THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAX. PORTLAND, OCTOBFr 27, 1918. EXPRESS CHARGES TO ilflDC' '"""nf t Increased Rates Will Soon Go Into Effect In U. S. NEW REVENUE $24,000,000 ITalf of Amount Will Cover Wage Advances of Company and Rest Will Go to Ballrads. WASHINGTON", Oct. 2. New express rates involving average increasea of about 10 per cent, applied mainly ia ahort hauls;- will oe Initiated shortly by the American Railway Express Company, with the approval of Director- Ueneral McAdoo to raise 124.000.000 added revenue. Half of the amount will go to .the express company to meet contemplated wage advances and the other half to the railroads lor trans porting; express matter. The Interstate Commerce Commis sion today approved the methods of applying- higher rates, but suggested that some pli n should bo worked out between the company and th. railroad administration to give all ths added revenue to the company Instead of dividing- It with the railroads. accord Ins; to terms of the existing- contract Director-General McAdoo tonight an nounced that the suggestion would not be followed on the ground that the railroads are entitled to a proportion ate share of any new revenue on ac count of the higher cost of hauling ex press shipments. int railroads now receive 60 ii per cent of every dollar received by the express company for transportation. The express compan will proceed Immediately to raise charges, but these rrtcs will be subject to review by the Interstate Commerce Commission on complaint of shippers. mis new rate would be a maximum tared Ooteghem and are advancing to ward the Scheldt River. WITH THE BRITISH ARMY - IN FRANCE. Oct. 2. The Germans were perately today on the new the Scheldt Canal and the River In the region of Va nnes. to which they had been forced by the British encircling move ment north and south of Valenciennes. In the .fighting Friday, the British made deep dents in the German de tenses north and south of Valenciennes, in spite of the determined resistance of the enemy, LONDON. Oct. St. The Erltlsh have made further progress toward the Scheldt and have captured the village of Avelghem. southeast of Courtrai. This announcement was made in a sup plementary statement issued by the War Office shortly before midnight. WITH THE FRENCH ARMY IN FRANCE. Oct 36, 2:30 P. M. (By the Associated Press. 1 he operations be gun Thnrsday between the Oise and the Peron Rivers by General Debeny's army and on Friday by the fifth army northwest of Sissonne have gained con siderably in violence and gradually are taking on the proportions of a great battle. Strong Defenses Overcome. General Giulaumat's forces, attacking from the right pocket north of Sissonne. of which the Mortiers-Merle line is the axis, has continued ita advance, over coming a series of obstacles quite as strong as any heretofore encountered. In the center, the village of Mortiers was captured and General Debeney's forces, attacking from the left, reached a point two miles east of Lucy. The first army this morning took S00 prisoners and fighting continued In tensely on the line of Hill 120, Hill 100, liEPEiElfCE OF I; Oppressed of: Middle Europe Ring New Liberty Bell. YOKE OF KAISERISM BROKEN Xew Democracy Born in Historic Hall at Philadelphia, Where Czechs and Associates Meet. PHILADELPHIA, Oct 26. A new born democracy was proclaimed here today for the 6S.000.000 people of the oppressed nations of Middle Europe. Assembled In Independence Hall the accredited representatives, of . these states promulgated a, declaration of in dependence in the very chamber in which the declaration of 1776 was read by the colonists. To proclaim fittingly that the 18 Slav states of fhe German Emperor's once subservient Mittel Europa have shaken off the yoke of domination, the mid-European union had a new liberty bell cast and unfurled a new national Die who may subscribe . their names hereunto, do hereby pledge on behalf of their respective nations that they will unitedly strive to the end that these wrongs shall be righted, that the sufferings of the world war shall no have been in vain, and that the iJrin' clDles here set forth shall be incor porated in the organic laws of what ever governments our respective peo pies may hereafter establish. . PASSENGER LIST IS- SEN (Continued From First Page.) Cery farm, the village of Pleine-Selve. ?e" casl ""d unfurled a new national in which a violent Infantry engage- fjf alongside the Stars and Stripes on ment took place, and Fremont Wood, to the east slope of Hill 115, which is only about two miles west of the river Peron. on m line east of Ribemont Mortiers. occupied by General Man gin, was one of the strong supporting points of the Hunding positions north of the Serre. The French troops all along the battle front have had to faee newly strengthened positions, from behind which German artillery and machine guns are keeping "up a heavy fire- General Guillaumat's forces encoun tered five successive lines of wire, be hind which were the same number of lines of trenches, fortified with con crete and deep armored shelters char acteristic of the German field works. The enemy's infantry, as well as his artillery, reacts violently wherever the roof of Independence Hall. As the new bell pealed. Professor Masaryk, president of the mid-Europe union, read the declaration from the steps of America's birthplace of free dom. Previously .the document had been signed by the representatives of the new federation composed of Czecho slovaks, Ukrainians. Lithuanians and Jugo-Slavs. f 17 cents per lou pounds higher on French troops make inroads into the flrst-clasa shipments and 12 cents on second-class. In so-called first tones, or short hauls, generally less than 100 miles. For longer hauls, first and aecond class rates would be tivanced 12 an l 8 cents a Hundred pemds. respectively, as maximum. In addition. 1(1 cents per hundred pounds, regardless of distance, would be added to commodity rates. li-o express company has estimate that of the I23.H79.U00. which the pro posed rates should prudtice. f 17.037.000. or more than two-thirds, would come from transportation In the first zone. i..e enti-e , ..730.100, which the ex press companr wou! receive from the increased revenue, is to go to pay hiva' er wages to employes who did not share In previous wage advances. 0ISE-SERRE FRONT CAVES 'Continue From First Pajpe.) and a nearby hill. Alone the north ern edge of the R&ismes forest,, north of Valenciennes, the British ap proached nearer the canalized por tions of the Scheldt River. In this region they have captured the villages of Odomez and Maulde. Between the Oise ud the Aisne the French are making rapid stride- to ward the important points of Marie and MontcorneL Alcng the railway southwest of Marie they have cap tured the village of Mortiers. Further east a big hole has been torn in the German defenses begun in 1917. Be- tween Banogne and Herpy the French have driven forward toward Montcor about two miles, on a front of be tween four and five miles. (ermaa losses Heavy. The Germans continue to fight des perately to check the American troops along the vital front east and west of the jieuse. Their counter-attacks on both sides of the river have been re pulsed, but the enemy contlnuea to bombard the American line heavily. On the extreme western end the Americans have reinforced their hold on the hills In the southern portion of the Bour- gosne wood, north of the Grand Pre. In the last week the allied troops in France and Belgium have freed 400 square miles of territory from the grasp of the enemy. Paris estimates that in the last four days the Germans have suffered total casualties of 50.000, in cluding 15.000 prisoners. In the continuation of their attack between the Piave and the Brenta the Italians have captured more than 2000 prisoners in the last 24 hours, the Ital ian War Office reports. Italians Extend Galas. There was heavy fighting all day Friday northwest of Monte Grappa, but the Italians maintained their gains of Thursday and extended them somewhat The strongly fortified height of Monte Pertica to the northwest was carried by the Italians. LONDON. Oct 26. British troops have occupied the villages of Atres and Famars, south of Valenciennes, and have made progress along the Scheldt toward the outskirts of that town. Field Marshal llaig reports tonight The statement says: "As a result of a successful operation commenced by us this morning south of Valenciennes we captured the vil lages of Artres and Famars, thus se curing crossings of the Klver ithonelle at the former place and pushing for ward along the east bank of the Scheldt toward the southern outskirts of Valen ciennes. "A counter attack delivered by the enemy In the neighborhood of Engle fontaine was repulsed. During the course of today s operations we took prisoner about 1000 Germans." LONDON, Oct. 2. Brftlsh forces pressed forward between Valenciennes end Tournai, capturing Odomez and Maulde, north of Valenciennes. They also captured Mount Carmel hill and fenlefontaine on the south. French Take lalte. Operationa in Belgium continue to develop favorably, according to an of ficial statement iasued at the War Of fice today, which says the Frencn have carried 2Culte. in spite of desperate re autance. while the British have occu pied the village of Inaoyheim and cap- German lines. Last evening the enemy counter-attacked with great energy in the neighborhood ot the village of Petit Caumont. endeavoring unsuccess fully to drive Mangin's troops beyond the Souches. The tenth army main tained its positions and took prisoners and supplies. The German counter attack in that region was precided by artillery prep aration at the moment when the French troops were advancing to the attack. Mortieres -constitutes an Im portant bridgehead north of the Serre, the possession of which will facilitate further operations against the German position in that region. PARIS. Oct 26. (Havas.) The fall of Valenciennes is imminent. If it has not already occurred, the Petit Parisien says "The stronghold of the second German line Is gone. Its center Invested. It is the object of direct a saults and local outflanking movements whfch will soon smash it." the paper con tinues. "The operations of General De beney's army north of Guise and those of General Mangin in th direction of Marie constituted an increasing aanger. The Escaut line may be considered as lost the Sarabre line will be taken shortly. We can foresee that the enemy will retreat to the Meuse." Hnna Lock Material. The Matin says: - "The German army has no material, lacks munitions, haa not sufficient reserves to continue a lng battle and has no 'tanks with which to attack with spirit The,enemy rear is at a low level while the spirit at the front Is bad. We would be false to our Ideals If we failed to take ad vantage of the situation." - WITH THE BRITISH ARMY IN FRANCE AND BELGIUM. Oct 26. 2 P. M. (By the Associated Press.) Heavy fighting continued today In the Valen ciennes area, particularly along the Rhonelle River, south of city. The enemy was battling grimly this morn ing to retard the British advance. which, from Its speed, threatened to bottle up Valenciennes before its de fenders could withdraw. It seemed certain today that Valen ciennes could not hold out much longer. Yesterday the British drove forward across the Le Quesnoy-Valenciennes Railway, the Germans being forced to withdraw from their strong positions and fall back to new defense- along the Rhonelie. Le Quesnoy was closely besieged this morning by the attacking forces. Southward the British third army had pushed forward a considerable dis tance and forced its way through En gelfontaine after severe fighting. The British attack north of Valen ciennes yesterday had carried them ' forward to a.i average depth of two miles. The villages of Moen and Heestert were captured and Spichte straat and Friech approached, and the troops which stormed Moen pushed on to the line of the river at Bossuvt and Autryve. From statements of prisoners and liberated civilians it would appear that the Germans Intended to hold along the present line around Valenciennes only long enough to complete the prep aration of the defenses along the Mau- beuge and Mons line, to which they will retire shortly. Historic Bell Reproduced. "Liberty for all the world and all the Inhabitants thereof" is inscribed on the new liberty bell, which is a repro duction of the bell that rang out America s declaration of Independence. i roiiowing is the text of the declara tion ot independence: in convention assembled at Inde pendence Hall. Philadelphia, Pennsyl vania. United States of America, on October 26, 1918. we, representing to gether more than 50,000,000 people con stituting a chain of nations lying be tween tne Haute, the Adriatic and the Black beas, comprising Czecho-Slovaks, foies, Jugo-SIavs, Ukrainians, Uhroh Russians, Lithuanians, Roumanians, Italian - Irredentists, Unredeemed Greeks, Albanians and Zionists, wholly or partly suoject to alien dominion deeply appreciating the aid and assist ance given our peoples by the Govern ment and people of America and of the entente allies, on behalf of ourselves and our brethren at home, do hereby solemnly declare that we place our all people and resources at the din posal of our allies for use against our common enemy, and in order that the whole world may know what we deem are the essential and fundamental doc trines which shall be embodied in the constitutions hereafter adopted by the people of our respective independent na tions, as well as the purposes which shall govern our common united action. we accept and subscribe to the follow tng as Daaic principles for all tree peoples: Consent of Governed Supreme. "1. That all governments derive their just power from the consent oi the governed. That it is the Inalienable right of every people to organize their own government on such principles and in such form as they believe will best pro mote their welfare, safety and happi ness. 3. That the free and natural devel opment of the ideals of any state should be allowed to pursue their normal and unhindered course unless such course harms or threatens the common inter est of all. '4. That there should be no secret diplomacy and all proposed treaties and agreements between nations should be made public prior to their adoption and ratification. '5. That we believe our peoples, hav ing kindred ideals and purposes, should co-ordinate their efforts to insure the liberties of their individual nations for the furtherance of their common wel fare, provided such a union contributes to the peace and welfare of the world. League of Nations Indorsed. 6. That there should be formed a league of the nations of the world In a common and binding agreement for genuine and practical co-operation to secure justice, and therefore peace. among nations. The signers of this declaration, and representatives of our independent peo- K, C. Haws. Vancouver, chief engineer river steamer Casca. P. Vint . Vancouver, second engineer Casca. Cantain J. F. Douglas, New West minster. B. C. master Yukon Rive steamer. Mrs. W. C Carr, wife White Hors miner. George Hewey, fireman, casca. A. D. Lewis, purser, Casca. E. G Wheelden, deckhand, Casca. Thomas Wishart, Iditarod, miner. J. M. Colver. Iditarod. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McDonald, Daw son. McDonald Is a ireignt contractor and was bringing horses to Vancouver. Walton and Alton Barnes, Dawson, mining men.. Mrs. C. J. Perkins, Dawson. W. C. Sharron. Dawson. T. E. Thorson. Dawson, engineer Yu kon Gold ComDany. Oscar Beckman. Dawson, watchman Yukon Gold ComDany. H. M. Bridges and wife, proprietors Yukonia Restaurant, Dawson. John Patterson, Dawson, employe Yukon Gold Company. A. R. McClean. employe Yukon Gold Company. Fred Steinberg, has big mining hold ings in Stewart I-iver country of Yu kon. Frank Brown, employe Yukon Gold ComDany. Captain N. Stewart employe north American Trading & Transportation Company. James Kirk, helper accompanying horse shipment. Mrs. M. Vary and daughter, proprie tors Dawson Laundry, en route to Prince Rupert B. C, to busi ness. The unidentified names on the list follow: Thomas Henessy. C Castleman, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hinska, T. M. Tur ner, George L. gchoipetn, w. iarper and wife. F. W. Elliott T. E. Sandford, W. H. Grove. I. Labrle. George R. Hen- drix, A. W. McQueen, F. M. Bell and wife and two children. J. Laird, J. P. Anderson and wife, W. Murphy, J. G. .Nichols. Eugene Meyers; James Dubois, J. F. Kelly. S. A. Nelson, O. Poppert, G. F. Mavhood. W. H. Smith. J. W. Hellwinkle, S. M. Dalby,- M. Davis. F. L. Gibbs, C. Knutson, John Eyer, R. Young, T. D. Pobert. L. A. Hanson. W. L. Liber, Mario Colombra, John Schenck, Charles Guy, Jack Haines, Fred Buyer, B. Van Vlankenburg, . C. W. Zylstr, J. Crone, G. M. Dano, Carl Headlund. E. Senff, A. H. Allison. G. S. Leavitt, H. Lawless, H. Bennett, H. Russell, E. Taggert, A. R. Garner, Charles Holmes, L. M. Lea, C. H. Lisson, Charles Craven, P. W. Peterson, Sam Chinquist, A. J. Greeny, B. Satonyer, Fred Smith, Joe Able, C. W. Barlow, O. B. Piatt, L. E. Clark, Sam Kolones, J. Howard, T. Mabbins, Frank Wheeler, F. Aftaiken, Nick Peter son. W. P. Smith, w. f. sraitn, jr.. Thomas Nellson, H. D. Vandecarr, R. H. Smith. N. G. Blythe, J. s. scnoim and wife. C. H. Wilkenson, J. Christe son. M. Stange. Tom Sinich, James Hallmark, W. M. McWaters, John Mc Leod, Mrs. James Hall, W. A. Foster, Alec McCloud. T. Kagawa, E. J. John son and wife, Mrs. Anna Lenez, George J. Baker, A. W. Kingall, A. Campbell. N. Stewart T. L. Hoennz, W. L. Idgett A. S. Winkler, C. L. Queen, D. Williams, C. W. Allan, W. Barton, W. Wright N. McCloud and wife. J. Maskell. Will lam Haggerty, C. E. Kilway, R. Mc- Tavlsh, H. S. Tran, J. W Brown, H. J. Kenyon, A. W. Anthony, R. Findley, V. King, George Shlmida, A. H. Suther land, J. J. Flannigan, Arthur Jonnson, Sam Sorenson, H. Trucco, J. A. Clark, Thomas Milne, O. A. Gridlund. Thomas J. Collin, R. Hager, J. King, Leo Ryan, Tralnor, A. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Smith and two children, C. E. Wat son, C. S. Verril, G. C. Randolph. Second class L. Heinzer, Elmer Stit- zel, Nino Climinton, H. Wrigle, R. M. Eston, Charles .Nelson, Jim George, William Staples, Sam Brown, P. Kontes, E. M. Nelson, Joe Biate, O. C. Sawl, J. L. Clay, M. Moyer, P. McCaskey, M. H. Strupp, C. C. Faires, C. W. Porter, G. W. Wares. E. A. Wend, A. J. Smith, N. Dube. C. A. Paddock, G. M. Shiarlln, J. S. Buzl. TmaRSHALL A70nZ 2l Exclusive Leather Novelties Sewing Baskets and Sets. A most attractive display of these handBOme baskets, finished in Moroccq leather and Japanese brocade. Each one fitted complete and ranging In size from the small est sets, which can be carried In the handbag, to the large sewing-room pieces. "Mark Cross" Garden ing and Rose Baskets Leather lined everything complete for cultivating and gathering flowers. CAPTAIN LONG IX SERVICE Xearly All Members of Sophia Crew Residents of Canada. VANCOUVER. B. C. Oct. "6. Nearly all the members of the Sophia's crew were Canadians. Captain Locke, master, was one of the oldest navigators on the Northern Coast Jerry Shaw was first officer. . F. Gosse second officer and A. Mur- iy lined Beautiful Handbags The very newest patterns in smart pieces. Seal leather at tractively grained, handsome- With all the unusual difficulties incident to procuring merchan dise, we are able to show a most wonder ful line of Staple and Novelty Items. The very newest creations in Ladies' Handbags and Pocket books, in fine leathers and fabrics; Tourist Tablets; Desk Sets; ladies' and gentle men's fitted and un fitted Toilet Rolls; Photo Frames in color, with one to four openings; Desk and Traveling Clocks with full guarantee; every useful and necessary ac cessory for the soldier boy or nurse. A new lot of Ladies' Handbags in chiffon vel vets, made up on antique frames with inside coin frames. These in all new color to match milady's gown.. We are now featuring the famous Mark Cross -Luggage, Sewing Novel ties, Manicure Sets, Over nights, camping Sets, Vanity Boxes, Garden Baskets. S. & H. Trading Stamps With Every Purchase Fitted Overnight A very popular traveling con venience, 12. 14 or 16 -inch. Each with a striking brocade or moire silk lining. Ivory fit tings. Outside leather is of best cobra grain and cowhide. V lt . aae Manicure Rollups Contain all the fittings neces sary for manicuring. Cases are silk-lined, outside leather of seal and suede. fir Eight-Day Clocks Radium dial, fitted In suede, ooze, calf and many colors Im ported ecrese. phy third officer. All four lived In Victoria. A. Alexander, of Vancouver, was chief engineer. Other members of the crew who were aboard when the Sophia left on her last trip were: C. Bedell, Victoria, purser; C. J. Black, Campbellf ord, Ont, freight clerk; D. M. Robinson, Vancouver, wireless operator; R. H. Galloway, Vancouver, second engineer; D. Ross, Vancouver, third engineer; J. G. Macey, Vancouver, fourth engineer; J. King, Vancouver,' chief steward; Wood, Vancouver, barber; A Cartwright Vancouver, second steward; Miss H. Browning, Vancouver, stewardess. The firemen, waiters and seamen, it is believed, were all from Canadian or THE MANNING GAS MAKER K fc th tn-wrr ! th anrertatntle f roa! and wood. It's plentiful, cheap, ej tm (rt, sad turthvrmor Ha practical. With a ilannmf Gam Maker you can u ksroaen for a reitabiai and inexpensive dy-in-tid-day-out fuel aii Winter. Klta any cooaunx gtav. ranjr or he tine etove. Da) It drmitl ratioa. H. W. JdLVXMXi LH.HTINU Sl'PPLY CO. 94 aad Ufe till &t OLD TIME RESUMES SWAY Summer Daylight Sarin? Season for ' 1918 Is at End. Today will be the longest of the year, 23 hours. lor at z ociock mis morning daylight saving came to an end and time officially was changed back to the old schedule. Thosa time pieces which had not been turned back one hour last night when their owners retired were handicapped the hour at 2 o'clock this morning that tney gained on the morning of March 31, when clocks and watchea were set one hour ahead. Persons who plan on boarding trails, cars and boats, or keeping appointments today, will do well to see that their timepieces are on the old schedule, else they may find themselves a whole hour ahead of time. Jlilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllli It's Time to "Hooverize" Your Sweeping Save Time and Labor and Do Away With Dust Buy a "HOOVER" ELECTRIC SWEEPER Solf on Easy Payments The Hoover has a motor-driven brush! It sweeps at the same time that it cleans by vacuum. There are other features, too, that you'll find only in the "Hoover." Come in to morrow and let us demonstrate them to you. J. C. English Co. aj, kw r7vemfc;n9 v- , Everything Electrical . 148 FIFTH ST., Second Kloor, Between Morrlsoa and Alder. flllllllllillllllllltllllllltlllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHUHT $100 CASH or more will be paid for your used up right piano. Security Storage Co. 109 4th st. Call Main 5323. Puget Sound ports. i Chinese were aboard. In addition, 11 Spraying of pulverized coal into the fire boxes of steamship boilers by a new process produces such Intense heat that the ashes literally are melted and run down out of the way. BaaBaaaaaaaHBaaaBaaBBBBBBBEBBBSBBniBBBm BUY ' your diamonds . from a house-that has served con tinuously for two generations. A beautiful diamond from Friedlander's brings to its owner a marked degree of prestige. Convenient Terms Established 1870 310 Washington, Bet. Fifth and Sixth 1 7- 1 17" f n T Fill J I Ago iod&y ears The Ancient Order of United Workmen was organized in Meadville, Pa. The first Society in America to insure the lives of its members. TT u Double War Tax Burden. Theatrical managers of Portland yes terday received word from Senator Mc- Nary that he would seek postponement of application of the double war tax until July. 1S19 The theater men had telegraphed Senator McXary citing the financial losses they are suffering through the Influenza epidemic, and asking that he take some action to de lay application of the double war tax. Amusement houses now are paying 10 per cent war tax. Win lock Girl to Be Xurse. WINLOCK. Wash.. Oct. 2( (Spe cial.) Miss Selma Rlnta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rinta. of this place. she will begin training as nurse for) overseas duty. Miss Rinta graduated from tne vviniocK mgn acnooi last Spring, and immediately after her graduation she volunteered her serv ices to Uncle Sam. HIGH GRADE SHIRTS TO ORDER TOMORROW and TUESDAY ONLY AT THESE VERY SPECIAL PRICES Guaranteed .genuine non-shrinkable Viyella Flannels and fine qualities Imported Madras shirtings. Our regular $10.00 gy rQ Viyellas for " Our regrular $5.00 and $5.50 grade Woven Madras QQ for Every shirt made absolutely to Your Measure and Fit, Quality, Workmanship and Colors Guaranteed. No solicitors, no charge accounts. That's why. JACOBS SHIRT CO. Estab. 1888 Raleigh BIdg., 327 Washington St., Cor 6th Our regular $6.00 and $6.60 grade Woven Madras QQ Heavy Silk Fiber, superior qual ity very serviceable, Of ff $7.50, for DA).Ul The Father of Beneficiary Insurance in America has since its organization paid to its members OVER TWO HUNDRED & FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS - " N f A HALF CENTURY OF RECORD OF WHICH ANY INSTITUTION MAY WELL BE PROUD. JOHN JORDAN UPCHURCH Founder of A. O. U. W. D. C. HERRIN, Grand Master ." A. O. U. W. of Oregon.