The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1918, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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peace conference could have nothing
to do.
It concludes by saying that a new
era is opening for . Alsace-Lorraine
which will, enable the two provinces to
form a point of reconciliation betweer
France and Germany, "and to col
laborate in establishing a compromise
between two civilisations called to
work in common for the safety an
prosperity of humanity."
LONDON. Oct. 16. (British Wireless
Service.) The German armies should
not be considered as definitely and
finally beaten, but observers say. al
lied soldiers who are fighting their
way forward In the face of great en-1
emy resistance know that the enemy is
not broken and that much heavy fight
ing probably will have to be faced.
At the same time reliable reports
continue to reach London of increasing
disaffection among the German sol
diers. This disaffection and lack of
Appreciative Values to Close This Oct,-House-Gleaniiig Month
Select One Single Piece,, or a Housefull It's -Easy -to -Pay- the Edwards Way
People Hoard Money; Runs on
Peace at Any Price Demanded
Both suites are finished to match In that ever-popular "Hand-Rubbed"
Golden Wax. If only part of either suite is wanted, all right you are
the one to be pleased. Select any one or more pieces.
Banks Genera!.
at Budapest and Vienna.
Reactionaries Make Hard Fight to
Retain Control Liberals Con
fident of Winning. .
discipline has led to actual mutiny In
Official Statement Issued Prepara-
many cases.
tions In Progress for Demob
ilization of Army.
AMSTERDAM. Oct. 28. Public anxl.
sty over the solvency of the empire ap
parently is becoming- acute in Germany.
The hoarding of money has become
o rampant aa to cause great inconveni
ence. There haa been a general run on
banks to close accounts and theft of I Enemy Newspapers Generally Find
funds la of daily occurrence.
Much to Criticise In Wilson's
Latest Note.
With Its staff depleted by the war
'and la ariDDe. the German treasury is
turnlnr out new currency at top speed,
.but. according to the Lokal Anzieger,
of Berlin, it melts like snow when the
flow into the state coffers has ceased P discussing openly whether the
LONDOX. Oct. 2. German newspa
The Keichsbank, in the third quarter
f the year. Issued the unprecedented
amount of marks in new
monev. or nearly twice the amount is
sued In the same period last year. In
abdication of EmDror William is nec
essary to obtain peace for Germany,
A Copenhagen dispatch ' to the Ex
change Telegraph Company says the
view held in Germany Is that Presl
dent Wilson does not demand the
the first three weeks in October alone ruler's abdication, but will rest satis
the bank issued 1,250.000,000 of marks fled with democratic development of
in new money. I German political institutions.
The government has been compelled I The Frankfort Zeitung says the mon
to make war loan coupons legal tonder. i arch is confronted with the greatest
It also proposes to issue a simpler form difficulties in making the personal de-
of paper currency, and the municipal cision whether Germany shall surren
der or negotiate. It expi esses the hope
that he will make "a speedy and clever
Eovernments In Berlin and other cen
ters have been authorized to issue tem
porary token money.
dwu,,.. , COPENHAGEN, Oct. 26. With few
Fs&ra are arowtna that If the official I executions ths Oarmsn nrM ranHMnm
appeals to refrain from hoarding are I President Wilson's latest note, saying
not heeded, the whole economic struc- it is an alteration of his former stand-
ture of Germany may collapse. I point and betrays lack of comprehen
The Prussian upper Mouse naa passea sjon ot recent events in Germany aa
en bloc the tnree electoral Dills " well sa mlarntlltnirtlnn of what haH
amended by special committee, accord- happened there. It la also said that
Ing to a Berlin dispatch. The reaction- the note represents a concession to the
anes did not vote. I demands of the allied nations.
Theodore Wolff, writine- in the Tin
BERNE. Oct. Z6. 1 ne reeling in oer- i nlatt. of Berlin, savs:
many in regard to President Wilson s I "The peace which the President pro
new note apparently is much divided. I noses is to be a neace niacins- Rr.
The conservatives, military ana junr i many at the mercy of Ita opponents.
iianers. on the one side, are crying that I president Wilson's nollrv Is una of
the President Intends to subjugate ana brutal force. It is possible, he hopes.
annihilate Germany. I to sow dissent among the German peo-
xne imerai papers, on m omcr biud, i pie. we must be prepared for what'
exnress appreciation at tne rrcsmcuiaiever comes.
effort toward world-wide pacification. The Socialist newspaper Vorwaerts,
The reactionary elements are eiruB- 0f Berlin, says
gling desperately for their traditional "jjr. Wilson errs if he believes that
privileges and traaiuons. out ineir op-1 the former holders of power in Ger
oonenis ciprcsa iuav i manv can ever run n thai, nnn...
liberals in the Kelchstag and the gov- Henceforth there will be no power in
ernment are sufficiently powerful . to Germany but that of the German peo-
masier mem. pie.
Vote Believed Favorable.
x ne vote ui coiiuucuuu u iu I'tiL,,.- n n . .
tag Is regarded as favorable to the con- UtKM AI5 ntrUK I tU MILD
elusion or. peace.
26. "As for Al-
fContlnued From First Pare. )
.'sace-Lorraine, it is at once clear that I President Wilson lay their only ealva-
as these territories were expressly I tion.
mentioned among President wusons At the same time, defeat followed
14 points, we agree to regulation of defeat. While undoubtedly! defeat
these questions by peace negotiations." forced conversion of opinion, the Ger-
sald Dr. W. 3. Solf. German Foreign
Secretary, In addressing the Reichstag
on Thursday. (In the address referred
to President Wilson said that "the
wrong done to France by Prussia in
1S71 in the matter of Alsace-Lorraine,
which has unsettled the peace of the
world for nearly 60 years, should oe wa bated?-'
"Moreover, having accepted Presl
dent Wilson's programme as the basis
of the entire peace work," Dr. Solf con
tinued, "we Will loyally and in tne
sense of complete Justice and fairness
fulfill tho programme In all directions
and at all points.
BASEL. Oct. 26. The question of A1-.
sace-Lorralne Is purely a German in
ternal Question, declares Karl Haues,
the new Governor of Alsace-Lorraine,
in a statement published in the Strass-
bura- Gazette. The statement is a re
ply to declarations made in the Reichs
tag by Dr. lticklin, a deputy from Al
sace-Lorralne, and amounts to a gov.
ernment manifesto. It J Issued In
agreement with other deputies in Al
Isaac Held Domestic.
The statement of Berr Hauss de
clares that, the future of Alsace-Lorraine
must be decided by vote ot the
population and that it is an Internal
question of Germany with which
A Real Strengthening ssd Tan Lag Medl-
clae for the Kidneys.
mans .now really want a fair peace.
I spent my time mostly among Liberals
in Berlin, but my judgment is not based
alone on what they said. One may
sence a feeling of humility new among
the whole people. '" As early as June I
heard the question asked: "Why are
I avoided a reply, and tbe
cu.stioner said: "We are hated not
only by the allies but also by the Amer
icans, the Bulgarians an the Turks.
What is the matter with us?" Re
cently I overheard a woman streetcar
conductor say to another woman
"They say every people get what they
deserve: we are getting our desserts
now." This change of heart would not
have come if the armies had not been
beaten, but the people are better for
it. One feels the growth of the new
democratic senttrr.ent In thousands ot
ways. There Is freer talk and less
servilit: of inferior toward superior.
Crowds go to hear the Liberal speakers.
It is in the air, and this has gone so far
that Germany will probably never go
back. First, there has been a radical
change in the political system. The
Civil Cabinet has already assumed con
trol, and it is unhorsing the general
Brest Spirit Has Changed.
Such dictation as that at Brest, where
the line was arbitrarily drawn for the
frontier of Russia, could not now be re
peated. Sllnlster Kuehlmann was then
helpless.' The general staff, which did
as it pleased, is now defeated and dis
credited. There have been actual
changes. In fact, even when not in ac
tual form of laws.
Anybody knowing Germany today is
oound to credit the statement in the
last note from Maximilian that the per-
PARIS, Oct. 26. Today's advices
from Zurich say it is reported that
anarchy reigns in Hungary. .
The correspondent says that In
Austria no notice is being taken of de
cisions arrived at by Berlin.
The sentiment at both Budapest and
Vienna is for "peace at any' price." .
The Czechs are now masters of the
situation at Prarue, It is said. The
Slovaks have decided to change the
name of Pressburg to Wllsonville. The
Ruthenlans of Galicla have decided for
a separate Ukrainian state comprising
regions of Austria-Hungary inhabited
by Ruthenlans.
LONDON, Oct. 26. An official state
ment that demobilization of theAustro
Hungarian army is being prepared for
is published by newspapers of Vienna,
an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from
Copenhagen says. .
BASEL, Switzerland, Oct. 26. .Vienna
newspapers are publishing articles rel
ative to preparations for demobilizing
the army. One newspaper says that
two infantry regiments stationed at
Karlowitz have revolted.
Karlowits Is a village In Croatia-
Slavonia Hungary.
ZURICH, Oct 26. Prince Frederick
Lobkowitz and Baron Nadherny, who
represent the strongest anti-German
tendencies at Vienna, have left that city
for Switzerland charged with a mission
about which no details are given ac
cording to the Neueste Journal of Vi
BERNE, Oct. 36. Order has been al
most completely restored at Flume,
wnere the Croatian soldiers of the 79th
regiment revolted, according to an of
ficial dispatch received here.
The three battalions of a Hungarian
regiment, which marched ' against and
occupied the Honved barracks, disarmed
the mutlneering Croats.
Official Casualty List. .
WASHINGTON, OcL 26. Casualties
reported this morning number 105, thus
classified: Died from accident and other!
causes, 8; died of disease, S; wounded.
egree undetermined, 88: missing in I
action, 6. Following is the tabulated
Killed In action ...
Lost at sea .......
Died of wounds ...
Died of disease
Died or accidents
other causes
Total deaths
Miasms', including DrisJ
oners 0.810
3, IS
. and
.... 1.141
L 111 t ii? .. J a L-.. 4. : t t 1.:
ios 69.018 III tr ura sitsuut kjutish uuuuri uj , x iu&
When your kidneys are weak and tor-I sonal arbitrary powers that were tor
pid they do not properly perform their I merly able to threaten the safety of
functions: your back acbes and you do I the world nave now gone. if the
not feel like doing much of anything. Kaiser, as the head of this system.
You are likely to be despondent and to I must go, for the good of Germany or
borrow trouble, just as li you nadn t of tne world ne will go. Few in Ger-
enougn already. Don't be a victim any! many care anything about his dynastic
longer. (privileges, except that his going might
Hood's Sarsaparllla gives strength send things into chaos.
and tone to the kidneys and builds up Recent revelations regardlne the at.
the whole system. It combines the best tempts of the American Government to
Ingredients that doctors use for kidney ct as peacemaker a vear and . half
troubles, such as mandrake and other ago have shown the Germans that
valuable roots, herbs, barks and berries. America was acting in good faith. Until
io otner medicine is so neipiui. uc- l recentlv they did not know what tha
cause no other medicine has the same
formula or Ingredients. Adv.
Deafness Book
German people now recognize: that
America was treated unfairly when
their Government decided upon unre
stricted submarine warfare. The change
In the German attitude is really ex
pressed in the peace notes.
Real Situation Recognised.
Acceptance of President Wilson's 14
points was actuated, of course, by the
military situation in the first place, but
kiiiw me , ,. . - - ..
fate which Is 11 wouia oo umair to suppose mat the
you la the real situation is not recognized there
otherwise in the acceptance by the Ger
man leaders of tne 14 points as a basis
for a Just peace. The German people
have turned to President Wilson in the
belief that he is the one great political
leader who can be trusted to make a
permanent - peace, which shall permit
This pub-
Sfute. T have rescued hundreds from Deaf
TcU noil come before It is too late.
Because I have been so successful In curing
XVfn?s. and because my heart ache tor 11
vK-ttms. I am soma" lo GIVE AWAY a Free
Hook on Deafness to every suffarer who aaks
for it. Surely this la a present worth bavins.
Out of my slnrere desire to relieve human
sufferine. I sladiy make you this sift. My
treatment haa cured hundreds ct people of
the moat distresstnf. wearing head noises,
and realored their fu.l perfect hearins. Writ
for the Book to!ay and give me the oppor
tunity to tell Y1 ahout my successful new
lKe:ho1 for the treatment of Deafueaa RIGHT
i IOIK UW.N MOilt- .
. All I ask Is that yon will act NOW. Don't
hesitate or It wi.l be too late to heip you. sty
success has been great, and applicants are
many, so that 1 can enly make this offer s
vary short time. Hemember. this Treatise en
Deafness is given to you without any charge
watever. It Is absolutely free. Snd off
Nuv, In hla mail, a post card or letter re
quest with yvur full nauie sad address upon
tt. and 1 will send you a free Book on Dast-
US Trade Uuiidiog, Boston, Jaaas.
Do you realise the
fsce? Do you know
hat total Deafness
leans? It means a Uv
Ing death. shut out
from all human Inter
co-jrse the worlds oi
business and pleasure,
life becomes a fearful
Will yon suffer thin eoual economic develonment.
'w.... He attitude came soon after the Presl
vestigiting the New dent's first note. His second note came
lift hod ot Treatment? just before I left Germany. It did not
The Metnoa wnu-n cause the people to doubt the Presl-
2 . . i . dent's sincerity, but there were mlsgiv
their full sense of lings concerning his power to carry out
hearing, quick and! his principles. The people are in a
state of humility. They are willing to
withdraw from France and Belgi irn, to
give up Alsace-Lorraine, to pay in
demnlty to Belgium and to admit that
they have been wrong: but they wish
to be sure that no allied troops will
enter Germany. . They admit they do
not want their cities to suffer what
they made the French cities suffer.
Liberal leaders, while not wholly ac
ceding to this publio attitude, say their
hope of developing democracy depends
upon the way the movement may be
handled. They believe it has come to
stay. If It does not fall at once, but If,
under a new democratic government
Germany must suffer invasion, that
would end hope of democracy for a
long time. They also wish to see
bumbled the false leaders who caused
the disaster of a world war, but they
fear that Germany may be crushed at
the same time.
Total casualties 86,543
Rufus T. Flnnell, Lewlston. Idaho.
died of disease.
Elmer H. Carlson, Mount Vernon,
Wash., 1l missing.
Sergeant Robert J. Brown, Morrison,
wasn., died c. disease.
Nathan H. Hlatt, 665 East Tenth
street. Portland, Or., i wounded se
verely. Private Seth C. Cadmasf, 735 Insley
avenue, Portland, previously reported
died of wounds. Is now reported in hos
pital. Nothing is said aa to his con
dition. OTTAWA Ont, Oct. 26. Names of
Americans In the Canadian casualty list
issued tonight Include G. Dean, Wen
atchee. Wash., reported died of wounds.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. The follow
ing casualties are reported tonight:
.Killed in action, 88; died of wounds.
51; died of accident and other causes, 6;
died of disease, 92; wounded severely.
1; wounded, degree undetermined, 271;
wounded slightly, 228; missing In ac
tion, 85; prisoners. 2; died from aero
plane accident. 6. Total. 950.
The total number of casualties to
date. Including those reported above,
revised and corrected, are as follows:
Deaths Previously reported
8,7? T
Killed in action ...
I.OBt at sea
Died of wounds
Died of fllHease
Dlod of accidents and other causes.
Total -deaths 1S.781
Wounded 82,10:
Mlaslng, including prisoners 6,070
Total casualties 86.876
Sergeant Arthur L. Aarhaus, Ho-
quiam, Wash.,waa killed in action.
Lieutenant D. smith, lsP3 Thirty-
fourth avenue South, Seattle, Is wound
ed severely.
Ulmont Keen, Gervats, Or., Is wound
ed, degree undetermined.
n. li. Corbett Assists In Maesnres to
Fight Influenza Epidemic.
Oct. 26. (Special.) H. L. Corbett,
Dr. B. E. Wright.
And assist nature in warding off
diseases of many forms. Stumps
should be removed and replaced,
with artificial teeth. Artificial
teeth supplied at this office fit per
fectly and can be kept In a sanitary
condition. My work and fee will
prove equally satisfactory.
Painless Extraction of Teeth.
SO Years' Active Practice.
Northwest Corner of Sixth and
Washington, Raleigh Bldg. .
Fkonesi Mala 21 If), A 2118.
Office Honrs i 8 A. M. to ff P, SI.
Consultation Free.
Open Evenings. Sunday 10 to 13 A. M.
Four-Piece Living-Room Suite $C' 75
of Solid Oak........ 0
Tou'll be much elated with the beauty and elzf of
these pieces. Table and two rockers are identical with
Illustration. Tbe arm chair illustrated has been re
placed by a beautiful rocker with leatherette uphol
stered seat.
Seven-Piece Dining Suite, Also
of Solid Oak
Good music, eh! A big six-foot table and six fine
saddle-seat chairs to match. Construction? Indeed,
every detail has been looked after, even to metal braces
under the chair seats. See this suite you'll like It.
40 -Pound Felted Cotton
Beaver Mattress
This mattress is, indeed, a splendid value. It's
built up in layers like so many comforters and it
will not lump even after long and continuous use.
There is not one ounce of anything but cotton In their
make-up, and the flower-strewn art ticks will meet
with your approval, too.
fell M&tmtmi
Tapestry Overstuffed JQ A
port Now Only s -
Not a weak makeshift. These Tapestry Overstuffed
Davenports are the real thing. Big, roomy and lux
urious. Nothing was overlooked in their construc
tion, either in the arms, back or the seats. Select
from four different patterns of tapestry.
Top Draft Airtight Heaters
of sheet steel with an extra bottom and side,
fire lining. They are neat in appearance, each
having a nickel urn at top, and come in three
sizes, as follows:
She 1, 25 Inches High, Priced Now at. .. . . .S3.25
Size 2. 28 Inches High, Priced Now at 14.25
SUe 3, 31 Inches High, Priced Now at 4.95
Oh! Tou want a better Heater, do you? Of
course, this store has a splendid line! All-coal
burners, all-wood burners and combination
burners aa well, and the prices will meet with
your approval, too.
You'll Not Regret It Take the Tip Buy
Blankets and Comforters
Capital City Corded Cotton Comforts, with flowered cover andtO QC
plain back $0i03
Beautiful Silkoline Covered All-Cotton Comforts, size 72x78 (ROC
Inches, now at. .- $Ui;3
Fine Woolnap Plain Blankets In blue, gray, tan and pink, size tk DC
66x80, the pair .. CtiOa
Heavy Wool Dorset Plaid Blankets, in blue and tan only, (10 7 C
size 66x80, the pair glZiIJ
LAlim priced now at only ...WWiSJ
The"Stay SatlsfactorRunge
Permanent tightness attained only
by riveting, with a 'solid base to
every seam.
Vitreous enamel flue and oven
linings are non-rusting.
E very desirable convenience Is
provided, from a polished blued top
that needs no blacking to a dust
tight ash compartment.
You'll like the looks of a Mon
arch and appreciate its quality still
more. See 'em the first time you're
downtown, i
f St.XClgT Tt,XTff t
i JIT"''"
to Shop
10 A. n. Is
the Best
Closes at
9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs
$5 Cash$1 Week
Patterns for living, dining and bedrooms in color combinations
of many shades, made up in conventional, colonial and medallion
designs. Without hesitation it is safe to say the very critical
taste can be pleased, as there are no loud or undesirable patterns. .
Henri H. Cloutler, R. F. Wendllng and
Lieutenant Willis K. Clark, all Port
land men who are attending the Ore
gon state officers' training camp, were
today commended by Colonel John
Leader, commandant of the camp. In
the general orders. They are the only
men In any of the three camps to have
received such mention.
Corbett and Wendllng were praised
for their great assistance during the
present influenza epidemic Lieutenant
Clark for his high efficiency of organi
zation during the mountain campaign
and Cloutier for acting as staff officer
for Lieutenant Clark in the campaign..
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Main 7070, A 6095
Have you realized the beauty and art possible in such
everyday articles as stationery and fountain pens?
P. 8. Forgot te men
tion that we furnish
V X . a BDMlal nlnsh-llned
V case for h I p p 1
V"' ma 0s
Probably not
A glance at our windows
during the next few days will
surprise you. We have made a
display of Crane's Linen Lawn,
a paper of quality without
equal, and the delicate tints
and comblnat ions of tints,
with tbe beautiful envelope
designs, are a revelation to
the average purchaser, Tou'
will like it for your Christmas
letters and to write to the boy
in khaki.
There is also a T display of
Waterman's Fountain. Pens in
every conceivable size and de
sign. Little gold and silver
mounted pens for the light
feminine touch and big strong
pens for the Christmas gift to
343V WASH.
Bvt&owy ana PrK
1k Shop wi&fkUrtratikEittt
Bring your films with you to us
when you come to see our windows.
Deep Carve Lenses)
Are Better
Trademark Registered! ,
Ejes carefully examined and properly fitted with glasses without
the use of drugs, by skilled specialists.
IT MAKES no difference whether they be for "Grandma,"
"Grandpa" or "Littie-Miss-Make-Believe' we can FIT
We examine the eyes and guarantee
proper-fitting glasses -- - .
Maybe the children need "eye-help" now or possibly your
own glasses need changing. Come in tomorrow we will
gladly make an examination and tell you the truth.
Remember, we have the facilities
and experience to insure right results.
Complete Lens-Grinding Factory on the Premises
Thompson Optical Institute
Portland's Largest, Most Modern, Best Equipped
Exclusive Optical Establishment
209-10-11 Corbett Bldg., Fifth and Morrison, Since 1908