THE SUXDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 20, 1918. COVEY TAKES AGENCY been driven to increase the weigrht and strength of his vehicle to withstand road shocks and vibration. "Here the analogy ends. The lion has lain down with the lamb. The tire . FOR MASTER TRUCK engineer has seen his great opportunity for service and has grasped it. "The United States Tire Company has placed on the market a cord pneumatic tire in sizes large enough to carry the heaviest commercial loads at speeds equalling those developed by passenger automobiles, and with no more damage to roads than is caused by the lighter Large Territory Obtained for Well-Known Line. vehicles. Through this achievement the truckmaker can now build a much lighter truck and the total weight on ajj..SaT8a8asatMgas rear ra3CTer. -psssMz he road is made up of a far greater percentage of useful load than hereto fore. The race between tire builder SUB-AGENTS TO BE PLACED and road builder has been called off on -r.vr-y orw jar :-. account of United States pneumatic truck tires. 6 it, f'N - - -rl t f mi lL Vi 3fr. Cotcj Able at Trcsent lo Take Orders for Prompt Delivery In Oregon and Washington. The H. M. Covey Motor Car Company, ditrlbutor here for Cadillac and Dodge passenger cars, has entered the truck field. Mr. Covey, last week, closed ar rangements whereby he has taken the agency in this territory for the well known Master truck. His territory for. the Master truck In cludes all of Oregon and the south western . counties of Washington, as well. He expects to place a number of GRAPHITE FRIEXD CAR OffXER Lubrication of Gears and Bearings Most Important. Every month added to the life of an automobile means dollars and cents to the owner in these days, when every car owner realizes that when his pres ent car is gone he may not be able to get another. With the scarcity in new cars, used cars have gcjne way up in price and car owners are holding on for still better price. Hence, every month the old car holds out adds dol lars to its value. The most vulnerable parts in a car are the gears and bearings. They re ceive the hardest usage and are fre- HERE IS THE NEW CHEVROLET ONE-TON TRUCK JUST RECEIVED HERE BY REGNER & FIELDS. III r A Motor Truck of 'High Charac .easonable Price ter 1 The COVEY 1M0T0R CAR Company has been appointed Oregon and Southern Washington distrib utors for the Master Trucks and as such is able to make immediate deliveries. At the Helm of the Track Is Arthur Fields, of Reamer Fields. Mnlt omah (Oilr Chevrolet Distributors. This Track Comes With 1'aeamatlc Tires In Front and Electric Lights and Starter. Made from standard units combined in a truck without a weakness. It will stand favorable comparison with trucks costing many hundreds of dollars more. SPECIFICATIONS IN BRIEF: Buda Motor, Eisleman High Tension Magneto, Timken Axles, Timken Bearings, Spicer Universal Joint, made in six sizes, iy2 tons to huge 6-ton Tractor Truck. sub-agencies in the territory. In fact. Ray Wise, territory representative for the manufacturers, is at present going through the Oregon territory for Mr. Covey to arrange for placing of some of these sub-agencies. The Master truck is so well known that it does not require much Intro duction here. It Is a truck made of the highest class standard units throughout, such as Timken axles. Timken bearings, Spicer universal joints, Eisleman high tension magneto and Buda motor. Furthermore, it Is selling at pres ent at an unusually low price in its field. A large number of Master trucks, mostly of the popular 2 and 3'i-ton sizes, are already operating in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. They are all giving fine ' satisfaction and have abundantly demonstrated their adapta bility to conditions in this territory Although most of the Master trucks now operating here are. as mentioned. of the 3 and 3U-ton sizes, the Mas ter truck is manufactured in all sizes from the 1-ton to the 6ft-ton tractor truck. Mr. Covey is much pleased at hav ing been able to obtain a line of trucks so well established and generally known as the Master truck. He expects to do a big business in this territory with the Master truck, as he is able at present to make immediate deliveries on trucks ordered from him. This i a condition that may not obtain very long, for the demand for trucks gen rally is exceeding the supply. quently the most neglected. But it is not necessary for the car owner to be a mechanic to keep his bearings in order. If he knows how to keep them lubri cated, he knows all that ie necessary. He can take his car to the parage oc casiona-ly for a more thorough in spection. Almost any motor mechanic will ad vise the use of flake graphite lubri cants for bearings. The Joseph Dixon Crucible Company makes a line of graphite lubricants for gears and bear ings especially suited to the various parts. Only selected flake graphite, oDiainea irom tne company s own mines, is used. Perfect lubrication is assured by the use of these lubricants because of the permanent, heat-resisting and absolutely frictionless nature of the graphite. BRIDGE COSTS MODERATE LIVE DEALERS WANTED IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITORY COVEY OTO CAR C O 21ST AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PORTLAND, OR. NEW TRUCK TIRE ARRIVES S. RUBBER COMPAXT BUILDS PXEUMATIO FOR TRUCKS. Announcement of Heavy Duty Cord Is Boon to Hard-Pressed Makers of Roads. There is a close analogy in the de velopment of truck tires and naval shells in relation to Improvements in the surfaces against which they are used. As fast as the shellmaker has progressed In his art the armor manu facturer has been forced to greater ef forts in the furnishing of protection to battleships. ach instance in the pene trating power of armor-piercing shells has called for corresponding improve ment in the quality of armor steel or added thickness of the protective belt. In the more peaceful problem of mo tor truck transportation are all the ele ments of this situation except that the prize Is business development. The in creasing size of motor trucks equipped with solid rubber tires has forced the road engineer to endless experiments in an effort. to produce a road surface that will stand up under the terrific punishment caused by Incessant de mands for speed, tonnage, and still I tnore speed. And the truck builder has I EW STRUCTURE AT SALEM ' SETS ECOXOMY RECORD. All the Engineering Supervised by State Highway Commission, With Surprising Results. The State Highway Commission Is well pleased with the design and com pleted construction ot the new Marion Polk County highway .bridge, and has made some interesting comparisons as to engineering and design between this structure and that of the Inter state bridge between Portland and V ancou ver. The fact that the Interstate bridge was built in peace, times under the most Ideal conditions while the Salem bridge was built during war times un der the most adverse conditions has considerable bearing on the comparison or ccsts. Vet this comparison is favorable to the Salem structure, inasmuch as en glneerlng costs are generally higher in proportion on the smaller structure, and further, because of the fact that foundation conditions were similar. both structures being built upon pile foundations with concrete piers. The river beds are similar and the current conditions areilso about of the same velocity. The Salem structure is on 4.5 per cent grade on the Salem side of the river and a 4 per cent grade on the I'olk County side of the river. The approach on the east side of the river is of massive concrete design, which adds somewhat to the cost of design and engineering. Tne total cost of the Salem bridge. exclusivo of pavement and fills in ap proaches, was I244.o41.30. Total cost of engineering, including surveys, borings, inspection of steel and cement, blue prints and supplies, resident engineer's salary, stenographic work and design and inspection from Highway Commission's office, was $4599.51 or about 1.8 per cent of the cost of the structure. This is supposed to be a record for a structure of this magnitude when the variety or en gineering work required is taken Into consideration. The engineers for the Interstate bridge at Vancouver, wash., received fee of 180.000 for work tnai cosi about $ 1,600,000, or about 5 per cent. On this basis, the engineering of the Salem bridge would have cost $12,200. The extra work involved amounts to about $775, or less than one-third of 1 per cent. Of steel work involving a value oi over $100,000, not a single error in de sign involving extra expense was found against this department. A feature very pleasing to the Ma rion County Court was the fact that the quantities upon which the main contract was based were reduced so that the bridge cost about ouuu less than was contsmplated at the time the contract was signed. Tt mieht be noted that the Inter state bridge was constructed by East ern engineers upon a contingent lee basis. The Marion-Polk County bridge was designed and constructed under supervision of the Oregon State High way Department and the designing en gineer was an Oregon Doy, yv. aiei- ger3. PIERCE TO STOP, TOO NO MORE P1EROE-AKBOW -assji.ii- GER CARS AFTER JANUARY 1. ALL-WORK FARM TRACTOR DEMONSTRATING ITS PLOWING ABILITY AT SALEM STATE FAIR. lilted vJEl& skJUw.-v v iTr'-' t A-r -, Company In Formal Statement Explains That Trncks Will Be Built for War Work. The edict of the War Industries Board cutting oT production or passenger automobiles after January 1, 1919 found the Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Company, of Buffalo, well prepared to meet the changed conditions. Produc tion of trucks for war ana domestic use is assured, the company gradually having planned to conform to Just such an order as was Issued. A statement issued by the company ays: . After the present iimitea euppiy oi series five Pierce-Arrow automobiles has gone to the public, this company will produce no more passenger cars until steel and other materials are available without detriment to the war programme. ' "This decision is directly in line with the policy adopted by the Fierce-Arrow Motor Car Company when the United States became a belligerent, vve were convinced that it was necessary to ac cept conditions developed Dy tne war. Without any pressure from the Gov ernment, this company voluntarily sus pended production or two or its moaeis. the 35' and tne 66, ana concenimeu on one model, tne '4.- in oraer 10 con serve material and labor. A larsre amount of material already kiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiLj I THE BEAVER GARAGE ordered for contemplated production of cars was canceled. Some of this had to be abandoned at considerable money loss. "As a matter of fact, the Pierce Arrow Motor Car Company has ordered no new passenger car material since the United States entered t7ie war. "Cars now in the process of manu facture are beine built from material which was ordered in December, 1916. "By voluntarily curtailing passenger car production, we were enabled to re lease a large portion of our facilities for hfphly important war work. We expect to have capacity to care for our domestic truck business. "Ve have lately presented to the public the highest grade of engine ever developed by this company, the Dual Valve Six. Its welcome- convinces us that we could, sell a considerable greater number than our plans call for. We shall not attempt any larger pro duction, as we wish to. conform our whole policy to that of the War In dustries Board, and during the "war period give preference to war work and motor trucks. "When peace comes we will be in position to present to the public a pas senger car which will maintain our effort to combine an engine of highest power and permanency with bodies oi greatest beauty, comfort and safety." Reviving Dry Cells. It is possible to get increased am perage from partly run down dry cells by crowding down the material neat the carbon element with a small piece of wood and a hammer. This lessens the obstructing material from around the carbon and permits free chemical action. The atphaltum on top of tha -cell may be sealed again by applica tion of a little heat. AUTO DIRECTORY Franklin offers more of "what you actually need and want in an automobile." BRALY AUTO CO. Main 4880, A 3881. 19th and Washington Sts. International Motor Truck A Track for Every Purpose. Manufactured by International Harvester Com pany of America. For Sale by ' HeBDeman Motor Truck Company. Broadway 504. . Ninth and Couch Streets. HLNUTK MAN 3LX MINUTE MAN SIX Brunn Motor Car Co, 444-46 Stark St. Phones: Broadway 2958, A 2958 MACK Trucks Capacities, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 5 Tons. Complete Stock Repair Farts. F. C ATWELL, Sales Agent. Washington at 21st. Tel. Mar. 440 SIXES New Light Six, $1250 Factory Mitchell, Seven-Passenger, $1525, Factory MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. Broadway at Oak Oldsmobile Distinctive High Grade. Light Weight OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON Broadway and Conch Phone Broadway 2270 AUTO ACCESSORIES AND PARTS 209 Union Avenue North Phone East 304 ' Th All-Work, which is a three-plow tractor, was the center of a great deal of interest at Salem. It is distributed in this territory by J. A. Freeman & Bon, of Portland. has opened under new manage ment, fully equipped to do all kinds of Auto Repairing, Tire and Tube Vulcanizing. All work guaranteed. A complete line of tires, tubes and accessories. Service station for -Miller Geared-to-the-Road Cord and Fabric Tires. We will come after trouble on the road. you if in' Phone us. STORAGE AND REPAIRS EE niiimiiimimiimiiimiiimiiimiiiiiimn ARCHER & WIGGINS Distributors of AUTOMOTIVE ACCESSORIES Slxfb Street at Oak BOWSER GASOLINE and OIL TANKS STORAGE SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC .A WI) PRIVATE GARAGES. S. Stoddard, Ulstrlct supt. Sales. 719-20 Corbett Bldgr. Main 1478. ir-W,? STORAGE BATTERY CO i-Uroadway and Glisan Phone Bdwy. 546 The only battery with a definite guarantee. -All makes of batteries charged and repaired, David Hodes Co. N. Broadway and Flanders. AUTOMOBILE GEARS. PARTS AND ACCESSORIES REDUCED PRICES. ENGINES A SPECIALTY AT LOOK FOR THIS SIGN jV ainwr There's an Exide Battery For Every Car ' THE STORAGE BATTERY CO. 348-350 Couch St. We Stock Them. We Repair Them. We Chance Them. Free Adviee. ATTO EIECTRIC EttUIPMEST CO, Sixth and Buraalde Streets. Announcing' the 'Arrival of the New. 7-Passenger Touring Car and 3-Passenger Coupe We also have for immediate delivery a limited number of 5-Passengrer Touring Cars 4-Piassenger Runabouts ' and 5-Passenger Sedans N A S One and Two-Ton TRUCKS and the famous Nash Quad PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. Tenth and Burnside