IS DEFINITE LIMITS FOR TIME ZONES WANTED o Interstate Commerce Commis is sion Studies Course. ORDER EXPECTED SOON Eastern Oregon, Idaho, Montana! Will Be Affected by New Regulations. wjp THE SUNDAY OltEGOXIAN. PORTLAND. N0VE3IBEK 17, 1918. -a "V- ' - ' T . Kli OREGOXIAX NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. Nov. It. Fixing definite time sone limits to be uniformly observed In all parts ef the United States has been occupying the attention of the Interstate Commerce Commission for I several months, and an order Is ex- pected shortly which will make radi cal differences In time in a rreat many localities. Farts ot Eastern Oregon. Idaho and Montana will undoubtedly be affected. Up to last Spring, there was no au thority of law whatever for the fixing of time sones. Thaf Is to say, the points at which one must change his I watch forward or backward as he Journeys east or west has been fixed by the various railroad companies to suit their own local convenience. The oretically, the division between Eas tern and Central, and between Cen tral and Mountain time, and between Mountain and Pacific time are located on certain meridians. Peeatelle Llaa. Pocatello. Idaho, is on the meridian where the time should be changed be tween t'.e Mountain and Pacific zones. but in practice watches are changed at Huntington by people going over the Oregon Short Line, tor local conve nience. Mountain time has been ex tended as far west as Burns. Farther I north the true meridian passes near Cut Bank. Helena and Butte. Montana; Ilaho Falls. Black Foot and Pocatello. Idaho; and Ogden. Salt Lake and Delta Utah. In practice, however, clocks are changed at points near the west line of Montana and the east line of Oregon and California. One of the most remarkable of the variations from the meridian division of time zones is seen In the Gulf states. In the northern part of the United Etates. Eastern time is observed as far went mr. Detroit, but down on the Gulf there is no Eastern time, for Central time includes all of Florida and ex tends as far west as El Paso. Texas. In that sectlo of tLe United States. therefore, the clocks are running on the same schedule across nearly two- thirdJ of the length of the country. Tine Zoaes Flaaned. It is understood that Commissioner Clyde B. Altchlson. formerly a member ef the Oregon Railroad Commission. was assigned to the task of supervis ing the establishment of time sones. Under his direction a large number of hearings have been held in various parts of the United Statea Railroad - operators, bankers and publle officials were the persons chiefly consulted. It is also understood that two gen eral principles were adopted in fixing the sone boundaries. First, that large cities would not be placed on the zone line. and. second, that in the case of towns on a railroad running north and south, an effort would be made to get all of them within the same rnne so that all railroad stations on foe line would observe the came standard time. Large Cities Avoided. prevent confusion where small towns i adjacent to the large city on one aid observes one time while those on th other side will observe the other, tb difrcrenre In the two times being on hour. The least confusion will resul If the sone lines are run in eueh a wy -that large city Is some distance in side the sone limit. While there Is no intimation as to the exact lines that will be established la the Paciflo Northwest, it may be predicted, in view of the effort of the commission to follow the meridian as nearly as possible, that the time change on western railroads will occu in the vicinity of Pocatello, Helena, Butte and Salt Lake rather than far ther west as at present. If this should occur, residents of towns between po catello and Huntington, and between Helena and the western line of Mon tana will find their clocks set ahead one hour. What is now 12 o'clock noon, will then be only 11 A. M. Castle Rock Will Sing. CASTLE ROCK. Wash, Nov. 18. (Special.) The Woman's Council ot Xefense of Castle Rock is arranging for Castle Rock's part in the commun ity sing to be held at 4 o clock Thanks riving day In every state and county in the Nation. Mtas Ines Underhill has been appointed dueetor and Rev. W, . Tiossman will lead the slnglnr. 1 JK.t'-'-,'iVA1 tfyis An Exquisite Piano Derplte manufacturing difficul ties. IVERd t POND quality standards are being maintained. Not a dollar spent en It for un necessary embellishment, nor a penny spared which could en hance its musical value. It Is an Investment to last a lifetime. Ivers & Pond Pianos owe their prestige to the un swerving policy ef the factory to build but one quality the best. They are used in 400 leading edu cational institutions and over (0,000 homes. Stop in and look over the dif ferent stylee on our floor. Hovenden Piano Company Xe. 144 Park St. Yfetrelae, ffradlvaras, Vleter Keeerds. SEATTLE PORTLAND 1 9 Now you thousands of men who have been patriotically conserv ing by wearing your old clothes will buy new.' Trawa fro it life by our own artist. Illustration thovt the nn No. 5 model OVERCOAT. It u a very f athionablo young men's coat, Jfilh high close-fitting Tvaist, tlpo button double breasted Velvet collar and extra long lapel. Pockets are upright slash. One of a num ber of remarkable new Values. And you others who have been awaiting call for military service will buy also. WE REMIND YOU that ten dollars saved is ten dollars earned in peace time as well as in war. In a few short years we have grown from one little; obscure room in Seattle to be the biggest men's clothiers in the North west, with enormous stores in both Seattle and Portland BECAUSE we have made good and saved bur customers ten dollars on every purchase. - -i WE SELL now and always the biggest values in the world in SUITS and OVERCOATS at SEATTLE 1 913 S30 because we sell upstairs. V Alterations Free Fit Guaranteed Open Saturdays till 8 P. M. RALEIGH BLDG. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON ENTRANCE OPPOSITE SUNSET THEATER .C.ARK JLilUP5lATR$ CLOTHIERS JJjnm TH ELEVAT0RAW'3AVE 1Q g