The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 20, 1918, Section One, Page 5, Image 5

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Geneva Advices Hint Note May
Be on Way to U. S.
Diplomatic Rumor Says Right Will
Be Claimed to Continue Sub
marine Warfare.
GENEVA. Switierland. Oct. 19. (By
the Associated Press.) The German
reply to President Wilson has been
completed and will be started on its
way to Washington tonight, according;
to Information coming from diplomatic
The same sources are responsible for
the statement that Germany accepts
President Wilson's conditions gener
ally, with one exception.
Khe declares that the submarine war
fare must continue until the war's end.
Bhe denies having inflicted cruelties or
carried out devastating; measures be
yond the scope of military necessities.
BERNE. Switzerland. Oct. IS The
German reply to President Wilson .will
not be completed and dispatched for
several days, according; to the latest
Berlin, advices. It is expected that the
Reichstag; will be summoned to meet
on Tuesday.
Berlin reports show tne noiaing; or a
peace demonstration by thousands of
workmen. .
Stabbara Defease Vrged.
On th other hand, the patriotic and
economic associations, including; the
great German Manufacturers' Associa
tion, have adopted resolutions ursine
the organization of a stubborn defense.
AMSTERDAM, Oct. . 19 Gerraanla.
. according- to a Berlin telegram, says
Germany's reply to President Wilson
will strongly protest against the ac
cusation of cruelty and will suggest
that It would not be a bad idea to pro
pose an investigation of those cruelties.
The German reply, the newspaper
adds, further will Justify the U-boat
warfare as a reprisal against the en
emy's starvation blockade.
The official text of President Wil
son's note to Germany has been re
ceived and an agreement has been
reached In principle regarding the
renlv. the Frankfort tiazette states.
The foreign affairs committee, the
newspaper adds, has been made ac
quainted with the definite terms of
the renlv. which it Is understooa win
be handed to the Swiss Minister at
Berlin Saturday afternoon or evening.
COPENHAGEN, Oct. 19. Germany's
reply to President Wilson, it is said
by the Politiken. will deny the Presi
dent's accusation of German cruelties
and declare the submarine warfare
cannot be stopped as long as there is
no agreement as to an armistice.
Further Bargaining Sought.
The reply, the newspaper declares,
will not reject the President's demands,
but will make further negotiations
PARIS, Oct. 19. There- was another
panic on the Berlin bourse Thursday,
according to advices from Zurich.
Maritime securities are. reported to
have dropped 25 per cent and Chemical
Products issues from 10 to 20 per cent.
Bell's automobile (truck the rear end
of the wagon. Both machines were
Seren Fatalities Reported by State
Industrial Commission.
SALEM. Or, Oct. 19. (Special.) Of
560 accidents reported for the week
ending October 17. inclusive, seven
vrere fatal, according to a statement
issued by the Inaustrial Accident com
mission today.
The fatalities were: Richard Min
konna. miner. Homestead; Klamath
Billy, lumber worker. Siletz; Thomas
Enright, flour mill worker. North Port
land; John Gefforos, miner. Cornucopia
Charles Balconi, pater mill worker,
Oregon City; HJalmar Ewanson, lumbar
worker. Seaside; W. W. Fletcher, log
ger. NcverstllL '
Of the total number of accident re
ported 2 were subject to the pro-
t i
4 i tj.
Willamette University Extends Rule
to Training Barracks.
SALEM. Or, Oct. 19. (Special.)
Captain Tyler, commandant at Willam
ette University of the Students' Army
Training Corps, has placed a ban on
smoking in the local barracks build
ing. The regulations of the university
prohibit students from the use of to
bacco on the campus, butthe senti
ment of several men was against the
extension of this rulo to include the
barracks. Accordingly, to settle the
argument, the question was put up to
the men at drill. When It was dis
covered that onl five of the men were
tobacco users, the present order was
The members of the unit who desire
to puff their cigarettes when off duty
may cross the street and indulge in
New Cases of Influenza Bring About
Closing or Pnblic Buildings.
OREGON CITT, Or.. Oct. 19 Owing
to the epidemic of influenza here the
city was closed this afternoon by
Mayor Hackett. The order applies to
pool halls, schools, churches, "movies."
lodges, clubs end meetings of the Live
Wires and Home Guard.
Dr. C. H. Meissner reports three new
cases today, and in all nine cases, three
of which are seriously ill. Drs. H. S.
and Uuy Mount also have' several new
cases today. Dr. M. C. Strickland re
ports six cases Friday and several new
cases today, and Dr. J. W. Norris has
four cases. v.
Among the caiea reported this morn
ing is that of Frank Ware, son of
Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Ware, who is seri
ously ilL
LleateaaBt-CoIoael William Ellis.
A cablegram announcing the
promotion of William Ellis, of
Portland, from Major to Lieutenant-Colonel
has been received
here. With the promotion he was
assigned as division adjutant to
the lath Division. Colonel Ellis
went to France last Spring after
having been stationed for sev
eral months at Vancouver. He la
a veteran of the Spanish-American
War, having remained in the
Army since that time. His family
are residing at 823 Mason street
during his absence.
visions of the compensation act, 31
were from firms and corporations re
jecting the provisions of the act and
three were from public utility corpora
tions net subject to its provisions.
I'orl Ion of Drill Period at Willam
ette Devoted to Music
SALEM. Or., Oct. 19. (Special.) A
portion of the regular period for mili
tary instruction at Willamette Uni
versity will be designated for singing.
Dr. Sites, head of the university school
of music, will lead the Student Army
Training Corps In the rendition of
popular songs.
It is planned to send representatives
to tlie, student Army Training Corps
district singing conference, to be held
at Reed College, November 14 and 15.
Captain Tyler, commandant at Wil
lamette University, Is an ardent be
liever in this group singing idea, so
he will give up a part of the drll
period for this purpose.
Czechs and Jugo Slavs Must
Have Freedom First.
Foreign Relatlong Committee Mem
bers Voice Approval of Presi
dent's Latest Move.
Continued From First Page.)
Teachers Institute Postponed.
NORTH BEND, Or.. Oct. 19. (Spe
cial.) Owing to Spanish Influenza the
Coos County Teachers' Institute, which
was to convene in this city October 23,
has been indefintely postponed. The
schools of the county are closed as a
precautionary measure and all public
meetings and gatherings are prohibited.
Senator Hitchcock, chairman of the for
eigh relations committee, said:
"That is good stuff." and others ex
pressed their agreement.
Bltehcwk Makes Statement.
Later Senator Hitchcock made this
"It seems to me to fill the bill ex-
actly. It. lives up to the letter and
spirit of our relations with tne suDjeci
nationalities of Austria whom we have
encouraged to seek independence."
The text of the note handed ty sec
retary Lansing to the Swedish Minister
"Sir I have the honor to acknowl
edge the receipt of your note of the
seventh Instant in which you trans
mit a communication of the imperial
and royal government of Austria
Hungary, to the President. I am now
instructed by the President to request
you to be good enough through your
government to convey to the imperial
and royal government the following
reply: ,
The President deems it his duty to
say to the Austro-Hungarian govern-1
ment that he cannot entertain the
present suggestions of that govern
ment because of certain events of
utmost importance which, occurring
since the delivery of his address of
January S last, have necessarily altered
the attitude and responsibility of the
Government of the United States.
Condition Ten Affected.
Among the 14 terms of peace which
the President formulated at that time
occurred the following:
"X The peoples of Austro-Hungary
whose place among the nations we
wish to see safeguarded and assured.
should be accorded the freest oppor
tunity of autonomous development.'
'Since that sentence was written a no
uttered to the Congress of the United
States the Government of the United
States has recognized that a state of
belligerency exists between the Czecho
Slovaks and the German and Austro-
Hungarian empires and that the Czecho
Slovak national council is a de facto
belligerent government clothed with
nroner authority to direct the military
and political ariairs or tne v-zecno-
Slava. It also recognized in the fullest
manner the Justice of the nationalistic
asDiratlons of the Jugo-Slavs for
People to Pass .lodgment.
The President is, therefore, no
longer at liberty to accept the mere
autonomy of these peoples as a Dasis
of peace, but is obliged to insist that
they, and not he. shall be the judges
of what action an the part of the Aus
tro-Hungarian government will satisfy
their aspirations and their conception
of their rights and destiny as members
of the family of nations.
"Accept, Sir. the renewed assurances
of my highest consideration.
In announcing his reply. Secretary
Lansina- also made public the official
text of the Austro-Hungarian note. It
"Legation of Sweden, Washington,
D. C, October 7, 1918.
"Excellency By order of my govern
ment I have the honor confidentially to
transmit herewith to you the following
communication of the imperial and
royal government of Austria-Hungary
to the President of the United States of
" The Austro-Hungarian monarchy.
which has waged war always and
snlelv as a defensive war and has re
peatedly given documentary evidence
Dr. Guy Mount, of Oregon City, Ap
pointed First Lieutenant.
OREGON CITT, Or.. Oct. 19 (Spe
cial.) Dr. Guy Mount, well-known
physician, received orders today from
Washington to report at the Medical
Officers' Training Corps at Fort Riley,
Kan., for duty with Ambulance Com
pany No. 14, within 15 days. Dr. Mount
has been commissioned a First Lieu
tenant. He applied for service some
months ago and has been expecting
orders to leave for more "than a month.
Dr. Mount is a member of the local
war board, and he will be succeeded In
this work by Dr. M. C. Strickland.
County Health Officer. Dr. Mount's
nephew. Major Frank Mount, is now in
France with the Medical Corps of the
United States Army.
Sergeant Spear Transferred.
Sergeant George Speer. of the Port
land Marine Corps recruiting station
force, has been ordered to the Eugene
station, which Is to be the only one
outside of Portland to remain open in
the state. While here Sergeant Speer
organized and trained the Junior Ma
rine Corps.
Collision Causes Arrest.
Collision with the police patrol
wagon at Sixteenth and Glisan streets
yesterday caused the arrest of Bert
Bell, a shipyard employe, on a charge
of rickless driving. Patrolman Ru
dolph, driver of the patrol, said Mr.
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Since 1903
of its readiness to stop the shedding
of blood and to arrive at a just and
honorable peace, hereby addresses itsslf
to his lordship, the President of the
United States of America, and offers
to conclude with him and his allies an
armistice on every front on land, at
sea and in the air, and to enter imme
diately, upon negotiations for a peace
for which the 14 points in the message
of President Wilson to Congress of
January 8. 1918, should serve as a
foundation and in which the viewpoints
declared by President Wilson in his
address of September 27, 1918, will also
be taken into account.'
"His Excellency, Mr. Robert Lansing
Secretary of State of the United States,
E. L. Tompkins Released on Charge
of Stealing Automobile.
When a soldier has been fighting on
the French battlefronts for four years
and has received an honorable dis
charge becaua of shell shock, he can
be condoned when he slips just once
and steals an automobile when in an
unbalanced mental condition".
This was the decision taken yester
day by county officials when they re
leased E. L. Tompkins, aged 22, a re
turned Canadian soldier, from the
Coishty Jail. Tompkins admitted tak
ing a machine from the Holman Un
dertaking Company and driving it to
Eugene. His nerves are badly shat
tered because of shell shock received
in France, and when his condition was
brought to the attention of the Holman
Company and county officials, they
readily agreed that the youth should
have his freedom.
Samuel X. Parker, of Seattle, Dead
of Pneumonia In France.
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 19. Samuel
N. Parker, attached to base hospital No.
50, American Expeditionary Force, died
of pneumonia, according to private
dispatches received here.
Parker, at the time he enlisted, was
relief editor in the office of the Asso
ciated Press here and was a member
of the Post Intelligencer reportorial
Load of Birdsliot Lands in Boy's Leg
Edward Pexley, 17, of 266 Hunt
street, is in the Emmanuel Hospital
with a load of birdshot in his leg as
the result of the accidental discharge
of a shotgun while he was cleaning it
in his home. His condition is not con
sidered serious.
Your Winter
Is Here!
Think of it, men! One entire floor
filled with the smartest, nobbiest
overcoats you ever have laid your
eyes on tweeds, cheviots, Montag- s
nacs, friezes, Scottish heathers, nov
elty mixtures the finest of Ameri
can and English fabrics!
There's warmth in every garment there's
abundance of style and personality; there's
pleasure for you in the wearing.
And particularly, I insist upon your
satisfaction satisfaction when you
buy satisfaction through long serv
ice or your money back ! See these
garments tomorrow, men.
$25 to $60
Entire Third Floor.
Take Elevator.
en Selling
Morrison Street at fourth;
Bank Sues for $2 7,000.
Suit for recovery of S27.000, alleged
to be due in promissory notes, was filed
yesterday in the Circuit Court against
the Eilers Talking Machine Company
by the Citizens National Bank of Los
Angeles. The notes, it is alleged, were
given last year.
Turner Nurse Expects Call.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 19. (Special.) Ex
pecting to go overseas shortly Miss Ruth
I. Watson, of Turner, has secured her
nnnnnortu lifter Qualifying for service
as a nurse in the Red Cross. She is a
graduate nurse and well known here.
President of Company Enlists.
Joe Sundwall, president and manager
of the Sundwall Engraving Company,
148 Fifth street, has enlisted In the
United States military forces. The
Beaver Engraving Company, located
for the last 10 years at 203 Pine street,
has purchased the plant of the Sund
wall company and is conducting the
business at 148 Fifth street.
Doctor Sent to Camp Lewis.
Dot. 19. (Special.) Dr. B. G. Conroy,
of Medford. who has been attending
the third officers' training camp here,
left this morning for Camp Lewis, hav
ing received word yesterday of his
commission as Captain. He was or- I the camp. While here he had been tak-
dered to report to the base hospital at ' lng artillery training.
Hawaiian Steel Guitar and Ukulele
taught. We have secured the service's of Mr. Heen, one of the fore
most Hawaiian artists, who will give free lessons with all 'instruments
sold. He is also organizing a string orchestra for advanced performers.
Now is the time to take advantage of this exceptional opportunity.
Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.
Portland's Big Music Store
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