) THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 20, 1918. LIFE SKETCHES BY ARTIST "WHO SENSES SPIRIT OF THE DAY AMONG US MORTALS - Til ' ' .- : - , - . S ' law Jzdr rookie - : Xi'iliPk stuff , . fhmh mmk l MPtl lftftfl By W. E. HILL K i''tflftA frfe'l! 11 . S&Wj&Mk ' . Srl dj&WL-- ; TTi draft call for tenog among the limited e?ike methreache. camp. . ( fP VfOy . Private Merman I. on time for lfe I ' 1 ' 88- xeveUle even though he did mi- Vjfjfc ' f t7 gL I?5Sk feftIISM Judge the time it take., rookie to tt&Mfa $L I JLsSSA ' fa.tenonapairoHeggin.. Jf2 1 V V JT 'SV lfWfi 'J SsS; I . W-F delivered and -Hi 1 I M (w SSM 'Ji$r Private Snoolu fiK M ftft I1 A .v-. . '"You go find it 2i5,- who wa. told to f ;. Wv Kf - 9 M " lfUAOUH 8Ct i S -tick around m caie M ifSj fxSS? fcltet from mer aRBaaBp there should be any ftMfi& fill 'J r ft A Httie odd job ha ; Wy5i3y4s m tFS- "Cee. I wonder hohe hS t J W blanket to the up-'-V wUl Ja.tr rack. foV the et of ffSF W ' plyaergeant the morning, AaPSW. j Tt. ' "' V JfCfWV nfedeed: ySre 'iBflfe jyTTTj ir te?-? d0eXllWPrYou-veno flSii lU PjSI I I ; , he ha. but Beie. fiiU fKlKC I salved! iBaiHm - amm- - - TbJa Percy Carnegie. firt meal away frpm the W&Pifuitorift.,ajv4.heknow now why they caQ it-meW