The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 20, 1918, Section One, Page 7, Image 7

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WASHINGTON. Oct. 19. Casualties
reported this morning agregate
SSt, divided thus:
Killed In action. 123: missing In ao
tlon, 72; wounded severely, lis, died
from wounds. IS; died from accident
and other causes, s; died of disease, 20:
tiled from aeroplane accident. 1; wound
ed degree undetermined! 11S; wounded
Following Is the tabulated summary:
Iths Hp. Rfp. Total
Killed In action 8,411 123 .5:i8
I-ost at sea '- I
1I1 of wounds ..... . 3,&f
Xied of accident and
other causes 3.743
Total deaths l.s.- 17T
"Wounded 27. ISO 807
"Missing, Includ. prisoners 72
Total casualties 49.785 Sis 30,351
Eli Carl Klger. of Albany, Or., is
wounded severely.
Wesley J. Cooper, Forest Grove, Or
is wounded, degree undetermined.
Wesley T. Wells. 381 Yamhill street.
Portland, and Arthur E. Winkler, MC
Vernon. Wanh.. are missing.
Private Wesly T. Wells. 381 Tamhill
street. Portland, previously reported
missing in action, has returned to duty.
Following is the complete list:
ANGIKR. Albert E.. Allston. Mais.
DAVIDSON. Philip J.. Beaver. Pa.
(1ALL1UAN, Euane. Roxburr. Mass.
JONES. Walter S-. Buffalo. X. T.
Hcv'OXXELL, John W.. Yonkers, X. T.
fOHLVLER, Roy A, Pattersonvllle. X. T.
fcEVEKSoN. Will C. Jackson, Net.
BLAISDEI.U Clyde. Ekalaka, Mont.
Walter, New York.
CANE. William B. Helena. Okl
HELl'SER, George. Lons Island City, N. T.
nLULK, Hernard EL, . Lrfula.
fOBETA. Paul. Eprtng-vllle. X. Y.
THOMAS. John. New York.
WEBB. Samuel W., Ardmore. Ok la.
WINTHROP. John. BrynmawT, Pa.
A DOLPH, Harvey. Scranton. Kan.
HEXEDirT. Frank. St. CI til re. Mich.
HRENNAN. Edward C. Brooklyn,
1 EI SENDEN. Fay F.. Port Alleghany. Pa.
tiAGK. Charles R.. Conklln. X. Y.
C.ROSS. Rowland H.. Oelair. X. J.
HAM WAY. Charles, New York.
HARRIS. Harry, San Francisco.
JOHNSON. Charles Renwick. Superior, Neb.
JONES. Ben. Camp Douglas, Wis.
VtCOBMACK. Thomas. Chicago.
PATTERSON. Raymond H.. California, Pa.
r.MPr.K, i nartes jscason. jiicn.
PTI NTZ. Hugh O.. Lawrence. Kan.
THOM ASTON. Thomas. LaGrange, Ga.
TURNER. Lawrem-e W.. Newton. Kan.
WEIR. Henry A.. Winona. Minn.
WILSON. John. Whark. O.
SALESKI. John. Jermyn. Pa
IllDOEWAY. John C. mechanic, tolumbla,
POLL. Charles P., Bellefonte. Pa.
W IPES. John G.. Annawan. 111.
NEWBERRY. Sam. Rush Springs. Okla.
fcMITH. William Nathan. Oaarache, Okla.
f oofcs
fVlTH. Monroe. Blarkwell. Okla.
TEOFOLO. Matteo, New York.
ALLEN. John W.. Tell. Tex.
HASXES. Charles H.. Olweln. Iowa.
BELT. Floyd W.. Hickory. Okla
BURCZYK. John J.. Granville, Wis.
KLEMER, Alexander C. Cleveland, O.
i bAKH, ( harles C-. Miles, O.
CLARK. Oxlas Lanagan. Sand Springs. Okla
COCHRAN. Floyd B.. Batavla. X. Y.
CUBBERLEY. William R.. Trenton, X. J.
DIXON. Rodny E.. Funkatown, Mi
HON NELLY. J.ihn F., Philadelphia.
DRIS'OLL. William. Buffalo.
DUFFY. E.lward J.. Lockport. N. T.
DUNCAN. Frank W.. N-w Hampton, Ho.
DUNN. Frank. Eaton, Ga.
I'l SOLD. Joseph J., Manitowoc, Wla
MER. Albert L., Rockland. Masa
ErLER, Alvln P.. Mohnton. Pa.
PALLOWELL. Charles W. A..
FARROI.L. Sheridan P.. Madison Lake, X. T.
FAY, Philip J., Pawtucket. R. L
FEIGLEY. Edward F.. Helgerstown, Md.
FOSTER. Lee M.. Pittsburg.
FOWLER. John W.. Flemlngton. Mo.
FOX. Frank L.. West Duluth. Minn.
FREED. Raymond J.. Allentown. Pa.
C AG EN, Ixuu J.. Anderson, lnd.
GAXSLOSER. Frank A., Chicago.
CMIEHE, Donat. Woonsocket. R. L
GK1NCEVIH. Alii. Brooklyn.
CITSCHE.NRITTER. Joseph O.. Hartford,
wis ,
HAIR. William Oscar. Oore. Okla.
HARDER, clarence J., Tonawanda, X. Y.
HART. Daniel A.. Brooklyn.
HART. Maurice Z.. Hlllburn. X. T.
HAl'PT. Frederick. Brooklyn.
HEKMANN. Mathew A, Chicago.
HOLLEMAN. Hinton C. Eufauia. Ala.
IELASE, Nicola. Wilson. Pa
JACK. Robert. Van Buren. Ark.
J GNOV. William F.. Fochester. X. T.
JAIROPOI.1.S, Gust Shlroe. Detroit.
JOCHUMPEN. Edmond C. Tampa, Fla.
-JONE& John W.. Orient. X. Y.
JORDAN. Thomas E . BeguechlttO, Miss.
KEATING. Frank. Brooklyn.
KEISER. Warren. Lanadaie. Pa
KENNEDT, John F.. Downing. Tex.
KcrUAKT, James waiaon,
lloUldaysburs. I
KINCAPE. Harry H . Manayunk. Pa
KOBI.1TZ, Emily. La Croese. Wla
LABRUE. Clarence W. Midlothian. Okla
LAVA LLC Arthur A.. Salem. Masa
I.EHXEN. John H, Rochester. X. Y.
l.F.ON. Harry. Philadelphia. Pa.
LERor, Lawrence L.; no emergency address I
LORENZO. Demldn. Plttsbnrr. Pa
M-DKR MOTT. Thomas J.. Brooklyn.
MACIIPHERSON. Leslie. Melrose, Masa
MARKOWIZ. Louis. New York.
MUNN. Joe G.. Splro. Okla
NELSON. Frank. Valley City. X. D.
O'DONNEI.L. Daniel J.. Philadelphia
PAGE. John. Amsterdam, X. Y.
PASOOE. William T Parker. S. D.
PIKEL. Johan James. Paradise. Pa.
REXIO. Mike. Oldforge. Pa '
RINGLEY. Conley Barker. Hlttons, Va
EAMOl.LA. Lawrence S.. Rochester, X. x.
RKiliRVRKRil. Mav. Detroit. Mich,
SHROYER. Ernest W., Mountain Home, Ark.
FHUFF. Harry E.. Coalton. o.
FINi'OX George W., Phllllpsburg, Pa
EPPPHT ft'ft't,, T1 rns, Irl v n
FTEPANAUVRICH. Anthony. Scranton. Pa
WALLING. Raymond A, Danbury. Conn.
WALTER. John G.. Lancaster, Pa
WARNER. Floyd Charlea Waterloo. X. T.
WEST. Nelson B.. Gould. Okla
WIDEU Menso. Mauquketa. Ia
YANCEY. Pomey. Pullen. Va.
PEPPER. Benjamin P.. Philadelphia,
BELL. Walter. Aiken. 8. C.
HAMILTON. Ervin V., Bordentown, X. 3.
JOHNSON. William L-. Yonkers, N. Y.
McCAYWOOD. Percy. New Orleans. La.
AlARIOTTE. Alfred R., Syracuse. X. Y.
CAPFELI.ETTI. Amedo. Martins Ferry,
CIAPPONI. John. Flint. Mich.
CLEMENTE, Jesus. Brooklyn.
FETSl'HER. Valentine, Chicaga
HARG1S. Marion D.. Tracy City. Tenn.
HARVEY. Walter H.. Xew Britain. Pa.
JOHNSON. Johnnie. Knuta. Okla.
T.OYD. Wilson. Chester. Pa
RICH E Y. Frank. Bartlesvllle. Okla.
BALL. William R-. Linsey. Okla
RYDER, Anthony, Altoona Pa
SMITH. Reuben B.. McGuftey, O.
PEF.yKR. Rohert fl.. Lebanon. Pa.
Cured Husband and Child, Wife
and Mother
Mrs. A. Jennings. 1734 Armltags ave
nue. Chicago, writes:
"I heard of Mentho-Laxene about two I
years ago, and sine then would not bal
without it. My husband had been cough-
lng for about four years. Summer and
Winter, and now he Is cured of It. and I
for my child I think there Is nothing
better in th. world for coid, for it I
The best coogh. cold and catarrh I
meaicine e-er iouna is tne essence I
Alentno-LAxen. Directions with a 2 Vi-I
ounce bottle, concentrated, tell how to
make at home a lull pint of delicious, I
curative medicine. Adv. I
MORGAN. Charles B.. Springfield. IIL
TUMULTY. Patrick. Patcrson, X. J.
ANDERSON. Charles W Boston, Mass.
BARRETT. Bryant. Blythevllle, Ark.
BOLTOV. Rufus O., Sugar Station, Utah.
COLJ.IX8. Andrew. New Tork.
DE AX, James L.. BM-htwood. D. C
DEL.PH. Wslter B.. Gulliff, Ky.
EDMONDS. Edward T.. Rawllnss. Va.
El LAND. Fred, Ackerman. Miss.
EOLGER9. Wesley H.. Chicago.
GOLDBERG. Milton. New Tork.
HAUE.V. Albert, River Forest, IIL
HAXEY. John A,. Rivervlew. Pa.
HARTMAN, John Adam, Blair. P.
HAUUHEY. Frank J.. Baltimore. Md.
HOCKINdi William C. ivanhoe. Va.
IRELAND, Jamee L., Oconee, III.
JACKSON. Jesse C Detroit. Mich.
JONES. Isaac C. Euf-tula, Okla.
JONES. Jsssa Boyd. Bienville. La.
KAREHA. George. Jessup. Pa.
KING. Harry A.. New York.
KORTHALS. Joseph A. Detroit. Mich.
DUSSEAU. Rudolph William. Toledo. O.
DYER. Fred Lawrence, Apponaug, R. 1.
GOLDBERG, Emanuel, Granville, X. Y.
CAJtEY. Frederick J., Boston, Mass.
GRANEY, Thomas E.. Pltuburg, Pa.
.MUSE, Charles M-. Tucson, Ar'a.
NASH, William E, Weldon, Ark.
PKGG, Ernest A., Rochester, N. T.
UPP, Andrew J., Sbeldons Grove, IIL
FOUNTAINE. Harvey E.. New Toric
GARDNER. Ward A., Green Leaf. Kan. ,
KEMP. Philip c. Denver, coio.
PERKINS, Robert E.. Chattanooga. Tenn.
SCOBE1.L, Henry J., Cape Vincent, N. Y.
THOMPSON. Hugh S.. Chattanooga. Tenn.
WARREN. Edward R., El Paso, Tex.
PRESSMAN, Henry. Omaha, Xeb.
BUSHMAN. Henry R., St. Louis, Me.
FALLON. Michael J, Peabody, Mass.
FILESH IFTER, William, Rldgeway. Pa.
McBRIDE, Landy E.. Shawnee. Okla.
MAYER. Fred K Wllklnsburg. Pa.
MEYER. Charles Fred. Cleveland, O.
PATTERSON. Fred M.. Concord. X. C
POMBLES. Nelson. Mlddletown, O.
RADER. Eathel H., San Antonio, Tex.
RASSLER. Charles J.. Dover. N. J.
SHILLIXO. Earl Leslie, shilllngton. Fa,
WELLS, James M, Weliaviile, Pa.
CABBELL, John. Bynum. Tex.
COOK. William F., Oklahoma City. Okla.
CORKIGAN". Henry J.. Salem. Mass.
COTTON. Henry O., Worcester, Mass.
CROCK.E. Louis J., New York.
DAHL. Frederick O., Chippewa Falls. Wla
DEER INO, William B.. Cedar Springs, Mich.
FOUTZ, Robert L.. Chicago.
KAPUSCINSKI. Mike. Perth Amboy, N. J.
lukussu. iNicnoias, lirooKiyn.
McCREARY, Roscoe C Portage. Pa.
SIcMAUGH." Mallch Arthur. New York.
MADDOX, Samuel. Granltevllle, S. C.
I MOON, Charles M . Canaatota. X. Y.
MURPHY. John T, Brooklyn, N. Y.
PETERSON, Paul. Lin wood. Kan.
PRILL. Joseph. Marshfleld. Wla
REYNOLDS, Edward B.. Pine Bluff. Ark.
SOUZA. Entlne. Fall River, Mass.
THOMAS, Oscar B., Warrior. Ala.
THURSLAND. Edward, Brooklyn.
ITCHURCH, Walter U, Swlfton, Miss.
WEIM ANN, Herbert J., Burlington, Iowi
I W REYNOLDS, Albert, bugler, Ellsworth,
MEHRLE. Arthur J mechanic. Cape Glrar
deau. Mo.
I WII.ES. Harry wagoner. Abindon. IIL
GROTEWOLD. William H., farrier. Larch
wood, Iowa.
I QUIGLEY. John Robert, farrier, Phlladel
PRATT, Wilfred E cook. Stoneham, Masa
ALEXANDER, Frederick Xorria Salina, Kan.
BEATTIE. Samuel G.. New York.
BERBOHM. Martin, Hayward. O.
BOINHOIDT. Fred D.. Waterloo. Iowa.
CALISPOTE. Angelo, Blnghamton, N. T.
CAM BIO. Alesandrio, Cranston, R. L.
CAMPBELL, William. Milwaukee.
CLAPS ADDLE. Ray S.. Caro. Mich.
I CLEIM AN, Jack. New York.
COMPTON. Oacar F.. Afton. Okla
CONN. Jerome William, Toledo. Ohio.
CRAIG. Donald E.. Canton, Ohio.
CRAW, Roy Brannon, Grand Rapids, Mich.
CROP Harley D.. cartnage, r.
CUMMINGS. Bryon L.. Orange. Masa
DAHL. John. New York.
DAVIDSON. Guy George, Kanawha Head,
w. va
DECUYHER, Fernand. CFallon. HI.
DKMANDEL, Phillip B.. Tampa. Pla
DENAF.DIS. Antonio, Vsndergrift. Pa.
Dt TARANTO, Rocco, Brooklyn.
DODIK. Fmek. Corapolls. Pa
DULAX, Bryan P.. Rhlnelander, Wia
DRAKE, W liber R-. Fargo, Okla
DUR1E. Eucene. Chlaholm. Me. -
EMMICK. Clarence. Alpena Mich.
ENTELMAN. Albert H.. Savannah, Ga
EPP. Samuel P., Homestead. Okla
FA AS. Carl G., Williamsburg. Iowa
FALLON, George E., Chicago.
FK1 A, Frank F., Bowlua Minn.
FELL. Willi W.. Verdery, 8. C.
FENTRESS. Clyde D Maribel, N. C.
FOX. Howard, Mlamisburg, Ohio.
FOX. James. New Yora.
FRISCO. Domenlck, Franklin. Masa
FUTRELL. Hayward T.. Golden Pond. Ky.
GADZESKI. Ignata Rochester. N. Y.
r.II.I.MnRFl Kverett D.. Klncsburg. fl. C
GINOERICH, Walter H.. Lawn, Pa
(iOREZSKI, John J., Rochester, . I.
GORDON. Michael, Stubenvllle, Ohio.
rniHiu.Q Stnnlev PlttMbure.
HENDERSON. Samuel M.. Parthenon. Art
HISTON, Timothy G., Brooklyn.
HOLSIIAPPLE, Harold, Phllmont. X. Y.
HOSCHUER. Lorsn E.. Rossburg. O.
HU1TT, John O.. Lestervllle, Mo.
JOHNSON. Enoch M., Qulncy. Masa
KJI.EK, tU Carl Mrs. Lucy Klger, Albany,
KILBtTRX. George W.. Dsnlelsville, Ga
KING. William A. U. Brewer, Ma
KNAPP, Charles. New York.
LEE, Andrew A., Atwater. Minn.
LEI BY. La4Bol C. Phalen Staron, O.
McCLELLAN. Henry B:, Mllano. Tex.
MoCl'LliOCH, Dennis. Galesburg, 111.
McGREGOR, Vfhltmer R-, Klttanlng. Pa
Mc LOUGH LIN, Leo A, Phoenlxvllle, Pa
McVElGH. James H., Denver. Colo.
MARBOSKI. Anton. Manitowoc. Wis.
MAKSTELLER, Luther 8., Abilene, Kan.
MARTIN, Raymond J.. Pottsviue. ra
MAHONEY, William J.. Huron, O.
MATHEWS, Bcrton Jay, Caro. Mich.
MATZUKEVICH. Andrew. Chicago.
MAZO, Jacob, New York.
MOLL. Russell H., Reading. Pa
MOORE, John A.. Rome. o.
Hnvn, .Taekfinnvllle. Til.
MULLARKEY. Patrick J.. Scranton. Pa.
MURPHY. Calvin Howard. Greenville, O.
MI'RROW, Clay D.. Avalva Okla
NELSON. Julius. Jr.. Brooklyn.
O'BRIEN, Daniel Lester Josepn, Brooklyn.
OLOUIN. Juan H., Mora N. M.
O NEIL, Joseph P.. Grand Rapids, Mich.
ORR. Roland, Tallahassee, Ala
PEARSON. George, Marquette, Mich.
PERSONS. Harold, Rochester. Minn.
PHILLIPS. William Irving, La sauesviu
POLLOCK. Ernest R:, Concordia Ky.
PORCELLL Sam. Rochester, N. Y.
PORTER. Commodore, Hltchens. Ky.
PRICE. Robert E,, Llvermore, Ky.
rKifiu. Artnur a., eosion.
RAMIREZ, charlea Aloyloua San Franflseo.
RAMP. Edward O.. Marietta, Ohio.
RAT. Csrl N Commerce. Ga
REISINGER. Lewia Carman. N. I.
RUNDQUIST. Eugone H., Chicago.
RV.V l?n!anfl V ChlraeO
SANDY", Joseph Whitfield, North River, Va
SHAVER, Otis D., Onlde, S. D.
SKEELS. Norman, Milton, Vt.
SMITH. John H. W.. Washington. Pa
SMITH William S" Phlladelnhla
SULLIVAN. Marion. Cape Girardeau, Mo.
TAICH. Joseph. New York.
TANNER, Henry Guy, South St. Paul. Minn.
TIERNY. John Ftancla Pittsburg.
TIERNO. Gennaro. New York.
TOSI. Valentino, Torrlngton, Conn.
TR ESC HER. Fred B.. Jrannette. Pa
TRUDELL. Felix Alex, Menominee. Mich.
PLOEGH, Samuel Vander. Hills, Minn.
VANVOORHEES, Louis T Tonawanda
X. Y.
VAN ZILE, Norman. Botler, X. J.
VIDERGES, Paul. Jeanetfe. Pa
VISSCHER. Arthur R., Syracuse, X. T.
WATERS. Leo. Mobile, Ala.
WEAVER, Frank. Henry, III.
WEBER. August Frank. RoekvIUe Center,
X. Y.
WEBSTER, Joseph E., Xewton. Pa
WEGMAN Harry. Reading, Pa
WILBANKS. Folgler. Walnut, Mlsa
WILSON. Theodore Adams. Indianapolla
WOLF. Harry, Forest Park, IIL
WYNNE. Leo W., Brooklyn.
YADNOCK, Andrew A., Pottstown. Pa
YOUNG. Alfred Joseph. Suffern. N. Y.
ZIEOLER, John D., PotUtown, Pa
WATSON. Samuel. Chester. Pa
WHALEN. John P Irwin. Pa
WHALEN, John L.. Sayville. X. T.
WHALEY. Jesse A.. Greenwich. R. L
;."J'lE' - f V ,; ! - -
w,.viE. Lucius U.. Shelton. Neb.
WILLARD. Grover C Carnegie, Okla
Williams. Ben r.. Momuon. Ara,
wVp'UTen tt. Priersviiie'rpa0"
.... B,. Valla W V
u - nnn ntanlav Kenneth. Allentown. Pa.
WRENN, Earnest B, Washington, v. c.
ZACHERY. Ray B.. caraweii. iio..
day, Goy R., Washington, Fa,
HAWKINS, Joseph. Pine Knot. Ky.
(Degree Undetermined.)
DICKINSON, Stanley Reeve, Detroit
BLING. Herman George E, Batavla. X. T.
LAFFERTY. Daniel P.. Philadelphia, Pa.
BUTLER, Charles A., Brooklyn.
GEORGE. James. Detroit. Mich.
J JONES. William. Jersey City. X. J.
KAPELMAX. Gilbert, Brooklyn.
ROADSIDE. Metro. Coaldale. Pa
STANSFIELD, George E., Jr., Brooklyn.
VICH1K. Rudolph, Riverjiead, X. Y.
BARNES. Carol H.. Beaver Crossing. Neb.
BUTTE RFIELD. George A. Groveland, CaL
DONOHUE. Patrick. New York.
HENDREN. John C Philadelphia
HOPPER. Clyde M.. Caldwell. W. Va
KENDRICK, Leonard R., Fort Worth, Tex.
KENNEDY. William T-. Exeter, N. H.
KING. Samuel D., Barlett, Tex.
LAVERY. John H., Hartford. Conn.
LAWSON, Obedlah, Birmingham, Ala.
LEE, Howard H Waterbury, Vt
LEWIS. William H.. Laurel, Miss.
McDOWDELL, Willie J.. Columbus. Ga
MANN. William, Brooklyn. N. Y.
MEULI. Michael. Chippewa Falls. Wla
MILLER, William F.. I'ottsville. Pa
MINNERLY. Percy W., Vauxhall, X. J. s
MUNRO. John P., Dubois. Pa
NELSON. Cart H Hartford, Conn.
PURPURA. Paul. Frankfort. N. Y.
WRIGHT. Dudley Atherton. ForksvlUe, Pa
COOK, Benjamin J., Trenton, X. J.
WILSON, Rolland A, Geneva, O.
I'n votes
ALLISON. Charles E., New York..
ANGLE, Ross. Lufkin, Tex.
BAILEY, James A. TOwer City, Pa
BARNOT. Domlnfocas, Westvllle, IIL
BAUEK. Charles w.. Philadelphia
BELL, Norman B, Jefferson, O.
BENACQUISTO. Jamea Detroit. Mich.
BESWICK, Homer H., Auburn, X. Y.
BIDDLE. Thomas E., Philadelphia
BRANNER, Lyman C. St. Louis, Mo.
BROWN. Joseph J., Mabank. Tex.
BUTCHER. Anthony, Wondering, Pa
BYRNES, Harry, New York.
BRYXES. William L.. Brooklyn.
CALDERNE, Louis. Easton. Pa.
CALHOUN, John E, Norristown. Pa.
CH RISTMAN, William J., Brooklyn.
CODBRONT, Anthony. Haselton, Pa
COOL, Charles H., Fairfield, Pa
COOPER, Wesley J.; Mra J. Cooper, Forest
Grove, or.
CORDER. Leslie M., Larue. Tex.
CRAWFORD, Alvln B.. Brentwood, N. D.
CZERNECZKY. John, Manvtlle, X. J.
DELANEY, James J.. Elizabeth. X. J.
FAHR. Austin D., Reading. Pa
FASS, Louis P., Newark, N. J.
FENTZEL, Mathew, Tarentum, Pa
FLORES, Pedro M.. Las Cruces, N. M.
FORD. Owen. McGregor, Tex.
FOX. John V.. Sulphur Springs, Tex.
FRANCIS, William E, Glendale, Arix,
FREYER. George W Pittsburg. Pa
FULLER, Albert C. Frulta, Colo.
FURRER. Charles E.. Osceola. Ia
GODFREY. James T.. Valley Park. Mo.
GOTTEMOELLER. Emil A.. Henry. O.
HAMILTON, Howard J., Guide Rock. Neb.
HARDING, William. Toms River, N. J.
HARPER, James, Surginer, Ala
HINE, Robert A, Boonsboro, Md.
HOELEIN, Frits. Alleyton. Tex.
HUDSON, Poat, Annie Mannle, Ala
JOHNSON, Erford O.. TimpBS, Colo.
JOHNSON, John W., Lewlstdn. Pa
JONtS, Henry. Dealeroad, Ala
JOYNER, Frank, Fremont, N. C.
JUBKANIS, John D.. Nantlcoke, Pa
ALOYSIUS, Edward, New York.
KINMAN, Charles F., Benton, III.
KINZ. Albert H.. Indianapolis, lnd.
KOKENOS, Harry, Wellington, Kan.
LAPORTE, William J Lawrence, Masa
LARKIN, John L Whitewater, Wia
LEAKE. V. Artue, Quincy, III.
LEDERER, Lester D.. New York.
LEORON, Lester D..- Brooklyn.
LEUZZIO. Girard, Philadelphia
LIPSCOMB. Benjamin If., Klnsland, Ark.
LOH MILLER, Charles. Philadelphia
LOWRY, Stanley. Philadelphia.
LUNDY", Marshall M., Montoursvllio, Pa,
McCULLE Y. Joe. Hatfield. Ark.
McFARLAXD. William A., West Frankfort,
McGANX, Thomas J.. Trenton. N. J.
McWILLIAMS, Charlie. Tuscaloosa, Ala
MA HAN. Ray, Orleans. Ind.
MAR4UART, Albert J., Buffalo, X. Y.
MARHO. Antonio. New York.
MARSHALL, .Wright. West Salem, 111.
MEENACH. Arthur, t-ullerton. ivy.
MEYER, Alfred, Chicago.
MOYER, Harold U, Clarksommlt, Pa
WANNER. Leo M. C. Klttanlng, Pa
WAXMAN, Moe. New York. '
WHALEN, John. Bayonne. N. J.
WHARY, Klmber E.. Lewiston. Pa
WEAVER. George S., Martlnsburg. Mo.
WK1GELT, Horace W.. Colllnsdale, Pa
WESSELS. Henry J.. Richmond, Minn.
YOUNG. Robert W Auburn, N. Y.
Z1CKEL, Clarence E.. Reaaoner, Ia
ZIMMER. Frank A., Pawnee, Colo.
ZUKHLKE, Herbert W., Horicon, Wla
GARDINER. Newton S., Providence, R. L
CANNON, William H Dubois, Pa
t ornoral
RATTRAY. Charlea Chicago.
CONLEY, Thomas P., Sooth Boston, Masa
BEDsWORTIT. Rufus, Princess Anne, Md.
CLINE. Grant, Eureka Sprlnga Ark.
COLLINS, Jesse L., Tunnelton, W. Va
COOK. Emery, Dorset. O.
CRUSEMIKE, Maurice P., Philadelphia.
DASHEFSKY", Sam. Brooklyn.
DIXON. Jesse. Mobile. Ala.
DOVE, Jacob F., Hardin, Mo.
DRESS BACK. Ida Oblong, 111.
DUBIN, Abraham, New York.
DUIGOU, Pete, Mineral, W. Va.
K A RLE Y. Eugene J- Montrose. Minn.
EVANS, Howard, Brandy wine Summit, Pir
FAHEY, John P.. Old Forge. Pa.
FLOREY", Charlea E., Cordwater, Mich.
FONTENOT. Octave, Platte, La
FORD, John, Jr Brooklyn.
FORD, Peter D-, Bridgeport, conn.
FOWLER. Daniel. Clark. Tex.
FRADY. Charles B.. Lafayette. Ga
FRIED MANN, Walter, Villa Ridge, Mo.
GRIMES. William E., Alston, Ga
HOUSER. Charles R Pottavllle. Pa
HUBLEY. John W Richmond Hill, Long
Island. N. Y.
KARCZEWSKI, Fidelia Jersey City, N. J.
KRAUTER, Marcus W., Rochester, X. Y..
LA PIN, Harry. Dorchester, Mass.
i. E ITER. Wilson H-. Harrlsburg, Pa
LENDER MAX, Joseph X.. Philadelphia
LL'SAP.DI. Angelo, New York.
McKINNEY. Leroy. Coiumoua o.
MAESTAS. Alfonzo L Ocate, X. M.
MARTHER, Asaph Leon, union city, -a.
SCHULTZ. Phillip E.-. Philadelphia.
WATT, Arthur, Cleveland, u.
WILSON. Jesse J., Kingsland, Ark.
REARDON. Charles R-, Charlottetown,
Prince Edward Isle. .
RELALE. Angello, Rochester, N, T.
RICHARDS. Noble, Peking. Ind.
RIDDLE, James E., Burkesvllle, Ky.
RIDDLE. Porter H, Heglra, Ky.
RIFE. William K-. Parkersburg, W. Va
ROGERS, Frank Brooklyn, N. Y.
ROLPH, Fred. Lake City. Ia
r v a v .Tnsenh J.. Brooklyn.
SARGENT, John W., Mlddletown. Ky.
SCHNEIDER, Noah J., Newark, N. J.
SPILLMAN. Walter, Derry, La
8HEEHAN. George, Burlington, VL
STAPLETON. Reuben E.. West Plains, Mo.
TnrMPSON. Fred E.. Oneida. O.
TROMMER; William H., Cleveland, 0.
IDRINE. Elle. vine Platte, La.
ZEMAJTIS. George V., Belolt. Wla
WAGGONER, Priestly, Nonesvllle, Tenn.
WARDER. Elwood. Russelvllle, Ky.
.T..M of
.."('Dlslinct VisJo-l r
It's the Lens
. With the
Beautiful Finish
Our Punktals are the nearest to
perfection of any lenses yet manu
factured. They are made of the
finest glass and they give clearly
defined vision to the very margin.
Ask for booklet, "The Eye and
the Lens."
2imLFIjOOR opeoonun tiwa
WEAVER, Hugh B.. Anarga 111.
WEDGE WOOD, Robert, Hillsboro. X. M.
WEISENBACH, Charles, Monkton. Vt.
WELLEN3. Paul, Cheska, Minn.
HEI IS. Wesley T.; Emery H. Wells. 381
Yamhill street, Portland, Or.
WEST Roy. Olmstead, III.
WILSON, Arvle R., Ewing. Ind.
WILSON. Hugh Wlllet, San Francisco.
WINKLER, Arthur E. ; Mrs. Berne Brown,
Mount Vernon, Wash.
WISE. Cornelius J, Walnut. IIL
WRIGHT. Clarence, Erie, Pa
OTTAWA, OnL. Oct. 19. The name of
R. Hull, Great Falls, Mont., appears in
today's Canadian casualty list among
the killed In action.
Sunday Morning List.
WASHINGTON, Oct 19. Casualties
reported tonight are 734, classified
as follows:
Killed In action. 111: missing in ac
tion, 78; wounded severely, 260; died
from wounds, 88; died from accident
and other causes, 7; died of disease, 65;
died from aeroplane accidents, 2:
wounded slightly, 3; wounded (degree
undetermined), 140. .
A corrected statement of the total
number of casualties to date Including
those reported above follows:
Killed? in action (including 203 at sea) . . 9.9SB
Died of wounda viS2
Died of diseane t'Ai?
Died of accident and other causes 1,099
Wounded In action -I,2SI
Missing in action (including prisoners) 5.78.
Total to date 51,058
Captain Fred N. Insinger, Spokane;
Corporals Charles L. Bert Haines,
Marshfleld, Or.; Walter T. Ford, Cen
tral PoinL Or.. Gus Zoellner, wara
ner, Idaho; and Private Harry P. Casey,
Seattle, are wounded severely.
In the Marine Corps casualty usi
Comoral Geor-rb A. Greenlee, Idano
Falls, died of wounds: Corporal Marl
JYounir. 1303 Glenn avenue, Portland,
Is wounded desrree undetermined, an
Private Ephriam H. Davidson, Kuperc
Idaho, is missing.
Following are the complete lists:
HOOPES. Harold C, Ipava, 111.
LINCOLN, Atwell T., St. Louis, Mo.
LINTON. Frederick M., Roslindale. Masa
niBTVll) Tnhn I f Inn CitV ShOWn).
CHAM BERLIN, Guy Russell, Burlington, Vt.
HI. AS fMftlor. Buffalo. N. I.
ALHRECHT. Herbert William, jsernn, wis.
AMES, James S., Brooklyn.
BLACK. John M., Hollldaysburg, Pa.
CROWLEY, Edward Jerome. New York.
MCLEAN, Robert J., Munhall, Pa
VAJDA. Henry .J.. New York.
TURNER, Welton A., Gary, Irld.
WALSH, William M., New York.
BALL. George R., North Plainfleld, N. J.
CAMPBELL, Georgp W., St. Louis, Mo.
CLINTON, Harry F., New York.
DECKER, George W., Winchester, Tenn.
HORN, Thomas, Philadelphia.
KIMMBL, Donald Kenneth, Detroit, Mich.
LEE. Frederick C Fort Worth, Tex.
MHRRY, Clarence Fairbrother, Grand Rap
ids, Mich.
SIEGBAL, Walter, Shenandoah. Pa.
SLY, Lee, Bureka, Ind.
WILLIAMS. Ringlus, Brooklyn.
GARRETT, Mancll J., Denver.
COLE, Russell, Williamsport, Pa
AMMBRMAN, John B., Tonawanda, N. T,
BLACK. Benjamin H., Marion, Kan.
BRIGGS, Clarence E.. Wilmington. Del.
CAIN. Henry Earl, Anselmo, Neb.
COHENDBT, Louis Charles, Jersey City,
N. J.
COOL. John N., Port Byron. N. Y.
COONEY, Wlllard P., Utica, N. Y.
CROSBY, Harvey E.. Boxby, Okla
DAVIS. Robert M., Salem. Ky.
DE YOUNG. Peter. Grand Rapids, Mich.
DONOVAN, Frank Barnett, Cleveland, Ohio.
ECKEL. Guy E., Rushville, N. Y.
ELLIOTT. Ira N.. Danville. Va.
EMERY, Robert Stowe, Richmond Hill, N. Y.
1VJCZ. Steven, Cleveland, Ohio.
GALLAGHER, Alex., Paterson, N. J.
GALLAGHER, Llndley K., Wilmington, Del,
haley, Thomas J... Buffalo. N. Y.
HARCUM. Joseph Clifton. Franklin, Va.
HEHR. Charles Rae, New York.
HE1NS. John H., Chalco, Neb.
HERBKR. August, Akron, Ohio.
HBRTBH, Willie J., Rock, 111.
HBRRY. Edward C. Rochester. N. T.
HORN, Charles, Philadelphia.
RWIN, John S.. Jeannette. Pa
ML'LlsIN. Clifford Ogden. Coatsvllle, Pa
MURRAY, Daniel J.. Buffalo, N. Y.
OROURk'B, Michael F., Riverdale, N. J.
PATTERSON, Alexander, Sharon. Pa
PYLLB, Henry M., Castieton, HI.
RAVELING, William C, Rock Rapids. Ia.
REASONER, Fred EL, Zephyr, Tex.
HHANKLES, John W.. New Hope, Ark.
SLACK, Webster, Delaware, Ohio.
STAMM, Boyd, Severence, Kan.
STAUBITZ, Philip. Pearl River. N. T.
STRANDBERG, Cornelius F., Jersey City,
TBLESHA, Peter, Throop, Pa
HBMERT, Gerrit Van. Fella, la
VARGASON, Harry D., Haselton, Ia
VITALE. Joseph, Brooklyn, N. Y.
WEISS. Emil. Auburn. Mich.
WBNZEL. Byron Walter. Sturgia Mich.
WHATLEY, James T., Chicago.
WHITE. Nathaniel C, Chicago.
winuABsm, Aladyaiaw. Detroit, Mich.
AMMON, Tobias. Brooklvn.
ANTRH.LO. Pan. Torrlccella, Italy.
My Special H.10 a!nd $10O
Diamond Rlsm Have No
Watches You Can
Depend Upon
It pays to choose the house
from which to purchase a
watch, with just as much
care as in the selection of the
watch itself.
Here you will find the best In
American arid Swiss watches at all
prices Hamilton, Howard, Wal
tham, Elgin, Gruen, etc., for rail
road men as well as the thin model
dress watches.
My offerings in women's brace
let watches and military timepieces
are large and comprehensive.
Credit Accommodations
Without Extra Charge
Largest Diamond Dealer In Oregon,
334 Washington SL, Opp. Owl Drag
$ 1 2.SO
See Display Ad. on Pagre 8, Section 3.
I rmsmmmmm
w -
Copyr$M 1918 Hart Sr ha finer & Marx
BELZER, Jobn. Cincinnati, Ohio.
BITTNER, Fred, Toledo, Ohio.
BRATSCH, Paul B., Lesuror, Minn,
CASSEL8, Marion, BylacaUffa, Ala
DUNHAM, Frank B., Santa Rosa. Cal.
D1STLB1R, Oeore A., Jefferson City, Mo.
EVANS, William, Cleveland, Ohio.
FHL.BER. Frank. Mansfield. Ohio.
FLBISCHMAJJ, Frank F., Backrlver, Md.
FOSTER. Thompson C. Ferry, Okla.
FULLER, Ralph Theodore, Oshkosh, Wia
GOOOIN, Richard J., Passaic, N. J.
OREBLT, T. W.. Battle Creek, Mich.
HARRIQAN, Lawrence, Watertown, N. J.
HOTCHK1SS, Harold, New Haven, Conn.
HOUR1HAN, John H., Arctic, R. I.
HUNT, Floyd, Bast Oranse, N. J.
JACOBS, Richard G., Philadelphia, Pa
LAWRENCES, Frederick, union, w. Va
McDONALU, Ralph C Logan. Kan.
MCMILLAN, Thomas M., Wheeling. W. Va
MAUK, Paul C, Altoona, Pa
MILLS. Albert F.. Akron, la
(Concluded on Page 15.)
We have a few pianos
that we are closing out at
Ellington, Walnut 285
Howard, Mahogany 180
Modello, player, Wal
nut S325
Ellington, player, Ma
hogany S425
Howard, player, Ma
hogany 400
These are all new goods.
Nothing but cash taken for
Music Co.
19Z. VmirtV, St
SB Jksll J. WL4aV ay A. a. By
I Portland's fog Music House
Finest In tba
There's an air of
warm comfort and congen-ialit-
about Seattle's famous
. hotel. Music and dancing in
cafe every evening a popular hotel
your friends will be here. Rates to
suit the most modest purse. Club
breakfasts at moderato prices.
In San Francisco
Geary Street lust off Union Square
Fom $10 a Day
Breakfast 60c Lunch 60c Dinner $1.00
Sundays: Breakfast 75c Dinners 1. 25
Municpal car line direct to door. Motor
Bus meets principal trains and steamers.
A Motet .
(w 2.00 upwards
fi0$Z&r SEATTLE.
I ST m
A Good Fit
for Every Man!
There Are a Good Many Men
. who have been going to tailors and pay
. ing extra high prices just because they
think they're hard to fit
These Men Want to Economize
Just as everyone does, but they know
it isn't economy to buy inferior ,quality.
They Can Come to This Store
and get the best quality going, all-wool
fabrics, fine tailoring and a perfect fit.
We make a Specialty of
Fitting Every Figure.
We have the clothes to do it with
Hart Schaf f ner '& Marx
if you're stout, extra big or heavy,
slender or very short; we can fit you
perfectly and save some money for you.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Suits and Overcoats
Priced as low as $25 and up to $60.
Sam'l Rosenblatt
& Co.
The Men's Store for
Quality and Service.
"The Best of Friends"
GOES often:to the laundry if it bears' the
Raririe VaM'&ad is most welcome home again.
. Itt all good grades and all good shades.
There is a Racine ibr all' soft shirt needs;
whether, it be a work, flannel or. neck .band dress
shirt.' -
9 iiflt ffriif fli Bactns flvtrt
your ivri dealer, and we
ioaist oa
t Take a glass of Salts to flush Kidneys if bladder
f bothers you $
Eating meat regularly eventually
produces kidney trouble in some form
or other, says a well-known authority,
because the uric acid in mea excites
the kidneys, they become overworked;
get sluggish; clog up and cause all
sorts of distress, particularly backache
and misery In the kidney region; rheu
matic twinges, severe backaches, acid
stomach, constipation, torpid, liver,
sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irri
tation. The moment your back hurts or kid
neys aren't acting right, or if bladder
bothers you, get about four ounces of
Jad Salt from any good pharmacy;
Gasco Bldg.
Fifth and Alder.
irTii i
mmiv. writ and tell Ae
will see that rati' ara sujiplMii.
the Sadot
Than a MUlion Friendi"
Back Hurts
take a tablespoonful in a iflasg or wa
ter before breakfast for a few daya
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the acid
of "rrapes and lemon Juice, combined
with llthla. and has been used for gen
erations to flush clogged kidneys and
stimulate them to normal activity; also
to neutralize the acids In the urine so
It no longer Irritates, thus ending blad
der disorders.
Jad Salts cannot Injure anyone;
makes a delightful effervescent llthia
water drink which millions of men and
women take now and then to keep the
kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus
avoiding serious kidney disease. Adv.