The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 2, Image 18

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mi tie ey
Grandstand Seats at Canton
ment Bring 25 Cents.
Contest Is Played Behind
Closed Doors.
Open-Alr Attraction for Soldiers In
Socksteder, Langrcll, Levin and
Conners Star for 105th and
106th Squadron Team.
Sport Line Daring Quarantine
Prove Attractive.
CAMP LEWIS. American Lake, Wash..
Ort. 24. (Special.) Captain T. G. Cook,
athletic officer for the cantonment, and
lila, assistant Lieutenant Harold A. Mal
lum. are busy arranging games for the
Camp Lewis football team. Last Sunday,
mora than 15.00 watched the soldiers"
win from the Foundation Shipbuilding
Corporation team, of Portland. 21 to 0.
The Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club,
of Portland, traveled from Portland to
day and Captain Cook was trying to
get the Vancouver Barracks aggrega-
tlon to come here the following day.
The football games are the only
nes to which any admission Is charged,
and that Is only 10 cents to the bleach
era for men in uniform and 25 cents to
the grandstand. This Is done only to
defray the expenses of preparing the
field and bring the visiting delegations
here. ,
All the open-air attractions each
night have no fee attached to them,
and the unilorm is a pass. Civilians
are not allowed to come into the can
tonment unless under the press of
urgent business or sickness.
Around each Young Men's Christian
Association hut there is an assemblage
of eager soldiers either writing letters
or watching motion pictures. There
are eight huts, but there are 14 recre
ational centers, from which entertain
ments are held.
Preparations were made to handle
between 15.000 and 20.000 spectators to-
oay. lieutenant Harold A. Mullum,
who handles the business end of the
Camp Lewis representatives and held
tne same position during the 1917 cam
palgn. Is certain that he will break all
attendance records for the athletic
field. Last year through his energies
more than 22.000 turned out In the
Tacoma stadium to see the lst Divi
sion and the Alar I nes tangle for an
Unless something more reasonable
comes forth from the headquarters of
the United States Marines' football
team at Mare Island. Cal there may
not be the much-heralded game in Ta
coma Thanksgiving day. Such is the
opinion of Captain T. G. Cook. The
teams the Marines want to come north
are auch that Captain Cook says he
tioesn t feel that he ought to give up
the administration building and halt
of Greene Park. Just at this writing
While Willie Ritchie, boxing instruct
or of the cantonment, is at Camp Gar
don obtaining a two weekB' special
course In bayonet work. Sergeant
George Thompson Is looking after the
noxing interests here. Ritchie is ex
pected to arrive In Camp Lewis from
the ast some time next week.
Xstacada's Victory Over Washington
High Gives It Claim for
State Championship.
From the present outlook the Inter
vcholastlc football season will not get
under way until about the time it was
originally scheduled to end. When the
achedule was drawn up the final game
of the season was set for November
23. It is not thought that by any
chance the influenza ban will be raised
for a week or more even if conditions
improve radically each day. If school
would take up on November 11 it would
give the teams two weeks to ge
through the whole schedule on the
original idea.
The coaches were to have had
meeting last week but several failed to
how up. so the meeting was post
pened until some time this week. The
schedule could be conveniently length
ened for two weeks, but it is a question
If the principals will permit the games
to run lar Into December. Ail of the
teams put In some hard practice last
week and are ready to start to play any
time the word is given. The Influenza
ban has been a Ilfesaver to the weaker
teama In the league and the added
weeks of practice will put them on
more of an equal footing with the
faster aggregations. None of the teams
that have played ao far has put up a
bad game, which speaks well for the
future contests.
Several of the teams had been fig
uring on stepping out of town and
tackling some of the "bush" high
schools, but the ban Is on in most of
the other towns, so it has been im
possible for the schools to schedule
auch games.
Washington High eleven Journeyed
out to Estacada Friday, where the In
fluenza had not been heard of In very
great quantities, and was defeated by a
24-to-o score by Lstacaaa High School.
As the result of its easy victory over
w ashlngtoh the Estacada High warriors
are already claiming the state champion
ship. It was their third straight vic
tory of the season and they have scored
S3 points to their opponents' 0 up to
Sarver. Duncan. Lovelace and Llch
thorn are starring for Estacada High
School and were instrumental in de
feating Washington. The Lincoln team
of Portland will probably be the next
school to tackle Estacada and the fans
will await the result of the game, if it
la arranged, with Interest.
contrary to me tact that few of the
Washington high schools have football
teams this year, nearly all of the
Willamette Valley schools and schools
In other sections of the state have
teams, many of them the equal of last
year's elevens. McMinnville, headed
by Harold Shipley, last year's halfback
at Columbia prep. Is piling up a good
record and recently defeated . Oregon
City 43 to 0. McMinnville will have
something to say about the state cham
pionship that Estacada aspires to.
Penn lias Strong Mat Team.
The outlook for Penn's wrestling
team this season Is a bright one. Seven
men of the 191$ team are back, besides
a host of preparatory school stars.
Prominent among those to return is
Captain Ketterer. the 135-pound cham
pion. Other veterana around whom this
season's mat team will be built are W.
Wolf, the 175-pound man; R. Fein and
Wagner, at 145 pounds; Rhodes, at 125
pounds; Gerson and Hovies, the 135
pound experts. A wartime schedule
will be booked and practice carried on
In conformity to the students' Army
training athletic code.
p ; . - . l.- ' - i - k - ?- - e2.- ' j
SQUAD TO PLAY MIDDIES. fr t W&Vfc.J iCwA - ' 1
& ' . :n-Misi'i P5fWW li ' -51
Attractive Programme of SO or More
Games Is Arranged for Middle
West Gridiron Fans.
CHICAGO, Oct. 26. Service elevens
promise to furnish the real clasa of
Middle Western football this season.
Although the "Big Ten" institutions
snapped up the choice dates, the ath
letic officers of the cantonments and
naval camps have arranged an attrac
tive programme of 30 or more games to
be decided in Chicago and other cities.
hat the "big"' service contest will
be this season cannot be announced as
yet, but it is regarded likely that it
will bring together the Great Lakes
Naval Training Station team and the
United States Naval Academy. Great
Lakes will play the middies at Annap-
olia on November 23 and officials are
negotiating for a return contest be
tween the teams, to be played at Chi
Three contests between Army and
Navy elevens will be played in Grant
Park, in the heart, of Chicago. The first
will be on November 9. when Camp
Grant takes on Camp Zachary Taylor.
This contest will conflict with the
Michigan-Chicago game, which is to be
played at Stagg Field. Lxperts be
teve the college game will draw toe
greater crowd.
It will be the first meeting between
Chicago and Michigan, historic athletic
rivals, in nearly 15 years and the re
sumption of hostilities is expected to
bring out one of the biggest crowds
that ever packed Stagg Field.
Another important connict win do
the game between Camp Dodge and the
United States Naval Reserve on No
vember 16. to be plaved in Grant Park.
The annual Chicago-Northwestern game
will furnish the counter attraction. The
third conflict is on November 30, when
the Naval Reserves will play Camp
Grant. The "Big Ten" attraction will
be a game between Chicago and Min
nesota. There Is a doubt in the minds of
some experts whether the service games
this year will draw the crowds they
had been exDected to. The schedule
conflicts with some extremely interest
ing college contests and It is a ques
tion if the football public can be coaxed
into going to the service games in
nreference to the colleeg events. It Is
argued that the college men are also
in the Students' Army Training jorps
and quite as much in the service as the
enlisted men at the Tegular Army and
Navy camps.
As regards playing qualities. How
ever, the service teams appear to have
the edge. These aggregations are com
posed mostly of players wno nave seen
three years of college football and a
majority of them were stars ineir
respective institutions. The players
know football and require lime leacn
Inr to master different formations. The
strict discipline of the Army or Navy
has whipped the players Into top pny
sical condition to withstand the batter
Inr of a tough game.
The idea to play service games in
Grant Park, on Chicago's lake front.
was conceived by Captain Lewis omer,
of CamD Grant, formerly athletl6 di
rector at Northwestern University.
Grant Park will be temporarly trans
formed into a huge stadium, with a
seatins- capacity of 25,000 persons.
As sailors and soldiers will act as
ushers and ticket sellers, there will be
little expense attached to staging the
contests. The proceeds will be devoted
to maintaining gymnasiums and pur
chasing athletic equipment for the
Top The Vancouver Barracks Football Teams Standing, Left to Right Daly, Fallback! Bowers, Right Half; "Tick" Malarkey, Coach I Davis. Left Haiti
Koleryns, (tuarterback. Kneeling, Left to Right Hiwkti, (Right Kndt Black, Right Tackle) Steera, Right Guard; Mitchell. Center) Stnpmin, Left Guard)
Leslie, Left Tackle, and Sillier, Left End. Lowers O. A. C. Students watching the Aggie Warriors Defeat Soldiers, 7 to 0, Two Weeks Ago Yesterday at Corvallln.
Corporal Bobby Evans Is Forced to Abandon Plan of All-Star Boxing
Tournament Either at Camp Fremont or in San Francisco.
AN FRANCISCO, Oct. 26. Influenza
quarantining, which has spread to
San Francisco, almost landed a
knockout on the grand old four-round
fight game. In so far as this city
now the danger that the Alameda
County Board of Health may interfere
and also the possibility that Jimmy
Rohan, a rival promoter, may cause
It's all due to the fact that Meehan
proper is concerned, the boxing game doesn't know his own mind and never
Dreyfnss Says Baseball Needs Rest.
In a recent Interview regarding the
outlook for the resumption of major
league baseball. President Barney Drey-
fuss, of the Pittsburg ciud, saia:
'It's a good thing that baseball nas
been stopped at this time. The game
has fallen into disfavor and needed a
rest. Mismanagement, unfair criticism
and the players' greed put baseball out
of commission. I don't believe there
will be an attempt to revive the sport
until the war is won. But when that
time arrives there must be a complete
reorganization, from the National Com
mission all the way down the line. I
have $1,000,000 Invested in baseball.
nd I do not intend to have my inter
ests handled by men who do not attend
to business. There must be reforms
controlling the ballplayers. They
can't run things to suit themselves.
The players have an idea that baseball
promoted for their special benefit.
and they have no regard for the welfare
f the public or their employers. The
strike of the world-seriea teams was
fair sample of the players' ideas of
how the game should be conducted."-
Is deader than the proverbial door-nail.
The lid was clamped down on the sport
a week ago. And even when It was
hinted the allied promoters or their
friends might secure an outdoor arena,
Dr. Hassler, city health officer, said it
couldn't be done, that he didn't care to
have any fight crowds gather during
the course of the epidemic
It looked dismal, all right
But hark, hark. We have relief in
Tommy Simpson is the Moses who is
going to lead us out of the wilderness;
that is if the health officer of Oak
land doesn't put his foot down.
Simpson, as everybody knows or
ought to know, has an open-face arena
in Emeryville close to the spot where
the horses used to race. -At one time
Tommy had a tented covering over his
arena. But all this Summer it has
been devoid of any covering.
And now he's glad that it is so.
Barred from indoor fights, Simpson
plans to send the fans to Emeryville.
Likewise he has picked one good-looking
card for his opener.
He has signed Pnat wiuie Meenan,
who is once more in San Francisco, with
Knockout Kruvosky, the chap who gave
Willie such a whale of a beating the
night of the Leonard fight.
Its one of the beet cards in sight.
barring a return of Dempsey with
Meehan. Both boys have been doing
lots of talking about the other. Meehan
has explained that Kruvosky caught
him when he (Willie) was in the throes
of a divorce suit and that his frame
of mind precluded his making the right
sort of a fight.
Also Willie insisted for a long time
that he would not fight Kruvosky save
at a benefit: that If the Kayo-person,
who had called bim a "plghead," want
ed a battle he would have to donate
his services.
But the lure of the medal caught
Willie and he succumbed. There Is
stays hitched. Rohan, acting as match
maker for the Shipbuilders' Athletic
Association, tried to line Meehan up
against Jack Dempsey.
Meehan told Rohan that whatever
Chief Gunner Alden did would be all
right with him. So Rohan opened ne
gotiations with Alden. When he came
to terms with Alden, much to his sur
prise, Meehan repudiated the whole
transaction and replied that Alden
didn't know how to make a match and
that he wasn't at all satisfied.
So there is a chance of Meehan's be
ing recalled to the San Pedro base by
his superior officers. A sailor hasn't
any business roaming around the coun
try pretty much at his own pleasure
and it will occasion no surprise if he
has to go home.
The bout has been tentatively set for
Wednesday night, October 30. It will
probably draw a good crowd; that is,
if nothing puts on the damper in the
We have been favored this past week
by a visit from one Joe McCloskey, a
fresh young individual hailing from the
movie fields of Southern California.
McCloskey had the extreme pleasure
of managing the short theatrical tour
of Meehan and Kid McCoy which lasted
a week. He must think that makes out
of him a fight promoter.
At all events, he has told us that
he's going to promote some scraps
right here in San Francisco.
First off he suggested Fred Fulton
as a suitable opponent for Meehan.
Later, when McCloskey learned in what
bad odor is Fulton in this neck of the
woods, he withdrew that proposition.
- And then McCloskey, who is still
young and inexperienced, substituted
Kid McCoy and said he would have that
ancient warrior brought to San Fran
Say, what a laugh went up around
the city.-
W know quite enough of our fistic
history to feel assured that Kid Mc
Coy isn't wanted as a ringster. Even
though Meehan admits the Kid hurt
him with rib roasters in their stage
act, it Isn't going to persuade the fight
fants that they want to see euc'.i a
Also McCloskey is going to have a
tough time breaking In as a promoter
hereabouts. He may have figured us
for a lot of small-town sports who
would welcome him Into our midst.
But on the whole, I rather think he's
in for a bit of trouble.
The other day he left for the South
where he figures.
Tells a fanciful story about bull
fights for the Red Cross benefit and
says the state authorities are back of
him in this matter. I rather imagine
we have seen the last of McCloskey,
who probably is smart enough to know
where he isn't going to be made wel
Corporal Bobby Evans has been
forced to abandon his plan of an all
star boxing tournament either at Camp
Fremont or in San Francisco with the
best boxers from the Army and Navy
posts brought together.
It was a fine scheme, but the quaran
tine and also the possibility that Evans
will soon be on the move conspired
against him.
Evans wrote me this sad news the
other day, but remarked in closing:
I have no copyright on the scheme.
and would really like to see some one
or your smart, promoters try to worK
it out. I believe it could be handled
properly and a lot of coin accrue to the
athletic funds of the different organi
zations represented by contestants."
Our Goat Island scrappers. Including
Frankie Farren, Jimmy Duffy, Walter
McDevitt, Tommy Hayes and the like,
are still in durance vile. There hasn't
been a single case of influenza develop
on the Island, but the medical authori
ties are altogether too smart to turn
the boys loose and let them visit San
Francisco, particularly with the cases
'hereabouts on the increase. So tha
four-rounders among the sailors who
would like to visit their homes and chat
with their pals are obliged to stay be
hind their prison walls.
Links Game Not in Limited Area as
Are Other Sports.
A tennis court measures so many feet
this way and so many fet that way,
with a net in the center.
A baseball field includes a diamond
that is 90 feet between bases, or 127
feet and some-odd inches from home
plate to second base.
A football field has its circumscribed
and described boundary lines ' as to
length and width, and also as to height
of. crossbar and width between goal
A golf course is any old width and
any old length. Holes may be found
at certain lengths agreeing with
lengths on other courses, but no two
holes are identically alike. No two
golf turfs are of identical texture. The
wind doesn't blow from identically the
same direction or with the same ve
locity on any two courses.
And, lastly, even giving fishermen
a big handicap, there are no two "lies"
alike in golf.
Camp Grant Defeats Wisconsin.
MADISOX. Wis.. Oct. 26. Camp
Grant defeated the University of Wis
consin at football today, 7 to 0. Mans
field, right end for Camp Grant, made
the lone touchdown. -
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
-The 105th and 106th Squadron team
of Portland battled to a 7-to-7 tie with
the 6th Squadron eleven of Vancou-er
Barracks on Multnomah Field yester
day afternoon in the first football
game ever played behind closed doors
in the history of Portland football.
Not a civilian viewed the game from
the field or grandstand except a report
er and a well-known football player.
Even the youngsters who perch them
selves on the far-away fence around
the Multnomah gridiron were shooed
from their positions by soldier guards
who patroled the field. A handful ot
fans, members of Multnomah Club,
managed to witness the struggle from
the balcony of the clubhouse.
For action and fight yesterday's con
test on Multnomah Field has seldom
been equaled here. From the first
blow of the whistle to the last down
both teams were fighting and playing
iko their lives were at stake. The
105th and 106th Squadron team has de
feated every team they ran up against
until they hit the Sth Squadron yes
terday. The 6th Squadron aggrega
tion is the best barracks team that has
played on Multnomah Field this sea
son, and only last Saturday held the
crack Military Police team to a 6-0
Sarksteder Makes Touchdown.
"Sacks" Sacksteder, Al Langrell, Hy
men Levin and Conners starred for the
105th and 106th Squadron. Sacksteder
played his usual smashing game and
made the lone score for his team in the
second quarter by bucking the line for
seven yards. Al Langrell kicked goal.
The first quarter was devoid of scor
ing or sensational plays. An Idea of how
closely contested the game was can be
drawn from the fact that neither team
made yardage until the second half
was nearly over. Both teams tried for
ward passes a good deal in the first
session, but could not complete them.
When passes failed the 105th and 196th
Squadron would punt.
Indian Is Star for Fifth.
"Smack "em" Jacobsen, Jones, Westby
and Koegel stood in the limelight for
the Fifth Squadron.' Jacobsen, who is an
Indian, played like a demon and time
after time managed to smash down the
headquarters team defense.
Jacobsen scored the first and only
touchdown for the Fifth Squadron in
the third quarter, going around left
end 20 yards for the goal. He was
tackled once and fell down but got up
and raced on to a touchdown. Jones,
the fullback, kicked a goal, tieing the
The Fifth Squadron kicked off after
the ecore, and Hymen Levin, the sen
sational right end of the 105th and
106th Squadron eleven, received the
bull and raced 60 yards before he was
downed on the Fifth Squadron's 25-
yard line. The 105th end 106th Squad
ron aggregation lost the ball.
The Fifth Squadron fought every
ir.lnute of the last quarter trying tc pet
the ball down the field, but the 105th
and 106th Squadron team rallied and
threw them back. Al Langrell booted
the ball for the 105th and 106th Squad
ron and did some fine kicking, many
of his boots sailing over 45 yards.
A near battle resulted in the fourth
quarter when a Fifth Squadron man
was 'caught slugging. Cohen, a Fifth
Squadron sub, rushed out on the field
to take part in the melee but the fight
was stopped without any fatalities. The
Fifth Squadron claimed that Jones, the
big 105 and 106th Squadron center, had
slugged first but as they were the ones
that were caught the Fifth Squadron
was penalized half the distance of the
field and Cohen was banished off of the
gridiron for his part.
Both teams completed an unusual
number of forward passes but none of
them went for very Dig yaroage, gams
being mostly short shoots. The 106th
and 106th Squadron will play the Mil
itary Police at Vancouver Barracks
next Sunday. Following are the line
ups: 105-106th Squadron. Fifth Squadron.
Rock LS Peterson
Connem LI Manaavge
Cunningham LO ay
Jones C D. Davis
Droulard EO Brown
ft. Lannrell RT Koegel
K. Leven RB H. Davis
Sacksteder RH Bowers
A. Langrell LH yVo'1
Whltten Q Westby
Hoak F Jones
Score by Quarters
105-106th 0 7 0 0 7
Fifth 0 0 7 0 7
Substitutions Jacobsen for Bowera, Hinea
for R. Langrell, Bercovitch for Hoak. Kom
for Droulard, A. Langrell for Hlnes. Touch
downs, Sacksteder, one; Jacobsen, one. Goal
kicks, Langrell, one; Jones, one. Officials.
Lieutenant Markham, referee; Roos, um
pire; Lieutenant Sigler, head linesman.
"Bart" IVlns Commission.
W. M. "Bart" Bartholomew, well
known to Portland baseball fans as
manager of the old Gresham Giants,
and who later Journeyed to the Philip
pine Islands, where he remained for a
good many years, recently returned to
the States, has been commissioned a
Second Lieutenant at the Infantry
officer's training school at Camp Pike,
Little Rock, Ark. He has been in
structed to report at Camp bherman.
Chillicothe, O. He is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. W. Bartholomew, 41 East Four
teenth street.
Jhzi Dark-haired
Chap from
says that down South
the best people won't
chew anything but Real
Gravely. They know
how it's made the
Gravely way. It costs
nothing extra to chew
this class of plug. A
small chew of Gravely
holds its good taste.
That's why it lasts so
much longer than a big
chew of ordinary plug.
goes furthtrthat'i why you
can ft tin rW taste thit clou
of tobacco without extra cost.
Real Gravely Chewing Plug
,10$ a pouch-anc worth u