The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1918, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Boches Assault Americans in
Positions Near Meuse.
One Power That Could Have Arrested Hand of Murderous Ottoman in
Armenia Refuses to Intervene.
Battle In Wooded Region Is Most
Deoperate, bat Germans Grad
ually Forced Farther Back.
vnnTHB-KsT flP VERDUN. Oct. 2
:lo P. Ml (Bv The Assoclatea
Press. Ths dermsn effort to break up """Zl";:,
- . to him ana said:
Formerly American Amoiwidnr to Turkey.
(Published by special arrangement with the
MeiTlure Newspaper Syndicate. Copyright,
ISMS, by Doubiedav, Page &'o. All rights
" reserved. CopvriKhted In tlreat Britain.
Canada and Australia. All rlithts reserved
for Krance. Belgium. Holland. Italy. Spain,
Russia and the Scandinavian countries.)
Yet everywhere in diplomatic circles
there seemed to be a conviction that
the American Ambassador was respon
sible for the wide publicity which the
Armenian massacres) were receiving; in
Europe and fhe United States. I have
no hesitation in sayir. that they were
right about this. In December my son,
Henry Morgentnau. Jr. paid a visit to
the Uallipoli peninsula, where he was
entertained by General Liman von
Sanders and other German officers.
He had hardly stepped into German
leans was lessened somewhat toaay.
From the extreme left to right artillery
was employed, but without materially
altering the situation.
Since trre Americans Began tne pro-
Those are very interesting articles
on the Armenian question which your
father Is writing in the American
"My father has been writing no ar-
nt battle they have inflicted more than ..son relied.
in nnn (iibiii.h nn tu enemy, ire t- i . , . . . . ..:
- - - -tin. bsiq tnis oiiicer, jusi w-
I liases and 487 square kilometers of
French territory and have captured 20,-
00 nrieoners besides the German
wounded who fell Into their hands.
rTlatTi. i nrl.fril PrTSS
The gains made Friday by the Ameri
cause his name isn't signed to them
doesn't mean that he is not writing
Germaaa Resort t Threats.
Von Sanders also spoke on this sub
Your father Is making a great mis
take." he said, "giving out the facts
5oop. east and west of the Meuse about what the Turk, are doing to the
nulttnH tniiav In BDite Of Armenians.
. . iti and harass- I business."
7' - ' , 1 1 . ' ; , . : . i . . , American As hints of this kind made no
IUK mi unci J mis
m a ii I ,1,. In that rear.
On tnYVtreme left the American, decided to resort to threes In th
vi. . . .h-I early Autumn, a Dr. Nossig arrived i
nave treoi",'". " "". Constantinople from Berlin-. Dr. Nos
niga grounu . German JeWi and caTne to
v ? 2r,im Ir. Bonrarogns Turkey evidently to work against the
Ths American position Jn Brgogne After he had talked with
wood Is such that the Germans no minutes, describing his
longer are ioi. to ' J "' ,h, Jwih activities, I soon discovered
2?" WlmShin,h. IfJl fat he was a German political agent,
(idga at the edga of the woods. He eame to 8ee me twce. tne first
Asset-leans Are Shelled. time his talk was somewhat rambling.
In the center of the line west of the I the purpose of the call apparently be
u.n.o th. r.erman artlllerv is bom-1 inar to make my acquaintance and in
bardina- the American lines heavily
-with high explosive and gas shells. On
the richt the enemy made an unsuc.
cessful counter attack during the night
From 2 to o'clock this morning they
shelled the American lines there
heavily, the bombardment at times
reaching the Intensity of a barrage,
but there was no further Infantry
One new division and one new regi
ment have been Identified as having
sinuate himself into my good graces.
The second time, after discoursing
vaguely on several topics, he came di
rectly to the point. He drew his chair
closely up to me and began to talk in
the most friendly and confidential
Mr. Ambassador, he said, "we are
both Jews and I want to speak to you
as one Jew to another. I hope you
will not be offended if I presume upon
this t eive you a little advice, you
been added to the German strength are very active m tue
against the Americans. The division Armenians and I do not think you
Is a seoond-class one which is reputed realize how very unpopular you are
to have traveled more than any other becoming for this reason with the au
In the German army. It has been sue- thorltles here. In fac I think that
. . . .. I nmrhr to tell vou that the Turkish
cessiveiy on tn raniri ii iium, ino - , , . , :
Italian front, on the Somme and before government Is contemplating asking
St. Mihiel. The regiment belongs to the tor your " " . t ..
crack 2Sth German division. useless. The Germans will not Inter-
Vlolent enemy reactions continue east "re in oenan o -,
of the Meuse and there has been des- Vu are Just PO'"" T nPPthV Hsk
.,, . I for usefulness and running me nsK
perate fighting all along the line. The
American position now runs through
the clearing between the Belleu wood
and the Etraye wood. The enemy s
determination to hold the high ground
east of the river is shown by the facl
that he has thrown in one of his last
remaining reserve divisions to check
the American advance in the Belleu
wood, where the enemy is counter at
tacking persistently.
Meuse Crossing Feared.
The following document has been
"The enemy's crossing of the Meuse
Is to be prevented absolutely. Should
- he succeed in crossing he is to be
thrown back into the Meuse at once.
The enemy must not get a foothold
on this side of the Meuse under any
The last three words are capitalized
Not only In a defensive way, but by
counter attacks the Germans are fight
ing desperately to carry out this order.
This Is shown by the futile attacks
made Friday In the region south of
Bantheville wood, north of Rappes
wood and in the valley north of Ban
WASHINGTON. Oct 2. Heavy fight-
lng on the Verdun front Is described
in General Pershing's communication
for Friday. Strong German counter
attacks east of the Meuse everywhere
were repulsed except in the Belleu
that your career will end Ignominious
y" .
Martyrdom Wonld He lionorra.
Are-you giving me this advice," I
asked, "because you have a real in
terest in my personal welfare?"
rrtalnlv" he answered; "all of us
Jews are proud of what you have done
and we would hate to see your career
end disastrously."
Then you go back to tne wrman
Embassy." I said, "ana ten wansen
heira what I say to go ahead and
have me recalled. If I am to suffer
martyrdom. I can think or bo Detter
cause in which to be sacrificed. In
fact I would welcome it, for I can
think of no greater honor than to be
recalled because I. a Jew. had been
exerting all my powers to save the
lives of hundreds of thousands of
nr Knsxiar hurriedly left my office
and I have never seen him since. When
I next met Enver 1 tola mm mat mt
were rumors that the Ottoman gov
ernment was about to ask for my re
call. He was very empnatic in an
nouncing the whole- story as a jaioc-
hood. "We would not be guilty ot maK
ing such a ridiculous mistake." he
said, so mere was
doubt that this attempt to intimidate
me had Deen naicneu,
II un Ambassador Returns.
Wangenheim returned to Constantl-
responsible for these massacres in the
sense that she instigated them. But
she is responsible in the sense that she
had power to stop them and did not use
it. And it is not only America and
your present enemies that will hold you
responsible. The German people will
themselves some day call you to ac
count. Crimes like these cry to heaven.
Do you think I could know about things
like this and not report them to my
Bis- Problem Winning- War.
jui mat. you say may be true, re
plied the German Ambassador, "but the
big problem that confronts us is to
m tins war. Turkey has settled with
her foreign enemies; she has done that
at the Dardanelles and at GalliDoli. She
is now trying to settle her internal
affairs. Talaat has told me that he is
aetermined to complete this task be
fore peace is declared. '
"The Armenians, anyway, are a very
pour iou iou come In contact in Con
stantinople with Armenians of the edu
cated classes, and you get your impres
sions about them from these men, but
all the Armenians are not of that type.
Yet I admit that they have been treated
terribly. I sent a man to make investi
gations and be reported that the worst
outrages have not been committed by
Turkish officials, but by brigands."
Wangenheim again suggested that
the Armenians be taken to the United
States and once more I gave him the
reasons why this would be impossible.
Human Problem Ignored.
"Never mind all these considerations."
I said. "Let us disregard everything,
military necessity, state policy and all
else, and let us look upon this simply
as a human problem. Remember that
most of the people who are being treat
ed in this way are old men, old women
and helpless children. Why can't you,
as a human being, see that these peo
ple are permitted to live?"
"At the present stage of Internal af
fairs in Turkey," Wangenheim replied,
"I shall not intervene."
I saw that it was useless to discuss
me maiier lurtner. He was a man
devoid of sympathy and human pity and
I turned from him in disgust. Wangen
heim rose to leave. As he did so he
gave a gasp, and his legs suddenly shot
from under him. I jumped and caught
him just as he was falling. For a min
ute he seemed utterly dazed: he looked
at me In a bewildered way, then sud
denly collected himself and regained
his poise. I piloted him downstairs and
put him into his auto. Two days after
ward he had a stroke of apoplexy. On
October 24 I was officially informed
that Wangenheim was dead. And thus.
my last recollection of Wangenheim is
that of the Ambassador absolutely re-
tusing to exert any influence to pre
vent the massacre of a nation. He was
the one man, and his government was
the one government, that could have
stopped these crimes, but, as Wangen
heim told me many times, "our one
aim is to win this war."
Wangenheim fa Bnrled.
A few days afterward official Tur
key and the diplomatic force paid their
last tribute to this finished embodiment
of the Prussian system. The funeral
was held in the garden of the German
embassy at Pera. The inclosure was to reports reaching here today.
lined witn nowers. The procession
formed; German sailors carried the bier
upon their shoulders, other German
Bailors carried the huge bunches of
flowers, and all members of the dip-
Over 2000 More Austro-Hun-'
garians Captured.
Extremely Difficult Position Is Won
Despite Desperate Character
of Foe's Resistance.
WASHINGTON'. Oct. 2. Violent
fighting continued today on the line
where the Italians with the British
co-operating launched a new offensive
against the Austrians yesterday. A
Rome dispatch to the Italian Embassy
eays the fourth army has frustrated
attempts of the enemy to reconquer
territory lost yesterday and has en
larged its gains.
The message also said that Italian
troops continued to advance along the
lower Mati in Albania and that the
Albania tribesmen are taking up arms
against the Austrians and fighting un
der Italian colors.
More Prisoners Captured.
Of the fighting on the Italian f.nt.
the dispatch adds:
"During the last 24 hours 47 officers
and 2102 men have been captured. The
shock troops of the Penzaro brigade
are especially responsible for the Ital
ian success in the Grappa region.
"Monte Pertica has been conquered
by the troops of the 180th and 230th
regiments. The conquest of this ex
tremely difficult position has been pos
sible only as a result of the valor of
these troops, who have beaten the des
perate resistance of the enemy.
The Aosta origade has conquered
Mount Valderoa by a storming action.
The enemy has been beaten all over the
front in every attempt of counter attack.
Considerable aerial activity had
been displayed by our aviators. Over
2700 tons of explosivec have been
dropped, over the enemy positions be
hind the lines. Numerous fires have
been noticed as a consequence of these
bombing expeditions. Fires have been
observed also at San Giovanni di
ROME, Oct. 26. In the successful as
saults against the Austrians along the
Piave and west of that river, the Ital
ians have captured more than 2000
prisoners in the last 24 houfs, the War
Office announced today.
Italians Maintain Positions
Heavy fighting continued all day
Friday in the Monte Grappa region, but
the Italian fourth army maintained its
positions and extended them at some
The strong position of Monte Pertica,
northwest of Monte Grappa, was car
ried by the Piaso brigade and detach
ments. ' LONDON, Oct 26. Italian cavalry
has reached the Bulgarian border near
Egrl Paianka, 50 miles southwest of
Sofia, the Bulgarian capital, according
brtant Notice!
By request of the Oregon State Council of Defense
We ask our patrons to co-operate in the observance of this Government rul
ing, to carry parcels whenever possible and otherwise help at this time.
LONDON, Oct. 26. Kravelo, 60 miles
northeast of Nish, has been occupied
by the Serbian troops, says a Serbian
nffioial statement issued indsv. Tn the
lomatic corps and the officials of the i same region the Serbians have crossed
Turkish government followed on foot. the Ternitsa River.
c uianu Ti.icr ict iu3 proceslon;i JTT
I - . . - .
If you can't come down town phone
your want ads to The Oregonlan. Main
7070. A 6095.
Big Deficiency Bill Progressing.
woods, where four successive assaults nople in early October. I was shocked
forced a partial withdrawal by the at the changes that had taken place
Americans. West of the Meuse the .. k. mn As T wrote In my diary.
American lines were further advanced I "he looked the perfect picture of
in face of determined resistance. I wotan." His face was almost constant
The statement reads: I jy twitching: he wore a black cover
"On the Verdun front ths battle has I nv.r his rie-ht eve and he seemed un-
eontinuea witn violence east or the I usually nervous and depressed, tie torn
Meuse. Lata yesterday our troops en-1 ma that he had obtained little rest;
larged their important gains south of I that he had been obliged to spend most
tne consenvoye-tsamviiie railroad and of his time In Berlin attending to duei-
occupied completely tne Bols d ormant I ness. A few days after his return
Today the enemy counter attacked re- I met him on my way to Haskeuy; he
peatediy with strong forces on the I IH that he was going to the Amen
front from the Bola d'Ormont to the I can Embassy and together we walked
Bo Is d'Etrayea. I back to it. I had been recently told
Rk a I bv Talaat that he intended to deport
n. v, ..j . .i . I all the Armenians who were left in
lery his attacks were repulsed with ex- Turkey and this statement had juced
tremelv hravv Tn- nnlv In Rni I mo w -
n.n... v.. j i n..i , I man in Constantinople who had the
1VJ k! : 7. " .v.."B"V. lu,.'r nower to end the horrors. I took Wan-
.... ill,. ha ' " 1 1 J W.A .1 I rCDOGIUI Ubf -V vuv avimu ..ww. v.
stubborn resistance of our trootis. ths the Embassy wnere we couia oe enure
fourth attack forced us to withdraw
from tbs eastern part of ths wood.
Hostile forces which attempted to
pentrat our positions northwest of
ths Bois Belleu were driven back after
a severs struggle lasting throughout
the day.
"West of the Meuse our troops have
advanced in the face of determined
resistance on the slopes northwest of
Grand Pre and have entered the south
ern portion of Bois d'Bourgogne."
Demurrer of Defendants Argued
and Overruled.
SPOKANE. Waslu Oct. 26. Spe
cial.) Twenty-seven I. W. W. ar
raigned in the Federal Court this
morning on a Federal indictment re
turned by the September grand jury,
charging them with conspiracy and
violation of the espionage act, shouted
an emphatic "No." when asked by the
court If they were guilty.
After the demurrer had been argued
Judge Rudkin overruled It, but allowed
the request of the counsel for the de
fendants for a bill of particulars, which
the District Attorney will furnish at
Cornelius Store Is Sold.
CORNELIUS. Or.. Oct 26. (Special.)
C. C. Hancock, who conducted a gen
eral merchandise store here for 26
years, has sold his property interests
and moved to Portland. Henry Behr
mann purchased Mr. Hancock's resi
dence and has moved in from his farm
at Blooming. Mr. Hancock has pur
chased a home at Laurelhurst.
Girl of IS Held as Witness.
G. B. Gibana. J7, a gardener, was ar
rested yesterday by Lieutenant Thatch
r and Patrolmen Fuller and Sullivan
and charged witb contributing to the
lelinauencv of a minor. Rena. Evitt
lv alone and uninterrupted and there,
for more than an hour, sitting together
over the tea table, we had our last
conversation on this subject.
Berlin telegraphs me, he said, "that
your Secretary of State tells them that
you say that more Armenians than ever
have been massacred since Bulgaria
has come in on our side.
Bulgaria's Influence Lost.
"No. I did not say that." I replied.
"I admit that I have sent a large
amount of information to Washington.
I have sent copies of every report and
every statement to the State Depart
ment. They are safely lodged there
and whatever happens to me. the evi
dence is complete and the American peo
ple are not dependent on my oral re
port for their information. But this
particular statement you make is not
quite accurate. I merely Informed Mr.
Lansing that any influence Bulgaria
might exert to stop the massacres has
been lost, now that she has become
Turkey's ally."
We again discussed the deportations.
"Germany is not responsible for this,"
Wangenheim said.
"You can assert thrt to the end of
time," I replied, "but nobody will be
lieve at. The world will always hold
Germany responsible; the guilt of these
crimes will be your inheritance for
ever. I do not claim that Germany is
Oriental Cafe
Cor. Broadway sad Washington
OPEN 11 A. M. to 3 A. M.
Finest Grill sf Its Kind Pacific
American and Chinese Drakes.
Service at All Hoars.
11 A. M. TO 8 P. M.
SSe. Sue. 3S. 40e to 75e.
Including Soup, Vegetables. Drinks,
I walked the whole way with Enver.
All the officers of the Goeben and the
Breslau. and all the German Generals,
dressed in full uniform, followed.
Wangenheim was buried in the park
of the Summer embassy at Therapia
by the side of his comrade. Colonel
Leipzig. No final resting place would j
have been more appropriate, for this
had been the scene of his diplomatic :
successes, and it was from here that. I WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. The House
a little more than two years before. I today adopted the conference report on
he had directed by wireless the Goeben ' the $6,000,000,000 military deficiency
and the Breslau, safely brought them I bill and sent it to the Senate, where it
Into Constantinople, thus made it in- I is to be acted upon Monday,
evitable that Turkey should join forces I
w,',th.kGer.m1any'l.and pf ve,1 Vl8 Tay fori Labor Shortage Hits Latah County,
all the triumphs and all the horrors
mat uaa necessarily xoiiowea that; Aiuauuvv. xaano, uct. zo. topeciai.j
event. I Latah County is threatened with a
(To Be Continued.) labor famine for farm work, according
There Will Be a Merry
Christmas at the Front
if the folks at home "Keep the Home Fires
Burning" in the true sense of the words.
.Your boy over there will be looking for a
token of love just as he used to do at Christmas time
in years gone by.
Now's the Time to Send His Present
Something useful, as well as uncommon, will please
him most. We suggest here only a few of the useful
articles which we can supply:
Leather Pocket-Photo-Frame.
Kit Knife, Fork and Spoon.
Pair Military Sleeve Buttons.
Silver or Leather Cigarette.
Initial Seal Ring.
A Good Wrist Watch.
K.& C. Feldenheimer
Jewelers, Silversmiths, Opticians
Estab. Since 1868 Washington St. at Park
Thousands of people are using this wonderful PHOESTIX MINERAL and
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quickly; coal then has no soot, less smoke, no bad gasses nor clinkers
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ence what grade of coal or coke you use.
PHflFWIY MIVFRAI 18 guaranteed not to injure your stove, range or
I nULIllA illlliLimL, furnace or boiler, but rather makes them last long
er and heat better. Remember, It produces 14 to 4 snore heat. One
fi-cent package will treat 400 pounds of hard or soft coal, and a $1.00
can will treat a ton. si
ncry Ap CDflT with less coal and more heat and save money.
liCn JMUrt inUOl Send or call for test package. It treats 400 pounds
or 15 buckets full. It will demonstrate how these things are done.
ED TODAY 25 cents in stamps or coin for package. Distributor for
The Season's Newest Apparel Modes
Are Here in Boundless Array
Fall Suits Fall Coats
$25.95 to $67.50 $16.95 to $79.00
Fresh from the hands of expert designers and tailors come scores of new
modes, faithfully interpreting in the minutest details, the styles that have won
first place in the world . of fashion.
It would be hard to imagine a more complete showing of decidedly
stylish apparel or to assemble garments of qualities which would give
greater satisfaction; yet, in spite of their excellent qualities and expert
fashioning, their prices are very moderate.
Come and personally inspett these new arrivals.
Offerings in
Domestic Goods
For Holiday Sewing
Toweling at 45c Yard
18-in. all-linen crash toweling oyster white
suitable for hand towels, dish towels or fancy
Linen Finish Scarfing at 29c Yard
18-in. ecru linen-finish scarfing.
All-Linen Scarfing at 50c Yard
18-in., 20-in. and 22-inch natural and ecru all
linen scarfing.
All-Linen Huck Toweling at 69c Yard
15 and 18-in. all linen huck toweling; plain
and fancy figures.
Men's Flannelette
At $1.75, $2 JO and $3 M0 Suit
A complete stock of men's pajamas, in
cluding all wanted styles and sizes.
Values that are unsurpassed at the
above prices.
All Styles and Sizes
Men's Flannelette Gowns
At $1.75 and $2JD0
Perfect-fitting, well-made garments in
plain colors and stripes.
This store meets with the request that we advertise only such articles as suggested by the
Mayor and Board of Health and takes every precaution to safeguard its customers.
Store Opens
at 8:30 A.M.
at 9 A.M.
Satrpa I
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
to a report made today by O. S.
Fletcher, county agent, who made a
survey of farm labor conditions in La
tah County for the Farm Bureau. Ac
cording to this survey the county will
lack from 2 men in March to 808 in
August and dropping down to 74 in
October of next year, if th men now
registered are taken for service, in or
der to keep the county up to its max
imum production of farm products. The
situation is regarded as serious.
Havoc Wrought by Typhoon.
TOKIO, Oct. 26. (Bv the Associs-ted
Press.) Belated reports filtering in
from Southwest Japan show that a
typhoon which occurred early In Sep
tember caused considerable loss of life
and extensive damage ,q property. Ths
bodies of 273 persons were washed
ashore on the coast of Twami. on ths
Sea of Japan.
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15, was held as a witness against him. j