THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, NOVE3IBER 21, 1918. 10 frurntturv for COMBINATION ook'w and wrlttn desk, send oak. with mirror and glass door, $.2.50. A OWL FURNITURE CO.. Jul Ft-M Stre-t, blF.KL Ikx h-'at.-r with -t e hi r a title s!ectlr ir foil. $12.5; n of coal or wood tar.ater at very low pr-. OWL FCK.HTl'HH CO.,- jo 4 KlrM Street. KOR S.xf.E chairs. -ntr lahlc. sideboard. Iim'I ir. bed. touch. dresser, wash r king chair, sewinir machine. ,...,hfK uten.:s. mo Grant st- " S U.K Oriental rug. roior mm k.--- h'n snd Ivnry. almost new vrt fin-; rn. - Phone KaM 3M k.viTinv toe-l ...u.h. lMwir tarpe . -..r-- anrl 1 toil KOO'I DCW 'ip. JH ,v. 16th st. J N; wU b! with god spring, aisn com mid. res-nraM Anl rn, Main 9i . Mf K iitt i -n-n.M drfsbinc-labie ery rhfjp. V A3. OfBonian. , KC. RM.i,. Hird-., Trt tock. RATSK RABBITS FOR MCAT- W have Belgians. New Zealand F.emisti uitni English Lop Kara and White English, all ages and alxva; aiilltr atock aa wall as fancy pur-r.rd Write for price and catalogue. Koutledg Soad 4c Floral Ca- 145 Second ac. Portland. Of- , I-ARKITS RKI.CIAN HARKS. NEW ZEA LANDS. Flemish Giant , $1.23 up. 20-page illutr.,;el fold. -r. with hutch p:sns. M .n'irl n Tohhltn- l.rret in Northwest trrpfr vrh and KJt JSiark. Mt. Tabor rMT MU car to end. 4 blocks north one A 11 KGA 1 N in pedigreed Flemish Giants. . fn- Silvrtip U. born April 4. 191.; weight. 1 ib: a)o 5 young:er. 4 of tnem do. Price $25. True Stlvertip bu. k 7 months old. weight 11 S ti.. 1IO ban It. Loa-. BoX 112; 0- we-cv r. f f t-' . ' I T V r A TT E R Y. B'&utlful orang kittens for Christmas: rrj bv Sunburst. 20 tnin. mo'nr from rity. 1251 K. Morrison. Tnor iin nii TKHkii? itH. t he doc at vora. McKenna Park Kennels, McKaaaa iv and Lombard il WHY pav mof pi, oranre. SrvKs penuan fir Kew Sir Talro. silver. 14. Kit t. !! fort land t'at KnnH. Tabr utt IX'i lii iUn.. I m;h to canarv i cood r iiifcra, frmal irlvn away w it Is rv bird. .aj ioo1noijRh bins. THi:l';HRRKl. yarllnn. P.. I. roatr to fichunct for rabbit. Fhona Tabor T I. l'KMAI.K Ho-ton terrier. "Funny Far,' 3 p'ontha out. houaa-broka. 1 il llth at. Tiiwy. ?.. 50 ft A BBITS rheap. Call Sunday or later. "; K. 7:th at., city. A1KKDAI.K pup. mal. tboroua;hbrd. v-ry niart and f I trained. 670 Kaat Main. -MOSTIIS-OLD rnlU. beautifully marked, t horoughbred. 1.V I'hone Kaat 942. VOll SAI.K l-moaibi cocker apaniej dos. io. Tabor ."7... FINK Ala?ki husky doc, 7 months old. $7 a. at 7.'l lmon ave. l'A KROT whist!. lor tle cheap; can 7.1S K. Main at. x talk and A F K W choice Kfns;era for aaJe. Call Tha .-!idio. fain 4'S. ltKAL'TlFL'L Ht. Andreaabur roUera. Kast l'KlliHKKI B,on turner puppy, female, fhr5 nmnthn. $15. JsO Union ave. N. AIKKDALR terrier, 2 yrs. old, $10. McKen n Par K.-nnln. Columbia ML KA KBITS for kuI at barsaina. Tabor 4007. .Virt Kaat &3d North. S i) good tit. Anrraberjr roilera; HMO Krty. Woodlawn 421. Jt. B H I TS N. Z. rda and A n aoraa. Sunday 31 K. ROth N. Tabor 1S6J. 3 lil.l'K An'Ialusian cockerels for aale. rea onabl. Kt 5421. H K. lth at. North, L.M.LISH colli watch ioc. $2 log, 1 5 month old, food 50. Marshall 301ft. FK SAIK 1 fmaie roller, splendid stock. I..V. Tnbor 7!7. Poultry. 11 K A LTH V hens are producers and profit Iaers. Weak, sickly birds are a con stant source of loss. Pratt's Poultry Re--u i n tor, th natural tonic and conditioner, intkd and keeps poultry healthy, maki hrna lay. It Is specially hrlpful dur ing int. trying; season of the year. Pre-y-n roup and colds by occasionally u?ins Pratt's Roup Rnidy. These troubles cut down prtKluction. reduce profits. Both preparations guaranteed satisfactory r money refunded. ON K thoroughbred Black Minorca rooster. 8 hens and li pullets. Call Sunday or after o P. M. week daya. West Watts street. W. I PULLKTS, February and March hatched; 1 B. R, cockerel; also live ceeaa. 11H K. 31st st. N. WoodJawn 314L WANT to buy larr-size Buckeye incubator. I T: one lanor ..::. l.Vi'i BATCH and chirk necessities. Call aft.-r 1 I. M. Sim) Union ave.. near Feach. Ft'R SALE 4 choice Barred Rock cocker $2 .V each. Phone Broadway 43..3. It. 1. R. fl).'KERKl.S 2.50 and Mtlwaukie st. Sellwood car. WANTED A barred rock rooster. Columbia FOR SALE 7 W. I. chickens, S...'.; fan layers, hut K. Taylor. Phone L Kr.ti. 4 WHITE rooster.. Wvandott. 7:i: Alhina and 2 ave. K. L. Red LaosMlie and Boats. frEAWol.K. hamiiM.niest and niost complete ly equipped -to-foot raised-deck eraser- yacht on Willamette: stateroom, cabin, galley, two toilets, .cypress hull, oak fin ish, white enamel Interior: 40-horse power iw t icior marine engine. Just over hauled, perfect condition: to be sold this wee positively to Highest bidder. Includ ing Tine boathouse. Tabor 004. NEW molern houseboat, four rooms and bath, sleeping- porch, ballt-la beds; fur ittMhed or unfurnished! big sacrifice. Sell wood 2!7. jtli'K .".-room houseboat, completely fur malted: erv cheap lor cash, or trade. BJ 7".. OreRoniin. 5-Kit.M houseboat. 2 floats, row boats and hickcrj. at Kenton, cheap for cash. Phone 7"1'. FK SALE Columbia River trolling boat. 1- II. 1'. heavy duty engine. Woodlawn WANTED Good, serviceable row boa L AB SL irrennlao. li HOUSEBOAT 16x35. In good condition. pirtlv furnished. 5I Willamette Moorage. lypewrlterm. KENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now. Immediate delivery, reasonable terms. RT-:PKton Typewriter Company. r-M ITH-PREMIEB No. 10 visible, latest model, finest condition, used one month. $ 15 cash. Can be seen Sunday or after eek days g94 Flanders. LATEST model No. S Royal. In leather case; d-d not have three weeks actual use: ab soiute'y like new: cost 130; will take .00 c ish for quick sale. Tabor 25.12. OUARANTEED factory rebuilt ty. writers, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly paym.ots; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co.. retail dept.. 321 Wash. at. NEW Underwood typewriter, latest model. .No. 7.-.: will take new Oliver No. 9 In on the deal. 23 Corbtt bldg. Main 12. TYPEWRITER for sale. Smith-Premier vis ible, good as new, S2 cash, Ir. Flxot, Kt' MorKan bldg. Full riALK Remington typewriter Invisi ble, good condition, $20. 310 Board of Trade bl.lg. t-i.l;HTI.Y used and guaranteed, rebuilt. Underwood No. 5, latest models. 42S Railway Exchange. Main 466a L. C SMITH, good condition, two-color rib bon, back spacer, new platen: $45. lor quick sale. Mara '! I.EDL'ILT typewriter and supplies. Coroaa dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriting Co.. 4A Sth. Main 366$ NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentale at cut rates. P. P. Co.. 231 Stark su Main 1407 itfN K brasa outfit for fireplace cheap. Bdwy. 37 2. Machinery. 1 KX24 WOODS planer; 1 6x24 Hoyt planer; on 20.fK) capacity sawmill rheap; also large stor-k of new and second-hand steam engines and boilers. 30$ E. Salmon st. Phone K. 1S5H. ONE 10-horaepower marine engine, propellor and shaft, two spark coils, one clutch. No. 1 1. all connections, $". Benson's Mach. Shop, foot of Ivon street. OASOM N K hoists, electric plants, pumps, anvthing with gas power; warranted to make good or w will, at right prices. G. V. M-lougaU Co.. 2Vt Hawthorne ave. 1 OR SKLii A Fairbanks-Morse 25-H. p. t vpe N gasoline enpine. For particulars call on or address T. K. Gault. Supt. of Waterworks. Gladstone. Or. WANTED Shop vulcanizing plant, com plete. AR 9., Oregonian. v FOR SALE One yarding donkey. Rxl2. Can dle mak. Including lines. Inquire owner, M." Depauw ft. Portsmouth, city. FOR SALE H-naw American combined lath mill and bolter, new; a. so complete saw mill, r. A. Haulenbeck. 424 Henry Mdg. fciKAM BOILER 14-horsepower and 5-hon-power engine, fully equipped; no use for them: both for 7.V S 14Q. Oregonian. H P. engine. 12 snd 6-inch stickers; in fine condition. X 2S7. Oregonian. FOR Machinery. FOR SALK OR, RENT. 1 No, 5 ctimonds rock crusher. - No. 7 Oaten rock, crushers. 1 Western law crusher. 1 in. ton Buffalo Pitts steam road roller. 10-ton Austin gasoline road roller. i con-rete mixern. various bizca. 1- Watson dump wagons. i one-horse conrrpts carts. it one-man concrete carts. 1 No. 4't Bucyrua traik shovel. 1 No. f0 Marion steam thoveI. 3 drag line scrapers, 1 z -yard. 21 slip scrapers. C w heel scrapers. u road plows. 1 r-H. I, gasoline enclne. " 1 1.",-M. P. gasoline engine. 1 32-lf. P. gasoline engine. 1 40-11. p. gasoline engine. 1 60-H. P. gasoline engine. 1 710-inch 1. V. hoisting engine. 1 D. D. electric boist with 20-II. p. mo tor. 1 lx4i-lnch Bates Corliss engine. 1 rl-inch4;-f t. return tubular boiler. boilers. 125-lb. atear pressure. 1 shingle machine. 1 lo-thousand capacity sawmill. 1 r.-H. p. 9uo r. p. m. A. C. motor. 1 73-H. P. A. C. motor. 1 15-11 P A C. motor 1 ftxM If. S. & L engine. WILLAMF.TTR KQT'IPMKNT COM PANT, 2 North First StreeL Broadway lolti. A 1049. 1 12-H. P. ATLAS engine, center crank. 1 l--h. p. Cherry A Park, aide crank. 1 15-h. p. Kri City engine, center crank. J -h. p. upright boiler and engine. 4 -h. p. upright boitprs. 1 12-h. p. firebox boiler. 1 3'-h. p. firebox boiler. 1 60-in.xl4 it., lap-seam tubular boiler. "54-in.xlA ft.. Jap-seam tubular boilers. 2 W-ln.xlH ft., lap-seam tubular boilers. .iKH-tn.xlrt fx butt strap waterleg boilers. j it., nutt strap tubular bir. J 2."o-h. P- marine boiler. 1 CJ-ln. silver band saw. All In A-l condition for Immediate d livery at reasonable price. Call or write. Kr.'ti. Aiacnincry Co.. First street. S. ZIDKLU Marshall m?2. 205 Front SAWMILL MACHINERY. TRAM lolLt;iS, 100 Ji. p., in good con dition. PULLEY. fHAKTIXii. BO.XINtiS. STUMP PULLERS. ALL Isty.K.S PIPE. PIPE F1TTINUS. cO.NTEVOR CHAINS. DRIFT BOLTS AND WASHERS. RODS. RAILS. ROPE. NEW 6x8 single drum steam hoist. $700; new gasoline hoists, p., J40; 4-fcl. P.. $212; fi-H. P $:i75; 8-It. P., $470; several belt hoists, single and double drum; 2 x6-ln. Gardner-Klx J 40 cu. ft. air com pressors: 1 15-tn. by 12-ft. Sebastian Q C lathe. $70O ; Crescent single- pindie sba per: Crescent awing cutoif saws: H. B. Smith sander; 10O-H. p. and 150-1L P. National feed water heaters. U. S. Iron Works. Seattla. Wash. ENGINE. Russell automatic, 40 IL F fine condition; boiler. 43 H. P., return flue, with pump, heater and all fittings, sell very cheap. Carnation Flour Mill, Car nation, or. FOR SALK No, 7 Remington typewriter. East 7n;t. Miscellaneous. FKWLNti MACHINES. Finger, $12. White. $1 New Royal, $18. Standard. $22.00. Climax. $20. Domestic. $25. The Free, $25. Wheeler & Wilson. $20. New Home. $22.50. Wilcox A Glbbs. $25. Singer shoe patchcr, $35. Singer tailor, $;;o. Guaranteed to sew perfect. Main 04 3 L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d, Near Taylor. $100 WORTH nickeled ateam fittings. Edi son aiamona point taming machine with 3. cylinder records and cabinet ; z gas ranges; l electric motor, h-ti. p. A. C. 1 small wood lathe and jig saw attach menus; 1 D. C electric motor. 4-H. P. 1 elect, vacuum sweeper with all attach ments; 2 clocks: 2 baby wagons; 75 feet cotton hose 2 -In. Broadway 261. 12 lttth St. HAT (UNDER MARKET). 75 TONS. I.ANE COUNTY, ON R. R.. GOOD WARE HOUSE. BALED OAT AND WHEAT HAY. SEE THIS. MAKE OFFER. WILL TAKE LIBERTY BONDS OR SECURED NOTE. ADDRESS OWNERS. P. O. BOX 222, PORTLAND. VERY CHEAP My eve. gown, miss party cress, worn twice, stile drees, suits. 3U-:S in. sweaters, shoes; fine fabrics, latest styles: private-only. Alter 11 A. M.. Main TWO pearl rings, pearl clasp pin. pearl stick pin and exquisite pearl sunburst (suitable for bride). Kolinsky fur neck piece ana mull, riastman kodak, all at .acriflce for half cash. S 61, Oregonian. FURS. FOXE3. WOLVES. COLLARS FOR COATS. The Fur Shop. 606 Swetland Bldg. USED sewing machines of all makes, drop head and cabinets. $12.50 and $15; all in good sewins order. 172 3d. near Yam hill st. ONE cook stove, nearly new: 1 oil atove with oven; 1 set single harness. Call Sunday or atter a f. n. i days. IDZ west Watts street. FINE Kerr. an furnace, complete, suitable for 7 or 9-room house; burns either wood or coal; for sale cheap lor cash. Call i eoor we,o. GENUINE leather overstuffed chair and rocker; euso leather couch, cheap. 61!. East TWO perfect diamonds, weighing about 1U Karais, cost ,iuu, win sen at a bargain ana taae noerty Don as. n 715. uregoman. BARGAIN In used Victor talking machine and 6 records, $15. 172 3d. near Yamhill street. GOOD Monarch range for sale or will trade for anything I can use. 02 East lSlh sL, Vancouver. BARGAIN In a cylinder Edison machine and e records. $15. & at. D. Fhonagraph Shop. 172 3d. near Yamhill st. FOR SALE Mink set: collar and pillow muff: 10 full skins used In the set; good condition. H 6S. Oregonian. 50 FAIRBANKS platform scale.. 500 to 2000 id... capacity; Bargains. aalKt Bros.. 264 Front. LUMBER 40.000 feet. 2m6. tongned snd grooved, good ss new; $lo per 1000. Call Sunday, southwest cor. 17th and Alder. FOR SALE Cook stove, alr-tlght gas plate ana oven, spring ana mattresses, etc. 45U East 24th St. S. WELL-MADE oak body for ltt or 2-ton truck, with top and side curtains. Broad way 3261. MAN'S extra heavy overcoat, size 3S-ln.. fine condition, suitable lor shipworker. Tabor 4461. FOR SALE Complete storage battery charging rectifier. call at b01H East Pine st. t-KARAT, flawless white diamond. $000. Room 20S Washington bldg. 1-TON truck and express business for sale. call y- iitn. oetween -Main and salmon. FOR SALE Cheap, small wood heater. S21 East 46lh st. South. - STEEL range, fine condition; a bargain. $25. 142 Grand ave. X. FOUR counters, one table, big refrigerator. verv cneap. wooaiawn 3-i'j. CEDAR posts for sale, cheap while they lasL. jiuigan, jai niiu o-iiniou. COLLAPSIBLE go-cart, almost new; will sell for $. Marshall 1403. COMPUTING scale: will trade tor groceries. lwner. lii uiacaamas su TWIN wicker go-cart. new. Marshall 5S or Broadway 27C7. FOR SAL15 Underwood typewriter, good or- aer. 4-i :isi 3i a in. CARPENTER tools and chest, also tent, lOx 14. r2d and E. Davis. MANTEL folding bed, $6; motorcycle prea tollte tank. $5. 3H0 N. 20th st. FOR SALK Savage bicycle, man's size, $14. 160 Grand ave. N. CH1LD9 STit for sale reasonable. Marshal 3452. MANNING'S oil burner; owner leaving town, Kant 39. FOR SALK Mantel bed. 4i7 West Broadway. almost new; $3 $40 GOOD LUNCH WAGON. Jefferson St.. weckdnys. Call at 494 SHOTGUN. Winchester pump: fine leather case; gooi connnion; cneap. .Marsnan iJ4K. MINK set for sal. 400 Dekum bldg. Bar- gain. TWO gents overcoats, nearly new, and 42. Phone Broadway 2H43. SAW filing tools for sale. Full set for mil! work. 4i Pittock big. FOR SALE Folding baby buggy, good con dition. Phone East 2305. NEW storls saddle, chaps. 22 H. p. rifle. W Inrhester pump gun. Phone Tabor 2474. FOR SALE A bassinette. Woodlawn 25 QUINCES 3 cents pound. Tabor 901L FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. WTRE ROPE. 1.2O0 ft. 2-ln. Hxl rope 3 pieces). 3.2.'o fu l-in. Sxltt wire rope l piece) rto ft lM-in. vlH wire rope. S.000 ft. IH-in. 6xl wire rope ft piece), s.noo ft. lU'in. wire rope (1 piece). 10.000 ft. -ln. new Improved plow steel rope. ft- Itf-in. to lH-in. rope In ahorter lengths. 50,000 ft. smaller wire rope. We have a large shipment of Diamond diocks coming in. uo you want anj ''PIPE. Four carloads of almost new pipe, H to 8-inch, just bought. Including: 40.000 feet 1-inch black. UH.noo feet l'4-inch black. 1S"00 feet 2-inch galvanized. 1.2O0 feet ".-in. black. 2. ttoO feet 4-inch black. I.500 feet 5-inch black. 2.OO0 feet 6-inch black. A large quantity of other sties and lit tlni'i Af nnv kind. 1 SxlO Ledgerw-ood wide drum roader with 5o-in. boiier, in rine conaiuon. ai;uu. 5000 pulleys, steel, split, cast and wood, and almost 1.000.000 other bargains In mill, logging, shipbuilding machinery and supplies. WANTED. 2 7x10 donkey engines. 4 swinging engines. M. BARDE & SONS. INC. Portland's one big machinery house. 21 vears In Portland. FRONT AND MAIN STS. ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE ULUlvr,ni. One 63-ton Heisier locomome. One 40-ton Heisler locomotive. Three 36-ft. flatcars, 60.000 capacity. 30 all-steel Russell logging trucks. Three sets 60.0OO capacity f latear trucks. Twelve connected Russell trucks. Four 10x12 logging donkeys. Two 12x14 new donkey sleds. One 5"-x8 dbL drum American hoist. Two A500-gal. oil tank cars. Two Rodger bajlast cars. -one 60.000-gaL steel storage tank Two 100-H. P. firebox boilers, one 60-H. P. firebox, one 42x102 upright boiler, one 8x10 Chandler-Taylor Steam engine. Two drag-line scrapers. One new smelter furnace. One 10-hole Majestic range. Send us your inquiries for anytnbjr In iron or woodworking machinery, logging, sawmill, shipbuilding and contractors equipment and supplies. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY, 52S Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1212. A 2428. STORE FIXTURE BARGAINS. ACOTJNT REGISTER (AMERICAN. 8 FLOOR SHOWCASES. U FT. LONG. COFFEE MILL. CHEESE CUTTER. 1 COUNTER SCALE. WEIGHS TO 400 LBS. .T COUNTER CASES. 1 RREAD CASE. PAPER HOLDERS. WALL. MIRROR, ETC. SEE E. BURKITT. OWNER. 212 SELLING BUILDING. ROOFING PAPER. ALL. NEW. -'-ply -V 3-piy Nails and cement. 25c per roll extra Smooth surface no cheap Fanded stock. M. BARDE & SONS. INC. THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. PORTLAND'S ONE BIG SUPPLY HOUSb. LAUNDRY OUTFIT. Mr. Ranchman, do your big family washing at home; I have a regular steam laundry power washer, wringer (or ex tractor), boiler and engine; have quit the business and will sell outfit less than half cost; give thorough Instructions for opuraling; all complete for $1S5. S 166, Oregonian. $12 50 FOR a man's all-wool black $40 suit, as good as new. $5 for a high-priced heavy gray tweed man's suit, worn some; sizes 36. One pair men's black unlined shoes, rubber heels, for work or street wear, size 6. Call 183 Cury St. N. & S. car. "HYATT'S" 'HYATT'S" Remember we carry over 10.000 new rec ords in stock for Victrola, Edison, Bruns wick and Grafonola. We have 12 record and machine rooms. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co. THIRTY-GALLON tank, gas plates, gas heaters, gas fixtures. Perfection oil heater. 8-foot wall pastry case, hanging show canes; 5-gal. double-copper coil gas water lnater. 10-gaL chemical spray tank. 484 Washington st. 1 AM the best and cheapest clothes washer. I can solve your servant problem. My name is the THOR ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. You can learn all about me by telephoning Smith McCoy Electric Co., Brdy. 20f0. LAW BOOKS FOR SALE, rhsdmnn's CvcloDedla of Law. 12 vol times: Lord's Oregon Law, 3 vols., also many others; all in good condition. Wood. 40-3. DO you want to trade your too small or too large safe or an unsafe one for one that just fits your business? Phone Mr. Greene, Marshall 0080. MINX neckpiece and muff, best Alaska dark skin. -0 In. set; also two Aiasfctan per fectly matched lynx skins, dressed. Broad way 1177; evenings, Kast 5189. FOR SALK Faultless No. 2 stump puller, in first-class conamoa. iuu; gruD hook, also other tools here in storage. Write tt John Havran. 57 Nevada St., Portland. FINK Conn slide trombone, silver plated. leather case, cost fou; price $iu aown, J.'i monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3.".0 Alder. (Exchange dept.) FOH SALE Good heating stove for wood or coal, also stove board and pipe, used short time. Cost $30, will sell for $20. Call Tabor 4911 or 522 B. 48th st. North. FOR SALJS 1000 second-hand gunny sacks in good order; win sell in small lota if desired. West Oregon Lumber Co., Linn ton. Or. WILL exchange fine new Brunswick, Vic troia, fcaison or graronoia ana records ior piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FIK8T-CLAS3 bicycle, coaster, good tires. Price 22.50; iu down, -- monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co- 350 Alder. (Ex change dept.) FOR SALK Chairs, banjo, andirons, solid brass screen, set iiaviiand china, Lisk roaster; call mornings before 10, or Sun day 2 to 6 P. M. Marshall 2739. POTATOKS FOR SALK Inquire at Cor nelius place, one-nail mile south of Troutdale, on TroutdaJe road. BF 677, Oregonian. HAVE $S0 high-oven gas ran pre for sale cheap or would exchange for 14x10 rug or good carpet; moving to no-gas house. AG 095. Oregonian. BLACK and white silk sweater, nearly new. beautiful black tailor suit, size- 30. AF 854, Oregonian. CHEAP New $75 overcoat for cash or lib erty bonds. 40ft -btn apt. 65. Main 5497. GENERAL Electric D. C. motor, type C A; ono n. p., aw voits; spec a l-'uu; cheap. Owner, 672 Clackamas st. $45 NICKEL horn graph pohone, only $15; yd aown ana monmiy. nyan laiKing Machine Co.. 350 Alder. (Exchange dept.) FOR SALK White chinchilla coat. $4. fit girl about 10 years; also baby carriage, $2. 3-. 2 Fremont st. FOR SALE Alaska blue lynx fur; cost $90; will take $50 or liberty bond. Call Main 1lo7 Monday. A GOOD Investment; will sell well estab lished $50oo printing business for $3500; liberty bonds accepted. H 6S4. Oregonian. FULL length, new Hudson seal coat, belied. Bareain cash. D S0."$, Oregonian. HEATING stove in good condition, Tenlno ave.; Sellwood car. MILLINERY stock for sale; no reasonable offer refused. Phone evening. Main 1447. ALMOST new phonograph, 30 records; rea sonable. Broadway 1 102. BARGAIN Latemodel man's size bicycle, new tires, equipment, etc. Main 2960. A BARGAIN in a sectional bookcase, new. Woodlawn 3077. VELOCIPEDE for 5 or 6-year-old boy, used 2 weeks: regular $10. for $11. Tabor 3120. FOR SALE Beautiful Mack electric table lamp, reasonable. E. 1270. ONE Acorn gas range, $12., lawn 106. p0. Call Wood- FOR SALE Wicker doll buggy or trade. ' What have you? Phone Sellwood 3503. FOR SALE Reasonable, child's automobile an d rocking horse. East 2268 eveni n gs. TWO uwd fur garments; phone after today. East 1906. LARGE heater for office or shop; -wood or coal.- Tabor 9511. FOR SALK Baby's bassinet. In good con dition; leaving city. Tabor 437 S. FOR SALE. MiscellaUeous. PTPB. PTPK PIPE. Second-hand to 12-lnrh. lowest prices, best quality. Buy it where prices are lowest, i-irst-ciass stock, properiy- uneu, absolutely guaranteed. SAWS. R WR- SAWS. About 3500 HENRY DISSTON SAWS, brand new, all lengths, at less tnan one half or the present wholesale price. Don't fal! to see us for belting (rubber and leather), all Kizes. Axes, peavies, blocks, all sizes and all kinds, pulleys (wodd, steel and cast iron). m.irk'RVITTT TOOLS. TIT a r-a t-rr it rnmnlit KtOCk of bTack vmith mnii . n A annnl(ii a n v 1 1 a. forces. mowers, vises, drill press and. all kinds of small tools. Boom chains, all sizes. ( Rooflnr paper. 1 and 2-r'y. wltll cement and nails, at a very low jjh..-. About SO.OOO f4t of 1-ln. cable, as well as other small sizes In lengths "P to loOO ft at less than half price. a ii r.. .E.nrfin.nt nf cears. boxlnss, .haftln.s. rails and several complete n-lnches. Be Fure and see us, as we ran save you money on anything that you may need -In our line. ALASKA JUNK CO., 201 Front st. Main 4110. PIPE. PIPE, PIPE. New and second-hand ralvaniz ed and black, from to 12-lpch: ot big stock Tipe. Special price: 1 i -Inch. l-'c t U . JH In.. Ho: 2-in.. 10c: 2's-in.. 2.c; S-in.. 3llc. All kinds of plumbins supplies 5 per cent less than the wholesale price. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP, 269 and 2S1 Front st. Main 6325. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. CONSISTING OF Showcases and wallcase. Jrre tables and counters, candy jam Cash registers and safes. Scales, chees. cutters, meat allcers. Roll-top deskst. flat-top desks. Adding machines and typewriters. On, larg, a'nd on, small icebox. . nwU. ' .rt, fnSn'tains: also on, 20-foot . .nil back bar. with larg, mirror. work board and sinks complete GOODS SOLD ON EASY TERMS. frTOOH FIELD BROS.. 174 1st., cor. Yamhill. Plumbing Supplies-Plu'mbing Supplies. Tf yon need any plomblng sripplles see the Northwest Pipe Co. before .y,i.I't your contract, and we will rave you wuucj Estimates given lree- , NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO., . Between Yamhill and Taylor. 1S7 Front St. Phone Main 563. ROOFING PAPER. ALL NEW. 1- piy 2- piy 8-piy , ;! V ' $ .!S 1.20 1.45 extra. L"i,Jothansurfno sanded stock. THE n'blBOA I LLiON BARGAINS Sn?TI '.AND'S ONE BIG SUPPLY HOUSE. . TTt-VTinv to hotel and rooming-house keepers: Bargains In sheets, blankets pil lowcases, etc. Wm. Greenberg, 100 -d St.. corner of Stark- SEWING machines, new and B,econ,dhAnJ?' sold for less; no agents mP1'd:Pgf plete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. Main 431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d, near Taylor Street. HEADQUARTERS . for American and allied Haw "; and all kinds of decoratloss. m. Green berg. 100 2d St., corner Stark. 25 DROPHEAD sewing macnines. compl.t. with attachments. In good sewing order. $S to $25; sewing machines ranted " Per mnntriT m affllllCM Liertiieu E R. Rteen. 162 Grand ave. East 2359. . B 3307. PAINT $2.33 PER GAM.OX. Inside and outside paint; kooI grades, all colors; wall paper 4c per roll and up. Pnaniol and Peterson, 271 Third tit. labor r7o7. HAVE several thousand tons of good al falfa bay for sale. $22 per ton f. o. b Shoshone, Idaho; freight-rate to Portland $6.9J per ton. Percy Goslett. Shoshone, Ida no. . HOT water tanks all sires. Sn good rvice ab.e condition. 30-gal., $,; 40-gal.. 201 Adams su, east end steel bridge. Phoa E. 851. RESTAURANT fixtures. including dairy lunch, arm chairs, tables, small cash reg ister cracked dishes, old silverware. Many other 2d-hand articles. 323 Washington st. SALESMAN going East, wants to dispose of his sample line of furs, animal scarfs and coatees. an i uuiu Hotel. SEVERAL SLIGHTLY SED KODAKS Splendid values. Pike & O'Neill, lha Shop With the Green Tile Front Wash ington, Pet., uruauv.u.y mm -at BEAUTIFUL new dark-blue lady a coat, silk-lined, fox collar and cuffs, size 38, $38 Must dispose of at once. Sundayaf ter 1 P. M., phone Broadway 1321. BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and revojv ers, ail makes, cheap. Beauregard, i0 Main st.. Vancouver, Wash. SUIT to order, $10 down, balance $5 a month. Unique Tailoring Co, 104 Fourth 6t., bet. Wash, and Stark. ROSE BL'SHBS, shrubbery and flowering plants. Phone orders delivered promptly. Portland Rose Nursery. Tabor 5790. JAPANESE mink coat, perfect condition, size 3G; cost $200; will .sell cheap. Call Hast 1916. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine aad showcase. 174 1st su, corae? Yamhill. FOUR Brunswick-Buike pool tables; com plete eauipment. goou conaition; iraao or sell at bargain. D 790, Oregonian. w n a iarHnc-iits. cut class Dieces. vases. excellent Christmas gifts, reasonable. East BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, snow cases and walltaaes, fixtures; easy terms. W J Quigley. 227 First. Main 5399. WHISKY kegs and barrels for sale; no coun try orders. Panama Cooperage Co.. 22s Front. PARLOR heater size 20, wood or coal, like new; must set. . cusl , -tti loy3 Vernon ave. LARGE quantity good hog feed for sale; ex cellent Winter pasture for rent. Frank L. Smith. 228 Alder st. LAW library, mostly standard works, over 300 volumes, iraue ior kouo vbuhjii iou llutfield & Crabtree. 231 'a Morrison. FOR SALK Two Kolinsky capes, black lynx and coaiee. Apply to box AH 778, Ore gon la n- LKCT RIG motor, 3 H. P.. 220 volts, direc current; can bo seen In operation at Co lumbia Printing Co.. 420 Morrison. FOR SALK or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 235 Stark st. TAN reversible calfskin and corduroy coat, lst-ciass condition, size 37. What have yoa ?. Sellwood 315. ENCYCLOPEDIA Brltannica, 28 volumes, good condition. What have you? Hatfield & Crahtree. 231 Morrison st. Main 13 23. A BARGAIN Stylish lady's tailored suit, practically new; size 36. Call 633 K. Main st . cor. 17th. CUTLER desk, swivel chair, standard bicy cle. Owner in the service. Bdwy. 2087. HARDWOOD kegs of all sizes. Pacific Coopera ge, 20th and York. Bdwy. 1870. POSTAGE stamps for collectors bought and sold. 301 McKay bldg. Mar. 3793. YOU will find ED. V. PRICE & CO. tailoring for sale in Portland at 409 E. Morrison. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at th right price. 46 Front st. Broadway lbtid. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ox changed, bought. Bentley Co.. Main 852. OAK rolls for any and all purposes, llllhee Mill & Manufactury, Oakland. Or. FINE BIKE FOR SALK CHEAP. 12S FIRST. NEAR ALDER. MAIN 4495. FOR SALE Standard scale; see at 146 Craig Road, Park Rose. CASH register. National, electric, total adder ana net.. s..u, r - $30u MEAT slicer. cheap, or will trade. Phone Main 39S0. TWO 9x12 Wilton rugs, bargain. Phone Ta bor 5805. ' BEAUTIFUL Turkish rug. Bejair, 5-S. Call room 308 Multnomah Hotel. FOR SALE Gentleman's diamond ring, one carat, perfect stone. Phone East 4901. RELIABLE gas stove. March a 11 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. GIGANTIC USED CAR SALE. I am overstocked with used cars and am going to sell them regardless of price. 1 l makes ho difference what these cars oricinallv cost me or ho much money J have spent on them put ting them in first-class condition or ui my price has been on them nereioiore, they are now going to be sold at prices never before heard of in the used car market. I have only a limited amount of capital and must keep it working all the. time. n nri vnn know ana 1 Know that money tied up in stock is just the same as no money at ail, especiau wm-i. the market is sluggish, as it is at this time. This comatose condition of busl neus I attribute solely to the abrupt end insr of thn nut. 1 hnvA talked to sev era! dealers in the oast ten days and they are all of the opinion that there is no use to try to do any nusiness unm the people regain their equilibrium, lost when the trood news of neace reached us, and they seem content to hibernate until this new condition of affairs makes its appearance. Different here. I believe in that old-time adage, "Where there's a will there's a way." and in order prove my theory correct I will go the limit to move this big Rtock of used cars and trucks. There are a lot of people right here in Portland today that want to buy good used cars, and are just simply postponing it for no particular reason whatsoever. Let me toll you. good peopie, right now is the opportune time. Do not stand in your own light. Take everything into consideration and then put tnis ques tion squarely to yourseii: Will I cave money by buying a ear now. when times are dull., prices are low and the dealers are hungry for business, or will 1 save by watting until next Spring, when the good weather jias returneu ana prices nave auvanueu and the demand in lar greater than tha supply.' There can be- but this one answer: DO IT NOW. Call me up and I will have one of my salesmen call for you In a nice comfortable car and drive you ciown to the Big Used Car Clearing House, w here you will ha vo no trouble in making- a selection from the finest block of u sed cars in the city. Read carefully every word about the f ol lowing cars. You will find it very explanatory; 191 R, light 6: 5 passenger: driven only three months; five tires and in ex eel lent mechanical condition. 1918 Elgin, Capable 6; new non-skid tires on rear; a poweriui ngnt u ana just like new. 1918 Hupmobllc, touring; a better light car cannot be found; almost new. 1918 Oakland 6; 2-passenger roadster; Just the car for a salesman; Goodyear t ires ; practical ly new. 1917 Buick Light 6; 5 passenger; you all know about these cars. 1917 Buick Big 6; 7 passenger; runs smooth as a watch. 1917 Overland Country Club: rood tires and mechanically perfect; write your own guarantee on this little car. 1917 Colo S; sedan; been run very little belongs to an estate; must bo sold at once: five good tires. 1917 Studebaker 6; 7 passenger; com pletely rebuilt, repainted, new top and four new tires. 1917 Chalmers 6: roadster: In fine con dition: two brand new tires. 1917 Grant 6; 5 passenger; a powerful and economical little car. 1917 Dort; 5 - passenger; just repainted and overhauled. 1917 Studobaker; 4 cylinder, 7 passenger; repainted; just the car for hire. 1917 Chevrolet, touring; repainted; new top and in excellent condition. 1917 Ford, touring; looks and runs like new. 1916 OJdsmobile; 5 passenger; the car that will fit any need; couldn't be in better mechanical condition. 1916 Dodger touring-; "nulf ced." 1916 Chandler 6: 5 passenger; will be painted and equipped whh new top and tires. 1916 Overland; 5 passenger; good as new; has $60 set of seat covers. 1916 Maxwell, touring; a dandy little car. 1915 Hupmobile; 5 passenger; completely 'overhauled, repainted and new top put on. 1915 Mitchell fl; 6 passenger; a big pow erful car: new top and just painted that popular color. "London smoke" 1915 Cad ilia: 4 cylinder, -4 passenger; very reliable. 3915 Chalmers 6: in fine condition. 1915 Velio Bear Cat: all the speed power and class you want. 1915 Ford, touring; a real snap. 1915 Marion, light delivery. 1914 Ford, panel delivery. 1913 Buick, touring; as good as the day it was bought; two cord tires and four fabric tires. 1 3913 Studebaker, model 25. 1913 American, touring; underslunr. 1913 Marion, touring; a good old car. Flanders 20, touring; make an offer. Ford truck, 114 ton; worm drive. 1912 Locomobile; you can't beat It. Convenient terms on any of the above ca rs. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE No. 3, Broadway at Couch St. Broadway 3327. LEWIS E. OB YE, General- Manager. FORDS FORDS FORDS THE MOST COMPLETE LINE IN THE CITY. AH cars in first-class mechanical con dition. ALL MODELS. TOURINGS, ROADSTERS, DELIVERIES, CHASSIS. TOU MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS. The reason we can give you more cars ror your money is that we specialize in Fords; our mechanics only work on Fords, WE SELL MORE USED FORD CARS THAN ANY DEALER IN THE CITY THERE MUST BE A REASON. 5 3917 Touring Cars. 6 3916 Touring Cars. 3 1915 Touring Cars. 2 3914 Touring Cars. SPECIALS 3915 Touring at i$275 1916 Touring at.' 35o 1914 Touring at 375 3916 Roadster at 400 3918 Chevrolet, a bargain. Several others to choosefrom. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 AND SUN DAY ALL DAY. PALACE GARAGE COMPANY, AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. 12TH AND STARK STS. Broadway 1572 a 2442. SCRIPPS-BOOTH. 1917 Scripps-Booth roadster. In Al me chanical condition, wire wheels, newly painted; worth $850; will sell for $650 .if sold this week. Apply Western Auto Co., Broadway at Burnside. REO light touring car, $400 cash; perfect mechanical condition, newly enameled, all new non-skid tires and not a leak; can be seen at Washington St. Public Garage, First and Washington sts., Sunday 3 P, M. Monday all day. For sale by owner. I HAVE one 1918 Chevrolet ,,490" touring which I must sell. No reasonable offer will be refused. Phone East 92. Ask for McCord. 1918 CHEVROLET roadster, "490" .model. Fine shape. Looks like new. Will sell at a bargain. Terras. V. C. Stetson, Mar shall 27SI. 1 AM willing to sacrifice my 1918 baby . grand touring Chevrolet automobile. Terms to responsible purchaser. W. E. Worth, St. Francis Apts. Broadway 4560. LEAVING the city, will sell my 1918 Chev rolet "490" touring car at a bargain. Can not tell this car from new. P. C. Rine- hart. Phone East 92. MY 1018 Ford touring, with spot light, shock absorbers and other equipment at a great sacrifice. See me before buying. Phone Main 496. M. G. Steele. HAVE fine six-cyl. auto In first-class me chanical condition to trade for four-cyl. auto; prefer Cadillac. AK 642, Oregonian. A 1913 FORD, with self-starter. 104 E. ISth. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. OUR SPECIAL OFFER OX USED CARS UNPARALLELED. Come In and let us tell you about it. STODDARD - DAYTON" LIGHT DE LIVERY, GOOD T1RKS ....$ 350 MAXWELL. LATE MODEL. GOOD TIKES. FINK MKCH. SHAPE 700 STUDEBAKER. 4-CYL.. 7-PASS., ELEC. LIGHTS, GOOD TIRES i HUDSON. LIGHT SIX. A BEAUTI FUL CAR 1025 RR TKCOR. 4-r.ft. SPOTLIGHT GOOD MKCH. SHAPE 650 rHPVBOT.KT. LATVE MODEL. NEW LY REPAINTED 600 CTTinFR A F! Ff i-PTTi.. 5-PASS.. LEATHER UPHOLSTERED 575 "k V V T? T . A VT .TTTST THR CAR FOR A SHIPYARD WORKER 800 f A riTT I. A C VRART.Y VRW CORD TIRES BS9 BRISCOE TOURING, 09 NEW 8 VrtRn PI.FrTRlfT STARTER. OTH ER SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 590 FORD. SDECIAL EMERGENCY BRAKES ERTSCOE LATE MODEL CHUMMY ROADSTER 809 BRISCOE, NEARLY NEW BRISCOE. OVERHAULED AND RE- 050 PAINTED 650 BRISCOE, CAR ... GOOD, SERVICEABLE EXTRA EASY TERMS. We are not only willing to sell these cars at the above very low prices and in clude service and instruction, but we will also make very liberal terms. Just how liberal we are willing to be we want you to come in and find out. There Is sur prise waiting for you. Come early. W. H. WALLINGFORD COMPANY. 522 ALDER ST. BROADWAY 2492. DURING THE WAR "We were very careful to make small al lowances on old cars taken in exchange on Chandlers and Saxon motor cars. Since peace has been declared we are n a nn-iHnn to offer cars taken in ex change at allowance prices, which permits us to offer the best buys In Portland in used cars; namely CHANDLER SAXON OVERLAND MAXWELL CHALMERS STUDEBAKER FORD The above automobiles are in good con dition and you may name your own termi of payment. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. 514 ALDER ST. Open all day Sunday. APPERSON MOTOR CAR CO. Cadillac roadster $JnJ 1918 Maxwell touring, like new io0 1917 Studebaker 4, 7-pass., Al every wav 758 1915 Oldsmobile 4, 5-pass., a little dandy fl 3913 Apperson touring .00 1913 Michigan touring 400 APPERSON MOTOR CAR CO., 60 -Broadway. Telephone Broadway 1490. GUARANTEED CARS SACRIFICED. All these cars are guaranteed to be In first-class mechanical condition when sold. 3918 Overland, 5 pass. 3918 Liberty, 0 pass. 1914 Cadillac, 7 pass. 1913 Packard, 7 pass. We also have a 2-ton Reo truck which is a remarkable good buy. DANIEL SALES AGENCY. Phone Bdwy. 2994. 84 Broadway. CHALMERS. 1914'' Chalmers light six. In the best of condition, with new top and extras: worth $850; must sell for $650 for quick sale Apply WESTERN AUTO CO.. BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE. CHANDLER 1917 7-passenger car Is in good shape and should be seen to be ap preciated. $1075. ODen Sundays and evenings. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. Washington at 21st. TWO-TON Truxttin truck attachment com plete; worth $1200, will take $750, terms. WESTERN AUTO CO.. BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE. CONTRACTS which I have had canceled as a result of armistice make it necessary for me to sell my car at once in order that I can meet certain obligations. It is a new 3919 Chalmers Six, which I bought three weeks ago. If you want to get a new car at a second-hand price, phone Sellwood 812 today. WONDERFUL BARGAIN. 1918 FORD. $380 CASH OR TERMS. AUTO RECONSTRUC TION CO., 121 N 3D ST., COR. GLISAN. FOR SALE Ford roadster. $495; elec, start er and lights; special body, top and wind shield; 5 wire wheels, shock absorbers, speedometer, clock, cutout. Phone Main 6633. BY OWNER 191S Ford, perfect mechanical condition, distillate burner. $50 extras, 5 good tires and tubes: $525. cash only; demonstrating Sunday P. M.. 3 to 4. Pri vate garage, cor. Williams and Alberta. FOR SALK Buick Six. D-45, 3917. Al con dition; looks and runs like new; 6 cord tires: only run 8000 miles; a bargain at $1050. Phone Tabor 8752. rOR SALE ACTOHOBItES. USED CAR SNAPS. USED TRUCK BARGAINS. When you think of used cars snd nee! trucks, think of the Big East Side Vsed Car Depot. That's the plate that doesn't pay much rent and sells cars at extremely low prices and on very easv terms- W have a fine large stok at present, ft fow of which we will tell you about. 1918 Studebaker, roadster; practically new. 3918 Oakland . roadster; five fin tires. Jin Ford, touring; a snap. 3 9L7 Saxon, chummy roadster: a beauty. 3917 Dort. touring: dandy Utile car. 2 1917 Chevrolet; both in fine running order. 3917 Cole 8: 7 passenger; some real car. j:jt Aiitcneii .L.ignt o, touring. 1916 Ford, touring. 1915 Ford, touring. 1914 Ford, touring. 1J15 Studebaker 6, chummy roadster. 3915 Reo, touring. Model 79 Overland, roadster. Model 75 Overland, touring. 1914 Cadillac, touring. 1913 Winton 6; five good tires. 1913 Marion, touring. Studebaker Bug. Chalmers Coupe. ' E-M-F, touring. White truck, three ton. Federal truck, one ton. Mack truck, one ton. Vim truck, three-fourths ton. 1 's-ton truck attachment. You can easy terms. buy any of the above on DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE No. 2, E. Stark and Grand Ave. ' I'hone East 7S10. F. W. Kll'I'ER, Sales Manager. BEAUTIFUL. JUST NEW CARS. These cars run . and look like new. A written guarantee with every car. Good terms. Liberty bonds at face alue. 1918 Chevrolet roadster, pr.r new...$ 1917 Chevrolet touring, just perfect 3916 Chevrolet touring, runs fine. . . 1917 Maxwell touring. Just about new 3916 Maxwell touring, overhauled . . . 3916 Ford touring, seat covers 1918 Overland touring, model 83. 9S per cent new 3917 Overland roadster. ftTt1: new. . . 3917 Reo touring. Just like new Series 18 Studebaker. Rft'to new Series 17 Studebaker six, 7-pass, new tires 500 lino 5511 375 KH1 S0O 800 800 130H inoo ."no looo 350 300 2"0 ;too 25 H 31 Ml WO pay- 3917 Oldsmobile. 98 per cent new 1917 Ruick touring, looks brand new 191 1 Buick, small 5-puss., looks new 1917 Chalmers little six, cord tires.. Overland touring. 5-passenger Buick touring, electric generator and lights Studebaker touring, runs fine Ford touring. Just overhauled Hudson roadster or delivery Buick roadster, just overhauled.... Many new buys arriving every day will accept your old car aa part merit. T have $2500 of brand-new tlre.i, non skid, guaranteed 3500 miles, all sizes, 20 per cent off retail price. Ask for Con ley, the man behind this large and reliable firm. OPKN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. OONLEYS USED CAR CENTER. Upper floor, big brink building. S. W. cor. 15th and Washington sts. Entrance 127 Lownsdale st. I'hone Broadway 2656. USED CARS. Pome especially good ears am oTfered this Sunday and don't over the fitrt of the magnitude of our business. Tout's the reason why we can sell elicit per and offer better terniB. Special Dodge 5-passenger touring cur $ 575 3!1S Maxwell, latest muring car. new mm 1918 Maxwell, like new, touring tar.. ?.; Ford touring cur Oldsmobile, special classy roadster.. 2o Chalmers roadster, only 1 "o Paige, 1914 model, touring car 2.".o Ford delivery, painted and overhauled 5mi Federal 2-ton truck, overhauled !mi 2-ton truck, special 125 3917 5-pass. Hupniobllo 125U 1916 Grant Six touring car 750 MANLKY AUTO CO. 11th and Oak, at Iturnside. Broadway 217. CHALMERS. 1918 light Chalmers, fl-ey Under, 5-pan-senger, brand-new factory job. never been driven a mile, Goodyear tires; sale price on this car $1750; will tako $15o0 if sold at once. WESTERN AUTO CO, BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE. FORDS for saie. slightly used Hi Is. -pass., new 3919 5-pass; never need. Cull Col. 7: from 8 to 4; after 0 P. M. and Sunday, Greshani 71. Guy Field house, G res ham. Or. FOR SALE 1915 Cadillac, first-class in. -chanical condition ; new top, full equip ment of cord tires: uped lit private lain ilv. AL 77S. Oregonian. ' $:;.-,( OVERLAND, 5-passenger tar. m ,!. I 80; repaired after accident, no top. Party not able to redeem. John Gaarde. Ti gard. Or. t GARAGE employing only flrst-ctass nierhun ics will overhaul or repair your auto at reduced prices. AF 852. Oregonian. WILL trade my 1913 Buick roadster for a 1913 or 1914 Ford, with or without body. Woodlawn 461. ONE-TON truck and express business for nale reasonable ; some cush, balance on terms. A B 831, Oregonian. TWO-TON truck for sale at $1100; has been thoroughly overhauled. 201 Third at. Te; ephone Main 5sn4.. 1915 FORD touring, excellent shape. $300; must be seen to be appreciated. Call East 7972. DO viu want a live-passenger touring cat Henry Ford? I have one for sale. Walker, 1 1 North 2d st.. near Burnside st. 1910 FORD touring, new body, three new tires, motor In excellent condition; $30. East 386. LIGHT Studebaker 4, 1916: fine shape; cord tires, one extra tire. $550: 150 cash. $35 mom hly. Phone Mais hn.l g.l. 13 ACRES good land in Tillamook County to trade on good auto. 602 East ISth St., Vancouver. FOR SALE Ford touring cr tn good con dition, electric starter and extras. AR 81. Oregonian. t crvimxK mink cane, worth $ 7H0; will sell AG 690, Ore- for $.'J0o; am leaving ponlan. i-iiy. FOR SALE Ford touring car rn good run ning order, good tires. 2069 E. Taylor. Tabor 5101. . FOR SLE or trad', 1017 Chevrolet, In Al condition, for leef cattle or hogs. Miller, Route 2. Box 83. Ridgefleld. Wash. FORD touring, fine condition, must sell; a bargain. $350. with terms. 30 Grand ave N.. near Burnside. CH KVROLKT 3918 touring, same ns new ; will sacrifice and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Hurnsiue. DODGE touring. 1917, In fine condition: will sacrifice, $son and give terms or will consider trade. 30 Grand ave. N.f near Bu rnside. FORD, 1917 touring, like new; will sell $450 and give some terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. MAX W ELL roadster, in perfect rondit Ion. a bargain, $650. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. BUH'K runabout, a good knockabout car; good mechanical condition, a bargain, $350, with terms.