The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 20, 1918, SECTION FIVE, Page 7, Image 53

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Portland Mazama Writes of
Scenery in France.
Corporal William M'allaw Etui
CUaiba to Height of 10,735 f'rrt.
ITALIAN mountmln scenery rivals tht
of the American Northwest, according;
to the description Corporal William
Wallace Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William A. Evans. 742 Montgomery
drive, wrote of some climbs taken on a
recent furlough. His furlough com
menced with a trip to Aix les Bains, of
which he writes:
"This Is the soldiers' leave area. It
Is on the beautiful Lake du Bourget.
which Is as blue as Lake Louise, and
with mountains around it. The most i
Interesting place there is the Casino or i
the T. M. C, A., situated In the old
rambling- Casino, next in size to that at
Monte Carlo. It has been closed since I
1914. although Monte Carlo is still open. "1ROPS are good in France this year,
Daring Airman Celebrates
Birthday in Novel Way.
Raymond J. Buckley Makes S3
Loops la Succession.
TUST by way of celebrating his blrth-
O day and on a dare of his comrades,
Raymond J. Buckley looped the loop
3 times in succession, once for each
The interior decorations are wonder
ful and the ceilinw in the south ball
room, which used to be the 'big game
room, cost Jl. 000. 000.
"There are still signs painted on the
engineer construction company, who
had landed just a month ahead of us In
France. Each of us knew of the oth
er's work during the past year; so we
had some great times comparing expe
riences. They left for other duties,
and also left a shower bath behind,
which we immediately appropriated
and started to use. It Is the finest
bath we ever saw when it works
right: but as the addition of one too
many sticks of wood makes it too hot
and the lack of one makes it too cold,
there Is often some argument between
the engineer in charge and the patrons. ye&r of hs Jlf
fortable 'quarters, kitchen 'and mess. After passing through all this un
hall, all of which are built of iron." I scathed young Buckley Known as
"Buck" to all his Portland friend;
broke his leg sliding Into third base
in a harmless little game of baseball.
It was pesky . luck, raised- several
powers, for in one week he was to
have received his commission as Lieu
tenant Now he must wait until, he
has recovered from that compound
fracture of the left ankle, for no com
missions are issued to men on the hos
pital list.
Toung Buckley Is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. H. C. Buckley, 461 East Broadway.
He is a former law 'Student at the
French Crops Good, Writes
. Sergeant Steudler.
Soldier Tells of Vlnltlag Flaees sf
Historic laterest.
according to the letter received re
cently from Sergeant William Steudler,
of Hillsdale, who Is overseas with the
regimental headquarters, Sth Engi
neers. He writes:
"The weather here is about the same
as in Oregon. You should see the crops
in France. They are wonderful and the
French people will have a big harvest
this year.
"The other afternoon I went for a
long -walk and saw many historic
"I have collected some Swiss coins
that I am going to bring back with me.
I have received no letters from home,
but expect one most any day.
"I am feeling better than at any time
before in my life, 'and am getting along
fine, so don't worry about me.
t ; -
Lars. William Wallace Evans.
Portlaad Masama. la Fraace-
Wlth the Old Third Oregoa
walls "Minimum 1000 Francs.' This Is
the place where Harry Thaw dropped
part of his fortune, also Jack Johnson.
J. P. Morgan used to come here to take
the famous sulphur hatha
"My second day at Aix, just as I was
leaving for a trip up Mont Revard, 5070
feet. I met a French captain. We took
the cog railroad because he could not
walk far. having been wounded in the
loot. We got to be very chummy and
were together all the time 1 was at
Aix. He says his only object in life
now is 'picking up American slang and
chewing gum.' From the top of Revard
we got a wonderful view of the Alps.
ML Blanc 30 miles away, and the
Italian Alps. In the opposite direction
we could look down on Aix and the
lake. It was a gorgeous sight
"That evening L. E. Anderson and I
rented bicycles, took the train for Mad
dones and then rode on our bikes to
Lanslebourg, where we put up for the
night The next day we climbed Mt
Cents. 10,733 feet The top of this
mountain is the border of France and
Italy. It was a dandy climb no
trouble at all and we had a wonderful
view of the Alps and the city of Turin,
"We returned to Lanslebourg at 4 P.
M. and found a grand reception waiting
us. for we were the first American sol
diers in that town. If we could have
drunk all the wine offered us. we would
have been paralyxed In an hour. They
would not let us pay our bill at the
hotel. We stayed there that night and
the next day went up the other side of
the valley and climbed Massif de la
Vanoise. 1I.9S2 feet This was a longer
climb but a good one. We encountered
quite a few crevasses, but they did not
hinder our progress.
"The next morning we left the hotel
at 9 o'clock to start on a ride through
a pass In the mountains. If Oregon
could only have such roads in her
mountains. We arrived at a little inn
at the base of the Le Grande Casse.
They also had not seen an American
soldier and they sure did worship us.
They just about exhausted my French.
The views in the little pass excelled In
some ways those of Ilainier National
"The old man at the hotel told us
that the pinnacle was equal to the Mat
terhorn In Switzerland. The pinnacle
was about 1500 feet and of solid ma
terial. It was the- hardest mountain I
have ever climbed and I had to stop
often to figure out how I was going to
surmount this or that obstacle. I
reached the .top but did not enjoy the
view, as I had to sit and figure how I
was going to get down.
"Our board and room while at Aix
was paid by Uncle Sam. We sure were
fed fine and had dandy quarters. I was
In a private family. Arrived at ' St
Aignan at noon ou Tuesday, the trip
taking 16 days."
Bickleton, Wash., Boy Finds
War Interesting.
Enthusiastic Tribute Paid to French
Forelffa Legion.
AN ENTHUSIASTIC letter from the
front has been received by Dr. A.
F. Brockman, of Bickleton, Wash.,
from his son, Cecil C. Brockman, Bat
tery A. 147th Field Artillery. Private
Brockman enlisted with the 3d Ore
gon. Battery A. in September, 1917. His
letter, written September 2, follows:.
"Ever since July 18 we have been
fighting with the Foreign Legion.
Tou have heard of them no doubt They
are the greatest in the. world and are
composed of all nations. .Out of 75,
000 they have 30.000 left They have
always stopped the Boche. There are
six Tanks left in the original Legion.
"We were talking to an officer last
night and he informed us that our di
vision has had five citations and is to
wear the cord. The whole division is
from the Middle West and West. We
made the big gain at Chateau Thierry,
and are doing it here.
"The thirty-second has been on the
line three months without a relief. We
expect It soon.
"I'm feeling fine and feel I am com
ing out of this O. K. For Instance. I
was riding my horse to water a few
days ago when a fleet of Boches, about
SO. came over and began to open up
on everything in sight. The bullets
coming down sounded like rain coming
through the leaves. When I got back
I found a bullet had pierced my saddjf
blanket Just behind the saddle, gone
through my horse's stomach and lodged
there. He died In a few minutes.
"I've bad shell fire, shrapnel and gas
with my horse running till I could not
get my mask on, and I've not been
touched. I've had men hit right by the
side of me with bullets, sniper machine
guns and bombed several times. If
there Is anything I haven't run into I
cannot recall It The bombs from the
planes are the worst of all.
We are forcing the Boches back
every day. A lot of them shoot their
own officers and come over to us vol
untarily. Most of them are kids from
15 to 18 years. We will surely finish
It by next Summer. Cigarettes and
sweets are very hard to get and cost
ike the deuce.
t ' ; f
. f 4
if '. v j!
f ' , J- I
it N x ' l!
ft- V " It
when I received my citizenship papers
"Today I am old, but still I do all
I can as far as possible. You know,
my dear son, that your oldest brother.
Carmine, died on the Gorizia front May
22 and your brother Altonion lost his
arm while on the French front Sept.
1.1, 1917. I did r.ot cry or despair,
they have done their duty, as I should
have done,' but now, my dear son, our
hopes are on you and you have re
sponded by enlisting, and you have
done well, and If it should be your
lot the same as your brothers, I could
not live without you. For I have this
little son, and he must be taken care
"Your family today Is living with
the thought of fighting the enemy of
all the world, as also your relatives
and uncles In Italy are fighting this
enemy, . this barbarous, . uncivilized,
thing, and we are fighting against
Austria in Piedmont In Italy, as (also
in Venetia and Lombardy.
"My son, I give you my benediction,
and go you also, my son, and do your
self as well as your country honor, as
well as for America and Italy and the
a hole civilized world.
"I am enclosing to you the photo
graphs, and I kiss you and your wife.
Salvatore embraces yoii as also your
wife, and giving you my highest and
sincerest regards and love I remain.
"Your father"
Hood River Soldier Falls
Before German Fire.
Captaia Livingston, In Charge of
Squad, Relates Experiences.
rjOOD RIVER, Or.. Oct 12. (Spe-
Raymond J. Buckley, Aviator.
Who Is Xotr on Hospital List
University of Washington. At the open
ing of the war he was in Government
service in Alaska.
The young Pontlander's daring in the
air has won him recommendation as a
future "pursuit chaser." .
Yankees Throw Off Shirts
and Go Over Top.
Larry Miller Lauds Americans as
World's Greatest Fighters.
Railway Camps in France
Cheer Fighting Men.
Letter Indicates Extent of Work
VndeVtakea Behind Lines.
War Breeds Fatalism Among
Troops at Front.
Sergeant Martin, of Castle Reek,
Finds. With Others, Worry tic
OW an Infantry regiment of
American soldiers ran out of am
munition, but fixed bayonets and
took off their shirts and went "over the
top," is told in a letter received by Mrs.
Larry H. Miller; of Vancouver, Wash.,
from her husband, who is In active serv
ice in France. He is an Oregon boy,
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Miller,
of Norway, Or.
"We just returned from the front
after a hard session with the Boche,"
he says. "Of course, we were victori
ous. We were highly complimented by
aivisionai commander and we
fTlHE members of the auxiliary of
.A. company E, oi the istn engineers
.Railway, received a letter the other
day from the writing committee of the
Farts of it are as follows:
"In our last letter we told you how
nicely we were getting the new camp
arranged. Well, we got everything in
excellent shape ana had a real model
and comfortable camp all finished
when we suddenly got orders to move.
We packed up in a hurry and took
everything along that we could, but
unfortunately the artesian well, the
big "chateau," the large vineyard and
the shady trees proved to be too bulky
a package to tke with us. Also, our
fine shower bath had to stay with the
"After a tiresome trip of two days
over a railroad which made up in
bumps and Jolts what it lacked in
speed and comfort, we landed "some
where in France," a place totally dif
ferent from the original "somewhere"
we knew first There it was calm and
businesslike, here it is hurry, speed and
strictly military. There we built great
permanent projects which will remain
a monument to American engineering
ability. Here we build vast temporary
plants and structures, each a compo
nent part in our great military ma
chine, which soon, we hope, will have
completed its usefulness. There our
work will remain as its own testimony
of our ability, while here our work is
not lasting, yet its result will endure
In history.
"We have the honor of being the
first company of our regiment to at
tain our desire of advance work, and
while that In itself means little, yet it
Is much satisfaction to us. Partly be
cause we appreciate being first and
partly because we are removed from a
part of the country that we knew too
lonr and were beginning to dislike.
"To-our surprise we found another
OIERGEANT Thomas F. Martin, Bat-
O tery B. 147th Field Artillery, writes
to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leander
Martin, of Castle Rock, Wash., under
date of August 20, from a. hospital In
France where he has been recovering
irom a gas attack::
"I think that by this time the Hun
has found out the kind of stuff we are
made of. He ought to, for he has used
up nearly 17 divisions trying to stop
us. It is a hard game on the horses
and on the men this following the
guns, which means travel, day and
night and when we stop there is al
ways work to be done.' "We sleep, when
we can and eat when we can.
"The country we are passing through
is devastated by the retreating Huns
until there Is scarcely anything left
The villages are only piles of stone.
The spirit of the infantry, which is
Heaven, Hell or Hoboken by Christ
mas,' is the spirit of the whole Amer
ican Army.
"I have seen quite a bit of war this
Summer: TouU Alsace, Chateau-Thier
ry. This life is breeding fatalism
among us - till we cease to worry.
If the shell hits you, why worry? and
if it misses you, why worry? I sport
a gold chevron on my left sleeve now
for six months' service overseas."
surely have a reputation for fighting.
When the Germans hear of this divi
sion coming to the front again they
will shake in) their boots, for the pris
oners we captured said the Americans
were crazy or drunk. The infantry
regiment made them think so. One
infantry regiment in. our division ran
out of ammunition, and they fixed
bayonets and took off their shirts and
undershirts and went 'over the top.'
rne prisoners who finally got back
or the lines, and they were very few,
said that the Americans fought like
animals or mad men.
"If you can picture, 3000 roaring,
screaming, whooping, shouting dough
boys stripped to the waist with their
bare arms and shoulders steaming with
perspiration from the long running
fight they made, fix their bayonets and
slowly but steadily advance across the
field, never wavering, never, looking
back, never firing a shot, for they had
none to fire, but they kept right on in
the face -of the snipers and machine
guns till they penetrated clear through
the Germans' third line of trenches,
then you have a faint idea of what our I
division did, and this is not bragging.
for other divisions are doing Just as
much every day.
"That is the spirit of 'the Americans
In this great war, and in France our
division walloped the Prussian guards.
me pick oi uermany, and did it on our
first tripto the lines. The engineers
went ahead of the infantry and did
work under fire. Yet, some people call
the engineers the non-combatant
tramps, or soldiers who never fight."
Lieutenant Merrill B. Moores
Reaches Ceiling of Sky.
It Is No Stunt at All, He Snys. to
Sail Over Paris Four Miles Above.
cial.) From a hospital in France,
recovering from a serious wound. Cap
tain W. A. Livingston, of a Canadian
regiment, writes interestingly to his
friend, J. A, Haviland, of this city,
about the battle in which he was felled
by the enemy.
"The Boche got me again in that
show east of Amiens on August 8, but
not however, until after I had made
a few of them useless to the Kaiser,"
says Captain Livingstone. "This time
I picked up a machine gun bullet
through the leg. It hit me just below
the knee and passed through the bone
without breaking it Some velocity,
"We had just advanced through a
wood where we captured -a number of
heavy guns and a few horses. Be
yond lay a ravine about 150 yards
wide and 50 feet deep. The east side
was a steep .bank crossing the valley.
that is easy picking for a bunch of
Scouts Come From Clouds.
"Suddenly there was a burst of shots
and my observer shouted for me to
open her wide up. There were six ma
chines after us. They were German
Pfalz scouts, a very fast type of single
seated scoats, and had come out of
the clouds about 1000 yards behind us.
I was going as fast as my machine
would pull and told my observer to
open on them as soon as they came
within range. A few minutes passed
Portland Youth Writes of
Life in Battle Zone.
Fred W. Keea Welcomes News Frosa
Ranks of Second Line.
FRED W. KEES. who for several
months has been In France as a
member of the headquarters troop of
and he opened up with his twin Lewis!, f""" Army CorPS, has been at the
guns. I glanced over my shoulder and
saw but three machines. I asked where
the other three were. He told me two
had climbed above us and the third
was trying to get under our tail.
' "Under the tail is a favorite place
for the Boche to attack a biplane ma
chine, as they can lire up through and
at the same time be hidden themselves.
My, observer could not Are on this one
on. account of the tail surfaces of our
own, machine being in the way. He
shouted that I better dive, as the
front according to a letter received
11181 weeK ty M. Sichel. 331 Washington
"I have been in what Is known as the
advance zone practically all the time
for the past four months," his letter
reads, "and during that time have seen
quite a few exciting times. Hav4 been
all through the American fighting dis
trict and have seen a great deal of
France. Of course I cannot tell you
Just where we are now, but can say that
I have been right in the midst of it all
me time. .
mj is in France, where he is stationed
at an experimental .field of the United
States Air Service some few miles from
Paris. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles B. Moores, of this city. For four
months last Winter he attended the
Boston School of Technology. Later he
was sent to CimpDick, Dallas, Tex.,
be-ing sent to France during the first
part of July. .
Extracts from a letter written home
recently are given here:
"I am in charge of -a department
which collects the data and records the
performances of the different airplanes
that is to say, we. take for Instance
a Liberty 12-cy Under plane and try out
different types of propellers, and turn
in reports on which type develops the
greatest speed or will climb to, the
highest altitude.
"There are two Second Lieutenants
with me, and also several enlisted men,
who help with the installation of the
different recording Instruments. It Is
up to me to take most of the flights,
as. I am responsible for the data col
lected; so you can imagine that I am
getting all the flying I want. . Of
course I am not piloting these ma
chines as yet as we -have regular de
tailed pilots that we call on any time
we are pulling off an experiment
These machines we have are some
what faster than those we had in
Texas, and also I have been nearer
heaven than I ever expect to get It
is no stunt at all to travel faster than
two miles a minute, or sail over Paris
four miles above. We go so high that
we are entirely out of sight to any
one on the earth below, but of course
we can easily pick out cities or vil
lages below us, that is, when it is no
too cloudy.
On these altitude climbs we also
have special oxygen tanks which sup
ply us with the right mixture of air,
because at these high altitudes the
air is so rare that one would become
very weak from lack of oxygen. It is
also very cold high up, and we have
these very heavy suits we call 'Teddy
Bears. We also wear thick gloves,
helmets, goggles, etc., so you can imag
ine how one looks with this outfit in
addition to a breathing apparatus con
nected with your face.
'Last Thursday I was up where it
was 17 degrees below zero tcentl
grade). Of course the Fahrenheit- sys
tem we use mostly in the United States
would only record zero weather. But
even that is a big difference in the
temperature from which you started
out in below, on an August day, for
"It takes generally about an -hour to
reach what we term as the ceiling, or
the highest altitude at which a plane
will climb. Of course you can come
down much faster, but even that is
regulated more or less in different
types of machines. Some would freeze
up their radiators if you dive for too
long a space, caused by the rush of air,
and one must level out and run their
motors several minutes to warm up,
before making another dive of say,
5000 feet at a clip."
-: J
t "Sif r
i4Jt 1
Captain W. A. Livingstone, W-ound-ed
by Macblne-Gun Bullet.
Portland Youth Sends Poem
From Battle Zone.
Private Knowlton Stevenson Writes
of Army Life Overseas.
tcivo roniana news.
"It is getting quite cold nights here,
but throughout the day it is very pleas
ant Am sending you a picture of my-
Boche was getting well under us. I
noticed that two of our own machines "Al Endres sends me The Sunday Ore
had dropped back even with me but gonian, and I am alwava clad to
were considerably higher. I nosed over
and turned to the right just as the
Boche opened on us. His bullets
whizzed by, but my position now al
lowed my observer to openfire on Mr.
Fritz and also the two gunners in the
ships above me opened and six streams
of lead were too much for him. The
tracer bullets showed that we were
firing through his machine. He ab
ruptly turned and went down and his
companions went with him. We were
crossing the lines now and soon landed
at our airdrome. It was 12:25 P. M.
"Examination showed that not a shot
had touched our ships, but I imagine
Fritz told how he had shot us up. Per
haps he had a right to, though, for
many of his shots were mighty close.
We had more than 70 photographs
which turned out excellently, so we
had done our duty."
Portland Man Three Times
"Over the Top."
Charles Coghlan, Aged 25, Engaged
im Recent Heavy Fighting-.
LAN, of Portland, has been in some
of the heavy, recent fighting on the
American front in France, according to
word received by his relatives here.
Three times he has gone over the top,
he says in a recent letter, and he adds
that he likes it.
Lieut Coghlan, who is only 21 years
old, is a nephew of Dr. J. N. Coghlan,
of Portland. He formerly attended
Mount Angel College. When the of
ficers' training camps were first estab
lished he was too young to meet the
entrance requirements and Joined the
Fourth Engineers at Vancouver. He
was transferred later to the officers"
training camp at Chattanooga, Tenn,
and after a course of six months was
granted a commission.
Captaia A. M. Fleming.
Lieutenant A. M. Fleming has
been promoted to be Captain, ac
cording to word which was re
ceived in this city during - the 4
week. Captain Fleming is a grad-
uate of the second officers' train- f
Ing camp at fhe Presidio of San :
Francisco and is stationed at San J
Diego, CaL t
Father Writes Feelingly to
Son in Service.
One Boy Killed, Another Wounded,
Parent Gives Third to Cause.
A letter "showing .the true spirit of
sacriflce and patriotism of Ital
ians in this country recently was writ
ten by a Kansas CJty father to his son
Just going into the service with 'Uncle
Sam. The father, whose name - is
omitted on request already had given
one son to the cause and another son
had lost his arm fighting in France.
But with all this burden .ho sent off
his third son with a "God bless . yoll.',
The letter, which was received by a
soldier at Vancouver Barracks, follows:
"You cannot Imagine the pleasure
which has been mine and to my heart
which gave to me your .first letter,
when I heard that you were a soldier
under the Star Spangled Banner of the
United States of America, for I swore
to defend that flag in case of need
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I started pashlng forward with my com
pany when one of the devilish machine
guns opened fire from a point about
300 yards to my right. He surely made
it hot for us. I immediately gave an
order to rush back to the bottom of the
"Just as I reached the top and was
about to take the first step down I
got it in the knee. I went down in a
heap and rolled to the bottom. It did
not put me out, however, and at once
I sent my corporal and his section to
the right to deal with the Hun machine
gun crew. He returned in about 10
minutes, cleaning his bayonet on the
grass, and I did not consider it neces
sary to ask questions concerning the
fate of those Boches.
"You may think we are a bit hard
and cruel with our enemies, but if you
had had as much to do with them as
I have you wduld take a different view
of it. I think they should all be killed.
The Boche's latest form of deviltry is
to set steel traps in No Man's Land to
catch our patrols, something like one
would use for vt grizzly. I tell you If
he ever catches me in one of them he
will find it harder to release me than
it ever was to put an end to a cap
tured grizzly.
"The French operated on our right
this time. God, they give the Boche
short shrift After lying there about
an hour, my company having gone for
ward. I captured six Boche sappers who
had been working on a nearby dugout
You never saw men more surprised.
They had been underground all morn
ing and did not know there was a
scrap on. They were inclined to argue
bit at first but a "Colt is a pretty
good thing to convince a. Hun who is
in doubt whetner it is a gooa ming
to surrender or not ,
In a short time they had impro
vised a stretcher .from two sticks and
a ground sheet and I forced them to
carry me the seven miles DacK to ine
field ambulance."
Private Knowlan Stevenson, son o
Mrs. D. J. Stevenson, of 678 East Sixty
fourth street, in a recent letter to hi
mother enclosed a poem written by a
fellow-soldier and published in "The
Stars and Stripes," the American sol
diers' overseas publication. Young
Mevenson enlisted with the Third Ore
gon when he was Just 17 years old. He
is the only son. The poem sent to chee
his mother follows, in part:
"There's a little mother I'm loving in
the land" across the sea.
Thru the softness of the twilight she
comes creeping close to me.
I can see her tender eyes
As they glow across the darkness with
a light that never dies.
Yes, she gave me to our country
though she might have made me
How she kissed me, smiling bravely, as
she brushed the tears away!
And her voice rings past the moaning,
past the battle raging near.
And she says, 'Be true and fearless,
just because I love you, dear.
"There's a little mother, she's waiting
in the land across the foam,
And I know that she is praying and
with honor 1 11 come home.
And I make myself a promise that I'll
Justify her plan
The ideal that she sets me, a soldier
and a man.
Liberty Loan Makes Strong
Appeal to Soldiers.
Sergeant Aeneas Small Writes In
Praise of Oregon's Record.
O. A. C. Graduate Tells of
His First Aerial Flight.
Fear of Lord Put In Boche's Heart
and Holes in His Machine.
NE can always pick an Oregon
man by the way he blows his
horn while playing in a band to help
boost the liberty loan," writes Sergeant
Eneas Small, who is with the Head
quarters Company, of the 10th Battal
ion, located at Camp Zachary Taylor,
"It surely is a wonder the way some
thing like the liberty loan wakes up the
boys in camp," he says. "They do all
that they can. Good old Oregon has the
record, we all know, and her boys are
are surely showing the get-up and go
qualities in doing their bit.
"Our band is an organization com
posed of men from all over the United
States. They have played at several
meetings already and are going to pa
rade in Louisville Saturday afternoon
and play for a big meeting immediately
afterwards. There will also be some
vocal talent displayed from Oregon.
"Not saying anything, against any
other boys, but there are nine sergeants
in this organization and six of them are
from the good old home state, Oregon."
Porto Kico Exceeds Quota.
torvallis, Oct. 12. (Special.) An
exciting encounter with the German j
oimianeo at the front in France is de-1
il,. k w t r-hamhsrlain. O. A. C. I SAN JUAN, Porto Rico. Porto Rico's
. - , ,,,,. , i quota for the fourth' liberty loan has
graduate and 'former instructor in ' or- g- fixed at 14,000.000. For the third
estry, who is now in i the air "'1"' liberty j Porto Rlco SUDSCribed a
t x . tnln '"tie less than $3,000,000. making a
to L. A. Lovett, professor of entomology I ... . nnn nn7, ',lh,toH f
in the college. The letter reads, in
Lieutenant Merrill B. Moores,
Portland Man. Who la la Flylag
Service In France,
"When full up we have in our aero
squad 20 pilots and 20 observers. Thurs
day my observer and myself had our
first fight with a Boche. We didn't
get him, but soon put the fear of the
Lord in his heart and a lot of holes in
his machine. He sent, a bunch of bul
lets so close to us that we could hear
them go by with a ping.
"Thursday was a typical day, except
a little more exciting than usual, so I
will tell you about it I am in the first
flight and on that day we were to go
up at daybreak, so were out while the
moon and stars were still shining. It
was a beautiful morning and we got
away with the first streaks of dawn,
saw the sun come up over a bank of
clouds far to the east, a most beautiful
sight,-crossed the ,lines at about 16,000
feet and went far back in Germany.
The 'archies' were rotten: They didn't
come cjose enough to give us a thrill.
We accomplished our mission and all
three of the ships came back safely at
7 A. M. We had breakfast and got
away at 9:45 on a photograph mission.
Cross at 15,000 Feet
"There were five ships in the for
mation and we crossed at 15,000 feet.
The- course we were to photograph lay
right over a large and important city,
which is a regular nest of anti-aircraft
guns, notorious lor tneir persistent ana
accurate fire. As usual, we were fired
on as soon as we crossed the lines, but
none of them seemed to be able to get
our range till we came to said city, but,
believe me, those boys there are good.
They put them awfully close and more
than :once I had visions of an interview
with the Kaiser. We came through,
however, with berely a couple of holes
in the planes caused by the bursting
shells, and after ten minutes we got
out of .range, of the batteries of the
city, and other, batteries opened on .us,
but they were poor shots. I could see
the shells breaking far below us.
"We finished our mission and turned
for home. The pilot and observer are
connected by telephone and I noticed
the "archies" had quit firing, so told
my observer to keep a sharp lo6kout,
as there were- probably Boche ma
chines coming. He replied that there
were three German machines behind us
but too far below to bother about. Just
the same, I was worried, for my engine
was not turning up well and a very
high wind was blowing ihto Germany,
making our progress slow. Mine was
the last machine. ia. the formation, and;
total of J6,000,000 subscribed for the
first three loans.
- " ?I
; tn
Ls,- I
Fred Y. Keen, AVtao Writes of
Surprise Attack on Germans.
self taken some time ago. Tou can b
assured that after roughing it around
the country I do not look much like the
photo now."
Yankee Spirit Never Fails.
Writes Fresno Man.
Roland Kanh Says Americans
Alert to Hun l'rartiees.
NOISE and glare of the "big game"
stretching for miles along the
American sector is described by Cor
poral Roland Kash, of Fresno, CaL,
in a letter received recently by D. V.
Lane, 469 Williams avinue. He writes:
"I am writing this amidst the noise.
rattle and bang of the bigrgest scene
I have ever seen. By being big, I mean
that the noise stretches for miles on
either side of us. The roar of artil
lery is deafening. You can get some
Idea of the big guns if you imagine
them hub to hub for kilometers upon
kilometers, all firing from six to 24
shots each minute.
'We have been in the big game now
for quite a number of days. The boys
are tired, which is natural, but the
Yankee spirit is stronger than ever. We
are in the thick of it. And wlj stay
until a certain tribe called Huns, are
so sick of the old U. S. bayonet, they'll
squeal 'Kamerad' every time they see
even a pocket knife. Believe me, the
bayonet is a grand little toy. We have
found that these women and children
killers are fraid of cold steel and will
holler 'kamerad' every time you get
them cornered."
, " ' . i
l ; , si
Ax t i
Earl S. Cobb.
Earl S. Cobb died suddenly at
Camp Zachary Taylor, Ky., last
Monday. He left the officers'
training school at Eugene four
weeks ago to train at the South
ern camp. He -graduated from
Portland Academy and attended
the University of Oregon for two
years. He left school to. become
associated in business with his
father, who is a well-known lum
berman, and he was connected
with the lumber business until
he went into the service this
Summer. He is survived by a wid
w, who-was Miss Ada Kendall,
and a small son, Kendall Cobb; his
father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
S. B. Cobb, of this city; two sis
ters, Edna and Grace, and three
brothers, Orville, Everett and
Hair Is by far the most conspicuous
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less treatment. If we are very careful
In hair washing, we will have virtually
no hair troubles. An especially fine
shampoo for this weather, one that
brings out all the natural beauty of
the hair, that dissolves and entirely re- .
moves all dandruff, excess oil and dirt,
can easily be used at trifling expense
hv simDlv dissolving a teaspoonful of
Canthrox (which you can get at any
druggist's) in a cup of hot water. This
makes a full cup of shampoo liquid .
enough so It Is easy to apply it to all
the hair instead of just the top of the
head. This chemically dissolves all im
purities and creates a soothing, cooling
lather. Rinsing leaves the scalp spot
lessly clean,- soft and pliant, while the
hair takes on the glossy richness of
natural color, also a fluffiness which
makes it seem mucn neavier man it
is. After Canthrox shampoo, arranging
the hair is a pleasure. Adv.
Ends Stubborn Coughs
in a Hurry
For real effectiveness, this old home
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You'll never know how quickly a bad
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there is nothing better for coughs.
Into a pint bottle, put 2Yi ounces of
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you can use clarified molasses, honey,
or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup,
if desired. Kither way, the full pint
Eaves about two-thirds of the money
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and gives you a more positive, effective
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pleasant children like it.
You can fee! this take hold instantly,
soothing and healing the membranes in
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bronchial asthma.
Pinex is a most valuable concentrated
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To avoid disappointment, ask your
druggist for-"2 ounces of Pinex" with
full directions and don't accept anything
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faction or money promptly refunded.
The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.