The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 17, 1918, Section One, Page 20, Image 20

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: Chamber of Commerce Seeks
to Develop Logged-Off Land.
Inadequate Means of Approach Are
Largely Responsible for Lat-
ent Condition.
. , . .fc.,-i. r v vnrld
With the best thought of the worm
centered upon tne prooiems oi
atructlon and with leaders of con-
v.. . i. .,j,.i-
structive ability in America studMng
what this country can and should do
to open the road of opportunity to the
returning; soldiers. Oregon possesses in
a large measure the advantage oi
latent natural resources. Recognizing
this. the development section of the
Chamber of Commerce has been active
ly enaaited in laying the groundwork
to take a leading part In the movement
to develop the loaged-off and burnt
avi InH r thin state.
V. x.- i- c f h.
- -
Interior, under data of May 31, called
the attention of the, President to the
acricultural possibilities of the logged-
off lands of Oregon and Washington
as a part of the lands of this char-
acter available for reclamation and
colonization. In this connection he
"Substantially, all this cm-over or
Iozged-off land is in private owner-
ship. The failure of this land to be
developed is largely due to inadequate
methods of approach. Unless a new
policy of development Is worked out
In co-operation between the federal
Government, the states and the indt-
vidua! owners a greater part of it
will remain unsetled and uncultivated.
The undevelued cut-over lands He
chiefly in the Pacific Northwest (par-
ticularly In Washington and Oregon).
in the lake states (Minnesota. Mich -
lean and Wisconsin), and in the South
Atlantic an Gulf Coast states Vir -
glnia. North Carolina, soutti Carolina,
ieorgia, Florida. Ala ha ma, Mississippi,
Louisiana and Texas."
Serrelarv Lane nointed out that the
Plan he proposes does not contemplate
anything like charity to the soldier.
nor should he be made to icel mat
he Is in any sense a dependenL On"
the contrary, it was the idea that
tha soldier might continue in a sense
in the Government service to develop
resources. Alter the land Is developed
the soldier would have a chance in re-I
turning to private life to buy a home
for which he would pay under system
or devising entirely compatible with
the operation of modern financial af-
fairs, and It would be a home well im-
proved. tha producing capacity o'
which would insure the ultimate sue-1
cess of the family that made it home.
It was in accord with this senti-1
ment that progressive men and women
., . . t . i . : I
inrou5Doui tno cuuniry miim I
months ago In studying- ana planning 1
development methods and enlisted puo-i
lie interest. In the Western states this I
has been accomplished through the ag- I
ricuitural colleges, heads of educa-
tlonal institutions and the commercial
and trade organizations. In Or
it has had the thought of labor lead-
crs, as well as the attention of state
officials, commercial and clvio bodies. I
The commonwealth conference held in
orsanizea expression ot tne movement
ana tne uregon ian ,-etiienieni tom-1
mission lnauguratea plans mat navel
become the ideal of the Pacific Coast I
anil inter. mountain state in making
their initial plana for carrying for-
ward their shara in the National
Data la Cemplled.
George Quayle, heading the develop-
ment section of the Portland I Chamber
ui v-ummercv. nas cumiJiicu ui uuiu
the most authoritative sources showing
off lands in the state of Oregon. The
investigation reveals that ther la .1.
investigation reveais mat mere is ai
most I.oou.uuu acres ot agricultural
lands In these divisions alone within
this state, and 1.IS6.177 acres of valu-1
able pasture lands in connection with
the land suited to farming In these
. ,1,1, .k. .
areas. In this there is a latent
resource of immense value, capable of
ms-lntaining a very large population.
There is another great area in Ore-
ion. not taken Into account In these
figures, that may be brought under
intensive- production by means of ir-
n ration, but which will be the aub-
Ject of future consideration. I
In this connection it is interesting
to note that in the accompanying table
showing the acreage of land available
for development, there ia no loggred-off
or burnt-over lands of any moment in
the counties of Morrow, Sherman,
Wheeler or Gilliam, but in these areas
are large bodies of land capable of
maintaining a very much larger popu
lation' than at present resides within
their boundaries.
The total area of burnt-over and
logred-off lands in Oregon is 2.668.402.
of this. 41.550 acres is suitable only for
grazing purposes, or at least portions
are of some value for that use.
The larger areas of the lands adapted
to agriculture are in the counties bor
dering the Columbia River and along
the Pacific Ocean, in the counties of
Columbia, Clatsop, Washington, Mult
nomah. Clackamas, Tillamook, Lane,
Douglas. Lincoln. Coos and Curry.
With advantages of water and rail
transportation adapted by climatic con
ditions to dairying, stockraislnit. general
farming, and with good roads gener
ally constructed forming. the main art
eries for local traffic, every element for
intensive development Is possessed.
mated Pop
County u:ation.
I laker. 20.J75
Kenton 13.243
Clackamas. 5.81
Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres
Tot.! Improved Timbered Burnt and Agri- Pas
Area, Area. Area. Logged. turaL turaire.
1. 58.400 116.10 487.509 81.378 81.376
440.220 70.054 168.(27 4.560 1.390 3.170
1.192.960 102.418 500.440 100.000 10.000 60,000
525.440 (.274 359.120 123.530 (1,765 30,000
423.(80 16.000 180.095 200.000 70.000 100.000
1.041.920 32.947 387.159 262.965 100,000 110.000
780.048 72.073 130.251 3.000 3.000
958.720 3.500 414.738 91.000 10.000 40.000
3.150.0S0 9S.070 l.Sul.224 470.000 240.000 115.000
1.928.077 55.558 305.279 20,306 20.306
3.892.800 41.045 1.111.353 8.987 1.000 7.987
(.357.120 583.141 537.(78 3.000 .'. . 3.000
347.520 23.180 153.000 30,000 8,000 18.000
1.816.040 115.000 1.145.439 32.000 10.000 22.000
530.290 150.245 122.178 3.000 500 2,500
1.120.(40 22.791 - 501.590 52.000 10.000 35,000
3,840.000 100.000 1,777.000 40.000 4.600 30.000
5.0(8.800 ' 179.135 1.0S3.301 3.100 3.100
2.951.(80 . 125.932 1,690.509 200,000 50.000 140.000
(45.120 7.512 233.080 75.000 " 25.000 50,000
1.435.520 203.0S1 753.310 60.000 10.000 20.000
(.325.120 240.194 125.553 338 100 238
764.1(0 190.358 160.000 15.000 2.600 11.600
288.(40 37.818 94.000 , 90.240' 40.920 40.000
453.760 133.211 158.U25 34.000 10,000 20,000
720.000 18.100 416.983 110.000 20,000 80.000
2. W0.720 (70.298 202.71 100.000 ... 80.000
1.335.(80 154.526 3(7.1(3 150.000 20.000 100,000
2.012.800 101.3(5 - 608.640 40.000 10.000 20.000
1,499.520 203.086 346.980 25.000 5.000 15.000
4(7.840 120.840 155.240 150.000 75.000 75.000
456.960 133.128 ' 100.136 100.000 35.000 60.000
,;.7i?,3T5 4,127.730 16,618,311 3,66S,lo3 S30,75 1,386,177
Clatsop 25.000
Columbia... 12.20
Douglas. ...
Iteschutes. .
Hood River.
Jackson. .
Jefferson.. .
Josephine.. ,
Klamath. . .
Malheur. . . ,
7. $15
Marion. ,
Multnomah. 335.000
Xamhill. .. .
IS. 694
WASHINGTON. Nov. 15. Casual
ties reported today number 1075,
as shown in
the following
classified summary:
Killed la action .
Lost at aea
Died of wounds
Died of disease .
Died of accident
Reported. Today. Total
...13.267 202 13.4S9
.... BOS ... 3!8
... 8.208 15 5,3rt2
... s.esa 173 5.S20
... 1.4.i 4 1.463
Total deaths 26.00
Wounded 40.308
MiMflnc and prisoners... 7.505
535 2S.M1
273 40.KM
267 7.772
Total casualties 73.818 1,078 74.894
Kendrtrk, William fc-. Mrs. Elizabeth Ken
dries. Buhl, Idaho. ...
Carisosj, Arthur k. LieoO. Mra, Anna carl-
I son. 1315 17th St.. Anscortes. Wash.
I Amellnl. Giovanni. Seattle, wasn.
I Lopes. Eurenlo R.. Wlllcox, Arts.
Reeves, Jake. Hoxle, Ark.
California, ,
Adams, H. H. Corp.). Oakdale. Cal.
I Woodward, Earl Corp.). Lathrop. cat.
I .. -, T l( Huntlniton
Park. Cal.
M"ln. Leon (Ueot.). ?ere1"' CV,ra.
Robertson. David M. (Lieut.), Ban Dieeo.
Gard iY,nk j. (Lteut-. ciendora, CaL
Miller. Oscar F. (Major). Los Angeles,
j-- AVtrf"mur?-Colo.
i tonnertlcat.
I McManus, Otto, Bridgeport. Conn.
u deTconn.
- I ; Illinois.
I Wood. Frank (Lieut.). Chicago.
1 . 1. 1 . ' ri,l,..,v TIL
".XZV w.min. ill.
- 1 Davj a p. cconlo.' Peoria. I1U
Hllliard. Win.. -Wayne City. Jiu
L- H. V.. Chicago. II!.
1 Nelson, H. L., Lisbon. III.
I Schultz. Lewis, Glenwood. III.
V;hn. Thad. Alton. 111.
Fn,emU Ry F paris, fn.
Lindsay. N. M.. Flat Kock. 111.
Miosi. In"io. Chicago,
Mitchell. Themas. Aurora. I1L
jieCulloush. Leroy A. (Lieut.). Chicago,
I Indiana.
worsham. Eiilah w. (Cant.). Evansville. Ind.
Hasket. M. TV, Terre Haute, Ind.
Wallace. W. B.. Frankfort. Ind.
Randall. L. D., English. Ind.
Tale. Eugene. Evansville. Ind.
ciennweod. la.
WMtilnK- j. r. (Corp.). Topeka. Kan.
Brown, g. M.. (Corp.). Lebanon. Kan.
Morris. L. E. (Corp.). Oarnett. Kan.
Slaymaker, Harry B. (Lieut.), Peabody, Kan.
"'", .a, lnepe.n l"ce,Kfn,n"
I ""-'""
... ,-.- ,rrnii peiiviiie. Ky.
1 Llttreil. Wm . New Liberty. Ky.
i Davis. Robert A.. Harttora. ky.
j Better, wiiuam. mi. ivy.
1 Louisiana.
Roy. Odis, Bunkle. La.
I Maine.
I Liirvey, Lester J., East Harbor, Me.
' , ",y
church A B (Corp,,. M.-.rblehead. Mass.
jn Giovanni. Springfield. Mass.
Glbello, Carlo, Northampton, Mass.
Newland. Chaa J. (Lieut.). Cadillac, Mich.
Karns. P. C. Hastings. Mich,
Tu,y F Manque
NUon Mmllon 1IllM.,et Mlch.
Barnes. William. Carsonville. Mich,
Reese. H. R. (Corp.). Stordan. Minn.
Quarnstrom, R. T . Starndquist. Minn,
Hlethen, E. A.. Minneapolis. Minn.
n. "
Madson. Feemond O, Albert Lea, Mine,
Patrick. Allen. Stonewall. Miss.
1...... fhri. Kn Kiower. Misa.
Baldorf, S. M. (Corp.), St. Louis. Mo.
Brady, J. w. (Cook), St. Louis, aio.
Aoama, fc wim.
J l-lrL.:.Jl
Blanton Jesse. St. Louis.
Gp(f. Io T.. Richmond Heights. Mo.
Goodwin. Ray. Laclede, Mo.
Owlngs. Wlllard, Dadevllle. Mo.
Ponder Hubert L.. Doniphan. Mo.
stark, Morris J, W eTlston. Mo.
Akerson. A. E, Ong. Neb.
Stickler. Harley. Franklin, Neb.
Pfe"f1f. Martin A., Ellwood. Neb.
Ll.enbee. Joseph L. Omaha.
Nlcoll. Fancher (Capt). New Tork.
I Foster. H. K, (Capt.), New Rochelle, I T.
" lr" "rty f; , h""'-':. "f.r"Lm"- l-
McGllnchey. William Joseph (Sgt.). Brook-
lyn. N. V.
Angove, William H. (CorpL). Jamestown,
New Tork.
Newman. II. J. (Corp.). PSerburne.' I. I.
Bergonxl. A. W. (Cook). New Tork.
b (Corn.), utica. N. Y.
Alur,ght. c . E .(Corp.). Syracuse N. T.
Mccauley. Ed. (Corp.), Ctlca. N. Y.
Phillips. A. C. fflech.). Vtica. N. Y.
Abramowlts. A. H.. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Anderson. E. P, Richmond. N. Y.
Anlkowlak. . J. A, Schenectady. Y.
Cr,ncavlla; Jonn. Syracuse. N. Y.
Moore. C C, Felconer, N. Y.
Sanders. D. M, Blscoe. N. Y.
Struebing, C D, Buffalo. N. I.
Milkman. E. H, New York,
i',!'.c - A 7.Jv,.v
f.",, Brooklyn. N. Y.
ji,nion. J. H.. Glendale. N. T.
Alllsnn. John W, New York.
Ambers. John. Brooklyn. .
conen. ,co,?;11,;,'w,orf;
Gallagher. William H, Albany. N. T.
Lynch. Thoa, Haverstraw, . t.
Malett. Leo E.. Flatbush, N.' Y.
Marron, William. Utica. N. Y.
Marzullo. Michael, ML Vernon. N. T.
Miner. Olin D, Rse, N. Y.
Quinn. Archie 8, Ctlca, N. Y.
Rellly, James J, Kingston. N. T.
Goldstein, Philip, Brooklyn,
fell. Edward L, New York.
i Bingham. M. D-. Utlca. . Y.
Gardner. Alexander M, Brooklyn.
. New Jersey.
Yeomans. D. S. (Wag.). Rldgewood. N. J.
Trestralt. Fred J. ( Lieut. ). Jersey City.
Terhune, Elmer 8. (Lieut.), Newark. N. J.
Borcher. a C. (Lieut.). Newark. N. J.
Ramatowaki. Felix. Peterson. N. J.
Mackenzie. Fred A, Bayonne. N. J.
Siertn Carotin.
Macon. W. O. (Corp.). Louisburg, N. C
Irvin. L. C. (Corp.), Huntersvllle. N. C.
Ellis, Walter B. (Sgt.). Burlington. N. C.
James. Thos. J. (Lieut.), Ferguson, N. C
Bumpus, J. J.. Enfield. N. C.
Wall. J. II, Rendleman. N. C.
Wood. Lovett J, Dunn. N. C.
Gofortb, Col, Marshall. N. C
North Dakota.
Wlnkley. C. T, Jamestown. N. D.
A-hor. C. L, Wyoming, O.
oogara. tv in. ri., loweli. U.
Mann, Allen R.. Columbus, O.
McClure, Melvln C. Holmeavllle, O.
Fremano. Llusslgl, Crestline, O.
Edwell, Donald. Kent, O.
Boehm. Edward H.. Marion. O.
Lawrence, D. A., Cleveland, O.
Mattlock. J. W., Mursden, Okla.
Akers, John B., Hoyt, Okla.
Jay, Sam, Hartshorn, Okla.
Penney I vanls.
Runn. David (CaDUI. Wayne. Pa,
Norman. Milton J. (Lieut.). Sunbury. Pa.
Tegle, Earl H. ( Bn. SgU-MaJ.), Easton,
.Mundls. David W. (SkL). Hellam. fa.
Taylor. Benjamin F., Jr. (Sgt.). Wllkesbarre,
nturnet. larl (Corpl. ), foltsiown. ri.
Miller. Edwin D. (Corpl.). Orefield, Pa.
Mclntvre. W. M. (Corn ). W'llkinsburc. Pa.
Pepperman. W. R. (Corp.). Williamsport,
reters, p. j. (Corp.), Easton. i .
Myers. M. W., Lewlston. Pa.
Shaner, E. C, Leechberg. Pa.
Trombetta. Jas., Philadelphia, Pa.
Wlnlewicx, Stanley, Pittsburg. Pa.
Mundekls Frank. Pittsburg, Pa.
Kriipp, C. S., Trumaursvllle, Pa,
Large, Harry, Doylestown, Pa.
Fusett, Enrico, Beaver Falls. Pa.
Grosso, Antonio. Wliersing. Pa.
Meade, John P., Butler. Pa.
Nunemacher. Alien A., Tower City, Pa.
O'Donnell, Owen B., Beaverdale, Pa.
Painter. Samuel A., Johnstown, Pa.
Polk. William G.. Blalrs Mills. Pa.
Raymond. Peter P., Vandergrlft, Pa.
Soder, William F.. McKeesport, Pa.
Rhode Island.
Goujon, Joseph A., Pawtucket, R, I,
Sooth Dakota.
Jorgenson. Elnar. Mina, S. D.
Patterson. Joseph H., Waverly, Tenn.
Klmbrough. Charley C. Fllntvllle. Tenn.
Chilson. Carl A (Get.). Nashville. Tenn.
Wright. O. E. (Corp.), Trosky, Minn.
Davis. T. L., Sharps Cbapel, Tenn.
Mantes, Joe, Lampasas. Tex. '
Robbina. Isham C. Quitman. Tex.
Castro, Fldenclo D-, Brackettville, Tex.
Jaggy. F..J., Lemlng. Tex.
France, Jas. W. (Lieut.). Charlottesville, Va.
Davis, L. B., Redwood. Va.
Lucas, Mason, Pembroke. Va,
West Virginia.
Spangler, Howard (Sgt.). Peterstown. W. Va.
Whorton. Elbert. Moundsvllle. W. Va.
White, Dayton. Wymer. W. Va.
Jones, Sam., Kanosba, Wis.
District ef Columbia.
Arnold. Wm.. New Washington. D. C.
Bellmore. Abe, Washington, t. C.
McRae, Donald J.. "storm Rosshire, 'Scotland,
Emerson. A. C. (Corp.). Boise, Idaho.
Kvist. Oscar R., Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Madera, Arthur P. Mllbank. Idaho.
Levlen. H. R. (Corp.). Blaine. Wash.
Morrow, William. Yakima. Wash.
Salgado. Alfredo, Tucson, Ariz.
one, jasper, B'ebe, Ark.
Prultt, Edward M. Ozark. Ark.
Lynch, L. S. (Lieut. . Alameda, Cal.
Combs. E. M, (Corp.), Fresao. Cal.
O'Hara, Thos. V. (Corp.), San Francisco.
Johnson, John A,- Santa Ana, CaL.
Pasbote, Jno. E, Milpltas, CaL.
Wurts, Edward E, Denver, Colo.
Paris. Apostolos P. (Corp.). Bridgeport, Conn.
Humphreys, Wm. J. (Corp.), Menla, Ga.
Barber Timothy L. (CapL), Chicago.
McLaughlin, R. H. (Capt.), Chicago.
Parker, Ralph (Corp.). Warsaw. I1L
Crofut, Glen A. (Corp.). Chicago.
Olson. Walter A, Rock Island, IIL
Parker. Harold, DeKalb, III.
Paasow, Wm. F, Chicago, III.
Waidley, George, Aurora. 111.
Walker, William, Falrbury. III.
Wroble, Joseph. Chicago. IIL
Beck. William R, Windsor. IIL
Johnson. George, Rockford, III.
Lyncn, James Rockford. 111.
Wiersbicki, John J, Chicago.
V Indiana-
Hoffman. R. H. (Corp.). Commlskv. Ind.
Montgomery. D. I. (Corp.), Terre Haute, Ind. William s. Green, Ind.
Parks, Ebon W.. Mlshawaka. Ind.
Neborgall. Cleo, West Terre Haute," Ind.
Auler. Henry, Alexandria, Ind.
Aslingar. Calvin, .ijt. Atnvllle. Ind.
Dunsbargen, Dick (Corp.), Newton, la,
Dvorak, J. E. (Corp.), ML Vernon. Ia.
Dyrland, W. (Corp.). Calmar. Iowa.
Haney. Merle (Corp.). Llbcrtyville. Ia.
VanVeen, John, Pella, la.
Avery, Dee. Shell Rock, la.
Kanaa. '
Fuller.' BenJ. A (Corp.), Pittsburg. Kan.
Lemmie, Fred H. (Corp.), Allen. Kan.
Kauzek. E. A. (Corp.). Wichita, Kan.
Fylton, Chas. G, Culba, Kan.
Gossmann, Karl 1L. Elllnwood. Kan.
Dewes, Richard (Corp.). Lily, Ky.
Perry, Harlan (Corp.). Wrigley. Ky.
George E. S. (Corp.), Louisville, Ky.
LeBond,' Edmond. Auburn, Me.
Lantz, Joseph T, Arlington, Md.
Walsh. Reginald. Baltimore. Md.
Stack. Charles C, Baltimore. Md.
Pitcher, Ruban A, Westminster, Md.
Walsh. James L, Boston, Mass.
Polkowskl, Joseph. Three Rivers, Mass.
McLaughlin, Charles, Shrewsberry, Mass.
McCormlck. E. F. (Sergu). Cooks, Mich.
Kolndorfer, F. J. (Corp.). Lansing, Mich.
?kuu. t.mar tuorp.), ironwooo, Mich.
Vannatter. R. C. (Corp.). Watervlle't, Mich.
Egleston, Lewis David, Lansing, Mich.
Bennett. William, Detroit. Mich.
Pappas. Christ. Pontiac. Mich.
Ciemenshaw. J. R, Luther, Mich.
Bottom, Joseph (Corp.), St. James, Minn.
Grodzickl, A. B. (Corp.), Jvanhoe, Minn.
Hadtrath. Byron J, Ortonvllle, Minn.
Phillips, Nick M, St. . Paul. Minn.
DeFoe. John. Cloquett, Minn.
Costello J. M. (Corp.). Boston. Mass.
Jackson. G. W. (Wagoner), Mountain, Miss.
I Missouri.
Pleus. Oliver H. (Corp.). St. Louis. Mo.
Romey, Morris E. (Corp.). Salem. Mo.
Nlda, Arthur W. (Corp.), Deepwater, Mo.
Thomas. Albert E. (Corp.), Dearborn, Mo.
Eaves. Edward. St. Louis. Mo.
Riley. Jos, St. Louis, Mo.
Lawrence. Edward Jos., SL Marys, Mo,
Smith. Chas. N. (Corp.). Clancy, Mont.
Smith. Benjamin C, Hamilton, Mont.
Bakker, Johannes. Elder. Mont.
VanSklver, Prank. Nelson. Neb.
Kacln, Joseph, Clarkson, Neb.
Newman. Jno. E. (Corp.), Carson City, Nev.
New York.
walker. Jno. w. .(.sergt.). New York.
McGovera. A. J. (Sergt.). Troy. N. Y.
r unt. A. i. (uorp.. uittie f alls. N. Y.
Archer Frederick u. (Corp.). New York.
Bllletdoux. H. J. (Corp.), Hudson Falls, N. Y,
Bishop, Joseph (Corp.). New York.
Cargin. A. E. (Corp.). Hanklns, N. Y.
Hansel, Chas L. (Corp.), New York.
Maybury, K. T. (Corp.). New York.
Davis, Fred H. (Corp.). llion, N. Y.
Downey, Eddie, Lockport, N. I.
Ennls,' John W, Brooklyn.
Jervls, Arthur, Middletown. N. Y.
Logue, Thomas, Brooklyn, N. Y.
New Jersey.
Mack. Francis, Jersey City, N. J.
Harrison. Walter A, Beverly, N. J.
Halloway, James, Vincentown, N. J.
North Carolina.
Joyner, Lewis (Corp.), Rockymount, N,
Green, Arthur, Elk Park, N. . C.
North Dakota.
GJerston, Ingvald. Wolford, N. D.
Miller. Geo. W. (Corp.), Dayton, O.
Struma, G. J. (Corp.), Cincinnati.
Collins. Chaa C. (Corp.), Huntsville, O.
Johnson. Gay. Elyria,. O.
Heine, Allen F, West Park. O.
Allen, Jno. S, Cleveland, O.
Wise. Elmo C, Bradford, O.
O'Bremskl, Walter J, Cleveland. O.
Klein. Victor L, Cleveland, O.
Berry. Lemuel L. (Corp.). Afton. Okla.
Jayne, Wm- w- (Corp.), Ames, Okla,
Gibson. Chas. H. (Sergt.), Kensington. Pa.
Cilento, Glaclnto (Corp.), Conleysvllle, Pa.
Cuneo. Chas. E. (Corp.), Force, Pa.
Lackhove. Harry F. (Corp.), Mercersburg, Pa,
Vlshnlfsky. Fred (Corp.). ConneJlaville, Pa.
Jones, c. H. .tuorp.i. aicfieesport. fa. .
Walther. C. T. (Corp.). Pittsburg. Pa-
Smith. Oliver J. (Corp.), Mlllmont. Pa.
Balnbrldge. H. C. (Corp.). .Philadelphia,
Kelly, uaniei it. Mi. ritasant, t'a.
Wilson, Leonard B, .Bellevue, Pa,
Kotith Carolina,
Turteltaub. S. D. (Lieut.). C harleston. S. C
Caldwell. Wm. F. (LieuL). Chester, S. C.
Jefferson. W. (Corp.), McColl; S. C.
Slegler. Jos. Jr. (Corp.), Aiken, S. C
Adair, Rayford. Greenville. S. C
Rogers. Melvln C, Marion. S. C.
Rabun, Hub, Cool Springs, 6. C.
. . , . South Dakota.
Anderson, Edward, HarUord. S. D.
- Tennessee.
Hickey, C M. (Curp.), Kuaxviile, Tenn,
rrguson, John 11, Mwauow. lenn.
Taylor, Edward, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Brewer, Leoard T, Manning, Tenn.
Texas.- '
Johnson, Homer B. (Corp.), Cameron, Tex.
Landers. H. B. (Corp.). Ennls. Tex.
McDonald, C. C. (Corp.), Electra. Tex.
Pasket, Waltep.(Corp.). Erwin, Tex.
Kohler, Louis. Oakland, Tex,
Jensen. Jno. Martin. Meridian, Tex.
' Virginia.
Williams. Lee (Corp.). St. Charles, Va,
Wright. Richard D, Rocky Mount, Va.
Payne, Ira L. Richmond. Hanrlco Co, Va.
West Virclnla.
Lamp,' A! via C. (Corp.),. Ulengary, W. Va.
Woolford, H. E. (Lieut.), Green Bay, Wis.
Terragella. Joe (Corp.), Prov. Dl Traplno,
. Italy.
Caruso, Mike (Corp.), Prov. Venvenata, Italy.
Seeley, Chas. A, Calgary, Alta, Can.
Neutenf, Jno. B, Leamington, Ont, Can
Blackburn.' John, Soda Springs. Idaho.
Barratt. Jno. C. (Corp.). DuQuoln. 111.
Malliaux, ' Arthur, Pawtucket. R. I.
Bell. Kenneth (LieuL). Pasadena, Cal.
Jones, Lee H.a Natchez, Ala.
Bonds, Albert T, Red Bay, Ala.
Styres. Lucius. Talladega, Ala.
Thomas, James A, Greensboro, Ala,
Dawson, Henry J, Kingston. Ala.
Frits, George. Sacramento. Cal.
Bennett. Charles, Oakland. CaL
Johnson E. H (Wagoner), Julesburg, Colo.
Collins. Tnomas L, Boone. Colo.
Moriarty, Jno. J, Hartford. Conn,a
Simmons. Clarence. Groveland. Fla.
Harrold, Grady. Perry, Ga.
Gates, Walter, O'Dessa-Dale. Ga,
Fulwood, Oscar, Mont Rose, Ga.
Crumley, Gen, Leaf. Ga.
Clark, David, Ways Station, Ga.
Bell. Robert, Berner, Ga.
ioungblood, Alvln P, Gronetown, Ga.
Williams, Gordon, Ray City, Ga.
Washington, John W, Bamesville, Ga,
I vt asnington
IMcCune, Ja
, Heintz. Ver
James A. (Corp.). Chicago.
rnon G, Chicago.
Ely. Roger L, Clinton. 111.
Ballweg, Charles J., Springfield, 111.
Keehner, Arch F, Jerseyyille, HI.
Zanello, Luigi, Chicago.
f' .uel (Iers'r)' N'ashvflle, Ind.
Kaiser, Carl H, Patricksburg. Ind.
Garblson. Clifford F., Ora, Ind.
Friday. Leo W., Chesterton, Ind,
I Conner, Ernest. Muncie. Ind.
Worland, Russcl Z, Shelbyvllle, Ind.
I Benson, Jos. A, Marshalltown, la.
1 Williams, Floyd F, Webster City. la.
Kennedv. Louie J.. Rockwell City. la.
Witt. Arthur G, Hawarden, la.
I NiCkerson, Donald.. Sioux City, la.
Knitter. George. Ash ton. Ia.
Delaney, Mory L, Decorah, la.
IJohannesen. Fred. Lakeland, Kan.
Frye, Charles. Chanute. Kan.
Wilson. Jno, Topeka, Kan.
Rice, Layman. Topeka. Kan.
Perkins, Ira E, Oil Hill. Kan.
Kentucky. .
MeClaln, Fred B, Concord. Ky.
Karman, Wm. Andrew; Bellvue, Ky,
Adklns, . RuMice. Sutton. Ky.
Gandy, Guy, Shreveport, La.
Pfeff. H. J, Jr. (Lieut.). Baltimore, Md.
Beennet, M. R (Musician), Frederick,
Md. i
Hossback, Jos. A, .Baltimore, Md.
Woodson, Allaire E, Silver Spring, Md.
Kells, Maud Victoria (Nurse) Sheffield, Mass.
Keefe. An. E. (bergt.), f armingnam, iuasa
Hickey, Joseph W;,-Showsbury, Mass.
Murphy James Joseph, Webster, Mass.
O'Toole, Jeremiah. J, Brighton. Mass.
Boltwood, Lucius C, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Rethwlsch, Allen. Frazer. Mich.
Thorsby, Homer C, Grand Blanc, Mich.
Theis. Leo J, Fowler. Mien.
Herman, Stephen E, Sherwood, Mich.
Neu, Antony, Caledonia, Minn.
Miller. Eddie B, Braham. Mlnot
LaG-rbloom. Arthur A, Chlsholm, Minn.
Nessenson. William A.. Ronneby. Minn. -
Nieminen, Michael, Automba, Minn.
Seidensplnner, Chas. L, Fort Adams, Miss.
Dooley, Carl (Corp.), Norborne, Mo,
Hathaway, Guy Andrew, Wilson Springs, Mo,
Still, Hiram L, New Cambria, Mo.
Payne. Jno. T.. Elston. Mo.
Osborn, Earl L, St. Joseph, Mo.
Tolsma, Wleger, Shepherd, Mont.
Davis. Lute, Gold Hilis, Nev.
Northrop, Leslie N, Giltner, Neb.
Nelson, Carl A, Omaha, Neb.
New lork.
Holt, Harold B. (Sergt.). Haverstraw. N.
Bartholomew. Harold' G, Delhi,' N. Y.
Galvln, Joseph Anthony, Middletown, N. Y.
Davis, Will E, Dunkirk, N. i.
McCauley, James A.. Brooklyn.
Mueller, Albert L, Rochester, N. Y.
Kieninger. Otto J, Brooklyn. N. X.
Winston. Chaa, Greene. N. Y.
Tlbbils, Clifton. New York.
White. Raymond P, Syracuse. N. T.
Wynne, Edward M, Lockport. N. Y.
Zacky, Victor, White Plains. N. Y.
Rothbarth, Walter J, Buffalo, N. Y.
Halpern, Jacob, Brooklyn, N. Y.
ew Jersey.
Naughton, S. J. (Corp.). Passlac. N. J.
Bledenthal, Jocab L.. Atlantic City, N.
Amendola. Fravnto, Newark, N. J.
London, Phil, Trenton, N. J.
Karam, Darwin L, West Orange, N. J,
Callen. Walter E, Trenton. N. J.
North Carolina-
Anderson. Elbert, Wilkesboro, N. C.
Moore, James O, Scotland Neck, N. C
McWhlrter, Arthur C, Waxbaw. N. C.
Woodcock, John A, Ivanhoe, N. C
Walston. Lafayette. Elm City, N. C.
Edwards, Elisha. Macclesfield. N. C.
Vickers, . Isaac G. (Sergt.), Bridgeport.
Routzhen, Frank (Corp.), Dayton, O.
Ladow, Hugh (Corp.), . Fullerton, O.
Hottinger. zennie, uranviue, v.
Frazler, Charles W, Wilmington, Q.
McKlnley, Asa ai., Alice, u.
Mangen, Raymond L, Yorkshire. O.
McManea, Albert B, Beaver, O.
Kelffer. Dwlght. Howard. . O.
Trout, Clifford, Rockbridge, O.
Oiler, Harry F, Toledo. O.
Knoch, Walter o Whipple, O.
Malone, Dudley D, New Wilson. Okla.
Perkins. Charley H, Tertlon, Okla.
Yarborough, Charles. Wynnewood, Okla,
I Ferner, EL P. (Sergt.), Johnstown, Pa.
Herman. J. u. (Mecn.). i'niiadeiphia.
IFrv. Kenneth K, lrwln. Fa.
Buley. William W, Clifton Heights, Pa,
I Houser. jonn rc, setnienem. feu
Kachik, George jr.. Clarence, Fa.
I Herron, James P., Ardmore, Pa.
Kelly, Frank J, JermJn, Pa.
Shlrey, Jas L, Clearfield. Pa.
Klster, Frank. Philadelphia,- Pa.
Misktel, Frank, Gettysborough, Pa.
Morris. Jno. T, Philadelphia, Pa.
Nieklow. Get, Fayette Co, Pa. .
Relchard. Raymond. Allentown. Pa.
Rlzzelll. Fraak, West Hickory, pa.
TaVlor. Robent. Norrlstown. Pa.
Wlthrow, Fred F, Ligonler, Pa.
Kaioson, Ralph, vv ayne Co, Pa.
Walsh, Edward J, Scran ton. Pa.
Taylor, William James, Harrlsburg, Pa.
Tanner, Donald P, Peckville, Pa.
Newman, Ira G, Elklick, Pa.
Brogley, Howard A, Reading, Pa.
Rhode Island.
Russlllo, Antonio. Providence, R. X.
Sontb Carolina.
Ingraham, Andrew, Cberan, - 6. C.
Watson, Samuel C, Greenwood, S. C
Rast, Simpson D, Cameron. S. C,
Boyd. George, Camden. 8. C.
South Dakota.
Bruget, Oscar, Volln. S. D.
Carlson, Emil H, Ethan, S. D.
Crittenden. C. D. (Corp.), ML Juliet, Tenn.
Gray, Emery J, Talbott. Tenn.
Brann. Cayce F, McDonnell, Ten.
Oakley. Frank C, White Bluff, Tenn.
Carlisle, Jno. C. (Corp.), .GIddings, -Tex.
Cato,' James B, Electra, Tex.
Macon. Robert W.. Ganado, Tex.
May,-Jones, W'bitewright, Tex.
Click. Otto L, Click. Tex.
Bluett. JiVllllam, Delia. Tex.
. Utah.
Jones, John E, WiDard, Utah.
Garner, Wilson D, Hoadley, Va.
Brewer, Leonard, Fitzhugh, Va.
' West Virginia.
Goodpasture, William E, Atkins. W. V.
Zarter, Karl (Corp.), Oshkosh, Wis.
Joyce, Edward, Greenwood, Wis,
Ness. Kalmar I, Clayton. Wis.
Himmel. William J, Curtlss, Wis.
Holmes. Martin William, Racine, Wis.
- Wyoming.
Bertram, John, Gillette, Wyo.
District of Columbia.
Seros, S, B, (Horseii6er;, Washington, Dt C.
, i
Biggest Auto Value on the
Oregon Motor Car Co.
Newton, H. J. (Corp.). Chase. B. C, Can.
Farris, Carmine, Abruzzi, Italy.
Harris Frank V, Hollister, Idaho.
Baker. McCleveland, Canoe, Ala.
Smith, Joe, Lane tt, Ala.
I Phillips, Walter C, Milan, Ga,
i fiitnnis
Murohy. John. Chicago, 111.
Smith, Isaac Coal City, III.
Hughes, Thomas J, Baltimore, Md.
Molotkwicz, Stanley. Jackson. Mich.
May, Enoch, Norfield. Miss. .
Nltzsche. William W, St. Louis. Mo.
Grewcock, John, Elkhorn, Neb.
Munson. Deforrest, Lincoln, neu.
NhW York.
Robblns. William E. (SgL). Troy. N. T.
McDonough. T. J. (Corp.), Brooklyn.
Etcell, George. New lorn.
I Lucas, William, Brooklyn, N.T.
Martin. Eugene. Rye. N. Y.
Murdock. Ray. Sidney. N. Y.
Petrle, Jack L, Clarkson. N. Y.
New Jersey.
Haney, William M, Morristown N. J.
PiorkowskL Joe, Cleveland, O.
Hawk. Arthur P, Allentown, Pa.
Montrose. Leon. Trees, La-
Scott, Joseph F, Wylandvllle, Pa.
Y. gherich. Chester" D, Washingtonboro, Pa.
Peterson. Allle, Evansville. Wis
Larsen. Christ Jacob, Kenosha, Wis.
Schrlmpf. Frank, Appleton, Wis.
Dawall, Angllon. Birmingham, Ala.
Martin, Melvln. Monford. Ala.
Sanchez, Juan R- Johnson, Ariz.
Meyers, Charley C, Knights Ferry, Cal.
' Connecticut.
Matlskl. Stephen (Sgt.). New Britain. Conn.
J. BIythe. Thomas J. (Corp.). Hartford. Conn.
n,vi, T.eslie. (Belr.). Brooklyn. Conn.
Leahy, Matthew Thomas. Stonlngton, Conn.
Moses, William J, Mulberry, Fla.
Harmon, Harry Ellisworth (Sgt.). Chicago,
Harrison. John R, (Wgnr.). Georgetown, in.
Schramm. Walter Robert, cnicago, m.
Furcht. Francis F, Dallas. Ia.
Zanfes. Theodore. Sioux City, Ia.
Roberts. John. Kitchen. Ia.
Herrlck. Perry E, Wappello, I a.
Hardle, Will D, Kingsley, I a.
Dettmer. Earl L. (Corp.). Kensington, Kan,
Lafayette. Eli J, Rigo. Kan.
Gorrell. Grover, Peru, Kan.
Lucas. Elgert C, Fords Ferry,. Ky.
Quirk. William H, Bogg, La.
Foster, Edmond O, Gardiner. Me.
Simpson. James T. (Sgu). Leominster. Masa
Merchant, Amen XI.. r.ast ooston, jwoa.
Shurtleff. Ward H., Falrhaven. Mass.
Herzog, Carl W, Lawrence, Mass.
Hill. John (Corp.). Adrian, Mich.
Peterson, Herman E, Eagle Bend, Minn.
Smith, Olar D, Kosciusko, Mlsa
Giant. Frank A. (Corp.). St. Louis, Mo.
Sanders, Everett, iruxton. aio.
New York.
Demise. Pasqualo, Rochester, N. Y.
Derosa. Thomas. Astoria, N. Y.
Fell. Emmett R, Syracuse, N. Y.
Krause. John S, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Resta, Charles. New York,
eovova .lames J.. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Cadow. Chas. Harridon. Endicott, N. Y.
Ebel, Paul L, New York.
nnlden. Fred F Plattsburg. N. Y.
Loveland, Gua. New York.
Murray, John H, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Devaney. Patrick J, Saranac Lake, N. Y.
Thuon. Francis. Troy. N. Y.
Mtilladv. Thomas. New York.
Howard. John J. (Corp.), Harmon. N. Y.
New Jersey.
Smith, Frank (Corp.), Union Hill. N. J.
Munz, William. Hackensack. N. J.
Niebel. Edward. Hoboken. N. J.
Llgnori, Michael, Norwood, w. J.
North Carolina.
Hennlng. John K. (Corp), Salem, N. C.
. Ohio.
Martin. Albert (Corp.), Cincinnati, O.
Meyers, Edwin R, Zanesvllle, O.
Mercer, Frank, Lima. O.
Oklahoma. ,
Barbato, Nlchola C. (Sgt.), Paoll. Okla.
Hickerson, Roy L, (Bglr.), Stuart, Okla.
- Pennsylvania.
Lytle, William S, Carnegie, Pa.
Kendlg. John- Rogers. Lancaster. Pa.
Leonard. Alphonse. Glenriddle. Pa.
Edwards. William, Scranton, Pa,
Lynn, William E, Juanlta, Pa.
Lynch, Silas H. (Sgt.), Decatur. Tex.
Murphy. Alfred D. (Sgt.). Laredo, Tex.
Rice, Walter K, Deweyville, Tex.'
Fields, William R, Sutherland. Tex.
Adams, Samuel B, Center, Tex.
Henderson, Norman G, South Newbury, Vt.
Robinson. Clay D. (Sgt.), Fries, Va.
Hubble. Garland, Chathan Hill, Va.
Edwards, Abe. Ararat. Va.
Six, Charles C, Rural Retreat, Va.
Robinson, Harry o, Hlnton, Va.
Dixon, Craig, Hiltons, Va, .
New Models
ii U liiiOiliiLali
West Virginia.
Gunnoe. Jesse L, Charlestown, W, Va.
Livesay Earl. Ftankford, W. Va.
Barrigglne, Nick, Filbert, W, Va. .
Lund, Alfred E,' Superior. Wis.
Ivers. Earl Francis, Prairie du Chien, Wis.
Adams, Carl W, Sheridan, Wyo.
Nielson, Kristian V, Gillank, Denmark.
Cochran, Loren C, (Corp.), Washougal, Wa.
Bennett, .lames IL; Mrs. Agnes M. Bennett,
East Oak l'ark, Camas, Wash.
Romano, Joseph, Bessemer, Ala.
Romano, Joseph (Corp.), Bessemer, Ala.
Teske. Amos (Corp.), Coal Valley, Ala.
Dameron, Alex L, (Corp.), Mobile, Ala.
Rhodes, Cecil W. (Corp.), Selma, Ala.
Harris. Albert B, Millport, Ala,
Eesary, Marvin S, Moundsvllle, Ala.
Bedgood Ira, Brewton, Ala.
Holcomb, James, Kansas, Ala,
Entrkin, Joel L, Cance. Ala.
Carroll. Willie. Sycamore. Ala.
Sims, Samuel F, Village Springs, Ala.
Manne, Tony, Feldman, Ariz.
Flshback, Louis F. (Corp.). Fort Smith.
Fisackerly, Chester H, Pangburn, Ark.
Simmons, John M, Black forks. Ark,
Croft, Chester V. (Corp.). Bristol, Conn.
Hammet, Arnal, Attapulgus, Ga.
Newby, Edward C, West Fount, Ga.
Markuson, Herbert C (Lieut.). Chicago, III.
Sche.mpp, William G. (Sgt.), Ofallon, HI
Cohn, Leo, Chicago.
Wilson, Harry, Chicago.
Rice, John, Chicago.
Rose, Arthur H, Chicago.
Menely, Frank L, Urbana, 111.
Strother, Carl B. (Lieut.), Honey Creek, Ind.
Jolley, William F, Holton, Ind.
Meyers. Rolland. Lafayette, Ind,
Neal, Herbert, Brooksburg, Ind.
Louvar, Louis (Corp.), W, Cedar Rapids, la
Orr, Thos. J. (Cook I. Kansas City, Kan.
Campbell, Harry, Clifton. Kan.
Lloyd, Vaughn B, Washington, Kan.
Cunningham, Josh. (Corp.), Canton, Ky.
McGalin, Harry, Louisville, Ky.
Kent, Samuel M, Baltimore.
Cathie. Harold G. (Corp.), Needham, Masa
Lundgren, F. C. (Corp.), Fall River, Mass.
Cuff, Walter F, Hudson. Mass.
Sutherland, J. L. (Corp.).' Markly. Mich.
Day, Albert H, Kalamazoo, Mich.
Bleau, Chas. J, Baraga, Mich.
Blanchard, Frank W, Detroit.
Lanouette. Joeffrey, Lake Linden, Mich.
Lambros. Arthur T, DetroiL
Braun. Benj, Wadena, Minn.
Otto, Frank, Milwaukee.
Dunivan, Cecil Lewis, Campbell, Mo.
Emig, Charlie, St. Louis.
Remer, Edwin G, St. Charles, Mo.
Mees, Herbert H, Wlnnlfred. Mont.
Ware, Harold E, Little Crooked, Mont.
. Nebraska.
Denton, Glen L, Bladen, Neb.
-New York.
Feller, A. Arthur (Lieut.), Brooklyn, N. Y.
Rellly, Frank P. (Lieut.), Cocliecton, N. Y.
Riordan, John J. ( Lieut. ), Brooklyn, N. Y.
Brennan, Patrick (Corp.). New York.
Looney. Cornelius F. (Sgt.). Brooklyn. N. Y.
Renaud. Henry G. (Corp.), New York.
Lee. Herbert F. (Corp.), Brooklyn, N. Y.
Relihan, Edward J. (Corp.), Troy, N. Y.
Madden. William H. (Corp.), New York.
Tessman, Frank, Jos, (Corp.). Buffalo. N. Y.
Llndahl, Emil C. (Mech. ). New York.
Warden. Ivan (Mech.), Oneonta, N. Y.
Anderson, Cyril Brooklyn.
Buckley. Daniel J, New York.
Halpin, Gordon u, watervnet. Pi. r.
Holt. Charles D, Brooklyn.
Reikowltz. George. New York.
Sherburn, Frank A. Castle Creek, N.
Field, Stephen P, Fabius, N. Y.
Murray, John J, Brooklyn.
Olenski. Toffel. New York.
Bennett, William C, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
Carr, Patrick, .New lork.
Declcco. Albert A, Brooklyn.
Held. Thomas W, New York.
Sweeney, Patrick W, New York.
Itodgers, Edward M, Brooklyn.
New Jersey.
McGowan, Frank J, Trenton. N. J.
Drazdinsee, Jos. M, Paterson, N. J.
New Hampshire.
Oclalr, Albert. Berlin. N. H.
Phillips, Baker A, Clayton. N. M.
Morrill, Archie H, Franklin, N. IL
North Carolina.
Galloway. Lee G, Rosman. N. C
Moore, Joseph, Kelford, N. C.
Mitchell. Robert, Winston Salem, N. O.
Hanes. Stewart A. (Corp.), Bexley, O,
Kapusniak, Joseph (Bglr.), Toledo, O.
Murphy, William (Wgnr.), Dayton, O,
Konkler, Charles L, Lancaster, O.
Bettac. Carl. Columbus, O.
Patechuk, Frank, Youngstown, O,
- Oklahoma.
Munger. William A. (Corp.), Enid, Okla.
Cliisum, Clifton G. (Mech.). Non. Okla,
Remer, Clarence C, Drumright, Okla.
Newberry, Robert L, Chandler, Okla.
Endy. Wm. L. (Sgt.), Pottstown, Pa.
Asher. William A. (Sgt.), Oakmount, Pa.
Wilson. William IT. (Sgt.). Bentleyvil e. Pa.
Gtrwood Oliver Lytle, Pittsburg.
Gorski, Wm. J, Latrobe, Pa.
Coleman, Jos. T. (Corp.), N. Braddock, Pa.
Quinn, Wm. A. (Wagoner), German town. Fa,
Hagan, jonn -j, i-nnaueipnia.
Iluffmau, Byron H, Latrobe, Pa.
ngraham, George H, Hickox, Pa.
. iCuncluded on Page' L.
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