THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND,' OCTOBER 20, 1918. 9 FOB SALE. Furniture fur sale. A BONA FIDE FURNITURE SACRI FICE. Art yoa looking for bargain In furniture rugs, ranges, heaters T Well, we have, them. We are not only elltnr at reduced price, but are closing out $40,000 worth of brand v new furnishings below the present wholesale cost. It does not pay you to consider second-band foods when you can get nice, clean merchandise for, the- same money and many arti cles at less. We bar reason for making comment upon the wonder ful bargains we are offering to the people of Portland and Tlclnlty. As announced before, we hare purchased two Immense stocks at a great saving of the old cast which enables us to give yoa such ridiculous values that defy all competition. This la a sale which cannot be compared with the ordinary sale, for It would be impos sible to sell goods bought In the ordinary way at the extremely low price we are offering. To be con vinced we 'want you to compare prices charged by other stores and yoa will then gain some definite knowledge of what THE FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 163-163 FIRST ST, SAVE TOU. i LIBERTY BONDS ACCEPTED Brand-new White Rotary sewing ' machines, regular 193 for $39.50. BARGAIN WKKK TV rvrw EXCHANGE DKPARTMENT. Used Iron beds from $-'.50 to $1.50; used Trine from $2: mattresses, $2 tip; 4-ho!e Ratable gas range, guaranteed. 1 17.51. Installed: new gas plat. t' .': used mok stoves and ranges in tirst-olass condition. $12 and up: ued washing machines. $;t to $6; one water power machine. $H:solid n.ik round etfP.lori table, 45-inch top, $12 50; several solid oak square dining tables. $."-$!; new. chairs as low as $1.05; nw rockers from $:i large buffet In el rant condition, with 2x.:2-tnch French plate mirror. $17. SO; soli. I oak sideboard. $irt: used library tablet. $5 to $!: Indies' writing d-sk in whlie enamel. $0.5O; an other In rray ename'. $:i.5n: solid oak eom b; nation bokca anil writing- dek. $17.50: large overstuff .d davenport, upholstered In tap!try, only $17 50. Come in and l"ok over thee and many other bargains. You can furnish a homo complete at a very low tig' ire. and remember, your credit Is rood. T-rmi to :t vmir convenience. MISil FIKXITIRE CO., lSS-190 1st St. BRAND NEW MONARCH GAS RANGE, elevated side oven, r burners and broiler. A ranee that usualy s-lls for $05. Two only at the extremely low price of $42.50. Fine usei a. B. g is range, g'asa door, mhite enameled splashers. piTot lleht. absolutely up to date, mine as new. $42.50. 5- ernl ud gns ranges from $22.50 up. Ail are gunman toed same as new. Sld on easy terms. We take your old range or kss rarre In etrh.mge. GEVUKTZ FCRNITCKK rOMPA.VT, THE BUS STORE, 1S3 to 101 First st.. near Yamhill Publ'c Market. W rZ HAVE a Majestic ranee, good as new. with ls-inch oven and pin water front; the Maiestic ranee has no enual: it is the onlv range made of malleable charcoal Iron : t. y are splendid bakers, burn a gnat f"1 1'' llel than common ranges and last a li.'etlme. Sells for $113 new. thi una $03 set up and connected; easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. las-lto 1st St. OVKRTITFEU "TAPESTRY CHAIR AND HiK'KKi: to match at the unheard-of prtce of $" for the two. We al.o have a dandy overstuffed tapestry davenport with 3 looe cushion, spring eitce and back, tor 455. F;iv terms. No intert. OEVL'tilX Fl'KNITl HE COM PANT. Till-: HRi STORE, 1S5 to liO First st.. near Yamhill Public Market. l;;i) FLU.MTl'KE AT r.APSBY'S. 1 dresst-r. $15; library tables m low as $f ci h ; tlinini; tables. 6-foot, $:' 75 and up; uph. sat r-'-Ker. aimnst new. $5; Ux2 Jruols r-. yxlJ. slightly used. $J.;.o; W iiton velvet rug. fixi:. r gu r price $55, nw $:;i 50; set of 0 oak dining chairs, $73 wh; 1 ti-h"le ranpe. $-5. WM. C.LSUY : SONS, First and Washington Sts. BKAVTUTL wTi.I.I nTTxO MARY CHINA -;.i5.t in delightful ruined oak tin .sh. F:ime as new. absolutely. A $5 cabinet C Xc-r an.! terms If iieired. UEVL'RTZ KiUViTl'RK COMPANY, THE Itlii STiRE, 1S5 to lyl First sr.. near Yamhill Public Market. a!. nit a n-w ta king machine for the .ng Winter evening? We carry a full In of Columbia and records. m -Id on easy terms. We alst hae several brnnd new Vut rolas at reduced prices Step in and hsr them MlH Kl'RMTl RB CO., lJK-l!N 1st lt. IjiMSu table and chairs. $1-0; buffet. $.0; brass bed. $7i: bm'seye map dresser. $.'; Horary table, $-S: all waxed oak. and bargains; other pieces also; no dealers. Leaving town Monday. 110 Hazel fern r . e. 1 to 3 P. M. to.!ay only. m Phone Taor r..t!7. C. O. Arnold. FCi.N I TV IVA -of 7 -room house, clrcasaion w i nut bedroom suiie. waits enanifled bedroom suit-, brass bed. birch dresser and ch.drs. Sincr sewing machine, fumed oak davenport, fumed oak living and dining-room turr.iti:te. P::no. ti.irden tools. If4 Stephens. Phone Tabor 1"47. OAK iibrurv table, leather Morris chair, rens, refrigerator, rug. drej-ner. cabinet, rocker. led adjustaoU-and detail draft ing boards." reasonable; leaving city. T-tbor 4l. OKI FURNITURE CO.. 209-11 Second St. Amount cash register, nearly new, very cheap. A LARGE assortment of used rugs and car pets at reasonable price. Coa. ia and louk them over. OWL. FURNITURE CO.. 1'04 First st. 4-PIECE psrior set In green velvet up hoi stenr.g, manoirany uui-n, pr. as go'd as neiv. $...0. tculh Portland car, .'S Puricr hu Take ENHI.TSH breakfast table, library table, writing desk. 2 mattresses, small cook stove, lawu mower. 177 Sherman at. Mount Scott car. tt-KviOT ma?ive oak extension table in per leCt COIK'.lMya, J .50. OWL FL KM TURE CO ,4 1st st. FLAT-TOP mahogany office desk with two chairs; god tond:;loo. Cot $10. Will soil for 1'0. Phone East l-t0 before noon Sunday or Monaay. BELKCKM furniture, rues, chairs and other things, clean aud tn gwd condition. The MaUolms, od and Sndy bivd apt. 0. from 1J to o'clock. A. U. OAS KANGt. 4 burners, elevated oven. In Cae coidltion. JUJ.'j. OWL. FURNITURE CO.. 04 ls:. SALE Medium sise word hearer good conaiU'-n: brtain at $U.5o. Phone Seli-wt-od l"4l. RL1 kj j water eater as sood us new, $14. OWL fVKNITUKi CO., U4 1st st. COAL and wood range. 316 Eugene at. East 24-3. GAKLAND gas range. rtcht-hand oven, Kuad hot-water heater. $45. Tabor .V10. FURN1TUKE enough for 3-room apt. Mar shall Cli; no deaiers. FURNITURE for sale, private people. 431 E 3mh si. SLTOHTLY ud ro l-top desk. Call Main b5oU Oreal barnain. Fl'KNITUPE for sale and house Xor rent. Cali Sunday. Broadway 21SI. DA V ENPO KT leather f.'I.iinj bed. a ; must new; go-'d bargain. 5o4 E. 2d;h N. HF.AT'.N' STOVE for saie. TaUr 171d. FtntNlTV.E for sal?. IS E. 45th st. FCiiNlIUlti Xur sai. 41 iu. iJih. FOB SALE. Furnitnre tor 8le. BEAUTIFUL lustered ivory enamel dressing table and chair $25.75 Princess drr-ss-r with oval mirror. . .$-1.75 B.ue and wn;ie enamel iron beds.. 9.00 Tapestry upuoistered couch Sll.5u Beautiful muhuHny library table. .$2 $.75 Ivory reed armchair, cretonne up holstered $21. S5 Solid oak settee $ 9."0 Nutural willow writing desk $11.75 Square-top dining taMe. . . . . .$10.75-411.50 Engtisn breakfast table $ 3.70 Beautiful go. den oak sideboard $20. M) A epiendid wood htater $ 12.50 Coai heaters at $14.00 and $10.00 Combination heater with duplex grates $-3.75 4-bumer gas range $7.f)0 Large kitchen cabinet $21.ou Made-ovrr hair mattress $--.00 EDW'ARLS CO.. 5TH AND OAK. A cood P.ace to Trade. FIRE SALE OF HEATERS. We were fortunate in buyir.s heaters from the Portland Stove Works. which were damaged by fire last year. There stoves have all been refinlflhed like new and are sacrificed to the public at FIKfci SAL.i PRICES. Our complete line of new and nsed-Tieat-r. ranges, furniture, rues and Irnoleum has been reduced to correspondingly low prices. This id your one grreat opportunity to prepcrc for the comforts of Winter. You will find a Rrand selection of new elvei. Brussels and Wilton rus in all s'zes: also about lKt yds. of Wnittall vel vet carpet very sliaruly used. Our entire !oc win he offered during this sale at a sa-nf !ce. K- ry article 1 marked in plain fltrurea Lt Klines SALE. V.2 FIRST 8T.. NEAR TATLOR. WE HAVE JtT RECEIVED COMPLETE l'RNISHIN;S of a Portland HeiRhts home. Among other thing) received 'are a line manngjny bedroom set, a birdseye maple-mahagany bedroom set, a hand some Wilton rugr. size ix!U, a dininsr-room vt. a mahogany William and Mary li brary table. This is only one buy we have ?tt in this month. Many others. We have ii.imt sciuare leet of tlonr space, liberally scattered with good used furniture, rugs, ranees and everything for the home at very low prices. Eay tersm arranged. No intprf-st charged. y GEVL'RTZ FLRVITT'RR COMPANY, THE RIO STORE. 1S5 to lt'l First st.. near Tamhill Public Market. OWL FCRN1TURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Iron beds .$1.75 and up S-prinps l.oo and up M j 1 1 ri sscs ................ Cnuirs presers Uimt.g tables Cen'er tables Cook stoves Rockers OWL FVRXITURE U4 First st. 1.50 and up ,. . . i . and up ... 7.50 and up . . . 3.0 and up , .. .75 and up , .. and up . . . 1.30 and up CO., NEW AND OLD SOUGHT AND SOLD. OKI FURNITURE COMPANY. 200 Second st. Free Delivery. Phone during day. A 1200. MMn 8331. nig hr. A 303L Alain 5783. BEAUTIFUL "life time" furniture, waxed oak. dininir-room et, llviug-rooin lurni ture. consisting of large library table, Morris chair, leather cushions; two large rockers, desk and chair to match; um brella rack and tabourette, gold silk sun- dour drapes and brown v,eur portieres. one new hncianavr cuuen. i dox couch, One Acorn gas ran it e. All In sood con dition. Call Tabor 3390. THIS IS A SNAP. 11x12 feet hlch-crade Axminster rus. brand new. pleasing all-over design iu mi:eL t:istefui colors of tan and brown it will take L'u years to wear it out; worth at least $75, fur jf.ilt.Mi. i-.asy terms. MldH FUKNITURE CO., ISS-l'.'O 1st St. CAKI'ETS of seven-room house, one Stein- way piano, one music camnet, one nw a- 11. Ks ranse. one dresser, one brass bed, box springs, une water motor washing ma- kln rBfrirruM'nr. nthpr miscellaneous ar- tides! Call at 753 Johnson st., coaler ot j:., on Monday a:ter 10 A. M. V n 1 1 R KSTAI'RAXT. TtnnnA nk metal Dedestal tables. 50 Vienna chairs, steam table. Will sell at & low price. OWL FURNITURE CO., '04 First st. ni'X'N bookcase, desk section, would coat $57 new,; nan i some quariereu .n. Khim enhinef. cost $n5 new. $40: both like new. Call apt. 310 Tudor Arms, mornings or even in ps. OKI FURNITURE CO.. yoil-ll Second St. Ga heaters. $1.50 up. Wood and coal heaters $3.15 up BEAUTIFUL, mahogany 11-piece dining set, davenport, leather couch chairs. Victrola, Wilton rugs, electric lamps and fixtures, bric-a-brac Co0 E. 10th, lrvington. East 6ls:. - FOR SAf.E Wilrox-Gfbbs sewing machine, bedsLead and .surintrj. dining-room table n.l ehnirs. davenDort. kitchen dishes, fruit. Monday. 57b hi. Ninth su N. Eut 635J. CHAMPION coal or wood range, 10-in. oven, delivered and set up. $"!. 5u. OWL FURNITURE CO., M4 First st. vR SAUK One 4.-inch quartered oak roll ton desk and swivel chair, 1 B. K maple bed and dresser. 1 small oak library ta ble. Tabor 8SL"9. GOOD oeilesta! dining table and 6 oak fhnir nt.1v for all. or $15 for either one velvet fluff rng. $10. 418 E. 34th st. Tabor 750. K iTi'H KN" heater. 1 bureaus. 2 beds, mat tre?ses and coil springs, buffet, dining tab.e, rocker, nn-fnot red hose, carpenter tools. 250 E. 7th N. Tabor 4M4. FURNITURE 5-room bungalow, including ruRs, steel range, gas stove, wood heater, etc. No dealer-. Tabor 492 Mar guerlte avc. Richmond car. BEAUTIFUL. gulden oak library table a'x4H. boucht two months ago for $30; will sell for 1S. Tabor 07l0 after 6 P. M., or all day Sunday. vri CIV rincn fr a!e. in rood condi tion. oven IS inches square. 8 joints of nine for flue connection. I'rice ii. i East 7Sth st. N. Tabor S10. THE Chatham tireless cooker, 2 compart ments, $H. OWL, FURNITURE CO., 204 First st. I. A iu ; E. rev ol vi i) g. on k bookcase which I will sell for a fraction of its value, as I have no use for lu See owner at 404 Piatt building. FURNITURE of 47-room apartment-house; good location, walking distance; reason able rent; must be cash. T oTG, Orego nian. Al COAL. HEATER, perfect condition; fire screen, breakrasl nie. ii"o c. Atny Richmond car. Sell wood 3441. WAX'T someone to Join me in shipping car load of furniture East. AM 6uU, Orego man. . FOK SALE Complete furnishings 6-room house. Including tine piano, with player at tornment. 114 E. idth. Mt. Tabor car. VICT HO LA $10 OUTFIT, LATEST STYLE, CHEAP, CASH ONLY. MAR. SHALL 5246. G 3 rat re and gas water heater and wood hnter. practlcaay new. alust aelL AM C('.3. Oregcrian. UNIVERSAL steel range, coils and reser voir. $-5; full bedroom set. $15; Morris chair. J 2 50. 660 Ankeny. !1 RESTAURANT tables, or any less num ber, and rup;s for saie. Call 603 Stock Exchange b.tig. BEVEL mirror, oak sideboard and round mahogany center table, no second-hand dealers. Call Monday. East 6v55. RANGE with coll. Bridge Beach, good as nw. $45: also furniture and a bungalow. Phone Tabor 2070. NEW" HOME sewing machine, hat rack. bookcase and gooi piano, reasonable. &50 Thurman St. Marshall 4HU. FOK SALE Almost new. p!atn blue seamless Cavuga rugs. One 10.6x15.0. other 12x13. Phone Tabor SO. JEWEL 4-burner gas range, oven, broiler and heater. Price $30. 67 East 19th st. Take Sunnyside car. SQUARE oak dining table, six chairs, white tt'e ice chest, velour curtains. Iron bed. 629 E 24th St. N. East 6035. $30 LEATHER cushioned davenport, oak bedroom su!tf. Morris chair, rocker and den table. Woodlawn 25"S. 5-ROOM, steam-heated flat for rent, furni ture for sale, piano Included; no dealers. lllU X. 2lt. CE I NA CLOSET, mahogany bookcase and davenport, bench wringer, few pictures, chafing dish. 1222 East Glisan. BRASS bed. quartered oak suite, buffet, like new; reasonable. East 2573 Sunday. Dogs. Rabbit. Birds. Pet Mock. THE BIRD SHOP. FlftT females given away free Monday. C 2217. 1151 E. 2S St. N. Take Alberta car. AIREDALE puppy, black and tan. 7 weeks o:d. unusually bright. $5; also 5-year-old female. Copper. Oak Grove. luJ. ST A.NDREASBERG roller singer. 2 years old. Good for trainer. Woodlawn 3652. 6 F'NK New Zealand rahb:ts for sa:e, for lot. Call C 10. or 8:5 E. 2th N. $5 THOROUGHBRED Llewellyn setter, 6 mos. old. - C. S. Benner, 427Main st. FOR SALESingTS and femaiea. Call the Studio. Main 4'iS. BeXuTIFL'L orange singers for sale. Call . mornings. East 497L THOROUGHBRED female Irish Terrier pup pies for sa.le. Sell. S7. CHXMPION Airedale puppies. $20 upv J, R. Doane, od and MilL Tawr 6v4, FOR SALE. Doc. Rabbira. Bird. Pet Stok. RAI.SK RABBITS FOR MEAT We have Belgians. New Zealand Flemish Giants. English Lop Ear and White English, sll ages and size: utility stock arf well as fancy pure-bred. Write lor prices and catalogue. Koutledge Seed Flora u- fa aacond il, Portland, Or. UNUSUAL Airedales; Tieton TiD by Cham pion Illuminator, great sire, show, hunting- and watch dog; Nan Baldwin by Mike Baldwin, grand young brood bitch. uu uea a same, supples ail engagea. L. E. Wornom. 37th R. box 344. Phone -'ir -o, Vancouver, Yash. RABBITS Belgian hares. Flemish Giants. .New Zealand Reds: quality stock, rea- sonaoie prices, o-paee il lustra tea book let. l.c stamps. Monticelio Babbitry, cor ner gyth and East Stark. Mt. Tabor (MT 8Sth)car to end. 4 blocks north, one east SHEEP FOR SALE In any quantity. Ewes $10 and up; rams $2i and up; also 600 beaa ol cattle. COFFIN BROS.. . Yakima. Wash. SELLING OUT. . Flemish Giants registered New Zea Innda, English Pink Eye and Butterys, old and young; some choice stock. t"all Funday. 5s.j Savier BL, bet. 18th and linn. THOKOt'GHBRED rabbits for sale. New Zealand. Flemish, Rufus Red. breeding stock and youngsters. Call after 4:30 P. M. 1303 Interstate St, phone Woodlawn MOVING, must sell one black Flemish Giant . doe. seven youngand one Russian Red coe. nine younp. MV car to end of line. W. Cheanut, 245 E. 91st St. N. BELGIAN hare does, blooded stock; also guinea ples, very prolific; pigs orrty $J pair; younff, $1.50 pair. See Walker, 553 Frederick st. Sell wood car. VWM pay more? Serice Sir Kewpie. best or anse Persian. $5; Sir Talco, silver. $4. Kiwens. Portland Cat Kennels. Tabor I .Till. PEDIGREED English setter, thoroughly broke, call 1575 E. Burnside st. or phone Monday Broadway 1046. POLICE Red Cross dogs, the dog of the M "c 8tlCAsa PuPPes. Max Miller, Y. WILL give 3 pretty white gentlemen kit tens for 3 little girls to be had at north- weai corner or 42d and Kllllngaworth kSEE Farrell's BoHton puppies "before buying. 1 Royally bred and reasonable. 58 Kerby st. .Mississippi car. Woodlawn 891. MALE English bull. 3 years old, pedigreed, so l for board bill. Dr. Huthman, 415 E. WILL pay not more than $10 for an Aire dale dog or bitch, 4 months or older. Tabor 2323. THREE beautifully pedigreed Russian wolf hound puppies, very select registered stock. Ayplyfor information 575 Main st, FOR SALE Pure bred New Zealand and r lemish Giant rabbits; prices from SI to $5. Phone He II wood M5. TWO grand Airedale matrons want good homes; shares. Laddlr Kennels, Estacada, AIREDALE TERRIERS, the dog of all wora. McKenna Park Kennels, McKenns ave and Lombard at. Poultry. HOME flocks of poultry will aid tremend ously by producing eggs and meat to off set the shortage of animal foods. A few hens will reduce your living expenses by producing eggs and meat at little cost. Pratt a Poultry Regulator Is guaranteed to make hens lay better and chicks grow fawter, or your money back. Sold by first clas dealers everyw here. CHINA and Golden pheasants. Barred Rock nu caniam ctiicks. 1S4U Peninsula ave. YOUNG White Leghorn hens, sood stock, $1 2 PULLETS. White Leghorns and others, puiiic l cxy nig. oouiawn FOUR genuine White Wyandotte roosters t.ia flimna ave., near Fremont st. W. LEGHORN, R. L. Red. Plymouth. $1 to "ji virijun au, near n. -4tn St. FOR BALE Rhode Island rooster. 42. 2420 W. LEGHORN, R. I. Red. White Wyandotte pmiets i 'r sa ie. none Wdln. 3204. WANTED Decoy ducks. Phone Bdwy. 784 Launches nd Boats, BOAT SACRIFICE. 30-PASSENOER "ENCLOSED" BOAT. NEW is-H. P. ENGINE. ALL IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. LICENSE NO. G16, READY FOR SERVICE. GREAT BARGAIN AT $l!.-,0. (WORTH AND COST OVER $:tr.MO.) SMALL PAYMENT Avn TERAIS. OKA LITTLE CASH AND SOMB ii.AUt.. ilAKK OKFEK. AM LEAV ING CITY AND MUST CLOSE DEAL THIS WEEK. ADDRESS THOMSON. OWNER. P. O. BOX 222. 2G0-GALLON galv. gasoline tank, cog wheel mtiin wincn suitable to roll oes under houseboats, etc.; 4-H. P. Regal marine en gine; new wotk Doat, null ;7 by 12, about a dozen 60-foot piling cheap. See us for anything from a canoe to a seagoing ves sel. Fulton Boatyard, foot of Virginia st. Marshall 2(or. lil-rOOT hull for sale, suitable for either pleasure launch or race boat, one vear old prico -icht. Warren Motor Works, Inc., LAT'NCH, 43-foot, built by Wilson Bros, at Astoria, or wnite ceaar, 3U-H. P. Frisco ncanaaru, ior saie cneap. Phone East 1007. WANTED One Ifi-ft. row boat, 5-ft. beam. Heavy construction, to be used as tender on suction urenge. fen insula Industrial Company. North Port lan tl. Or. FOR SALE or trade. 10-ft. launch, Al condition. Llmost Mar new. j;-norsepower, shnll f-071. GOOD 4-room houseboat for sale, furnished or unturnisned. 3d house west side St, Johns ferry. 21 FT. by 4 ft. 6 launch. 4V. H. P.. 4-cvcIa engine, fully equipped; In A-l condition Caretaker. Portland Motor Boat Club. TOWING 32-foot boat. 14-H. P.. Fulton Boatyard. Marshall 200o. MODERN, up-to-date, new houseboat at saiTinoe. Phone Sellwood 2056. HOl'SliHOAT for sale: modern In every de- mn, lunuaiicu, u. tu ilianietlO JIOOTage. SALE OR TRADE Fine motorboat. What jyave you ? Woodlawn 3411. Cawh RegiHters. We Make and Sell NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS AND CREDIT FILES. Lowest prices. Small monthly payments. No interest charges. Written guarantee. Old registers repaired, rebuilt, bought, soid and exchanged. J. R. ML'MMA, Agent. The National Cash Register Co., 390-82 Stark Street. Broadway 181ft. FOR SALE National cash register, penny keys, autograph tape. Call 106 11th St. Typewriters. NEW Remington, rental plan ; rent applies to purchase. mole models. Remington Typewriter Co., bS Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. WILL exchange new Victrola, Brunswick. Edison or Grafonola and records for type writer. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt tyewriters. ALL MAKt.s. sola on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type w riter Co.. retail dept.. 3 21 Wash- st. FIRST-CLASS typewriter. Al condition. cost 702 over $100; only $io tor quick sale. Spalding bldg. WE will buy your old typewriter and pay you cash. Oregon ryewriter Co., 04 Fifth NEW L. C. Smith typewriter and Todd check protector for $100. cash, bonds or stamps. W 001. Oregonian. REBUILT typewriter and supplies. Corona dealers. E. v . r'ease Co., 110 Sixth. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates, f. l. CO.. 31 starK st- Main 1407. TYPEWRITERS cleaned, repaired; all makes. M. J. htirsnorn. Main itbz or Main 3253. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon .typewriter to., dm uin. Alain 3f. Machinery. LARGE Reeves steam tractor, in good con dition, now puinng if plows; one 10-Inch Byron jacKson centrirugai pump, complete. In A-l condition. YA rite for particulars. Address box. aus, uaxer, or. FOR SALE Fine 20M. Russell mill, also 94X10 Seattle aonney, run logging equip ment: bargain price and terms. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 213 Chamber of Com merce. . BOILERS and fittings complete, from 60 to 123 ri. r. ; a iso o n. r. vertical Doner, with engine and hoist, all In A-l condi tion; reasonable. 70 First at. FOR SALE Circular resaw machine, good condition. w in ao-mcn saw ; rea sonable. American Box & Crate Mfg. Co 22d and Upshur sts. - FOR SALE A Fairbanks-Morse 25 H. p., type gasoune ennui. r or particulars call on or address T. E. Gault. Supt. of Water Works, Gladstone, Or. CONE clutch with shaft shafting and pul- lles lor saie. xaoor aj.o. uaaay. Tabor 3120. Monday. FOB SALE 30-horsepower firebox boiler. high pressure, caw. jJimoat, .ouusaaie, or, Marshall 3212. FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR RENT. 3 revolving steam shovels. 1 No. 4S Bucyrue track shovel. 1 No. 50 Marion- steam shovel. 1 drag line scraper, 1 yards. 20 slip scrapers. 30 wheel scrapers. A road r1ow3. 1 half-yard Smith Traction paving mixer. l o-h.-p. gasoline engine. 1 15-h.-p. Foos gasoline engine, 1 40-h.-p. gasoline engine. 1 60-h.-p. gasoline engine, 1 6"xS" D. D. hoist. 1 D- D. electric hoist with 20-h.-p. motor. 1 1S"x42" Bates Corliss engine. 1 64"3cl6 Return Tubular boiler and fit tings. 2 6i'xl boilers, 125-lb. pressure, 1 liw0-ft. capacity air compressor. 1 shingle machine. 1 10,00t capacity sawmill. Also large line of used equipment. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY. 29 NORTH FIRST STREET. BRWY. 1046. A-1040. 15-TON, 12-Ib. RAIL. 4-TON 16-LB. RAIL. 200 TONS 20-LB. RAIL. 60 TONS 35-LB. RAIL. 50 TONS 40-LB. RAIL. 10 TONS 66-LB. RAIL. 200 TONS 00-LB. RAIL. 30-TON SHAY LOCOMOTIVE!. 53-TON CLIMAX. 65-TON SHAY. 40-TON BALDWIN CONSOLIDATION. 42- TON COOKE MOGUL. 43- TON PITTSBURG OIL BURNER. 50-TON BALDWIN 10-WHEELER, 55-TON TAUNTON 10-WHEELER. 00-TON BALDWIN 10-WHEELER OIL BURNER. 91-TON BALDWIN CONSOLIDATION. S0.000-LB. CAPACITY GONDOLAS. 60,000-LB. CAPACITY GONDOLAS. 40,000-LB. CAPACITY FLAT CARS. 5U.00O-LB. CAPACITY FLAT CARS. 60.000-LB. CAPACITY FLAT CARS. S0.00O-LB. CAPACITY FLAT CARS. 5000-GAL. TANK CAR. 7000-OAL. TANK CAR. 7K50-GAL. TANK CAR. 8140-GAL. TANK CAR. Complete stock track bolts and track spikes. A. C. CALLAN, 413-414 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 330. IF ITS iron products you want, look at tneae snaps: 500 BOOM CHAINS, H to IK In., all ready to ship. STEEL CHAIN, coll, anchor, sprocket, etc. A large stock at Barde prices. WIRE ROPE, new and used, in. in -stock. In. to 2 If you want any kind or amount of rope see iarae. it pays. PIPE from In. to 12 in. in stock, all threaded and new couplings. Specials, 40.000 ft. 1-in. pipe, never used. 11c foot. ; 30.000 ft. 1 14 -in. pipe, never used, 13 c tt. PLATES AND SHEETS. NEW AND USED. SEE BARDE. HYDRAULIC JACKS. 5 20-ton. 3 30-ton, at almost Vi price. 1 HIGH-PRESSURE BLOWER, 4 open ings 16 BOILERS. 2 to 300 H. P., upright and horizontal. 22 ENGINES. XV to 1000 H. P. See Hi for your engine wants. PULLEYS, cast iron. steel split, wood split and HANGERS; a very large stock on hand. BELTINQ. 1-in. to 30-in., In stock; new guaranteed at 2d-hand prices, full rolls ROOFING PAPER. NEW LOOK AT THESE PRICES: 1- ply, 05c per roll of 1 square. 2- ply, $1.20 per roll of 1 square. 3- ply. $L45 per roll of 1 square. and almost 1,000,000 other bargains, all bargains. M.1 BARDE it SONS., INC.. Mill, Loggers' and Shipbuilders' Supplies. Front and Main ets.. Main 663 SPECIAL. One 25-ton Baldwin mognl locomotive, standard gauge and main line air equip ment, together with five 36-foot standard f la tears, with SO-ton trucks, equipped with air. bunks, chains and dogs for logging. Ready for Immediate delivery. THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. 83 First Street. Portland, Oregon. BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES ON EASY TERMS. Motors, clutches, carburetors, eta Flying Merkel Parts. Cylinder grinding, acetylene welding and general overhauling BAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grand Ave. EXCELSIOR AND CLEVELAND AGENCY. FOR SALE 6x8 single drum steam hoist, new gasoline hoists, 3-h. p., $220; 4-h. p.. $200; 6-h. P- $305; 6-h. p., $450; several belt hoists, both single and double drum; 15-h. p. Lidgerwood electric hoist ; 15 Inches by 12 feet Sebastian Q. C. lathe; 6000 ft. H. -inch plow steel rope. V S. IRON WORKS.-Seattle. Wash. FOR SALE One 9-18 Case tractor, with 2 14-lnch John Deere plows at a bargain Good reason for selling. Price, $S50. If you want a tractor and don't buy this, you don't want a tractor. C. H. Murphy, Albany. Or. WANTED TO RENT If satisfactory, will buy, fish fertilizer press. State make, size, capacity, weight and condition. Send catalogue or cut. E. J. Stein, Blaine, Wash. FOR SALEJ One new 10-20 Titan tractor, must sell. Price, to move quick, $1100. J. R. Wallls, Albany, Or. r FOB SALE. Mac Lit ner j. FIVE H. P. Fay & Bowers marine engine, first-class condition, with wheel and shaft $100. Address Edw. W. Pearson. Sta. F, city, or inquire grocery store at Bridgeton. AIR COMPRESSOR. Sullivan angle-corn pound, 0-S-ioot capacity, loo pounds pres sure, witn the receiver, rracticauy new. Miscellaneous. PIPE PIPE. PIPE. We carry pipe In sizes from the small est to the Largest made. For this week only we are going to smash prices, re gardless of wholesale prices. Every foot we eeii is guaranteed:. boilers. Toilers. We have just secured several 250-H. P., 150-pound pressure boilers.- second-hand, but have only been used a very shrt time, and therefore are practically as good as new. If you are interested in such, be sure to see us first. It will pay you to do so. SAWMILL OWNERS. lUliUKS A.JV CONTRACTORS. A tnmnlete stock of sawmill machinery. loggers' and contractors' equipment. Our stock 1 s the largest and our prices are the lowest, uet our quotations ana in spect our siock. ALASKA JUNK CO.. 201 Front st. Main 4110. SEE FOR SALE. MACHINERY FOR BARDE'S BIG BARGAIN LIST. LITTLE nower drill Dress without chuck; Golden vibrator. No. 1. for alternating cur rent; de Zeng's luminous retinoscope Schebler's carborator for one-inch con nection: Mcintosh calvanic Faradic bat tery; .22 Winchester, .22 long; Stewart speedometer; com,b. volt-ammeter; 13 feet new bicycle chain; new cornet, B. F. Mar shall ltiia. CHOICE marine collection of shells, corals. gorgonias. etc.. with cabinet. can De seen at 5S1 E. Main today from 2 to P. M. Monday and Tuesday evenings, after 7:30. FOR SALE Sand shade georgette gown. silk lined, latest model, never worn; size 3h; also black net and chameuse; size 38; half price. Marshall 4400, apt. 517, 0 to 1, after Sunday. MUST BE SOLD MONDAY. Roll-top desk, adding machine, type writer, letterfile, computing scale, shot gun and rifle. Newman, 12b' 1st, near Aider. S-FOOT wall case, 15-foot counter, 6-foot hood, 30-gal. range tank, ivairbanKs cor- lee mill, cash register, id, restaurant tables, 3x4, 125 feet of best grade 1-in. pipe. 44 w asmngton st. FOR SALE One 26-inch C. & P. paper cut ter, one uxl3 Prouty press, one root-power stapling machine, one lead cutter. 300-2 Belmont st. East 3301. NOTICE STOCKMEN. For sale. 2500 tons choice alfalfa hay, with convenient feed grounds and water. fci. ij. Aiunn, Wendell, ldano. KINGS, Bellfiower, Road Island Green ings. $1.25 ner box: Windfalls. i5c. D. G. Stephens, 711 Columbia blvd., 1 mile east of Union ave. BABY buggy, good as new. with leather top. nexioie springs; a ouggy tnat protects against wind and rain; make me an oxter. 1279 Thurman st. NEW 3-A special Eastman kodak, cost $S1, sell for $icasn; give phone no. ana name. AG 572, Oregonian. BEEN DRAFTED. Fine bicycle for sale, cheap, man, 128 1st, near Alder. FULL dress suit, worn three times, would cost about $100 today, for quick sale only i. union ave. WILL he called in the Army. Will sell new S33 suit. ?2.-. Call quick, real bar gain. 371 East 30th st, after 7 P. M. WILL exchange first-class new talking ma chine for good baby buggy or peramouia- tor. B. S. Foote. P. O. box 4. city. ABOUT 100 pipe fittings in M and W-inch sizes; l carpenter s apron, janitor, iiray. 1170. A BIG BARGAIN 3 10x20. 12 oz. tents 1 40x50, 14-oz tent. M. B. Levin, 221 Front st. GRAPES for sale, 3 cents per pound, on vines. Mrs. Koss, Lake road, Milwaukie, Oregon. OR SALE A Singer sewing machine, six drawers, drop-neari, in perrect condition. Call Sell. 2030 or 102S E. 30th st. So. FIRST-CLASS Chicago fire-proof safe; cost $175; price $S5, $20 down, 10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. WANTED at o'.ce, round-cornered cisar size. Phone 373 or address case: state McKay. 015 Main, Vancouver. Wash. WASHING machine operated by water- power, also wringer. Call Brdy. 4072, call at 105 32th st. i FOR SALE Winter overcoat, almost new; size 40. Price reasonable. Woodlawn 31 S3. FOR SALE New full-dress suit, size 3S. Vill sell very reasonable. Phone Wood lawn 3078. s FOR SALE Red fox and 2 ermine 420 E. 41st at. N. Tabor OQi). LADY'S suit, made for model; will sell for less money than it s worth. 390 Morrison. COAL OIL heater, in good condition, $3.50. r-none (j nw. NEW gas stove, high oven, with glass door. cneap. Hi- ;S4. (JregonlMn. FOR SALE Two pairs almost new tan leather puttees, size 16. Main 3S36. FOR SALE Steel sanitary couch in good condition. Jiarsnaii 54i4. oho Madison. ONE 4-burner gas range In good condition. ,4 tuast Asn st. HOT-AIR furnace with water coil, $55. 508 i. ;Fa st. .n. INVALID wheel chair for sale. Woodlawn COAL STOVE, good as new, $10. Inquire 1052 East Taylor st. FOR SALE Bridge carpenters' tools. Tabor 3311. BURROUGHS adding machine, 0 point, $115 Main 404.. t2 Everett st. TWO 5-8 Oriental rues. 1 Kurdistan, other Bejftir. Call room 308 Multnomah Hotel. FOR SALE Girl's bicycle, extra good tires, $8. Columbia 501. FOR SALE Girl's good Winter coat for about 12-year-old girl, $4. Coiumnia 561. GOOD-LOOKING fur neckpiece at very rea sonable price. Ca?l Marshall 359. FOR SALE Charter Oak range with coils, phone Woodlawn 5023. AIR compressor, suitable for garage or shop, reasonable. AC 159, Oregonian. MANTEL bed, clean, Broadway. West Side. 322 H TWO pair tapestry portieres, one pair beau tifully lined; sell cheap. East 1723. PAIR curtain stretchers, one gas lamp, all like new. fnone lajn bj4. FOR SALE 0-hole Peninsular range; coils in stove. 3d otn st. 52-DRAWER cabinet, suitable for cuta. In quire at 10i 12th sL VACUUM SWEEPER at half price, as new. Phone Sell. 1000- DARK blue Winter coat, 36, A-l condition, $5. 4634 S. th St. MILLINERY stock for sale, low price. 443 10th st. Phone Mam 1447. 5-PIECE tapestry parlor set, Al condition, a bargain. Inquire 1073 E. 26th st. N. STRONG bicycle for sale, $17.50. Call after noon today, 468 E. Burnside st. POWERFUL marine glasses, $25, cost $40. Call this afternoon, 46S E. Burnside. BABY bed and mattress, almost new, $0. Call this afternoon. 463 E. Burnside st. WOOD for sale; dry 4-ft., $6 f. o. b; dry 16 inch, $7. W. K. Ladd. Latourell. Or. A. B. GAS RANGE, perfect condition, $30. Phone East 1725. WANTED Slightly used reed baby buggy, reversible body. Columbia 2Qg. YOU will find ED. V. PRICE & CO. tailoring for sale In Portland at 409 E. Morrison. FOR SALE Dark brown natural wavy hair s wl t c h, best quality. Ea st 3S07. CHARTER OAK coal stove. little used, $15. 364 E. COth st., near Stephens. HANDSOME heavy oak? folding bed, In good condition, for sale cheap. 331 12th at. FOR SALE Wdln. 452. -Set of white , furs. Phone FOR SALE Folding baby buggy. Wdln. 452. 4 Phone GOOD blue serge suit; Prince Albert suit and overcoat, size 3S. E. 8062. 60-INCH oak rolltop desk with revolving arm chajr, good as new. 207 2d st. 1 y -CARAT diamond, in Tiffany mounting, platinum top. $225. 343 Wash. BRAND new fluff rug, 8x10 ft., all colors, green, red, tan. Mar. 1133. WICKERWOOD baby buggy in good condi tion. Tabor 1969. FOR SALE One chest of carpenters' tools. good condition. .a. Ar- utu, oregonian. TWO heavy inter coats. $j and $10; one black Astrattnan long coat. &sc izt. LARGE safe, 6 feet high, with steel chest, at a bargain. naiKa uroa., -it k ront st. OAK blueprint case, drawing boards, nails, sash, new lumber. East 3394. g HORSE potato digger. 803 21st St. North. I AUTO woods w. Tabor 1742, Monday. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. ATTENTION, LOGGERS. MILLMEN. CON TRACTORS AND SHIPBUILDERS. Just received, a large shipment of new and slightly used cable, tools a-nd supplies that we will offer for sale this week to you cz prices much lower than anvone. else in the city, that v. ill sureiy bring us your business. Therefore, if you want to save mon?y on what you need, don't fall to call on us aad avail yurnsif f the oppor tunity. Below is a swill list of what we carry in stock: WIRE CABLE. Over 100,000 feet mew and slightly used plow steel cable, various kinds and sizes. from i-inch to 1-inch,. lonn lengths. O-liJ, a-i condition. The most complete assort ment in P.ortland. If you need any cable, don't fail to call and examine our im mense stock, for we know you won't look any further, as our prices are lower than any one in Jown. Also special prices this weeK on tne following: :uw reet new i-inch blue center nlow steel 6-10 cable: over 150O feet new "4-inch crucible etel came. e-i, and about 2000 feet new inch steel cable, 6-19. BLOCKS. Over 1000 steel s-nacth. tackle and wood blocks on hand, various kinds and sizes. at reduced prices. RUBBER BELTING. About 25.000 feet new and slightly used rubber belting, from 2 inches to 24 inches. 3. 4, o and 6-ply. at low prices. PEA VIES. y About 50 dozen new pea vies, various kinds and sizes, at special prices. GEARS. PULLEYS AND COG WHEELS. Large quantity on hand, slightly used, at low prices. ANVIDS, POST DR7TVLS. FORGES AND VISES. The largest assortment In the city at re duced prices; new and slightly used, vari ous kinds and sizes. MANILA ROPE. Slightly used, various sizes, at low prices. SHAFTING. About 30,000 pounds, slightly used, vari ous sizes, at low prices. CANVAS. About 8000 pounds slightly used canvas, long pieces, at special prices. ROOFING PAPER SPECIAL SPECIAL Fresh from factory; doubly sanded: each roll contains 10S square feet, including nails and cement; Wear Well brand, made extra strong to stand'the roughest weather. 3-ply. $1.00 per roll. . CHAIN. About 30.000 pounds slightly chain, including boom chains, at ; price. used low All kinds of new tools for the carpenter and shipbuilder, at lowest prices. WOODSMEN. TAKE SPECIAL. NOTICE. We carry In stock the largest assortment In the city of new crosscut saws. axes, sledges, wedges, falling wedges, pplitting mauls and wooden wedges, at prices that can't be beau . J. LEVE. 1S9-189-101 Front St.. between Yamhill and Taylor. Mai-n 510S. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. CONSISTING OF- Showcases and wallcases. Large tables and counters, candy Jars. Cash registers and safes. Scales, cheese cutters, meat sllcers. Roll-top desks, flat-top desks. Adding machines and typewriters. One large and one small icebox. Large gas range, elder press. Two soda fountains: also one 20-foot front and back bar, with large mirror, work board and sinks complete. GOODS SOLD ON EASY TERMS. HOCHFI ELD BROS.. 174 1st., cor. Yamhill. TENT 7x9 of extra heavy canvas, jointed poles with special sack for carrying. Lsed very little. 1 extra quality rubber camping blanket with eyelets. 1 New Dutch oven. 1 Flashlight. 1 Auto spring. Auto brush with hose attachment; one blow torch: 2 screw jacks for heavy work;. 1 new Fisk N. S. 34x4 tire with tube and rim; spark plugs, light giobes nnd numer ous other accessories. Slar. 2T."fl. HOP GROWERS and dealers, attention. We are again in the market ror galvanized and black hop wire of any quantity: you .can't give us enough: we must fill our. contract: will pay the highest price obtain able. Write, call or phone and .we will do the rest. ' American Bottle, Rag & Metal Co., 315 Front st. Phone Main 41S4. DAYTON meat and vegetable scale, as good as new, which 1 will seii tor $40; original cost about $150. .1 have no use for this scale and will sell It at this figure or trade it for groceries, meat or anything else that I can use. See owner at 404 Piatt FURS. Collars for coats, all colors, $9.50 up; fox anfmal scarfs, all the latest shades, crepe lined, 1 west prices on all furs. THE FUR SHOP. 000 Swetland Bidg. I DISSTON rip saw, 1 Disston cuttoff saw. 1 saw-fllirrg vise, l sawaet, l carpenter square. 1 pack sack. U. S., nearly new, 14 volumes of American Law. and Procedure. 1 davenport, 1 set of University Classics. Broadway 1179. 26 DROPH E AD sewing machines, complete with attachments, in gooa sewing oraer. $S to $25; sewing machines rented $3 per month; machines cleaned and repaired. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave. B 3307. EaM 2350. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for less; no agents employed ; com plete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. Main 0431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 3d. near Taylor Street. ONE Herring-Hall safe, excellent condition; outsfde measurements. 40 inches wide by 36 Inches deep by 49 inches high. Combina tion ..lock on outside, interior complete; $200. ' 61 Front st. ONE Home Comfort range, as good as new, . one 12 gauge hammerless shotgun, one 32-40 Winchester rule tor saie a,t mm 'inurman st. HOT water tanks, all sizes. In good service able condition, au-gai., ; u-gai.. $ ?ui Adams St., east end steel bridge. Phons E. S516. HIGH-GRADE raincoats made to order for men and women; raincoats repaired; sales man will call any time. Hirshorn Ratn coa Co., 314 Dekum bldg. Main 1782. SUIT to order. 10 down, balance $5 month. Unique Tailoring Co, 104 Fourth Bt.. bet, wash, ana stark. FOR SALE Economy welding torch and gas tank, Al shape, wnie atayton v uic. Sbop, Stayton, uregon BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and cevolv ers. all makes, cheap. Beauregard, 702 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. WHISKY kegs and barrels tor sale; no coun try orders. Panama Cooperage Co., zzi Front. FOR SALE Piano, house tent, bed, com plete; couch, sideboard, all in good condi tion, cheap. 1338 E. 8th L N. FOR SALE Set I. C. S. text books on architecture; good as new; can be seen at 1000 E. Taylor St., near 76th. XMAS umbrellas at Belding the jeweler, 245 Alder st. Latest patterns. . Main 1602. , GENT'S, overcoat, small lady's or schoolgirl's co At, boy's overcoat, age 33; good condi tion; very cheap. 317 Eugene st. ROSE BUSHES, shrubbery and flowering plants. Pnone orders delivered promptly. Portland Rose Nursery. Tabor 5700. FOR SALE Cash register, s fe, adding ma chine and showcase. . 174 1st st., corner Yamhill. BILLI VRD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wallcases, fixtures; easy terms. W J Quigley,, 227 First. Main 5309. FOR S-VLE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co., 25 Stark st. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at the right price. 46 Front st. Broadway ltitf. BABY bed (Cariole), $10; also small basal n et t e with stand. Phone East 1725. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, em- c h angea. "Q"s " 1 " FOR SALE Tent, 14x12; gas range, baby's GOOD wood heating stove for sale. Phone W OOCimw u ovv- Iirtrt NEARLY new velvet Wilton rug 9x12, $30. r22 North 6th U - FOK SALE. M lacelloneous. ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. One 03-ton Heisler locomotive. One 40-ton Heisler locomotive. Three 3B-foot tiat cars. 60.000 capacity. Three Beta 60.000 capacltv flut car trucUa, Thirty all-sit-el Russell lagging trucks. Twelve connected Russell trucks. Four 10x12 lossmg donkies. One 7i,xlo dti.-dnim Mundy donkey. Two 32x14 new donkey sleds. One 5x8 dbl.-drum American hoIsL Two 0."K'u-gal. oil tank cars. Two Kodger ballast cars. One OO.Ouo-gai, steel storage tank. Two loo-ll. P. firebox boilers. One 00-H. P. firebox. One 42xiu2 Upright boiler. OnexlO Chandler-Taylor steam engine. Two drag line scrapers. One new smelter furnace. One 10-hole ilaiestlc range. Send us your inquiries for anything in Iron or woodworking machinery, loosing, sawmill, shipbuilding and contractors' equipment and supplies. HV KK.E M ACli I N E K Y COMP ANY. 02S Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1212. A 2423. HAY (UNDER MARKET). 75 TONS. LANE COUNTY. ON R.' R GOOD WARE HOI'SE. 13 A I.ED OAT AND WHEAT HAY. SEE THIS. MAKE OFFER. WILL TAKE LIBERTY BONDS OR SECURED NOTE. ADDRESS OWNERS. P. O. BOX 222, POUT L A N D "HYATT'S." "HYATT'S." See our new store. 12 record and ma chine rooms. Lots of light and ventilation, all now fixtures. Over lu.Oint selections to choose from. Brunswick. Victor. Columbia and Edison. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 80 Aider. tt KITE sewing machine $12 SO Sterling electric suction cleaner . ...$I."o0 Wall hanging show cases $ 7. Ml Larjre roll-top desk and chair M 7S 0-ho:e steel range with reservoir $00.00 EDWARDS CO.. .'.Til AND OAK. A Good Dace to Tr:ide. ' GENTLEMAN'S mift. new blue worsted, sire 3S; cost $2i, sell for price: only worn 3 or 4 times; bargain: too small for owner. Phone Broadway 20IS. ask for Whelan. Sunday forenoon or een!nKs. 6:30 to 7:30 V. M. OVERCOAT, size 37. last year's value .$20, worn but few times; to trade for boy's, size 1 1 yesrs. or for chair, library table, linoleum, high-power rifle, automatic pis tol. 0x12 rug, couch, or what have you of equal value? AN 560, Oregonian. FOR SALE Six sections fumed otik Globe Wernlcke. bookcases, with two rases iiiid tops; fine cello with bow and book; man's heavy overcoat, size 40. Inquire 200 Columbia st. AM GOING to war. will sell or trad one half equity in complete course hieher ac countancy and bookkeepinir In La Salle Extension University of Chicago. Call Ta bor 44.". s evenings or today. A 4x5 CENTURY GRAND camera, cost $.; one elect, motor. D. C. current, 1-10 H. P., cost $25. Or will exchange for a 3A Special. Eastman or Premo kodnk and pay difference. Phone Sell wood 1700. . WILL'sELL VERY CHEAP My two Win ter coats, suits, dresses, shoes, sweaters. Good qualities and style. Private parties only. P hon el 1 A. M.. Ma in 1 508. BEAUTIFUL black opal ring with ten dia monds, cost -2o; accept cash or liberty bonds. Call sm Dunckley ave. or phone Woodlawn RI10. HANDSOME gown, Harry Collins model, size as. cost sn, will sell for lees than half. Call S64 Dunckley ave. or phone Woodlawn 1310. AT A BARGAIN Slightly used women's suits, size 30. navy. Tricotine and wool jersey; also fumed oak table. Phone Bdwy. 3475, Monday. ' FOR RALE Winchester gun. 32 special. S. &. W. automatic revolver. 3S; Hid f-et Lufkln steel tape, compass In wooden case, 1 Mi Failing st. HEMSTITCH INC. machine, slightly used, with or without table and motor: also a cloth sponging machine. Main 1007. AE 529. Oregonian. LADY'S wine-colored serge dress, size 30, $0; almost new shoes, size 0; orhcr wear ing appurel, small trunk, $4. Call week days alter 10 A. M 301 Yamhill st. PRIVATE family will sell slightly worn personal wearing apparel, bicycle, Bruns wick pool table, 33x5ft. 447 10th st. Main 7000. WALL CASE, suitable for cigars and to bacco, A 1 con tl it ion ; also new Toledo scales. Call iionday, Tabor 2247, or 023 Washington St., between 9 aiid 12. SEVERAL SLIGHTLY USED KODAKS Splendid values. Pike & O'Neill, "The Shop With the Green Tile Front," Wash ington, bet. Broadway and Park. FOR SALE Cool-stove, $R; sewing machine. White, old Htyle, 3; Columbia graronoia, ;2"; no dealers. 20 East 3d, near Ah. BEAUTlFULrros? sweater, hand made, size 3. 'Call A 3200 from 12 to 3 o'clock after Sunday. LARGE wicker baby carriage. In good' con dition, bargain. M.iin 4300. t27 Kelly st. S., between 10 and 2. A $25 MOTOR power washing machine. slightly used, for $L.'.rti; aiBO j-ourner gas range. 1101 Borthwick st. FINE $20U Grafolona. taken in on a deal, price only $135. $15 down. $7 monthly. Hvatt T. liking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. SET ivory billiard balls cheap, or trade for roil -top nesK. jast. tu, evenings, a. vy. Estes. 300 Hancock St. FOR SALE 2 34x4 GCODYEAR CUD TIRES; BARGAIN, $20 EACH. S2 NORTH BKOADWAY. MAHOGNAY phonograph, electric, and 5x7 Premo camera for sale cneap or traue. BD 007, Oregonian. 0AKwood for sale near Beaverton. It can be hauled by rail or truck. Write or call G. H. Wolf, Beaverton. Or. FLOOR showcases with marble bases at a bargain. Wm. Greenberg, 100 Second at., corner Stark. t STORE fixtures, showcases, counters, scales, glass jars, also Rhode Island Red pullets. Oo'i Glenn ave. North. near Prescott. S. & W. .38 SPECIAL revolver, good con dition; also, scabbard, $20, complete. 30214 E. Burnside, apt. F. BARGAINS- in used sewing machines, drop heads and cabinets, ail in good sewing or d er. $12.50 to $15. 172 3d. GENTLEMAN'S raincoat, like new, size 30; also lady's dark gray kid shoes, size 4 Va new. Call Marshall 1048. LADY'S all-wool Winter jacket suit, dark gray, size 42, almost new, half price. AG 130. Oregonian. . FOR SALE Fine solid black walnut flat top desk, cheap. Come and see it at 3212 07th st. S. E. Phone Tabor 7S10. WILL exchange new talking machine for plum ting. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE Ladies' tailor-made maroon broadcloth coat, bust 40; never worn; $25. Mar. 3223. 400 Hall St.. apt. 32. FOR SALE 20 and a 70-H. P. tubular boiler, 110 lbs. pressure. M 525, Orego nian. FOR SALE Mink stole. 2H yards long, cost $150; will sell for half price. Call Main 3800. , BICYCLE for sale. 805 E. 14th sL FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BUY YOUR CAR NOW. SPECIAL TERMS. LOWEST PRICES. USED CARS. FORD TOURING 300 CHALMERS ROADSTER 250 5-PASSENGER KNOX TOURING. . 850 1914 5-PASSENGER PAIGE 850 . 5-PASSENGER MAXWELL SPECIAL 675 1916 5-PASSENGER GRANT SIX... 675 1919 5-PASSENGER GRANT SIX; NEWLY PAINTED 700 1917 5-PASSENGER GRANT SIX.... 775 1917 5-PASSENGER HUPMOBILE. . 1200 1917 5-PASSENGER HUPMOBILE.. 1250 1918 5-PASSENGER HUPMOBILE. . 1485 PACKARD, FINE CONDITION 850 1917 5-PASSENGER OVERLAND 750 OLDSMOBILE SPECIAL ROADSTER CHANDLER LIGHT SIX $69 BUICK 5-PASSENGER TOURING... t3 MITCHELL, LIKE NEW 850 MANLEY AUTO CO., 11TH AND COUCH AT BURN8IDB. BROADWAY 21T. 1018 FORD sedan, same as new, price 750. inquire at Anneuj uarage, c. jr.naenjr and 7th stes Ui; NEW Case six. -pass.. run less than 10U nines, ul a tttiiiiLc. mil ki siuaii car. 451 E. 4 1st si N.