The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 20, 1918, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Dutch Border Is Reached and
Line Swings Eastward.
Brussels Is Being Evacuated by En
emy and Lille Salient Vanishes -as
Halg Moves Ahead.
Continad From First Pare.)
the main German support line in this
region. The French maintain strong
ly their pressure between the 0i3e and
the Serre and eastward along the
Retirement la Indicated.
There are some Indication that the
Germans are preparing to retire from
their positions in front of the Amer
icans northwest of Verdun between the
aleuse and the Boult forest. The Amer
ican advance threatens the security of
the Kreimhllde' positions. 'A further
advance in the Bantheville region
would increase the menace to the Ger
mans. Kast of the Meuse the enemy
Saturday attacked the American posi
tion in the Bois de la Grand Mon
tague, but was repulsed.
P. M.) (By the Associated Press.) The
bewildered and shattered German
hordes all day long; have continued to
srive around under the sustained pres
sure by the British. French. Belgian
and American troops.
Indications received at headquarters
are that the German army believes
that it Is beintr withdrawn entirely
from France and Belgium.
In the center of the front today the
Germans were' retreating so fast that
contact. If secured at all. was only be
tween advanced patrols and small
aroups of the enemy. On the flanks.
howevor. there has been hard fighting.
In Belgium the allies have been en
gaged in severe encounters. Neverthe
less, they have gained additional miles
of ground.
In the area north and south of Le
Cateau furious fighting is reported, and
the Americans again have distinguished
themselves. By dark last night they
had penetrated a depth of two miles;
today they made further progress
a:ainst strong opposition. The Ger
mans here had orders to hold the line
at all costs and the Americans and
British had literally to hack their way
Tne enemy divisions have been well
whipped tnd from prisoners it Is
learned that no reserves are back of
them, because retirement In i this sec
tion of the line Is expected to take
place as soon as the other divisions to
the north get far enough back.
North of Le Cateau the British have
Tnecn engaged in equally hard fighting.
Here also the Germans had to be
riddle! before they would give ground,
but posts now have been established by
the allies east of the Selle River and
some ground has been gained southeast
of Neuvilly.
FLANDERS. Oct. 18. U P. M.) (By
the Associated Press.) French cavalry
were reported tonight to have reached
the outskirts of Ghent. There is no
official confirmation.
The Infantry is pushing fast after
the mounted forces.
The reports Indicate a continuation
f the rapid allied advance in the
Belgian coast sector.
The British are meeting with little
opposition in the Lille salient and to
the northward. In most places diffi
culty is found In keeping contact with
the enemy's main forces owing to the
rapidity of the retreat.
AMSTERDAM. Oct. 19. (By the As
sociated Press.) The evacuation of
Brussels by the Germans has already
begun. acixrding to M. Heinrich, an
active Belgian deputy.
The deputy is quoted thus by the
correspondent of the Nieuve Van Den
Dags at Rosendaal. on the Dutch fron
tier, who says the deputy himself has
arrived at Brussels. The evacuation
reports refer to the German troops
and not to the civilian population of
the city.
FELGIL'M. Oct. 19. (By the Associated
Press, afternoon.) The towns ol
Oheneng. Hasmy. Vred and Cattelet
have been captured by the allied forces.
.Vortkrrm Front Moved Oa.
The entire British and Belgian front
was still moving forward this morning.
The Belgians were gaining steadily and
the British in, the north, advancing In
the lace of considerable opposition, oc
cupied the Herseaux-Mouscran railway
to the east, and north the French lib
erated the towns of Turcolng and
Harlebeke has been cleaned of the
enemyfbut allied patrols pushing tast
ward have been tired upon. Moving
out of Desselghen and Marcke. which
were occupied, the allies are advancing
southeast. The enemy artillery Is Iir
inc heavily on the British in this sec
tion of the front, where the allied
troops are rapidly drawing close to
the Scheldt River.
The British are advancing rapidly
astride the Lllle-Tournai railway. All
the bridges over the Marcq. south of
Chereng. are intact.
South of Douai the British- have
reached tha outskirts of Auberchicourt
and are east of EcaJiion and east of
Pecquencourt. Many civilians were
liberated in these towns. Advance
patrols are in continual touch with the
LONDON'. Oct. 19. The British and
American forces in the region of Le
Cateau have successfully continued
their advance, says Field Marshal Haig
in his communication tonight. South
east of Le Cateau they have penetrated
to the high ground west of Cantillon
and also have reached the west bank
of the Sambre and Oise Canal.
Big AdVanee la Made.
The text of the communication fol
lows: -This morning the British and Amer
ican forces operating in conjunction
with the French between the Oise
River and Le Cateau continued their
advance with success. Our troops have
reached the west bank of the Sambre
and Oise Canal north of Oisy and
gained possession of the high ground
west of Catillon.
"In the operations In the last three
days in this sector the troops of Gen
eral Rawltnson's Fourth Army have
completed an advance of from five to
eight miles across difficult country.
which the enemy defended with tenac
"Having driven the enemy on the
first day from strong positions held by
him on the right bank of the Selle
River, by determined and persistent
fighting they have successfully cleared
the whole of the high ground east of
the river line, capturing many villages
In the course of their advance, together
with more than 600 prisoners and i
number of guns.
"The enemy has commenced to with
draw north of the Cambral road.
Saulxoir has been, occupied by our
troops and progress has been made
toward Denain from the south.
' Dennln la Captured.
"North of the Sensee canal our troops
already have entered Denain and
reached the villages of Escaudln and
Somaln. To the left of these troops
the eighth division ,haa taken March
"During the past 10 days the troops
of this division, which have been con
tinuously in the line (for a long period
and on a wide front, have maintained
unceasing pressure on the enemy, and
by their energy and activity their pur
suit has greatly harassed his retreat.
"In the course of their . advances of
more than 18 miles they have captured
several hundred prisoners and taken
the town of Douai besides many vil
lages. "Further north our troops are stead
ily continuing their advance. They have
reached the general line of Orchies,
Cobreux. Bourghelles and Templeuve,
and. southeast of Roubaix, the village
of Nechin."
FRANCE, Oct. 19. (Reuters.) British
and American troops under General
Rawlinson fought forward nearly six
miles Friday In a menacing flank ap
proach toward the supposedly main
line to which the Germans are retiring.
The attacking troops swung northward
toward the railway between Valencien
nes and Avesnes which Is of vital Im
portance to the enemy and they
reached the fringe of the forest of
Moraanl Forest Reached.
The British advance In touch with
the Americans was resumed at 5:30
o'clock In the morning against con
siderable but no desperate opposition
and at 11:30 A. M. the American cen
ter and right had moved forward sev
eral -.miles. More than 1200 prisoners
and 13 guns were taken early in the
fighting. The Germans then took to
rear guard fighting while their main
force fell back.
P. M.) (By the Associated Press.)
Bruges was reported late this evening
to have been cleared of the enemy.
The Belgians are pressing on beyond (
tne city, closing tne neon or me ooi-
tle reaching to the North Sea, but the
bulk of the invaders undoubtedly have
escaped from the coast.
Progress elsewhere includes the cap
ture of Templeuve, a mile from the Es-
cault river northwest of Tournal. In
sharp fighting here the British are
driving the Germans faster than they
want to go.
Deaaln la Taken.
North of the Escault the villages of
Bouchin, Reulx and Abscon have been
captured and advanced troops nave
fought their way Into the western out
skirts of Denain along the Keulx-.De-naln
Saulsoir has been captured and 700
civilians liberated. Douchy also has
been captured and 6000 civilians res
cued after hard fighting. Bezeul, east
of Le Cateau, has been cleared of the
enemy after, hard fighting from house
to house and in the streets and the
Germans have been driven east of the
Heavily Reinforced Bolshevik
Army Encountered.
Big Losses Inflicted on Enemy De
spite Many Handicaps, Cossacks
Victorious in Caucasus.
ARCHANGEL, Northern European
Russia, Oct. 17. (By the Associated
Press.) The allied troops operating on
the Dvina have been forced to retreat
six miles, owing to an attack by the
heavily reinforced enemy. The Bol
shevik army has been strengthened by
detachments from Petrograd under
competent officers until It now has
greatly superior numerical advantage.
The withdrawal by the allies was
successful under a severe h imbardment
At last reports the Bolshevik rein
forcements were reported advancing
and the allied forces were under a hall
of shrapnel shells and "pom-poms."
Occasionally a six-inch shell from a
Bolshevik gunboat and a land battery
would strike.
The allies have been handicapped by
a fall of the water, which left boats
stuck on sand bars and barred prog
ress by gunboats at critical times.
It Is believed that the Bolshevikl are
trying to drive the Russian and allied
troops from the Dvina before Ice closes
the river.
The troops opposing the allies In this
region are mostly sailors and Lettish
While the allies have been handi
capped by the smallness of their avail'
able forces In covering hundreds of
miles of territory, the enemy has been
able to move troops from Petrograd.
Notwithstanding the various handi
caps, heavy losses have been inflicted
on the best troops of the Bolshevikl.
AMSTERDAM. Oct. 19. The Don
Cossack volunteer army and other de
tachments have surrounded the Bol
shevik forces in the Northern Caucasus,
says a dispatch from Kiev.
The retreat of the Bolshevikl to
Astrakhan and Tzaritzyn has been cut
Vladimir N. Kokovsoff, former Min
ister of Finance during the imperial
regime, and Prince Shakovskoy, former
Minister of Trade and Commerce during
the Kerensky regime, have been sum
marily shot, according to a Moscow
dispatch to the Lokal Anzeiger of Ber
lin. They had been condemned to deata
by the people's court. .
STOCKHOLM. Oct. 19. A portion' of
the Rjissian budget, published in Petro
grad, shows that expenditure on public
services and the postal and telegraph
service in the year 1918 was estimated
at 916,000.000 rubles. The receipts were
estimated at 337)00,000 rubles.
The budget shows similar deficits In
other departments.
wmr ship sunk
I'Gets-It," a Liberty
Bottle for Corns
There's Only One Genuine "Corn-
Peeler" That's "Gets-It."
Tver peel a banana? That's tha way
"Oets-It" peela off corns. It's tha only
corn treatment that will. "Oete-lt" la a
guarantee that yon won't finally haa to
goose, pick. Jerk or cut out yonr corns. If
a Now!
No Mora Eacaaa far Cams or Corm-Pai
yon want tha pleasure of retting rid of a
com. be aura to set "Gta-Il." It ia Its won
oVrful formula that baa made "Uta-It"
th corn marvel that ll la. used by mora
snlltlona than any other corn traatmant on
earth. faw drope on any corn or callua,
that's alt It can't atlck. It Is painless,
aaes pain. Tou can kick your "corny"
fret around, even In tlsht shoee, and your
Corel won't crucify you. ou can go
atiead and work, dance. live, lova and
laugh, aa thourh without corns.
"vit-lt." tha - guarantead. money-back
corn-remover, tha oniy aure way, coats but
a trifle at any drag store. MTd by K. Law
rence Co.. Chicago. 111. Sold In Portland
and recommended aa tha world's boat com
remedy try Owl Drug Cow, 21 gtoree on tha
faulle Coast.
, er-Adv.
HAVRE, Oct. 19. "In the course of
the day we continued to pursue the
enemy," says the Belgian official com
munication issued today. "We have oc
cupied Zeebrugee and Bruges and
Dassed the Bruges-Ghent canal nd
made progress toward Aeltre."
(By the Associated Press.) The
Americans and British south of Le
Chateau pressed forward today in the
face of violent counter attacks and a
determined resistance from machine
guna hidden In shell holes and gained
more than three kilometers..
More than 1500 prisoners have been
Yank Tanka Help.
American tanks . yesterday crossed
the Selle River In a dense fog, steering
by compass, leading the attack against
the Germans. Prisoners said they were
overcome by the suddenness of the ar
rival of the tanks in the fog. An enemy
trench mortar officer, captured at his
gun, had not had time to fire a single
PARIS. Oct. 19. The French armies
all along the front have been successful
in their combats against the Germans,
making advances at numerous points
and at others warding off violent
counter-attacks, says tonight's official
communication. In Champagne the
French have reached the Hunding line,
attacked It and captured St. Germain-
mont Seven hundred prisoners w ere
Vessel Had Been Equipped With
Bnoysncy Boxes, Which Were Ex
pected to Keep Her Afloat.
NEW YORK. Oct. 19. The American
steamship Lucia, equipped with the
buoyancy boxes and supposed to be un
sinkable. has been sunk, according to
word received here today In shipping
circles. She was torpedoed by a sub
marine In the Atlantic but details are
The Lucia, formerly an Austrian
freighter of the same name, left an
Atlantic port with cargo on October 12.
LONDON, Oct. 19. Commenting on
the report in the Handelsblad, of
Amsterdam, that German ubmarines
had been ordered by wireless to re
turn at once to their bases, the York
shire Post says:
"If the Handelsblad story is as In
nocent as It seems, it is a damaging
story of German mitigation of 'fright
fulness.' If the German government
can wireless to all its submarines, it
could have prevented the outrage on
the Leinster by telegraphing to all
U-boat commanders that atrocities
must not be committed.
"Outrages have been excused In Ger
many on the ground that It is Impos
sible to communicate with U-boats by
wireless telegraphy. But If the gov
ernment can recall the U-boats by
wireless telegraphy they could have
modified the ferocity without waiting
for President Wilson."
of the Spanish influenza epidemic by
executives of the State Board of Health
here today.
Spanish influenza among the crew
which resulted In three deaths, forced
the Japanese steamer Meikai Maru,
which left San -Francisco October 7, to
put into Honolulu today to ship a new
crew, the marine department of the
Chamber of Commerce announced.
Vancouver Has Many Cases of Span
ish Influenza.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Oct. 19. (Spe
cial.) The epidemic of Spanish Influ
enza continues serious, according to
Dr. Lynne A. Fullerton, of the United
States Health Service, who has been
sent here to Investigate. He Instructed
a nurse to canvass a certain district
yesterday and of 376 people visited, 43
had Influenza.
The parish hall of St James Catholic
Church has been made a temporary
hospital and a number of graduate
nurses are there to care for patients,
assisted by a corps of nurse aides, or
ganized by Mrs. Elizabeth Sterling. St
Joseph's Hospital is filled.
At Vancouver Barracks there is a
scarcity of nurses and the Government
could give employment to 15 at once
if they could be found.
"Flu" Patients Slay Get Uquor.
VICTORIA. B. O, Oct 19. British
Columbia's Provincial Cabinet met in
secret session today to decide if con
fiscated stocks of liquor should be do
nated to hospitals to assist in stopping
the Spanish influenza. The Cabinet's
decision will be become known Monday.
Victoria now has over 700 cases of
Spanish influenza and Vancouver' over
Accused Educator Is Cleared of All
Nine Charges Preferred Against
Him by Subordinates.
Complete exoneration of Principal
Cleveland, of Benson Polytechnic
School, and recommendations that legal
steps be taken to prefer charges
against E. F. Williams, a professor in
the institution, closed last night's In
vestigation of charges- preferred
against Mr. Cleveland by his subordi
nate. The board voted unanimously for
the suspension of Mr. Williams from
this date.
There, were nine counts In the com
Dlaint. including incompetency, dis
courtesy, improper ventilation of build
ings, overcrowding, and other short
comings on the part of the principal
Captain E. A- Sommer said the board
would take responsibility for the
crowded condition of the school, heat
ing and ventilation, and practically dis
posed of all charges save those that
Principal Cleveland had remarked that
the students should be "taken out back
of the building and hit on the head to
put them out of their misery, and tne
charge that the principal nad maae
false, representations to aid members
of the faculty to evade the draft
Former Superintendent Alderman
took the responsibility for this latter
charge. Mr. Williams had a list of 17
witnesses whom he wished to call, but
as tbe board relieved the Benson prin
cipal of practically all charges, only
few were examined.
Professor Larsen, at the head of the
department' of mechanical drawing
represented Principal Cleveland. Mem
bers of the board manifested their po
sition and their attitude toward Princi
pal Cleveland by announcing that they
had granted him an increase In salary
at their last meeting.
Figures on August Business Show
Marked Increase.
WASHINGTON. Oct 19 Increased
returns from higher freight and pas
senger rates now are fully apparent
for the first time In reports of railway
earnings to the Interstate Commerce
Commission. Compilations for August
show an operating Income of (128, 123,
000 for that month, or $24,000,000 more
than in August, 1917. Operating rev
enues Jumped to $502,759,000, which
was $136,000,000 more than in August
last year. At the same time, however.
expenses increased to $358,987,000, or
$112,000,000 more than In August, 1S17.
The report indicated also that the
Government has paid railroads In com
pensation In the eight months ending
with August nearly $200,000,000 more
than It has received as net operating
Seattle Undertaker Arrested by Fed
eral Authorities.
SEATTLE. Oct 19. On a charge of
defrauding the Government while un
der contract to prepare the remains of
allors and members of the Marine
Corps for shipment to their former
homes. Q. M. Butterworth. of S. R.
Butterworth & Sons, Seattle undertak
ers, was arrested oy r eaerai omcera
Butterworth, it is anegea, attempted
to "play upon the grief and sentiment
of relatives of sailors who died at the
:ralning station here of Spanish influ
enza to ODtaln money irom mem in ex
cess of the amount allowed by the
Government jnder contract The Gov
ernment pays all expenses or preparing
remains and shipping then to "their
former homes in hermetically sealed
metallic caskets. Butterworth. after
hearing before a United States Com
missioner, was released on a $2500
bond, . ;
Influenza Reported Subsiding
Army Camps; No Decrease
Among Civilians.
WASHINGTON, oc-t 19. The num
ber of new cases of Spanish influenza
In New York City today was estimated
at half a million. The mortality rate is
The epidemic is subsiding rapidly In
the military camps of the country, but
among the civilian population generally
the peak has not yet been reached.
Condition's in those Eastern states
where the disease first appeared showed
improvement today, but reports from
the South, the Middle West and Pa
cific Coast were not optimistic.
New cases in Army camps today
showed a decrease of 1403. Pneumonia
decreased 298 from yesterday and the
number of deaths was 158 less than
yesterday, numbering 472.
Public Health Service reports from
California said 18,200 new cases had
been recorded since Thursday, with
only portions of the state reporting.
In Idaho the malady continues to spread.
District of Columbia health officials
were Inclined to the belief tonight that
the peak of the epidemic in the dis
trict has passed. Sixty-six deaths were
reported today in comparison with 95
yesterday. New cases also showed a
NEW YORK, Oct 19. Harold Lock
wood, motion picture actor, died from
Spanish influenza at his home here to
day. Lockwooa was xeaiurea in juve
nile parts. He was 29 years old. Be
sides his widow and children Mr. Lock
wood is survived by his mother.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct 19. Barbers
and hotel room attendants throughout
San Francisco were ordered to wear
medical gauze masks during tbe period
Otto Kent Loses Leg as Result of
Hunting Accident.
Otto F. Kent aged 26. a farmer near
Fossil. Or., was accidentally shot in
the leg yesterday while hunting by Ar
thur Wallace. The Injured man was
taken to the Good Samaritan Hospital
last night where it w found neces
sary to amputate the leg. He Is in a
very serious condition.
It was reported that Kent was hunt
ing with Wallace near his farm and
that as Wallace was loading his gun it
accldently discharged, the bullet strik
ing Kent in the right leg below the
Hotel Waiter Is Injured.
James H. Babcock, aged 45, a waiter
at the Hotel Oregon, accldently tripped
over a chair in his room at the hotel
last night and broke his left leg. The
injured man was taken to the Good
Samaritan Hospital.
- Benjamin Allison Wounded.
Ben Jamln Allison, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Well-Known Lady Tells How
Darkened Her Gray Hair by
Simple Home Made Remedy.
Mrs. E. H. Boots, a well-known resi
dent of Buchanan -County, la., who
darkened her gray hair by a simple
home-made remedy made the follow
ing statement:
Any lady or gentleman can darken
their gray or faded hair, and make it
soft and glossy with this simple rem
edy, which they can mix at home. To
half a pint of water add 1 ounce of bay
rum, one small box of Barbo Com
pound and K ounce of glycerine. These
Ingredients can be purchased at any
drwg store at very little cost Apply
to the hair every other day until the
gray hair Is darkened sufficiently. This
Is not a dye, it does not color the most
delicate scalp; is not sticky or greasy
and does not rob off. -It will make a
gray-haired person look 10 to 20 years
younger." Adv.
5 Reason&Why You Should Do Your Christmas Shopping Early!
lstS tores are notto increase their working forces by reason of the holiday business over the average
forces employed during the year.
5rl TJormni working hours will not be Jenerthened durinsr the Xmas Season.
3d Retailers will use their utmost efforts to confine Christmas giving, except for young children, to use
ful articles. -4th
Every effort will be made to spread the period for Holiday purchasing over October, November
and December. '
5th Deliveries will be restricted and customers will be asked to carry their own purchases whenever
;li -
Apparel Displays
of Unusual Beauty
Featuring New and Attractive Modes Which Dame
Fashion Has Proclaimed "Correct."
Displays of Ready-to-Wear were never more interesting: than at
the present time. Added to our already splendid assortments are
many new models, just arrived, bringing with them new origina
tions which Dame Fashion has highly approved. It would be im
possible to present an assemblage of apparel that more truly por
trays the vogue or one more all-encompassing and then you'll
find our prices unequaled for lowness, quality, style and finish
considered. -
Choice From
Handsome Suits
From $2SS5 to $6730
Choice From
Fashionable Coats
From $16.95 to $79.00
As Extra Inducement We Have Underpriced for Monday
A Fine New. Lot of Women's Dresses $19.75
They Come in Serges, Satins and Jerseys
Beautiful Models for Street or Home Wear Particularly Attractive
Are Those in Panel Effects With Braid and Fringe
Trimmings All Sizes in Navy, Brown and Green.
Here Is an Opportune Sale of
In our Main Floor Domestic Section we have arranged a special display and sale of Comfort materi
als. Assortments are so complete and so varied that all may be suited these offerings for example:
Cotton Batts at $1.48 Each
Silver Fleece Batts, full 3 lbs. in weight and in
one piece, suitable for full size bed.
Cotton Batts at $2.00 Each
Beautiful Snow White Batts, 3 lbs. in weight and
made in one piece, suitable for full size bed.
Commercial Wool Batts at $3.75 Each
They come 2 lbs. in weight, and in one piece 72 by 84 inches
Comfort Challies at 25c Yd.
An extensive variety of styles and colorings to
select from they come 36 inches wide and are
of best standard quality.
Comfort Cretonnes at 29c Yd.
These fine Comfort Cretonnes are 36 inches wide
and are shown in pretty designs in medium
Metal Bands, Edges and Flouncings, Allover Laces
And Net Flouncings An Unlimited Assortment to Select From at 50c Yd.
Just at a time when these beautiful Laces are in greatest demand comes this out-of-the-ordinary
underpriced sale. Both dressmakers and home sewers should not fail to purchase liberally for present
and future needs. You have choice from
patterns, including Shadow. Allovers lor waists;
White and Cream Net Flouncings embroidered in
pretty light colorings; also Silk Allover Flouncings
in beautiful floral designs
Black Silk Laces, Allover Laces
12 and 17-inch Black Silk Shadow and Chantilly
Lace Flouncings. 18-inch Allover Laces in ' white
and colors; also black with gold or silver designs.
Metal Edges and Bands, Silk and
Metal Allovers
In a variety of patterns in gold and silver. Most
desirable widths; 18-inch flouncings; shown in
handsome burnt-out patterns.
Filet and Allover Laces, 36-inch Laces
shown in 22 and 27-inch widths and in many choice
Hoys Watsts at i.uu
Blouse Waists well made and of fine material,
shown in all sizes in fancy stripes or in plain blue.
Men's Shirts at $125
The celebrated Monarch Shirts, made in coat-style
with soft double cuffs or with starched cuffs.
Men's Neckwear at 50c to $1.00
Fine Silk Four-in-Hand Ties made with wide open
ends and slip-easy bands they come in a large
assortment of patterns and in three qualities
50S 65, $1.00.
Two Big Corset Specials
Such Well Known and Reliable Makes as
Guaranteed R. & G., Henderson and Merito
Lot One, Choice at, Pair. . . 98c Lot Two, Choice at :-$1-49
You are assured of a perfect figure if you have your new Fall garments fit over any one of the three
well-known and reliable Corsets listed in this sale. They are models suitable for the slender average or
stout figure; also topless models. They come in white or pink and in all sizes from 19 to 36. Purchase
at this sale, and you will make an important SAVING.
FREE One bar Creme Oil Soap with each purchase of 3 bars for 25?.
Store Opens
at 8:30 A.M.
at 9 A.M.
TTT:--. Jft. JaZlBaMaaMaWaaalaU
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P. M.
at 6 P. M.
i i
Donald Allison, 597 Madison street, has
been wounded in action In France, ac
cording to a message received u, .....
parents. His wile, wno ...
toria, B. C. has telegraphed for de
tails He is in the general hospital at
Camieres, France. Mr. AUison Is a pri
vate in the 72d battalion ot the Sea
forth Highlanders of Canada. His let
ters home told of many adventures,
and indicated that he had been In action
almost constantly.
188 E. EIGHTH ST. Home Phone B 1280
B Fast 3580
o , iiiiiiiiiiiiii imiiui iiiiiiiminiiiiiiiii i """I
. -a .1 .4171 1T7 7
1 Ho Danger ot Contracting tne tlu
in our well-ventilated eating establishment.
thing at Moderate prices.
Best of every-
Cozy Dairy
323 Washington Near Sixth
Never Closed 5
inHiiiimimiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii!iiuii!i iiiiumiiim.'immiimimiimiiiiimimmiir?.
Lang s Hot Blast
The most economical and
best all-wood range made;
Hot-air overdraft, polished
top, large warming closet.
Investigate; call at our
Your old range taken in as
part payment.
F. S. Lang Mfg. Co.
Tel. Main 642 191 4th St.