is 8 TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 27, 1918. WILSON'S APPEAL IS TOPIC OF CRITICISM Oregon Voters Feel Keenly Sting of Ingratitude. ACTION IS HELD INSULT ' President's Move In Bidding Voters To Elect Only Democrats Stirs Loyal Citizens. (Continued From First Pa.) has stirred Republicans throughout the state. "Oregon was first In furnishing Its quota of volunteers. tlrst In subscribing to war loans, first In Red Cross, war savings and stamp drives, and has whole-heartedly supported every war activity. The slogan of the Republican party Is "Stand by the war.' Repabllraas Support Wilaosu The record of the Republican party. both In Congress and particularly In this state, shows absolutely that Re publicans have disregarded politics and supported the President in every under taking. "Only yesterday. United States Sen ator Thomas, iJeraocrat, of Colorado. said: " "The Republicans have not and will not in any way hamper the conduct of the war. There is no question that tbey are as loyal as the Democrats.' "If there were any question, what ever, regarding the loyalty of Governor Wlthycombe, Senator McNary or Con gressmen McArthur, Ham-ley and Sin nott. the Republicans of this state would be the first to clean house. Gov ernor Wlthycombe has earned a record as War Governor second to none. The welfare of the boys at the front and the protection of their families and relatives at home have always been paramount In his mind. Senator Mc Nary and Congressmen McArthur, Haw ley and Slnnott have loyally stood be. hind the President and have supported his every request for legislation in fur therance of his war programme. KrrsrdN Attest I.oyalty. "Governor Wlthycombe and the Re publican members of Oregon's delega tion in Congress have met every test of loyalty and patriotism and to re pudiate them now would be the rankest and most Inexcusable ingratitude. "In view of the records of these of ficials m-e feel sure the Republican voters of the slate, and particularly the fathers and mothers of the boys at the front, will go to the polls in increased cumbers and express their resentment In the ajime way the people did in the primaries in Michigan and the elections in Maine and Wisconsin. "The President's letter ought to and will increase the vote and the Repub lican majority In Oregon." Promlaeat Mea Outspoken. Expressions of other representative business and professional men of Port land with respect to the President's partisan appeal were these: Ren Selling It was very undiplo matic At this time he should have kept politics adjourned as he asked everyone else to do. He acted In very bad taste. Just put me down as favor ing the eirction of all Republican can didates in November as a protest. John F. lAgan It is untimely and onloriunnte. The test of every man, whether he tn a Republican or Demo crat, should only be whether or not he Is for the prosecution of the war. Tha was Lincoln's test. No politics should be injected. Everyone In the Nation hould have their mind on a highe purpose on the writing of world laws. Political Play Seeated. W. 8. ej'Ren I am sorry the Presl dent did not mention the undeslrabl Senators and Representatives by name. 1 think he would have been more suc cessful. I can see the advantage of re placing members who voted agains the suffrage amendment with men of modern minds, but 1 cannot sefj how the Administration would gain by "e placing a friend like our Senator Mc Nary with another friend like our ex Governor West, or like our Senator Chamberlain. Alma D. Katx I am bitter, very bit ter about this matter. I have found no one of my acquaintances who thinks the President did right In making eucii an appeal, and this includes Demo crats to whom I have talked. I would not have had the slightest object'.on had Mr. Wilson simply asked the voters cot to elect men who failed to stand by him. but to ask us to put In onl Democrats is well. It's mighty bad taste, to say it mildly. Government of -the United States whether In the majority or minority in the House of Representatives or the Senate. I The record of Republican Senators and Congressmen since the commence ment of the war In support of President Wilson and all war activities Is flaw less. Of still greater significance, every Republican In this Nation has stood inflexibly by the Government and by our noble sons at the front. My son. Lieutenant Leslie Orland Tooze. has recently fallen on the battlefield In France while bravely fighting for the unconditional surrender of the cen tral powers and world liberty. My two remaining aons are officers and on the altar of my country. I am deeply grieved and amazed that ourPresident is opposed to Republicans in government. publican party was-born to the pres ent time it has upheld the dignity of the united States and has never laid a straw in the way of the Administra tion in this war. It is not necessary to have a Democratic Congress to win the war. WILSON'S WORDS DEPLORED Eugene Resident Declares War Not War of Any Particular Party, BT FRANK JENKINS. Ex-Prealdent of Eugene Chamber of . Commerce. EUGENE. Or., Oct. 26. (Special.) If the President of his own volition made the statements printed over his name yesterday he has misread in a way that passes all understanding the spirit and purpose of the neoDle of the United GRANTS PASS BANKER SPEAKS States. I rebel at the thought that this is This Is Not President's War Nor or ABy particular party. 'The whole conduct of the American people since war was declared cries out against any BT FRANK C. BRAMWELL. I such intimation. Banker. Grant, rasa, i Republicans In Congress have been GRANTS PASS, Or, Oct. 26. (Spe-lamonK the president's most loyal sup- cial.) The most vigorous prosecutorr I porters. It matters little hov the peo- of this war are Republicans. Soma of pie of Germany regard the outcome of . v, -.v..f nrnninritlnti ndlour elections; our task is to defeat War of Democratic Party.' pacifists. If their sayings are true, are them on the field of battle and not to Democrats or non-partisans. President will never find stronger sup Theaet them to speculating as to the 'way we vote. rri!7t?i' I" IS DECLARED INSULT McArthur and Hawley, all (rood Oregon Republicans. This is not the President's war, nor the war of the Democratic party. It Is the war of the great masses of Amerl can people. Let them decide In the exercise of their political liberty and right of franchise who shall be re turned to Congress. If the President thinks the Democrats are the only loyal citizens fitted for Congressional recognition, let him eliminate the ct-"p- port of the Republicans of this country Wilson Held Responsible for Lifting Floodgates of Partisanship. BT BERT ANDERSON. Hotel Man. Medtord. MEDFORD, Or.. Oct. 26. (Special.) This latest appeal by Woodrow Wilson, the politician, to the people of the United States to return a Democratic Congress this Fall is an unbearable insult to all Republicans. In 191$ he made a similar appeal to crumble. and see how quick our great American I return him to power "because he kept military ana iinanciai macmnerj u out or war." This appeal caught a fine string of Republican voters. Will this appeal catch a similar string? Instead of appealing to the people to return only loyal men and patriots to congress, the President has asked them to return only Democrats. He him self has lifted the floodgates of par tisanship; all patriots will look upon bis act as a calamity. PRESIDENT'S ACT IS DEPLORED REPUBLICANS SUPPORT NATION Country Is Everything and Party Nothing. War-Time Slogan. BY JOHN G. RAND. . (Prominent attorner and business man of Baker, t BAKER, Or Oct. 2. (Special.) Re publicans almost without exception since April 6, 117. have stood by the President in every measure he has ad vocated. At bis suggestion politics was supposed to be adjourned during- the war and only those known to be loyal were considered as worthy of being voted for. The country was everything and party nothing to every worthy member of the Republican party. Loyalty appeals instinctively to Re publicans and the fact that the Presi dent of the United States was himself a Democrat did nofenter into the mind of anyone. He was the President of the United States, elected by a majority of the American people, the Com mander-in-Chief of all our forces, and we were fighting for the liberties of the world, including our own. These considerations entered only into our regard for him. Now, when the President stoops from his high office and asks us Republicans to elect only. Democrats to Congress, even to the extent of electing such men as Henry Ford, the pacifist, the man who would pull down the Amer ican flag from his factories and never permit it to float there, who would have his son exempted so that some other man's son would be compelled to take his place and perhaps to die for his country, the only answer which Republicans should give is to elect no one to Congress except Republicans, providing their loyalty is unquestioned. ERROR, SAYS OREGON LEADER 0 Chairman of Marion County Central Committee Makes Comment. BT WALTER LINCOLN TOOZE. Chairman Marlnn County Republican Cen tral Committee and Four-linuia Mao. SALEM. Or, Oct. 2S. (Special.) The President has made the one monu mental and unforgivable error of his political career In his partisan appeal for the election of Democrats only to the United States Senate and to Con gress. The Republican party, the party of Abraham Lincoln, has never in all our history wavered in its allegiance and abso.ute loyalty and devotion to the WHOLE NATION IS AFFECTED President Wilson's Latest Appeal Held Grievous Mistake, BY BRUCE DENNIS. Former Chairman of Republican State Cen tral Committee. LA GRANDE. Or, Oct. 26. (Special.) All America Ss fighting this war; America is fightlnir this war behind President Wilson: he Is our leader In every movement and we, as Americans, are behind him with every life and every dollar in the Nation. That he should depart from what seems the fair and impartial path politically is a mat ter of deep regret. Is the United States Army made up from the Democratic party? Is the United States Navy made up of only Democrats? Is President Wilson, as Commander-in-Chief, going to demand that no one but Democrats be per mitted to fight for the flag, or that Republicans be ostracized and elimi nated in the great war work at home? The President has made a grievous mistake and one that the whole Nation, Including many members of his own party, will regret. ALBANY REPUBLICANS TALK President Wilson Deemed to Have Been III-Advlsed. ALBANY. Or.. Oct. 26. (Special.) Prominent local Republicans expressed themselves this evening regarding the President's note as follows: . E. D. Cusick, Senator Linn and Lane counties It Is unfortunate that Colonel House had to go to Europe and the President had less experienced ad vice The Oregon delegation to Con gress, while rot elected to keep us out of war, has supported the President on evjry war measure and it would be In advisable to make a change. L. M. Curl, Mayor of Albany No vote of confidence is necessary. The whole country has stood firmly for Coos Bay Leader Points to Record of Republican Party. BT CHARLES HALL, Banker, liarnhfleld. MARSHFIELD, Or.. Oct. 26. (Spe ciaL) I was shocked on reading the almost unbelievable statement of Presl dent Wilson advising votes for Demo cratic aspirants to office. Records dis close support of Republicans on all Ad ministration war measures were' more ready than from members of his own party. This adherence to party politics when pontics is adjourned Is discon certing, to say the least. The direct, eloquent and convincing manner in which the President answered the Raisers government ask ing for an armistice is a source of pride and satisfaction to all loyal Amer icans. That this universal confidence should be so shaken by the President descending to partisan politics in so short a space of time is regretable. SEASIDE GOES 400 PERCENT Quota of $11,000 Is Surpassed by Subscription of $165,000. SEASIDE, Or.. Oct. 26. (Special.) Complete figures on the fourth liberty loan show that Seaside, with a quota of $41,000, has subscribed 1165,000 with more than 1900 subscribers. Mayor Paget, in making these figures public, says if any other city In the United States bas a better record than this 400 per cent one, he would like to bear of it. every war measure. The record of in- SEASIDE INFLUENZA LIGHT oiviauai xiepuuucB-ns is tar superior to that of individual Democrats, and I re gret exceedingly that petty politics has been drawn into a National Issue. F. M. French, prominent Republican and secretary State Jewelers' Associa tionI think the President Is sacri ficing the dignity of his high office in mixing in politics now. This is the people's war and doesn't belong to any party at all. From the time the Re- No Truth in Published Statement of One Thousand Cases. SEASIDE, Or- Oct. 26. (Special.) Mayor L. L- Paget is indignant at a report sent from Washington, D. C, to an afternoon paper In Portland, that there were a thousand cases of influ enza in Seaside and that the Surpeon- GIRLS! BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR WITH "DANDERINE" Get a Small Bottle! Freshen Your Scalp! Stop Failing Hair! Remove Dandruff! Grow Lots of Wavy, Glossy, Beautiful Hair You Can! If ?. l, Tj t 1 cf II! CONGRESSIONAL VOTE ON PREPAREDNESS AND WAR I (FROM THE OFFICIAL RECORD) I . a . DEMOCRATS. This chart shows the vote of leading Democrats and Re- REPUBLICANS. I publicans in the House of Representatives in the 64th and I k 1,1 ' Floor Leader Chairman 66th Congresses on the eight principal preparedness and t?1 i S Kitchin, Dent, of Com. war measures that form the "acid test" of Americanism, as Minority Rep. Mem Speaker Chairman on analyzed by ttie National Security League, a non-political Leader McArthur. ber Military ' Clark. Corn. Ways - Military patriotic organization: . Mann. Affairs Com. and Means. Affairs. f Kahn. 11 McLEMORE RESOLUTION March 1, 1916. This resolu NO NO tion was to the effect that American citizens should fore- ATE NO ATE go their natural, legal and constitutional rights to travel on the high seas. ' 2 KAHN AMENDMENT TO THE HAT ARMY BILL March ATE . NO NO 23. 1916. This amendment sought to Increase the regular ATE AYE ATE Army to 178,000, or more nearly approaching the recora-- mendatlons of the general staff of the Army. ' 5 BRANDEGEE AMENDMENT TO THE HAY-CHAMBER- A AYE NO NO LAIN ARMY BILL April 18, 1916. This amendment pro- AYE . AYE AYE vided for an Army of 250,000 as agalnBt 140,000. ' AYE NO NO 4 "SECTION B6." providing for a Volunteer reserve Army AYE AYE AYB wholly under Federal control April 18, 1916; May 8, 1916. . ' 6 MOTION TO RECOMMIT NAVAL APPROPRIATION . NO NO NO BILL June 2, 1916. This motion was designed to instruct AYE AYE Alts , an increase in the Navy beyond what was provided in . the original bill. ' 6 COOPER AMENDMENT March 1, 191T. This amendment xt it .i NO NO NO was designed to prohibit to American ships their legal NO NO Not voting J right to carry arms or ammunition In their cargoes. AYE ' NO AYE 7 DECLARATION OF WAR AGAINST GERMANY April 6. AYE AYE AYE 1917. KAHN AMENDMENT TO CONSCRIPTION ACT April 23. NO NO NO 1917. This provided for the raising, by conscription, of AYE Alts the necessary Army to give effect to the declaration of war. Speaker Clark voted wrong on two. In- Compare Mr. McArthur's record of 100 per cent American- Minority deader Mann voted wrong: on eluding conscription, against which ism with the un-American record of his opponent, Mr. Smith, one and right on seven, he worked on the floor, sayingcon- ' who was elected to the Oregon Legislature from Linn County .. j.,,, script and convict were the same to " .In 1896 and one of the 23 legislators that held up the organ- Congressman McArtnur voted rigm on him. Igation of the House by refusing to qualify, which resulted all eight measures. in the state being without representation in the United Floor Leader Kitchin voted wrong on States Sanate from March, 1897, to September, 1898. Ranking Republican Kahn voted wrong six and right on two. He proved unfaithful to his constituents then. Is he to be on. one. failed to vote on one ana trusted now? vote riht on slx- Chairman Dent, of Military Affairs, If it Is the policy of the Administration to make the voted wrong on five and right on Nation effective in war, who is dfsloyal? three. Answer by your vote November 5. c Re-elect onsressman w McArtSiiiF No. 18 on Ballot (Paid Ad., Republican Congressional Committee, Third District, 430 Morgan. Bldg.) General bad been Importuned to send Army doctors there to protect the sol diers In the spruce. camps. The truth is, says the Mayor, there have been only 25 cases, most of them Hunt, and only one death. Only one otljer case is considered serious. Dr. O. ,. rxagmeier, 01 ceasiae, now In the ervlce, has been requested to be sent as physician to the spruce camp of Clatsop County, which is the slight foundation of the Washington dispatch. PHONE Y0UR WANT ADS If you can't come down town phone your want ads to The Oregonian. Main 7070. A 6095. BOYS WRITE FROM PRISON Vancouver Youths Held In Camp at jGeissen. Germany. VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 26. (Spe- i A lettev nnri nfiNtparH hnv hMn received by Mrs. McEnany from her toilet articles through the Red Cross. sons. Robert E. McEnany and Fred McEnany, both prisoners In Geissen, Germany. The letter was written on cheap yel low paper and datfd August 24. The card was dated July 20. The boys say they are working and getting good food, hut no reliance is placed in these statements. They mentioned receiving ave Photogra Now "DANDERINE" GROWS HAIR Besides doubling the beauty of your hair at once, you will shortly find new hair, fine and . downy, at first, but really new hair growing all over theacalp. Costa little. vg. - t :. . J " ? fir y ; .- 1 fi ' i r ft r f "HT'-W 4-' 3 f -V rb ' 'A - i I - f ' f4 " j - - ) J 20 REDUCTION IS GIVEN IF ORDER IS PLACED AT TIME OF SITTING BEFORE NOVEMBER 10TH llUJUtl Government wants you to do ypur Holiday buying in October, November and early December. The National Council of Defense has demanded that the business ' interests of the Country shall curtail their Holiday activities and has asked them: , Not to increase their working force by reason of the Holiday . business. Not to increase the number of working hours of their force during the Christmas Season. To spread the period for holiday purchases over the months of October, November and December. The family connections and friends of men overseas will want to send remembrances to their loved ones in the American Army abroad, and .the efficacy and the need of photography in such a movement was never as great. . ("Photographers' Association News, Washington, D. C.M) ORDER YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS NOW IF YOU WANT THEM FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING THE FOLLOWING ARTISTS WILL GIVE YOU GOOD SERVICE: " THE PEASLEYS ) P DAVIES STUDIO ) GIFFORD PHOTO STUDIO 407 Morrison St. : 107 Broadway, bet. Wash & Stark 444 Washington St. 1 ' v ' v ' NORTHRUP STUDIO ) ( D. PERRY EVANS ) ' HOFSTEATER STUDIO 412 Washington St. 270i2 Washington St. 165ia Third St. ' LEROY STUDIO , 1 ( THE CANN STUDIO ) ( BUSHNELL'S 31312 Washington St. , 502 Merchants Trust Bldg. Columbia Bldg. , v ' ) 1