G THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 10, 1918, REAL ESTATE. RARE HOME BARGAIN'. 42730. 8 -room modern houee, 4 nice. big. light bedrooms, living-room, din ins-room, den or library and. kitchen, at Lie. full base ment, wash trays, furnace, splendid, lot 4&xl00 ft., with roomy garage ; paved street (paid), lots of flowea and shrub bery. Thia bouse is In f tret-class condi tion and In a. good home neighborhood, close to public school and 1 block to bell wood carline. at Beacon st. Price is only $2750. House alone could not be built now for $3500. A great bargain for somebody. Immediate possession. Jfc-asy terms. JUST THINK OP THI3. Modern, nearly new 5-room, bungalow, full cement basement, five 5) GOxloO-ft. lots, right in the heart of the city, with lots of bearing fruit trees, chicken-houses and great, big, frne garden, for $4750; ti00 cash will handle. One should dou ble their monev on this in year or two. THE CROSSLEY-V1GARS CO.. peciaiits in Home Properties. 270 Stark st. Main 3032. A BT'N'GALOW SACRIFICE. $5Uu it E LOW COST. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Owner leaving city, immediate posses sion, & rooms, modern in every respect, cosy built-in feature. fireplace, book case, sideboard, cooler, paneled dining room, with beamed celling, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, corner lot, both streets paved, nice lawn and flowers, all Improvements paid for. Price, fn3uo. terms. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. $;ioo down tioo. In good district, cement sidewalks and graded streets, Modern except heat, beau tiful lot, all kind of fruit trees and shrub bery, good chicken house, lawn, flowers, etc. A real buy at $170o. RELIABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Broadway 4 IBM. 309 Oak st. 6 ROOM HOUSK 90x110 FT. LOT 2S50 $500 down, $30 month total monthly pavment (6" interest). No mortgages straight terms. Huge living room, fire place, bf kitchen, paw pantry, 3 bed rooms, full deep, light basement, cemented and plastered fruit room, wood room. This btg snap only half block from car line. Juift vacated. Immediate possession. J. !. HARTMAM COMPANY. No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and btaxk. Main 08, A ::050. A ('HA N C E TO I -I VK In a well-built modern 6-room home; fur nace, fireplace, built-in bookcases; corner lot in a good neighborhood and situated on thu nort heaat t orner of K. -8th and Weidler Ms.; key on Sunday at 33 Weidler at., in same block, and the price la f 4250, with small cash payment and mom hi v installments. F .V. ANDREWS A CO., BJxth Floor Plat t Kldg.. Corner Fark and Washington Sts. Tolophone Marshall 00U5. $j(KJ0 mVTNGTON bungalow. 6-R.: hard wood floors, fireplace, hot-water hear.' el.'- $0800 Laurelhurst. 7'R.. finished In old ivory; dining-room, ma-hoeany: sleeping porch, 2 fireplaces; trcet imp. paid. $i.cnn i,aurelhurt. 7-R. and garage. $ oo(t Hose City. 7-R.: hot-water heat. $4700 Mt. Tabor, 7-R. : fine horn v. jir..0tif trvfngtoii. 100x100. 8-R. home. ( 'HAS. RIMIl.KP. &. CO.. 23 Henry bldg. A 1000.00 $4000.00 ROPFJ CITY BUNGALOW. T.i vine-room, dining-room, Dutch - kit chen, three bedroom and attic; beauti fully f IniNhed in white enamel ; papered vali of latest design; expenwive fixture; located below 40lh at., one block from Sandy road on paved atreet. This is really the beat buy In Rose City in the bunga low line. see Battin. TUB FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Fifth Street. Main 6369. S UBU R B A N 1 1 0 M B. BEAUTIFUL, RIVER VIEW. Ground 100x1 no, nicely improved, excep tionally well built bungalow, 0 rooma and siceping porch, strictly modern, hot water heat. 1! fireplaces. This will have to b seen to be. appreciated ; five blocks from Oregon City carllne. Price $7500. C. A. WARR1NER. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 20:i-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. AN ACRE AND SMALL HOUSE. $1500 with small catm payment and monthly lnnt aliments will secure possession; all under cultivation ; situated on the West Side, near Fulton Park car line. F. V. ANDREWS & CO., Sixth Floor Piatt Bldg., Corner Park and Washington Sts. Telephone Marshall Aoi'S. ONLY $1JOO Now listen, two big lots, one a corner, with cement sidewalks on the entire front, only four blocks from the Sollwood car, on Tacoma ave.; on these two big lots la a four-room house; It Is old, but the lota alone are worth $1300 of any person's money; $'J00 cash Is all you need. This is close-in property, on the bent carline In the city. M. J. CLO HKSSV. 413 A BT NO TON BLDG. " $1R00 BUNtiALOW $300 DOWN. " I room nearly new f ungalow, concrete basement, paneled dining room, p?o,te rail and beamed ceiling. Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing and real sleeping porch, r.OxlOO lot. K. 70th st. N., near MV car. Price $IS00, easy terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Bldg., To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. INCOME ON WEST SIDE. 10-room house on 70x100: good location, near car; 7 rooms rent for $-d per month; owner leaving city, offers house, furniture and all for only $50uu, some terms. JOH.V-PON-DODSON CO., GJ4 N. W. BANK HLDG. " SOO. " " B-Toom bungalow, East Oak. near E. 20th. Thin house stands the owner $3500, must be sold. Owner lives In Eastern Ore gon. Small cash payment. SEE MR. WILLIAMS. WITH STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO.. S02 OAK. laurelhuuSt. 7 Tooms, modern, bungalow type. Imp. all paid, bik. to car; best section, cheap at $6U00, part cash. W. R, KASKR, Main 6173. 517 Corbett "Bldg. WFTL-BTTTLT Irrlngton residence, gain. Must sell, Marshall 4116. YOU are Interested In one of the beet localities fn the city, with splendid car service, buy In Hawthorne. Call and see our listings. You will be surprised at our 1 me bungalows moderately priced. Haw thorne Realty Co.. 30th and Hawthorne. ONLY $1 1 00 for a six-room house with three lots. This house Is modern to the extent that it has electric light, gas, bath, toilet and citv water. It is located on L. 74th . : $L.".0 cash Is all you need. M. J. Cl.Oll KSSY. 415 A BIN'OTOX BLPO. illVlNOTO N Beautiful Colonial home, fine location, t rooms, white enamel finish, hardwood floors, tiled bath, fireplace, furnace, laundry; $3300. Terms. F. E. Bowman & Co., C. of C bldg. Main r.off. DOU BLE 12-room inodern house. 6 rooms each fide; fine basement; all up to date. Owned by non -resident who orders It pold. Make me an offer. llouck, 110 10th t. SUNNYSIDE. LA ROE LOT. $2200 Comfortable 6-room house, 2 carllnes; lot considerable over 50x100. Your own terms if vou can give references. .1. C. CORP.IN CO., 305-0-7 Lewis bldg. ROSE CITY CAR. S-room modern bungalow, paved st. paid, H blk. to car. Price $45un, SI 000 down. W. R. KASER. Main 6173. 517 Corbett Bldg. POO OVERLOOK BOULEVARD. 6-room modern bungalow, built for home. "WiM sell f nr $4250; would cost $6000 to duplicate. This is a bargain. See it to day. No agents. Wood-awn 3237. A NEAT 3-room cottage on 50x100 fSt, a sanltarv barn and cooling house, all for $1300. Owner leaving the city. 630 Ains worth ave. Phone Woodlawn 5177. AI berta car. A REAL HOME. $23O0. 7 rooms, 1 10x11 S. 14 large trees. S apple, 2 cherry, 3 walnut, shade, large garden; maka your own terms: owner's agent. CLEVELAND. MAIN So51. FOK SALE Bungalow with all modern con veniences and four 30-ft. lots: fruit trees', garage, etc. ; situated on Tillamook st between SJd and kith. ($2600. .T. H. MacGregor, phone Tabor 4417. ALBERTA CAR $1330. 4 -room bungalow, basement, good plumb ing, very large bedroom, corner lot 4007. Immediate possession. GODDARD A WJEDRICK. 243 Stark St. Is ICE 7-room home, all large rooms, sleep ing porch, heated with hot water: one of prettiest homes in Hawthorne A3ait!m. 2"4 E. 16th, comer Madison. Tel. E. 2:t4. SOUTH OF JEFFERSON. From 3d to 13th st., a few modern houses from $40O0 to $3500. Goldnrhmtdt's Agency, 505-6 Stock Exchange bldg. $400 EQUITY In 3-room bungalow; chicken house, garage : will give equity as first payment on place outside city. A Qj. Ore ton i an. NICE 6-room cottage at E. 18th and Ore gon sts. Beautiful conrer lot with trees, ot'j. Owner next door. Call E. MODERN 6-room houee In Sellwood for ar!e or trade for smaller bouse. Sellwood TvOSE CITY PARK 6-room house, all mod ern conveniences, close to car and schooL E 77. Oregon I an. FOR RENT or will sell same as rent. 7 room house, large grounds. In St. Johns. Reasonable. Cail Broadway 207-i. RKAL ESTATE. For bale Uonset. MULTNOMAH STATION HOUSES. New homes Just being built; city water, gas. electric lights and modern piumbiac; 3-room modern bungalow, $1730. 3-room modern bungalow, $lboO. 3 -room modern bungalow on the boule vard ; cement basement ; -$J250. 5-room modern bungalow, on the boule vard ; 14 -acr of ground, every conven ience; $33o0. 7-room modern bungalow and H-acre, on the boulevard; every up-to-date con venience; just being completed; beautiful bome, set in the trees; $4i:30. 0-roora modern bungalow, newly paint ed and decorated inside and out; large garden tract b3xl23. A big snap at $J:o. See owners or builders of all the a-bove. Terms to responsible parties. MULTNOMAH DEVELOPMENT CO.. 404 Piatt bldg. HOUSES FOR SALE. Bungalow, 5 rooms; ful basement, fur nace, gas, electricity, and si ee ping porch ; fine workshop. 3 chicken-bouses and yard, fruit and berries; $4000, $730 cash, bal ance $30 per month at 6 per cent. Lot 100x200. Two 4-room flats, close In; pays 15 per cent; $3000, half cash. Have a number of good buys In houses, w Hiking distance of business center, $230 and up, on eaiv terms. A. W. LAMBERT & SON. S. E. Cor. C rand ave. and Eaa't Alder t- Portland. Oregon. LEA TING STATE, sell modern 7-room bun galow on paved street leading to Willam ette boulevard, near Jefferson High School, Peninsula. Park, '1 blocks fine Mississippi car service, 17 minutes Washington and Broadway; built-in cooler, ironing board, wood lift, bookcases, plate-glass buffet, fireplace, furnace. Dutch, kitchen, modern plumbing, full cement basement, wash trafs. garage: $.'1730, $730 cash or bonds, balance monthly. Look it over. 93 East Emerson. SACRIFICE SALE. Modern 7-room house, lot 50x100, corner tor building, barn 111 rear, lot 30x1 also 2-story frame building with filling sta tion and garage on first floor and apart ments upstairs: lot 50xlOO. The three places for $11,000. Will take liberty bonds for half, terms on balance. All Jmprove Ofenii in and paid. Iocated at E. fctd and Stark sts. All rented and good income property. Apply on premises. O. C. .Bell, owner. .NEAT 3-room houfe, vacant. West Side; walking distance to N. w. steel shipyard; 2 carlines, one 5c fare; 33 minutes to busi ness dist., oibor one block ; all new ly Cain ted and reflnlshed Inside and out: new ath and kitchen, piped for hot watr, tank in ; sewer connected ; electric lignts; best value obtainable, considering all you get, besides terms; will take part trade, acreage or auto; price $1630. Owner, Mr. Ray, Main 7M3, or call 24u Alder st. be tween 9 A. M. and 3::I0 P. M. week days. $0300 $3500 DUTCH COLONIAL. On Council Crest; seven-room house. In perfert condition ; wonderful view. Sure this is an opportunity to get a Went Side home at a wonderful bargain. Hardwood floors; white enamel finish. Modern to tho minute. See Battin. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Fifth Street. Main 689l ROSE CITY PARK. $3373. On 37th st.. we have a beautiful brown bungalow; it has a living tooth with fire place, din I ng room, munic room, Dutch kitchen, bath and two bedrooms; ,this Is a fine little home and Is one of the last good buys In Hone City Park. CUE A. McKENNA & CO. M. 4322. 82 4th st.. Board of Trade Blag. Sunday, phone Tabor 8139. FIXE LAUKELHURST HOME. $ 0u. rooms and sleeping porch, strict t modern, nlco lawn and shrubbery, hard surface streets, fiear of all Incumbrance, one block from car; quirk possession. C. A. WA RRINK1I, RITTER. LOWE 4k CO. 203-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SUNNVS1DE PICKUP. lx rooms, basement, electricity and gaa, good plumbing, sewer, concrete sidewalks and curbs, lot 37x60. east front, one block to car, for $ i 730. ran give good terms. A. If. BIRR ELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Building. Marshall 4114. A 4118. MT. TABOR HOME. -room strictly modern, na 68th at No. 226. This place cost $SOO 4 years ago. Has garage and street paved. West front, fine view; HOOxlOo ground. Price $775o. eaey terms to responsible parties. Take a look at place and phone Miller, Sell. 1714. to see inside of house. LAURELHURST HOMES. We have for your Inspection some of the moHt beautiful houses and bungalows in Iaurelhurst. Tho prices range from $1230 to $7230. on terms. We would deem it a priviK-eo to show you. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. M. 4522. fc2 4th at.. Board of Trade Bldg. LOOK! Only $3450; 5 beautiful rooms, sun porch, hardwood floor. beamed ceilings, all built-ina, fireplace, cement basement, fur nace ; one blk. to R. C. car; line terms. For this and other bargains see Crayne, 604 E. 62d st. N. Tabor 1032. Rose City Park exclusively. NEAR PENINSULA SHIPYARD. Corner lot 7.".xl00, fruit trees, poultry. A very pretty home of 5 rooms and bath. Modern, gas and electricity, 1 block to car. Splendid value at $230o. Terms $5o0 cash and $23 per month. MAC INNES, 27U STARK ST. $3300 On Division street, close in, and SOME HOMK. Hardwood floors, butlt-in effects, seven rooms, and on a corner. Don't overlook this one. See BATTIN. with THE FRED A- JACOBS CO., Ko. 104 Fifth Street. Main 696. NEAR LAURELHU RST PARK. And Sunnyside car. We will show yon a nice 5-room cottage with bath and ce ment basement. The price, $2200, is low and $200 in all we ask down. COE A. McKENNA A CO., M. 4522. 82 4th at.. Board of Trade Bldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. CLOSE-1 N BA RGA1N, $36(10. Two-story 9-rm. house; full cement base ment, furnace, tl replace, lot 5ox 100, mac adam pavement paid; now vacant; terms easy. OuOPARD & WI ED RICK. 243 Stark St. A BARGAIN. Going East; for quick sale at cost by owner, thoroughly modern 7-room house, almost new ; lireplace, sleeping porch, built-in features, garage, cement sidewalk, fine lawn; $2300, $850 down, balance like rent: 63d St. S. E. Phone Wood. 33S4. TWO fine bungalow homes, must be sold at once, non-resident owner here for few days and will be at the vacant bungalow today from 10 to 4. Come and see them and get price and terms. Mt. Scott car to Annabel Sta, 3 blocks south, 4221 East 52d st. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. 5-room modern bungalow, h. w. floors, fireplace, etc, blk. to car, nice neigh borhood; $3000 furishcd or $2700 unfur nished; $350 down. W. R, KASER, Main 6173. 317 Corbett Bldg. -R. BUNGALOW, finished attic, improve ments in and paid; furnace; Sunnyside, 1 Mock to best car service in Portland; a bargain for $3ooo; will give terms. Call Tflbor 53L9 Sunday; during week Main 7o:; 1, ONLY $S50 for a five-room house and two lots on Bayard st., near Peninsula station, on the St, Johns carllne; $350 In cash will handle this. M. J. CLOHES3Y, 415 ABINGTON BLDG. PIEDMONT. Modern housef&OxlOO lot. Improvements in, east rront, n large, we 11 -lighted rooms and sleeping porch. Near car and higii school. Woodlawn 3150. $0500 Two houses on corner, lot 60x100, five and seven rooms, modern, close in on two t-arliues ; $ IOOO cash, balance on time. V iaa, uregonian. IRVINGTON, FORECLOSED. must sac rifice; ;i7a East 10th, corner Schuyler; $5000 takes It, including extras. East 394. Main 8o7. MONT A VILLA BARGAIN. $1700 Two-storv. 8 rooms- hMmnt bath, lot 50x100. $300 down. Goddard A wieancK -'43 stark st. NEAR Jefferson High School, good, clean 5- room nouse; gas, electricity. Data, usse ment; lot 45x55. 952 Congress St. ; $2100 half ca.-h. W. H. Sawtell, Tabor 1)11. FOR SALE 7-room house iti Woodstock. 100x100. lots of fruit; a fine home; $5o. Take light truck or 5-pass. oar for part. $1700 ROSS CITY CAR. !S rooms, 50x100 lot, kwlth Winter fuel $500 cash; 3 4 blocks tJ RC car. 685 East 78th st. North. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Charmlna horn garage, large living-room, fireplace, oak i.oors. xitn, near vnott; souoo. rseuhausen et CO. 7-ROOM bungalow, modern In everv wav : hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace. French doors; ready to move right in; $t50 Sun ocy call laoor Odiy, Aionaay Main 731. $1500 EQUITY for $1200 cash; modern 6 room house, lawn, fruit, nut trees, paved street, 3 blocks school and car. No agents. wooniawn SPLENDID investment: best bur In Ala. meda homes. Phone .owner. Woodlawn oU4U. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, attractive, five rooms, attic, oaK iioors, i;repiace, $4650; easy terms. Neuhauaen & Co.. Main fc073. YOUR opportunity for a bargain: good small house, 251 Morris sL See Sam Lacey, 519 v 11 name ave. ON ACCOUNT of 111 health I will aacriflc 6-room new house. Come, make me an offer. P3S EortnwicR st. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. PEE NEL'HAt?EN A CO.. X. W. BANK BLDG. WK HAVK THE BARQAINS, TENT. 12x14. well furnished with carpets, closets, stove, etc., for sale Svt a bargain. call woodlawn real estate. For ! -hoa I R VI XG TON DISTRICT. Must sacrifice my beautiful home with furniture for $56oo; house has six rooms "d sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout entire house; furniture ln cJndeji mahogany furniture in living-room, two Turkish rugs and furnishings, dining room quarter sawed oak with drapes and rugs; kitchen, gas and wood range, dishes, table, chairs and linoleum; celr, gas range, etc. Pink bedroom, CI re -an wal nut furniture, rujjs, drapea, etc, blue bed room. btrdeye maple furniture, rugs, etc 1 his house is furnished with the best of furniture ready to move into, and must , be seta to be appreciated. Go and look at it. a.11 open today. Sunday, 50) East f8 x- faT sppointmenu Wee days cail Tabor 47m;. NOW VACANT. - GOOD BUYS. ssooo 7 rooms, double constructed bouse. full cement basement, wash tray a, bard-surface in and paid, H block from car, 17th at., near Division. Terms. $3230 Ros City district bungalow, five rooms and large den. strictly mod ern, corner iot. all hard surface in and paid, corner 40th and Broad way Just what you have bee a look- ,. 'or. Terms. SoOO H-room bungalow, Richmond dis trict, one block from ear. strictly rnoaern; 2 bedrooms down. 3 up. . ,n, cash, baiancs like rent. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINEK. RITTER. LOWK A CO., -Q j-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. . West of 43d sr. T beautiful rmi 8 bedrooms. 2 tarrs eloj.ets and built-in effects in each bed room. On the main floor there Is a large reception hail, fireplace, living-room, dining-room with beamed ceiling and built in buffet, hdw. floors, 1 bedroom and a lovely large white enameled Dutch kitch en with cooling closets, full cement base ment laundry tras. tine furnace. 50x100 lot, with some fruit; st. paed and paid: 1 block car. Price $4200. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABINGTON BLDG W e Accept Lib. rt y Bonds at Par. $2SOO TYPICAL CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW New 5-room busgalow. on Minnesota ave.. near Klliingsworth, in Peninsula dis trict. Living room and dining room fin ished in burnt wood, artistic tiled fire place, writing desk, book cae. munlc cab inet, bnllt-ln buffet with beveled glass, window seat, Dutch kitchen. Ironing board built In, 2 light, airy bedrooms, beti white enamel plumbing and fixture, full ceaient basement, fruit cupboards, cooler on backv porcb, linen cloocta with cio;ha chute. This is a very attractive bunga low. Price $2SOO. terms. See FRAKK L. McGUJRK. Abington Ttldg., To Buy Your Home. Main lotifi. IRVZNGTOM BUYERS NOTE, SURE, I have one column of Interesting Trving ton buys advertised in New Todsy ro umns adjoining. Check this list thorough ly and "stay with my Jrvlngton head quarters until you find what you want. It will pay you. R. T. STREET, IRV. AGENT, E. 8t4, NEW ROSE CITY PARK NEW, Beautiful new 5-room bungalow on cor ner lot, 1 blk. from car. Large living room, handsome dining-room, Dutch kltrn n wt0 every convenience, 2 bedrooms with bath between, cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors through out, finished tn old Iwory. Garage. Built lor a homo, and a wonderful buv at $4:ihi Terms $210 cash. Sea it at 44s E. 44th. then call MAC INNEf. 276 H STARK. Tabor 433 or Tabor eOl, Sun. or Ere. $iy0l) 1KVANGTON DISTRICT $4000. This Is an up-to-date 6-room house, strictly modern in every particular, artiMtc in appearance, very large living-room, full basemeut, etc lot 50xl0o. garage; $650 each w ill handle it. Easy terms to re sponsible purchaser. Shown by appoint ment onty. Sundays, East U45k. weeadays Marshall ."6nl, Ask for Mr Siiles. $4230 ROSE CITY PARK $4230. TWO BRAND NEW BUNGALOWS. One a Fine Corner, one With Garage. 5 rooms and large attic. lireplace. hard wood floors, full cement basements, bul lt ins. white enamel and Ivory linish; cost plus a per cent, $.too down. Call, 2 to 4 P. M. today, southeast corner East 43d and Clinton sts., block eaat from end of Richmond car: or see W. G. BECK. 215 FAILING BLDG. $100 CASH, balance of $1550 $20 month jew o-room nouse, aweti appearance, only 20 minutes 011 Estacada car, lovely scenic ride and a breath of country air at Bsrke lr. 3 blocks beyond Eastmoreland. Now. house Is not finished Inside, snm nlaatr. lng, etc, yet to do. Jt's an opportunity tor ins man wno can put in tew hours row and then. 1173 Crystal Springs blvd. Ta bor 854. b-liOOM bouse, on Peniusula; furnished. j i 111 10. ufan ana neai; Dig lot, with fruit, on Willamette Drive, cloe to shipyard and Peninsula mill ; good lo cation. Party leaving the state. Can be boucht with $300 down and term PHr $27iO. If you ever wanted a bargain here in your rnance. 1 ome ana see me Sunday at 401 East 50th N or phone Tabor 5S05, or write Mrs. D. Etchison. WOODLAWN DISTRICT. $2100. B rm., bath, Dutch kitchen, 60x100 lot. Price $2100 and terms. lou caa move rigni in. GEO. T MOORE CO., ABINGTON BLDO. We Accept Liberty Bonds at Par. $1900. $300 DOWN. 6-room cottage, electric lights, bath, basement, corner lot, C4xl00. 51 Duke avenue. J. J. OEDER, Grand Ave, and E. Ankeny. East 6L PENINSULA R PARK", tl 06. 5 rma.. batb. 2 bTkn. school. 4 bike. St. Johns, Miss, and Kenton carllnes; near jmrerson h. .; ioO down, bai. easy. GEO. T. MOORE CO., ABINGTON BLDG. We Accept Liberty Bonds at Par. Built In 191. X am leaving town. Will sell my bungalow cheap; 0 rooma, break fast nook and sleeping porch; lot 30x137; some assessments: easy terms. ji.at 04 y. Sunday. Marshall SOUL Owner. Ask for Mr. Stiles. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 6-room h onse on paved t reet, near carline. everything paid, at $2350: $00 cash, balance terms. P. M. Madden iteaity ( ompany, iu:a nawtnorne a e. l abor PORT LA N D H EI GUTS DesI ra ble 6-room, nath. e ecninic norcn. giassen-in sun porcn. fireplace, white enamel woodwork, beauti ful paper, magnificent view or whole city, rivers and mountain: eacy walking dis tance. Mar. 42i, uan mornings. HAWTHORN DISTRICT. 5-room modern bungalow, completely furnished. $2750, on terms. P. M. Md- den Realty Co.. 102S Hawthorne ave. Ta bor 053. A VERY elegant home In Walnut Park, mod ern in every detail, surroundings taeai, worth $6500. Can be bought today for $4250. If you want a nice nome ror romrn less'tnan vnitie 00 noi overiooa inis. w. C. Repass, 3254 Northwestern Bank bldg. SNAP Must sell or trade. Owner non-resl- nent, offers two aesiraoie 101 s, one piock from Gllsan street, two blocks from Lau relhurst : no street Improvements to as sume. What have you to offer? Owner, room 216 Hotel Miacastone. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $250. u-rm. bungalow, extra finished room op stairs; hdw. floors, cement basement, st Imp in and paid. Price $2S.0. terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. ABINGTON BLDO, We Accept Lioerty Honoi at far. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. A few good homes for sale; two great bargains. BROOKE, 541 Montgomery drive, cor. Elm. Mar. 4S27, A &30. Call mornings. 6-ROOM house; sleeping porch, electric lights, bath and basement, 100x100: price $2500; one block from Woodstock carline. I. J. W C e n, Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. E. 61. ROSE CITY PARK, a new five-room bungalow with garage 11 modern features, corner lot. naved streets. 512 E. 35th North, corner Sacra mento. Taoor .iu.-w. VACANT 6-room Jveuie, bath, basement. In H.wthnmf district, lot 5Hxll6: fruit trees. paved streets; .price $25O0. terms $300 c!h. tai! 4 1 t triBmuer 01 commerce. LOT 50x100, 3 comfortable rooms, partly furnished water, light. 2 5ox. chickens, some wood; $000. All negotiations direct with owner. ooaiawn .-tv. CLASSY NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW FOR PRICE OF ORDINARY BUNGALOW. FOR PARTICULARS PHONE OWNER, TABOR 3S23. l"0 R - SA L 7-room modern bungalow; re stricted district: or win traae xor urm. BF 645, Oregonlan. HAVE $1SOO. lot $1O0; wsr.t modern bunga low In good district. Woodlawn 417. Suburban Home. OSWEGO LAKE BUNGALOW. ONLY $2500. Latest creation in bungalows, with acre fine garden soil ; 2 sleeping-rooms, bard wood floors, full plumbing, fireplace. This will please you at 2fi0O on moderate terms. $00 Concord bldg, 2d and Stark. EA L LTA T rub or baa Homes. SACRIFICE SALE. 20 acres on J. P. Electric, all fenced with woven wire, cedar posts, family or chard of all kinds of fruit and nuut Just coming Into bearing; two bouses, ons modern, stx rooms; fine barn, with ce . ment floor; hog house, with cement floor: po Jltry-bocsea. and water piped all over the place from looO-gallon preasure tank Operated by electric motor; thia Is one of the best equipped little farms In the state; owner in military service is cause of desire to sell; u you want a high-class place at right price be sure to investigate. . A. Series. 4u4 Northwestern Bank bidg. GARDEN HOME Only 20 mln. out on Ore gon Electric; 7e coin. fare. Two fine, cult, acres, mod. o-rra. bouse, nly $30ov; Sluoo cash. Modern 3-rra. house with cultivated cre; cheap at $.1000; $500 cash. 1 acres, higa.y cultivated, with plenty fruit, barn, chicken-house, etc; only sjjO; SiouO caih. THREE ACRES with fair 4-rm. bouse: . -Jult,vted' ,om fruit. A snap at 2.00; your own terms. Buy now w hlle prices are low. pee McCorralo at Garden Home. Phone Mala SUBURBAN HOME, have good houses on tracts from 2 acres up; rich soil, exceLent community, best car service, big red cars, mountain water service, gas; nearer In time than St. Johns and other suburbs of city. Avoid heavy recta by buying a home on easy payments. Call or phone for detailed m tfes01110 0 ppoinlmnt 10 e PrPr "THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main o. 103 Kourtn Street- LO you want 1 big acre of land In high state of cultivation, with a, I kinds of fruit In full bearing? On this land is a practically new six-room house, with a full basement and such conveniences in the bouse as city water, electric light, gns, bath and toilet; tlier Is a good garage, burn and chicken-bouse. The price is only $00; $1000 each win be a. I you hiv to have. M. J. CLOHESS', 415 ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $2400 for almost one a re of land In high state of cut U atioti, with a variety of fruits In full bearing; on this Inud is a good substantial tout -room houce. with such conveniences as bath, electric IIkM, ctiy wafer, gas. toilet In the house and a city school only hve blocks aaay; this Is on the Oregon Electric H. ll., l!h f.e car fare. M. J CLOHESSV, 415 ABINGTON BLDO. MR. HOMESEEKER, wouldn't you like to own a nice little suburban home, w here you caa en toy the beauties of country life and raise your own vegetables, fruit, chickens and eggs? 1 have aome nii-e u bur ban homes for sale and exchange. J. IS. Hoi brook. 314 213 Panama bldg. SNAP AT MULTNOMAH STATION. Half acre In highest etste of cultivation: grvod arlety fruit, berries, etc ; Bull Run water, gas. electricity; good 4-room (fifin Ished house; only half block from Tav,d highway and G inln. from station: blre 1 bargain in the diatrlrt. Price cnly $le. on easiest terms. Phone appointment it yo 11 want a snap. Main 0. 1 h. A COUNTRY HOMK. R acres, highly improved; one block from depot. 25 minutes ride on Oregon Electric, 12c fare; 10-room modern house, chicken and hog houuea. barn, gars re, t horsA and eu.utpmcut goes; price ;000. some t'-rms. J. A. WICKMAN CO. 114 Stark. Main 6 3. ruiuvanoii; on 1 v riicnt mites irtin Mouse; rr 2.m. on terms. ( all 501 CONCORD HI.Ih;.. 2d and Htark Ft- NLS $2uoo for mora than a-re of ground right at the station at Oak rove; uu this land Is a good substantial live -room bun galow, wlth -hIr-keii-hoiise. woodshed and other conveniences; x.'.oo cash win handle it. M. J. CLOUKisoY, 415 ABINGTON blth;. OiiWKilO COTTAGE. ONLY $20. With lOOxlOO. fine garden soil, splendid view of river and mountains, fenced, fruit, vater. lights. 4-room comforts hie cottage; $ 100 do a, $15 per month. 5ot Concord bldg. ON LY $2 100 i-r a five-room modern houst wiili more than irm of ground; this place Is donn in and modern enough or any body: 1 0o0 ash is all vou have to have. M. J. CLOI1E.SK Y. 415 AHlNti TN BLD'i. FOR RENT Ten acres, cleared. In cultiva tion: o-room moaern nouse. wun oatti. electric lights, fruit, lawn and roses; six bloeks from depot. 5e carfare. Inquire Ned Burke, Multnomah Utatlon. I "hone Main 10M. ONLY $;50 for more than a quarter of an acre 01 land wun a tnree-room house, right at the st.t tinri at Oak Orove. cWkse to paved streets; $250 cash or perhaps a litt;e less will handle this. M. JCLO H KSSY, 415 A HINCTn BUT J. --Ai:l'.K fHU'KKX RANCH. Dandy 5-room plastered buns alow. cJi y water, rhlcken-hous. near Gilbert station; worth $20(o, our price $ 1 710: $500 down, $ 1 5 month. e ott, O. Jmith A Co.. 4;i2 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY $i:t-0 for one big half acre of ground wun a live-room bungalow style iiouse; no richer soil around Oak Grove than t his; onlv two blocks from the carllne; $100 In cash will liandle it. M. J. CLOH fcSS Y. 415 Abington bldr1 BKAUT1KUU 5-room bungalow ; bat h. quar ter acre ground, on Capital H Igh ay. two minutes from depot: $1000 will han dle; price S2750. Ned Burke, Multnomah Station. Phone Main 1003. IN SUBURBS 4-room and bath, hot and cold water and gas. electric lights fur nlahed. Take Council Crest car. get off at Hughes Station. Inquire for W. C Barnes' house. ONLY $12(io for a good three-room boose, a full brick basement, gas. electric I lent- city water There is a full lot with this house; $2)n mrh is all vou have to have, M. J. CLOHKfcSY, 415 ABINGTON ML DO, 1 ACRE-IN GREHAM. Good 5 -room house, nice little bam and ehb ken-house: a reai Daraain. I'rlrs lltiOO $.-.00 down, $15 month. See Ott. O. H. Kmlth A Co.. 4.12 Chamber of Oommere 2V fUGHTLY acres. Improved, house, barn well. rai. hard road, mall. ichonL nr flr profitable fruit; $4600. $I00 cash, baL to milt. Af oregonlan. FOR the best suburban homes and acreage out of Portland come to Alderbrook on Oregon City, car, third house nort by of Rlsley station. Far heJe Baa usees Property. A M ON BY-MAKER. For sale or trade, new brick basin aea- property in the heart of the best business Street in ins dii low n in luano, r rice $hou0 (mortgage $2o00. 8 years) for equyy Portland residence property or acreage in or near Portland. Call la person or write 1172 Mississippi ave. $17.50(1 Mt'PT BE 8OLD; two-etory brick building near Yamhill st. market, rents for $150 a month. Pries reduced $2 per day frjin April 1. 1W18. until sold. In quire 202 Gerlinger bidg., or phone Main 4S58. IN lit: ART of shipbuilding district, one half interest of quarter block located at 21st and Tburman. consisting of five cot tages and one two-story store building; $7.oo. part caan, oaiancs terms, ses owner. 2.T1 Shaver si. IS ORDER to close up estate, will sacrifice quarter block, improved Income property, situated N. W. corner Larrabee and Clack amas ; no reasonable offer refused. Make offer. AH 712. oreronian. FOR SALE Restaurant, confectionery and hotel, on corner at terry lanuing; an ideal business at Whltwood Court. Lluntoa road. Phone Columbia 50. COST $40,000: price todsy $3-1.000; Income $300 monthly: earn iono. Kenwood 1 40. liotneetesrtls: Relinquishments MOST VAXTJABLT! HOMESTEADS TV THE tMTEU o 1A i Kii and the most desirable from every stand point lay along line of new Strahorn Ry. in Bend district of Central Oregon; splen did climate, beautiful country, part ttm ber. nart prairie, no clearing, crops first year; 100 acres Irrigated homesteads. 820 and rvfo-acre grain ana stocK-ratsing nome steads: last good free land: direct entry. no drawing; settlers moving In rapidly. For full details see me afternoons or even In era on Hundava Tuesdays. Thursdays. Saturdays, Takw ML Tabor or Hawthorne ave. car. Literature on request. Excur sion everv Sat., returning Wed. G. 8. Khle (Government land cruiser),, 227 East 49th st. VALUABLE ItiO-acre homesteads near Bend Oregon, the fastest-growing town In the Northwest. Good alfalfa land that can be Irrigated; a farm home where you can make good. Box 327, Bend. Or. Hogin Land Co. FOUR HOMESTEADS $150 each. Require deooslt. Guarantee expenses If not found as represented. Don't waste your time or mine unless you renny went a gooo ciaim. Call r-ast X43 evenings. o' 3icn.ay mag. 2 DANDIES on county road, good buLdlngs. clearing, running water: $400 worth new provisions, household goods. 19 miles to good city. ro miles to Portland, not o. et . iana. eacn. fi-u .iorgan meg. FOR HALF: OR TRADE Homestead, 12 mlies from Portland, on good roads. R. Philips, North Hank uock, fity. For Hale -Acre re. FIVE acres, good house and barns, on out skirts city 2500 population, near Portland; special price 10 days $3000, some terms. L 7J. oregonian. FOR SALE 5 seres, all In cultivation; mod ern iinnrovements: one block from O. K. station and highway, 10 miles ont, 1 2c fare. Address owner, a v urcuyoman S ACRK3. well Improved : running water, cloe to Peavsrton and St. Mary's, for CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? 10 acres, good plaatered bungalow; fire place, barn, othrr outbuild. ng: fen'-d and cross-foneed ; fine springs; half undr cultivation; nlv eight miles from Court- $1000. Hllisdale, Or. Rt. 1, Lc ler. REAL ESTATE. For le -Acrrnae. DiiA UTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME, FUR NISH ED. Don't purchase any (uraltur. Here Is a beaut iiul home, all ready to occupy. The o ner is a widow and wlsrws to change c.imate. 3 acre riKUt at c.ectrtc station on Lsiacada K. R. ; 5 terra ail un ci .t plow. Raspberries, gooss berries and straw berries, currants, ln u rrl-. or chard. Al aoli. a:l lencea. only t miivl from Courthouse. Teiephuue, paved road, good we, I, 7-room p.astcred bouse, t jil basement, 2 chu ken-nouses. Personal property : Plow, cultivator, wagon sad narncu. all small tools. 10 cords line oxl. horse. chickens, ail carpets, rugs, all household furniture. I'rtc $.0. terms. L1S1EN. MR. WORKING MAN : Why buy a home on 5"xlio when you ran go a Mttie further out and purchass t hts beautiful 3 -acre tract and be Itide per.deni whether wages go up or come down? Five acres, all unier plow. rap l) rns. loganberries and guoseberriea, blackberries, currants, family ore bard. Al soil, about a mlies out on Estacada R. R.; a. I fenced, telephone, good w.l. 6-room house, birn, rhlcken-Tiouse, cement base ment tinder house. milk house. Price only $;i.o0; $5uu down, balance to suit, 6 per cent. A. G. Bender. RITTER. T.oWE CO ?o 3 -5 -7 Board of Tra d e bldg. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN 14-ACRE HOMK LOCATED NEAR THE HTT LIMITS (j PAVED STKEUT A MONO THE OAKS. FIRS, AND M APLEo With creek and spring running through, water pir-rd to house, and barn. The bst of soil, 12 acres In cultivation family or chard, splendid crop trAs dry season. Several hun1red sa ks of fine potatoes, cow. horse, and. Implements to be Includ ed in the deaL Good 5- room bouse, new burn, granary, chicken-houses In fflrst c J ass condlt Ion. New m o vender ire f snres Willi posts psinted white. Prle and terms on a pMeat Wri. See Sam Hewer at J. I. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. t Chamber of "oik merce bldg. 14 ACHES. HIGHLY IMPHOVFO. 12 VII.KS OUT. -.iE TO COLU.M Bl A HIGH WAV. W!I fne.i. large ba m. new, modem bunsa'ow lth full cement basemeut, ce niei t walk to and around the hous. 4-ft. w eil n 1 h good water, large family or chard. 1 hie ken tioui es and runs. 12 acres In cultivation. 2 acres fir timber, second growth, graveled road. mile to electric station. $7ftO00. terms If desired. r-EE MR LANK. WIT! STANLEY" H. THOMI'SOy CO.. X01 OAK. TH RE HI seres, gond house. Iota of fruit, nesr Nen berg ; $:iK), MMi do n. This place hx bsru and chicken hotises. Ttiree and one-third arrta. onion and celery land. Fin houo and excellent barn. $fW(M; $20041 m ill handle. Sixty acres, paved road. Old hems and fatr bsrn ; $10m. terms. Thirty-five acres, excellent boose and new burn; thres acres strawberries; five at re st to prunes. See Taylor. TUB FRED A. JACOR CO.. 101 Fifth Street. Main MM. STOP TmjK. A 10-sere in.ip. T acres In cultivation. S acres sowed to oats, 1 acre In wheat, all up and looking fine; 11 bearing fruit trees. JiffT?t varieties of berries; personal in nporty, 1 m.trs. ' wagon, harness), buggy and farming tools: firm house, barn and rhWkcu house, mile to schol. All the above goes for $1 1 o. $?.'. -sh. 4tlanr In three years. Don't f il to see this If ou want a small ranch. RKLIAHLE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Btoadway 4 1 ll.l 30'. Oak st. CHEAP ACREAGE. Five acres. $2."0; $li down. $5 per me., buys five acres f land between Portland ami Centra I ta. on the main line of three railroads, m miles from a town of (0 population, saw mil la and shtngie mills; some of this land Is partly cleared, run ning stream: some bottom and some bench, some of this land Is good onion land. Can give you any kind of a piece you want. RKl.l. RKAL ESTATE CO, S1H Hallwav Evh:ins Bldg. 7 A C R KS. $.;Ki0; cash, bs snee 5 years at o per cent, ah in high stato ol cultiva tion, good buildings, including silo, fine water, on county road. Klne orchard. In cluding walnuts and filberts. This Is a fine horr 1 o acres. $:innO: 14 rssh, balance on terms; rood buildings, fine eater, extra good rosd. nenr school and carl ine. J. h. Atkinson, 112 W. tith L, Vancouver, Wash. NEARLY A V ACRE. 154t20. TN THE CITY LIMITS. Five-room plastnrsd house, city wster. gas. plumbing, fruit trees, berries, chicken run. line soil, all uncr cultivation and IS near school, 82d and Schuyler sts. BIG SNAP. Terms. Immediate posses sion. Main 2720 Sunday, Broadway 75 MonJay, $100 CASH BUTH 20 ACRE'. Practically all good plow land when cleared, free from rock or gravel. V8 ml from Portland. 1 mile to station; steady work nearby for settlers; prbe $Mio, terms $HKI down, balance monthly payments to suit you. LUKIDEMANN COMPANY, JI3 "hamber rf Commerce. 2 ACRES, only IS miles out on elect rie line, pear pjfd highway; mi'e to sta tion, bank and stores; splendid bouse. A fine bargnl n. in mrrm nd 31 0 srrea ennoslts en Co lumbia Highway. 9 mlies out ; best bar gain la thst direction. I. G. DAVIDSON. s.1 Chamber of Commerra TOIT CAVT PEAT IT. 1 choice acre In full-hearing fm!t trees, plus 5Ntlu0 lot. in smalt fruit, with liva ble 4-room boure. barn and chicken houses; citv water. HMI E. Msrket St.. close to Bttiool and car. Take Ssth-st. car to 70th St . south to Market; $3000. terms. Tabor 1.t5 or wv I'.rimont st. 10 AC it Ei in Vancouver. H ares In culti vation; building insured for $l50O. f0 acres near Spokane; Irrigated land, with ditches: $25ou each and half on time. ft acres In Oregon CU. all un1er culti vation In big sorted orchard; $1500, half cash, rest on time. iKt.l Ivy St. Fsst 104. 25 month buv' 20 acrers finest soil, acre cleared: Vols more very easy to clear. Enough timber to psv lor place; win make cords wood; near Tualatin. Price $2-XV Ott, G. f. Smith A Co 42 Cbwrnber of rommerr. FOR PALE CASH. 4$ a ere a 10 acres In fruit, pmnes and apples: small house and barn. 20 acres under cultivation: rest good peare or easily cleared, $15w cash. Tabor . iw. W. O. Patterson, 4 miles from Mosler. Or, on Columbia Highway. GOLD AND PLATINUM. 30 acres, patented piacer ground, pre 4ooes) about 7 parts of gold to 1 of plati num, near transportation: abundance water all times. Particulars and Government re ports. See owner at office Tales A Tates, Aisrsnsi P'1 1. unmuiri. mn. I AM hard up; must unload my 3-aer plaoe at Orenco. 10 blocks from station: siae walk to place. 5-room house, barn and chlcken-hnniie, a Xmaa present for some one at $10uo. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. ONLY $500 DOWN for 10 acres with 4-room plastered bwnga low, fireplace, barn, outbuild. ng, ha.f in cultivation, fenced; balance $200n, terms t suit; located S5 minutes from Courthouse, ftoo Concord bldg.. and fftara. I HAVE several well located S to U-tfw tract. Improved; prlcesj axe right. $ acres Just east of city limits on Base Line rd., good improvements: price will Interest you. c. uerr, 3m mi il Do N'T overlook thla: two lO-acre tracts. iuartr mils from tfouihern Pac. Eleetrlr. 1U milea from town Yamhill, price $1000 each : na trades. Phone owner E. o50e. Sunday. ACRE and coay 4-room bungalow, cloe to cars and good school, cuy water, gas and electric lights. $2250, $-50 cash and $20 per month. You can't beat It. Call at 404 I'iatt bldg. for partleu:srs. CH ICKEN RANCH i acres: bouse, barn. 200 hens, henhouses for o. ornoq nouse, brooders. 3 incubators: 14 miles out; price $2,100. Edward Nelson, Route 2, Meaverton, or. 13 APRFS. verv fine soil, no rock or gravel most all cleared, 3-room house, barn, etc.; fine auto road: Joins school snd station. Price $2200; small payment eown. 40 OR b0 acres, partly improved, al No. 1; pn mile 2 electric lines. 31 miles Portland; 10 down, balance Installments, long time. N 1 22. Oregonlan. $5 PER ACRE. 12d a ere raw land, near Mosler, Or., for 5 per acre. Can you beat it? Ar "67, Oregonlnn. GARDEN HOME SNAP. Fine cultivated acre, right at station: only $oro-. easy terms. Worth $1250. Ask fnr M-Cormlr. Main S31S. UN E acre. 6(0 ft. from Multnomah station, on the Oregon Electric, an ideal building site: only $1250. bee owner at 404 Piatt bldg. ACREAGE In Tillamook, to trade as pay ment on Portland home. 602 East 18:h t.. Vnnco'iver. 8 ACRES $roo caih. near station on Ore gon Electric. Owner. MO Chamber of Com merce. Telephone Marshall 15.Y ACRE tract on the boulevard at Multno msh station, the last one in the block, for $i00; essy terms. Call at 40-1 p:att bldg. $J0 DOWN, $5 monthly, buys nice half-acre, 87Sv5t. for $575. Marsters. 1102 Wilcox bldg. Evenings, East 1193. 2 ACRES ii n.t.es fron !--nLavii;a, Bui Line rosd. $'.' down. 410 per mnth : price tl'JOO. v2 Both 8. E. Tabor 41. & ACRES Near Portland; good house. In quire 132$ Wilbur et. 8 ACiiCS, I.ake road, mile east Alllwaukla, Owner. AB 774, Or$onian. MEAL rtTATm. For Salr ArrraxT. POLK COUNTY FARM. A GREAT 6ACK1 KICK TJ CLOSE AN EaT AT K. 11 acres. o be:ter land in Polk County, ail in btga etata of cultivation, lies level with natural drainage, ids I for dairy or diversified farm, lias ba a dairy ranch for 2 years, all fertiliser put back on land. f0 aaca now in hy and grain, goes w-itb place, balance of land to be put In crop this coming Spring, all frtced and cross fenced, good fami.y orchard ; improvements consist f to farm houses, modern, 1 nsw. 1 round barn. 7o feel in diameter, cost (3uu aIm horse barn 3jx.Htt. h' house, cliff ken house and other buildings, all In good stiape. 1 mi-ten s:lo ; running w ater piped to all buildings, lla close to good tow u. ou bard-surfaced read, improvementa alone COt ever $7500. As t h is estate must be closed we are authorised to sell this farm at the sacri fice price of $l''3 per acre. RELIABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Broads, ay 4l:J. z'J Oak St. - S acres, fine land, most all in cu:ti vation, larce orchard, excel leal 7-room house. lare barn, hog and chicken houses and ail ouibulMiu;; fine vail and running stream; 5 fine cone. team, bar fes. 2 wagons, hoga. chickens, hay and grain, tools. ma-hinir and household fur niture. lxrated lu aovd town. -0 mliM from Port. and. Prie only $700O. Can make very easy terms If mo'.l at once. THOMI'SaV kW'av a. tmomPm.iV Third and Main Sts.. Vancouver. WH. A-A- $1250. Huf8K. weiL view, good soil; 2A0 cash. McFariand. 140S Yeon bidg. lTa le Farm. TWO EXCEPTIONAL FARM OFFER. INCOME $400 54 MONTHLY The above la the average per meath from January 1 to September 30 for milk only from this fto-acre dairy, locate,! three miles from Oregon city; a good 7-room plastered house, phone, hot and cold water, large barn patent stanchions, silo w itra concrete foundation, mi 1 k house, frulthouse and other buildings; $0 cows. 2 horses, CM- kens, farm Implements and inois; price $14.0ou; $vO0 wi.i handle the deL 73 ACRES. STOCKED AND KQU1PPEIX Lcted 15 miles from Tort land, tww milea from electric station, en good read; fair house of ft rooms, new silo, bam. riiieken-hoiise. hg house and woodshed, good well and all-year running rrrfk. 1 rows, 14 bead of young stock. 4 borvea. a mo mm, 1 boar, pigs and chlekeaa, farm Impieiuenis and io' 1 of various kind: phone in house, dally rnatl and mlik route, family orchard ftnd ben-tee, a real bar gain for $12 0OO; good term a Hntb of these farms are worth mere than the pric asked and sorta your wbile to Investigate K. A. UN DO REV. SAVON 1 AND CO. P35 N. W. peak Bldg. BENTON. THE FARMER rOTTNTT ONE JK THE BKST. lea acres, a miles from small town; 110 In crop and nesr.'y all wheat land ; 50 eres of creek boiiom pastors; land has ad been lu cIor recent : ; It rolling enour 1 to drain well v.th no hills; has tine big barn, sheds and fair 6-room bouse, good ell. runnm wtcr all the year. lner will consider sruai.T isrm to part f it is worth the money asked, lfu cannot best it fr the money any bre in ihe Wlllsmetta Valley. Prka $12 fn.O. terms KUALT, KARM NEAR COHVALLI5 4 seres. 2H mis from Center of town: i acres In crop, balance la pasture; 3 acren of cherries, part Waring: family or chard, small fruits; all fencsd woven wire; -room cottage, garage, bam. o ben house, good spitng staler, r rek ::o cords Of wood on pisi-e. rn-o S"5oo. ilHki cash, balanr a pr t-eit Interest, on t.-rins. Hae fsrnis of all kinds Come and sco. F 1. KIN N K v. orvallls. ores on 1W A'RKS. $14.0M; $7000 rash. h.;nre 5 years st n per cent; seres In h.gh state of ru't ival ion. good bu!ldtncs. well frnceil. gortd road, fins water, good orchard, near Oner must 1ive for Canada; hns high iv improved farm home, -j, ac-es. entra gioa uu.uings. ail moom. we.i fenced. f.ne tr. nn extra cood road, nesr car- line and school. Make us a reasonable O'fer. Must be sold. acres. $"..Vmi. $1500 eaSh. ba!enee S years at 5 per cent : 0 acres of th s land under lease from state. About 1" aefs In hi eh state of u : 1 1 cation. fair bulldinas. good sater. g.od road, orchard. near school and carnne. j. 11. Atkinson, 1 1 i W. nr h st.. Vancouver. Wssh. $2.f00 RANCH FOR $U.0.kl. located In Clarke County. Wash . 10 nvtes irom Vancouver. 14 mties trom Prush 1'rlrle. on h;hly tniJiniii-l stag road. This place consists of o a --res. fco of which are In ruit. balance can be easily c .eared. Place has first -class soil. large 7-room house. bam. granary, brick smoke-house, and sll neca-s-try outbuildings; 2 wells. 13 to 20 acres of iwile land. This place sM for $4 (mmi six yean a so, owner's mn have gone to wur snd I I nesim compels mis iiroal sacrifice. Kred W . German lo. 7r.2 Cham, of ni. $4tu coo-ACR ranch. 15 acres Shasta 'o . Nirthern California; houw. barn. 2 gortd wells, good tesm of horses, harnes. w acova. fa nn Imp.ements. 2 cows. 1 4 hogs, chickens: about 14 acre in wheat: at'out 2 more cleared : land all fenced and cross-fenced ; all tillable wh n cleared eTtept about 15 a-res; lote of oak timber. Mortgage, $rtoo, ul tt per cent; has two ears to run. W ill trade for home In Portland In good location. No agent. A. C. Rasmueeen. Redding. Khssta O.. Csl . Fall River Route. . AV 220. Ore Cirrmn. R1Y IRRIGATED LANDS. We have several choice places of 10 to ay) acres In best Eastern Oregon district ; good town and community advantages, close t rail rood, markets: will produce 6 to tons alfalfa to acre; corn, potatoes, and other crops yield e-normous.y; no fail ures. Tbfie lsnds are under Irrigatin. water right paid for. and ready for cul tivation. A tract paid for would Insure your independence: easv terms. I.I'EDDEM ANN COMPANY. !13 Chamber of Commerce. THE IDEAL STOCK RANCH. 04 seres. H miles from Corvants: all fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire: no trees or brush; can all be cultivated now If desired; some row lit fall crop; not bald hill but just rolling enough to drain nicely: two-thirds In virgin pasture; absolutely the best buy of Its elsas to be had In the valley. Price $2$. 000, Terms tf desired at per cent Interest. F. I. KINNEY. Corvsllls. Oregon. SMALU WELL-EQUIPPED FARM Located nesr good town, enly 1 miles south of Portland: 3 acrea. good soil, 20 acres la cultivation, balance pasture and timber; spring and well on ranch, family orchard, all kinds of berries, good a-room bouse, fair barn and outb'.dgs 4 towa, pair horses, chicken feed in barn, all farm Implements. Price $4500. Oee Sam Hswey at J. L. HARTMAN' COM PANT, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 62 ACRES r'ineet stork and, dairy farm In the Willamette Valley. miles Of town. 1 miles of grammar awd hlah school. acres In cultivation, bslnnce Pasture and timber, aome fl-ne timber: lOO acres could be cleared and made fine wheat Una; good bulldlnee. fine wster. 2 head of cattle 4 horses, ion hens, hav and grain In barn. All toola everything goes for 33 per acre: easy terma. W ould take some trade if price right. J. F. AllUoa. R F. D. 2. Amity. Or. . CLOSE TO RIPOEFIFLD. S3 aerea mile .from Ridgeflelfl. 7n a. In cult., bai. bottom land In pasture and son.e brush and timber, with running water; 2 houses, one of 7 rooms and an other of S rooms, nearly new: lOO full b sarin ir fruit trees, water pined to house; bara oOn0; rhlcken-house. Tooa and im plements included. Price $4oe0. fiODDARD A W1EDRICK. L'43 Ptark t. bOL'T H KUN Oreson stock farm. 254 seres, stocked and equipped. acres bottom In ..'Ti..rtAn ft.i screa rood timber, a acres in orchard: 60-inch paid-up water right, creek through place: -room house, large barn. 43 head or cattie. nonri, 4 cut, sll tools and implements complete. $15.vO. TTALLMATn REALTY COMPANY. itlO Henry Bg F-ARU HA ROA IN. 1A0 acres :i m cu.tivatvon, 40 miles Portland. 14 aiem. nisjnway -s mi e; f no location ; rric 0vo. worth $10.o. $;vo will handle : Immediate possess ton. Address 1107 E. Main, Portland, owner. Tabor 17. S ACRE?. 1 S acres young orchard and mall fruit. 4-room bouse, 2 chicken - house: good barn, all in cultivation: will rrin for s 1 5M). easy terms, as 1 am leaving the state. Call 15 N. 5th at. Phone f roao w a j- eT.. r. iamptnon. FOR SALE OR RENT. 820-acre wheat farm, soma horaes and machinery: Morrow County. For details sea McCIure A rVhmaucb Co., SOO Railway Exchange Pttiiaing FOR SALE 64 acres, near Eagle Creek, miles from Portland; $3500. $1000 cash; good orchard, buildings and erreak running tnrougn me piac. " . Northwestern ttang n.ag.. forttann. ur. Et:Y land In fertile Illnoisa Vallev. Southern Oregon, (.ream cnecaa es a wva per cow. Write AHhousa ResU La late Agency, Kerbv. Or. 7 AC RES. well Improved, farm implements and 2 cows, iv caan, A iiu, Oregonlan. $40 PKR a4 eO-acre ranch. Iewis River bot tom and bench land : mostly level. Main 3iT2. Mcl-ariana. i- 1 eon Oldg. X-w Atnr.s in iiianteiis nesr Sheriuan ; will consider trade for citj property; 104 N. fth m. Broadway 42. for sale or exchsnsre. C HAS. P.INOLKR At CO.. S?9 Henry Bid g. FOR 6 ALT- Willamette Valley farm by owner. imi cj a., uia rtorta, feCAL ESTATE. I or a Ic -1 anna. SPECIAL FARM BAKGVIN;. 11 -acre borne. Kne sardv ioam so prctici;y ail unrter cultivation: Cove c ri. wheat, oats and vgeVb; land; goc -rv om houwe. ah barn sliO and cO shed, pig and chicken-bouse and o:h ouiomicii.n; good auto roau: 1 mue t v.iooi, i mi;s to a.HJ to a wun mg ecitoi. stores. mi:k cor.denarv. flour mi. m 1 . k and cr:ai route, man and phone xne ooor. a nne bome. prvfiiaDie ian and geaut-ne birsatn. $.'-00 cash and ea tsr-r s. Price $i rsr irr. 32V acres. H mi.e c.or In r-.an sbov fp'tatij soli and good improvements: cows and other stock, imp.ements wit p ace; 2 U or ttwre in ou.-.lu'.lor.. balsnt. gd pnsiure and profiiabie timber; ruv .i-s aprir.g water: c:ose lo grt ana nn . noo. m..g conaensarv. flour iv.'.l. rot c'-urvh and mail, cream ar.d mPk route pnore at door. i-aal. sto'k. imp.e xT.nia ana nay go with p. ace at Sv pc acre. 5 o-sere small farm home. Good lan. ir.osi a.i in cultivation; on g.-od road wtt t.vau siaiion. peons ace mall on ptaos IS mt.ea to grae ard::sh school, s 1 or church, etc ; s:o. k. imp. omenta, crop stn- Douseio a goods -a With place, terms on iiart. fur $5.Vk TLe abov are ail guanine bargains arVJ w.ti lurniaa aeta; sad description one or ail. HO a -acre Coos Pay dslrv ranch, lncluotnrf 1. caa goou rows ana eio. k. Tv ton t ne l ay and ail ti-o.s snd implements 1 .n m .arge uary barn, fair hotuM. barn aiid ott.er outburdric: abur.dauce of gras Winter and iummer; 4 l miiej to rail aa. t trat-tDortat.on. T'le hiccest money maker and bargain on Cie Coast or in ta4 'a:e. icrms on r':f; part i-csaeasiot; any time, price $io -0 J- W. MOK-iAN. omVAT.LlR. OP, Hi AlKoIs, 75 acres cultivated, baianc t moer, st least $3500 cords ood. li-roo houe. barn, hoo l-nt-ir scd other ou bui.Uings. miles Pott. and. 5 m'lcs New terg. j1, miles railway station: near nave' road, cose to school, running water. cr beat of laiiuy loaui soli; Wice $luO pe acre; good terms, Xh'm ;a ont of th ver rarrns in the Willamette valley. II arrt-t, v a cu.tiv.-ted. la s nee pastur age; run: lng water, famllv orchard, c-w; 6- room be use and barn . cho.v e b" a ck sandv loam land. A tiu.es east of citv. mi. icy, .-ts , 1 rr.' m b a 1 d -surf seed rn4. i.VHi. $loou cash. $;.n per annum. 15 a res, all in cultivation, on paved rvd; 5 a prune. 1 a. app-ea. to cher ric. -r. house, bsrn. lu.ly yiutppd. c ; y water, eiee.- ncMa. everxtl.rtc coea "!r,0 lruim' r uu;j take be use up te IM H EWQQD A 0- 15 4th St. F4R1A OF BKMTl A V fT" W F . 1 Vt t THU LAND OF N K TV" ulTORTI'MTV vtrai trncta of from 40 to ISO ares ef irrlt! ed O.of rnfTet( Isnd under iv ernmer; (arty act project in Fiend i'e- rft f Central Oregon. Land l frea and water now ready. Cost of canal C-n-tuetton and perpetual water rlsntn only $ per e r. on 5-yesr terma w ith an nual maintrttsnrv costieg only $1 rev a err. long grow In saon. rich eeie, pure. stft wster; big crops Of a'fal', grains. vegsiables. f:uits, wl!1 make this land worth $.v0 to $'0 per acr. Heaut if ul country and finest climate en earth, land c)oe to Bnd lnvestujste S-e O K. KHUb, Govt, land cruiser, J last 4Cth st. WU.L TAKE PART TRADR ON THE FOI i.owin;: MO aerea, 45 miles f torn Port'snd. tr-ee ml.es from town, M) ssres In cu :ivi;on. good bouse. b.rn. orcfcsrd, fifia oxin or ms-Mrerr. some storg. all for $4 per a re. chsrd, good trn. old bouse. 4 ani e from tesrn ;i WO rc4. $1 . V". Will take $.;5im in trade, bsianoa mertgsee. lel a.-res. 4 mi i from llmlil.l. B mes frern Nesrerg. on KOod road. lOO acrea cu lusted, good house. I'Htu and orchard, pnea $10.001. mill tsks $:.0'0 rath or trsile, baiauce long as apld st pee ctat. E. F. ilACOOV YAVHIT.L. OR. -40 Acnra EQnrprn farm, tamhill COCNTT. ?S acres In cultivation. baa-eo pasuee and timber; good soil; fTyii;v oo-hard. new barn, house. Fod fences, wstcp piped to beue. 1 mil to school. R eoas, 4 csttle. Pen-heron horses. f0 chickens, S turkeys. Incubator, separator, corrpiste set form impleu.ents. barn full of hay. I acre beets and arrnt for cwe . ne Incumbrance; P'lff st 4rtcMi. ts Sam Hewev st J. 1 mah TM A. N MPANY, No. 7 chamber of Commerce bldg. DAIRY FARM LINCOLN C O r N TY . FTik'K. TO' l fl AND IMPLEMENT, ltd srres. 17 ml. from Tillamook, t mlta front Salnon River. 'J milea from cbeeso factory. It. F. D. route. ai a. in cult., bai. Irtr fir. est. about lo million feet. Inam soil. W oven-wire fences. 1 a. orchard, berries, --storv house, barn 52 "0. another barn with lean-to of 14x42; good soil, spring water close to house and barn. Team good horses. 15 cows, 3 hots, rhx kena, ail implements I'rce $$'). Without stock and too. a $7000, baL mort l.tc at 5 per cent. Cl'PARD A Vv 1EDRTCK. ?4S Ptark Ft. LA HJ A 1 N 3 IN WH P.AT AND STOCK RANCHES. If O acres. 10 miles trom Redmond. Or all fenced; 4u acrea cultivated: lira under Tumalo irrigation project; will accept a good auto aa part payment; price $10 jr acre. 3?o acres, 1 miles from Msdrsa. Or. 5 2 small houses, barn. 2 wells, 2 springs, all fenced; 80 acres bas been cultivated; will accept Portland or Vancouver bouse la trade; price $lo per acre. il A. LIN DC. REN, AVOy LAND CO.. 93 N. W. Bank Jtdg- 80-ACRS RANCH ToWV COLUMBIA RIVER Hir.HWAV STOCKED AND tWUlPPED New bouse, bara. other outbid gs. fine sort nr. gasoline engine, water piped to house; btg team of horses, 4 cows, chjek ena. complete set of term Implements, all new; plenty of feed on band, price $t5i0. See Sam Jlewsy at J. L. II A HTM AN COM PANY, No. 7 chamber of Commeroa bld.v 4i b and btark. aialn 2oS. a o50. 10O AC RES, lOO in cui tiv at lou, 10 orchard. waiGute. wi clover, pasture. 11 inner, run ning water; "-room houtc. concrete cellar, barna, etc., w ell. All farm Impiementa. 14 head stok, 4 hops. 3 horses, pou.lry and Iceu A goes I or 1 i.wu, terms. 1 nu wei 1 improved ranch Is 24 milea from Portland, convenient to carline and is one of the beat producing farms in Ctackamas County. Sc it and you wii buy iu Oscar Freytag, tils ds tone. Or. A GOOD FARM of ll'O acres, 10O acrea tillable when ciea ren. anout -u acres un der cultivation, land not under plow, is seeded and la elegant pasture; good barn, fair bouse, fine creek and epring on the land, plenty of outrange adjoining thla land; place is 6 miles from Cema. Wash, Price $35 per acre, terms if desired. Oso. Y. Moody Co.. WajhougsL Wash. CANADIAN FARM UNDfi. Cheap land, remarkably easy terms. Iandseekers' excursion party leave Tort land for Calgary. Alberta. Saturday. No vember 10 reduced rates. For further part tculars see Canadian psrif le R sll way Company. 2ti8 Railway Exchange b;dg. L. P. 1ho;nton. district represent at ive. lOO 1MPROVKD farm. 1 miles out of Vancouver, wain., on pavra roaa, nwsc Pat tie Ground, mile to ststlon, new barn, small house, fine creek, bottom land, soma bav erdam. 5 under plow, balance brush, in good past tire, easy cleared. 12 acres beaw clover and timothy. Quick sacrifice) $.mo or 5LKK cash. 8 JO Morgan Bldg. 40 A v iu;s, 3 mi.es to good tow n. t a hours Irom Portland, gravel road, it, telephone line, graded school and neigh burs: IO acres in cultivation, buildings, family orchard, fenced, running water, team, wagon and harness, 3 cows and farm machinery; $:mu0: s:ne.l payment, bs'ance r.g time. Hoi v. test's rock. ftooo ACHES in Southwest Washington for sals to settlers only: easy terma low prices. $5 per acre and up. Liberty benos m -- m r ns r. Wrlta luf ma 3 aha sr la a lo,-a ; ion, ternis, etc Wtr KH AEl SKR TIMBKR COMPANY. Ts ma B.dg.. Tacoma, Waaa. FoH e-ALK by owner, improved 154-asxre stock or dairy ranch In Linoi:n Co about vo a. res valuable tide land, in cultivation. S-rooxn house, large barn, other build In s. plent y of fruit, spring water, etc. Price J'J.0v0. icrtimbranea $4300. Addresa ownrr. AV 211. Oreronian. 5'JO-aCHE Ksstera Oregon larrn; fine soil, f sir build In gs: one good crop will haif pay for the piece. I know any one can make money on this place. Wtlk sell en easy term, to suit purchaser. Price $12,000. a-ee owner. Andrew Peterson. st4 littersiate ave. Phone Wood In. "i72. S3-ACRk ranch, Southern Oregon, rich sol., spring water system, good outrange, fine game country, lots of fruit, good build ings; will sell at av bargain. W $, Ore gonlan. FtJH ALB Dary farm of 500 acrea, near Cantra.ia. Wash. : medern buildings. Ship- fir. g point on farm: price, including dairy. ed. machinery, etc.. $00 per acre, with terms. Address Box 30. Centralis, Wash. ALLKHTA w heat farm, 8u0 acrea, fully equipped ; $4"O0 cash. bai. crop pay -men: s. Claude Cole. 30 lienry bldg. S40-ACRS farm for sals by owner. Deep Mick, loam soil. If Interested ca.ll at 111 V.. V.'d st. N.. Portlsnd. Or. LO.G ED-Ol 1" It nds, $10 acre p: runnlag water, good poll, lS livable, employmtat, easy tern.a Jesse K, bnarp. ad it. 00-AC RE farm. US miles out, rich sot), highly developed; must sell quickly, part terms. Owner. W e S. Oregonlan. 40 ACHES, well Irr. proved, (rood location. Clarke County, V ash., $V-;i per acre; terms- Russell rt . "t "OJI. Eastern Oregon stoca - Isrtns, If 1 uteres td liendrlcks, Josstl. Or. -id wheat . 1 hews 4s 70 ACRES. C3 acres under cultivation, eme:i houite, on county road. $40 per acre; $250 down. 117 Philadelphia st., fit. Johns.