TITE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 27,- 1918. WILSON CRITICISED, WJUMT DEFENDED Have Well-Clad Feet And Preserve Your Health Many ills come from poorly-clad feet; many come as the result of imperfect fitting of the feet, Our good shoes will give you ample protection from the stress of weather. We aim, too, that your feet shall be perfectly fitted in the footwear you buy here. We offer you only the best makes Rosenthal quality at moderate prices. ENNING' Washington at Fifth Washington at Fifth HENRY JENNLNG & SONS Eastern Press Deeply Stirred hy Appeal to Voters. G. 0. P. SUPPORT RECALLED "Partisanship Gone Mad," One Com ment; "President Had No Choice but to Speak," Says Another. The action of President Wilson in appealing to the American electorate to return a Democratic Congress in the November elections is the subject of spirited comment in the Eastern press, bharp criticism and vigorous defense of the President's action is voiced in ed itorial columns from which excerpts are given below: Chicago Tribune Some weeks ago the President announced that "politics is adjourned," yet now at the moment when it may be expected to. have the y maximum of partisan advantage, Mr. 'Wilson reconvenes politics and, step ping down from the international ros- ! trum In which he has been praised and ! loyally supported by his political op ponents, he appeals to the country against them. The appeal is one of the mcjt deplorable events in the history ' of the American Presidency, setting an example, unless it is promptly repudi ated, as demoralizing for the future of our politics as it is unjustified by the facts of the present time. Chicago Evening Post The appeal of the President for an all-Democratic Congress is a denial to the people of the right to vote on what kind of a peace they want. That is Its cardinal sin. The Senate we elect November 6 will not be "a war Senate," as the President's proclamation so unfairly as sumes. It will be the Senate that passes on terms of peace. Do we want a "soft peace," with the United States Bitting at the council board as Ger many's advocate, or do we want a "con clusive peace," based on "unconditional surrender?" In electing the next Con gress we have the only chance pre sented by our system of government to answer this mighty question, and the President seeks to deny us that chance by raising the false issue of a refuta tion of the Administration's conduct of the war. Chicago Journal (Democratic) President Wilson's appeal to the Amer ican people to elect a Democratic Con gress is not an exhibition of partisan ship, it is a belated reluctant reply to outrageous partisanship on the other aide. It takes two to adjourn politics Just as it takes two to keep the peace and when the G. O. P. leaders refused to let politics be adjourned, the Presi dent had no choice but to speak out. He could not well have spoken in more temperate and dignified language. Chicago Dally News In appealing to the voters of the country to put none but Democrats on guard In ashlngton, President Wilson has placed partisan ship above personal fitness and above loyalty as the .test by which to judge a candidate for Congress. In this "most critical period our country has ever faced," faithful support of war meas ures Is not to count on the side of any Republican candidate for Congress, if the President has his way with the voters: whereas, lukewarmness or worse, shown 'toward the war by Democratic candidate is not to count against him. This is partisanship gone mad. Boston Herald So far as the prose cution of the war is concerned, on which the President lays his emphasis, or the maintenance of American rights after its close, there is not one scintilla of reason .for the election of a Demo crat or for a Democratic House or Sen ate. ' Baltimore Sun Politics is adjourned, or ought to be, so far as petty squab bling over personalities or trivial is sues Is concerned. There Is no repudi ation of that doctrine in the President's statement. He Is asking for support, as he says, not for his own sake nor for the sake of a political party, but for the sake of the Nation itself. ... Omaha World-Herald While the re sponsible governments are moving for-w-ard in harmony to win peace and vic tory. It is Colonel Roosevelt, a leader Shoes for Men Men's Cordo Brown Calf Bluchers; fine Winter models with . double soles. Splendid shoes f fifi at an attractive price Men's Tobacco Brown Lace Shoes in English model with leather soles. A shoe you. will QQ Oft appreciate. Priced Men's Tobacco Brown Lace Shoes in English model with Neolin soles. Moderately priced gO QQ at only All widths and sizes. Shoes for Women Women's Cruiser Gray Kid Lace Shoes with long vamps and military heels, .cravenetted (PI A ff tops to match leather tDXU.UU Women's Cordo Brown Horsehide Lace Shoes with Cuban heels; an extremely smart (PQ flft model attractively priced 07.UU Women's Tobacco Brown Lace Shoes with long vamps, heavy welt soles and mili tary heels. The price jg Women's Gunmetal Lace Shoes with welt soles and military heels. Splendid Winter shoes (PQ fTA at a moaest price ' jfij AH widths and sizes. We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps 129 Tenth St, Bet. Washington and Alder This store is out of the congested district. The high ceilings, open light well and good ventilation assure an abundant supply of pure air. Shop here leisurely and safely. control as the result of the election, he feels, and the behavior of Kepuniican leaders like Mr. Roosevelt and Senator Lodge justify him in that feeling, that thenceforth legislation and all action would be taken amid contest and ob struction. New Tork Tribune If the President, In his role of Democratic leader, may reconvene politics and appealTlirectly to the voters, so may the KepuDiican leaders. It is now the duty of the Ke- Dublican party to speak openly and without restraint. Let it say what it stands for and why, and wherein its DrinciDles differ from those of the Democratic party, even on the issues of war. PARTISAN CLASHES COXTIXTJE Wilson's Appeal Basis for Discus sion In House. WASHINGTON. Oct. 26. Issuing of pre-election statements was continued today by Democratic and Republican leaders and campaign committees. Representative Ferris, of Oklahoma, chairman of the Democratic National Congressional campaign committee. In statement tonight, cnargea mat re publican leaders, in answering the ap peal of President Wilson to his fellow couhtrymen. resorted to "generalities, speaking of percentages, but carefully refraining from mentioning the actual votes on the great war bills." During today s session o' the House, Republican Minority Leader Gillett called attention to what he termed a violation of House rules by Represents rejected by the American people, who ' tive Heflln, of Alabama, in securing the sends the telegrams to the Republican leaders of the Senate urging them to use their power in the Senate to dis credit and defeat the President's peace terms. Supported and applauded abroad, but opposed and embarrased by pow erful political enemies at home, there . was left to Woodrow Wilson but one recourse, and he has boldly embraced it. Indianapolis Star--Thorough Ameri cans. Democrats, as well as Republi cans, will read with sorrow the Presi dent's appeal to his "fellow country men" to vote for Democrats regardless of the service and merits of Republican candidates for places In Congress. It Is more than a political incident when the President of the United States steps down from his high office in an attempt to use the war as a partisan asset. Patriotism Is not a party affair. New Tork Sun There has been much In Mr. Wilson's deliverances requiring subsequent explanation. His amazing Implications concerning the effect of a Republican success on November 5 seems to us to belong unmistakably to this class or expression. A Republican victory in Congress elections, a defeat of the Kitchins and the Dents and the overthrow of the narrow-wltted and malicious oligarchy which has domi nated Democratic policy in Congress so long, will not be a repudiation of the President In the eyes of Europe. Only he could imagine it, if he indeed be lieves it. New Tork World It Is not surpris ing that Republicans vigorously criti cise the President's appeal for the elec tion of a Democratic Congress. His argument is powerful In all Its bear ings, but he is not the man who should have made it. Others have said in his behalf all that he now says for himself In an unexampled way. and. we believe, with much greater probability of In fluencing public thoughts in the right direction. Jt la one thing for orators or newspapers to say In time of war that thm result of an election may be con strued as .a repudiation of the Presi dent. It is something emphatically dif ferent when tae Pr-sldent himself so pronounces It- New Tork Times The President's appeal is unusual. It has Its obvious risks. To say that the election of a Democratic Congress would be a vote of confidence In the Administration connects the opoposltlon theory that by electing a majority of Republican Sen ators and Representatives the country would vote want of confidence. The President's action is bold, for the event Is uncertain. But his boldness is the measure of the importance he attaches to securing in the next Congress, a ma jority control in sympathy with his Doliciea and Durnoses. Should th House and Senate passinto Republican J inrtion of the President's appeal in 'the Congressional Record under the rule permitting him to extend his re marks. The Incident was pointed to in statement tonight by Representative Fess, of Ohio, chairman of the National Republican Congressional campaign committee, as illustrating "the obstruc tive methods in legislation employed by certain elements from the South." Representative Ferris- declared that twice as many Republicans as "Demo crats In the House voted against the resolution declaring war on Germany, while three Republicans and three Democrats opposed it in the Senate. He said ISO Republicans and one Demo crat In the House and 21 Republicans and no Democrats in the Senate opposed the shipping bilL Addresses were made by Colonel Roosevelt and Senator Lodge during the Congressional campaign of 1898, Representative Ferris said, urging the country to support President McKlnley during the Spanish-American War. DAYLIGHT SAVING SUCCESS FIRST PERIOD ENDED 2 A. OF MEASURE M. TODAY. Be Only Noticeable Result Will Necessity of Turning Back All Timepieces. WASHINGTON. Oct. 26. The Ameri can public tonight completed Its first period of "daylight saving" satisfied with its results. Although officially clocks were not to be turned back an hour until 2 o'clock tomorrow morning, for the av erage citizen the change of time was made tonight either by turning back the hands of time pieces or stopping mem Deiore going to bed. At the Naval observatory all nren arations had been made tonight for the change in time. The clocks at the ob servatory, by which the N'atton meas ures time, were not to be turned back. Tomorrow at noon the observatory will merely send out 7&th Instead of 60th meridian time. By order of Director-General Hiti)nn all trains en route at 2 o'clock tomor row will proceed to the nearest station for a wait or on hour and then re sume their schedule. Beyond the physical turning back of ciocks and watches the change scarcely win oe noticea Dy tne average Ameri can. Educator-Soldier Dead. CENTRALIA, Wash., Oct. 26. (Spe cial.) Charles Guernc, a graduate of the University of Oregon and a brother bf Mrs. Wesley Jones, of Toledo, died this week at the officers' training school at Canfp Taylor. Ky., of influenza. The body was sent to Salem, Or., for inter ment. Mr.. Guerne was an Instructor at the New Mexico Normal School at the time he entered service. INDUSTRY FIGHTS FOR LIFE Senator McNary Makes Extended Argument on Loganberry Tax. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Oct. 26. Senator McNary today made an extended argument before the Senate finance committee In support of tne petition of Oregon loganberry growers for a reduction in the proposed internal revenue tax on loganberry juice. ,The bill as passed by the House pro vides a tax of 20 per cent of the value, which. It Is asserted and is agreed by the Food Administration, would ruin the Industry. The loganberry industry asks that the tax be placed at 3 cents per gallon, or double the present tax. At the hear ing today Senator McNary was ac companied by H. S. Glle, of Salem. 9 Sp'HOME MAKERS During this week we will continue our exceptional carpet offer, embracing our entire stock of Bigelow Body Brussels Carpets WhittaLTs Body Brussels Carpets Imperial Body Brussels Carpets which we offer without reserve in an assortment of patterns at Greatly Reduced Prices The production of these fine Body Brussels carpets has ceased for the present. .We are unable to duplicate any of the patterns we show, hence we are offering; them at temptingly low prices to close out. All are woven from old yarns and dyed with old dyes, which assure their superior quality. We have arranged the carpets in this offer in three great groups, according to choice of patterns. The respective prices by the yard are : $2.15 $2.45 $2.75 These Carpets Are Priced Regularly at $3.50 the Yard Sewing and Laying 15c the Yard Cane and Mahogany Furniture' Our main floor exhibit is devoted almost exclusively to beautiful, carefully se lected pieces for the parlor or the living room. Our large stock of this furniture permits a wide range for individual selection from handsomely designed and thoroughly made pieces. ... Among the new arrivals now being shown are three damask upholstered cane and mahogany pieces-similar to those shown in the right-hand panel above, consisting of: Davenport at $135 Chair and Rocker at $62J)0 Each New Curtains Displayed Our Fall displays of Filet Nets are sure to be suitable to your selection, from the cheaper grades, 40 inches wide, to the higher priced panel effects 50 inches in width; ranging (P KA in price per yard, $2.33 to DO0J These are in cream, white and beige. A very nice Cream Filet Net, 44 inches wide, close mesh and regularly r7p priced at $1.25. Special for I J A special Square Meshed Net, 50 inches wide and very heavy. Sells regular at 90c per yard. Spe- CCp cial, per yard, at vlUC In ecru color only. Our regular ?2.75 Marquisette Cur tains in cream and ecru, 2 yards long with good, washable (PQ QfT edging. Special, pair, for DddO These are exceptional values. Remember! Kirsch Flat Rods are non rustable and will not sag. Cost no more than ordinary rods and are far more satisfactory. $55 and $60 Body Brussels Rugs,9xl2Size $38.75 We are closing out all of our fine Body Brussels Rugs at these deep reductions from normal prices. There are a limited number of excellent patterns from which to choose. -iinttmumnmtmiiiini The Modest Home or the Mansion Either can . be completely furnished from our stocks. Here, under one roof, are nine floors filled with the best and most comprehensive array of furniture in the Northwest No matter, how modest no matter how luxurious your desires, they can be met here. If you have a house to fur nish let us help you to do it: . We believe that you will find our prices the lowest, and our. terms the most liberal. Quartered Oak Buffet Only $28.75 Massive, thoroughly con structed, and beautifully fin ished; panel mirror. A splen- . did value. Let us add it to your account. Headquarters for Good Heaters We are showing scores of Heat ers at various prices, including Bridge, Beach & Co.'s SUPERIOR HEATERS Now is the time to install a good Heater in your home. Warmth is indispensable to your health and comfort. We invite inspec tion of our various lines of Heaters; you will find them rea sonably priced. Come in and let us tell of our new selling plan on Heaters. TEACHERS' AID IS NEEDED St. Johns' District Board Suggests Work During Quarantine. John B. Easter, of local exemption board No. 10, of the St. Johns district, yesterday issued an appeal for school teachers to rive a part of their time during: tne enforced influenza quaran tine in assisting the board in heavy office work now before It. The teach- Stomach Acts Fine, No Indigestion! Eat without Fear of Upset Stomach (food souring, gas, acidity ! If your meals hit back causing belching, pain, flatuence, indiges tion or heartburn here's instant relief. No waiting! Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in ending all stomach distress. Never fails I i Keep it handy. Tastes Jiice and costs so little at drug stores. era. he saxs." can be doing a patriotic service in this respect while they are awaiting the reopening of the puDllo schools of the city. All teachers and others who wish to volunteer for this work are asked to communicate with the board at its headquarters in the old city hall build ing, St. jonns. Lookout Inn Destroyed by Fire. LOS ANGEL.ES, Cal.. Oct. 26. A brush fire starting in Laurel Canyon h today waa reported to have de- Rtroved Lookout Inn and a number YOUR DUTY TO BE ATTRACTIVE Have Pretty Dark Hair f TV WILL PUT YOU "La Creole" Hair Dressing is the original hair color restorer, and not a dye. Applying it to your hair and scalp revives the color glands of nature, and restores your hair to a beautiful dark shade or to its natural color. It is the only hair color restorer that will trrad ually darken all your gray or faded hair in this way. No matter how gray, pre maturely gray, faded or lusterless your hair might be. La Creole" Hair Dress ing will make it beautifully dark, soft and lustrous. "La Creole" Hair Dress ing will not stain the scalp, wash or rub off, and Is easily applied by slm ply combing or brushing through the hair. Don't De misled into buying some cheap preparation. USE "LA CREOLE HAIR DRESSING for gray or faded hair and retain the appearance of youth. Also used by gen tlemen to Impart an even dark color to their gray hair, beard or mustache. For sale by The Owl Drug Company's drug stores and all good drug stores everywhere. Mail orders from out-of- .. tuwii cuBiuuici a Liucu pruiupuy upon WILL PUT YOU receipx of regular price, $1.20. "La Cre- ole Hair Dressing is sold on a money I back guarantee. Adv. of cottages near by. Lookout Inn was a large resort hotel In the Hollywood section of Los Angeles. Late today the fire was reported spreading rapidly. Two Ordered to Camp. CENTRALIA, Wash., Oct. 26. (Spe cial.) O. C. Spencer, of Seatte, until recently vice-president of the Centralia State Bank, has received an appoint ment to the field artillery officers' training school at Camp Taylor, Ky. SAGS TEA INTO GRAY HAIR Darkens Beautifully and Re stores Its Natural Color and Lustre at Ones. C P. Hackett. of this city, was sent to Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., yes terday by the county exemption board. I Look and Fee! Clean, Sweet and Fresh Every Day Drink a glass of real hot water . before breakfast to wash out poisons. Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea, with sulphur and alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and lux uriant. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul phur recipe at home, though, is trou blesome. An easier way is to get the ready-to-use preparation, improved by the addition of other ingredients. large bottle, at little cost, at drug stores, known as "Wyeth s Sage and Sulphur Compound, thus avoiding a lot of muss. While gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractiveness. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because it does it so naturally, so evenly. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. After another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and lux uriant and you appear years younger. Wyeth s Sage and Sulphur Compound is a delightful toilet requisite. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Adv. . - . j STOMACH UPSET? Get at the Real Cause Take Dii Edwards Olive 1 ablets That's what thousands of stomach sufferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a poor digestion, they are attacking the real cause of the ailment clogged liver and disordered bowels. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are performing their natural functions, away goes indigestion . and stomach troubles. If vou have a bad taste in your mouth, tongue coated, appetite poor, lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or energy, troubled with undigested foods, you should take Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping; cramps or pain. Take one or two at bedtime for quick relief, so you can eat what you like. . At 10c and 25c per box. All druggists. Life is not merely to live, but to live well, eat well, d.gest well, work well. sleep well, look well. What a glorious condition to attain, and yet how very easy it is if one will only adopt the morning inside bath. Folks who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when they arise, split ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, can, instead, feel as fresh aa a daisy by opening the sluices of the system each morning and flushing out the whole of the internal poisonous stagnant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning, before breakfast. drink a glass of real hot water with teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver, kid neys and bowels the previous day's in digestible waste, sour bile and poison ous toxins. The action of hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is wonderfully Invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations. gases, waste and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. The millions of people who are both ered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatism; others who have sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly complexions are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phos phate from the drugstore, which will cost very little, but is sufficient to make I convince or money refunded. Owl Drug anyone a pronounced crank on the sub-' Co. and druggists everywhere. Paid ject'of internal sanitation. Adv. Adv. Thought Man Was Crazy "I have suffered from stomach and liver trouble for years; the last two years people have been calling me craiy. The doctors could not do any. thing for me. The awful bloating of gas seemed to press against my brain and I could not think clearly. Three months ago a friend advised taking Mayr's Wonderful Remedy, and It has worked wonders in ' ray case. All my bloating and suffering is gone and I feel as though newly born." It is a simple, harmless preparation that re moves the catarrhal mucus from, the In testinal tract and allays the inflam mation which' causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments. Including appendicitis. One dose will