The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 29

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taUd Doai
lO any lady from 20 to 40 years old. 'Do
you want a real home? 1 am tfO yeara old.
9 my wife ia 45; no children: live in mod
ern home one and one-half miles from
Rose burg, on Paciiic highway; have store,
postof f:ce and home all on the same
around, wife Dot strong. "Want the right
one to coma and be one of ui: no hard
work. Girl Just left us after eight years
of perfect home, she said. She met a
handsome man. He said: "Wilt thou?"
She wilted, John V.. Tollman, Eden
owr, Or.
CONSIDER ant phopdsitiox WITH gordON HOTEL. -Rest Park and Yamhill.
REFINED woman having had several
years' experience In institution work, de
sires position as companion, attendant
nurse, housekeeper or matron. Phone
Seilwood 2t72.
)1IDDLE-AGED woman preferred for house
work and partial care of convalescent in
valid from broken bone: Protectant. Col.
W. 1703 Haven. University Park. Good
wafM and home.
KELIAB-E girl for housework; small fam- I
'IT ; nigh wages: best living Quarters
regular hours; permanent place: cook does
kitchen work. $44 East Salmon, corner
-tn. sunny side or Hawthorne car.
TORE manager, just from large lumber
company's store, desires position In Ore
gon or Washington Would consider po
sition as department manager with
chances of advancement. Am employed at
present, but can accept position now or
In the future. Exempt. Best of refer
ences. Y 748, Oregonian.
WANTED Exp., competent woman for
cooking and downstairs work in small
family: references required: wages $35.
App.y Mr. r H Gearin. 235 Cornell road.
na or
AllDDLE-AGED or elderly lady wanted to
assist with cook in a" and general house
work; small family; no heavy work. Call
xw?iawn 5426.
GIRL to assist with housework and care
or two children : good home and wages
night school privileges. AC 161. Orego-
CoLLMBlA Music Studio, piano, voice, vio
lin, dm a jo. raanaoiin, saxophone, nute.
ciannet, arums; taught by professions..
on coiumoia Didg. .Main 5wl
to learn to operate and repair automobiles.
tractors and trucks In special day and
night classes. Students can enter at any
una call or write.
707 Hawthorne Ave.
iX'RNTSH me names of prospective buyers
ci new and used automobiles ana i win
pay you $5 to $2A for each one I sell.
Write me for particulars. AB 735, Ore-
rv A.N i'ED Experienced stenographer, who
has some knowledge of bookkeeping, by
av leading wholesale house; state age and
references: permanent position. BJ iKk.
WANTED Child from 3 to 5 yeara to care
for. AH 6!. Oregonian.
SdALE or female egg candler; some ex
perience necessary. Phone Bdwy. S76.
fn th largest and best trade school In
the West. 50uO successful graduates.
Kstsbltshed 14 years. We offer practical
courses in auto ana true repairing
driving, advanced ignition, lighting
starting, tractor engineering. ma chin
work, oxv-acety ;en welding, vulcanising.
A short term course will qualify you for
war duty or essential commercial worn
We help students earn living while learn
ing. v rtte lor rree catalog inoay.
Flgueroa at Srh. l.os Angeles. Cat,
A TRAINED office man. familiar with all
(except shorthand) work wishes to en
gage with a first-class establishment and
demonstrate ability; is an experienced cor
respondent and salesman as well; begin
ning salary a secondary matter. J 3-1
AUTO electriclun wishes to locate In or near
Portland. At present foreman of shop
having the following service: Westing
house, Bijur, Eiseman, Simms-Huff, Gray
Davis, Connecticut and Atwater-Kent. A.
C. Frallck. loOu East Ninth. Oklahoma
city. Okla.
COMPETENT accountant and ofiYle man
desires permanent position; experienced in
lumber, fuel, logging. Government cost ac
counting; references gilt-edged: age 34,
married, exempt; have exceptionally suc
cessful record. AM 03, Oregonian.
Steam heat, hot and cold water, telephone
In each room. Rooms with private and de
tached bath, elevator service. Special
weeKly rates to permanent guests.
MARRIED woman to wash dishes and help
in kitchen of small boarding hoteL Hus
band to board there. Grand Avenue
Hotel. 334 Grand- avenue. 3 blocks south
of Hawthorne ave.
HEMSTITCHING Sc per yard; operator of
5 years' experience. 350H Morrison St.,
room 405. between Broadway and Park.
Take elevator.
YOUNG lady wishes position as cashier,
some experience. Would work for reason
able wages while learning. AO 673, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED demonstrater and sales
woman desires local or road position; can
give best of references. AM 6,2. Oregonian.
UNINCUMBERED woman under 45 to help
care lor small home in country, 2 adults,
one child; satismctory wages. AP till.
WILL retouch postcards, place cards or
photographs, calenders, Christmas cards,
etc. Samples may be sent to prove my
work. N .6. Oregonian.
lot.SU married couple wish steady posi
tion on eastern Oregon sneep rancn; sev
eral years' experience and best references:
wife Is first-class cook; state wages and
full particulars la first letter. BJ 8. Ore-gonisn.
YutNti man. exempt from draft, 10 years'
experience in me grocery Business. yi
aa manager and buyer, desires to connect
with a business where faithful work will
bring advancement; can give the best Tol
erances. Address BJ 624, Oregonian.
illUULE-AGED man. slightly lame, first-
class discharges and recommendations as
chief steward of steamships, also expe
rienced elevator runner, wants work. What
can you offer him? AE SOS. Oregonian.
Yto.UAN with some knowledge of millinery
will work trom 12 to 4 P. M. for small pay
to learn business thoroughly. BD 719,
AN educated lady would like the care of
children, walking age; 10 years' experi
ence; salary not less than $45; highest
reierences. Af oregonian.
D ressmakcrs.
SEWING - to do at home. Infants outfits
and children's clothing a specialty; also
take orders for hand embroidery, crochet
and tatting. Phone Woodlawn 4538.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress
will sew by the day. Phone East 6617.
A GRADUATE nurse of refinement desires a
position with the care or semi-invalid;
no cooking; salary $15 a week. Ansonia,
Broadway 1433. Room 31L Best of references.
WILL do nursing in my home, care for con
valescents, raiids or oid people- Tabor
POSITION in doctor's or dentist's office by
practical nurse with some surgery train
ing. Call East Soil. Monday.
COMPETENT nurse desires a position lm a
children's institution: several years of ex
perience. AR 020, Oregonian.
Furnished Kouiu lu Private Family.
RESPONSIBLE party wants 2 or '3-room
unfurnished apartment on West Side. No
children. References lurmshed. Phono la
bor 700 alter 10 A. M.
WANTED TO RENT 3 or 4-room furnished
act., by . adults, north of V ashington
'preferred. Call Main 2960 between 10 and
1 o clock;.
WANTED TO RENT Good furnished apart
ment or house for two or three mouths;
no children. Address B. C. Sheldon, S34
Northwest Bank Blag.
A NURSE would like to travel Fouth with
a family for the Winter. AP 623, Orego
nian. .
TRAINED nurse and stenographer desires
position In doctor's office: understands
bookkeeping. AM 693, Oregonian.
PRACTICAL efficient nurse, with hospital
training and experience, wants case. East
EXPERIENCED nurse will care for con
valescent, elderly or Invalid. Call E. iS4rf.
W A N T E D N u r s 1 n g
Phone Tabor 2122.
by practical nurse.
A kEFINED lady of education wishes the
care or children In a widower s family
no cooking; salary $40 month; highest
reierences. croauway 1433.
LAD V desires clerical position in Portland;
12 years' experience; also typist; best ref
erences. N 64. Oregonian.
REFINED young lady desires position in
doctor's or dentist's office. Call Marshall
ii 1.
WANTED Work between hours of 4:30 to
10 P. M. ; bandy with macninery ana
tools; have had experience Id factory, engine-room
and packing. P. O. box 1010.
Prions Marshall -03.
POSITION on ranch by a middle-aged man.
either fruit, dairy or grain; nave naa
15 years experience; no objections to
where it is. Address V. K. W., 11U6 Bel
mont, Portland, Or.
YOUNG Women who wlith tn bernme nurses.
but have not the necessary education, ad
dress al iL , u re go man.
lady wishes position as
swucnooara operator, or light
work. Marshall 3070.
WANTED By inexperienced girl, work In
grocery store ; reliable, strung and not
afraid of work. AN 090, Oregonian.
W ANTED A small hotel, rooming-house,
or apartment-house to manage, by a wo
mnn of experience. AM Oregonian.
YoUNG -woman wants work in garage or
machine- shop. Address Nadia Simmons,
6.ah at. and Woodstock ave.. City.
ADVERTISING man. experienced, college
graduate, drart exempt, desires cnange.
In addition to advertising has had broad
business experience. Salary secondary to
opportunity. AP 608, Oregonian.
loi NG WOMEN and MEN: Our students
are Instructed by a successful DIS
PATCHER and are tn d-mand by the
railroads and TEL EG K A Pli companies at
Increase! salaries. lanv acancies now.
Wnse or call for BULLETIN. Railway
Telegraph institute, -la iij. xciu bldg.
600 Stock Ex. Blilg.
Practical courses, individual instruction,
Spanish and French; special classes fur
Union ave. and Wasco St.
pays ou wmte iearing. gives yoa a set
of tools, guarantees you a position; send
Tor catalogue. uurnsiae. iiuwy. ltJi
Open 1 to 4 for enrollment while schools
are r!osel. Ailsky bMg.. and .Morrison.
TEACHER Gentleman lately from Europe,
pos'S.Mng college education, wants a few
more pupils in cngnnn anu rrencn; rei
erences, AK 735, Or-gonian.
FRENCH classes. Corhett bidg.. room 301.
Phone Main 30. Call P. M. and even
iEW WOMEN, learn barber trade free;
wages while learning; position guaranteed.
Oregon Uarber college. -SS Madison st.
AllSS M ATTIN ULY'S Shorthand. Typewrit
Ing School, day, evening. ri month. 263
14th. near Jefferson. Mam SMtJ.
Portland barber college teaches
men and women the barber trade free.
Paid white learning. 234 Couch sL
PRIVATE Instruction given In elementary
graae wont, a k t. oregonian.
Free regist'n. 11 Bdwy. bldg. M. 674.
fcHORTHAND, typewriting, $5: 951 Garfield
ave. Wdln. 1424. Ask for Mrs. O'Neil.
COMPETENT teacher will tutor primary
grammar and H. S. pupils. Broadway 5436.
EACHEKS AM kinds of teaching posi
tions. Main 6S.13. Fisk Teachers' Agency.
klSH to form connection with good con
cern as credit man. oi'tice. sales or gen
eral manager, where opportunity to be
come member of firm is offered when
Services have proven satisfactory; class
ification 4-A: thorough business train
ing; high-grade references. Phone, Sun
day. East 4557. T 634. Oregonian.
uXPKRIENCED w holesale grocery sales
man wishes city territory: well acquaint
ed ; have car; also experienced in brok
erage business; best of reierences. A J
. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by a first-class frull
man; hive had 2i years experience; un
derstands buying, growing, packing, ship
ping and Inspecting; can give the best
of references. BD 710. Oregonian.
MATURE educated man, engaged In busi
ness, capable clerk or assistant manager,
used to meeting the public, w ill work
forenoons or 4 to lo P. M. You need help?
X 113. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, experienced with children,
wants place for home and some wages;
C. S. preferred. AR 873, Oregonian.
WANTED Laundry work, Thursday, Fri
day, Saturday, every week. In private fam
ilies; or housework. AN 593, Oregonian.
WANTED Position by dictaphone operator.
One year's experience in lumber office.
Call Broadway 4736 Sunday. References.
NURSE Quiet home, invalids, unfortunates.
references. Box ill, R- a.. uresuiu.yi-
THE VERNON maternity home. 1022 Vernon.
Phone Wdln. 4272. Keasonaoie la-
WANTED Nice 3, 4 or 5-room furnished
house, flat or apartment ; no children.
Phone Mrs. Weller. room 6S, Hotel Del
Mae Joe. Broadway 3705.
FOR RENT 4-room flat, unfurnished. &33
Kelly st. No children.
2-ROOM modern furnished apt., no children,
by November 1st. BF 566, Oregonian,
WANTED TO RENT Two clean furnished
rooms or small house for family of 4,
mother and 3 children. Can give bank
references. AL 6i3, oregonian
WANTED Small furnished housekeeping
apartment or rooms, with bath and good X ' 206, Oregonian.
Nl'RSH wants nosition caring for Invalid
or baby. AL 674, Oregoniam
WANTED Position by practical nurse, best
of rei'erence. Tabor 6015. 14S E. 30th st.
RESPECTABLE woman with girl 5 years
old would like to get a place staying wnn
an old lady or an old couple doing house
work for home and small wages. Address
AL 671, Oregonian.
tt- n.'t'tl-t u i -w n o j-i o n f t a mlddle-ace
lady a position as housekeeper or general
housework. Mrs. Fannie btanoro. ju r
27th st.
RELIABLE American lady, past middle ajre.
nichra honek.eDinr or light work for
home and small wages. No incumbrances.
AB 0P0, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER on ranch or farm, any
where; good cook; wajces uu A
lady and child, immediately. Helen Smith,
Sat:on N. Gen. Dei., Cincinnati. O.
MARRIED woman, experienced, .capable as
working housekeeper, neat. maii iwiui s
house; reference. Alice omcimao".
bany. Or.. R. R. 4
CAPABLE and congenial lady desires posi
tion as M. Jv, in nice
very good cook; best rei. AR IS, Orego
YOUNG, neat, trustworthy widow, unmcum-
wiHhes position; rood home,
shall 4553, 10 to 2.
Phone Mar-
POSITION with dentist or as receptionist
at studio by pleasant young lady. lij
v., oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER wishes position for couple
employed or wiuow
1375. .
WANTED By machinist, 37. with 20 years'
experience, permanent position; prefer
floor or bench work, day position. Phone
Marshall 1H75.
CoM PK TENT salesman or collector wants
position, watenmun or place of trust; some
grocery store experience. East 6522, apt.
WANTED By a young married man with
1 small buy, a Job on ranch; have had
some experience. Address P. O. Box 23,
Portland. Oregon.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position
driving private car; can drive any make
of car; married; stranger in City. Call L.
J. Gwinn. Main OIL'S.
BOOKKEEPER, age 40, with long experi
ence, open for position.- Abie to nanaie
any set of books.
314, Oregonian.
Best of references.
YOUNG man in class 5. 1 years of age.
would like position, preieraoiy eiecincar.
would accept any otfered position ; can
operate typewriter. Y 740. Oregonian.
YOUNG man would like employment at most
anvthing. Experienced in aining-room
work. R. F. Hawkins, 208 S. Uth st.
Phone Main 7123. "
MARRIED man wants Job on ranch; can
handle most anv kind or size; can iur
nisii best of references. . C. L. Beadell,
Hood River. Or.
Position companion nurse to middle-aged
or elderly lady by experienced young wom
an. Iv fit!" flrpirnn i a n
EXPERIENCED housekeeper wants position,
apt. house or rooming house. Broadway
&ti."2. apt. B.
4-ROOM modern housekeeping apartments,
partly furnished, at Vbii E. 10th st. N.
Alberta car.
ltEnt-tNSl BLE lady would like work; has
completed a course in motor mechanics.
BJ 1 4. oregonian.
WANTED P'ace to take care of children
evenings while mother is away; references.
Woodlawn 1611.
YOUNG lady, employed during day. would
assist in home morning and evening for
room and board. AL 673, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED exchange operator wishes
position; can give references. BJ 13. Ore
A CHRISTIAN woman wants work of any
Kina oy cay. Art lit, oregonian.
JANITRESS wants night work, office bldg.
preferred. AR 17, Oregonian.
WANTED Chambermaid work. Call Broad
way 1IW9.
HAIR dyed at home reasonable by expe
rienceu lauy. .Main iu.
TRUSTWORTHY, neat housekeeper, with
experience, wishes position for a couple;
first-class reference. AO 061, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER, middle-age, wants posi
tion in widower's or bachelor's home; no
objection to one child. T 03 8, Oregonian.
COMPETENT elderly lady wants housekeep
Iiik or with old couple or care of an m
aiid. 414 E. Yamhill
WIDOW with 5-year-old child would ".ike
housekeeping in widower's home; averase
i-s required, pan tu z a'""
LADY wishes to take charge of sma'l apart
ment house for her and on's apartment;
best of reference.
all Sunday, B-iwy.
WANTED Position as housekeeper in or
near city; must be clean. Phone Mam
7:ir.4. Room 71.
EXPERIENCED young woman wishes posi
tion us housekeeper In hotel. Can furnish
first-class references. Phone Main 31 1
WANTED To rent furnished or unfurnished
housekeeping rooms in Couch, school dis
trict Man-nail 3521.
LADY, employed, wants furnished room in
West Side apartment, not over $15 per
month. M 531. Oregonian.
1 OL'XG coupie wishes furnished, heated,
housekeeping rooms; must be clean and
reasonable. M 540, Oregonian.
ONE or two housekeeping rooms, heated, by
woman employed. Phone from 7 to 9
P. M. East 051. Room 3.
THKEE nicely furnished, light, airy rooms,
electric lights, hot and cold water, priv
ilege bath and use of living-room of eve
ning. Will give breakfast; workingmen
preierred; $2t a month. 1037 E. orant
at., near 34th, all day Sunday; after 7
P. M. week days.
TWO nicely furnished bedrooms for two
gentlemen ; board if desired; nice home;
phone, bath and all home privileges; on
lrvlngton carline; close in. Phone East
b74s. 437 E. 15th SL N.. near Tiliamooit
COMFORTABLE furnished front room,
ground floor, for two ladies or man and
wite; all home privileges; $12 per month;
board if uesireu. Excellent car service.
142 Browns ave.. near Union ave., and
THE furnished upper floor and bath of a
private home to eight young ladies em
ployed during the uay, with privilege of
getting own oreakiaat and use of piano.
Phone Tabor 4544.
I HAVE a dandy large room, with a new
gas stove; fine for two people to live in for
the Winter. Light and cheerful. I will
rent for io a month. Phone Tabor 6134
Monday at any time.
Rooms WitU Board In Private Famllle.
TWO refined gentlemen can secure two fine
rooms with bath; entire 3d floor. In beau
tiful home on Portland Heights, with
breakfast and dinner, use of fine piano,
$50 per month each. Phone Mar. 25S3.
ROOM and board suitable for 2 gentlemen;
modern conveniences, family privileges.
612 Spruce st., corner of E. Harrison. Sell
wood 1720.
170 GRAND ave., two nice outside room st
and board, for two mrking men who wish
to pay reasonable prices. X 2o5, Oregonian.
ROOM and board for couple or 2 gentlemen
in private family, all modern conveniences.
Kenton. Phono Wdln. 3014 Sunday or
Monday A. M.
244 NORTH 24th, bet. Marshall and Northrup.
2 warm front rooms, 4 windows, suitable
for two. Separate beds, home privileges,
modern conveniences, board if desired.
BEA UTIFUL front room in elegantly' fur
nished home for a gentlemen, -5; oi
wouid rent half of room to proper partj
for 12".50. 71 Triniiy p. ace. Waikiu
NiCELi furnished room, private family. Nob
Hiil district, walking distance, furnace
heat, light, telephone and bath; suitable
lor geiuieman or lady employed, 12.
Phone Main 3102.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for one or
two gentlemen; luruace heat, shower
bath; walking distance from the shipyards
or Willamette Iron & Steel Works. With
or without board. 741 Glisan st.
COSY, attractive room in private residence;
phone, furnace heat, convenient to bath,
West Side. North lath st. Broadway
YOUNG lady wants warm, steam-heated
room and kitchenette in nice apt.; reason
' able; permanent. X 204, Oregonlam
FOUR adults, all w., wish 2 hkp. rooms and
kitchenette W. Side. Reas. AO 655, Oregonian.
W ANTED By Nov. 1, 2 heated housekeep
ing rooms, not over $15, near Depot and
Morrison. Address J 315, Oregonian.
WANT sleeping room in home where no to
h: ceo is used. L 5S2, Oregonian.
WANTED Worn in dressmaking in tailor
shop. AB 740, Oregonian.
Rooms Witn Board.
REFINED business gentleman, Past middle
age; alone this world; seven years same
place. East Side; wants homelike place.
West Side; protestant family, grown ups;
near town, nice room, plain cooking.
Chance, right party, reduce cost living.
AM 702, Oregonian.
ROOM and board in private family where
children from 7 to 9 can have care during
mother's absence ; children used to goou
home; Couch School district preferred. G
filio, Oregonian.
TO LADY or girl, nicely furnished front
room witn or without breakfast, possibly
dinner. All modern conveniences; private
family. F. H. Boulan, y3 Tillamook st.
FOR RENT In private home, large front
room, steam heat, electric light, use of
bath and telephone, beautiful grounds,
walking distance, W'eat Side. Marshall 40L
LOVELY, light, warm room, white enamel
finish, nicely furnished, convenient to
bath, furnace heat ; very best location.
161 N. 23d Bt. Marshall 4753.
NICELY furnished room In a private fam
ily, with bath and use of kitchenette, for
either woman or man, employed. 125 E.
20th st. N. one block from R. C. car.
VERY pleasant rcom, suitable for one or
two gentlemen; phone, bath, furnace heat,
walking distance. 621 E. Ankeny. corner
NICELY furnished room to two shipwork
ers; modern ; $2 per week per person;
close in. 3U9 Glenn ave.. 4a block to car-
NICELY furnished room and board for one
or two shipyard workers; homelike sur
round in g s. 373 E. 4i 1 1 is t. N o r t h ;
EXCLUSIVE, home, with excellent board
and p-easant rooms. 143 N. Huh st. Phone
Broadway 4'M4.
NICELY furnished rooms, with or without
board; all modern conveniences. Phone
East 8525. or call 407 Hulluday.
DESIRABLE room for two with board, house
modtirn. reasonable. Main 9267. 74S Love-
375 E. 15TH N., good board and heated
rooms reasonable; good car service. A'noue
E. 6283.
TWO light rooms with board,
yard. 604 3d st. Main 4974.
near ship-
ROOM and board, sleeping porch for two
gentlemen. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333.
ROOMS with breakfasT and dinner in ,a
pleasant home. 455 K a st 14th et. N.
ONE nice large room and board. $10 a week
333 Beech st. Phono W dln. 561S.
FURNISHED room, business woman; break
fast if desired; reierences. Mar. 4423.
ROOM, board, private home. 674 Ladd ave.,
near E. ll'th and Hawthorne. East M43.
NICELY furnished room, excellent board.
423 Jefferson. Main 6746.
ROOM and board for man and wife, beau
tifui West Side home. Broudway 15i3.
ROOM, board, private home. 574 Ladd ave,
near E. 12th and Hawthorne. East M45.
WILL tako two children, mother's care, good
home. Call Sell. 3i)stir
WANTED Child under 6 years to care for
week days. Call hi W. Park. Bdwy. 3107.
BOARD and room in widow's home: piano,
modern conveniences1; eiwe in. Main 6iS.
r untirttieu Apartment.
MARRIED woman whose husband has en
lifted wants board and room on West
Side; must be modern, pleasant surround
ings. AN ;12, Oregonian.
REFINED young lady, employed as book
keeper, desires board and room witn pri
vate family or in private boarding house.
AO 954, Oregonian.
WANTED In private family, near carline.
room and board for an elderly gentleman
(requirements few); can pay $25 per
month. Address J. B., S3 Jessup st., cit.v.
WANTED Room and board, by single man.
in private family, close to u.-W. R. Aioina
shops preferred. Will pay $10 per week.
AL "", Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY employed wants home priv
ileges in exchange tor ugnt services ana
part pay. Call Main 1203.
HOME wanted for a boy 12-, years, where
there is no other child, where he will be
taken- care of. H. 607, Oregonian.
REFINED widow (4rtj would keep flat for
two or more gentlemen In city. AP 00o
COMPETENT woman wants position as
housekeeper for apt. or rooming house.
Sell wood 1345. .
YOUNG woman with 2 children wishes work
as housekeeper; sman wages; xiuua.u
gone to war. East 7162.
man; mH m-ife want nosition as cooks
any kind of camp; nrst-ciass service given
and expert gouu aea -.v--
MAN, 60 years of age. desires employmen
ad fallows; not el ciera. orueriy, wmtn
man. guard or anything congenial or
light. AV 192, Oregonian.
WANTED Position of hotel clerk. Call
P.mnlnvmrnt Dent., l. Al. U. A., ana
will be glad to make a personal applica
tion. H. M. Huestis.
NOT subject to draft; want position as ele
vator conductor or oiner ugnt, wor i
city. Marshall 2157. 321 4th St.. city. cor.
Clay. L, C. W.
MARRIED man. discharged from draft.
wishes truck driving; ora preierrea.
East 323. A. M. Mr. S-. SL Johns,
1m7 Merges drive
WANTED Bv flrst-clana shoemaker and
Cn.. vm r Altera tor. atead v 100 in K ooa
class shop: no objection to country. R.
McClude. Gen. Del.. Portland.
YOUNG married man wants position on
ranch ; experienced.- also gooa mecnanic ,
must nave private house. Messenger.Mult-
noman, or.
u i v nver draft aae with Ford wants lien
delivery work or hauling, rnone jLast
r i v amnii net of books evenings and
soar Lime uuum uj. -
M ;nday.
YOUNG man wants position as cnauneur
with private xamiiy; a-j. iBreute
KRSt !-.
i'KlNTER Newspaper and Job; recently re
signed foremanhlp of dally paper in
Middle West; union. Address F. J.. 1363
Hawthorne ave., or phone Tabor 4752.
EXPERIENCED engineer, employed, avail
able few evenings weekly, estimating, cal
culating and drafting. AM 701. Ore
go n Ian.
ECH A NO-THERAPIST seks position:
would prefer to work In sanitarium. X
iw.v t re'nian.
AVE 2-tr-n truek: will haul in city or
country. Phone East 640. 462 Hawthorne
WANTED Employment after 6 P. M.
clerical or otherwise; Competent book
keeper. X 2'H), Oregonian.
LIGHT machine work bv elderly man, capa
ble of doing lathe work and repairing of
machinery : Main 4.".i.
BOOKKEEPING at home by expert with
anernoons ire; aiso i.rm work on type
writer. AM r!'t
EXPERIENCED locging r.imp timekeeper
a n i com m.w.iry man w w n : s po 1 1 1 o a ; not
pufj'ciin a m i.. ... oregoman.
CHAUFFEUR, five years experience, wishes
position aa private oniy. aj v w
MAN with heavy team wants steady work In
or out of city; contract, preierrea. av ioi.
I'M above draft age. -single: have had ex
perience with stocK ana want joo as wrra
er. AV 173. Oregonian.
W A NTIID By gentleman 42 years of age.
position as salesman or inside work; good
reference. A ti ;, pregonian.
HUSKY man. 34, good education, wants
w ork, warehouse or stockroom; state wages.
O Hi r. Oregonian.
CARPKNTER wants repair work; also repair
furniture; reasoname. inquire -
Ington sL
Bookkeeper, stenographers. Office.
PLACE to work from 2 to ft earh day but
to i pniuru:tv. ij oregop. lan.
HoLSE paln:ing. papnng and ka!nminlng;
til work guaranierd. East 111 1.
MAN wants w;i"k. watchman, laborer, any-
inins. u '-. 'rpgon,.ia.
SHIN t LER S When you want shingii
tlone. call WovLawn "2ntf.
HEF or dinner conk. In or out Main
AM "07. t reffonian.
PK1VING truck or service car of any kind;
w M experienced. East 5rtll.
w'tT take Controls. AO Oregonlsn.
1 HAVK a 2-ton truck, ran haul wood. lutn.
hr. ii's. or anything eie. Sell wood 31'.'2
winr an
with hlch
kind work.
srhool education.
J 31 !. Or gonial.
it exchange ser tCes for Lht
C room. BC .Yto. Oregonlsn.
JAPANESE wants work 3 afternoons a week.
joe Taylor st.
POSITION by midlle-aced man as watch
man or janitor. Sell wood 371ft.
POSTTION as night watchman: steadv and
reliable: best reference. Main 72-2.
WANTED roittrtn for man
old. A 31 HT. Orecon:an.
M years
YOUNG accountant and bookkeeper; axcep-
lion-illv a ua lifted by training ana long ex
neHfnc. wmii nosition: knows law. cost
account in r. credits and collections and
capable office manager. Married; exempt
local references. J 342, Oregonian.
experienced, accurate, reliable; can take
enure chai ge: A-l references; over draft
Miie; desires permanent position. BD 14.
t 'regnman.
ItV t .mi rv.t -n t ateniiZTAthur and general of
fice man; handle correspondence; wide
experience. Inclmling lumber; not aub-
lect ! draft. T 637. Oregonian.
WANTED Position of trust by an ac
countant, of t'i e manager and credit man.
Address AK 73ft. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER wants some- accounts even
rrign and Saturday afternoon. AM 695. Ore-gr!an.
ACCOUNTANT. qualified to handle the
books of any lumber or logging company,
dsirs change. BC M4. Oregonisn.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants small set
to keep evening. AC 17ft. Oregonian.
PRIVATE instruction In English grammar.
reading, literature to grown people. AO t,
Icl'Ntj man wishes po.ttton driving truck.
rtr:r kind of work. East TO 3 9.
Ti'l'N'J mip wishes position, chauffeur or
tnn-fc driver.' Main 422ft. Toom 4H).
PAINTING. pperhan tng. rtnting; day or
contract. Phone East 795.
A JAPANESE by wants work as chauffeur
In fimiiy. AN 35, Oregonian.
shaM 1072.
-Reahingllng a specialty. Mar-
IA N PSC A r E gardener, tip,, ready for work.
X 22. Oregonian,
TR- NG boy wants work. Phone Woodlawn
X A P K R H A N G I N G . painting and tinting;
jrood work: right prices. Marshall 2413
WANT work wrtx light car. delivering or
oThr. ft7t. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED Janitor; beat of references.
Phone Woodiawo 1310.
PAINTING, paperhanging ard tinting; good
work, reasonable. Tabor 43ft7.
CARPENTKRING. repairing o4 xmoU4
Pnone Tabot
FI RST-CLASS cook wants position, hotel.
cafeteria; reierences. am . oregonian.
WANTED Laundry to take home.
Brenner, E. 11 SO.
GRADUATE piano teacher will teach
your home; lesson OOc Phone Wdln 2821.
EXPERIENCED music teacher of piano les
sons. ivic. .Main e.)-Z.
YOUNG lady desires opportunity to learn
to operate elevator. Call Marshall mi,
Nil AT young lady, experienced, wishes work
as aenttst s assistant. A tol, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work.
.von., rues., w eu. seiiwooa iyj.
WILL board and care for bottle baby or
small child; references. Sell wood 23,
WANTED Position as j an i tress. Broadway
ll S3.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office.
MARRIED lady. 40. formerly experienced
business woman, desires position; some'
thing along Institutional or hunmnitarlan
lines. Can do bookkeeping, also steno
graphic work. Can command good salary,
but salary not so much considered as con
genial work. AC ltu, Oregonian.
YuUNO. refined girl wants position in doc
tor's, dentist's or business office; can run
typewriter. Phone C. 2143 or write J
STENOGRAPHER, 4 years' experience, de
sires position ; rapid, accurate, knowledge
bookkeeping; saiary, Sid. Phone Sell-
wood 1U20.
WANT position, shorthand, typewriting, gen
erai on ire worn; tun nours, moderate pay.
Phone .Broadway ibZl or write M 635,
EXPERIENCED billing clerk and iteming
ion- w am operator wisnes position. Ac
curate and reliable. References. AN 073,
COMPETENT middle-aged business woman
with several years experience as steno-
bookkeeper and general office work, de
sires position. At i Hit, isregonian.
YOUNG woman with experience operating
aauressograpn, typing, general oriice
work, desires position; well educated. AR
24. Oregonian. -
CAPABLE, Well-educated, exprienced eteno
bookkeeper wants position as stenographer
or asst. bookkeeper or will take tempora
ry wont, can East -'Ui.
YOUNG lady, with 10 years experience as
cashier and dook Keeper, desires position
with reliable city firm; salary $0. AR
4. Oregonian
A YOUNG LADY" stenographer, just out of
business college, desires position. Have
best of reference from school. Tabor S7iS.
YOUNG lady, experienced in office work.
with typing, wouiud like position. Phone
Tabor 4501.
WANTED Management apartment or room-
ins-house by experienced woman. P. O.
box 30S. city.
SITUATION WANTED by intelligent wom
an, assisting in oriice or store; references.
BD 724. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED, competent bookkeeper and
file cierk wishes position: references; state
filar to start. K 664. Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY wants steady position run
ning elevator; inexperienced. Tabor 317.
AH 6fl. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, experienced in lumber busi
ness, for plant in good v alley town. Ap
ply fiOtf Gerlinger bldg.
A YOUNG girl, high school graduate, wants
office work; prererabiy a private branch
exchange. Call Woodlawn 4033.
lOUNG woman, with boy 2 years, wants
position as housekeeper. Call at 2&S E.
Buffalo st.. or phone Woodlawn 574.
POSITION as housekeeper for widower or
bachelor. by refined, capable- woman.
Phone Sell wood 2072.
A REFINED, capable widow wishes posi
tion as housekeeper for widower or bach
elor. AC 180. Oregonian.
UNINCUMBERED widow, 45, wishes house
keeping on ranch. Y 736. Oregonian.
WIDOW wishes position as housekeeper for
elderly person. AM 67!), Oregonian.
EASTERN lady wishes position In refined
widower's home. Call Room 6, Main 1662.
RE FINED young lady desires board and
mom. west .side preierrea. state rates.
A M 608, Oregonian.
WANTED A refined, strictly private home,
close in, for two school boys where mother
can stay nights. AO Oil, oregoniam
FURNISHED sleeping or housekeeping room.
large, two windows and clothes closet,
heated and everything complete, for one
or two men only. 4ii lutn st. s.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Light, airy secon
floor front room in modern home; white
enamel finish, convenient to bath, ciose to
car. Marshall 2S66.
IN beautiful Irvine-ton home, larare. well
heated front room, bath, perpetual hot
water; mahogany furnishings tnrougnout
board optional. East 1200.
FURNISHED lower floor for Protestant
adults; good focation, close In, East Side,
Kererences. Phone .East e3ss alter
A. M.
TWO furnished rooms for rent; gentlemen
preferred. b!36 4Uth ave. S. -E. Moun
Scott line.
LARGE front bedroom, suitable for two
meals If desired. Very reasonable. 55 E.
itn st., bet. Stars ana lJlne.
ROoM in furnished apartment; light, heat
ana Datn inciuaea ; w est toiae. close in
reasonable. Main 2236.
ONE sleeoinar room in modern home, board
li oesirea. .rnone ast ii4 buna ays, ana
after o:30 P. M. week days.
NICE large furnished room for 1 or 2 per
sons, very reasonaoie ; Drea Kiast ir ae-
sired. 443 E. 10th st. N. East 1348.
TWO young business women would like
room- and board, or housekeeping rooms
witn reiinert iamuy. aiain omi.
BoY, 10 years old. wishing room and board
on rarm; must De close to .fortiana. ir. j.
box S5!, Portland. Or.
WANTED Clean, refined home for little
boy 4 years; must have yard. i on,
WANTED Private place to board baby 3
years old. Call W. Hall, St. Charles Hotel.
WANTED A home in refined family for boy
5 years oid. AK 674, Oregonian. .
LADY' wishes board and room,
Y 735, Ore-
Business Places.
Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable
vacant houses, apartments and flats with
definite lniormation pertaining io euuu.
Newcomers In Portland will find this
bureau of great value in helping tnem get
properly and quickly located.
Better let us take the load off your
shoulders. Our rental department, with
years of experience, knows just how to
go about these matters. Sa all the
WANTED Furnished house whose owner
thinks more about the care or nis nome
than the amount of rent; will pay $40. but
will take perfect care of house. References.
Phone E. 2330.
Want large home, 1 to 5 yeara; must be
up-to-date; client will pay wnat n is
wortn. Write or phone in your offerings.
J. C. CORBIN CO., 30Q-6-7 Lewis, Bldg.
PROFESSIONAL man. three adults in fam
ily, no children, would UKe to rent nicely
furnished house or bunffalow. with garage.
West Side, lrvington or Laurelhurst, pre
ferred. BJ 1(, Oregonian.
IF you have a desirable furnished bunga
low ana WOUlU aiiprtcidio mi u n ua i
ttnant, see Mr. Gephart Lefore Nov. 1.
444 Courthouse. Main 7031. Tabor 13.
FAMILY" of two adults and two children 8
and 11 yrs want to rent a lurnisnea
house or apartment: not over $50. Phone
room 6 IS, Imperial Hotel.
WANTED To rent, by family of 3, small
unfurnished house on west Mrte, or a un
furnished modern housekeeping rooms.
Main 5!32.
WANTED TO RENT Furnished home.
whose owner trunks more or good care
of house than of high rent. Can fur
nish linen ; references. Phone East 8073.
PARTLY furnished 6-room house, bath and
grounds; good tenant. J .). cal Sun
day. 609 E. 9th st., near Mason.
EVENING employment by competent.
i fenced bookkeeper, auditor or ca
Main 33S4.
Ol'NO lady wishes position general office
work or In store; 5 years' experience; ref
erences. J 322. Oregonian.
BooKKEEPER-T YPIST, several years' ex
perience, wisnes to tRKf cnarge small of
fice. Salary $100. H 628. Oregonian.
Tabor 3i8.
to do at home. Phone
EXPERIENCED, competent bookkeeper de-
sures position, m i4. oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wants position: small sal
ary to start. A Li bin, oregonian.
FIVE-ROOM furnished house or flat; young
married couple and 1 adult ; best refer
ences. Phone Sellwood 42.
FURNISHED 4 or 6-room house by reliable
tenants. Phone Tabor 3096, between 10
and 12.
reasonable prices. Full instructions free.
Pike & O'Neill, "The Shop With the Green
Tile Front," Washington, bet. Broadway
and Park.
Furnished Rooms.
It is absolutely clean, all rooms in shape
now and far better than before the fire;
only four vacancies, one with bath. stam
heat, hot and cold water and phone in
all rooms.
LIGHT and sunny room, nicely furnished,
walking distance. 32U 13th, or call Main
42o. m
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Partly furnished 3d
floor front room, bath adjoining, white
enamel finish, close to car. Marshall 28
ROOM FOR RENT Beautiful front room
private residence, Hawthorne Park. Call
436 Pittock blk.
FRONT room in lovely home suitable for
two gentlemen. Breakfast and dinner if
desired. Tabor 316.
WILL share my well furnished two-room
apt. with refined woman employed. AH
Gut), Oregonian.
2S 11TH ST. A nice, clean, comfortable
room with all conveniences; suitable for
ROOM for rent, furnace heat, bath and use
of piano; walking distance. 245 East 2d
st. isorth.
FURNISHED room, steam heat, Wet Side,
waiKing oistance, witn or without board,
strictly private family. Phone Main 6338.
COMFORTABLE room. 3d floor, for 2 young
men, $6 each. 71 Trinity pace. Walking
FURNISKE Droom in nrivate family: break
. fast if desired; gentleman, $20 month. C
3224. 600 E. 50th N.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Large, warm room
with alcove, suitable for two; breakfast If
desired. Phone Marshall 266.
FOR RENT A nice furnished room.-suitable
for 1 or 2 gentltmen, close to business cen
ter. 481 Union ave. N., $10 a month.
New management, newly renovated
throughout, fireproof building, strictly
modern. Two-room suite with bath, ae-
sirable for 2 or 3 people; also single rooms
with batn. irst-ciass notei service at
popular prices.
A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit.
fist Morrison und East Sixth.
Hotel Clifford is the principal East Side
Hotel and is a hotel or dignity ana re
finement. Daily rates, $1 up; two in room.
l.r0: weekly rates, jo.uu ana up.
NORTON! A HOTEL. Portland's downtown
high-class family hotel, rooms en suit
or single, with or without board, for fam
ilies and business men and women. Ws
give you all the comforts of a borne. Rea
sonable rates.
Fifth and Washington Sts.
"Rleht in center 6f Portland's activities
Let us show you our accommodations.
' Rates, $4 per week up.
LADY wants work, has had clerical experi
ence, a so nrivate exenange, out win con
sider any work where there is chance to
learn and advance. Can give reference.
AB 737, Oregonian ,
HOTEL OCKLE Y', Morrison street at 10th.
Rates 7c per day up; weemy up, run
ning water; free phone and baths.
outside rooms with bath, modern, $4 per
week and up. .
HOTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of
the East Siae; modern, convenient, nigh
quality, low price. East 3d and Bmsiae.
WE have several newly furnished sleeping
rooms, bath included. me senjamin
Minor. 633 Everett, cor. 20th.
ONE-ROOM modern apartment can be
rented cheap by buyer or lurniture. Apt.
ft. 36 1 E. Morrison.
PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. St.; downtown
location; respectable and strictly modern;
steam heat: rooms large, clean.
HILLCREST HOTEL, batti, phone. $20 mo.
up; without bath, i. up. jj vvasn.
THE LENDORA, 225 11th Furnished rooms
suitable for gentlemen, warning distance.
SMALL cottage or two housekeeping rooms,
West Side, no children. AC 163, Oregonian.
MOTHER and daughter like to take care of
house while party is away; best references.
J 318. Oregoniam
4-ROOM house near carline. with barn or
garage, also chicken park. Phone Main
4.i66 after 10 A. M.
WoMAN wants day work, washing, Iron
ing. 40c nr. Main 114m.
A YOUNG lady wants position In office; can
do typing. Wdln. 1QI1.
GIRL wants office position doing clerical
woric. Aiain a pi. i.
Y'GUNG lady as assistant bookkeeper or
casnier. al oao, oregonian.
LADY wants day work. Sellwood 1619. Call
al! day Sunday or during week, evenings.
LAUNDRESS wants work for Wednesday,
Thursday. Call Broadway 571.
EXPERIENCED colored girl wants cham
ber work or dishwashing! Broadway 4719.
EXPERIENCED girl wants general house
work 33 14th street.
WANTED- Elevator position; soma expe
rience. AB 743, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work Monday
and Wednesdays. Broadway 6669.
WOMAN wants day work,
lawn 424i
Phone Wood-
FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work. Phone
East 6036.
COLORED, would like day work. 40 an
hour ana carfare. East ISM.
WANTED General housework; no Cooking.
. AH fei. Oregonian, ,,
NURSES and waitresses uniforms made to
your measure; perfect fit guaranteed,
prices moderate. Main 706L
ALTERATIONS, designing, fitting snd mak
ing of ladies' garments, work guaranteed;
pnees reasonable. I. Reuben. 4H7-S Bush
A Lan bldg. Bdwy at Alder st. Main 3025
EXPERIENCED dressmaker would like
plain sewing, children's clothing, at home.
Marshall 915.
WANTED Engagements by the day; ex
perienced In suits and gowns; do remodel
ing: reasonable. Phone Broadway 1367.
PLAIN sewing done; work guaranteed. Call
Marshall 60WX
HAND-MADE blouses of character and style.
Elite Blouse Shop. 384 Morrison.
DRESSMAKER, experienced, all fancy work,
price $2.50. Broadway 5652.
DRESSMAKING and designing; first-claas
work. Marshall 1857.
CO-LOfiKP 4rrrtmftkftc by day, . &uu.
5-ROOM modern bungalow by responsible
people, beft of care guaranteed; will 'ease.
Tabor 4860.
WANTED Modern bungalow or house, good
district, small family. East 3316.
-6-room house; about $15. Sell.
THREE unfurnished rooms; middle-aged
couple preferred; no children. Call 1007
Kerby t.
TEACHER and mother want small furnished
apartment or housekeeping rooms in desir
able district. Phone East 1640.
FURNISHED room with kitchenette for 1
or 2 ladies employed. East 6327.
LARGE room,
with board.
suitable for 2 gentlemen,
2:5 W. Park, cor. Columbia.
SMALL front room. 291 11th.
ROOM for rent. Phone E. 7162.
Unfnrnibbed Rooms.
NICE furnished rooms, all convenience, for
rent, reasonable, oil Montgomery street.
Main 774U.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for one or
two; bath and heat, walking distance. 25
Eas. lilh.
NICELY furnished front room in exclusive
neighborhood. 683 Hawthorne, corner lath.
East 7878.
TWO large, pleasant, furnished front rooms
for rent; walking distance; gentlemen
preferred. 405 Ross.
BEAUTIFUL room in modern home, well
furnished: West Side; C. S.'s preferred.
Marshall 1010.
ROOM for rent to gentleman with satisfac
tory references; board next door if de
sired. 576 E. Taylor St., cor. 14th.
SUNNYSIDE Nice room in private home
for two girls, separate beds, heat, phone.
Tabor 8295.
FOR RENT To lady employed, furnished
room in modern Rose City Park bunga
low. Tabor 8539.
PLEASANT room, suitable for gentlemen,
walking distance. 385 Mill st. Phone Mar.
IRVINGTON Nice front room, modern, two
blocks from Broadway car, $12 per month.
Telephone East 5361. .
NICELY furnished room, beautiful home, 6
blocks from business district, to person
employed. Main 7095.
TWO niceiy furnished rooms, in private
family, for man, close in. 310 Third su.
near Columbia.
LARGE desirable rooms, use of piano, mod
ern residence. 37 Sixth.
LIGHT, pleasant front room, in strictly mod
ern home; reasonable rates to married,
couple, two ladies or two gentlemen; home
cooking, close to carline. West side. Phone
Marshall 2781.
5 ROOMS, lower floor, private residence; no
others renters; lour months, $J i0 In ad
vance ; ail conveniences. For par
ticulars give phono number and address in
first letter. M 342. Oregonian.
LAHU13 4-room furnished apartment, In very
desirable location ; present occupant de
sires to retain one room and board with
prospective tenant ; husband in service;
rent reasonable. Phone Marshall US4.
BY" NOVEMBER 1, newly furnished, pleas
ant 2-room apartment and small kitch
enette, close in, very desirable. Main
N. W. NAT L BANK BLDG. office furnished
or unfurnished, with capable stenographer
and direct phone services; moderate ex
pense. Phone Marshall 638.
4-ROOM (with elceplng-porch) apartment ;
quiet, private, 2 or 3 adults, $35. 64 E.
l."th. East 5222.
TWO-ROOM apartment, finely furnished,
steam heat, use of kitchen if desired. Nob
H ill district. Main 555.
LANE APTS., 60th and E. Glisan.
car. 2 and 3 rooms. Low rental.
M. V.
I Hf uruihhed Apartments.
OUR largest and finest duplex apartment is
for rent. J hree large bedrooms, - batus.
705 Davis st.
YOUNG lady to share apt. Call Main 027L
SPLENDID 3-room flat, close in. Heat,
lights, gas, water und phone, furnished.
No children. Price $35. Phone East 4353.
Unfurnished flat. No children. Apply
t 55 E. 27th St.
FIAT for rent with furniture for sale. Call
lUUvy. 2'30. 541)1 oiriton st.
GOOD 5-room unfurnished flat. 474 E. 9th
and Yamhill. $20.
WrEST SIDE- Modern, 5 rooms. 5 minutes'
walk, $35; adults. East 7722.
Furnished Flats.
COMPLETELY furnished modern 4-room
flat, stove heat, to couple without chil
dren only. East 874.
20 THREE rooms, bath, gas and wood
range stove, heat electricity, furnished ex
cept bedding; desire tenant to care for
mall hall. 152 E. 20th St., flat D.
YOU can get a nice 3-room furnished flat
rent rree by doing a intie worn mornings
and evenings. Will not Interfere with your
work. Call at 031 North Union ave.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished 5-room flat;
furnace heat; electric ana gas. bvo .uei-mont.
NEAT 5-room flat, walking distance, $32.50,
including water and removal oi garoase.
448 Rodney ave.. near Tillamook
FURNISHED 5-room flat for rent. 552 3d
st. Call between the hours or it A. al.
and 6 P. M.
4-ROOM modern flat.
carline. November 1.
and garage.
Tabor 12H1.
5-ROOM modern furnished flat, Nov.
Johnson, 61o Henry bldg.
MODERN furnished 4-room flat; adults. 11
E. 60th st. N. Tabor isi.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Sts.
2 and 3-rm. unfur. ants, for light house
keeping; gas raiiRe, elec. lights, hot and
cold water, use of bath, laundry free. Rent
$12 and $15 mo.; no raise in rent 6 months
from Sept. 1 guaranteed. Take "S" or Ittth
t car set off at Marshall. Bdwy. 503S.
TWO furnished 3-rm. H. K. suites. 480 Col
lege st. Keourate entrances. line view,
yard, 15 mln. walk West Side, 2 biks.
S. 8. -Hall car, elec. light, hot and cold
water, telephone included; $22.50. $27-60.
URNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent;
working girl. $7 month ; one suite, $4 a
woek, at 1623 Macadam st. Phone Main
UNFURNISHED rooms cheap. 169 '.4 Front
street. ,
DOWNTOWN office room, suitable for two.
equipped, noom i a. n- twi.
THREE first-class H. K, rooms, furnace
heat. 663 Savler sr.
FURNISHED- housekeeping rooms for rent.
Call 320 ront st.
Houenkeeping Rooms In Trlvate Family.
LARGE furnished room for light house
keeping; fine location, w esi snue, -minutes'
walk from center of city. Phone
Bdwy. 1604.
SLEEPING-ROOM for gentleman; walking
distance. 4o3 J. Everett st.
SMALL room; good location for gentlemen.
!51 10th st.
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, $20
per month, J uiu;iv u" u.ujiww "-;
7 N. 11th St.
ROOM for one gentleman In family of two
Nob Hill district. .Phone Main aw.
FURNISHED sleeping-rooms. 301 Molladay,
near Steel bridge.
COMFORTABLE room for young lady; heat.
East Side, walking distance. East J&5.
MODERN sleeping room for gentlemen;
walking distance. 4 Haisey st.
MODERN furnished rooms, close in, near
Broadway bridge. 4.i rtoss st.
LARGE front sleeping room, suitable for
two. 3L'l eth St., cor. or ciay.
BEAUTIFULLY furn. room, modern home.
shower bath, running water. oro jsverett.
MODERN furnished rooms for one or two
gentlemen. ' fnone Marsnan iga.
TWO connecting housekeeping rooms partly
furnished. Marshall t&o.
TWO unfurnished front, downstairs house
keeping rooms, close to Vancouver and :-
Johns cars. Call after 4 P. M. Sunday. 514
Emerson. .
Furn ihhed Rooms In Private Family.
FURNISHED front living and one bedroom,
in bungalow, either with or without kitch
en privileges; no children. 1441 Broad
way. Cor. E. 53d. Phone Tabor 4241.
ONE or 2 rooms, furnished or unfurnishe'd ;
board if desired; good location. Telephone
East 3596.
TO RENT Furnished suite suitable for two
men, or will arrange for two bedrooms.
Phone E. 7030.
595 DAVIS, Broadway 4317. Room with
home privileges; $9 per month.
TWO large unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
modern, right price to the right couple.
406 Dekum ave.
WANTED By 2 adults, 2 or 3-room apart
ment, furnished or unfurnished. Tabor
WANTED By Nov. 1. one or two moderate
ly priced housekeeping rooms for two
adults- Phone Bdwy. 3150.
MIDDLE-AGED couple want two or three
housekeeping rooms on or before Novem
ber 1. Phone Broadway 1727.
EXCHANGE i Janitor work for housekeep
ing rooms, furnished, colored couple. P.
X box 250.
FRONT room with fireplace, in modern
home; to gentleman only. 160 N. 21st st.
FURNISHED rooms for rent.
Belmont st.
Call at 870
$12 PER MONTH Nice warm room, hot
water heat. 414 Market, cor. 11th.
LARGE, nicely furnished room with bath,
use of parlor. 434 E. Pine, cor. 7th.
FOR RENT Nice, warm bedroom for the
Winter. 455 Market St. Main 1737.
A COMFORTABLE sleeping-room, all mod
ern. 709 Kearney
FOR RENT One large sleeping room. Call
W. -Pari- fit. Broadway 3197.
FURNISHED roomB in private residence.
sightly location, -"hone -Main 73i.
VERY pretty room, nice surroundings. East
ii69 14TH, near Jefferson, choice furnished
rooms; walking distance. Main 3893.
private family, modern conve
Call East 72S3.
MODERN furnished rooms for one or two
gentlemen, rnone Marsnan iao.
329 W. PARK Very pleasant room for gen
tleman, walking distance
1 LARGE, 1 small, furnished, heat, hot wa
ter. East 16th and Maim East 3581
ONE large, nicely furnished room, 772 E.
Taylor. Take Sunnyside car to 23d.
Rooms With Board.
ROOM and board for business girls; all
modern conveniences: walking distance;
$3 50 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st.
3S0 10th st. For business girls and stu
dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251.
THE MANITOU, 261 13th Pleasant rooms
with good poaro.
TWO ho u se k e e p i n g roo m
couple emploj ed, reason
:j4h jayior.
ns, sisiiable fr
able. Main 64S2.
NICE upstairs room for housekeeping, walk
ing distance to town and shipyard. 628
4th st.
TWO unfurnished rooms suitable Yor house
keeping for family of two. 1493 Macrum
a ve. .
ONE and 2 H. K. rooms. $3 and $6 per w k. ;
walking distance. 305 Grand ave., near
FURNISHED room in modern flat. West
Side, walking distance; use of paxlor and
piano, kitchen lor breakfast. 54 1 6th.
SUITE of housekeeping rooms. 2 closet,
light, clean, front, mom, moiiorn, close m,
reasonable; no children. 0S2 Flanders.
FOR RENT 2 H. K. rooms to couple em
ployed. West Side, close in. Phone Main
FURNISHED room and kitchenette with
bath, gas and place for wood, for light
housekeeping, at 295 Benton st.
2 ROOMS 'for men $14 mo.; sink, gas, free
electririty. phone, bath. 392 4 1 h st.
2 OR 3 nicely furnished housekeeping room
very reasonable. Main 3702. 7"! i. Hoyt.
2 FURNISHED rooms with light housekeep
ing privilege in mocern m-me. cbi tn-i.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at 735
Everett. .
2 LIGHT housekeeping jooms, pewly papered
and tinted, so noor. t.
1 WELL furnished li.
Main. iaoor piw.
K. room. 1000 E.
4 NEW unfurnlsliPd rooms, suuauie iui
housekeeping, i-- iwiu n-.
TWO or three clean furnished housekeeping
rooms, walking distance. Phone East 2170.
ONE large furnished housekeeping
36 Hoy t St.
TWO nicely furnished hnusp keeping rooms.
gas. Path. ween. -- r ivu..
Famished Rooms lu Private Family.
WANTED To board healthy infant under
6 months, in private iiome. too,
i FOR large front loom, modern, brouk
jfawt, dose io poetof-ieo. Has, 33Ut
2 ROOMS, furnished for light housekeeping.
Rose (Jlty canine, riiuue -iumma out.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, $ir
month. 5S E. 6th St. S.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, .free light, phone
and bath water. 328 Clay st.
2 ROOMS for light howekepping; arrange '
to suit tenant. VI W. .Emerson.