The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 20, 1918, SECTION FIVE, Page 6, Image 52

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Most of Ministers Are Members of Oregon Conference and Have Held Pastorates in Various Parts of State,
SKVUS new pastors called to Metho
dist churches In the city at the an
nual Methodist conference held
here last month have moved their fam
ilies to Portland and will take up their
work In their new pastorates as soon
as the churches are opened again.
With the exception of Rev. I B.
Jones, a returned missionary to India
who has been called to the Lents
church, all are members of the Oregon
conference and many are coming to
Portland to greet old friends made in
former pastorates about the state.
Rev. iilram Gould, newly appointed
pastor of the Montavilla- Methodist
Church, has been a member of the
Oregon conference for the past 31 years
and has filled 11 pastorates in the
tate. Shedds. Jefferson. Corvallis.
llalsey. Pallas, Lebanon, Forest Grove.
Woodburn. Newberg, Marshfleld and
the present call to the ' Monta villa
Paster Native mt Maine.
Rev. Mr. Gould is a native of Mllo.
Me., and made his home in the state
of Iowa for 20 years before coming
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to Portland. -tels eldest son, Clifton A.
Gould, is an instructor at the State
Agricultural College at Corvallis and
a younger son.' Vernon V.' Gould, is In
the Second Regimental Band at Van
couver Barracks. A daughter, Mrs. Ina
V. Bogges, resides in Berea, O.
Mr. and Mrs. Gould removed from
Marshfleld a fortnight ago and are
comfortably settled in the parsonage
near the Montavilla church.
Rev. Ll B. Jones is on an extended
furlough from the mission field In
India and has answered a call to the
Lenta Methodist Church until war con
ditions will permit him to obtain a
passport to India. Rev. Mr. Jones has
had charge of a boys' industrial school
In Aligarh. India, for the past nine
years. Sixty orphan Hindu boys have
been under his care and in addition
to schooling and religious training
have been taught carpentry, weaving,
the cobbler's trade and cookery.
Katlve Boys Lear a Fast.
Twenty dollars received In dona
tions supports one native boy in school
for a year and the demand of these
young Hindus for an education 'far
exceeds funds obtainable, says Rev. Mr.
Rev. Mr. Jones graduated from the
Garrett Theological Seminary, of Chi
cago, In 1908, following a four years
course at Parsons College, at Fairfield,
la., where he took a degree in liberal
Rev. Mr. Jones and family, including
his wife and two small daughters, came
to the states last Spring for a short
visit with relatives and were unable
to obtain passports for their return
voyage to India until war conditions
become more settled. The added year's
furlough is being profitably employed
In Portland as Rev. Mr. Jones, in ad
dition to his work in the Lents parish.
Is taking a course in dentistry at the
North Pacific Dental College to further
fit himself for the mission field. He
is also teaching physics and assisting
In the chemistry department of the col
Rev. Mr, Maclean Well Known.
Rev. Alexander R. Maclean, who has
been called to the Central Methodist
Church Is a native of Scotland. He
comes from vthe Sellwood church to
central and has Deen a memoer oi tne
Oregon conference for 11 years, having
also filled pastorates at Woodburn,
Grants Pass and Roseburg. Before
coming to Oregon he was in Phoenix,
Ariz, for three years, having come
there from Kansas, where he was pre
siding elder of the Independence dis
trict of the South Kansas district for
six years.
Rev. Mr. Maclean and Mrs. Maclean
&pd their youngest child, Constance,
who attends the Washington High
School, have removed to the neighbor
hood of Central Church within the
past few weeks. Their eldest daughter.
Miss Violet Maclean, is a teacher in
the high school at Ashland. A sec
ond daughter. Miss Maude Maclean, is
a student at Willamette University and
a third daughter. Miss Pauline, attends
the Agricultural College at Corvallis.
Their only son. Hector Maclean, is em-.
ployed by Dr. Clarence True Wilson
on the prohibition board in Washing
ton, D. C.
Rev. D. Lester Fields, new pastor
1 of the Rose City Park Chnrch, has
been a member of the Oregon confer
ence since his graduation from the
Kimball School of Theology ten years
ago. He was pastor ofthe First Meth
odist Church in ' McMlnnville for five
years and later answered "Calls to
South Salem and Dallas.
Rev. Fields Is a graduate of Wil
lamette University and Kimball Sem
inary and later returned to Willam
ette, where he took his master's de
gree. He has come to Portland from
the South Salem Church and Is com
fortably settled with his family at 1620
Thompson stfeet.
Rev. J. C. Rollins, of Centenary
Church, comes from a five years' pas
torate at Corvallis, preceded by three
years at Medford. He is a native of
Plymouth, N. H., and was a resident of
Albuquerque, N. M., before coming to
Oregon. Rev. and Mrs. Rollins and
their youngest son, Robert, have taken
up their residence at 644 East Ankeny
street, where they are at home to their
friends of Centenary Church.
Lieutenant J. C Rollins, their eldest
son, is now In France, and R. T. Rol-
111ns, the second son, Is employed at the
standller shipyards.
Rev. Gordon I Author.
Rev. W. S. Gordon, who . has been
called to the Sellwood Church, has
been identified with the Oregon con
ference for the past . 20 years. He has
filled pastorates at Salem, Albany,
Woodburn and Astoria. The past five
years have been spent at Astoria,
where, under Rev. Gordon's direction,
a $46,000 church has been erected and
dedicated free from debt.
Rev. Gordon Is a native of Illinois
and Is a graduate of Pacific and Wil
lamette universities. He is the author
of "Western Spirit," a coflection of
poems inspired by the Western out-of-doors,
which was published three years
ago and which has enjoyed a wide
popularity among lovers of verse.
Rev. and Mrs. Gordon and their
younger daughter. Miss Helen Gordon,
have removed from Astoria and are
making their home at 688 Tacoma ave
nue. An elder daughter. Miss Evelyn
Gordon, is a junior at Willamette University.
Rev. F. A. Glnn, newly appointed
pastor of the Lincoln and Westmor
land churches, is a more recent member
of the Oregon conference and has been
connected with church affairs in Idaho
for many years.
Rev. Edward Constant, of the High
land Congregational Church, in view of
the suspension of church services, pro
poses on Sunday to make a systematio
visitation among the homes of his peo
ple and conduct a three-minute service.
In which prayer will be offered for the
sick, the city and Nation, and also for
the soldiers and sailors.
The Rev. James McGugh, formerly a
foreign missionary to the Fiji Islands,
is in the city meeting acquaintances
interested in patrlotio war work. Ha
spent 18 years among the FIJI Island
ers, and he speaks in praiseworthy
terms of the natives. This is his first
visit to Portland.
The Rev. Mr. McGugh has been dele
gated by his superiors to evangelistia
work In the Northwest. Alter the
quarantine is raised he expects to make
arrangements with the pastors here to
preach fronrthe various pulpits. He is
affiliated with the Church of the Di
vine Word.
D. E. H. Pence, Pastor Westminster Presbyterian Church, Preaches Strong Sermon Showing God's Power in Past Events.
Pastor Westminster Prasbyterlaa Church.
John 111:14 For God so loved the world.
that he save his only berotten Bon. that
whosoever betlereth In him should not
?.rlsh. but have everlasting lit. Verso
For Ood sent not his Son Into tho
world to condemn tho world; but that tha
world through him might ba saved. "
RERE are the two poles of the
great project of the wonderful
Man of Galilee. Very great and
wonderful things have been said of
his loth verse, and there the comment
in stopped. Why stop at the 16th?
Vhy not follow on? Jesus bade us
ollow him, and that means on into the
ruths into which he leads us quite as
rnuch as his acts. John lil:l Is Chris-
tanity intensively stated; John 111:17,
xtensively. One deals with the Indi-
idual; the other with the mass of in-
Considering what Jesus proposes to
o for this "whosoever," to do upon
im. do with him and through him, his
rojects upon his behalf are quite as
tupendous as those which he proposes
o do for organized society.
Vilie ef Iadlvidnal Propovaided.
Never before did human propose a
rogramrae even remotely approaching
lis of Jesus in ambition, in calm as-
trance, in lofty benevolence. For the
rst time the value of the individual
as propounded. He had hitherto been
lost in the mass; he existed for It; he
went crushing into extinction when be
and it collided. Now Jesus discovers
him. challenges him, pedestals him.
discloses him to himself.
He is, then, not a mere wave rising
from the deal levels of a vast sea of
existence and being, only to sink and
fade out and back, lost to all hope of
identity, continuance, form or con
sciousness. He does not share the
brute's brief span along with a kindred
bone, sinew and form. The thing which
he had thought a soul, dwelling apart
from flesh, was not a mere echo of
mere material vibrations. There was.
then, a kinship within to God, and
there was really a God to be kin to.
Jesus was guarantee of this Is this
actually so? And is the Individualism
of the person to be shaped after him.
and was he the mould to which each
might hope to be fashioned?
We venture the assertion that In
these slowly percolating thoughts the
mere human came to its greatest. dis
covery concerning Itself. Moreover, we
are emboldened to say that democracy
was born upon that day that a ran
dom group of Syrian fishermen, who
had found congenial pursuit of a com-
on and hazardous business, met the
Galileean and made the great discovery
first concerning him, and then con
cerning themselves each concerning
Look, how that haunting, pervasive
word of Jesus, "whosoever," starts upon
its long, long pilgrimage; how it
searches out the solitary man, tracks
the desert after him. scents his trail,
hunts him down. Look, how once Jesus
committed himself to that search. He
never foregoes It.
Bring together the cosmos, the world.
with all its billions; it is made up of
innumerable "whosoevers." He deals
with the Individual. He begins with
him; never foregoes htm; there can be
no "cosmos," no world without him.
The hope of the world Is In the dis
covery which he makes of himself; that
hope rests upon the value which the
individual sets upon himself, as he first
borrows it from Jesus.
Indlvidnal 3Iaa Improved.
Soon a whole generation in that proud
Roman Empire will accept the great
Athanasian conception of what that
great life meant; and the individual
man will be whelmed with the conH
sclousness that he is to appraise him
self in the terms of value which he
had to God and that that value was
expressed in the agony of the cross to
save him.
Centuries will go on; here and there
will be the upstanding ones who shall
see that "whosoever" means individ
ualism wrought to its highest pitch;
who will see that the "manner of man"
which Jesus was was the mould Into
which he must be melted and refash
ioned; that the great God's enthusiasm
for and delight in human nature is al
ways human nature as Instanced in
Jesus; and that Jesus, upon his sacri
ficial cross, was the supreme expres
sion to which he, the man, must seek
to conform In spirit and motive.
Many there were, perhaps, but few
who blended powers to do conspicu
ously and win the favor of the world's
eye and make it loath to forget. But
Jesus was to come to John, ill : 1 7, only
through John 111:16, and he was patient
to wait for long until the "whoso
evers" were enough in number to min
gle arid blend Into a vast "cosmos" of
Great Outdoor His Recreation.
Jesus loved the cosmos. Order, sys
tem, method he had wrought creatively
into every atom. Jesus loved the city;
the desert and mountain were his rec
reation. It was at the edge of the
most intense civic entity of Its age.
packed with people, organized with
rare genius for social unity it was on
Mount Olivet, overlooking Jerusalem,
that he paused to weep.
It is human to weep. He wept for
sheer lonesomeness. He never before
felt so aloof from his kind. He longed I
over that city. It was the concen
trated essence of "the cosmos" of
which he spoke in John, 111:17. What
could he not do with it were it once
his? He was not to have it; he must
make a cosmos of his own.
Jesus needed that vast social organ-
Ism, the Greek and "Roman civilization,
to the ends of his propaganda. Histo
rians pause to note how happily the
spread of the Greek language and cul
ture made for the early expression and
Interpretation of Jesus': message. They
show how the Roman nation, had it
been proposed and accomplished in or
der to advance the cause of Jesus,
could not have accomplished its work
more happily.
But the providence whioh we invoke
and in the operations of which" we de
voutly believe, could not have had all
of that fall out by accident. It was
Jesus using To his own ends the high
achievements of human genius. Per
haps slwer genius never has wrought
a finer thing than Just those two great
Divine Plan Is Perfected.
AH cultures fell to his uses. There
was significance deep, divine signifi
cance that the superscription over him
and his cross was written in the three
great languages, representing the three
great el torts or ancient times at a
"cosmos," a social order, a culture.
If we postulate the Christ of the New
Testament, limn him out, triangulate
mm, struggle over and quarrel with
the little limitations of human lan
guage to define him it shall then be
easy enough to see that Paul's term
"fullness of time" was but his synonym
for our common word, "providence."
Jesus loved, and loved to use, the hu
man instrumentalities lying at hand.
lie invented no language of his own,
though he remlnted some of the great
est words in the Greek language, and
put to tnem his own image and super
But all of those ancient forms of so
cial "cosmos" wore out of act. Their
little systems ceased to be. A great
Divine Plan was on. "Races had worn
out their strains of blood. God was
the author of heredity; He had set lim
itations to it. New bloods must mingle
with old; vast reservoirs of racial po
tencies were held congealed in the
fastnesses of Asia and Northern Europe.
The fountains broke up. God found
new occasions, rather, wrought them,
in the rise of modern history. He
loosed the disciplinary and chastening
forces with which men struggled on
to tne ends or their liberation, their
new appreciations of liberty, on to
their self-realization.
Greatest Foe Now at Bar
And now, now in this belated hour.
long deferred, the greatest of all foes
to individualism is at bay in its cita
del, we nave cosmoses enough since
Rome; form after form of civilization
has risen and faded out; but at last
we have before us a fashion of hope
ful "world, ' a social order, in which
society Is about to come to its highest
expression and assume the aspects and
assurance of permanence.
Politically, Jesus was infallibly the
philosopher in John 111:16 and 111:17, and
in observing the logic of their order.
To him, of course, the political was
but a by-product In his redemptive
and creative purpose. Individualism,
adapted to and conformative to the
perfect collectivism, this he projected
morally, religiously.
That any so-called political pro
gramme for the mass which does not
anchor its hope in the character of the
individual, shall fail, is. a foregone
conclusion. The elaborate programmes
of Socialism top-heavy with irrational
expectations of and faith In the stable.
enduring, strain-bearing reliance of
the - individuals, these can hope for
success only as they take Jesus' spirit
ual meanings of John in:16-17 and
erect their superstructure thereon.
Jesus proposes in John 111:17 to sav
society. That is an ultimate end. In
Pb.rt it is already accomplished. The
Peace of Berlin will soon advance the
date of Its realization by centuries. It
will be a humanity vastly forwarded
in the century-enduring chastening of
God's merciful Judgments, which shall
take its new outlook upon a world
through the eyes of the men, who on .
Wllhelmstrasse cast one of earth's
most monstrous devils, Prussianism.
into the abysmal pit.
Deep in those men's hearts will ba
this judgment, that the contest was.
Kaiser and his kultur, versus Christ
and his culture; and Christ has won.
audiences. Beautifully illustrated in
color by J. M. and M. T. Bevans, this
delightful book, with plenty of con
servation, mirrors the true spirit of
happy, well-fed childhood.
The Sad Tears, by Dora Siirerson. 91.29.
tteorga H. Ixjran Company, New York City.
One eminent critic in estimating the
rses of the la re Dora Slgerson. says
at they show "the deep rushing feel-
g of a poet-soul broken on the wheel
The late Miss Sigerson was In private
e Mrs. Clement bhonter, and she died
nuary 6, 1918. from the worry and
tef, it Is stated, of the recent Irish
volution. Her home was in Dublin,
d she was a political follower of
arles S. ParnelL Her poetry has been
luted by the greatest contemporary
mes in England.
All the 45 poems within this book
re written after the beginning the I
war in 1314.
These Sigerson poems are Irish, ae-
us, beautifully fashioned and art
ial In merit to the best verse of our
e Kaiser As I Know Htm. by Dr. Arthur
. uivii, ). illustrated. Harper a
'roicera. .ew xora city.
or 14 years the Kaiser was the
ient of Dr. Arthur N. Davis, who
n lived in Berlin and became re-
wned as the Kaiser's dentist. Dr.
vis had many opportunities of know-
: the German royal family, and in
s book be rives intimate, half confi
ltlal pen sketches of them, but espe-
lly of the Kaiser. The book extends
301 pages, with 15 fine Illustrations,
t would be a pleasure to give a long
lew of this book, because It Is really
-th quoting from, but what appears
hln its cover already has been
-ited serially and daily In the news
jmns Pf The Oregonlan.
Four Tears bt Germany, by James W.
rard- Illustrated. Urossel A DunlaD.
aw York City.
his is' one of the big books of the
. written by the recent American
assador to the imperial German
-t. Mr. Gerard had access to so
y state papers and conferences that
is able to lay bare the whole of
many's state policy and numerous
mes for the enslavement of the rest
he world.
le book, which is Illustrated with
ral photographic reproductions of
es and documents, contains vital
sages of world-wide import, mes.
a which were published serially in
nt issues ot The Oregonlan.
The Late Dora Starersoa, Anther ef "The
Sasl Years," I risk .Poetry-
this genuine poet of the Pacific North
? mnd Other War Rhymes, by Anthony
war. si. aoiisi, lira at Co., Kaw York
ghteen rlnrins;, patriotic poems,
fully fashioned, every one of them
g worth reading. These poems all
. back to the present war. The moat
lnr one of them all being nndoubt-
the one called "Then Give Us
ira." it is notable that many of
i verses appeared in selected Amer-
newspapers. Including The Port-
la a matter of regret that pressure
-ece at the disposal of The Orego-
ts such that it is impossible te
any of these poetic passages ot
From Baseball te Borhes. hy H. C. Wltwer,
-i.o. iiiusiraiea. omaii, aiaynara at Co.,
Written in chatty, delightful slang.
of the near-baseball kind, and possess
ing an intimate, friendly- tone, this
novel of the big war consists of a series
of letters written by Ed Harmon, for
merly the famous southpaw, to bis
chum. Joe. Ed has real adventure In
France, especially in Paris, and is so
excellent a soldier that he gets a commission.
'From Baseball to Boches" contains
many a genuine laugh.
The Children of France. Illustrated. Henry
Altcmua Co., Philadelphia.
Children able to read easily will all
be charmed, with this delightful little
book, which consists of a series of sto
ries of heroism and self-sacrifice by
brave children of France during the
present war. The stories are told by
Captain Favor, an American who was
a member of the famous French For
eign Legion, his audience being chil
dren of his acquaintance. These stories
are thrillers, to th extent of 181
Ob Out HU1. by Josephine Daskam Bacon.
Illustrated. Charles 6crtbnars Sons,
Kaw York City.
Mrs. Bacon has the happy talent to
describe the entertaining ways of chil
dren, to fit both childlike and adult
Sunset Canada, by Archie Bell, niastrated
with mapa and 56 plates. $3.50. The
Page Co., Boston.
Possessing marked descriptive quali
ties, of 320 pages and attractively
illustrated, this book will make a most
pleasant gift book during the ensuing
holiday season, and is also worth while
to keep as a permanent record of British
Columbia and beyond.
We get an account of the settlement
of this Canadian province; its progress
from the early days to the present. In
cluding a review of the Huson's Bay
Company; variety of climate. Its cities,
towns and industries; a survey of the
different peoples to be found there. In
cluding the Japanese and Doukhobors;
and an analysis of opportunities to
homeseekers. sportsmen, tourists and
la American Family, "by Henry KitcheH
Webster. 1.S0. Bobbs Merrill Co.. In
dianapolis. In this Chicago novel Mr. Webster
writes with the ease and skill of a
practiced story-creator. He visions the
numerous, lively Corbett family and
makes them move and talk to "good
The time is from 1911 to 1916. The
whole recital has the structure and
charm of a sterling American novel.
"An American Family" appeared seri
ally in Everybody's Magazine under the
title of "The White Arc." where it won
numerous admirers. The big war is
Just touched on..
as to the finding of bank costs, how to
check profit leaks, simple cost systems
that pay, how to make every account
profitable, tested ways to reduce costs)
etc. The book is the result of many
years of business experience and re
search, and will well repay examination
and study.
The Girl He Left Behind', by Helen Beech or
Long. $1.35. Illustrated. George, Sully
s co., pew ion city.
Here we have an up-to-date war
novel, it is exciting and full of lively
Interest. Frank Barton, manager of the
riapwood-Diller Company, Is called
"slacker" because he doesn't enlist in
the U. S. Army at the period when this
country declares war against Germany,
The bad man of the novel is Jim May
berry, superintendent of the factory.
The heroine is Miss Ethel Clayton,
stenographer for Mr. Barton.
buddenly Barton sees a great light.
and he enlists and goes to the front.
Mies Clayton attends to his business In
the interval, while Mayberry continue
his work as Barton's enemy. The cli
max is well worked up.
The Greatest of These, by Lauretta Taylor.
si.oo. illustrated. George M. Doran Co.,
New Tork City.
Quite a dainty, winsome book. It Is
written by Lauretta Taylor, the actress,
to describe the doings of a dozen or
more of the greatest of America's
artists, donated for their time and serv
ice to tour the country for the benefit
of the Red Cross, in the presentation of
the plays, "out There," "The orange
Walk" and "Mrs. Hudd's Rooms." The
net result of this tour was that the
sum of $683,143.15 was collected for the
Red Cross. Nineteen handsome pictures
of theatrical stars ornament the book.
The Valley of the Giants, by Peter B. Krne.
si.40. DouDieaay, fag & Co., New lorK
Mr. Kyne writes strong, masterful
novels, full of big personalities, and
this one. The Valley of the Giants,
story of the California forests, is one
of his best.' The heroes are John
Cardigan and his son, Bryce, Califor
nia timbermen. They fight a corpora
tion, make industrial war and are in
teresting folk generally. The love story
In the novel is refreshing.
The Lore of Mnsie, by Olln Downas. Por
traits by Chase Emeraon.- 61.50. Harper
Brothers, sw rorK City.
Mr. Downes has done good work in
presenting these human-side studies of
great composers of music with stories
of their Inspired creations. We are
told of the meaning of music, what
kind of men the great composers were:
how they lived; what they felt; and
the circumstances which inspired their
compositions. The list of composers
presented is a long one and includes
Rossini. Verdi, Chopin. Liszt. Offen
bach. Mascagni. Dvorak, Grieg, Arthur
Sullivan, Berllos, etc
A. W.
Aeeowntlng and Coats, Illustrated.
snaw co., cnicago.
Here Is a scientific up-to-date book,
valuable as an office help, and telling
of new accountancy. We are Instructed
Fhilo Gnbb, by Ellis Parker Butler. 1.50.
illustrated. MougBton-MlIIlin Co, Bos
ton, Mass.
Mr. sutler In "Pigs Is Figs" was
funny. In his newest story of 352 pages
Mr. Butler makes us acquainted with
pniio uudd. who "learns" to .become
detective through a course of lessons
by the medium of a distance corre
spondence school. Mr. Gubb's adven
tures and escapades axe positively
Mr Antonla, by Willi S. Cather. SL60.
iiougnton-Miliim CO., .Boston, Mass.
In this sterling novel our author has
written an attractive, honest portraiture
of Antonia Shimerda, a Bohemian girl
wno makes her new home in Nebraska.
The story has wide 'appeal and is lm
stinct with the spirit of the prairie
w est. women readers especially will
like. "My Antonio" is also a charming
love story. - ,
Aahton-Kirk, Criminologist, by John T. He-
intyre. si.40. The r'enn Publishing Com
pany, Philadelphia.
Mr. Ashton-Kirk Is a crime-detector.
and a new. kind of Sherlock Holmes.
This story mirrors Ashton-Kirk's dis
coveries as detective, etc., and makes
mighty entertaining reading.
Gone Astray. $1.50.
New York City. -
John Lane Company,
and ending February 15, 1918. The
entries are vain-glorious and conceited,
qualities which, we are told, the Kai
ser possees abundantly.
The Soul of Susan Tellam,. by Horace
Annesiey v action, si.50. George H. Dorn
Company, New York City. , 1
Opening in Its recital upon a Sunday
in June, 1914, and in the village church
of Nether-Applewhite, England, this
novel Is one of the big spiritual ones
of the war.
Mrs. Susan Tellam is the heroine,
and she is calm, collected and worldly.
Her only child is a son, Alfred, who at
the opening of the novel is the village
carrier or expressman. He marries a
gentle, ladylike girl named Fancy
Suddenly there breaks upon this Eng
land of peace the big war. and Dacifists
and patriots bicker. Alfred enlists and
soon is made a sergeant.
Jl baby Is born to voune Mrs. Tellam.
Word comes that Alfred has been killed
in battle. The novel takes on a spiritual
tinge. Young Mrs. Tellam knows that
she Is dying and there Is one thrilling
cnapter in wntch the spirit of her dead
husband is described as ascendine: the
stairway leading to ner room.
The Children of France and the Bed Cross,
J une jticnarason ljucas. si.00. illus
trated Frederick A. Stokes Company,
A.tsw lorn city.
Told in the form of a series of rrrn nh
Ically written letters, thin is nn, nf
the most heart-rending books resulting
from the war. It reflects the spirit of
tne cnuaren of france. the Red Cross
and that of America at its noblest and
finest, answering gloriously the cry
vi f roues lor neip.
Entertaining and thrillina: reading.
this novel purports to be a diary writ
ten by Emperor William of Germany.
with entries beginning January 27, 1869,
PhlllD Kent in the IIti
Truxton Hare. $1.35. A healthy collection
of school stories for bovs. and featuring
out-door sports; -Boss Grant In Miner's
Camp, by John Garland. SI. 33. a rendahlm
novei or a camp in Wyoming;, for boys from
12 to 16 years; The Story of Silk, by Sara
ware jasseic, illustrated, 80 cents, an ln-
tractive story of silk-raising In France, for
boys and slrls from 7 to 12 years: The
Three Gays at the Old Farm, bv Ethel C.
Brown. 41. a charm in a- story about a farm
and country life, for boys and glrli from
t 10 is years; ana .Nancy Leea .Namesake, by
Margraret Warde, XL 35, illustrated, an en-xag-ine
school story, for cirls from 10 to 15
rears tine rena fuo. Co., Philadelphia).
VV TT T3v. (Is Ian. i". .),, 1
Robert Watson, $1.50. a via-orous novel of
tne Canadian foorthwest; The Man in Grey,
by Baroness Orczy, $1.40, a romantic, his
torical novel featuring: episodes in th
Chouan conspiracy in French Normandy, dur
ing- tne urst empire or napoleon G. ti.
uoran Co., ti, x.t.
Songs to A. H. R.. by Caleb Tounr Rice.
$1.35, poems, beautiful and uplifting-, and so
satisfying- that they can be read again and
again; Maggie of Vlrginsburg. by Helen R.
Martin, $1.40, a sterling novel featuring two
adopted children and "Pennsylvania Dutch"
people; Naval Heroes of Today, by Francis
A Collins, $1.30, illustrated from photo
graphs, splendid, dare-devil stories of the
doings of our American Navy in its war
against German might, stories of heroism
gathered from official sources; The Red
Heart of Russia, by Bessie Beatty. S2. Illus
trated, a thrilling', fascinating account of a
woman s personal aa venture, in revolution
ary Russia, with experiences of the wild
Bolshevik! ; The Boomerang", by David Gray,
91.40, illustrated, a fine novellzation of the
well known, thrilling- play of that name;
Our Humble Helpers, by Jean Henri Fabre,
$:!, 32 Illustrations, 374 paces, a first class.
instructive book for children and also grown
ups, a book dealing with our domestic
helpers, dogs, horses, chickens, ducks,
geese, etc., and written by a distinguished
scientist: Story-Hour Favorites, compiled by
Wilhelmina Harper, $L25. 19 short stories.
carefully selected from the world's best, for
jiDrary, scnooi ana borne use; The Brownies
and Prince Florlmel, by Palmer Cox, $1.50,
illustrated, a delightful new "Brownie"
bookful ef stories told with all Mr. Cox's
wonderful charm; The Mystery of Ram
Island, by Joseph Bushnell Ames, $1.35, a
readable story of life in the open, for boys,
and dealing with the boys' discovery of a
plot to establish a German submarine base;
The Girls of Old Giory, by Mary Constance
Du Bois,- $1.35, Illustrated, a lively story for
girls; and Lost Island, by Ralph Henry
Barbour and H. P. Holt, $1.35, illustrated,
an exciting full-of-lnterest sea-story for
boys (The Century Co., N. Y..
Walking-stick Essays, by Robert Cortes
Holllday, $1.50, 19 smartly-writ ten essays
on literary and other matters, essays that
already have appeared individually in vari
ous newspapers and magazines;' The Ama
teur Vagabond, by John and Robert Matter,
$1.50, the amusing and high-strung adven
tures of a natural-born wanderer, a college
youth, who starts without much money on
an ocean trip, to see the world; The Clutch
of Circumstance, by Marjorie Benton Coake,
$1.25, an excellent, vigorously-told English
war-novel, with a mystery element in it,
depleting secret service and international
plots G. H. Boran Co., N. Y.). .
The Paper Cap, by Amelia E. Barr, $1.50,
a splendid, stirring English novel, especially
delineating conditions of English labor.
workmen and leaders ; and A Daughter of
Jehu, by Laura E. Richards, $1.50, iHus
trated, a novel with a determined young
woman heroine, who runs a livery stable and
loves horses. an interesting tale (i-. Apple-
ton A Co.. N. Y. ).
Wilbur Crane's Handicap, by John Max
well Forbes. $1.35, the able story of a man
jailed for another man's crime, and who
afterward made good (Ueo. fcuuy ac co,
N. Y. ).
Adventures in Beaver stream uimp, dt
A. Bad cliff e DuKmore, $l.3o, a dashing story
of adventures in Newfoundland, sure to
please boys (Doubleday, Page St Co., N. Y.)
The Mystery oi tne tea i? tame, oy ueorge
Barton, $1.35, a rapid-action story about a
diamond, and also adventure; and The Sand
man: His Indian Stories, by W. 8. Phillips
(El Comancho). illustrated, excellent na
ture-stories by an Indian (Page Co., Bos
The Chronicle of Kan-Uk The Kute, by
Frank Burne Black, $1, a cleverly written
book of the big war, and told in original
style: Connie Morgan With the Mounted, by
James B. Hendryx, illustrated. $1.25, a wel
come novel, depleting Canada's Royal North
west Mounted Police; Danny tne ietective.
by V. C. Barclay, $1, a healthy, exciting
novel of an English Boy-Scout, in war time
and Lads Who Dared, by Raymond Corn-
stock, $1.25, excellent tales of boys' bravery
(Putnam. N. Y.).
A Little Maid of Old Connecticut, by Alice
Turner Curtis. $1. an attractive old-fash
loned story for girls from 7 to 11 years
(Penn Pub. Co.. Fhlla.).
The Little Democracy , by Ida Clyde
Clarke. S1.50. a useful, little book depict
ing the community forum, neighborhood
club, the community garden and market
and kindred social and Industrial activi
ties (D. Appleton & Co., N. Y-).
Everyday Efficiency, by Forbes Linasay,
$1.25,- a helpful book of mental self-help
(Crowell Co., N. Y..
Cashing In on What xotrva- uot, oy saaw-
rlce Switzer, $1, bright stories and essays
on a variety of subjects, a 100 per cent
book (Brunswick Subscription Co., N. Y.).
Union Labor in Peace and war. oy waiter
Woehlke. an inauiry and an answer, re
flecting principally labor conditions In San
Francisco (Sunset Pub. House, San Fran
Umpy-Toes Attic-Home, by Nellie M.
Leonard, illustrated, an amusing story for
small children (Crowell Co., N. Y).
There Was a King In Egypt, by Norms
Lo rimer, $1.50, an attractive novel of 501
pages, visionlng burled treasure In Egypt,
also a modern love story, with a touch of
the present war (Brentano's, N. Y.).
The Light Above the Cross-Roads, by
Mrs. Victor Rickard, $1.50, the stirring,
sensational story of a British spy in Ger
many luoca, Mesa & co., . r.j.
Mam'selle Jo, by Harriet T. Com stock,
$1.40, a well-written novel, with a French
Canadian heroine ; and The Crack in the
Bell, by Peter Clark MacFarlane, $1.40, a
rousing, splendid novel depicting love, poli
tics and graft in a large Eastern city, mean
ing Philadelphia (Doubleday, Page A Co
N. Y.). ,
Wild Apples, by the author of "The
Straight Road," illustrated, $1.50, an emo
tional, stirring novel of open-air California,
about a hero who was troubled with a
weak mother fond of her own way, and both
ered by too much money; The Silent Legion,
by J. E. Buckrose, $1.50, one of the best
even-tempered novels of the month, about
the middle class of England, and the war;
Betty Marchand, by Beatrice Barm by, $1.40,
a sterling novel, depicting a brave, working-woman
heroine; The Mystery of Hartley
House, by Clifford S. Raymond, $1.50, an
able, eerie, shivery novel in which the here
is a physician; Old Days on the Farm, by
A. C. Wood, $1.50, Illustrated, a gentle,
placid, restful story of the delights of farm
life and a home in Ontario, Canada; Painted
Windows, by Elia W. Peattie, $1.25, an
agreeable series of essays on night, soli- -tude,
fame, etc.; Some Happenings, by
Horace Annesley Vacbell. $1. 50. IB short
stories, delightfully entertaining, one of
the best of them, "Dog-Leg- Rapids.' being
about Oregon; and City Tides, by Archie
Austin Coates, $1.25. 1&2 pages of ex
quisite poems some of the best of the en
ure year (. H. Doran Co., N. Y.).
A Girl Named Mary, by Juliet Wllbof
Tompkins, $1.50, an engaging, happy, quiet
novel in which the activities oftMrs. Joffrey
to discover her lost daughter are vlsioned,
a story that girls will like (Bobbs-MerrlU
Co.. Indianapolis).
Young Alaskans !n the Far North, by
Emerson Hough, $1.25, asplrited novel for.
boys, depicting the Yukon and Klondike
country generally; Land's End, by Wilbur .
Daniel Steele, $1.35, readable stories of
Portuguese fishermen of Cape Cod, Mass. ;
The Mirthful Lyre, by Arthur Gulterma.
$1.25, 285 pages of skillfully fashioned poems,
of a superior style that will earn many ad
mirers; Yesterday In a Busy Life, by Can-
dace Wheeler, $3, illustrated, a book of de
lightful life-long reminiscences of a noted
woman now domiciled in Georgia with
her memories of more famous Americans ;
Sylvia Scarlett, $1.60, a story of a decid
edly lively girl but one must read French
to understand thoroughly this excellent nov
el; and -Songs From the Trenches. $1.25, a
splendid collection of verses by American
soldiers in France, collected by Herbert
Adams Gibbons,, from poems submitted tn
the prize competition of the New York
Herald newspaper (Harper & Brothers,
N. Y.).
Wolves of the Sea, by Randall Parrisn,
$1.40, an exciting pirate yarn of the brave
old days when Virginia was a British col
ony; "Firebrand' Trevison, by Charfes Ala
en Seltzer, $1.40, a dashing ranch tale re
flecting the time when the Old West met
the New West, and became more orderly;
and The God of Mars, by Edgar Rfce Bur
roughs, $1.35, a wonder-novel describing the
hero's romantic adventures upon a strange
planet 43,000,000 miles from our earth (Mc
Clurg ft Co., Chicago).
The Business or tne nousenoia, oy u. w.
Edtrar. with assistance of other technical
experts. Illustrated, 438 pages dealing with
the fundamental principles of household
finance, necessities, higher lire, the lega
and business status of the family; and. The
American Royal Book of Signs, Signals and
Symbols, by Dan Beard, 362 Illustrations, a
book that will please all American boys.
rich and poor, and a gold-mine in print for
bovs who like to live In the open (Lippin-
cott Co., Phlla.).
A wasronload of wine contributed' hy
Kine Georre V to the Red Cross gold
at Auction for ,8500.