T1TE SUXDAT OREGOXIAN, PORTL AND. . OCTOBER 20, 1918. FH H HV h .1 II III " iiuukk... w. . Hi i I B B III I Mil a I ff I T CHA ' V-r-''' - -salt Wy;l8'M' ' ajwgy Firestone "Giant" Solves Dif ficulty, Says Dealer. War-Time Message! THEIR EFFICIENCY PROVED VITAL' FOR RUCKS lJ -- - --l -. f Scientifically Designed Tires Meet ETery Transportation Need In Hcary Trucking Work. The success of the Firestone Giant tire in meeting the problem of heavy trucking is due to its principle of con struction, says J. U Carson, of Fletcher & Carson, distributors of Firestone truck tires. The shortcoming's of the narrow, single and dual tires have been overcome In the wide reaching- of the Giant. The big- flutes or grooves and resiliency absorb the bulge caused by heavy loading. They form a cushion that takes the Jolt out of the rough spots and protects the mechanism of the truck. The grooves also prevent spinning of the wheels and insure per fect traction on slippery pavements and through mud. sand and snow. "As motor trucks become more and more a vital factor in trade building, as the element of delivery service be comes more and more Important In the battle of business competition and the co-operation with present-day war needs, so does It become more Impor tant that the tire equipment exactly match the service needs of maximum efficiency. . "Among the foremost In its field, the Firestone Company has kept pace with very step forward in the truck indus try by building a tire for every com mercial vehicle and every type of serv ice. Starting with a study of each type and size of truck as it is produced, and analyzing every condition of service each may meet. Firestone builders are prepared for the personal or individual requirements of every operator. Deslga Scientific One. "Every classification of service Is sharply drawn at the factory. The en gineers create the design of tires to fit the work the chemists develop the compound to fit the work, and the spe cialists in building, see that every step in the manufacture is an accurate de velopment toward the practical service to be met. The result is thoroughly tested, proved and practical truck tires for -every road, load and condition of service.' . "Pack of the actual service of the tires and the intense efficiency in de tail of manufacture are the Firestone service stations one in every trucking center, each an example of the highest effictencv that has been reached in this field. And it has been through the ef forts of a highly specialized and pow erful sales organization, together with these efficient methods of manufacture, that half the truck tonnage of America is carried on Firestone truck tires. "It is the verdict in the Pacific Northwest that no agency has respond ed more thoroughly or efficiently to the present-day war needs and local transportation needs than the modern motor truck. "The motor truck has come to the front as another connecting link be tween the farms and the cities. "The farm-to-tahle movement, which Is redounding to the benefit of the pro ducer, the consumer and the railroad has been assisted In a great measure by the motor truck. This means of transportation facilitates delivery, con serves labor and effects the delivery of foodstuffs in better condition. Besides this express service, the motor truck Is becoming daily even more Indispen sable to heavy hauling, such as the carrying of ore. .lumber and steel. Ttrea Vital to Tracks. "Motor trucks have proved their abil ity to meet gigantic delivery problems and to handle heavy loads, but the trend of progress and the demand of service have decreed that these loads rmist become greater still and that their delivery must be completed with even more dispatch, loads of four. six. eight and ten tons of crushed rock, ce ment, coal or steel added to the natural weight of the truck are a matter of everyday occurrence total truck weights of IS tons loaded are not un common. The hauling of such loads over slippery asphalt, through mud or sand, up steep grades, subjects the tires to a tremendous stress and strain, and produces a most difficult tire problem. "There must be no skidding, or acci dents will be frennn-t jnd dangerous. Spinning ir.u. not ovcur. or gasoline costs will become almost prohibitive. The expensive truck mechanism must be cushioned, or the trucks will be weakened rapidly by crystallisation. Tire costs must be kept at a reasonable figure. With this demand for heavy hauling came a demand for heavier service tires tlrea that would meet these trucking problems. "It remained with the engineering specialists of the Firestone Tire & Rub ber Company to supply the answer the Firestone Giant tire." KOADS PPF.X TO HOOD RIVER Columbia River nijrhway In Fine Condition. All the Waj. HOOP RIVER, Or- Oct. 19. f Spe cial.) "With the Columbia River High way between here and Cascade Locks now in excellent condition, dozens of cars arrive daily from Portland and other points. All motorists praise the road. Carl A. TUth. Klamath Falls druggist, who. with his wife, arrived recently to look after orchard inter ests, says the Columbia River Highway is the best road he struck between here and his home town. While It will probablywbe another ctuium ... .v. - gravel surface on the Highway be tween here and Cascade Locks is en tirely completed, the worst stretches of the road have been finished, and motorists encounter no really bad pieces of road. Three State Highway Commission motor trucks have been added to fleets already transporting gravel, and 17 big cars are now haul ing material. THROWTXO OUT CLUTCH BAD Better to Pot Gear Lever In Xentral Wnen Coasting. When roasting down a long hill It Is a decided advantage to throw the gear lever Into neutral position, thus allowing the car to coast without turn ing the engine over. The same result can be obtained by holding the clutch out. but this imposes very undesirable wear upon the clutch throw-out, whether it be roller, ball bearings or lubricated friction surfaces. Test Batteries. Fe careful to test your storage bat teries, if possible, before adding water. The fresh water is heavier than the electrolyte and so stays at the top until the battery has been charging for sev eral hours. If you forget and put In the water first it will be necessary to watt until the following day, running the engine meanwhile. fc-" XT A-- 3a i W. i. g:;,: . ..-- , .jj T -yill'1lT"ffla.J. You want during war times and for your future use an Auto mobile that is economical to run and to own, one that is Quality and looks Quality. ' The Chalmers Engine is built so that the new war tax by the U. S. Government will be the smallest on any automobile, the state license fee also the smallest, the tires are 32 by 4 inches arid cost much-less than tires used on the usual higher wheels the mileage per gallon on gasoline is exceptionally good. All your expenses are unusually low. G. L. Boss Automobile Co. 615-617 Washington St. - Portland CHEVROLET TRUCK HERE XEW MOTOR WAGON HAS VALVE- I.V-HF.AD ENGINE. One-Ton Vehicle Received by Reener " & Fields Also Has Starter and Oectric Lights. Regner & Fields, local distributors of the Chevrolet, have received a ship ment of the new one-ton Chevrolet ...1 n n . now A I srtln vl n IT It at their salesrooms at Grand avenue and Kast Bumslde street. Tne irucK. wnicn has a worm drive. Is equipped with the valve-ln-head motor which has con tributed so much to the success of Chevrolet touring cars. The engine is larger, of course, than the "rour ninety" engine. The new truck Is being marketed .. n h nrntnit, that it Will solve many of the delivery problems of local merchants in speeding up delivery and releasing men ror war purposes, uim feature that will appeal to the average truck buyer Is that it is equipped fully with an electrical system, including starter and electric lights. It is also provided with a governor which permits a certain maximum mnA (hi. nntTnnii sneedlnsr and consequent damage to the vehicle while heavily loaded, me rront urea are pneumatic, while the rear end Is equip ped with solids. The new truck can be purchased either with an express body or as a chassis alone If the buyer prefers to build a body to suit his needs. The express body comes equipped with a top and windshield, affording shelter for the driver from the rain. New Car Owners in County. Temporary police licenses were Issued In Tortland last week to the following buyers of latest model motorcars, pend ing arrival of the official state licenses from Salem. This list Is compiled by M. O. Wlikins, publisher of the Auto mobile Record: Hen RteaUnd. 844 8. Broadway. Chevrolet. 1. 13. CruwalU Gresham, Route A. Chev rolet. I'rrry O. Allen, care of Crystal Laundry, Dodse. I.lly K. Whlt. R40 Fourth. Liberty. Trllliam M. Ringler, 635 Bast Twenty-first street. Maxwell. . p. Kaufman. S43 Morrison. I'lnsninDii. C. B. Reynolds. 1M East Alder, Paige. A. 1. Pillor. Wlllbridge. Premier. R -M. fameron, 10J5 East Irving. Bulclc Henry Booth, 1311 East ISth, Chalmers. Kane Hirao, 212 Third. New Chevrolet. Carrie ttcott. 773 Bast Taylor. New Chev rolet. . , . W. A. Rice. BOX 47a. KOUia A. rortiana. New Chevrolet. , .... I u Carpenter. 800 Oregonian building-. New Franklin. . S. lte. Box 205. Route A, l-oriiano, jow Maxwell. . . ftlJ. Fran It J. SChUier. HMO Kiver. now uiua- J "Vv. Reed, 1SI worm ioxn, inw uvcriiu. j h H. Kink. 614 Mlsslaslppl avenue. Studebaker. A. Sunler. 411 Kroanway .tti.w. Olthe Poole. Congress Hotel, J?"'ck. vv.rt j. wvatt. 336 Kast Thirty-third street. Chalmers. F. E. Wanless. iMewoerB. i.rraKu R. a. Dm Arinond. 9!3 Water street, Chev rolet. ... . r w. carter. i. u.. 101 d,iw d - Empire. . Ir. ueorge nur-n, phkiul - i' i.r..nt Frltchell. 174a Portsmouth ave nue. Ford. . . Marvel caae, nil noonry. r or.,. tius P F.merlrk, Tail Jlotel. llupmnblle. J W. Bushons. Aider Hotel, Liberty. 8 S. Pement. 267 Hall. Maxwell. S S Se;ll, 622 laurel, Oldsmoblle. Hurklncham Hecht, Multnomah Hotel, Bulek. . Sam CankoDlts, 1U43 un iinnTDui, Bulck. . R D. Greene. iuit wiwowira '""" Dodse. . . .... ..... . . Empire. . ( ; GresDrernc an rr-wt-n, .r- -j. W. A. HUbee, 1378 Bast Lincoln. Ree, i v-v . r, and T. o. ivana. Imperial Hotel. Studebaker. . . M. O. v altneis, onerioca diuiuuh, mw. A B. Konong. 8IU Schuyler, Bulck. B. H. Orubba, 717 Wasco, Dodge. Ray Graham. 761 Washington street, B Adam J. Orohs. 621 Thnrman, Dodge. Frank No. 227 Vadlson. Dodge. Fred A. Prudln, 1132 Stephens. Elgin. F. R. Larkin, 16S Tenth. Empire. National Laundry, East Eighth and Clay. Jaines Boyd. Golden West Hotel, Hudson. A. B. Adams. 1163 Missouri avenue, Max- a!" J. Lloyd. Llnnton. Maxwell. p S. Denloff, 2S3 Eugene, Naah. H B. Shofner. 413 Alder. Peerless. Clara N. Welch. New Scott Hotel, Stude baker. XEff GOTHAM TRAFFIC SYSTEM Twelve Streets Kept Exclusively for Motor Trucks In New York. The New York nolice department has adopted a new system oi routing pas senger cars and commercial veniciea through the principal streets of the city. The order restricts 22 thorough- - Ahi.fiir tn main north-and-south venues, to passenger or commercial traffic, 10 being exclusively for pas senger cars and 12 for motor tucks. Motor trucks will be prevented from using the streets designated for the use of passenger cars, though their drivers may make deliveries or collec tions of merchandise on those streets by entering them at the nearest inter secting street. . Pendleton Road to Be Tared. PENDLETON', Or., Oct. 19. (Special.) The City Council has submitted a proposal to the County Court to co operate In the paving of the three quarter mile road leading from the Pendleton city limits to the city ceme tery. . The cost is estimated at about $3000 and the city suggests that one third be borne by the city, a third by the county and that the remainder be raised by public subscription. SAMSON IHl TRACTORS Closing Out Line at Sacrifice Price I have four of these tractors, absolutely new never been nsed; also some 14-inch extension rims, which I will sell less than -w holesale cost. SAMSON TRACTORS have been a success for IS years, therefore you take no chance. Cairor write quickly if you want the best bargain of your life. E. J. ALLEN DEALER. WOODBURN, OR. Remember that automobiling Is no longer a luxury of the rich, but it Is nntiiAllv a necessltv of those that are only fairly well to do. EMton rack Economize! with "Triple-Heated" Gas FULTON Motor Trucks out-economize other trucks of sim ilar carrying capacity. They average twelve to fourteen miles per gallon in many cases even better than that. This is due primarily to the fact that FULTON gas is "triple-heated" instead of just heated as in other motor vehicles. Every ounce of fuel energy is turned into useful driving power. FULTON .rear axle construction, scientific distribution of weight and long springs economize won derfully on tires, and combined with a low center of gravity per mit greater speed than ordinarily economizing on driving time. Economy is vital now economy of every kind. Are you applying it to your transportation? FUL TON trucks are helping the na tion by doing more than their share of the saying. All of our resources, all of our energy and skill have been de voted to the development and per fection of this one model, a ton and a half truck. And we are the largest exclusive builders in the country of trucks of this capacity. FULTON first cost and mainten ance cost are so low and FULTON service so exceptional that the FULTON one - and - a - half - ton truck is qualified to handle 80 per -cent of the delivery problems to economical advantage. Price $1850 f. o. b. Farmingdale, L. I. Daniels Sales Agency 84 South Broadway Opposite Benson Hotel ' Phone Broadway 2994 THEGHEVROLET. ONE-TON TtUCKl In worm drive i i ate deliveries on disolav ij XX W V V XVUUJ' AW J- --"-"-' - - j. at our salesrooms. Built for uninterrupted service . . . i -i , with capacity loaas. Fully equipped with self-starter and electric lights. Either express body or chassis. it If : it - - v Chevrolet commercial light delivery cars are making good with 'scores of Portland firms. It's a money-maker for the merchant ON DISPLAY NOW WILL DEMONSTRATE i J Distributors 12 Grand Avenue At East Burnside