The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 17, 1918, Section One, Page 17, Image 17

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tingulsbed foreigner who has sought
refuge and who has a claim to protec
Presumably he is free to go where he
likes, but the fact that his suite has
actually been Interned restricts his
Count Von Bentlnck explained today
that the former Crown Prince as wen
as the former Emperor ceased to be
soldiers when they abdicated.
The former Emperor was seen today
Burleson Ruling Is Opposed by
strolling about the castle grounds with
Count Von Bentlnck and the Count's
Day's Skirmishes Bring No
State Commission.
The members of the former Emper
Definite Developments.
or's suite today surrendered their
swords to Dutch officers, previously
thev had surrendered their other arms.
and today's formality completed the act
of Internment.
LONDON. Nov. 15. Former Crown
Prince Frederick 'William of Germany
has been interned at the castle owned
by his friend. Count Glabert Wolff
Public Service Body Decides to Base
Mayor Asks 'Washington for Infor
mation; Company Claims Fed
eral Sanction, for Action.
Metternich. at Swalrnen. a town in me
province of Llmburg, Holland, says an
Amsterdam dispatch to the Exohange
Its Proceedings on Stale
Statute Only.
Telegraph Company. It Is reported that
his wife is with him.
SALEM. Or., Nor. IS. (Social.) The
Publlo Service Commission definitely
Informed Postmaster-General Burleson
by telegraph today that hereafter the
only telephone charges that will be
recorslzed by the commission are those
authorized In state statutes, and that it
la advising- the Pacific Telephone A
Telegraph Company that it cannot ac
cept the company's Interpretation of
Burleson's order 1931. as supplemented
September 14, 1913. This order provided
for initiation of installation charges
S. 1Q and 91a and also greatly in
creased ser ice connection charges.
w tile the commission a telegram sp
plies only to this specific order, it ap
parently is broad enough in its terms to
cover all rates or charges which the
Postmaster-General might attempt to
Initiate, and by analogy to the increases
in rales which the telephone company
attempted to put Into effect yesterday.
The commission in Its telegram says
assuming that the conditions which
prompted yoor action In Initiating Installa
tion and other telephone charjres. per order
:vo as supplemented on September 14.
1914, no longer exists and we are today ad-
vljlng the i'acirie Telephone it Telegraph
Company that we cannot accept their In
terpretation of said order and under existing
circumstances we are recognizing only tarlfls
authorised by state statutes.
In announcing Its decision to the
telephone company the commission also
forwarded todsy the following' letter
to James T. Shaw, attorney for the
company, in which one specific com
plaint is cited, to cover Identically
similar instances which hare arisen In
connection with numerous other com
This commission Is In receipt of numerous
complaints as to Installation charges being
Imposed br you presumably under authority
el order o. 1931 or tno I'ortmaster-oenerai.
The complaint of Mr. H. F. Aplln. 414 4
Wasco street. Portland, that he was charged
910 upon moving Into a place of residence
In which a telephone had .previously been
Installed. 'The wiring was all In and the
only work the men difl was to splice the
wire, run It about nine feet further, et
the bell box to the wall and connect the re
ceiver, taking about one-nail to mree-quar-
ter of an hour."
The complainant further alleged that
according to his Information, the
"party moving Into the residence which
ha vacated was told that ha would be
charged 910 as a connection charge, al
though the telephone was In the house
and the only work to be done was to
change his number on the telephone
Continuing the commission gays:
This particular complaint Is typical of a
number of others recently received by the
commission. In this connection we beg to
advise that to the beet of our Information
the so-called Installation or ready-to-serve
charge was Justified by the Postrnaater
Ceneral as being a measure which would
conserve labor and materia at a time when
such labor and material were In demand by
the Government for the successful prosecu
tion of the war. Appsrentiy the occasion
for Imposing such an arbitrary and. In the
opinion of this commission, unjust and un
reasonable charge has ceased to exist. And
this eommlseton will not acquiesce In the
Imposition of these charges under your
strained Interpretation of the order above
referred to. But on the contrary In Justice
to the public we can recognize, under the
ex'stsng circumstances, only those rates
and charges set out In your schedules and
tariffs filed In accordance with the state
statutes and effective through authority of
the state laws.
BASEL. Nov. If. Prince Maximilian
I of Baden, former German Chancellor,
I has arrived at Baden-Baden with his
family. It Is said that he will make a
Ion stay there,
New Tliree-Yaer Programme
Provide for Constrnotlon
Total of 156 War Craft.
FICIALS. BALEM. Or- Nov. 16. (Special.)
"I am heartily In accord with
the position of the Public Service
Commission and Mayor Baker, of
Portland, In demanding- that tel-f
ephone rates and charges be
subservient to state statutes rath
er than to an arbitrary ruling
from Washington. There may
have been a time when war con
ditions made conservation of la
bor so Imperative as to Justify
arbitrary action on the part of
the Government. Such a time
and such conditions are past I
repeat that I am whole-heartedly
In accord with the position taken
and the state statutes should
stand paramount." Governor
James Withycombe.
WASHINGTON. Nov. If. Estimates
of the Navy Department for the 1920
naval appropriation bill, as submitiea
to Congress today.' call for f-.441.900.-nnn
hnt u thev were prepared with
the !aw of continuance of the war.
material reductions are expected dur
ing the framing of the bill which will
be begun next Tuesday by the House
paval committee.
Annronriationa for the Navy for the
fiscal year ending next June 30.
amounted to about el-T30.000.000, all of
which except $125,000,000 provided by
recent deficiency measure, was car
ried by the regular 191$ appropriation I system be taken over by the city as a
While Mayor Baker is trying to get
more and definite Information from
Washington concerning the authority
of the Pacific Telephone Telegraph
Company to raise its rates, the fight
against'the proposed lift goes merrily
on. In the suit brought by the city ask
ing for an Injunction to prevent en
forcement of the new rates, no progress
has yet been made, but a hearing Is
confidently expected next week.
Proposals that the Home automatic
Commission Asks Company to For
ward Desired Documents.
Or.. Not. 1. (Special.)
Pacific Telephone & Telegrraph Com
pany is called upon by the Public Serv-1
Ice Commission. In a communication I
today, to furnish it with all of the
orders or other documents from Postmaster-General
Burleson that in any
manner bear upon rates, charges or
service of the company.
In its notification the commission
Faction Chapter 279. Gfii-&1 Laws of
Orron for the year 1311. provides:
"Every public utility .bull file witl) and as
yart of every suet, schedule all rules and
refutations that in any manner affect the
nui charred or to be charg-ed for any eerv
lc. Esry public utility shall a I no fil,witb
tba Commission copies of Interstate rate
cbedules and rules and regulation Issued
it or to which It Is a party."
That - may have proper Information la
the handling of the many telephone com
plaints that are now romlng to this Cora-
Balssion. we ask that you furnish ua at once
complete copies of Postmaster-General Bur
leson's orders, ruling, bulletins or Interpre
tations made by bis department that In any
way affect tha rates, charges or servtca of
your company to the people of this state,
and that you will also furnish us with all
future orders, rules, re aula lions or Interpre
tations thereof mad by the Postmastsr-
General or those under his authority Insofar
aa they may relate to or affect your service
in ore con.
Section 27 of the a hove-mentioned statute
specifies that:
A ropy of so much ef said schedules
the Commission shall deem necessary for the
use of the public shall be printed In plain
type and kept on rue in every station or of
lice of such public utility where payments
are made by the consumers or users, open to
the public. In such form and place as to be
readily accessible to the public and as can
be conveniently inspected.
In conformity w ith this statutory provi
sion we now ask that all rules, regulations of
orders affecting the rates or service to the
public be posted In your offices as provided,
for the information of all interested parties.
The many complaints now reaching this
Commission In rotation to these matters
necessitate compliance with these statutory
provisions, and we therefore ask that this
be done promptly, and that you advise us ef
your acuon in tne premises.
Hohenzollern Free to Do as He
Likes la Holland.
AMORENGEN. Holland. Nov. IS.
William Hohenzollern has not been In
terned by The Netherlands govern
ment. He Is regarded rather as a dls
Wash That
Etch Away
We know of no sufferer from Eczema
who ever oscd the simple vaah D. D. D.
and did not feel immediately that won
derfully calm, cool sensation that comes
when the Itch Is takes away. This tooth
Ins wash penetrates the pores, five In
stant relief from the most distressinc
skin diseases. Uc.S0caadfl.SS,
ikiomuae Dart co
vW imuu tv,
Increase la naval strength Is provided
for by the new estimates. Besides call
Ins; for a new three-year building pro'
rremma of ISC vessels, including ten
super-dreadnaughts. six battle cruisers
and 140 smaller craft aa previously an
nounced bv Secretary "Daniels, the es
timates Include appropriations of $233.-
985.000 for completing: the first three
year programme. Tha new building
programme contemplated expenditure
of $600,000,000, one-third of that amount
being appropriated each year.
An emergency fund of $175,000,000
to be spent at the direction oi tne
President. In expediting: delivery of
material and munitions and completion
of new ehlDS also la contemplated In
the estimates.
The cost of the marine corps is estl'
mated at $155.288, J00. an increase o:
about $12,000,000 over the last ap
propriation. Other big Items of the es
timates include:
Pay of the Navy. f ST9.946.971; avle-
tlon. $225,000,000; ammunition. $125,
000,000; new ship batteries $115,000,000;
fuel. $98,009,000; repair of vessels.
$75,000,000; ordnance and ordnance
stores, $75,000,009; reserve oranance
supplies. $77,600,000; medical depart'
ment. $15,200,000.
Improvements are planned at several
Navy-yards and stations. An appro
prlatlon of $2,500,000 is asked for buy
Ing and developing land at tha New
York yard, while $5,150,000 Is asked for
completing the drydock, building new
shops and a power plant at the Phila
delphia yard.
Improvements on the waterfront, new
shops and other work at Norfolk would
cost $3,300,000, while work at the
Hampton Roads operating base would
cost $3,000,000.
At the Key 'West naval station $2,
525.000 would be spent building a
waterworks system and submarine
base. Shops at the Mare Island, CaL,
Navy-yard would cost $1,800,000 and im
provement work at the Puget Sound
yard $775,000.
measure to Insure proper service tor
the public are not looked on with favor
because of Government control. Even
were the Government not in control,
approval of the voters would be neces
sary for such a step.
Federal Sanetloa Claimed.
That the Pacific Company had Gov
ernment sanction for its new rates was
the purport of a telegram received from
Washington yesterday by tne Mayor.
City officials say the company filed the
new schedule on Its own responsibility
and without Government authorization,
In an effort to get more exact infor
mation as to how far the Government
would back up the company in violat
ing existing regulations. Mayor Baker
sent back two hot messages, one to Act
ing Postmaster-General J. C. Koons
and one to Senator McNary. Answers to
these are not expected before Monday.
Are you permitting the company to
Increase rates through the utility law
of this state or are you setting aside
Oregon laws?" is the pertinent ques
tion asked of Mr. Koons. "Our people
are stirred to their depths and we intend
to fight Please make your answer
Complaints Still, Coming.
"Will you see the Postmaster-General
and other authorities . and ascertain
definitely what stand the Government
actually is taking and what rights the
Government has in the case? is the
request made of Oregon's Republican
Senator, Charles McNary.
Complaints continue to pour In at the
City Attorney's office that the company
Is attempting to sign subscribers up
for the higher rate before making any
changes or installations. Just what
action the city will take in further
fighting the Increased schedule will be
decided at a meeting Monday morning.
Public Service Commission Gets No
tice From Capital.
OLTMPIA, Wash.. Nov. 16. (Spe
cial.) Official Federal notice that the
Increased telephone rates now are in
effect In this state and will have to be
enforced In order to grant employes In
creased wages came by wire from J. C.
Koons, Acting" Postmaster-General, to
the Public Service Commission.
In his notification Mr. Koons says the
additional revenues collected in this
state will not be used to maintain bet
ter service outside the state, and as
sures the commission that the Postmaster-General
will consider any com
plaints as to fairness of the rate'in its
pplication. ,
Seattle has already filed with the
State Commission formal complaint and ,
protest aaralnst the increase, whlta Ta-
The Far rand Piano
A worthy instrument, very moderately priced and befitting a place in
any music room. It embodies all the standard features found in high
grade pianos, is finished in beautifully figured walnuts and mahoganies,
and sold on easy terms by Bush & Lane Piano Co., the makers and sell
ers direct.
The price is considerably less than the regular high-grade piano. A small
deposit will hold one of these real pianos for Christmas delivery. A solid car
load just received. See them Monday. -
Several Good Used Pianos and Player Pianos at Little Cost
Bush and Lane Piano Co.
Makers of Standard Guaranteed Pianos.
Bush & Lane Building;, Broadway and Alder St.
coma and Sookane have appealed direct
to the Postmaster-General's department.
According to report received at Public
Service Commission headquarters here
today Postmaster-General Burleson has
refused to suspend the Increased rate
as petitioned for by Portland.
Uncertainty prevails here as to tne
proper method of appeal from the new
rates. The Public Service Commission
disclaims any jurisdiction, but probably
will forward to Mr. Burleson any com
plaints filed. General opposition to the
increase is manifested.
Telephone Subscribers Agree Not to
Pay More Thau Franchise Rate.
SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 1. (Spe
cial.) Irate citizens of Spokane today
appeared before the City Council bear
ing petitions in which tney protest
the new Increased telephone rates ap
proved by the Public Service Commis
sion, and which are now in effect.
Each signer of the petition pledges
himself to pay no more to the tele
nhone company than the franchise calls
for, which Is $2 a month for residential
The new rates allowed are greatly
in excess of the franchise rate.
Spokesmen for the petitioners were
C. L. Mayo and L. F. Kelsey, telephone
subscribers and citizens. They asked
Dermisslon to put a table at Wall street
and Riverside avenue and solicit names
for the petitions.
The commissioners gave hearty ap
proval of the petition and the table.
under the enlarged homstead acts, Sec
retary Lane eaid. These lands, which
are In Colorado, Wyoming, Montana
and Idaho, are for entry in tracts sot
exceeding 820 acres.
Plans lor Proper Celebration of De
cember 7 Being Made.
Plans for the proper celebration of
Great Britain's part In .the world war
on December 7 Britain's day will be
worked out' Monday at a conference of
British residents with Mayor Baker.
William MacMasters will head a com
mittee In charge of the celebration,
which will be under tne general direc
tion of the Britain's day committee In
New York.
The National committee was started
at the Initiative of Sulgrave Institution
In association with the National Com
mittee of Patriotic Societies, National
Security League and American Defense
More Than Million Acres Listed for
Homestead Entry.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. Secretary
Lane announced today that approxl
mately 1,166,000 acres of land were
designated during October for entry
under the stockralstng homestead law.
The lands are located In Icaho, Col
orado. New Mexico and Wyoming. The
total area now designated as stock
raising lands amounts to approximate
ly 10,610.000 acres.
During October more - than 735,000
acres were designated as non-irrigable
to I
National Baseball Commission
Hake Recommendation to
Major League.
CHICAGO, Not. It. Eighteen play
ers will be sufficient to wla a major-
league pennant next year If baseball I
is resumed and the recommendations
agreed on at a meeting of the National
baseball commission here today are ao-
Pcepted by the American and National I
leagues at their annual meeting next
President Ban Johnson, of the Ameri
can League, and August Herrmann. I
chairman of the commission, were par
ticipants in the conference which had
to do with some left-over commission
cases in addition to a discussslon of I
the methods necessary to restore base
ball in 1919.
The commission decided to infllctsse-
vere fines on three members of the
world's champion Boston club for play
ing exhibition games through the East I
after the world's series with a team
advertised as the Boston "Red Sox."
Amos Strunk. Joe Bush and Walter I
Schang were the players declared to be I
guilty of the practice. The decision to
withhold the usual world s series cham
pionship emblems for the Boston play
ers because of the part they played In
the worlds series "strike" was reaffirmed.
Mill Worker Dies of Injuries.
DRYAD, Wash-. Nov. 16. (Special.)
Arthur Thomas, sawyer, was struck by I
a log In a sawmill on November I, at
Dryad, Wash., and wa-i so badly hurt
that he died from Ms injuries November
15. His home was at Alexandria Bay,
N. but be had been i this Coast
for 13 years. The remains are to be
sent East. The funeral will be held in
Chehaus tomorrow.
Mother, Your
a Harmless
Child needs
If Tongue Is Coated, Stomach Sick, or the Child
is Cross, Feverish, Constipated, give
"California Syrup of Figs.
Lewis County Almost Over.
CHEHALIS, Wash- Nov. 16. (Spe
cial.) This evening Lewis County's
united war work campaign fund Is al
most within sight of the total, although
several of the districts of the county
have not made their total subscriptions.
The western division, of which Doty is
the head, was flrst over the top. The
Chebalis division has oversubscribed.
Phone your want ads to Tha Oreffo-
nlas. Wain 7070, A S0. - .
Don't scold your fretful, peevish
child. See if the tongue is coated; this
is a sure sign that the little stomaoh,
liver and bowels are clogged with bile
ad imperfectly digested food.
When listless, pale, feverish, with
tainted breath, a cold, or a sore throat:
if the child does not eat, sleep or act
naturally, or has stomach-ache, indi
gestion or diarrhea, give a teaspoonful
of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a
few hours all the waste matter, bile and
fermenting food will pass out of the
bowels, and you have a healthy, play
ful child again. Children love this
harmless "fruit laxative," and mothers
can rest easy after giving it, because
It never falls to make their little "in
sides" sweet and wholesome.
Keep it handy. Mother! A little given
today saves a sick child tomorrow, but
get the genuine. Ask your druggist for
a bottle of genuine "California Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna," made by
the California Fig Syrup Co., which has
directions for babies, children of all
ages, and for grown-ups plainly on the
bottle. Adv.
3 1
"Better Farming" is all that the name
implies. It tells you how to do a hun
dred and one farm jobs cheaper, quicker,!
easier and better.
This pocket farm library is published by a company
with more than a half a century of experience in
making explosives especially to meet western agricul
tural conditions. You should know the low cost
and thorough methods by which they have cleared
western land and boosted yields of crops and fruits.'
Whether you blast or not, you need these 52 pages,
fully illustrated, of modern, improved farm methods.
Better Farminj" is sent you free of charge, post
paid. For the price of apostage stamp you get
something it has cost us thousands of dollars to pre
!are. Merely fill in' and mail this coupon, or send
postal mentioning this paper. Write now.
"Everything for Blairief"
p . Home Office s San Francisco
( Branch Offices l Denver, Portland, Salt Lake dty.)
Seattle, Spekaue
nun tru n n nun n nnuu d a
THE GIANT POWDER CO., Coil, First National Bank Bldg., San Francisco
Send me 52-Dace illustrated booklet "Better Farminsr." I am eepeciallv interested
is (please check;
Stamp Blasdas D Ditch Blasttas Q Subsoil Blaatiaa
Boulder Blasting Tree Bad Blutiog s " Road Malting
Kame Address
Old Herbal Remedy
Used For 40 Years in
Relieving Diabetes
The most satisfactory results have
been obtained in combating; Diabetes by
observing certain dietary rules and the
Judicious use ot Warner's Safe Dlabetet
Remedy, an herbal preparation of 40
years' successful sale.
Following is a letter from a grateful
user: ""
"This letter Is the best proof that I
am still alive. Tour medicine is a mira
cle to me. My weight was reduced from
157 to 114 pounds when I left the hos
pital. I left there Aug. 6th In despair.
Hundreds of people that knew me said
would never live to return to my stu
dio. After leaving the hospital I saw
your 'Ad.' in the paper. I began its use
and at once commenced to improve, and
now everybody is saying to me that I
look better than ever before. I tip the
scales at 132 pounds and I am back
working again, to the astonishment of
all. I feel splendid, and people say I am
looking better every day. I must .tell
you that every word I have written, Is
true, and I can prove it by hundreds
that knew of my condition. Jules Frl
quet, 511 West First Street. Los An
geles, Cal."
Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy Is
made from herbs and other benefialal
ingredients and has been onthe market
40 years, a true indication of Its value.
Get a bottle today.
Sold by leading druggists everywhere.
Sample sent on receipt of ten cents.
Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Dept. 245,
Rochester, N. X. Adv. . ..
Ached Wlfh Rhenmaticm TtYnm
- aIVUtllWilt;itl SVI1I
Shoulders to Feet Before
Taking Tanlac.
"T flAVA nAVf tolf.n n rn 4 1 ! ri a .-.
has done me so much good as Tanl.ic, ,
for it fixed me up all right; but It has
greatly benefited my wife, also." said.
W. B. Groves, who lives at 3556 Sixty
other day.
"I suffered from stomach trouble and
rheumatism for the past six years," lie
continued, "and a few months ago I Inst
mjr avci'i-e annual entirely, wuai lllTio
i aid rorce down soured tn mv stnm--
ach and would bloat me up terribly
with gas that pressed on my heart and
caused snortness or Dreatn. My kul-.
neys worried me constantly and. I hud'
bad attacks of lumhaero several times
aurmg me past year. I suffered so -much
from pains in my back that 1
could hardly move, often when sitting
or lying down I would get such a pntn
In my back that It would be Impossible;
ior me 10 get up. aiy wnoie lert siae, '
drawn up with rheumatism and the
misery I felt cannot be described. I
was badly constipated and suffered
with dull, mean headaches constantly.
I had no energy and felt so weak and
tired all the time that It was a constant
In weight and was getting so badly
run down that I was greatly alarmed
about my condition.
"I took all sorts of medicines with-'-out
getting any better, and 1 don't
Know wnat l would have done if I
hadn't read in the papers about the
way Tanlao was helping others. I de
cided to try Tanlac a while, and my
first bottle made me feel so much bet-'
ter that I kept it up. My appetite Im
proved from the first and I was soon '
eating mree guoa meais a any wiinout
isb everything 1 eat. My rheumatic .
trouble soon left me, the lumbago dis
appeared and my Kidneys never trou
ble me now. with the aid of the Tanlao
Tablets, my constipation has been re
lieved and I never have a headache at"'
my lost weight and am feeling better
and stronger In every way than I have -'
in a long time. My wife was also bad
ly run down from stomach trouble, but
.lajimi; icuctcu nci, mm nuw vciiu
of my friends are taking this wonder
ful medicine."
Tanlac is sold In Portland by the Owl '
Drug Co. Adv.
An Inside Bath
Makes You Look
and Feel Fresh
Says a glass of hot water with
phosphate before breakfast
keepa Illness away.
Physicians the world over recom-....
mend the Inside bath, claiming this is
VI .a k . j inuio uujvi laiiva mail uui-
slde cleanliness, because the -kin pores .
do not absorb the Impurities into the ,
blood, causing ill health, while the ?
nores in tne tan vnrds or bowels ao.
Men and women are urged to drlnR.-
eacn morning, before breakfast, a glass"
of hot water with a teaspoonful ol '
IIWGBIVII, I. Wt3fia .V ... ... U l.I.t II.'
the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels
the previous day's indigestible material, .
poisons, sour bile and toxins; thus
cleansing, sweetening and purifying the
entire alimentary canal beiore puttinu
more food into the stomach.
Those who wake up with bad breath. -
dull, aching head, sallow complexion,
acid stomach; others who are subject"
to bilious attacks or constipation,
should obtain a quarter pound of Hme.;
This will cost very little but is euffl.
clent to demonstrate the value of ln
Ids bathing. Adv.
$100 CASH
or more will be paid for your used up.
right piano.
109 4th st. Call Main 5323.