The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 27, 1918, Section One, Page 15, Image 15

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-15,000 MEN SOUGHT
ana I I iiti m-rr IIIIHI
Mun HLT m bay.
Deferred Classification Men
May Apply for Induction Now.
Special Ratings for Men In Class A
of September 12 Registration
Are Provided.
Lieutenant Gandy, of tfa local Kaval
Mobl lis lion Station. Dekura building
Third and Washington at re eta, haa Juet
received Instructions from ths of flea
of mobilization Instructor for the West
rn division of the United States Navy
regarding qualification of men eligible
for induction Into the Navy.
irteen thousand men a month are
wanted In this branch of the service,
of which number 6500 will be secured
under the selective service -law, and
Q0 are to be obtained by Individual
Induction. The recruiting office atlU
la allowed to obtain an unlimited num
ber of men from deferred classifica
tions. It being- not required that they
ds specialists, and any man. regardless
of professional ability. If In a deferred
olaaa, may be voluntarily inducted if he
meets the physical requirements.
Men obtained by Individual induction
must meet the following qualifications
rtsss A-I September IS. ft grist ration Only,
Fay erzleer'e material school. m.mem 11-4Sl
quota T. qualifications Must pouoas pro
cincj m aninmeue ana xcnange, com
position. Eng-Usb grammar and spelling, gen
eral Information. American hf at 01-7, offlcor
Ilko qualities, prevloua practical xprlanc
an 4 efficiency during active service in the
Javy or N. K. r. Men who succeasfQUv
eomplete the two months course and are
recommended by the commanding officer as
tue result ox aatisraetoniy p using the pre
crtbed examinations wlil be recorded to
the Bureau of Navlgatioa aa eligible for
commissions as assistant paymasters, U. 8,
N. ft- 7., with the rank of ensign for gen
eral service. If examination la not passed
men wui revert to their ratings bold .
the time ef their selection for the school.
Xaval Auxiliary Reserve (deck) officer.
ages 21-40. quota 12, qualifications Men of
ability and officer material. Education
equivalent to at least completion of high
school courso, including a good knowledge
ef trigonometry and logarithms. Physically
quaiuiea tor una orncer etandam or reg
ular Navy. Must bo la the regular Navy or
avaJ Reserve roree any ciasa) for gen
eral service. Shall have had at least one
month's military training or Its equivalent.
, Kaval Auxiliary Keserve, eaglner officer
material, ages 21-40. quota is. qualifications
Men of ability and officer material. Com
pleted high school course and graduate ef
engineering course at a recognized tech
nical school er aa equivalent ef above. Must
bo regular Navy or Naval Reserve (any
class for general service. Physically qual
ified for Line elflcer eiaadaxd of regular
Machinists mate (submarines) ages 21-83,
quota X qualifications Must be a skilled
mecbanle; a man ef on usual Intelligence,
mechanical aptitude and capable ef living In
cramped quarters and working under un
favorable surroundings and condltlona
Machinists mates (aviation) ages 21-40
quota la, qualifications The following out
line are the duties and qualifications ef
mechanics for aviation rattnrs: Duties: Su
pervision, assembly, maintenance and com
plete repair ef various makes of sea-plane
engines received knocked -down) or re
turned la a damaged condition for overhaul
ing, alea must be highly skilled Internal
combustion eaglae experts In standard makes
of soa-plane engine and have detailed
knowledge of their construction and od ra
tion. Must also be accurate on lathes, plan- to her official duties, although she was
era, shapera, milling machines, various
grinding machines, drills and ether tools
used la tho manufacture er repair ef ma
chines. Quartermaster (aviation) ages 21-481,
quota 10, qualification Moat be a thorough
light eanvas or cloth worker, capable ef do
ing accurate cutting, hand or-machine sew
ing aad stitching and fitting and able to
apply "dope and varnish for glueing, finish
ing and coating Must be handy with too! a
poasosatng a knowledge of drafting and be
able to read draw In re and In relation to
rigging Duties: Cutting, sewing and throat
ing cloth to tit seaplane wings In case of
new, or for repairing aamagea pianes, as
sembly aad repair ef seaplanes in reneraJ.
excepting engine and pro pail era, including
iiiiinn uo inspecting.
Carpenters' mates (aviation) ages 18-40,
quota 10, duties - Assembly, maintenance
and repair of the fusilage and pontons,
struts and propellers ef various types of
sea p ianes. Including lnsoexrtln tMtlnr eon-
I struct Ion and pans of airplane propellers,
j Qualification; Must be capable of building
or glueing up laminated stock for pro
pellers, machining, finishing, balancing and
fitting hubs and parte for propellers, and
able to do dove-talllng. Inlaying sections of
wood, thoroughly familiar with all Joiner
ana caoi net -makers" hand tools and fteces
sary woodworking machine too la
Coppersmiths (aviation) age 21-40, quota
1, qualifications Must be experienced and
able to work to drawings, sketches and lay
out and form from sheets and be able to
tip wooden parts with sheet metal, solder
Joints and copper wire, repair gaa tanks
and radiators, must be familiar with cutting
patterns rrom drawings. Duties: Repair
coppersmith work and aluminum work of
any character and for any 'purpose la con
nection with seaplanes.
Machinists' mates (general) ages zl-40.
quota 21, qualifications Must be machinists
by trade: must be familiar with names and
uses of the various parts of marina or sta
tionary engines and boilers; must be able
to perform work with the various tools la
machine shop, including bench work.
Carpenters mates (general)- are 21-40.
quota 9, qualifications Must be a carpenter
by trade and after qualifying by an ex
amination will be rated according to his
Boilermakers (general) ages 21-40, quota
-Applicant for enlistment In this rating
must be competent bollermakers by trade.
Hospital Corps, ages 18-25. Quota 20. qual
ifications Applicants for this rating should
have a high school education or Its equiv
alent and be tampermen tally fitted for this
class of work.
District officer material school, ares 31 -SO.
quota 10, qualifications Men of ability and
officer material. Completed high school
course and graduate of engineering course at
recognised technical school or an equiv
alent of above. Must be regular Navy of
N. R. F. (any class) for general service.
Physically qualified for line of fi cermet aadari
of regular Navy.
y w3
' , ,,., ;.-33laj7 It ' JI
Leader of ProgresslTO Idea- in Work
Panes Away Following Attack
of Influenzal at Capital.
WASHING TOM. Oct. Z( Ella Flag-
Young-, chairman of tho National
woman's liberty loan committee, died
today of pneumonia, following- as at
tack of influenza.
Mr. Young waa one of the beet'
known woman educators in the United
States. She was a leader of progrea
lve educational ideas to which she
devoted more than 60 years of her life.
She waa chosen superintendent of
Chicago's public schools in 1909 from a
list of sis candidates, five of whom
were men educators of National repu
tation. She succeeded Edwin O. Cooley
and was the first woman to be selected
superintendent of schools in one of the
largest American cities. As bead of
the public schools of Chicago she was
ntrusted with the education of
She Inaugurated many Important re
forms, among these being the teaching
of sex hygiene, the enlargement of the
kindergarten course, an Increase In the
scop, of the vocational training de
partment and simplification of the
urrtculum of the primary grades. She
Insisted upon the complete divorce of
politics from the publio schools and
fought many successful battles In sup
port of this principle.
In 1911 a faction of the Chicago
School Board planned to oust her from
her position as superintendent. She
anticipated the move by resigning
suddenly. Mayor Harrison was ap
pealed to by the publio to have her
withdraw her resignation and return
'Darken Your Gr&yHmr
10 Days Only
& '''I'ffi -' '---'H;-.- v?V "X-C 'ffi
A rejmlar 50 cent box of
Never-TEL the world's
sanitary hair restorative
in delicately
Tablet Form
Take advantage of this
generous offer today. Darken
your cray hair to a light
brown, dark brown or black bo
gradually your own friends can
'Never-Tel" with this eimcle.
dentine preparation
JSettertiart advertised
Never-Tel Is not a dye. is not
sticky and positively will not stain the most deli
cate skin. Every Never-Tel tablet is complete
jl a. " m itaeii, easily aissoivea in a little water as used.
? ff'. xnere are no extras to Buy, no muss to botner,
's no reddish tints to annoy, no lightning changes
" a1 ' to embarrass; To modest, refined women
'-v-iTNv vno really care, its effect is wonderful.
t-'X, Never-Tei. ia used and endorsed by
. - t . - - tnousanoa everywaere. We urge you
uj ury (. iub once ni, our expense.
Removes Dandruff I I It's on sale at your druggist, bat to
prove Its superior merit, we
will triad! v send von a recrular 60c box
Free upon receipt of attached coupon,
A A C fat?
' V4 Ini
Makes Half Soft and Fluffy
and Promote a Moat
luxuriant Growth
Never-Tel does more than I IHail Coupon Today j
gradually darken your hair. It I I
destroys dandruff germs and I Never-Tel Laboratories Co.
deans op your scalp. It stops falling j Dept. 328 Kansas City, Mow
hair and gives new visor to the papilla, I fcsve never naed Never-Tei. but I would I
thereby tiring to Never-Tei, a distino- like to try it. Send me the 60c package FR as I
tivenen of merit and attractiveness not per your special 10 day offer. j
found in any other hair preparation on '
the American market. The free 60 cent ! .
package we will Bend yon upon receipt Name
of coopon
e-fficient to make you look I I
20 years younger. I ' .1
Never-Tel Laboratories Co. (s inctad.itepyo.-p- i
but rat roorMlX.) J
Pil CROP 6,099 TONS
Only targe Sizes to Go to Commer
cial Trade; Eastern Buyers
Eager for Surplus.
Be a Joy-Walker,
."Gets-It" for Corns
2 Drops, 2 Seconds Corn Is Doomed!
bn you almost tils with your shoes on
aud corns zn&ks yon almost walk sideways
te (t away from ths pain, taks a -a ca
tion for ft xnlnuto or two aod apply 2 or 3
drops of ttis world's maaio atod only sen-
-My Cams Pat! Clean Off. With 'Cet-U"I
wine cora-peeler. "Oets-It Then, and
than on It. will too be rare that your corn
W1U looeea from yoar toe eo that you can
peel It nrht orf (loiionaly easy with yonr
fintera Take ae chances ef oontlnued pain
aad ooreneee-why oe sreaay. Irrltatlns
! plaetars tbat shift and preae Into
the "quick." razors and "dlsmra" that
Bake corns bleed and alao grow taitarT tse
palaleea easy, always sore Oete-It."
There'e only one Uke It In the world thet'e
-Oete-It. " htllllona have triad and O. K-'d
tt for yeera. It aever falls
Gets-It. the anerantaed. money-back
eorn-ramever. tbe only mam r. way. coata bat
a trifle at any drug store. MTd by E. Law
rence at Co.. Chicago. I1L Sold In Portland
and reoemmended as tbe world", beat corn
remedy by Owl Dnsf Co- 1 storea ea tbe
PacUlo Coast.
nearly 70 years old at the time.
Mrs. Tounff declined to return unless
her enemies on the School Board re
tired. Mayor Harrison was obliged to
accept the realrnatior. of five trustees
before Mrs. Toung again would assume
her official duties She triumphed in
every clash ahe had with the polltl
ciana in the School Board affairs.
Mrs. Toting waa born in Buffalo,
N. T January 16. 1846, and was
brought to Chicago by her parents
when a young glrL She graduated
from the Chicago publio achoola and
was appointed teacher In the primary
grade in 1863. when ahe was 17 years
She was married to a Chicago mer
chant in 18(8, but her husband died
a year later.
ia now easily overcome by ualng
an antiseptic oil spray, which ab
sorbs and dislodges the hard web
like mucous membrane of throat and
nose. Quick relief Is always ob
tained by using the Mchlenzle Ca
tarrh Spray The price complete,
with special atomiser. Is only 82.00.
We pay the postage on this and all
other drug orders
Trass Exyertm, Dept. 3.
Portias d. Oregon.
Gives Strength to
Combat Illness
fa affections ef the threat aad Innrs. ECK
1U.V1 ALTERATIVE has efiaa been
found to be vary bnficial by reason of Its
tenia la heauh-bulldtng properties. Ona
of Its sctlve tnsredlants Is calcium (a lima
aa!t. se combined as to be readily ea
simllsted. Twanty yaans successful use.
see aad 91-40 Bottiea at all druggists or
frees eaaanfactorar. postpaid.
XCKM.N LABOItATOBT. Philadelphia.
With Actor In Shipyards Actresses
Unable to Find Suits bio Em
ployment, They Assert.
Futila atempts to find employment
to fill in the idle interim caused by
the epideraio of the Spanish Influenza
have brought an outburst of Indlena
tlon from show girls who were caught
In Portland when the closing orders
cams. Though unable to furnish ref
erences that are demanded by am
ployera. many of tha girls are experi
enced atenographera and offlo assist
ants, and gladly would accept employ
ment that would tide them over while
tha theaters remain darkened.
"The fact that the theatrical men
have had no trouble in finding era
ployment at the ahlpyards furnishes
little comfort to the girls who have
met with less success, aa tha follow
ing letter from two girls of tho Hip
podrome circuit shows:
"Editor of the Oregontan Dear Sir
tVe have been forced out of work by
this terrible epidemic, and. while
Ackerrein & Earrla ava been good
enough to advance I. O. Us to any
of ua that need It, we are etill
obliged to pay for these later; there'
fore, this enforced Idleness is a total
loss to ua If we were in our own
homo towns we -could find employ
ment more easily or live at home
where) we would be under no expense.
The boya in our show (Hippodrome)
are all, working at the shipyards. The
girls have been unable to secure suita
ble employment, we are sure if you
would mske this known to the publio
through your paper, soma concern
could find a mesns to relieve the situ
ation. We do not want charity; we
simply wish to take advantage of the
Golden Rule. Toura truly.
"Rialto Quartet.
"Hamlin and Mack."
Candidates for Central Officers'
Training Schools Are 175.
Oct. 26. (Special.) Colonel w. H. C
Bowen, commanding officer of the Stu
dents' Army Training Corps here, today
started tbe examinations of the 175
men of the State Officer' Training
Colonel Bowen will Interview candi
dates for Infantry and machine gun.
Alma D. Kata, representative of the
Military Training Campa Association,
will be In Eugene Tuesday to confer
with men intterested in field artillery.
Applicants for infantry will go to Camp
Fremont. California, or to Camp McAr
thur, sear Waco, Texas,
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Oct 2. (Spe.
claL) The prune crop In Clarke Coun
ty this year will be over 12.000.000
pounds, it Is estimated, and the Gov
ernment will get practically all except
those that run from 30 to 40 to the
pound, for use in the Army and Navy
and overseas. Tha 30-40s will be the
only onea released for commercial trade
in this country, and buyera in New
York. Boston. Chicago and other East
ern cities are eger to buy all of these
at the price fixed by the Government.
In ordinary years there might be com
petition in buying the 80-40S, as they
are larger and more desirable, but this
year the price is aet.
The prune crop this year is the great
est crop that has ever been Baved.
Weather conditions were Ideal for har
vesting, aa it did not rain to speak of
during the entire picking season.
In 1908 there may have been more
prunea on the trees at picking time,
but not more than 25 per cent of these
were saved on account of continual
rains, which rotted the fruit.
The Government this year prohibited
the shipping of prunes just aa the sea
son opened, so the packers could not
accept any more from the growers un
til the survey oould. be made so that
it could tell how many would be needed.
That was Just completed and the first
prunes were shipped yesterday. How
ever, the process of shipping this year
will be slow, aa the Government haa
not been ready to receive the goods.
There will be no fancy facing of
prunes this year, as the Government
holds this would be unnecessary labor
and expense, and that the prunes would
taste Just as well if packed in a box
withojit facing.
Congressman John F. Sillier to Take
Part In Campaign.
SPOKANE. Wash.. Oct tt. (Special.)
Congressman John F. Miller, of Seat
tle, win be In Spokane the first of the
week and will aid in the campaign here
for the election of Judge Webster for
Congress and ths rest of the Repub
lican ticket, says a report from Wash
ington. He expects to spend several
days In this Congressional district, then
will go to tbe Coast, where he la a can
didate for re-election.
The Republican Congressional cam
palgn committee reports that It ha
contributed 81000 this month, in two
payments of 8500 each, ro aid the can
didacy of J. Stanley Webster, Repub
lican candidate for Congress in the
Fifth District.
Rev. J. H. Leiper
1753 Haven St.
Says D. D. D. Healed Him of
Skin Disease It Will
You, Too.
For about fifteen years I had been
afflicted with eczema and had tried
many remedies to very little purpose
and no cure. Somewhat In desperation
I went into a druar etore and asked the
druggist if he bad any remedy for that
most annoying disease. He told me the
story of a friend of his who had been
similarly afflicted but, according to his
description, far worse than I and who
had been completely cured by D. D. r.
The druggist advised me to try a bottle
and If no benefit resulted from its use
to return the empty bottle and money
would be refunded.
I was aoon convinced, before the
bottle waa half empty, that I bad at
last found medicine that was not a de
ception. I persevered until the third
bottle was opened and partly used.
This was in the third month after I had
begun its use. I have a little left of
the third bottle and am entirely cured
of the ecsema. and for seven months
have had no sign of Its return.
The annoyance was so great and so
long continued, and the cure so com
plete, that i feel it my duty to make
known the above facts to the public
without money and without price that
others similarly afflicted may make
trial of thla remedy that has given me i
such entire relief. I send ttjls state
ment to the authors of this medicine
that they may use it in extending tEe
knowledge of the remedy D. D. D.
ikv.) j. xi. eiper.
k fc T" t. V. U
a household word. It baa proved Itself
. remarkable remedy, it you are a
trfferer from skin diseases, this rem
edy III not dlaappolat you. It has
stood the test ana today is tne master
preparation for all skin diseases.
uwi rug io., Bkiomore rug (o.
Walla Walla Woman Resident of
West Since Tear 188S.
WALJJV. WALLA, Wash., Oct. 26.
(Special.) Mrs. Emroeratta Lawson.
aged 65, died here today following an
operation two weeks ago. She was
the wife of F. M. - Lawson and was
born In Indiana In 1858. With her
husband and children she came to
Walla Walla In 1886, and they made
their home here ever since, with the
exception of a few years spent In The
Dalles, Or. She was a member of the
Christian Church.
Besides her husband, she leaves six
children Mrs. S. R. Kelly, of Wallace,
Idaho; C. E. Lawson, of Condon, Or.;
Mrs. Cress Cochran, of Walla Walla;
Mrs. H. C. Loveless, of Walla Walla;
Arthur Lawson, Camp Lewis, and Mrs.
Terry Johnson, of Salt Lake City. ;
Core Has First Snowfall.
COVE. Or.. Oct 28. (Special) The
first snowfall of tho season came on
Thursday night and covered Mount
Fanny and extended quite a distance
into the town. It is fair to augur from
this timely beginning a normal Winter
season for the Cove country.
Woodburn Board Claims Record.
WOODBURN, Or Oct. 26 (Special.)
Local draft board No. 2, of Woodburn.
sent out its questionnaires for men out
side the ages of 19 to 36 Just a week
ago today, and thus challenges the rec-
Before We Move to Our New Home
The Bush 8c Lane Building
Corner Broadway and Alder Street
The sale of used and discontinued style
pianos at our ojd store is fast dosing.
Only a few days more, then a complete
stock of brand-new pianos and players
will be on display in our new home.
.We have purposely reduced certain
pianos and player pianos in order that
they be sold before we move. (Note:
Bush & Lane Piano Co. are builders
of standard guaranteed pianos only.)
Old Store, Twelfth and Washington
ord claimed for local draft board No. 3,
of Portland, which sent out Its ques
tionnaires of this class today, ana ior
so doing claimed the record of being
first in Oregon.
Echo Government Employe Charged
With Robbing Letters.
PENDLETON, Or., Oct 26. (Spe
cial.) w: K. McFaul, mallcarrier at
Echo, has been placed under arrest by
Postal Inspector H. F. Peacock and is
In jail here under $2000 bond charged
with robbing tho United States mail.
It Is alleged that McFaul secured
money orders, checks and cash to the
extent of $200 by opening., leters in
which ' they were contained and ap
proprlatlng them to his own s.
I Has Done for Me
If My
Mrs. Albert Huet, 164 Hackmatack
St, South Manchester, Conn-, writes:
-' "1 had catarrh of the stomach.
bowels and liver. I had all tbe doc
tors of South Manchester and also a
specialist from Hartford, Conn., but
sad to say In the end I was taken to
my bed entirely. Today I ant almost
ashamed to go around to my friends.
I gained so much In weight, from M
pounds to 120, which is enormous from
tha condition I was in. It is a year
since then, but words of praise for
Peruna were on my lips dally to friends.
Who have taken aay advice and are also
benefited. "
I wish yon could understand my
feeling toward yonr life saver. Perssa.
If I need a little cleansing, it's Peruna.
If my friends complain. I preserlb. Pe
runa, Ilka a good eld doetor a safe
medicine. Do mot forget to publish my
nanus in full for others' benefit. I have
taken Peruna and ala Hanalln. and
today I can say, thank God for a good
stomach and appetite. Thanks to Fe
runs once more. I work in a mill and
at home, and work also at night, and
still I get stronger all the time."
Wilson Approves Increase of Amount
to Be Raised for War Work.
CHICAGO, Oct 26. President Wilson
has approved an Increase In the amount
which the united war work campaign
will seek of nearly SO per cent, and the
organizations involved will ask the
country to contribute $250,000,000 In
the week of November 11, said John R.
Mott, director of the campaign, in a
statement before a conference of work
ers from 14 states today.
Dr. Mott said he obtained this in
dorsement only a few days ago. and
then explained why the increase was
ccnsldered necessary.
Frencn Rancher Shows Patriotism.
COVE, Or.. Oct 26. (Special.) Peter
Goyette, with a grain ranch four miles
out of Cove, gallantly upholds the patri
otic reputation of his native France and
his American citizenship by investing
the entire proceeds of his grain salea
In liberty bonds $7000 last year and
about $10,000 this season.
Phone your want ads toThe Orego
nlan. Main 7070, A 6095.
Those who' object to liquid medicines
can secure Peruna tablets.
Are yon tormented by Neuralgia,
Lumbago, Sciatica or any of those aches
that require a counter-irritant? Then
let ths soothing, warming application
of Sloan's Liniment stop the pain by
drawing ths blood away from the con
gested part
It is ths pressure on the nerves by
the blood rushing to the Inflamed mus
cle or Joint that makes you ache. So
when Sloan'a Liniment relieves the
swollen blood vessels by setting up a
counter-irritant on ths surface, ths cir-
t, iiwn mtn j i u j,i v '
culatloq is equalized, sympathetic
nerves all soothed and soreness or
lameness disappears.
Sloan's Liniment is probably the
counter-irritant most widely used to
overcome painful inflammation in cases
of neuralgia, sore muscles, wrenched
joints, strains, bruises, gout Rubbing
Is not required. This clear, clean liquid
is easily applied as It does not stain the
Generous else bottles At your drug-
pints. 30C 60O. I1.Z0.
foil ti n n
3 nil r
vS.i ' ' '
'results iii erenj stickf
Uniformity is another word for economy and safety. When the
same thing, happen with each pound of Giant Farm Powder, you
know not only how much to use, but what results to expect and how
to handle the explosive.
Giant Farm Powders are surer, safer and more economical because our tests guar
antee every pound. We maintain our own completely equipped chemical division
to inspect Giant Farm Powders during every process of manufacture. Absolute
uniformity means absolute dependability. Like results always obtained under like
conditions make western farmers prefer Giant Farm Powders.
"Giant Powder is the most satisfactory, , says John Zurr, Santa Rosa, CaL
"I account for this because Giant Powder is made with the utmost care."
Caution l Belt- yea ret the remrine. That other exploafrea are often called "Grant
Pov der" M'Tfl tfie hixh Qr ef tbe original. Look far tbe Giant tradc-eaark ea
Tbe coopon (or s postal nentiontnr thla paper) will brinr yea tbe Mr book "Better
Fanning." Tells bow to remove ammpe, prepars Ilea boda, sod da ail fcda of fsra
, vorkdiaapersad better. Write tor it now.
"Exruthtntfat 23 Una"
Home Offices San Fraacisco
rases Otoceai nearer, rortlaod Sale Lake City. Seattle. Spofcasa
THE GIANT POWDER COCoak, Flm National Bank mdr . San Franeiico
Send me tbe S2-aara Ulostnood book Better Farminr." I sat erserly
Inure atrrl fa (please check)
Stump Blasttaa Tree Bad Blastiaa
Q Boulder Blastiaa D Saoaoil BUstias
130 O Ditch BUacios Q Road MaJdas
Name ,