGS CABINETS AND SYSTEMS SECURE BEST RE fcSULTS. ALWAYS A PLEASURE TO show you. PACIFIC STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. 10S 2d St. AT TOCB S Kit VICE. The Comforter Message FOR ALL PEOPLH OP ALL FAITHS Assembly Room, Portland Hotel STREET ENTRANCE, MORRI SON STREET. TOPIC. It A. M.l "Steps to Freedom" TOPIC, 8 P. M.l "Happiness" , Florence Crawf ord,' SPEAKER. Everybody Welcome THANKSGIVING BEVERAGES For Your Thanksgiving Dinner DRINK HEARTY WITH JOY BEVO The triumph of all soft drinks, can still be had at your dealer, if can't supply you we will deliver it. THEOXET Sparkling cham pagne Grape Juice, Red and White. The great dinner and banquet beverage, all the fizzle' and sparkle of the finest champagne. A flavor too delightful to describe aristocratic and dignified. Quart and pint bottles. DUFFY'S SPARKLING AP PLE JUICE Champagne style refreshing and delight ful a real Holiday drink that will please everybody. Buy it by the case put up in quart and pint bottles. CALVINO-PURE CALIFOR NIA WINE without alcohol. The Joy drink of no regrets. Have all the fun without the headache. Sparkling Red and Sparkling White you will charm your dinner friends with this perfect table drink. Buy it by the case or in single bottles, quarts or pints. Order Early We Deliver. BIumauer&Hoch "The House of Quality " Beverages.'' 105-107 12th St. Phone Bdwy. 4072 or A 1004 BOYS' SCHOOL Grade School for Boys offers in tensive training, rapid progress, short hours. Physical and char acter development emphasized. v Enter Now For detailed information call or write Department of Education DIV. C, Y. M. C A. Portland Phone your want a da to The Orero- nian. Phona Alain 7670, A 6035. Office andEngineering Supplies Make Excellent Xmas Gifts Tj-xi -fli a business man or woman, engineer, draftsman, l LJUC architect, etc Inkwells a a complete line of the famous Sengbusch self-closing inkwells. Wood and glass bases, from ? 1.50 to $15.00. Diaries arid Date Books Excelsior line small vest pocket sizes, to the large journal size date book in leather, buckram and canvas. Desk Padsand Blotters Leather corners, some 6uede, all colors; blotters in red, green, blue, tan, buff, gray, pink, purple. Loose Leaf Memos The best little gift for the office man or woman or for a lady's handbag. The best grade of leather and paper. We carry the famous Irwin-Pitt and Boorum Pease lines. Postal Scales every size to suit. Pencil assortments best grade pencils, erasers, penholders, clips, rubber bands, etc. Slide Rules, Compasses, Thermometers, Drawing and Water Color Sets, Artists' Kits, etc., etc 9 THE J. K. GILL CO. Booksellers, Stationers, Office Outfitters. Third and Alder Sts. CONDENSED REPORT OP THE CITIZENS BANK Portland, Oregon At the Close of Business November 18, 1918 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $ 796,023.04 U. S., Portland and State Bonds 397,324.65 Bank Premises and Fixtures 55,250.00 Other Real Estate 8,580.00 U. S. Certificates $250,000.00 Cash and Due from Banks 519,010.92 769,010.92 Total $2,026,188.61 LIABILITIES Capital Paid In $ 100,000.00 Surplus and Profits 27,042.08 Deposits 1,899,146.53 Total .$2,026,188.61. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. N. U. CARPENTER President II. H. NEWHALL. .Vice-President JOSEPH PAQUET,. .Vive-President E. A. CLARK Cashier A. W. LIVINGSTON. .Asst. Cashier A. W. LAMBERT Director O. M. CLAKK Director After War Training Thousands of men are now in a position to readjust their whole lives because of demobilization or changing conditions in commerce and industry. A conference with one of the Advisprs in the office will doubtless be of great value n choosing which of the following courses you should enter: College Preparatory, Business, Stenographic, Accountancy, Automobile, Tractors, Radio Telegraphy, Mechanical Drawing, Shipbuilding, Mathematics, Pharmacy,' Chemistry, Boys' School or Electrical Engineering. These day and night schools are operated to give you the chance you neef in preparaing for the great future. For preliminary information or date for interview address Department of Education, Div. C Y. M. C A., PORTLAND, OREGON PERSONALITY A well-selected Holiday Greeting Card with an appropriate sentiment often expresses your per sonality better than an individual effort of origin ality. Your name engraved on it adds the personal touch. CHRISTMAS GIFTS serving a useful purpose for the whole year. Fancy Loose Leaf and Leather Bound Memorandums in many sizes and styles for every imaginable purpose. Diaries in great variety of styles and bindings to suit every fancy. Calendars, Recipe Books and many service-giving, useful-all-the-year-round Special Books for Individuals, Home and Office. Hundreds of Useful Presents in Fine Stationery, Fountain Pens, Eversharp Pencils, Leather Goods, Desk Furnish ings in sets and individual pieces something "wished for" for every one who can read and write. When you see our exceptionally fine stock of BRIEF CASES, you'll understand how to make any business man's Christmas a happy one. Holiday Printing and Engraving "Everything for the Office" Phones: Marshall 6080 A 6548 Corner Fifth and Oak Streets Store Open 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M.