The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 17, 1918, Section One, Page 5, Image 5

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17, 1918.
American Editors Taken to See
Allies' Grand Fleet.
Without Fighting Monsters
Deep the War Would Have
Coded Long Ago.
of the
-. (Seventh Letter.)
LONDON. England. October IS. Edi
torial Correspondence.) The navai fic
tion that no one outside official circles
is to know the exact base of the grand
fleet is still extant. Everyone in fact
knows; for he has seen it. or certain
powerful units of It. at some port in
England, or Scotland, or Ireland, or
perchance on the high seas, looking or
waiting -for the chastened enemy that
skulks behind the barriers of Helgo
land or the invincible gates of the Kiel
The real location of the grand fleet
la anywhere in the world that a oer-
man battlefleet if there is really such
a thing aa a German battlefleet may
be found.
Of course, the combined Fritlsh and
American armada has to start from
somewhere, and go back to that same
or soma other somewhere, to get fuel
and supplies, or make repairs, or other
wise to keep the ships In a state of
constant readiness for the encounter
which never comes.
Jatlaad Battle Recalled.
To be sure, there Is Jutland, where
a number of German warships, out for
exercise, or on some other mission en
tirely foreign to the boasted Germar
Plan of challenging the British and
Americans to open combat on the seas,
tumbled into a company of British
cruisers in their daily hunt for some
thing to shoot at.
It was an unhappy mischance for the
German. He fought, indeed, and he
ran as fast as he could Then he beat
the British to the cable office, and
tent out a false account of a great
German victory. For a time the world,
which did not then understand the
devious methods of German propa
ganda as well as It docs now, thought
the grand fleet had met an outright
The truth appears to be that some
British ships were sunk, and some
German ships were sunk, and that the
Germans then got out of the way in
record time. They knew better than
to take the chance of a collision with
the capital ships of England. What
they had met was merely a cruising
Bombarding Towns Stopped.
There was that other time, too, when
In the process of terrorization by Ger
many, a favorite device of frightful'
ness was to bombard the defenseless
towns of the British Coast. In the gray
of a certain morning, the raiding Huns
ran smack into a lot of British battle
cruisers. What followed Is history. There was
a running fight, and the Blucber was
aunk, and other satisfactory casualties
were inflicted. Except for the Jut
land misadventure, the Germans have
since thought , it best to stay behind
the impregnable defenses of the shore
The British fleet Is prepared always
for action. . It scours the North Sea
and the North Atlantic Ocean day and
night. It makes war on the submarine,
so that it is 'now about one-fourth as
effective as it once was. There are
now about 6000 vessels in the anti
submarine division alone. It Is said
not to be permissible to give out fig
ures. But Admiral Sims, of the Amer
ican Navy, did It, the other day. in
a public speech: and his estimate is
given here Most of the 6000 belong
to the British navy.
Leatioa of Fleet Secret.
A feature of the Itinerary of the
American editors was to see the grand
fleet. The exact whereabouts of the
great battle organisation was pur
posely left in mystery. The editors
were not blindfolded and taken over
unknown routes to unknown waters to
their destination. Not that; but they
were asked to sign a pledge that they
would not divulge names, or places.
or numbers, or formations or technical
details of any kind.
Obviously, if they are to keep thelt
promise, they would be much handi
capped. It would seem to be small satis
faction to a Journalist to see a thing.
particularly to mighty a thing, if ha
is not to tell about it. It may be
done in general terms bo long as he
gives no information.
The fleet inspected by the editors was
In harbor, and not in the North Sea nor
the Atlantic The harbor was a large
harbor, a deep one and a well-protected
one. and a very busy one. There were
many warships there; more than one
and less than a thousand. There were
more, indeed, by many times than any
of the visitors had ever seen anywhere.
or ever expected to see. and mor prob
ably than ever were brought together
anywhere prior to this war. They were
at their stations in regular order,
waiting, waiting, waiting waiting for
something to turn up.
The Day" Always Awaited.
Every once In a while there is an
alarm. A squadron, or several squad
rons, are notified to get ready to sail
at a moment's notice. Perhaps they
get the word to go. perhaps they do
not. It is all practice. Or perhaps
there is actual notice, through actual
observations from the air. or from re
mote seas, that something is doing,
in the directions where the Germans
are known to be. and then away the
ships speed in search of the foe that
prefers to fight at a safe distance or
not at all. or to strike from behind or
beneath when he does strike.
It is wearing business. But the Brit
ish have kept pluckily at it for four
years and more, and the Americans for
one year and more. Some time there
may come the day. Every British and
American satlor hopes for it. prays for
it. dreams of It. He Is fit. and he
knows It. Re Is sure of the result.
But doubtless he would be Just as eager
for the test If he were not sure. It is
the British way. and the American
way, too.
You have but to go to Westminster
Atbey. or St. Paul's, or to other places
where Great Britain buries its heroic
dead, to see how its warriors of the sea
are honored. Tou have but to go to
me various parts of Great Britain, or
to walk the streets, or to visit places
where men congregate, to note how
paramount in the life and affairs of
the country the navy and navy men
are. Englishmen. Scotchmen and Irish
men exalt the sailor. He Is, and long
has been, and has ever proved to be,
the bulwark of the nation.
Ships Base Well Guarded.
The American editors came to a cer
tain city In the north, and then were
taken in a motorbus to, a landing place.
It was a Journey pastoral and peaceful,
even to its last stages. The first sight
of war's actualities except, of course,
uniformed men, wno are everywhere
was of several great searchlights and
anti-aircraft guns, located in the heart
of a vegetable garden. Then from the
top of a hill, through a vale In which
coursed a stream winding its placid
way among trees loaded down with the
beautiful foliage of Autumn in Eng
land or Scotland, as the case may be
was caught suddenly the sheen of dis
tant waters, in which lay a mighty
The editors went on. and the vision
Instantly disappeared. An aeroplane
came over the hills, and circled over
and around the moving car. quite ap
parently In Justifiable suspicion of the
approach of the visitors. Then a great
biplane soared slowly along, high in
the blue sky.
The silver white sides of an observa
tion balloon next caught the eye; and
then another and another, and more
anothers. We had already seen enough
of war to know that a great navy Is
not now merely an aggregation of
ships, but that balloons and aeroplanes
are their indispensable outposts. The
fleet was near.
IVaipi of the Waters Dreaded.
At the water there was a confused
flotilla of torpedo-boats, and destroy
ers and patrols, and other units of the
mosquito fleet. By what sad blunder
of popular definition did these dreaded
wasps of the waters become known as
mosquitoes? Some of them are as large
as light cruisers. All of them, of what
ever type, have had a share In the nec
essary work of running down the
skulking submarine. Without them the
war would long ago have been over.
Out In the harbor was a dreadnought.
the perfect Image If photography tells
anybody anything of that supreme
battleship, the Queen Elizabeth, which
nrst blazed her thunderous way
through mined waters toward the forts
of Galllpoll. It wasn't the Queen .Elis
abeth. She was long and low. and dark.
and terrible simple and clear in her
formidable outlines. Her great guns
peered out from their turrets; her
smaller guns lined her frownlns sides.
There was no motion, no stir, no sign
of life around her, except a launch or
two at her landing steps. At the stern
of the little boat flew an Admiral's
pennant. At her masthead waved an
other. Evidently she was the flagship.
There was no evidence whatever that
the advent of the editors had created
either excitement or consternation.
Near the flagship were other floating
and motionless monsters, much like
her. They were capital ships, each the
peer of anything afloat, and all togeth
er the unquestionable superiors. Be
yond was a long vista of lesser vessels,
big, little, fast, slow, modern, com
batant or noncombatant all organized
Into distinct units, for Instant and ef
ficient action.
As a picture it was perfect. As a
spectacle it was glorious. As a" lesson
it was an Incomparable exhibition of
national power. It was the culmina
tion of a thousand years of Great Brit
ain s mastery of the seas. No doubting
American who has wondered what
England has done in the war could fail
to find his answer here. It was com
plete, all-convincing, tremendous. This
fleet saved Great Britain from early
defeat. It saved the allied cause. It
made possible America's effective entry
Into the war. It Is the foundation and
backbone of the entire opposition te
Germany's plan to conquer the world.
The editors saw it all all that was
lying there waiting for the Germans to
come out. Perhaps they will; but the
British, and their allies, the Americans,
fear they will stay timorously at Kiel
and Helgoland to the end. The Ameri
can battleships were away on cruise.
But the visitors were not greatly dis
appointed. It was evidence that Ad
miral Rodman and his sailors were
there to work, a n d not t o play.
Surface Warships Must Be
Ready to Sail Tomorrow.
AH Submarines to Be Surrendered
on Monday, November 25.
Vessels Are Listed.
LONDON, Nov. 16. (British Wireless
Service.) The meeting of the German
naval delegates with the British naval
representatives took place on Friday
afternoon oft Rosyth on the coast of
Scotland. The German representatives
consist of three delegates from the sail'
ors' and sailors' council and four dele
gates from the people's council, includ
ing Rear-Admiral von Meurer. The sur
face warships which are to be eurren
dered have to be "ready to leave German
ports seven days after the signing of
the armistice. That is to say, Won
day, November 18.
The submarines which are to be sur
rendered must be "prepared to leave
German ports immediately on receipt
of a wireless order to sail to the port
of surrender and are to be handed
over "with full complement in a port
specified by the allies and the United
States within 14 days after the signing
of the armistice. That is Monday, No
vember 25.
So Destroyers Are Demanded.
All the submarines are to be surren
dered and of the surface warships ten
battleships, six battle cruisers, eight
light cruisers and 50 destroyers of the
most modern type are to be given up.
The ten battleships which it would
be natural to select are the Kronprinz
Wilhelm and Bayern, both new dread-
naughts completed since 1916; the
Mark Graf, Koenig and Grosser Kur
furst, of the Koenig dreadnaught class.
completed in 1914 and 1915, and the
Kaiser, Kalserln, Prinz Regent, Luit-
pold, Koenig Albert and Friedrlch der
Grosse, all dreadnaughts of the kaiser
class, completed in 1912 and 1913.
Five battle cruisers, the Derflinger,
Hindenburg, Seydlitz. Moltke and Von
Xer Tann, are apparently all that Ger
many has.
The armistice terms stipulate for the
surrender of six.
Eight of the most recent light cruis
ers are the Brummer, Bremen. Karls
ruhe, Pillau, Frankfurt, Nurenberg,
Koeln and Dresden.
It is only if neutral ports are not
available that the German warships
are to be brought for surrender to al
lied ports.
Neatrals Are Timorous. -
But there is reason to believe that
since the armistice was signed the
neutral powers have made it clear that
their ports are not likely to be avail
able for the irksome purpose' and there
Is no doubt that the surrendered Ger
man warships will be brought into al
lied ports.
Surface warships wnicn are lert to
Germany will be concentrated In one
or more of the German ports. They
will be paid off and completely dis
armed and will be under supervision of
a commission of surveillance appointed
for the purpose of the associated pow
ers. Regarding the German submarines
which fled before the revolutionaries
and took refuge in Swedish waters
there is no doubt they will to be
Regarding the Black Sea arrange
ments are now being made for the
surrender of all ships in German hands.
It seems now to be practically certain
they .will be surrendered without
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Kansas Man Wins From Meehan In
Four-Round Event.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 16. In one
of the fiercest four-round fights ever
staged here, Fred Fulton, of Kansas,
tonight won a decision over Willie
Meehan. of San Francisco. They slug
ged their way through every one of the
four rounds.
Meehan centered his attack on Ful
ton's body, while the latter concen
trated on Meehan's face with a con
stant succession of straight lefts.
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