By Permission of the Estate of Samuel t Clemens and tno Mark Twain Company. Copyright 1918 by the Mark Twain Company TOM SAWYER and HUCK FINN The Stuff That Lickings Are Made Of. Pictured by Clare Victor Dwigglns I nil 1UIH . " 7 , . . . r - . x- , Ifti a cyclone? ol school "house -foou7l- s: t. -ri I J I I j MflJR vtr r I I ft- MJJHyiH. I Trrii-1 s I I I a i . i J ' I ft-- H?'"- T"Hey Tom.! "TY-A : you tei , Htidci Soon Gosri, I got "Wk-y 3on.fl. you. scratch, it, ( V A. i . 1 Ml I 7A I I - i -r t -t I T. -- Tr -you VWc -y -V PdC 7T AS lattt Cities dT fflffl If li"ke an.; Leff sls a Siclasfcot SrF" ToTnSer do Y .tfryt v.