X SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING, SPORTING NEWS AND . MARKET REPORTS VOL. XXXVI I. PORTLAND, . OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 27, 1918. NO. 43. I i . i 1 I c Merck andise i o o X STORE OPENS 9 A. M. erifc Only STORE CLOSES 6 P. M. The Store That Can Fill the Necessities of BEATS ,7T0Q Winged "M" Athletes Put Up Hard Game. i f All Weather, All Seasons, All Emergencies Fall Winter Necessities Attention is directed to certain stocks falling within the list of essential merchandise that may be featured under the request of the Mayor. ENORMOUS STOCKS OF KNIT UNDERWEAR Keeping the body warm is one of the first essentials to good health end the firs, point in keeping warm is the wearing of warm underwear. This store boasts unusually large stocks of knit underwear for women, chil dren and men in qualities reliable, in sizes for everyone, at pricings based upon earlier market quota tions and not on present worth. NEW GARMENTS FOR WOMEN, MISSES The Nation and the community demand that shopping now take its place as an exact sci ence with the woman skilled in the way of wise economy. To such women, the Nation's and the community's slogan, "Careful antici pation" should mean intelligent management of time and energy as well as of finance. With such women going from store to store is no longer the necessary preliminary to purchasing. No matter, now, that such was their former habit, they have accepted this store's guidance and have become expert judges of values. . We point with pride to the increasing number of women in this community who we hear saying " always begin and end by buying at Lipman, Wolfe & Co." instead of those who used to go half way and say " always end by buying at Lipman, Wolfe rjr Co." This store appreciates this confidence. It is striving as it has been for more than sixty years to merit it. It therefore feels safe in Inviting the Shopping Public of This FORWARD PASS ONE SCORE Hughie McKcnna, Club's ISO-Found Quarterback, Makes Gains Through Soldiers. AND CHILDREN After warm underwear comes warm clothes, and with cold weather just around the corner it is essential that folks provide themselves with suits, coats. dresses, etc. at once. We direct attention to our Third and Fourth Floors, which now house enormous carefully chosen stacks of fashionable apparel in relia ble qualities for all womanhood. FABRICS MACHINES FOR SEWING IN THE HOME Women who make their own clothes can put the present emer gency to excellent advantage by procuring now fabrics and sewing machines and dress forms for home use. As in all other lines, ' this store has plenteous assort ments of wanted piece goods, and is exclusive agent for the "Free" Sewing Machine, the only sew ing machine guaranteed for life. THE ECONOMY BASEMENT STORE Here is a whole store of per sonal and home necessities for the entire family at lower than customary .prices because sold for cash only. To people of limited means this basement offers a solution to the ever-present ques tion of how to dress for less. j Community to Make This Store j the bills, "one for Sam, one for Jack, one for Bill." and so on around. It must have been a peculiar littl- party that dealt the cards in the division of the Boston Red Sox' share of the world's series swag, says an Eastern writer. Some of the things that happened through inscrutable methods were that Thomas, who played 44 ch '.pionship games, and then quit the club merely because he was ordered to the Great Lakes, got only $750, though he played the full series. Dick Hoblitzel, who went into the Army of his own free will after playing 25 games, vrai -ted $300. But Dutch Leonard, who left the club flat, jumping to Fore River to escape the draft, was given the same sum as Hoblltzel, though there is no way to figure him a member of the world's series team. In fact, his leap would have ended it as a championship probability had not Sam Jones unex pectedly delivered. And Leonard, after PERMIT SHOULD BE SECURED. A permit from the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, should be at once secured by all persons, firms, corporations, clubs, etc., who have live migratory waterfowl in their possession, or wish to sell those in their pos session, or wish to buy migratory waterfowl for decoy purposes. This applies to all persons, firms, corporations, clubs, etc., who have live, semi-domesticated wild ducks (originating from wild stock) in their possession which they have been or are using only for decoy purposes. For applica tion blank with which to apply to the Secretary of Agriculture for such a permit communicate without delay with the United States Game Warden, Past 1007 Indiana avenue, Spokane, Wash. Its Regular Source of Supply to take note of its tremendous stocks of Fall and . Win ter needs. to take advantage of choosing from many lines of mer chandise not to be found elsewhere. to profit not only by the savings, but in the superior services, ventilation and comforts of this great institution. - to purchase with the knowledge that quality of every article of merchandise offered for sale here is judged as good by experts before being placed on sale thereby eliminating all necessity of doubt now that the exchange and return of goods privilege has been temporarily withdrawn. cheating himself out of a full share, doesn't escape after all. His draft board has grabbed htm out of the ship yard and has ordered him into the Army. AMATEUR RULE MAY FAIL SERVICE AS ARMY DIRECTOR SOW AFFECTS STAXDIXG. J i It Is Hardly Necessary to Again Call the Attention of Everyone to This Store's Ability to Supply the Needs of Everyone but we take this occasion to call attention to the size of this establishment, its nine broad selling floors given over pntirplv to the sale of clothes, accessories of dress, home I furnishings and the many other things which one would naturally expect to find in such a store as that of Lipman, .Wolfe & Co. f Please Notice That the Oregon State Council of Defense Has Ordered the Withdrawal of the Exchange and Return Goods Privilege Until FURTHER Notice Co-operation is Invited We Will Have on Sale Monday Morning a Supply of Gauze HEALTH MASKS at Our Drug Shop Hie Price of the Mask is 10c BY EARL R. GOODWIX. CAMP LEWIS, AMERICAN LAKE, Wash., Oct 26. (Special.) Camp Lew is put one over the Multnomah Ama tur Athletic Club football team here this afternoon in one of the most thrill ing games yet played on the division athletic field. The final score was 7 to 0 and the lone touchdown came in the last 10 seconds of the second quarter. It was a beautiful contest from a spectator's standpoint, with both ag gregations evenly matched. The score was made from a 41-yard forward pass. Lyle Bigbee to Schultze, and'Ira Black well converted the goal, running up the seventh and last marker. That was the last time the soldier boys threat ened the Winged "M" goal. Visitors Lack Punch. The visitors several times got down within the 20-yard line, but the neces sary punch to put across anything was lacking. In the last quarter with all hands fighting desperately amid a steady downpour, the Oregonians went to the Camp Lewis four-yard line. On the fourth down Hughie McKenna sent a forward pass over the goal line, but it was incompleted. It bounced out of the arms of the waiting athlete and Multnomah's hopes went glimmering. The bright light on either side was Hughie McKenna, the sterling little 120-pound cardinal and white quarter back. Time and again he bucked the heavy olive drab line for good sub stantial gains and especially when the necessary yardage was needed. It took from two to three of the opponents to put him off his feet, while he was carrying the ball. At running back punts he especially.. was effective for he fumbled the slippery oval only once and then recovered that after a punt. Teams to Meet Again. Huyck and Bryant, the Camp Lewis quarters, were the bright and shining stars for the cantonment. There was but one substitution on the Portland side, while five were made by Coach Lieutenant Eddie Kienholz and Cap tain T. G. Cook. Tom Loutitt, the husky Multnomah center, as well as Mike Bloch, played a bang-up game and busted through the opposition with frequency. . . The two elevens will play in Port land on the winged "M enclosure, November 16, providing tbe . present quarantine 18 lilted. Tom Louttit handled the Oregonians' affairs here today in the absence of Manager George Bertz. who could not get away at the last minute. When the two teams battle in the Oregon metrop olis, quite a delegation, no doubt, will journey south. Pnnt Got, Sixty Yards. The longest punt of the afternoon was for 60 yards, made by Hughie Mc Kenna. In the last period Major-Gen-eral Leith ordered the game stopped be cause of the heavy downpour, but when it was learned that but a little more than six minutes of play remained he allowed the contest to proceed. Following is the summary: Camp Lewis Position. Multnomah Noggle L K R Feichtlnsrer Star L T R Rehbein DalEh L, n R Kerns Selph C Capt. Louttit Rogers . . . : R O L, Himpel rapt. Dunlop ....R T L, Bloch Srhultze R K L,. Webster Huyck Q McKenna Biebee I. H R Bixby Boyd R Hi. Graham Blackwell F Kramer Referee. Lieutenant Taylor, First Infantry; Umpire, Elmer Henderson, Seattle. Lines man, Lieutenant Reed, Camp Lewis. Quar ters. 1- minutes each. Substitutions. Camp Lewis. Rvdalch for Rosters. Lieutenant Dun lop for Selph. Rogers for Rydalch, Oberle 1 trenches. . for Bigbee. Bryant for Huyck. Hoerlein for , The Amateur Athletic Union could Kl'tor iSS! 1 Multnomah. , weU afford tQ deciare that lt8 ruies Score by periods: t stood suspended in the cases of all reg- Camp Lewis 0 7 O 0 7 1 istered amateurs that went into serv- Multnomah .....0 0 0 0 0 ... fhl i-inrl Certainly the number Touchdown, schultze. Goal kick. Black-1 "V . j nn ti,., weli. of men affected is so small that no . narm COUIU cume iu I lie tuauunuui nor could it be made the basis for un just criticism. O'COXXELL VISITS PORTIAXD TRACEY IS PESTERED Bf LOCI FIGHTERS Demands of Boxers Said to Be Far Out of Reason. BEST TALENT NOW SOUGHT Athletes 'Who Have Turned Military Coaches Should Xot Be Penalized for Their Patriotism. Whether amateur athletes who have accepted commissions in the Army as directors of camp athletics or have en gaged in the war work of the Y. M. C. A. as physical instructors should be permitted to regain their amateur status after the war is a subject which is exciting more and more discussion in athletic circles. Although the list of 'amateurs who have gone into such work is not large, there is, neverthe less, a feeling that they should not be considered without the pale of ama teurism when peace comes. One of the most Important amateurs who has gone into Y. M. C. A. instrua tion work is E. H: Goulding, the cham pion Canadian walker, who held sev eral American walking titles, Gould ing was unable to' enter the army in Canada, but he did the next best thing when he became a physical instructor for the Y. M. C. A. Jack Eller, the former Irish-American A. C. hurdles, champion, went to France early In the present year as Y. M. C. A. worker with the American Expeditionary Forces. He has since returned home and has resumed his po sition with the New York police de partment. Under the rules of the Amateur Ath letic Union, as they are at present, however, neither Goudling nor Eller may compete again as amateurs, for the reason that they received compen sation for teaching athletics. The ap plication of the rules to such cases as these seems to defeat its own purpose, because neither they nor any amateur athletes who have gone into the serv ice of the Y. M. C. A. or the War or Navy Department Commissions on Training Camp Activities have done so with the purpose of making it their life work. For the most part they have been actuated by motives quite as pa triotic as if they had gone into the ranks and carried on in the front-line E UXIVERSITV OP OREGOX PLAY IX SAX FRAXCISCO. Contest for on Xovember 23 Will Benefit of Allied War Work Council. TO Be OPERATION PRCVES FATAL Ray Finnerty, Trying to Get in Con dition to Fight, Dies in Uopital. Mrs. Ellen Finnerty. mother of Ray Finnerty. who died Tuesday at the Good .Samaritan Hospital while under going an operation to put him in physi cal condition to enr the United states Army, arrived in Portland from Mad i on. Wis.. Friday only to find that her on was dead. ALrs. Finnerty left another son seri ously ill with the Spanish influenza In Madison to come out to the Pacific Coast to be with her son when he would undergo his operation, and thought he was onlv ill Kay Finnerty Is well-known in Port land and waa formerly employed at the Broadway Hazelwood. He waa recently called to the colors. He was told he would have to have an operation be fore he could be taken Into the service and he died tryinar to better himself to fight for Uncle 8am. Mrs. Finnerty lost another aon. in France, In September, when Joseph, a brother aged ZO, waa killed In action. GIRLS ?LEAD BEING MINORS Cases of Gladys Valles and Mildred FlUHenry Postponed. Gladys Vallee and Mildred FitzHenry. alleged girl burglars, insisted that they were minors when they appeared in the Municipal Court for a preliminary hear ing yesterday. Judge Rossman post poned the case until tomorrow. When arrested they gave their ages as 21 and 18 years. The girls were arrested Friday by In spectors Hellyer and Leonard, and charged with the larceny of 11000 in postal savings certificates, .and $70 in gold from Mike Markich. of the Sar gent Hotel, Hawthorne and Grand ave nues. The girls burned the postal sav ings certificates after the burglary, be cause they did not know what they were for. Police recovered most of the money, and the certificates will be re issued by the postal savings bank, it is believed. Montreal reaps an annual revenue of several hundred thousand dollars from a special tax on bachelors. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Oct. 26. (Special.) Oregon will meet the University of California in San Francisco on November 23, according to arrangements completed this after noon- by Charles Huntington, graduate manager of the university. - The game will be played for the benefit of the allied war work council, and all re ceipts, over and above expenses, will be turned over to the cause. The playing of this game so far from the campus is made possible by the ruling of the War Department, which has set aside its previous ruling that no team could play any contest that could not be reached by leaving the campus Friday night. This change is made only for games that will benefit the allied war work, and a series of such games is being arranged through out the United States. This acceptance of the game ' with California for the 23d makes it neces sary to cancel the game scheduled for Portland with the Mare Island marines. It is possible that some other date may be secured for the marine game, but as yet Huntington has not made the change. If a change is not made the marine game will be dropped. The Oregon team will be in tip-top condition by this time, and will go south with the determination to "skin the- Golden Bear." DESERTER IS REWARDED Red Sox Allot $300 of Series' Gains tp Leonard. Did you ever see a bunch of ball players after they had won a bet at a racetrack dividing the pool? They are likely to get into a corner and the holder of the winnings will deal out Former Multnomah Instructor Tells of Work at Eugene. Eddie OConnell, former boxing and wrestling instructor at the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club, who is now con nected with the physical education de partment of the University of Oregon. was a Portland visitor yesterday. Athletics is playing a big part in the Student Army Training Corps at the Eugene institution. Four new volley ball nets have been strung up on the tennis courts for the students and soc cer games are being arranged as part o fthe athletic programme, according to O'ConnelL Cage ball, boxing, wrest ling, swimming, fencing and- other branches of athletic activities will come in for their share. Plans are now being laid for a pen tathlon meet for the entire camp to be run off at the end of the season. Every S. A T. C. man will take an ac tive part. . . O'Connell is receiving many valuable pointers in his new line of endeavor from Bill Hayward, -who returned re cently from the vicinity of Yodle Can yon, where he enjoyed some good fish ing. ' TWO GAMES AT VAXCOCVER Spectators at Post Athletic Field Are Mostly' Soldiers. VANCOUVER BARRACKS, Wash., Oct. 26. (Special.) Two hard-fought football games were played on the post athletic field this afternoon. Specta tors were mostly soldiers. The Eighth Spruce Squadron defeated the 11th Spruce. Squadron, 13 to 7. The Sixth Spruce Squadron won from the 12th Spruce Squadron, 10 to 7, one field goal being made by the winning team, this deciding the score, which was tied to that time. Another goal was tried but just failed, the ball passing to the left of the post. Cap tain Upton was referee and Malarkey was umpire. The post team will play the Standi fer team on the same grounds at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow. Friends of Battling Xclson Say Scrapper Contributed More Con versation Than Real Money. BY JAMES J. RICHARDSON. When' the Portland boxing commis sion voted to conduct boxing smokers for the duration of the war they cooked up a rare dish for themselves. The com mission appointed Tommy Tracey offi cial matchmaker and gave the former middleweight champion instructions to go out and sign up a card that would meet with the approval of local fistic fans and help enrich the coffers of the Oregon Boys' Emergency B'und. The men who handle the reins of the boxing game in this city and who helped elevate it to a high plane among the commercial sports failed to look into all the angles that now threaten to keep the commissioners and espe cially Tommy Tracey in a fit of frenzy. The scarcity of talent and the lofty financial ideas of available mitt wield ers is making life miserable for Tracey. There are plenty of mediocre boxers to be had but even the ordinary curtain raiser demands a half interest in Tracey's smoke shop and as a guar antee of good faith wants a mortgage on Walter Honeyman's duck lake. Out side of that they are not asking much to climb through the ropes and display, their fistic talents. Tommy Tracey always had a hanker ing to become a promoter. It is doubt ful now if Tracey would want to even become a promoter even if the com mission reconsidered their action and voted to allow promoters to again run shows and donate a percentage of the net proceeds to the Oregon boys' emer gency fund. The few fighters that are in Portland have run Tracey ragged with their demands. The- out-of-town scrappers , take delight in writing Tracey for a fight, and then incident ally, by way of no harm, mention that they would like about $450 and three round-trip tickets. Tracey was confined to his bed yes terday, having a slight cold in his head, and information regarding the future of boxing in Portland was not to be had. But the exorbitant demands of . the boxers is not feazing Tracey in the least, and when Tommy gets on the job again in a few days he will con tinue to angle for a star attraction for the first smoker to be staged under the auspices of the boxing commission. One of the Commissioners informed us yesterday that he, too, was In com munication with out-of-town scrappers and was trying to land some of them jobs In the local shipyards. Of course that is great stuff if said Commis sioner can pull tne strings, but the boys want a guarantee that the Job will be permanent, and nobody can give that. Johnny Dundee and Frankle Calla han, of Brooklyn, will engage in a 12 round bout at the Armory Athletio Club, Boston, tomorrow night These two lads have been aching for a chance to pummel each other for some time and their clash tomorrow night ought to be a hummer. Battling Nelson s statement that he carelessly loaned his friends $250,000 during his days of prosperity is get ting an awtul kick out of those who knew Nelson intimately. When Nel son was in his prime he was noted for his thrifty habits and if he ever gave anything away but conversation and a smilo he never received any credit for it. Nelson made some unfortunate real estate investments in Hegewisch. near Chicago, and what is left of the modest fortune he earned in the ring is tied up in legal red tape. Recently he has been ill, and when he was discharged from the hospital it is said he started to "page" his lost quarter million. - We have not seen Frankie Russell for a long while. The gentleman who became rough with his challenges is possibly recuperating from the "flu" or otherwise taking it easy. For a while if a day passed without a visit from Russell we commenced to think we weren't living, but this little scribe will bring bim back. Morris Lux is doing an eight-hour shift at the Standifer shipyards. He is swinging a sledge and says he ought to dex'elop a knockout wallop in his right hand. Lux can't understand how it is he always misses Frankie Russell, of "New Orleans." "We'll meet face to face some of these days," chirps Lux. GEORGIA TECH GOIXG GOOD Famous "Steam Roller" Aggregation Runs Up High Scores. ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 26. Georgia; Tech'a new "steam roller" has been sent against three foes so far in 1918 and has established an amazing result in point scoring. The new eleven which Coach John W. Heisman has welded together from two 1917 regulars and nine "green" play ers so far has made a record that over shadows even the remarkable perform ances of the championship eleven of a year ago. Up to the present time Georgia Tech has played three games with this result: Georgia Tech 28, Clemson 0. Georgia Tech 118, Furman 0. Georgia Tech 123, Fort Ogelthorpe'a (11th Cavalry) 0. That makes a total of 2C9 pomta in three contests an average of almost 90 points per game. Football Results. At Des Moines Drake University, 35 j Des Moines College, 7. At Cedar Rapids, Iowa Coe College, Cornell College, 0. At Oberlin, Ohio. Western Reserve, 6; Oberlin, 3. At Urbana III. Illinois, o; Naval Ren serve, 7. At New Brunswick Rutgers, 39; Le high. 0. At Madison, Wis. Camp Grant, 2; University of Wisconsin, 0. At Great Lakes, 111. Northwestern; University, 0: Great Lakes Naval Train ing Station, 0. At St. Paul Minnesota, 2J; Bt. Thomas, 7. At Philadelphia United States Ma rines, .7; University, of Pennsylvania, 0,