THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, rORTLAND, "OVE3IBER 3. 1918. FOR SALE. FOR SALE. FOR BAH -ArTOMOBaES. FOR BALE AtTOatOnrLEa. FOR SAM -ArrOMOBlLM. FOR PMF, A rTOMORTI F. M isceUaneogg. FOR SAI K AITOMOKlirn. Mlacel Ian eou a. WIRE HOPE. 12.-0 ft. 1-in. xl9 wire rope (1 piece). COO ft. IH-in. Cxl9 wire rope. 8000- fc. 1H-In 6rl9 wire rope (1 piece), snoo ft. 14 -in. wire rope (1 piece). 10,000 ft. "4 -In. new Improved plow steel rope. 2.", 000 ft. 1 to 1-ln rope In shorter lengths. 60,000 ft, smaller wire rope. "We have a large shipment of Diamond Diocka coming in. Do you want any? ' PIPE. Font- carload of almost new pipe. "A to -inch, just bought, including 40.0To feet 1-inch black. 28,000 feet 14 -inch black. JS,Coo feet 2-inch galvanized, 1. 1-00 feet 3-lnch black, ' 2.000 feet 4-inch black. 1.500 feet 5-inch black. 2,000 feet 6-inch black. A large quantity of other sizes. and fit tings of any kind. 1 11x13 Willamette compound donkey, used one year, with all equipment, line blocks, etc., at a bargain. 1 8x10 double-drum donkey. 6000 pulleys, ateel, split, cast and wood, and almost 1,000.000 other bargains In mill, logging, shipbuilding machinery and supplies. M. BARDE & SONS. INC., Portland's one big machinery house.' 26 years in Portland. FRONT AND ilALM STS. JEWELER'S hard enamelling outfit, includ ing electric furnace with extra muffle. 150 dies, about 0 pounds high-grade enamel , and other accessories. Am thoroughly ex i perienced In this business and will teach buyer the business; fine opportunity; very little competition on Pacific Coast. A-N 611. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1 roll-top desk, flat-top desk, Ttsible ; typewriter, computing scales, lot shelving, i showcases, counters, check protector, ship carpenter's tools, heater, range and 1000 other useful articles. NO REASONAHLK ITFTT-RW Tf TTTSTTRTr T NEWMAN BARGAIN STORE. 128 First. BRUNSWICK, BRUNSWICK, BRUNSWICK, w carry iuii line or ail record Bruns wick, large shipment just received. Buy before the raise in price. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3&U Alder. We have 12 record and machine rooms. Forced ventilation. IF YOU STAT AT HOME. You need music. Let us send you a new , all record Brunswick, Victrola, Grafonola or Edison. Over 10,000 records to choose from. 12 record and machine rooms. Easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 00 Aider. CADILLAC. 1912. The kind that never wears out. Elec , trie lights and starter: everything in perfect order; being used every day. A Pick-up at $150. Sundays, Tabor 7491 weekdays. M. 3579 IfroK SALE 2 cows. 1 calf, span of mules, wagon and harness, lot of chickens, 1 new j-passenger Ford. ll18; 1 u-passenger Cadillac, 1914. Adjoining county farm, cherry Park Orchard. E. W. Duncan R. F. D. 535, Portland. it'UR SALE Standard electric range ; three holes and oven, first-class condition; a bargain at $t0. Call at (21 Michigan ave. Phone Woodlawn 4019. '"LAS RANGE Is very good baker; has high and low ovens, broiler, four burners and jsimmorer, warming closet, shelf oven burn ers; a good stove at a bargain. Main 4019. BOOKKEEPER desk and stool, Oliver type writer, model 5; Todd check writer and roll top desk, all In good condition. 4ol i0 you want to trade your too small or too large eafe or an unsafe one for one that just fits your business ? Phone Mr. Greene, Marshall (J0S0. FINE ALMONDS AT WHOLESALE. Have 2000 ffpounds fine nuts, just har vested; will sell 5 or more pounds for 23 rents per pound. At 1123 East Taylor st. JFOR SALE Dark blue fur-trimmed Winter coat, size 38 to 40, $18. Call Sunday, cor ner Sandy and E. 23d at. N., Malcolm, Apt. 40. US tall man's new ovrecoat. $20; rain coat $5; 2 good suits $15 each; Norfolk suit $J.50; blue serge $o.50; shoes, size S. hats. East 140. . tADV'S beautiful fur coat; will sell cheap. Call 12th and Marshall sts.. Beaver Apt.. Apt. t7. IBLACK silk broadcloth coat, size 33. $10; one purple crepe de chine dress, size 38, $S. Phon Woodlawn 4407. lj;nsTKAD. full (size, white enameled and brnsp. with springs, $7.50. Phone Co lumbia 1S2. tfc'OU SALE Charter Oak steel range for coal or wood, with a water back; nearly new. Woodlawn 5;'.6. 882 Alberta st. H A E 1 2-i t. Ralv. .Sampson windmill with tower end tank; also pump for sale; price $150. See owner, room M7 at 45 4th st. tFOit SALE Jersey bull. 2 months old. $."0. Ladd stock. 400 East 50th st. Tabor 45s:. ion SALE White wicker baby buggy. Only used a short time. Price $14. Call between lo and 2. Bdwy. 15SCI. 1JoOlJ wheets, pillowcases, towels and com l"irtors cheap; clean and only slightly us-d. 7. East 8th st. South, corner Stark. tSHt "OND-HAND large piece linoleum and some fence wire. iCD E. 75th N.. near Mulsoy. JUNIOR Estate gas range, cae body go fart, baby buggy, coal hoat:r and a very good violin outfit cheap. 57 E. Mill st. XADY'S fur coat, size 35 or 3S, reasonable; will take liberty bond. 501 East Davis, corner 13th. ANDIRONS, brand new. solid brass, latent design; retail value $24 : will take $15 cash or W. S. S. Tabor 2585. j'OIl quirk sale at bargain,' fine show case, very a ppropriate for bakery goods dis play. 144 2d. TONS 40-ounce canvas two yards wide in length of two to ten yards. H. N. Bain, Main 4G0I. liADV'S gold wrist watch, never worn, very reasonable or will trade for cloth coat. 8 85, Oregonian. fcillfH & WESSON revolver, safety clutch, perfect condition. $ lo. W t2tf, Oregonian. C KNTLKM-AN'S suit, rich brown mixture, size ".7, trousers ."2x32. silk lining, $22.50. Call East 70!'; after 5:30 Monday. t'OR SALE Almost new wood Opal heater. No. 20, nickeled and cast-iron lined, $15. After Sunday East 705::. GOOD Winter apples, from The Dalles, cheap. Wrtln. 2055. A UOOD bicycle for sale cheap. Mar. lt51. T.flS Salmon. SMALL National cash register, good as new, :!':; Washington st., near 0th. LOVELY French serge dress, size 38-40; davenport; reasonable. :M2 Rop?. AMERICAN beaut v. charm use evening dress with beaded tunic, $lj. II 6o:. Oregonian. FOR SA LE American adding machine. O i. uregoman. fcii BUNDLES baling wire. 0 guage, 8-foot icngt ns. i. :n . nam, .Main 40i. ONE fine Oriental Bejur rug. 5x8. Call room -iO1. Multnomah Hotel. FOR SALE Two good -size Century plants. Phone Main 2tlSl. WILL take 50 liberty-bond and $10 for beautiful $;o fur. K 67 1, Oregonian. SiAKBLE base floor showcases for sale cheap. 100 2d at., cor. Stark. COLTS .38 military automatic, target sights. Woodlawn 508. I'On SALE Lady's Winter suit, size 36. Tenor OB4s. l-'OR SALE $40 black overcoat for $15, size .(. Main 320J. KNOWLEDGE books, 20 volumes, practically new, yjy. j is 2ith N. Kll V fine 4 -piece. .m posit ion metal set 01 o:d antique pottery. 144 2d st. ONE almost new range, one coal and wood heater. 20th and Morr'son. Douglas Apis. CONCORD grapes for sale, 5c pound. Sell wood 1102. EXCELLENT prunes, 12c a pound. Floral ave. DIAMOND Beautiful 240 perfect Tiffany ring. sun. Marshal! 324. LONG black nearly new. Automobile coat Marshall 43il. Jtlt'PT SEL plus Co. j 5 shares In Lambert Multl AE 5ti.". Oregonian. L 3'LANS for 5-room bungalow $10. 325 12th """TWO return tubular boilers. East 475. ITALY'S shoes cheap, ,Nu. 4. Tabor 0320, ALASKA JUNK CO. PIPE PIPE PIPE. Second-hand pipe, " to 12-Inch, lowest prices. bst quality. First-class stock, properly fitted, absolutely guaranteed. SAWS SAWS SAWS. 'About 2000 Henry D is ton- new saws at less than 50 per cent of the present mar ket price. Plow steel cable, all sizes, at lowest price. A complete equipment of loggers tap piles, including an assortment of about 200 Steel block. Mill fittings and supplies. Iron and steel. Hoofing material. Boilers, pumps, engines, etc BOILERS. BOILERS. We have Just secured several 200-H. P. 150-pound pressure boilers, second-hand, but have cnly been used a very short time and therefore are practically as good as new. If you are interested in sue, be sure to see us first. It will pay you to do so. ALASKA JUNK CO. 201 Front St. Main 4110. STORE FIXTURE BARGAINS. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, ACCOUNT REGISTER, TOLEDO KLECTRIC SCALE, PLATFORM SCALE, WALL MIRROR, SAFE (ABOUT 3 INCHES). S 9-FOOT FLOOR SHOWCASES, SEVERAL COUNTER-CASES. SEE BURKITT. OWNER, 209 SELLING BUILDING. WHITE CROSS electric carpet cleaner.. $19.75 Wall hanging show cases $ t.uu White stationary bead sewing ma chine $i2.r.o Big roll-top desk $:;S.7.. Kolid oak office settee $ 0.50 Ivory reed perambulators. $15.00 and $22.00 These articles, with many others, will he found in the Exchange Department on the 4th floor. EDWARDS CO., MH AND OAK. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE. PHONOGRAPH3 TO ADVANCE. Prices in talking machines soon advance 19. Pay a deposit or buy now and save. We carrv full line of Victrolas, Bruns wlcks, Edison and Columbia. Over 10. 000 records to choose from. Perfectly ventilated demonstrating rooms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co 350 Alder. FOR SALE. 84-foot 88-inch two-column steam rad iator at 12 Grand ave.," 'for 60c per foot. Phone East 92. LARGE, solid oak library table, suitable for office desk or home table, 920. East 727. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. THERE'S NOT A PLACE! IN THE CITY WHERE YOU WILL GET A BETTER ASSORTMENT OR EQUAL VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. YOU'LL GET A GOOD CAR AND A REAL BARGAIN IF YOU TAKE ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: ' FORD ROADSTER $ 450 REGAL BUG 800 REO 4 . 800 MITCHELL 800 CADILLAC $00 REO 100 NASH 1330, OLDSMOBILE 1500 COLE 15 OO NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. ALDER AT CHAPMAN. FOR SALE Slightly used 1918 Maxwell; fully equipped, silver beam, spot ugni. a.m going to war and will sacrifice for cash. Call. Sunday from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M., Broadway :t532. GRANT 6-cyl. touring, model 101 7, engine. body and top excellent conniuon, iires nearly new. Owner need 9 money; must sell at once. Marshall 121. FOR SALE Bulck 5-passenger, 4-cyllnder, leather upholstering, electric 1 ignis ana Presto tank, pump, jack and some tools; car in fair shape; $250. Call Sunday all day 38 E. REPUBLIC Ife-ton truck in first-class con dition. WENT WORTH & IRWIN, Second and Taylor Sts. HUPMOBILE. almost new. Will sell this car at a big sacrifice ror a quick saie. amy be seen at the Eat 10th and Burnside Oarage. 11H7 CHALMERS light six roadster; special top, extra equipment, goo a tires, new paint. Can be seen by appointment. Call OAKLAND SIX. thoroughly overhauled and just out of paint shop: as good as a new car; a sacniue l 1 1 j. v-au a t 20th N. Sunday. SEVEN-PASSENGER STUDE BAKER 4, se ries 1 last-class condition ; lots extra equipment ; $750 cash or liberty bonds. 410 K. 00th. Tabor 3210. FORD one-ton trucks to lease without driv ers. 121 North 3d st., cor. uuian, .Broad way 2029. vor SAI: Mitchell six touring car. $1100; Bulck six touring car, $725. Phone Main 341 OLDSMOBILE 8. powerful, economical, splendid condition; reasonable. Bdwy. 5033. FORD SNAP 1915 Ford touring car, must bo sold today, oniy 2&a. call ,ast lOlh and Burnside Garage. OLDSMOBILE. 8-cyI.. $1200; light mileage; best buy in .fortiana. Harris (a.nuy btore, 12OI3 5th. 1914 FORD touring, first-class condition; new tires; $;25 cash or liberty bonds. 63 E. 47th St., N. W. cor. Stark. FORD roadster, 191.3 model, excellent ron d it ion. with good tires; a snap at $:i00. Call at 1004 E. 20th N. Sunday '"A. M. BRAND new Ford sedan, never run; will sell at a Pi g sacrixice ji lanen at. onco. Call East 4:it6. 1913 CADILLAC in excellent condition, new tires, starter, etc. WiM sacrifice. Can be seen ssunaay at 111 M?twtriorne btb. 4-CYL. 7-pasa. St udebaker limousine; will make good hotel bus- or taxi; in perfect shape. A snap. H. Freeman. 542 4th- st. WILL sacrifice for cash 1918 Ford roadwtcr, in best condition. Call Bread way 3 5: J 2, from 10 A. M. to ft P. M. Sunday. DODGE roadster, four new tires, extra tire; best buy in town. See Sunday at S t a i ger V, ara ge, 9th and Couch. MIST raise cash; my small 1915 road ster, new tire;, generator, storage bat tery, for $225 cash. Tabor 4573. NEW Ford, used In city a few weeks; own er leaving city: get this car, save money, N'oa. 2 1 1 4 Fen ton bl d g. 191 rt 5-PASSENGER Ford, good condition. Make cash offer- Xalre Tromegeau. 2170 Clackamas st. No interview alter 3. 1912 BL'ICK, 5-passenger, $200. Look it over. East 2745. 1917 FORD touring car. in excellent condi tion, only $125. Call East 4:rtS. 1U17 SAXON touring car. in fine condition, a snap at $750. Call East 4306. 1017 FORD Best cax h of fer t a kes it. e e Sunday at th and Conch. 1913 CHALMERS, fine shape, $350 for quick sale. ,tiij ttn st. r-. FORD DELIVERY; A DANDY; $4AUU CAN BE SEEN AT PTH AND COUCH. x 191S DODGE sedan, good as new. Call Ta- nor bol7. FORD roadster, good tires, shock absorbers, fine condition : V75. 9th and Couch. &-PASS Ford body, 1914 Model, suid top. Tabor 52uil. GRANT SIX ROADSTER. IN FINE FH APE, ONLY $025. CALL AT 9TH AND COUCH. FOR SALE Grant 6; excellent condition : bargain; owner; 321 Eugene t. Esft 23S. 5-PASSENGER Maxwell, good tires; car in good shape; $000. 9 La and Couch. USED CAR SALE OF FORD CARS. LINE COMPLETE. TOURINGS, ROADSTERS. DELIVERIES AND CHASSIS. TOTJ MAKE TOUR OWN TERMS. Used Car Department Open Evenings Until 9. Sunday All Day. 1918 Ford Touring with $130 worth of extras. 19H Ford touring, several extras. 101. Ford touring, like new. 1917 Ford touring. A-l mechanical condi tion a dandy. 1!MT Ford touring, lots of extras, . ir17 Ford touring, bargain. 1017 Ford touring, looks like new. I'M! Ford delivery. A-l condition. l!lJ Ford touring, extras. lOlti Ford touring, overhauled and painted. 1:11 Ford touring, looks and runs like new. IOI 5 Ford touring, several extras. 10i- Ford' touring, bargain. 1014 Ford touring, bargain at $415. 1914 Ford touring, bargain at $M50. And a few others to choose from. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9. ETODAT ALL DA V PALACE GARAGK COMPANT. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. 12TH AND STARK STS. Broadway 1072. A 5442. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! 1918 LIBERTY. 1914 FRANKLIN. 1914 CADILLAC, ff-PASS. 1918 COLE, 7-PASS. 1913 PACKARD. 7-PASS. 1918 OVERLAND, 6-PASS. REO 2-TON TRUCK; BIG BARGAIN. TERMS TO SUIT. DANIEL SALES AGBNCT. PHONB BDWY. 24. 84 BROADWAY. OPEN EVENINGS. J. H. GRAHAM, Case Six and Scripps-Boojh Distributor, loth and Stark, sts. 1 6-cyL Paige. 7-pasa. 1 6-cyl. Reo, 7-paKS. 1 6-cyl. Mitchell. 7-pass. 1 4-cyl. Overland, 0-pasa. 1 Bulck roadter. - 1 4 -pas.-. Studebaker. All of thette cars ara In perfect shape, but, owing to the fact thai we are get ting in new cars every day and must have room, we are disposing of these cars at bargain prices. We will give satisfactory terms to reliable) people. Come look these cars over. We will gladly demonstrate any of them to your own satisfaction. TRUCKS lor quick dellver. manufacturers' , axents for Dearborn Truck Company Chicago, over Oregon, Washington, lVa 10 5-ton, 4 and 6-wheel, wood, lumber, log ging and transfer trucks: all latest squid- ment, ready to work. Ask about our 2 te 4-cord wood trucks. 120 us for hauling jobs, wood, ore, millsturf, piling and poles. Dearborns are most suitable trucks for hauling farm produce. Terms reasonable. See our plans for plank road work. E. M. STARKWEATHER. 308 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG., PORTLAND, OREGON. BROAD WAY :t4i8. ONES brand new 1918 model, 6-paaeenger touring car. driven less than lOoO miles, all new tires and one extra nonskid. Car In perfect condition. A demonstration of performance and appearance will be the most convincing factor that this car la a oargatn at tne price. One late model Mirmon roadster. In Mr feet condition; all new Urea. Price rssv- sonaoie. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 68 N. 23d St. Main 780. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1918 Ford touring. 1917 Ford touring. 1918 Ford roadster. 1917 Ford touring. 1916 Ford roadster. 1918 Ford delivery. . 1916 Ford delivery. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. E. 3770. East 13th and Hawthorne Are. USED RADIATORS, for all makes of cars. All our radiators are carefully gons over ana xnaae ugni oeiore soia. BURNESS & MARTIN. 15th and Alder sts. BUY from owner, save dealers 10 per cent, Willys-Knight S-passenger. This car has Silent-Knight sleeve-valve engine, no car bon ; perfect cond it ion ; $200 worth new tires, 1 extra with cover. A bargain. W'ill be worth one-third more in sirring. F. A. Howes, 711 Washington SL Van couver. Wnh. CHEVROLET. BRAND NEW. $950 CASH. Here Is an opportunity to buy . per fectly new Chevrolet at a saving. Car has not been ued at all. Koom 20 1 Oregonian Bdg. TWO-TON Reo truck, just thoroughly over hauled and ready for service; a good bur for someone. PORTLAND VAN A STORAGE CO., 15 th and Kearney sts., Broadway 5640. FORD touring car; new Kelaey body. In per fect shape; will take part liberty bonds; cash price $5o. W. E. Kelso. Lske rosd and Willard st Miiwaukie, Or. Phone Uil- waukie, 29-R. 1915 FORD, 5-paHenger touring car. seat covers, newly painted, firet-ciass mechan ically, new tires. A snsp buy if you want a good one; $:io cash, or terms. Call Frank Smith, Broadway 1130. FOR SALE Ford light delivery car with all extra attachments; as good as new. No reasonable offer refused. Must be sold at once. Car and owner can b seen at 6th and Madison st. garage. In basement. 191s OLDSMOBILE, 5-paenger car; has been driven only 3600 miles: Is in first class condition; 5 tires. Looks like new. Will sell for $1350 cash. Call Frank Smith, Broadway li:n. SNAP. 2-ton Federal truck, Al shape, for sale, with good hauling job. Win. L. Hughson. cor. Broadway and Davis. Broadway 321. 7-PASS ENGER Studebaker. first-clas con dition, for Portland property; give full de scription and phone. M. 501. Bl'IK touring, model 37. Owner must sell. $5o, with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near B u rn s i d e. LEAVING city, must sacrifice late model Chevrolet touring car, completely over hauled, guaranteed; will demonstrate: canh. Government bonds; terms. P 466. Orego nian. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodu Co., North Broadway and Flanders. 1918 MAXWELL car for sale at a bar gain. Cash or term a 221 Front stret M. M, Levin. Main 9072. evenings Main 4807. FOR SALE By owner, 1916 Oakland Light Six. tires and ess- In good condition; extra tire and rim. Can be seen at 4th-st garage, or call Marshall 4739. FORD for sale, cheap; In first-class con dition; demountable rims: 1914 engine; must sell, going East. Address 933 East Caruth-rs. Pbone Sell wood IS5. CHEVROLET touring. 191. same as new: will sacrifice and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Bumatde. T-PASSENGER. 1917 Chandler for sale on account of going out of town. See Mr. Biackman. 154 N. 6th. FOR SALE 5-pasenger, 4-cyllnder Bulck; fine condition: all new tires. Call even ings. Tabor 4264. DO YOU want a real good buy In a 1 7 Maxwell. on very reasonable terms? Tabor 6010. FORD touring, beet of condition; must sell. Bargain $:25; with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. 1914 FRANKLIN SIX. good shape, rood tires, cheap as Ford to operate. $t50; terms. Box 349. Phone Marshall C94. 7-PASS. Studebaker; see car at 10rt.1 Haw. thorn ave. Make offer, cash or terms, to Mr. Ro?e. FOR PA LE 191 Ford, shock abrorbers. speedometer, $4-5, Call Marshall 2a07. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. ESTABLISHED IN 1904. 191S DODGE BROTHERS CAR IN GOOD SHAPE 1918 DODGE BROTHERS CAR IN GOOD SHAPE 19 1 7 DO DG E BOT HKKH CAR IN GOOD SHAPE 1916 DODGE BROTHERS CAR IN GOOD SHAPE 1915 DODGE BROTHERS CAH IN GOOD SHAPE TOURING $1073 TOURING 1023 TOURING 950 TOURING 773 TOURING 650 FORDS. FORDS. 1917 FORD TOURING CAR IV GOOD SHAPE, HTORAGK BATTERY SHOCK ABSORBERS, LARGE STEERING WHEEL, SIX GOOD TIRES no 1M Ft.RD IN Ofion PHAPK rou 1915 FORD INT OOOD SHAPE 475 1914 FOKD IN GOOD SHAPE 32A 191 FORD. DEL., GOOD SHAPE... &r.O 1917 FOR D 'DEL., GOOD SHAPE... 475 1917 FORD DEL. GOOD SHAPE... 4".0 3915 FORD DELIVERY 40 FORD ROADS.. GOOD SHAPE 440 1915 FORD ROADSTER &7i WE CARRY A COMPLETR LTVTG Op USED CARS. WE HAVE THE FOLLOW ING IN STOCK: AMERICAN. BUTK. CADILLACS. DODGES. FORDS. Hl'D SO N S. lACO MOBILE. MI TCH E I j A OVER LAN D S. FIERCE - ARROWS. R K H, PAIGES. SCRIPPS-BOOTH. STUDEBA KERS, WINTONS. COVFY 'MOTOR CAR CO.. WASHINGTON AT 21ST. OPEN EVENING 6 AND SUNDAYS. WE SOLD three cars last week, not very many, but good considering conditions In general. We still have- $4 cars In stock, all of them good, ready to go anywhere. They consist of roadsters. S and 7-passen-ger touring cars, $20 to $1500, which Is less than 50 per cent of the original cost. See them. IO A. M. to 4 P. M. Sunday A-l AUTO WORKS A- PAINTING Co B25 Alder Street. REGN'EH FIELDS, 12 Grand Ave. effer today, as a special inducement, four $490 model touring cars at a price that win aureiy sen tnem. Are you going to be one of the lucky four? Also one 1918 Ford touring. driven only 1200 miles, $6O0 ; demountable rims, tlrs car rier. Tale lock, bumper and other ac eesKories. Also one-ton truck, fine shape, $S00. Open all dsy. Phone East 92. 1916 FORD. 19X7 STUDEBAKER $70 STUDEBAKER 350 BI'ICK 450 1917 MAXWELL, A BARGAIN. 1918 MAXWELL. BRAND NEW, A SAC RIFICE. 191 VELIR. 118 CHEVROLET, 8 CYL. 125 LO W N DA LE. COR. 15TH WASH. LATE 1916 roadster In the best of mechan ical condition, equipped with Dyne to start ing and lighting system, same as used In bent grade of cars. We offer this for quick nale, $ 3 95, reasonable terms to suit you. See this car Sunday, 10 to 4 P. M. A-l Auto Works sc Painting Co., G25 Al der st THIS may be your last chance till after the war to bux late model 191 CHALMERS. This motor car has been left with ns to sell at a great sacrifice In price. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 514 Alder st. Open all day Sunday. FOKD touring; looks new. mechanically bet ter; driven 2500 miles by cartful drlv-r; demountable rims, extra tire, hub brake. lour-speeu gear snui, worm steering gear, speedometer, steering post lock, otner ex tras; will sacrifice less than co!t; price $70O. Call tf A. M. to 1::0 P. M., 392 h CADILLAC. 1912. The kind that never wears out. Elee trie lirhts and starter: everything in per' feet order; being used every day. A pick-up at $450. Sundays, Tabor 7491, weekdays. M. 3579 THE BEST BUY IN PORTLAND Light 7 pass. motor car. over $200 In extra; the car originally cost about $21ftO; will sell frr lei than half price. Twin States Motor Car Co., 614 Alder st. Open all day Sunday. 19i:i FIVE-I'ASSENfiER Hayne, mechani cally perfect: new tires; baa been well taken care of; a demonstration will con vince you that this Is a fnod buy at $rt"Ti. Car can ba seen at 402 E. 15th N. East ."OS. DuUiiB touring car, run only short dis tance; oversize cord tires all around. Looks like new. Terms if desired. Open Sunday morning. Braiy Aulo Co., tki Washington st. . EXCHANGE Maxwell. 1010-17 ignition tour ing, for or ton truck. From I to 4 Sun day, small garage corner East 8 2d and SLa.rk. owner. Hutterneld. P. O. box u A. R. R. A. PRACTICALLY new 1918 Ford touring car. driven only 120O miles; Yale lock, bumper, demountable rinia, natual wood hels: must be seen to be appreciated; price $600; term. Phone East 6524. FORD touring car, Just overhauled and In good cond it ion. rpe iai orases. i-tinr head and tail lights. This car must bs sold at once. Will sacrifice for $$00. llth-Street Garage. 3:;h East 11th st. MUST sell my 1WI4 Ford touring car; eirtl lent mechanical condition, electric lights, food tires; no reasonable cub offer ro used. Phone Sellwood 109L HUDSON Super-Six; am forced to sell at once; best offr takes It; might accept some terms, good as new; will be In town Tuesday. Sellwood 2674. $o2 FOK qui'k sale; worth $400; Ford touring car in Mne shape; many extras. Call Sunday. iiMOit CGd U 3. E. ML. Suott car. CADILLAC delivery truck, -ton capacity, self-starter, lights, ail In excellent con dition, good J ires, tools. $275 cash. 42 Hawthorne ave. ' $20 STUDEBAKER with 7 tire. In good running condir Ion ; mun be sold at once; price 200. Twin Stales Motor Car Co., 014 Alder at. Open all day Sunday. 1017 Bt'ICK. 5-paas.. best of condition. Just reflntsbed and looks and runs like new; $1 ion; a fine buy. A-l Auto Works A Painting Co., 520 Alder at. ' 1910 OLDSMOBILE four touring, fine shape; five good tires, two are new; good punt, extras; $710; a bargain; look It over. Call Sunday after 1" A. M. Phone Tabor 2 HQ 3. 1917 DODGIC 5 passenger, all In good con dition: 6 tire. 3 extra Inner tubes: a snap for $71. Used Car Market.. W. Park and Stark sts. 131rt CHEVROLET 5-psBn. $420. Fine mechanical-condition; " good tires; demount able rims: terms. Main 3520, ApU 4, 300 Jefferson St. ONE 1913 Chevrolet, 0-passenger; will con sider late model motorcycle as part pay ment. Broadway 302. 191 S CHEVROLET touring $OOn: In fine condition, with lots of extras. 650 E. 64th st. N.. S block from Pandy. 1917 FORD truck: Dearborn chaasis; all In good shape; J 320. Used Car Market, W. Park and Stark sts. LATE m'Ml-l Ford touring car with Kelsey body, demountable wheels and other ex tras, none 000- 191H MAX WELL Brand new: extra tire; $M75. lTsed Car Market. W. Park and Stark sts. FORD touring; car; demountable wheels, shock absorbers; fine condition; must sell; terms. Woodlawn 1427. 6-CYLINDER Baton roadnter. In flret-ctass condition. ; a bargain If taken at once. Woodlawn 1777. BU1CK ROADSTER for sale: good condi tion: bargain. White Garage, park and roueh sts. WHITE three-quarter truck. Just rebuilt ; tnap. White Garage. Park and Couch. FoR SALE Ford touring, easy terms. Ta bor S206 after 1 P. M. FORD 5-passenger louring car; fine ap pearance; easy terms; owner. Main 1109. 191 7 FORD, good condition, battery and spotlight. Cash. $000. Phone K. S43. GOOD auto. $170. If taken today. SG2 Last 14th st. North. BY OWNER IMS Uk:1 touring ear, gootl condition. Phne Tabor U104. THE BOSS IS HOMB after savaral weeks in Southern California returns to his desk FULL OF PEP! AND THINGS HAVE STARTED TO HAPPEN. Written orders have been Issued from bis olf ics in rapid succession and bars Is what he talis the USED CAR MANAGER. REDUCE! THB PRICE OM EVERY USED CAR IN THE HOUSE FOK THE NEXT 10 DAYS ONLY. THINK WHAT THIS MEANS TO TOU. MR, BUT EH. Ws have the largest stock of Used Cars la Portland and you ara to b given ths benefit of some extremely low prices. 75 CARS TO SELECT FROM 75. DONT DELAY TV LOOKING THEM OVER. FORDS. AXONS. MAXWELLS, 6TLDEBAKEUS. In fact every ear In ths heuss will bs marked down for ths 19 days only. ROADSTER?1 TOURINH AWS, TRUCKS. LIGHT DELIVERIES. Ths gala starts TODAY an1 ws are open bright and early. SELECT YOUR CAR NOW. PORTLANDS LARGEST AND FORE MOST DEALERS IN USED CARS. MOST DEALERS PORTLAND UPED CAR STORE. 2." North Hrslv. - LOOK FOR THE BELLOW FRONT. USED CARS. USED TRLCia Pick out n at ths blr East Bids Used Car Depot. Low Pces and easy terms. Ws bav the follow ing ears on band and invlts your Inspection of same: 1017 Pmlck. -ryl.. R-nass. Just right. 1017 Hupmobtle. 5-pasa. Llks new. 1TU7 Cole 8. 7-pass. A bear. 3017 Maxwell. &-pasa. Economical. 11(17 Chevrolet touring. A dandy. 3917 Dort. a-pass. Just what you want. 3917 Studebaker, 4-cyL, 7-pasa. 191 Maxwell touring. Good conditio. lOId Studebaker. 4-cyL 7-pass. 31I Studebaker. 6-cyU roadster. 3015 Mitchell, 6-cyL. 7-pass. 3915 Marmon. 6-cyL. 5-pasa. 3015 Hupmobtle touring. 39i:t Wknton 6 touring. lull Marion. &-pass. 3914 Overland roadster. Studebaker bug. Standard 3-ton truck. vim -ton truck. Liberty bonds and liberty bond receipts taken at face value. Open Evenings and Sundaya Examine Our Accessory Stock It Is Com plete. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. East Stark nnd tirand ave. East 7810. - F. VV. KIPPEli. Sales Manager. WINTER BARGAINS. LOW PRICES TO OET TOTJ TO BUT NOW. S 1917 Maxwell automobiles In good con dition, fine, small modern cars, put in as bargains on our Winter sale, each $050 1916 Maxwell roadster, first-class. .$525 1917 Maxwell roadster, looks like new and runs Just like av new car 1917 Ford delivery, great buy. . .$470 1917 Maxwell delivery, gain Winter bar- , $00 1916 Dodge, another Winter bargain. .$02. 1917 Briscoe sntomobtle. all up In good condition, looks and runs fine $u0 6-M Henderson sutomoblle In fine condl uon and repainted, for only 191$ Maxwell automobiles, three dandy bargains to select from $775 to $mw 1917 Para llrht R.nasa. six In firat-cls mechanical condition, extra lire, every thing In fine snaps o. HUDSON SUPER SIX, 1917 Hudson Super Six automobile, m in perfect ahane. a 9 dars guarantee on 11 the same as a factory guarantee. We still have some work to finish It up before delivery. C. I BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 615-617 Washington bu Portland. GOOD bargain in a Winter car; Hl7 studebaker sedan: In first -class shape and looks like new ; run 6000 miles; also practically new '19 series Studebaker Light M x. 5 passenger; owner gone La Ft and will ancrifico for cash: car may be se-n at 12 2d st. Hroadway 271. GOl NO Kart on Government ork ; tour ing car, Iully equipped, newly .overhauled, in good running order; no reasonable cash offer re I used : can be seen at 1 49 Admiral ave. O. ; end of NS. car Una. See RoRerS. 1916 FRANKLIN 6 c Under, four almoat new tires and new Willard battery; -an be seen In front of Morns Hotel at loih and Stark Sunday from 1J al. to 6 P. M. and Monday until 12 M. : for sale by owner. A" M 7a. Oregonian. POVV ERFUL 11 Pierce-Arrow, only been driven l&OO miles, used as private pleas ure car; could be made into classy, up-to-date car or fine hotel bus. AL 732. Oregonian. CHKV ROLKT MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 101S touring. run 300 miles. Prl.e will stop your heart. Owner 42J Division it, Oregon City. Phone A 14. CLA8SY HUPP. 20 (bull top wlndahleld. etc., good tires, A-l shape; must be seen to be appreciated; $290. terras. 21$ S. trend. 1 HAVE lft my 191S Maxwell: run 10 miles, wit h $.V worth of extra eoulp ment discount 20O. al Chapman Garage, 1 vi Chapman t. BRAND new 34x4S non-sktd Firestone tire never unwrapped; 101 discount. Hyatt Talking Mnchtne 'o, 300 Aider. Terms to responsible party. FORD $100 OF" EXTRAS. Perfect condition, $A7A; you will buy It at eight. AG I4. Oregonian. ONE-TON Ford truck, good condition aell $42V John Winer. 73 N. Seneca aU ; Ht. Johns car: call Sundays FOR KALE 16 model Ford. A-l condition: three nw can4) run 7nn miles; $470 cawh. I'hone Woodlawn 7H!. Sunday. V-12. 1613 Hlfli rosd at er; good cond 1 1 ion : de mountable runs, electric lights; $3uOl Wood Ian n 401. 1017 MAXWKLU a dandy, will take cheaper car as part payment or will sacrifice for cash. Call K.ftt 111. 1117 DODGE In good condition; good tire and equipment. Phona Broadway 5-' or A 29", between 11 A. M. and 1 P. M. 1D1H M AX WELL Excellent condition: ail new tires; used for city . driving ; fam ily uso exclusively: S 72-V East 172. 5-PASS. auto In good condition for eaie or trade, hacrifiea account storage charges. 200 N. l-'ith. cor. Kearney. AMERICAN Bl"G. good condition and a rare bargain for qui'k sale, this morning st 1 North Fifth st. FOR SALE cheap. Velle car. good merhan Iral condition; would make fine bug or Itght trurk. Phone f 2:l'- Hixby. FOR D 1910 model, good condition, at a bargain. r:i r 1 an. Hl'DSON Like nw. Private ear. By owner. Call Srllaood 24!7. 1V17 Hl'DSON SUPER SIX cheap; newly r-f!nihed. cord tires. O 14. Oregonian. FORD runabout, less f'ders. good running shape. $275 cssh. SliS Clackamas st. 1310 FORD touring car. best condition. 30 Wasco st. I'hona East 5217. 1U1 S FORD, a 1 moat new, ith extras. Woodlawn 4fM7. OSii Milchell I'.lg S'x. 7 pHMnger. SOOO; Inquire mornings. La Velio. CUUu Hotel. WR HAVE FOR SALE A 6-CTLIXDER OLDSMORTLE. PRACTICALLY NEW. IT tiH GOODY EAR CORD TIKES BUMP ER AND OTHER K X T R A sV NOT A H'RATrH ON IT. WILL SACRIFICE FOR $l&oO. 1917 MITCHFLL. 6 -CYLINDER. T-PAS-PENtlER. A IO NEARLY NEW GOOD TIRES. INCLUDING EXTRA; PRICE $ 1 "K. 1917 HUI-K LITTLE SIX. OVER HAULED. NEWLY PAINTED AND NEW TuP; $1100. 191 CADILLAC. TV FIRST-CLASS . CONDITION; VERY CHEAP. MODEL 93 OVERLAND. FINE SHAPE. 1918 FOR D TRUCK. ATX NFW TTRFJ AND IN PERFECT MECHANICAL CON DITION. FORD TRUCK ATTACHMENT. BRAND NEW; $300. li-TON JEFFERT; VERY CHEAP. 5-TON PEERLESS. COMPLETELY EQUIPPED PACKARD LUMBER TRUCK. Al tONDITIOV; RUN VERY LITTLE. REASON FOR SELLING. )11NE OCT OF BUtUNfciiS. 1 CHATV.pllIVF PACKARD, FINE CONDITION; HARGA1N. PORTLAND MOTOR f AR CnMPAVT, 10TH AND HURNMDK STREETS. BROADWAY 521. FORDS. FORDS. We can make Immediate delivery n new 1919 Sedans, Couplets and Trucks. . vrm havb 1917 Touring Cars from $423 up. WE HAVE 191$ Tourings and Roadsters $500 and up. WE HAVE 1915 and 1916. Touring Cars; prices rea sonable. WE HAVB Real Bargains la used delivery cars, opes ana panel bouits. 1 OAKLAND 1 CHEVROLET 1 APPERSON Liberty bonds tsken at face value oa all used care. TERMS IF DESIRED. OPEN SUNDAY. RUSHLIGHT PENNEY. INC. 1'honea East 303. C 1061. FORD CHASSIS FORD CHASSIS- JUST LIKE NEW, AT BARGAIN PRICES. SUITABLE FOR TOURING CARS. DELIVERY AKS AND BUGS. 151 N. SD STREET. CORNER OF G Llfc AN. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. Col e. 7-pass., Al shape; cheap. Chevrolet. No. 40.' like nw; snap. 1917 Ford touring. fln shape. 1 tl 7 Ford roadsicr. fine shape. 1916 Ford touring, very cheap. 1 S-ton White. 1 3-ton Reliance, rood shape; cheap. 1 1-ton Ford, a good buy. 1 Studebaker madMer. 1 Studebaker delivery, electric light and starter. Tany ethers to choose from. WM. L. HUG HSON. 66 North Broadway at Da via. Broadway 62 1. ffKEINO BELTFYINO. SEE TH ESK, OVERLAND. MODEL 3 07$ MAXWELL TOURING $75 SAXON six eoo 1117 CHEVROLET 17$ OAKLAND ROADSTER 7fX) 1617 DODGE TOURING $06 THE rSED CAR FXCHANCTS, ."27 washini;tom ST. Where Washington and Burnside Meet. ' THTCSR ARE BARGAINS. 11 OLDSMOWTT.E. 6-CTT $140 lfti rii.psvnnn.K, 8-OVi jn;ty 1W17 STCDERAKER, 4 CYI 77'. v fl rt riVKRLAND. 4-CYL oo 1!16 P AXON. rt.CTL &75 REO 2-TON TRUCK. EXCELLENT rONTTTlON. ONLY POO SEE THEM AT OIMOPTT.E CO.. PRDV. AND COUCH. BRDT, 2270. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS- FORD TOURING $273 FORD ROADSTER $25 1918 FORD TOURING 600 1015 FORD TOURING 875 THE USED CAR F Vr$T A VGTffi, r27 WASHINGTON ST . Where- Washington and Burnlda Meet. $.V.4l FOR goorl necurlt y and dpndah i 'halmers left il h us to sell for 3,'. Ills loia la your gain. Twin States llomr Car Co.. 014 Alder st. Open ail day Sun day. 6-CYLINDER Bul.'k ro.fer. god condition, run less than PuOO nulea; sH tires new non-skid. Phona Marshall 00C4 this fore noon or evenings. ELGIN SIX. 0 per cent nr ; a snsp. Call and aee this bargain. (n be had on reasonable terms. Open Sun da v morn ing. Kra ' v Auto Co. At Washington St. FRANKLIN touring car. thoroughly over hauled and repainted; runs and looks llks new. Terms 11 desired. Own Sunday morn ing. Braiy Auto Co.. 61 Washington st. REl'URLIC 1-ton truck in good condition for sals cheap W E NT WORTH IRWTN. Second and Taylor Sts. LATE model Franklin touring car: had very careful un by rervortb;e party. Trmi if desired. Open Sunday morning. Hraiy Auto t'o.. C.nj W.ahlr.gton sr. AUTO MOBILE PARTS at Junk rrlcea for all ' makes of cars. Pacific Junk Co., 2-12 Front st. IY Maxwell mufft be sold a once. Come In and make me n caeh offer. J. . Mur phy. M4 Alder St- Broadway 44 MAXWELL touring car. $.O0 cah. for juicfc turn. 121 N. Sd St.. corner Olisan. CHEAP T-paMRET Win ton Six. In good eond-t on. M ' I Wood J a n 1 ". FOR CASH. virtua''y nrw 0 -pasreng-r Ford; f ma condl ion. F 0'tn. Or. -gonian. l;lT Kuli D 1-ton trut k $l"o csli. East 4O04, BIG USED CAR STOCK. Car are getting very scarce; In fact, ths tima soon be her when U w'U b practically ImpomlMa to buy one. Why not take aavantage of our iT.w v.;ive. n.i ef.y terms while they last? our present stovk Is eabauffied wa wi l be forced to pay highsr prices for our cars and In conieiuer,v wilt hava 10 s-rll tnem at advanced pnca. Loo a over the following )it and -e If ou eer saw i lmcf lot of cars 10 se.ect frotu. 191S Oakland 6. 5-pass. 5 tires. 9 new. 1H1 Stwietakr a. -pas.. 0 cord tirsav lslH Auf uro k 7-pa.-.. jut like new. 1H17 Coia , eedAik. 7-pass.. god as new. I wl 7 Reo i. ovcrnauicd and paint IhI 7 Stearns-K nigh. ; a real bargain. 117 Hudson sttpr Al rendition. 1917 Ivru 5-paeN.. repainted, like new. 117 tiat.y Ovenand. a lut'. dandy. 117 Grant 6. touring; economy and powr. 1917 Co. a. i-naa. Try it and yon U buy it. Ifl7 Studebaker. 4-cyl.. 7-paaa. : repainted.' llT t v e I roal: er. See It lie sjn a. B-pasa.. repainted 11H lvti:a touring, perfect condition. 117 Cl.evrolet lourlr.g. good s.iape. 1 SI 7 Ford touring, soma extras. D10 Mitchell. &-pasn.. repatuted. liupniohle. overhauled, re pa In tad. Mod: Kl iver.and. overhauled. Hul k. a-paas.. 4 rr.l tire, ote spare. M arm on sport roads t er ; a bear. Over lard country club; wire wheels. Vsh Hear 'at ; rmn ctawa. Ch a im'nt coup. K eep drv Ford bur. 11 motor, dandy. 1I4 verland touring, a arap. 1 1 4 Amrtcan touring: undr?ung. IM Foid Inuring; make an effer 1S12 I-oconiohlte. 4 -pa. Can t beat It. 191$ Buirk touring. Oood as S er. 1 -tnn Ford trtn k. 1 -ton tr-k. 1-ton Ford truck. Open evenings and Sundaya. Examine eur accessory atock It's com plete. deai.frt r?r.n CAR CI F.ARTVG TforpE, irnaiwav at rurh. Prmdviv S.A27. Lsa is E. Oby. General Manager. USED CAR BARGAINS. $300 TO $000. Ford toorlng 114 Ford, very good tires..... $ -0 lwis Kord touring Cadillac, 4-cy Under. &-paasnser 191 a Ford, 1914 Motor, demountable rims, in good condition Studabaker. 4-cy Under, 7-paasenger; runs good Cadillac. 4-cyllnder, -passenger 1917 Ford touring 1915 Ford touring Studebaker, 4-cy Under, 5-pasaenger. $75 4V 4..0 eo r2 $00 $600 TO $700, Chevrolet, special aoulpment 6 Sudehaker, 4 -cylinder. 5-psssenrer. 60 1917 Ford touring, special equipment. electric atarter. domountabia rims. 6n Cadilac. 4-cyllnder. 5-paasenger ... OO Studebaker. 6-cy Under, 7-paaaan gar. . 60 Max well touring, good machanlcal shape, bumpers 6' Brlscw touring, spot llrht, good Urea COO Maxatl touring, good mechanical aha pa 706 $550 TO $1000. 191 vroe. good condition ...... 19M Briscoe, like new 906 191S Hriacoe delivery, overstxe tUes, 99 por cent new Buick. 6-cylnd"r. special top. new paint, usual Bulck condition These prices are subject to change 906 1250 rlth- out not lea. W. H. WALLING FORD. R22 AMer. Broa-may $3ft0 CASH AND $40 PER MONTH WILL BUT THE SWFLLEST LITTLE CAR IV THE CITY. IT WEIGHS ONLY 20 POUNDS. HAS Sr M.L TIRFS-rHhSH demountable RIMS. WF.ST1VGHOUSE STARTER AND LIGHTING "SYSTEM- HAS A RECORD OK 20 MILKS ON AGALIXN OK GASO LTNE IT'S THE BIGGEST LITTLE- CAR ON THE MARKET. ITS A DORT AND THE PRICE 13 $S00. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. ALDER AT CHAPMAN. USED TRUCKS We have on band soma very good bar gains in used trucks. The stxs range from a -ton to n tons, in all standard makes. T 't majority of these injrki have ben thorough! overhauled and are In firt cis condition In every respect. If In the market for a ued truck, see us. W ENT WORTH A- IRWIN. 1 . We i' give very liberal ti r.m. Truck Headquarters. Second and Ta ior. TRAILERS. Tf von are interested In iraile'-s. s're from 1004 pounds to lona pacttv. for any kind of work, see us. loan u far: ure in l'ortland a comp.fie Cf t.NTWOriTIT AV IRWTN. INC.. Truck Headquarters. second ! Tayir. M'KKlM-l.lXK. $1 OO Invested in t tee.1oh ns gives voU in atra nr.lleape of Hi trtl'es: speedoline in creases vaporisation, eliminates carbon. PIP;u:s '.ifr of mtor: sSroiutrW guaran teed lustrlbutcd lv S lsla. 722 Nort h -aest'em Ila'ik h'dg : K. M. Clinton. 1 . OA 1'nion ave North; Martt Auto hupp. v. 414 hrk at.: Pete icon's Garage. HtlbofQ. jOi rT--lTrs:Tclas rne-on new Ford, truck . attornment, pneumatic tires T.:.t4 S ' nw Ford, rhssais; positieTv tl-e best buy In the. ntv with P- ial built deltverv bodv r w - ' h ou t. W 1 1 1 a rrf pt rood d t n mon d or wliat have ou as p.rt payment T It will be orth your ehilo to a c IL No reason able offer refused. Commercial FreCialty tjv. Inc.. 2Q Railway Kkclnnr bldg. lU i F'T. D sedan, new ; ea In g it y. sell heap, easy terms H. M. Ii ice. Adrian apt a. Phone Fst e i-W O - TO N t ru-k t -a d a or a M I ae' 1 on terms. Myers. 201 Third su Phone Main r.gpt t OKO 'murine. In f in a cond ' Ion ; will se.i at f-"'': some terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Humide. 117 EY KN-pasanger c.u. right new. ngM r-lf-e. Portland Auto Taint Fhop, 37o K. Morr'son st. . TWO cr.oda n-w Cverlanda 10 lease with out e rivers. 121 North 3rd at cor. UUaaa. Broswsy 2-9. OS K 1 1 0 rot! a e roadster. $TOu, rTd c-n-ditln. Kelley lire .i : s Co Bd. and Ankeny. Hr-adway 4H. FUR ALK ("handler car. used mo. part rali r exchange for lighter car. Call CoU .--TON trurk and trlrr. fine condition; Itiu. 0 nr, 412 t cnlon lldg. Bdwy. 173X V. 2.W r'R SALE or exrhange I willard lighting hatterv. hprrdomflr. 1 tack. $ auto lamps 2 Inner tulcs Tsbor 8o7. STUDEBAKER -on truck In dally usa, exceilent top. self-starter; price $. Frank I Pmtth. -H Aider St. NtW 19' Buik b. nvcr run a ml, fr e will taks Dode in trado. F iA 1 re gon 1 s n. VIM truck. 1017. soild rear tires; a ba r gNtn at $. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Pumstde. l:l MITCHELL am. in Al rotid'tiou. owner leivitic cit ; terma. I'hona Ma.u R. Mr. right. litis .NAM! 2-ton tru-k. uie.l fin day?. $20O; would Axcpl car or light truck lor paru St-ll. lft.1. MUST ail U'l Ov. r .md. t'ne shape, liberty bona or ciih. Tir 7H. 101S K'KP. l.K" new. cs!i $".2.V 7-3 p. M., room 21. Phone Broadway ISIS. FOR SALE Pierce-Arrow touring car; good con i 1 l : o n. Owner. C rW. Oregonian. ir14 FORI touring car. all new tires, $ 22i. 727 Nm.? ave. 1 V'ltihtt, 44. LATE model Chandler S v roadster, in Lrst- .1 s rendition. K. a s t 1 1 7 . b-lOHTl. uced tiros. $:t to $ 1 " ea h. vui canlzed 25c; tire repairing. 2.'7 MiQ.ion. j"7MMXSTt m:k OK r.-Kl) VPS ON SALE A T ST IGKR'S GA RAGK. t 'Ol'ni. LM2 it'tl!l.AM l: good mechanical con dition; all new tires. Sfl!"M :;:.v F'i:l iu(!'fr, d-5iery boiy on rer. must " sold: hMjn'.n. Broatlway 21 7. (ji-t1. Uor U.I s. only L.:,o. i;17; almost new. A K 712. 1 liR I fr a-le, 1 1 7 i:iolel. In Coo.i ondl- t;on: aU nw Ures. AV 1 M. "rf r-tmh. lu 1 h h O l U tsith extra, very t h-ap Iur p h a 1 1 4'-2 or Nob H ill i;rt' 2 I-'ilI iu tru'.ka at '.'it'cam pr.tcx 321 N .T ; e'.. ffirrer of . I'.ii. 1 1 7 til v'K i.i'..- S.. c . u'liUtliOJiJ price l.sau i'houe TaLo.- 4114.