11 TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 27, 1918. NATIONALS CHOOSE VIEW OF BIG GAS TANK BEING MOVED TO BARGES FOR TRANS PORTATION UP THE RIVER TO THE NORTHWEST " STEEL COMPANY'S PLANT. THEIR CANDIDATES Fusion Ticket Announced by State Chairman Cleaver. OSWALD WEST LEADS LIST h Walter 31. Pierce Indorsed for Gov ernor and A. W. Lafferty -for Congress In Third District. . Eleven recommendations are made to the woters by the new National party, which is a fusion of Prohibition ists. Socialists, radical Democrats and whatnot. George Cleaver, -who ia state chairman of the party for Oregon, ad mits that the Indorsements have been given for the most part without so licitation. Leading- the list is Oswald West, Democratic candidate for United States Senator. Walter M. Pierce, Democratic candidate for Governor, is another of the indorsements. Judge John 8. Coke is recommended for Justice of the Oregon Supreme Court, and A. W. Lafferty is the selection of the Na tional party for Congress in the Third District. No Congressional recom mendations were made for the First and Second Congressional Districts. Seven Picked for Legislature. Only seven candidates for the Legis lature have been picked for the sup port of the National party. Of the seven, two are regular Republican nominees and the rest are National- 1 Prohibitionists. No Democrat, as such. : has been indorsed for the Legislative j ' t.J. ticket. The National Party in making its selections avoided candidates for the State Senate. As indorsed, the Legislative ticket consists as follows: Eugene E. Smith. Republican: Oscar W. Horne. Republican. These two are backed by organized labor and were labor candidates in the Republican primaries. W. F. Amos. Prohibitionist; Joseph K. Hart.Natlonal-Prohibition tst: J. W. Newell. National-Prohibition st; Ada Wallace L'nruh. National Pnohibitionist; Emma Wold, National Prohibitionist. Miss Wold is a sister of the militant suffragette who has been creating disturbances at Wash ington. D. C Labor Barks Oscar Hone. ' Gossip from la'.or cir .a Is to the affect that labor will not take an ac tive part in the campaign, other than to get behind Oscar Horne, candidate for City Commissioner. Mr. Horne Is also a candidate for Representative, but opinions rendered say that he can do this without a clash. As there Is very little likelihood of a contest In the Legislative campaign, the Horne forces are directing their energies chiefly to his candidacy for City Commissioner. It is because of this, according to labor leaders, that organized labor has no In tention of indorsing a number of can didates, prefering to centralize on Mr. Horne. in his absence from Portland in New York, Mr. Horne had charge of constructing part of the original subway and of other large building enterprises. He helped build the first incinerator In Portland and has helped build several of the sewer systems of this city, as well as serve as superin tendent of construction on a number of Portland's large buildings. fSUEfEI I.rHOIDCL?i Final Stage of Jonraey to River. Shortly After This Photograph Was Taken the Baraea Left Their Moorings la Tow of the Steamer Henderson. MING HUGE TANK FEAT JOB IS FIRST OF KIND PER FORMED ON PACIFIC COAST. Gas Receptacle Weighing 250 Tons Successfully Towed to North west Steel Company Plant. While in Portland yesterday. Justice Olson gave a little time to his cam paign. "1 can't do much, for I am on the job In the Supreme Court," he explained. I have handed down three decisions in three weeks, which is the average. Owing to my duties on the bench I am depending on my friends to make my campaign for me. Genevieve Hyatt, a seven-year-old girl, is an enthusiastic campaigner for S. C. Pier, candidate for City Com missioner. The little girl secured a number of the Pier picture posters and went around her neighborhood asking that the cards be placed in the win dows, as "Mr. Pier is a good man." MANY WILL WEAR MASKS Downtown Workers Asked to Take Precautionary Measure. A large number of offices and busi ness houses have asked their employes to appear with face masks Monday morning as a precaution against Span ish influenza. Here are the Red Cross directions for making the masks: Take gauze 36 inches wide and 43 Inches long. Divide into ' nr strips nine inches wide.. Fold each strip into halves, then into thirds, making six thicknesses of gauze. Turn all raw edges and stitch all four sides to hoid firmly. The mask now measures 7 by 8 inches. Put three pleats on 7-inch end, lower ple-t deeper than other two to allow room for chin. Width at end after ple. ts are laid. 2H inches. Attach a tape 12 lnhes long to each of the four corners. Place a black thread in center of mask to designate outer side. The moving of a big gas tank this week by water from First and Everett streets to the northwest Steel Com pany's plant for use in ship construc tion was the first event of the kind at tempted on the Pacific Coast. The tank was built for the Portland Gas & Coke Company in 1893 by the Stacy Manufacturing Company at a cost of $25,000. It weighs 2S0 tons and has a capacity for 15,000 cubic feet of gas. Clay S. Morse had the contract for moving it, with D. J. Disler, who built the Vista House, construction engineer in charge. Trolley wires and posts along First street were the first obstacles en countered, and several poles had to be removed. This done, the ponderous tank was put on a temporary track of heavy timbers. Hardwood rollers, with block and tackle and a large gasoline engine were employed to move the tank to the foot of Flanders street, where it was loaded on two barges lashed to gether. passing boats cut off their power and drifted past to minimize the ; wash. Wnen ready the steamer Henderson took the barges in tow and backed un- stream to the new location. Loading and unloading again at the steel yards, where it had to be run over 1000 feet of sand, was the difficult part, as the load was very heavy and awkward to handle. Disler has been working with his two crews 18 hours a day, and will continue for about two more weeks before the tank is placed in its final position. The tank will insure an even and steady supply of gas to the Northwest and Columbia yards. It was moved at the expense of the Portland Gas & Coke Company, which supplies all shipyards - I here with gas. J. H. BABCOCK IS BETTER Proprietor of Restaurant Recover ing From Broken Leg. James H. Babcock, proprietor of Bab's Restaurant,- at Broadway and Stark street, who suffered a broken leg in an accident a week ago, is recover ing rapidly at the Good Samaritan Hos pital. He wili be able to resume his duties as president and general man ager of the restaurant within a week or two. Mr. Babcock is well known all along the Pacific Coast and in the East. He has operated restaurants in San Fran cisco. Los Angeles. San Diego, as well as in Nome, Alaska, and in New York Purine this staee of the operation all and other Eastern cities. Lift Off Corns! "Freezone" is Magic! Lift any Corn or Callus right off with fingers No pain! OLD-STYLE COAT IS GONE Railroad Conductors Conserve in Purchasing Uniforms. Conservation is being practiced by passenger conductors on the railroads of the United States, under approval of the head;, in the adoption of the sack coat to replace the frock coat. From the fashions of earlier times In the railroad history of the country came down the style of coat generally worn by the knights of the punch. Now that cloth, which formerly cost J 5. 50 a yard, has gone to three or fo.. times that price. So far as the Spokane. Portland A Seattle Is concerned. Superintendent Liilie is sponsor for the newest fashion in coats. Postal Station to Move. Postal Station E. which has been lo cated on Glisan street, will be moved today to the new building on Broad way, between Glisan and Hoyt streets, and Station G will move as soon as its quarters are completed. It is estimated the main office, with its executive staff and workint; fo"-ce. will be in the new building a week from today, while other Federal departments will move as their quarers are completed. De cember 1 is fixed as the date when the new building will be completed in very detail. Drop A little Freezone on an acting corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift it right out. It doesn't fcurt one bit. Yes, magic! Why wait? Your druggist sells a tin bottle of Freezone for a few cents, sufficient to rid your feet of every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the much talked of ether discovery of a, Cincinnati genius. Barney Goldberg Sentenced. Barney Goldberg, who was arrested some time ago on a charge of bringing Intoxicating liquor from California into Oregon, was sentenced yesterday by Federal Judge Bean to three months in the Multnomah County Jail. James H. Garrett, who was held on a charge of bringing liquor from Wyoming Into Oregon, entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced by Judge Bean to 30 days in the County Jail. Millions Use . It For Co Because 'Tape's Cold Compound" relieves cold or grippe misery in a few hours Really wonderful 1 Ids Don't stay stuffed-np! Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose of "Pape'a Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken will end grippe misery and break up a severe cold either In the head, chest, body or limbs. It promptly opens clegged-up nostrils and air passages, stops nasty discharge or nose running; relieves sick headache, dullness, feverishness, - sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compound" is the quick est, surest relief known and costs only a few cents at drugstores. It acta without assistance, tastes nice, and causes no inconvenience. Don't acceDt a substitute. Insist on "Pape's" noth ing tide. Adv. . . ; Why Change? Justice Conrad P.Olson was appointed by the Governor from a state-wide field of aspirants. He is square, able and aggressive and has a capacity for effective work. Resigning his Senatorship, leaving his campaign to his friends, he has taken up his duties as Justice and has already handed down several opinions. In all fairness his appointment should be confirmed by election on November 5. Be sure and write his name and make an x as shown below. JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURT, Vote for One To fill vacancy caused by death of Justice Frank A. Moore. X Conrad P. Olson Paid Adv. by Olson for Justice Committee, 530 C. of C. Bldg., Port land, Or. SPECIAL To the NOTICE Public Telephone inquiries from Minneapolis physi cians and the laity, and letters from many parts of America, are coming into our office regarding the use of Benetol in the treatment and prevention of Spanish Influenza. Therefore I am employing the public press to answer two vital questions. 1st. Is Benetol effective against the germs of Spanish Influenza? YES, Benetol has already proved itself a pow erful bulwark in preventing and treating this disease as evidenced by medical reports already received. A home protected by intelligent use of Benetol may banish fear. . 2d. How should Benetol be used? Prepare a solution of one teaspoonful of Benetol and one teaspoonful of saleratus in a pint of warm water (two glasses). (The saleratus is not absolutely necessary but makes the solution better borne by the nasal muscous membranes.) Let every member of the family use this freely as a gargle for the throat and spray for the nose every night and every time anyone comes home from town or from play. For the nose this solution is best used in an atomizer. If nosecup is employed or snuffing from the hand, it may prove a little strong, in which case use half the quantity of Benetol. This solution keeps well for one week. To thoroughly and effectively sterilize the teeth and remove particles of food on which the bacteria might de velop, use part of this solution as a mouth wash and with it Benetol Tooth Cream. This Tooth Cream is itself a pow erful yet harmless antiseptic, disinfectant and prophylactic. (Physicians and dentists please note.) Benetol Tooth Cream cleanses and disinfects the teeth, destroying all germs which might lurk therein or thereon. This cream is alkaline, and I guarantee that it contains no harsh grit nor any other sub stance Injurious to the teeth. One of our Minneapolis physicians has personally gone to several barber shops and hotels instructing them how to use Benetol. Of course, in any developed case you will call In your regular physician to combat the fever, regulate the bowels, C " (Signed) H. C. CAREL, Originator of Benetol: Formerly Head of Dept. of Medical Chemistry in a Well-Known University; Director of Laboratories, The Benetol Company, Minneapolis. Already letters and reports are coming in from physi cians on the power of Benetol against the Spanish Influ enza. For example, from Massachusetts, where the epidemic rages fiercely, a physician writes as follows : "I have had scores of cases of Influenza and pneumonia and not lost a case yet. I use Benetol in every case as a -preventive for the family and as a remedy for those af flicted. I use it myself both before and after visiting each case." (Name of physician to any other physician on request.) This month a great military school with thirty odd developed cases wired for two gross Benetol. Every cadet was instructed to use Benetol every day, and thereafter not a single new case developed. Wfthin three days from receipt of the wire by us a notice came that the epidemic was checked and at the present writing four days later only one boy is as yet seriously ill. His was an early case before the Benetol was used. (Name of school on request by schools or physicians.) Protect your home and children with Benetol and ban ish fear. Gargle the throat and spray the nose every night and morning and whenever anyone comes into the home from town or play. Use the powerful yet harmless antiseptic and prophylactic Benetol Tooth Cream to root out germs from the teeth. This cream is alkaline and contains no grit, but is of great germ-destroying power. Purchase your supply from any druggist. The Benetol Company Minneapolis, Minn. You Can't Come Down Town Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN N an Selects al Party Candidates VOTERS: WhatlsYourBallotWorth? ' HOW MUCH IS TOUR VOTE WORTH TO YOURSELF, TO TOUR FAMILY, TO YOUR COUNTRY, AND TO THE VICTIMS OF EXPLOITATION? HOW MUCH IS TOUR VOTE WORTH TO THE EXPLOITING INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES? To some, the ballot is a mere scrap of paper; to others. It is a thing unclean, to touch which is to besmirch oneself: to still others, it is a mere burden; to the light-minded, it is a toy or a plaything like a rattle, a card, or a football; to the pessimist. It is a delusion and a snare a pawn on the chessboard of selfish politicians; to the direct-actionist, it is an instrument of oppression and exploitation, and to many, it is a means of ancestor worship. Strange to say, a few people value the ballot as their political birthright the most precious of their earthly possessions. The American ballot is the high-water mark of human evolution. In it our Revolutionary forefathers bequeathed to us an instrument forged in the furnace of the human sacrifice and suffering of the ages, tempered in the blood of soldiers and the martyrs of the ages, and shaped by the accumulated experience and wisdom of the ages. The American flag is the symbol of our freedom; the American ballot is real ization of our freedom. It is a disgraceful act to drag the American flag In tha dust. How much worse to besmirch the American ballot in the mire of parti sanship and selfishness! The American ballot, rightly used. Is a weapon that will overthrow any wrong, however deeply entrenched, and defend our rights against any attack, however powerful at least until the sovereignty of our Government is attacked, when we must resort to force of arms. But instead of charging our artillery with high explosives, we have too often used bird shot or blank cartridges, and too often we have turned It against our friends instead of against our exploiters. THE MEASURE OF THE MANHOOD OR THE WOMANHOOD OF AMERICAN CITIZENS Id THE SERIOUSNESS WITH WHICH THEY ACCEPT THE RE SPONSIBILITY OF THE BALLOT, THE INTELLIGENCE WITH WHICH THEY MARK THEIR BALLOTS. AND THE PURPOSE WITH WHICH THEY SELECT THEIR CANDIDATES. THE HIGHEST TYPE IS THE CITIZEN WHO DEFIES ORGANIZED GREED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE VICTIMS OF EXPLOITA TION. In accord with the foregoing principles, the National Party of Oregon presents the following candidates for your consideration: NATIONAL For United States Senator In Congress, for Term Beginning March 4, 1010. VOTE FOR OXB 14 McNARY, CHAS. I, of Marion County Republican 15 SLAUGHTER, ALBERT, of Marion County Socialist 16 x WEST, OSWALD, of Multnomah County Democratic-Pro. For Representative In Congress Third District Multnomah County, j VOTE FOR 0B 17 xLAFFERTY, A. W., Independent-National Party Republican ' 18 Mc ARTHUR, C N., of Multnomah County 19 SMITH, JOHN S., of Multnomah County Democratic 20 WICKS, H. M., of Multnomah County Socialist STATE For Governor. VOTE FOR 0H 21 x PIERCE, WALTER M., of Union County Democratic 22 RAMP, B. F., of Marion County Socialist 23 WITHYCOMBE. JAMES, of Marion County Republican For Justice of the Supreme Court. Justice Frank A. Moore. to Fill Vacancy Caused by the Death of VOTE FOR OXB (Write In this name and X) COUNTY For Representative, 18th Representative District Multnomah County, VOTE FOR TvVEI.VB 61 COFFEY, JNO. B. Republican-Democratic 52 GORDON. HERBERT Republican-Prohibition 53 HORNE, OSCAR W. Republican-Democratic-National 54 HOSFORD, O. W. Republican 55 IDLEMAN, H. L. Republican-Prohibition 56 KUBLI, K. K. Republican 57 LEWIS, D. C. Republican-Democratic 58 McFARLAND, E. C. Republican 59 MOORE, CHESTER C. Republican 60 RICHARDS, OR EN R. Republican 61 RICHARDSON. JOSEPH G. Republican 62 x SMITH, EUGENE E. Rep.-Dem.-Prohi.-National 63 64 McNAUGHT, ALICE M. Democratic MILLER, ROBERT A. Democratic-Prohibition 65 TREECE, W. H. Democratic 66 WILLI SON, RALPH A. Democratio 67 x AMOS, WM. F. Prohibition-National 68 x HART, JOSEPH K. Prohibition-National 69 HIDDEN, MARIA L. T. Prohibition 70 x NEWELL, J. P. Prohibition-National 71 x UNRUH, ADA WALLACE Prohibition-National 72 x WOLD, EMMA National OUR CANDIDATES United States Senator OSWALD WEST (Indorsed without "The man of the hour" for Oregon. If manhood and ability his knowledge) are above partisanship, vote for West. Representative In Congress A. W. LAFFERTY wno servea two terms in congress ana came nome poor. "Never give up the fight" is his motto. Your only chance to defeat McArthur this time is to vote for Lafferty. A (Nominated) vote for Smith is a vote for McArthur. Figure it out. Governor of Oregon WALTER M. PIERCE (Unofficially strength against weaKness. vigor against senility, states- indorsed) manship against partisanship. Pierce against Withycombe. State Legislature JOSj K. HART A man oz deep tnougnt and (Nominated) - places principle above policy. inspiring personality, who State Legislature WM. F. AMOS jur. Amos is a successrui pnysician ana leaaer in practical reforms. We need some doctors in the Legislature. Vote (Nominated) for him. State Legislature EMMA WOLD An educator or tne nignest oraer. worthy of your suffrage. (Nominated) If you knew Miss Wold you would vote for her. State Legislature EUGBXE K. SMITH tou win notice mat mis iwr. smitn nas tne connaence or all political parties, except the Socialists. He will bs (Nominated) elected and will represent us also in the Legislature. Main 7070 A 6095 State Legislature ADAH W. UNRUH A taientea speaiter ana writer, wno wouia oe an nonor to the state in the Legislature. Men say that women are (Nominated) prejudiced against their sex. Nail this lie at the polls. State Legislature J. P. NEWELL Civil engineer and well-known citizen, of the quiet, headed type. Foremost in reforms in Oregon for (Nominated) years. Elect him. level-many DO YOU BELIEVE THAT THIS NATION CAN PERMANENTLY REMAIN INDUSTRIALLY AUTOCRATIC AND POLITICALLY DEMOCRATIC? THE NATIONAL PARTY BELIEVES IN MAKING THIS NATION INDUS TRIALLY DEMOCRATIC. IT OPENS THE DOOR FOR ALL LIBERAL AND PROGRESSIVE GROUPS TO UNITE IN ONE NATION-WIDE PARTY AGAINST THE OLD SYSTEM OF PROFITEERING AND CORRUPTION. NATIONAL PARTY STATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 412 Merchants Trust Building, Portland. Platform mailed free. Phone Main 908. (Paid Advt. by National Party of Oregon; Geo. L. Cleaver, Chairman, 40g Merchants Trust Bldg.)