The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 20, 1918, Section One, Page 9, Image 9

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Latah County Council of De
fense Makes Complaint.
Carl II. Davis, District Manager at
lew Is ton, and R. W. Blgnell
Must Answer Federal Conrt.
MOtXW. Idaho. Oct. 18. (Special.)
Tarl H. Davis, district manager and
organizer of the Non-Partisan League,
with headquarters recently opened at
Lewiston. is under' arrest on a charge
of violating the espionage aw in Latah
County. The warrant for his arrest
was Issued by H. R. Smith, United
States Commissioner at Moscow, upon
a complaint sworn to by L. F. Parsons,
chairman of the Latah County Council
of Defense. The arrest was made by
a. Deputy United States Marshal.
R. W. Blgnell. another Non-Partisan
organizer, is also under arrest upon a
warrant issued by Commissioner Smith
on complaint of Chairman Parsons, of
the County Council of Defense.
Tor some time the Council of De
fense and the Department of Justice
have been at work on these cases." said
Mr. Parsons. "We secured satisfactory
evidence that these men had made
disloyal statements and that they were
injuring the work of putting the bond
drive over. After due consultation
Vith the legal department of the Coun
cil of Defense it was decided to make
the arrests. The men. will be given a
bearing before the United States Com
missioner. There is no politics in this
matter. It is a case of stopping dis
loyalty and opposition to the Govern
ment's conduct of the war."
Former Hood KlTer County Physi
cian and Coroner Becomes Major.
HOOD RIVER. Or. Oct. 19. (Spe
cial.) Local friends today received a
messaga from Mrs. V. R. Abraham, an
nouncing the promotion of her husband.
Captain V. K. Abraham, to a Major.
Major Abraham, who. at the outbreak of
the war, was commissioned a First
Lieutenant, has just been transferred
from Fort Riley. Kas.. to Camp Dev
ans. Mass, where he is director of am
bulance companies of the Twelfth
Major Abraham. formerly County
Fhysician and Coroner here, lived at
Forest Orove, where his parents now
reside. Mrs. Abraham and children
have removed from Junction City to
Forest Grove.
William Wines Meets Tragic Death
at Aberdeen Plant.
ABERDEEN', Wash, Oct. 19. (Spe
cial.) William Wines, spruce division
oldier. employed as teamster at the
Wilson Bros. mill, died this morning as
the result of Injuries suffered yester
day afternoon -while at work. Mr.
"Wines was driving a horse hitched to
a truck in the millyard. and tripped
over the truck chains. Before he could
extricate himself the horse trampled
him. He was removed to a hospital
and the medical staff worked all night
to save his life.
Mr Wines was 18 years old and was
born in Wisconsin. He will bo given
military burial.
County's Loan Quota Already Kx
eeeded by $70,400.
HOOD RIVER. Or, Oct." 19. (Spe
cial.) This county voluntarily pledged
. over-subscription, and tonight the
campaign closed with 8:150.000, exceed
ing the quota by 870.400.
jj. H. Greene. Dee committee man-
; -.4 hMdnuKrterfl today that
his committee was trying to double
the subscriptions of all loggers and
bis final report tonight is expected to
rxtemd over-subscriptions several thou
sand dollars.
Banks report the total number of
nubscribers at 1991. i88 more than for
the third loan.
Special Ceremonies to Mark Unveil
ing of Monument.
DALLAS, Or.. Oct. 19. (Special.)
At a recent meeting of the Sarah Chil
dress Polk Chapter of the Daughters
of the American Revolution plans were
made for unveiling the monument to
be erected in North Dallas on Novem
ber I. marking the site of the first
courthouse in Polk County. That date
Is also the birthday of former President
James K. Polk, after whom the county
Is named.
The unveiling of the monument will
take place In the afternoon and the
plan is to make the event a special
holiday for the city.
Aberdeen Department Stores Feel
Pressure of Kpidemic Ban.
ABERDEEN, Wash, Oct 19. (Spe
cial.) Department stores felt the
pressure of the influens ban today.
City Physician C. K. Bartlett instructed
department stores to hold no special
ales until the epidemic abates.
... H.hih hart advertised Satur
day bargain sales for today were told
to allow no crowds to gathen and to
post notices aavising pwio i -the
move after making specific pur
chases." '
Refrigerator Cars Scarce.
,-rv ht.b Or Oct. 19. (Spe-
eial.) Although not expected to- be of
snch duration as to become serious, a
shortage of refrigerator cars is being
w tho local sales agency. The
AnDle Growers' Association, formerly
. nr is rar dailv.
has been allowed but 10 per cent of its
requirements we pasi ""J
Banks Largely Oversubscribes
BANKS. Or, Oct. 19. (Special.) The
.ii.. nf RdnkL out on
the Tiliamook line in Northern Wash-
n.(nn roun r. RS9 iuo.n-nuru v
$61. 250 in the "fourth liberty loan drtve,
or close to 300 per cent over her quota,
which was 82. 850.
THE SUNDAY OKJiUU.MA, ruiilijAAU, uuiuiim
.ItllllMIII Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhlllliy
fJlllllllllllllllllllllllinillllHIIIHllllllHllimiMllimillllllllliiiiiiMiiiiiHmmi mm...... ,-
Jiiminmmimii mini mi iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimmiiiu
We Speak for Quality
in Your Footwear
Women's Brown Russia
Calf Shoes with long
vamps; military heels.
Smart, stylish, serviceable.
Priced $10.
Laird, Schober & Co.'s Ox
fords in brown or black
leather; heavy soles. For
Fall wear with spats $11.
IT is a time to choose your
footwear with care.
Your health your good
appearance depend upon
it3 quality and its re
liability. Much that is mediocre
and unworthy has taken on
the appearance. of true
worth, but the deception
soon becomes apparent.
We will neither buy nor offer
to sell a pair of shoes that is not
of sterling -quality. The manu
facturer who makes his mer
chandise of poor materials is not
welcome here; we do not wish to
deal with him.
The shoes we have here to offer
you are made in American fac
tories by men whose very names
guarantee quality. We deal only
with such, and it is only their
product that we offer.
Our Fall exhibit awaits your
Men's Fall Lace Shoes with genuine calf uppers and water
proof Neolin soles. Priced, the pair, at $8.00 and upwards.
129 Tenth Street, Bet. Washington and Alder
We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps
jin, imiiiiiiiii i iiiiiiii imiiiiimmiimimiiiiiiimiiiiiiimimmiMiimmir:
Chances of Two Clashes With Aggies
Depends Whether Military Author
ities Permit Trips to Be Made.
rvivERSiTV OF OREGON. Eugene,
. . c, v vnw t . - rirjtt time.
UCI. IV. tpetiw i-w. .
during this season of the year, Kincaid
field was deserted ima anernouu.
Ing to the ravages of the Spanish in
fluenza no game was scheduled for to
day and the team, which is slowly
-rounlng into form again, spent the day
in light practice.
Mautz. the 200-pound guard, is out
again, after having been laid up with
the "flu" for almost a week. Branden
berg. Chapman and Blake are not able
to get out as yet, but as none of the
cases are considered serious, they are
expected back into uniforms by the
first of the week. . '
Lay ton. who played center during
most of the Multnomah Club game, is
still out with an injured -leg. It is
hardly expected that he will be in con
dition to play before the first contest
with Oregon Agricultural College. Lay
ton's place is being taken by Callison.
a Eugene High School star, who fin
; i i . v. Mnitnnmnh erame at center.
Callison is showing up well and will
probably Stan in ine Bunm mm
Malarkey'e Spruce Division team here
next Saturday.
Roger flummer, me mra-ui.uut
backfield star from the Jefferson High,
is sick with the influenza in Portland.
Plummer was given leave by the mili
f lrst of the week and while In Portland
tary authorities to visit his home the
he caught the disease.
The idea of two games with the
"Aggies? is causing a great deal of
comment among the football followers
here. Speculation is rife as to whether
or no the military authorities of the
two institutions will grant leave for the
followers of the teams to make the
trips between the two cities.
Coach "Shy" Huntington, who is now
also graduate manager of the univer
sity, intends to put the men through a
week of hard practice before the game
the Spruce Division squad. No word
has been received from the Marines or
Camp Lewis, so games with these two
service elevens are still hanging fire.
Farmer Has Prize Hog.
fHEHALlS. Was.. Oct. IS. (Spe
ctal.) A Yorkshire sow belonging to
J A. Scotland, a farmer living near
.-t.ita ! m wur-tinie winner. This
week she gave birth to her first litter
of pigs. 17 in numoer, an ox wnicn a
alive and healthy.
' :
' NT xl r Xs J
Sanuel I. Pavelake.
Official notice from- the Gov
ernment last week brought word
to Mr. and Mrs. Sol Faveluke. of
310 East Thirty-sixth street, that
their elder son. Samuel L. Fave
luke. had made the supreme sac
rifice. Samuel Faveluke had been
missing since July 18. according
to a former- notice received from
the Government. The notice of
last week gives the fact of his
death, but supplies no details as
to where it occurred or inwhat
manner. Through Chaplain Gil
bert, of the former Third Ore
gon, efforts are being made to
obtain more complete informa
tion. The young man came to Port
land from Russia with his par
ents when he was 8 years old.
He enlisted with the Third Ore
gon in March of 1917 and was
transferred to Company G of the
ISth Infantry after reaching
The last word received from
him told of his participating in
the battle of chateau Thierry on
July 4. The letter said that he
was happy, but hoped he could
be back in Portland for his. 21st
birthday, which would have been
on December 21. 191S. After his
graduation from the Failing
Grammar School he was with the
Tacific Coast Biscuit Company.
Suspected Violators Are Arrested In
Southern Oregon and Turned
Over to U. S. Officers.
Bootleggers picked up by local offi
cers in Southern Oregon were brought
to Portland yesterday by Federal au
thorities. One group consisted of Moris
Minsky. Barney Perlman and George
B. Goldenberg.
According to their story, Minsky, who
is a jewelry salesman for a Portland
concern, concocted the scheme to make
money. Ho suggested that Perlman,
who sells newspapers, should put a ma
chine in the game; that Goldenberg
should pay for the gasoline and oil
and that he. Minsky. would furnish
money for liquor. They bought 144
quarts at Hilt, Cal.. for $300 and when
they were in Southern Oregon had an
auto accident which was their undoing.
John Parker, another alleged boot
legger, was in the party brought to
Portland. He was in a machine with
Jack Brennan when the latter was shot
by a Deputy Sheriff. There were 200
quarts in the car. George Lewis and
wife were the third group of bootleg
gers brought to Portland. They were
stopped on the Pacific Highway and
when Lewis left the machine to argue
with Deputy Sheriff Hopkins, of Can
yonvllle, the woman drove away. On
the way to Riddle she cached a stock of
liquor, picked up her companion in that
town and they escaped for the time
Penitentiary Investigation Shifts to
Oregon Metropolis.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 19. (Special.)
Attorney-General Brown, District At
torney Max Geblhar, of Marion County,
and District Attorney G. S. Hill, of Linn
County, will be in Portland Monday to
join with District Attorney Evans, of
Multnomah County, in extending the
State Penitentiary probe into that
Tt is Drobable that a number of pa
roled convicts, now in Portland, will be
put on the grill to divulge what they
know in regard to conditions surround
ing the issuance of paroles at the
Effective Monday. October 21, a new
teniDorarv timecard will be inaugur
ated on the Vancouver carline. Please
ask conductors for copy and save time
waiting for trains. Adv.
Centralia Boys on America.
nrvTOiT.TA Wash.. Oct. 19. fSDe-
cjal.) Mr. and Mrs. Grant Packard, of
Toledo, have receivea no worn irom
their sons, Lloyd and Pete, both of
i mcinh.r. nf f h crow nf
wnuiu ........ --
the transport America, which sank
Tuesday at her pier in noooicen.
two boys have made numerous round
trips between the United States and
Algdna Lumber Company Closes Mill
KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Oct. 19.
(Special.) To get the necessary re.
at Fifth
at Fifth
but you still can buy
Buy them and keep them!
' ' ' a,nB,,l,mm
if v i i ri i i ii urn y i -aY ri
This Queen Anne Dining Suite
Is Priced at $318
A suite of rare beauty, massive and handsomely finished. It is made of
beautiful American walnut, a wood that each day is becoming more scarce
and harder to obtain. We want you to see tfiis suite, whether you .wish to
buy or not. There are four pieces, perfectly matched, as follows:
54-inch Buffet $102, China Closet $83.50, Serving Table $50, Dining Table
with 54-inch Top, Extending to 8 Feet, $82 JO.
Our Dining Furaiture Occupies An Entire Floor Liberal Terms Made on Any Selection.
The Sale Paramount!
3000 Yards BodyJ3russels Carpets
including, without reserve, our entire stock of
Bigelow Body Brussels WhittalVs Body Brussels
Imperial Body Brussels
Every piece of these carpets that we own is woven from old
yarns and dyed with old dyes, which insure long service and
permanency of color. On account of the Government com
mandeering the great carpet mills the manufacture of Body
Brussels carpets has ceased. We cannot replace these fine
patterns; therefore, we have decided to close out every yard
of Body Brussels carpet in our store. We have arranged
the stock in three great groups, according to choice of pat
terns, and, beginning on Monday morning, we offer ' .
Regular $3.50 Body Brussels Carpets
at these three prices the yard: . .
$2.15- $2.45 , $2.75
There are 17 patterns from which to choose; some are with borders to
match and some are without borders. We urge immediate selection,
as these will be quickly sold at these remarkably attractive prices.
All are shown on the second floor.
Sewing and Laying, 15c the Yard
Portland's Greatest Sale of Floor Coverings!
Visit our Exchange De
partment for bargains
in Furniture, Heaters
and Ranges.
If you want to enjoy the best
music at a modest outlay, you will
want this splendid
which we offer in oak ox mahog-
any case, together with five Dou-
ble-Disc Records playing Ten se-
For Only !
$24.25 !
$3 Down $1 Weekly
We show all the models in Colum-
bia Grafonolas, and we cat-y a full
stock of Columbia Records. 1
This Beautiful; Library Table
Queen A tine Style
' Shown in solid ma-
PCZ AW Only $37.50
Let us add it to your ac-
- J count. '
The Quality
Bridge, BeachJ& Co.
is the result of
Over Three-quarters of a
Century Successful ,.
Experience in
We are the exclusive distributors for Bridge, Beach
& Co.'s Superior products. We can furnish you
with any heater or range made by them. We can
aiso iurnisii yuu
with any part
you may wish to
replace in your
old Superior
'.heater or range.
The quality of
Bridge, Beach &
Co.'s heaters and
ranges is well
known. If you
want the best
that ' which will
give you the
longest, most sat
isfactory service
come and se-'
lect from our
very complete
stock. Basement
. salesroom
x 4 : u
mmiimiiiiiiiiii iiimiiiiuiiiiiiiniiiii iniiiiiiinrnrnnnrnuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii g
pairs completed and get an unusually
early start on its operations next
Spring the Algona numoer wmpJ
. i...wi tta mill for the
at AiBoma lla
Winter according to an announcement
made today by Manager E. J. Grant.
The box factory which is maintained t.
... i T T .ill n all
connection wun me mm
Winter, he states. Approximately 20.
000,000 feet have been cut by the mill
this year, Mr. Grant estimates.
Hood Kiver Industries Stand Still.
HOOD , RIVER, Or., Oct. 19 (Spe
cial.) A repetition of similar circum
stances Just two weeks ago, industrial
PERHAPS you missed a chapter ot Dr. Davis'ai
intimate story about the Kaiser. But you can t
afford to miss a word. And you don't have to.
We knew it was too . valuable to drift away in the
pages of a newspaper, so we have put the whole
story into a big book that you can keep. It ta the
story that is being read in Paris and London to the
farthest corners of the Allied world.
Now in BooKRxrm
as 1 know him
by Dr. Arthur N. Davis
Fr Fourteen Years the Kaiser's Personal Dentist
Don't miss it. Get it to-day at the nearest
book store. $2.
i Established 18X7, -
lta piv.i At vl standstill today,
result of a flume of the Apple Growers'
Association water-power system wash
ing' out. Grinding macnines aim
at the Hood River Apple Vinegar Com
pany and elevators of the fruit agenry
were idle for the day, as were a num
ber of leaser plants.
Precautions Against
Colds and Grippe
Cohibating'epidcmics of colds and
la .gnppe can be effectively aided by a
rigid adherence tothese suggestions:
At the first indication of. a heavy cold or
la grippe, go Home. Call your family physician.
Drink one or two glasses of hot lemonade Oo
to bed. " Cover up well. Do not cough or
sneeze toward others, isolate yourself, as much
as possible, from other members of the iainUy.
The chances of "catching" cold, la grippe
or influenza will be .mnimizcdbyfonowine
these precautions:
Avoid crowd. Crowds spread infection. Take
adequate exercise. Live and work in pure, fresh
air. Get plenty of sleep. If possible, sleep in a
room by yourself. Keep your feet dry and warm.
If you need a laxative, take one. Don t overeat.
California. Fruit Growers Exchange
sl 'jVoH-trotit. C(Hfi-itiv OrganiMatiim ofSJOO Grown,
Lot Angeles, California (651)