)"ilITW Yu--m -Tn - tt-i - --. f - 0 ... " ... ': K ' , v r-ss. sT . . ' ' ' iS "the 3ousfms) oy r-rrmisslon or the Estate of Samuel L; Clemens and t he Mark Twain Company copyright 191s ty the Mark Twain Company TOM SAWYER and HUCK FINN Novj Sank argue I jTT Let the Punishment Fit the Crimei Pictured by Clare Victor Dwiggins i 1 Hello TW J I lloe. Gonna. ,.1 Wl W f&n-f SCarJH Vou. Tcm carry aw IT I floTit war "hi! r,ti Lodky -wha-t Torn. StiR-a. inTc cm! 1 seen -im 3o . o 1 r " p J Humi I though 1 5cd-e! 1 I saivTc- 1,eyHV He -wds Titffc fore y&ilcys! CA M & nnit Ai ' T&ZE Thttf saun3 -rr - . fcs Kite ct leaves! JJid . yfu iop ake all fiem -fefet out a $ cjciw UUW"- TJ7 "-L .1fK7 AS tiuck an.' 3oe I u (s "feo tzd die 1btr ainf; hex. Eat H vou watft, ioys. Torn &irtk. liere So -ficrCJ OU"t -them Sutfar -rais irs . o , Iva e six in 1 Xki-ntr l " bold oyerj 1,11 tika , Sorno more In- jot better, 'StJjbT ' vety KiT2 -up? YepJ liim -tJia-t -wa3- tT Stars! a lo3y sirofr cati-t la "band or the tc it I It 1 1 X 1 J Hi Hi L