The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 20, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 3, Image 19

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Mold Loft Men to Tackle
Steelworkers Tuesday.
Kegnlar Tram Kvrnly Balanced and
Fast Fans Feel It Will Take
Ileal Champion to Get " umber.
The arrival of that unwelcome Span
ish guest, "Flu." has failed to dampei
the ardor of the Btandifer Shlpbutldini
f M.K.ll w ami tnstcl
-umi'auy iuuiun . " -..
rames with outalde teams are out of
: , . . in,. .t lorn) the
l II C qucailuil I " buiiiv ....... -
mold loft employes at the Standifer
Steel yards nave organiaea s
eleven and will play a practice game
. - . r- . 1 . n-. n TllpMixV
lllinil im ruiiunn
afternoon, after work. This game will
be followed by several others which
in - . i ci.ninr.p fir.t team in
tip-top condition to carry the Standifer
colors throupn me aeason m
shape when -Mr. Inflnensa is reported
among; the "missing."
The first practice game, scheduled
m t -- ... i - tn he si hard
iW i uwibj, w -
one. as the second team or mold lott
players have a fairly (too a lineup. no
eleven Is- built around Mike tSoulea,
. i hali.v. to he one
w l i 1 1 l inc iwi '"'J " - - -
of the fastest and headiest players the
state or aiaine nas ever iirvuuvcv.
. wi . . tlrfn un do-
uas ma iiinw nintv.v.j '
ing special work on shell plate and has
' been -unable to turn out wnn mo
team. However, if he finds himself in
rood shape after the Tuesday evening
tryoot he will play the season with
the Standifer first team.
As to the regular Standifer team.
Curtis Coleman, former University of
Oregon end and New York American
third baseman, is showing wonderful
form In the preliminary practice.
"Heavy" Bob Marshall, the bulky back
atop of the last season Standifer base
ball team, who played on the Univer
sity of Missouri varsity eleven several
yeara ago, is hitting the line like a
champion, being stationed at fullback.
Jake Farrell. at quarterback, looks to
be one of Tom Standifer's finds and
has proved himself to be a whix. The
team on paper appears to be a fast one
and evenly balanced.
Tom Standifer. on being questioned,
stated that the team looked good to
him and they were ready to meet all
comers. The football fans at the Standi
fer yards think so well of their team
that anyone wishing to have several
automobiles and suits of old clothes
only needs to back an aggregation that
can get their "pigskin gangs' " number.
Over two full teams are reporting for
practice and within another week the
first squad will begin to assume real
proportions. It is likely that Standifer
will tackle some lesser team before
going after Multnomah. Foundation
and teams of their caliber, but it is
sure that Standifer will meet these
teams before the season is over.
The Standifer-Foundation game, if
auch a contest is brought about, will be
one of the gridiron classics of the sea
son here. Tom Standifer wanted to
arrange the game for Thanksgiving
day but because of the Washington
State College-Oregon game on Mult
nomah Field on that date, it could not
be fixed. Standifer also hopes to
schedule games with the University of
Oregon and the Oregon Aggtea.
lxw Score In Wavcrlry Champion
ship Made by White and Macleay.
The qualifying round of the men's
club championship was played at the
Waverley Country Club yesterday. A
large number entered in the big event.
A E. White and K. U Macleay were
the two low scores of the day. each
registering an 83. The eight quallfy
yig scores were as follows: R.
White. 83: R. U. Macleay. S3; J. R.
Ptralght. S: A. S. Kerry. 88; G. Voor
hies. Jr.. 8: R. A. Leiter. 89: E. C.
Cooklngham, 90, and Otto Ketten
bach. 90.
The drawings for the first fight to
be played today resulted as follows:
White vs. Leiter, Straight vs. Cook
lngham. Macleay vs. Voorhies and
Kerry vs. Kettenbaeh. The winners of
today's matches will meet in the semi
finals next Saturday.
Ztenlah Davidson, Well Known In
East, Wounded in France.
Lieutenant W. W. (Beulah) Davidson,
the well-known hockey player, who
often has played in the East, was
wounded severely In the right arm on
September 28. His wife haa received
word that he was In the London Royal
Free Hospital and that his arm has
been amputated.
Lieutenant Davidson went overseas
-with the artillery In August. 1916. and
was 13 months in France. He had been
with the Fifty-fifth Battalion and had
Just been made Intelligence officer of
the Thirteenth Brigade. He Is a law
E. H. BRTANT. Editor.
Phone Tabor 6213.
rTeaaioarters Portland Chej and Checker
Club. Worcester bulljlng. Third and Oak
streets, room 216. contributions solicited.
Mail 143 East Thirty-fifth street.
By W. C. Belden.
BLACK. 7. 8. 12. Si: K1XQ. 81
oj;- :J.
WHITE. 0. 1. IS. -w. "
Whit, to move and black to draw.
By Le Roy Edmunds.
Blaek. 10. 11. 19: king. 2V White. 17. 20.
2: king. IS. White to play and win.
By E- W. CrowelL
B ack. 1. 7. 10. 12. IX .4. 20. White. 19,
II. 22. 23. 26. 2S 32. While to play and win.
Br William Stuart.
Black, 12: kings. 14. 19. White. 20. 21:
Itlnc. 11. Black to play and win.
r'lfty cent, to the one who will send as
ene copy of The Oregonian complete of the
data ot Monday. October 7. 1V1S. In thai
tu were two solutions ox the Ueorg. Rob
the tieorg. Rob
tnson problem.-
David Brooks waa manager of a Pittsburg
railroad office wbsn a boy named Andrew
Carnegi. waa a meenger in It at 13 a week.
pi. lather and mother. To. boy bocjuae th
famous millionaire Ironmonrer of Pittsburg-.
Andrew Caracul baa aaid that h. owes his
rto In life to the ame of checker. 1 will
explain what the remark meane. The ld.e'""r
Carargie was a moulder In a pottery. Like
a host of Scotchmen he waa fond of playing
checkers- In Pittsburg- at that time waa a
well-known ale houae. In one room of which
those who loved to play checkers were wont
to aaemble- Among them were Carnegie
and Mr. Brooke, and In this war the two
men became acquainted. Carnegie's son also
came there at times with his father and he.
too, tested David Brooke's powers at
draughts. One day Carnegie remarked that
he did not know what to do with hi; son
"Send him down to my office and I will
make a messenger boy of him. remarked
Brooke. The next day he began hla work
and from that time his promotion was rapid.
Lady of Lorna."
By th. late J. Robertson. Berwick.
Te fans, by studying this interesting an
alysis you will not only be benefited, but
deeply Interested in the problem within a
problem. It is the work of a master, but do
pot let that fact hinder you in doing your
utmost to pick a flaw In the solution.
11- 15
22- 17
4- 8
23- 16
12- 19
-14 19-i3 16-10 3- 8
18- S IT-IS 3J.3-JH
5-14 2S-22 1-1-
20---5 14- 9 24-18 19-16
11-15 22-23(B 22-18 11-16
25- 22 9- 5 30-26 16-12
14- 18 25-28 18-14 14-10
22-1 T 17-14 26-23 12- I
15- 22 29-25- 14-10 18-23
17-14 14- 9 31-26I 26-19
8-11 11-16 10-14 10- 7
26- 17 82-27 A1-15(2 B. wins.
B Play the king back and forward espe-
Clai'LdlZT 22-1. "-I. T-U.
"'rrm, 1-27-24. 20-27. 31-24. 3-8.
L,.-..-..t K F-weett. Co.. - . -
Insert Lieotena.t
1 r.t w5-, -H"fe J isdSf i T'iOvKTBi ,ata
Sfta?Kh oT the Portfand ind Waverley Golf
golf tournamenu staged in the Northwest. He received a beautiful cup for his
3-18(B4 8-12C. 24-20CC. 16-14. 19-15.
14-23. 15-11. 7-16. 20-11. 23-18. 21-"'.
18-14 17-10. 6-15. 11-s. 15-19. 8-3. 19-24.
2-a, - - - . o-ll. -n-o-, "'- " '
" H-l . ia-Jt, 1U-1I, --J-, w-a.v, v
would rnak & problem for a rraw.-.ft
t ' 1-14. 1-11. X-w, V--S. s , a-aivi
19-15. ll-lo. black wins.
I) 11-1 . 4-11. -iC, 15-11,
"vtriatlon 219-16. 14-10. 23-19 10-14.
26-23. 14-10. 16-121E. 10-14 19-16, 14-10.
15-19: 8-4. 19-24. 27-23. 24-lU(X 23-lS 20-24.
'-Sl1 "it 6. -itl 10-fs:
black wins. . .
X 24-27 wouia rasKfl a iwwwioHi "
draw. . . . . D
Variation 3 28-22(1-". t-jo.
19-16. 18-25. 16-12. 10-19. 12-3. 2o-2A J-i.
11. 9-2. ll-lo. i-l. ---o, "' , -
s-15-10. 6-15. 26-22. 8-12. 22-1.. 7-10.
black wlna. . .... . , , ....
Variation - o-i, 1 "
'4-20L 14-18. 21-17. 7-10. 16-11 lG. 10-14,
b'?il7.ll1f' 10-17. 16-11. 6-10. 9-6. 2-9! 13-6,
18-15. black wins. This completes the play
for a win. It Includes. 1 think, every likely
branch on the side of the defense after J2-18
: the 4181 move. .
Thl. is one of the best games p ayed by
the champion Barker aKainst Andrews n
ihetr matcn some -hlch
lasted through six games k It opened
lth 9-13. 24-19. called the "Edinburgh
.h r-r, .innr well-known lines into the
followlncposlttons: Baker white; Andjewj.
black, ruses, on w. - - . -
22. 27. 29, 81. White to play and win.
7- a
5- 9
2- 6
6- 10
14- 17
15- 24
26- 30
27- 23
23-1 S
1- 5
10- 6
5- 1
26-17 6-10
15-10 1- 5
17-14 31-27
10- 6 5- 1
14- 27-23
6-2 1-
9. s 23-1S
2-6 S- 1
Here Is how Andrew, beat Barker: It was
a atralght. original game and all '"""J-"
To It Bi?ker w'as outplayed. It opened with
9-18 24-19. "Kdlnburgh." Andrews. blte.
Ie? black lgf4.19 1. -lk 2:.
?S 9 S-'lt 24-20? llisr 19-16. 12-19. 23-16.
1:?9 27-23 i0-15. 16-11. 7-16. 20-11 3-8.
A 16 15-18 32-27. 8-15. 26-23. 2-7. 30-26. 4-8.
At U-ii 'ptlnt it was apparent to all that
Barker waa be.
rhm -Rmrlter-Reynolds draw, which lasted
nZh min games, waa finally broken by
B.7ker wTn"f A sad incident is connected
.Uh the garni which undoubtedly greatly
n,fl.?id" h. result. , Before he t down.
Reynolds received a telegram that a relama
hhj Jllowln, ru.ono Blaclt men.
11 is!" 21. 22i ll 25. V. 28. 29. 30. 3i Whit.
to play and
11- 7
1X-1B 7-14 81
2- 7
a . 141.24 2
19-26 27-23 13-22
I.J--JS 24-27 19-15
13- 6
18- 9
. . K 01.1a 4
jsl4 27-31 15-10
16-10 14-18 8-11
"3-16 5- 9 10- 7 W.
12-28 21-17 11-15
2-7 -13 7- 2
In? Se Jlaji ' developed along well-known
line, until the, louow.n,
"tirllii. 3S. 28: king. 9. Black
, p'and win. Beynolds. black: Barker.
?l 18 10-6. 12-16. 28-24. This last move was
taken to secure a trap by playing 16-20.
!i 11? 20-27 and 9-3. Reynolds, however,
oirceived it and avoided by playing 18-22.
?n5.'Vl2-19t. t'i. 22-26. 14-10. 281 1-5 and
kin. "iWhllS 5. 1 17. Black to win. ConJ
frnSite. b i oS'urner and George Robin
ion. Vancouver. B. C: 6-9. 14-10. 8-3. 17-1
10-1. 8-7. 13-6. 7-2. Black wins.
By M. V. Later.
Black. 23. 24: kings, 19. 23. White, zg. 33:
"1 1" 'uiack to win.
kings, o.
10- 7
8- 4
22- 1
23- 26
15- 23
16- 11
11- 8
10- 7
S 24-20
4- 8 27-23
19-15 12-18
8- 4 23-18 ,
15-11 16- 7
32-28 3-10 B.
"6-Rl 20-16
2S-24 18-23
31-27 4- 8
8- 4
Black. 19: kings. 11. 23. 32. White.
. 10.
'fr ld-A'lO-7. 11-2. 9-5. 2-9. 8-23. white
Problem No. 737. by 1- J Black. 8.
w, ini 32- White. 13. 2: klnga, 15.
16. "White t win: 16-19. 23-2SIA. 15-18.
:51 1 B 19--4 20-27. 18-22. White wins.
A Best. If 2S"27, then 19-24. 27-31. new
1511. '5-27. 18-22. or 15-19. 20-27. 19-24
W,BL':6r-SoE.l"!9-2. 80-25. H-. 5-14, 18-9,
25-"2- 9-13. white wins.
w L Bryant, 8alem. Or. Thank, for
copy. It cam. ju.t in time for the solutions
abNVSanfleld. Centralis. Wash. At your re
quest haveforwarded ,h. "?laTZ
Ben Bodlne, Carroll. VV ash Take Tne
Oregonian. C. and C. every Sunday, bend the
contrtbutiona .,. Wa.h.-Glad
to hea? from the old president of the Port
land C. and C. Club. Do thoae Seattle fel
low, up on your next visit ,
j J. Butterfleld. Centralia, Wash. Will
hold for publication.
George Robinson. Vancouver. B. C Re
turned the L Have written yo
turned tj lIank. N. Dak. OI ni
allyou have. Report parties' names secured
for association entertainment.
Pheasants Are Plentiful.
FHERIDAN. Or, Oct, 19. (Special.)
The pheasant hunting abdut Sheri
dan this year appears to be good as all
hunters are getting good results. Many
people from Portland are arriving in
Sheridan every day for their annual
pheasant-hunting outing. The birds are
mostly in the lowlands now but are
also puite plentiful in the hills about
Former Catcher of Beavers
. Tours in Ireland.
Back With Aero Squadron in London
'After Leave, Portland Player Says
Irish Don't Enthuse Over Game.
,A1 Bartholemy. airst-class sergeant,
with the 806th aero squadron, stationed
in London. Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
. Off.ce,. ld A.r. S,dro.
Fawcett seated 1. mm
Paul Bartholemy. 147 Blandena street,
and well known as a former catcher
with the Portland Beavers. Tacoma
Tigers and Denver Club of the West
ern League.
AT. as the boys in Portland know
him. has been catching for the Army
team in King George s big metropolis
and. according to word received by his
parents recently, completed a tour
through Ireland with the team playing
exhibition games for the benefit of
the Blue Cross (for war horses). During
this trip through the Emerald Isle
Bartholemy played In Dublin. Belfast
and a number of the other large cities
He writes that baseball Is not taking a
good hold among the descendents of
St, Patrick.
Championship Cinched.
Bartholemy caught for the Army
team that defeated the Canadian nine
from Kpsom, score 2 to 1, and cinched
the Anglo American championship. For
playing in. this game each player re
ceived a handsomely engraved gold
wrist watch as a remembrance of the
A game was played near one of the
big Army hospitals in London, where a
charity carnival was being held and
Bartholemy's team beat the Canadians,
score 4 to 3. 11 innings. For particpat
ing in this game each player received
I a medal.
fctartnoiemy is stationca in tne s&iua
camp with Lieutenant Roscoe Fawcett,
commanding officer of the 142 aero
squadron and who was formerly sport
ing editor of The Oregonian.
Speaking of , his trip through Ireland,
Bartholemy writes. In part, as follows:
Both Games Wei.
"Well, here I am back from my
wandering with my leave just about
over. Not expected back until Monday
morning. Had a pretty nice time al
though it rained for three days while
we were in Dublin. We only played
one game there and beat the Canadians,
13 to 6. Last Wednesday we played
them again in Belfast, winning 4 to 3.
"The attendance all around was very
poor, even considering the rain. About
500 at Dublin and less than that at
Belfast, They go crazy over horse
racing around Dublin. We were in
Belfast but one day and I would liked
to have stayed there longer and would
have done so if the hotels were not all
full up. Had a pretty good trip through
that part of the country. Acommoda
tiona and schedules kept us from re
turning through Scotland.
"1 hear from George Hornsby
frequently. He is in France. 'Skinny
Hinkle is also over there."
Runners Are Getting Big Returns in
England and France.
Big money is being made in France
and England at the present time by
professional athletes.
McCrae. of Scotland, netted more than
. i,.! " ' -
A. G. Bender, farm manager for Rltter, Lowe & Co., Board of Trade
building, and Wilbur Campbell have just returned from a few days"
vacation on the headwaters of the Kalama River and report excellent
fishing in that vicinity, as will be attested by the above picture. Their
catch comprised about 22 fine trout, ranging 10 to 16 inches in length.
The fish are said to be game and plentiful.
The. two anglers made the trip by automobile, but report the roads
difficult for a big car. The scenery. on the road to the headwaters of
the Kalama River is said to be wonderful and camping facilities are
good. They made their catch with fresh salmon eggs on light tackle.
$1800 In August, when he set a new
professional world's record for ten
miles. Now Viviat and Vermeulen have
both challenged McCrae and a race
between the trio is tn the making.
According to English and French pa
pers, the largest available track in
England or France will be too small to
accommodate the thousands who will
go to this match race.
Helen Ogden Lands Salmon Weighing
59 Pounds.
NEWPORT, Or., Oct. 18. (Special.)
Miss Helen Ogden, popular young teach
er of the Tidewater School on Alsea
River, had an experience while trolling
for salmon trout on Alsea Bay this
Fall that she will not soon forget.
She had landed a good-sized catch
and was leisurely rowing along home
ward with her line trailing astern,
when suddenly the spoon was struck by
a Chinook salmon. Dropping the oars
she gave her attention to her captive
and soon found she had a huge Job on
her hands. Clinging to the line, after
nearly an hour's fight, she succeded In
hauling the fish alongside the boat.
Completely exhausted, she was unable
to lift the fish into the boat and gladly
accepted the assistance of the pilot of
om. J-J ot H.. S,.dro.
- , ,rt
- - ? Pnddo mOSt
victory In London. .
the cannery fishboat. which was pass
ing by.
The salmon tipped the ecales at 59
pounds and was among the largest
taken from Alsea Bay during the
Chinook run.
Seattle Sports Editor Writes Feeling
ly of Late Promoter.
That Joe Flanigan, former Portland
attorney sn boxing promoter, who was
started acroes the Atlantic as a Knights
of Columbus overseas secretary only to
be buried in midocean, October 3, held
the esteem and admiration of sporting
writers, is attested from a glowing
tribute paid the "Judge" by Rjyal
Broughman. sporting editor of the Se
attle Post-Intelligencer, in bis columns,
as follows: .
"Joe Flaniga;. has given his life while
doing hl bit for Uncle Sam. The well
known ring chracter, who is known
up and down the coast as 'Judge,' died
on his way to France and was buried
at sea.
The hundreds' of boxing followers In
Seattle know Flanigan as the guardian
of the Interests of Muff Bronson, V.
Northwest lightweight champion. The
Portland promoter bid his friends fcood
by a few weeks ago to serve with the
Knights of Columbus corps in France,
and a short time later sent his picture,
in service uniform, to the Post-Intelligencer.
He was looking forward to
the duties in France with enthusiasm.
He had taken the preparatory course
at New York for the work, and was
anxious to get on the Job.
"But Flanigan never reached the
other side. He died shortly after leav
ing an Atlantic port, and was buried in
"Northwest ring fans will miss the
Portland promoter at coming boxing
bouts, because no ring battle seemed
complete in the .past without the
Judge' leaning through the ropes,
urging his charge on to greater efforts.
He played the geme hard, and he hated
nothing worse than to lose a C -sion.
But most of the fans liked Flanigan, in
spite of the fact that he wae for iiis
boy all the time, because- they knew
an.- time the Portlander sent a man
Into the ring there was going to be a
"Ever since the country entered the
war Flanigan has been rarin" to go. He
has always wanted to be where the-e
was a fight, and his friends were not
surprised when the boxing manager
and prompter decided to go to France.
The 'Judge" never attained his ambi
tion to help the boys behind the lines,
but he died doing his bit, just the same,
and his passing chalks up another star
for America's sport flag."
Golf Nets $303,775 for Red Cross.
CHICAGO, Oct, 19. Exhibition
matches in aid of the Red Cross, un
der the auspices of the Western Golf
Association, have netted J303.775 this
season. President Charles F. Thompson
reported this afternoon.
-4. "- 7rk,J.
Heisman, Member of "Football
Trinity," Expects Crack Team.
With Stagg nd Glenn Warner,
'.'Football's Master Strategist"
Has Great Reputation.
ATLANTA. Ga., Oct. 19. "Football's
master strategist" is what they call
John W. Heisman, coach of Georgia
Tech. And richly does he deserve the
title. No tutor in gridiron history ever
has eclipsed the accomplishments of
this veteran teacher of football tactics.
Heisman, together with Alonzo Stagg
of the University of Chicago, and Glen
Warner, of the University of Pitts
burg, constitutes the "Football Trin
ity." These three men are the lone
survivors of the legion of footbaU
coaches who began their careers more
than 25 years ago. Their deeds have
formed some wonderful chapters in
football history and they are greater
today than ever before.
Heisman. a progressive, has been
credited with bringing about many
football reforms. Ha was perhaps the
first football coach in America to ad
vocate the forward pass. Three years
prior -to the introduction of this play,
he had considerable correspondence
with the football rules committee, go
ing into elaborate details in explaining
its benefits. For two years the com
mittee pondered over the suggestion
and then adopted the greatest football
reform play since the game's inception.
End-run Formation Perfected.
Heisman, years ago, perfected end
running to the nth power. Unfortunate
In the fact that almost always his teams
were extremely light, he overcame the
handicap by developing speed and
trickiness. He has been using for years
an end-running interference unlike
that of any other coatch in America, and
his rivals, failing in their every at
tempt to shatter it effectively, called it
"inhumanly perfect." It was the use
of that end-running formation in ear
lier years and the perfection of the for
ward pass in this later day that has
brought such amazing success to all of
Heisman's teams.
But the most famous play which
Heisman has devised is Called the
"Heisman shift," which he first trdtted
out in 1910. The formation of the rush
line and of the backs is a gigantic "T."
When the signal for play is made the
whole team moves as one piece of
mechanism. All of the team's, play is
made from that shift. It has bewildered
and baffled every team that has tried
to break it up. The play starts with
the whole team back of the line and
with the J'T" whirling like a chip in a
Heisman, during the past eight years
of his career, has had many opportuni
ties to coach some of the biggest col
leges in America. Big financial induce
ments have been made. But Heisman
remained at Georgia Tech. And there,
through 1915, 1916 and 1917 came to
him his greatest glory.
Through those three years Georgia
Tech mingled in 25 gridiron duels with
out suffering defeat. The three elevens
rolled up the amazing total of 1129
points an average of 45 points r -game
while its rivals could score only
61. The 1916 Georgia Tech team, play
ing against Cumberland, won by the
wonderful score of 222 to 0.
The "Golden Tornado" team of Geor
gia Tech in 1917 played and won
nine games. It ro-led i p 491 points
against 17 by its foes and numbered
University of Pennsylvania, Carlisle,
Vanderbilt, Washington and Lee and
Auburn among its victims. Auburn,
which only a week before had played
a scoreless tie with Ohio State, cham
pion of the "big Nine" in the West, was
beaten 68 to 7 by Tech.
Heisman lost nine members of the
1917 championship aggregation, but he
has been building anew and already is
showing a team "green" though it is
which may class with the greatest in
B. H. BRYANT. Editor.
Phone Tabor 6213.
Contributions solicited. Headquarters Port
land Chess and Checker Club, Worcester
building. Third and Oak streets, room 216.
Mail contributions to -143 East Thirty-fifth
By P. H. White.
This perfect combination will contribute
considerably towards developing your analy
tical power, and your power to concentrate.
It will drive away all unwelcome thoughts
and make you happy-Mf you solve It. Only
e. "Two Mover." Nothing to It! I just look
to see .what the black king can do and what
he can not do and I have got It. Mr. Solver,
are the abajve remarks familiar to you ?
The rule for -olvlng Is excellent- Apply It
to this one and send us the result.
ri ' Kfi Ms
rm m m m
mm m ftp
vZm $Msta wafts
slffi feu
,. 2 iXZmc 'aHiM
w w, m
White to lay and mate In two moves.
White kin on K6, queen on KKt4, bishops
on. KB3 and QB5, pawn on QaiI BlacK
king on QKt4.
Author unknown.
There n plenty of room here for the at
tacking force, and it may grive som of the
fans mental cramp or wrench their good
ratures before they discover the key. Al
most always in compositions containing; but
. few nieces the kins: has some flight
squares that apparently afford him an es
White to play and mate in three moves.
Whit lung on QKtf. rook on Ktt. bishop
on KBi, knight on KKt7. Black kins on Q6.
By Louis Paulsen.
Mr. Mitchell sari in the Public Ledtrer
that Mr. Paulsen is not a Ioyd or a Shink
man, but has a spark of genius that no one
will dfny who successfully solves the two
move study below. Black Sis pieces. Whits
Five pieces. White mates in two moves.
White kins; oi K. rook on K5, bishops ot
KR3 and QB7, knight on K2. Black king
tn KB6, bishop on Q6. knight on QKt4,
pawns oa KKt6. KB4, K6.
Problem No. 409 By W. R. I- Dalton.
Black, two pieces. White, six pieces. White
to mate in three moves. White king on
KR8. queen on QB8, bishop on QR5, knights
on KR4 and QKtti, pawn on KR3. Black
king on KB5 pawn on KR4. Solution by
C. O. Gtvens. Salem, Or. Q-Qo. K-Kt6,
Q-B3ch.. KXKt. B-Q8, mate.: etc.
Problem No. 41u By Kay Ia Fever. Black,
two pieces. White, six pieces. White to
mate in three moves. White king on KKt3.
queen on QB4. knight on KRti. pawns on
KKt5. QB3, bishop on KB. Black king on
K4. pawn on KKtS. Q-R. K-Q4. Kt-B7,
K-K5. Q-K6, mate. By C. G. Givens.
Problem No 411 Key. R-Q, C. G. Givens,
Black, three pieces. White, seven pieces.
White king on QB2. rooks on K and KB7.
bishop on QB5. knight on QKt4. pawns on
KKt3, K2. Black king on K5, pawns on
K3. QB6. By Dr. W. R. I. Dalton.
Solutions have been received from C G.
Givens. Salem. Or., and A. J. Carver, Le
land. Or. The editor has been unable up to
date (October 14) to secure even one copy
of the Monday's edition having the C. & t
columns. They were published in a late
edition of that issue. We will pay a good
price for two or three papers, of Monday,
October 7, edition ha ving the columns in.
I'nder the heading "Solutions" we give the
description of the problems published in that
Js it customary in composing problems to
have the pieces so arranged that a check is
or must be used for the key? A. J. Carv
er, Leland, Or. No.1 It is an unwritten law
among the authors that a check should not
begin a problem, owing to its aggressive na
gressive nature. The solver is at liberty to
do the problem in any way he pleases, pro
vided it is a correct one. White says that
there are good reasons for excluding checks
as initial moves, as it is the aim of the
composer to achieve his end by the least ob
vious methods, and though there are plenty
of problems where an attack is the correct
method, yet that attack should be more or
less hidden. A check is the most aggressive
of attacks, and the fact that thhe checking
piece is itself offered up does not atone for
it, since Blacks available replies are nar
rowed considerably, and variety suffers In
consequence. We have published some very
pretty problem with check keys, but the
consensus of opinion is against their use.
B. B. Alexander, San Diego, Cal. Yes,
Capablanca played in Seattle April 4. lDltf,
and April 5. Scores were 14 wins and one
draw. Twenty-seven games and won them
all. On April , in Portland he won 37 and
lost two. H. Kurth and R. T. Leonard win
ning. On the 7th. he played 0 more and
won them all He also played at the Mult
nomah Club, but we have not the score.
GAME NO. 371.
This is one of the best games played in
the Manhattan Chess Club's championship
Score from the Brooklyn Eagle. Koehler,
wnite; .tvupchiK, black
White. Black-lWhite. Black.
1 P-K4 P-K4,23 K-B2 B-R6
'2 KKt-B3 P-3..M Kt-K2 ' O-O
3 P-Q4 KKt-B?;-r Kt-Kt GR-R
4 Kt-B3 QKt-Qe KtXB KtXKt
5 KB-B1 P-KRFiU7 K-K2 Kt-B5
6 O-O B-KUCS K-Q2 R-R7
7 R-K P-B329 K-B3 B-B3
8 B-B Q-B'l3tl BXKt PXP
P-KR3 Kt-B31 K-Q3 PXB
10 B-K3 P-KKt4i:i2 QXP - K-B2
111 Kt-R2 Kt-Kt3 33 R-K2 B-K4
1 12 P-KKt3 B-Q2134 Q-Kt4 RXR
13 Q-B3 Q-BlS.f BXR Q-R3
! 14 P-KKt4 KR-Kt38 Q-Kt Q-B5
15 K-R P-KR4I37 R-K R-R8
16 B-K2 RPXP38 O.XR Q-K6
17 KtXP KtXKt 3D K-B4 P-Q4
18 PXKt R-Rrh!4ft PXP P-Kt4
19 K-Kt R-R.V41 K-Kt4 P-W
20 Q-Kt3 BXPI42 Q-Kt Q-BO
21 P-B3 Kt-BSlKesigns.
22 B-B Q-K3
GAME NO. 372.
Capablanca' 8 Prize Game. "Queens Gambit
Capablanca was awarded a brilliant prize
of 125 rubles for his win against Bernstein
in a Russian tournament. Score from Chess
by Mitchell. Capablanca. white; Bernstein,
1 P-Q4
2 Kt-KB3 '
3 P-QB4
4 Kt-B3
U B-Kt5
0 P-K3
7 B-Q3
9 B-Q3 '
10 P-K4
11 PXKP .
12 B-KB4
13 O-O
14 R-B
15 B-Kt3
16 P-Kt4
1ft Kt-Q6ch
20 RXP
21 B-R4
22 KtXB
2it Q-QSch
IM B-K7ch
Black. (White.
P-Q4I25 Kt-Q6ch
Kt-KB3j26 Kt-R4ch
P-K3 27 KtXQ
QKt-Q228 KtXPch
B-K22D QKt-B5eh
P-B3i30 P-KR3
P-QKt4l32 BXR
P-QR3,33 P-Kt3
P-K4I.3-1 K-Kt2
Kt-Kt5,35 P-R4
B-B4 3ti Kt-K3ch
Q-B237 P-R5
P-B3i3S Kt(R4)-B5
B-R2140 K-B3
Q-Q42 R-B
K-BI43 P-Kt4ch .
Kt-Kt 3
K t-Q2
Kt-Kt3 44 R-B7
Q-Q2.45 KXR
QXRi46 K-B3
KtXKt Pen
An end game worth studying. From Se
lected Chess Endings. White king on KKt3,
rook on KB7, knights on K3 and KB4.
White with the move can not win. If white
keeps his rook KB file, black need only
guard his KB8 by moving Q-Q6, QKt4 or
QR3. If white moves rook of the file black
by I Q-KB7ch has an annoying at
tack, with chances of a stalema:., or of a
drawing exchange of Q for R; at any rate,
white will get no win. B. g.. I. R-KR7,
QXKt, (K6) ch. Or I. R-QB7, Q-KB7ch. 2.
K-K3, Q-QKt7. guarding her QB8, and
threatening Q-Rch., etc.
Another ending of value. White king on
QR5, queen on K2, bishop on Q3. . Black
king on QR8, queen on QKtS. 1. K-R6. The
object of the move is, as will be seen later
to vacate QR5 for his Q use. 1 Q-
KKtScb.; 2. K-R7. Q-KKtKch; 3. K-RS.
Q-Kt8; 4. Q-K5, Q-Kt7; 6. Q-Kch., Q-Kt8;
8. Q-B3ch., Q-Kt7; 7. Q-R5ch.. K-Kt8; 8.
B-K4ch.. K-BS : P. Q-K mate. If black
were without the pawn he could draw, as
he then would meet 2 K-R7 with Q-Ktch.,
and afterwards draw by constantly checking
on the long diagonal (i. e., unless White
king went to Kt file when Q-QKt7ch., would
force an exchange of queens.
Kostich, western champion. Boris Kos
tich, of Gary, Ind., carried off the chief
prize in the annual championship tourna
ment at the Drexel Arms Hotel. Chicago,
ill. The tournament closed Sunday, October
6 1918. Score, 9 to 1H; eight wins and
three drawn games. He succeeds Edward
Lasker. who had won it the two previous
yeara. Four players, B. Lasker, H. Hal
bohm, of Chicago; J. S. Morrison, Toronto,
and- N. T. Harrison, Huntington, W. Va.,
finished on even terms, each with a score of
7 to 4, and, therefore, were entitled to di
vide the second, third, fourth and fifth
prizes between them. All of the prizes were
in the shape of Liberty bonds and war sav
ings stamps.
PerrJtt's "Essential" Work.
Pitcher Poll Perritt, former Giant.
haa discovered the absolute zero in
essential occupations. Refusing several
offers from shipyards on account of the
unpopularity attached to them from the
fan's standpoint, Perritt "enlisted" to
peddle the stock of a new oi. company.
Alaskans to Be Brought South.
VANCOUVER. E. C, Oct. 19. Out
bound Alaskans delayed at Skagway,
Alaska, on account of Jack of steamers.
are to be brought south by the Cana
dian steamer Prince Rupert. The steamer
was to leave Prince Rupert. B. C, to
night on a special trip to get the North
FOR SALE By owner, good 8-room house
and garage, corner lot, close in. Price
right: East 5865.
GENTLEMEN to rent room, airy and con
venient to bath. Call between 9 and 12.
394 12th st.
PARTY who found lady's handbag on Bel
mont St., please return and keep money.
Tabor 6157.
GOOD becond-hand Ford for sale. Telephone
or call at A. A. Crtseil's residence, corner
of East 20th and Davis.
225 11TH ST., The Lendora Several fur
nished rooms, suitable for gentlemen.
LOST Screw top to gasoline tank of Buick
car. Reward. Main 2169.
WANTED A competent cook. Kast 32d,
Sandy Blvd. -
FILING timber on traveled road, near S. P.
R. R. Johnson, 615 Spalding Bldg.
FOR SALE Invalid's reclining wheel chair.
Phone woooiawn ivv.
4-ROOM cottage, partly furnished, not up-to-date;
reasonable. 2 B. 47th st. South.
3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms for rent, near
Broadway onage. r none cju&. ova.
ONE light automobile, have two lots and
some cash. Call Columbia 273-4N.
ABLE man wants janitor or other work, 5
hours evenings. K Gift. Oregonian.
WANTED to rent suburban house, 6
rooms. AN 555, Oregonian.
Grand Ave. at E. Burnside St.,
rortlahd. Ore.
Phone Kast 2.
191S 4ftO Chevrolet Inuring, ftrt'c new..$7V
litis 4!t( Chevrolet touring. NVe new.. 7 HO
1!1 4!M Chevrolet touring. Wr new.. 72o
1I7 4l0 Chevrolet touring, new top
and paint 6-.
Iftis Baby Grand, spare tire, chains.
spotlight and bumper 1"3
191K Ford sedan, with self-starter... 750
These used cars must be seen to be ap
preciated. We have a limited number of new cars
at one-third cah. balance S months. Buy
now and wave $3.2.V
FOR SALE by owner. 20.00O capacity mill,
14 miles from Portland, 4 miles Oregon
Electric and Southern Pacific station, on
gravel roau, about I.5o0.0Mi of fine red
fir with mill and about 7.000.000 Imme
diately adjoining, van be purchased on
easy' terms. Mill is brand new and well
built. Timber is good quality, ground
smooth and nearly level. Chance to make
good money. Plenty of orders at good fig
ures. Will sell at sacrifice account draft.
BF 5!0, Oregonian.
For rent. 5'JV-acre farm. 30 miles east
of Portland, three miles from Columbia
Highway; 00 acres cleared, balance logg'd
off pasture land; '2 acres orchard,
equipped and stocked for farming, lsire
responsible tenant for term of year.-.
Phone E. Ul or call at li-'O Union Avcnu
North. .
For 1 year if you will buy stock, tools
and implements; will lease three y.-ars at
$ J50 per annum : -o acres. 1 - miles est
of Courthouse, on graveled road ; all in
cultivation; large house and barn; price of
stock and tools. JtwO. Goddard & Wiedrick.
LOST A black hand-strapped purse, be
tween ihe telephone office and Auditorium.
Purse contained Mt Minnville - bankbook,
with name "G. A. Hoover" in it, contained
between and $30. Reward. Notify the
Harrison Hotel.
60 ACRES. $30 "per acre; 5000 cords stand
ing Umber and cedar: '2 acres cleared; 13
miles from Oregon City, -4 miles Port
land, 5 miles from R. R. depot. Owner,
909 Cleveland ave.. Portland. Keal estate
Agent. F. B.Madison. Oregon City.
WILL take hoisting machinery, derneks,
t-lain shells, barges or lumber in exchange
for 2 motor trucks, 2 to 3-ton capacity,
1SH7 Buick. 8-room residence in restricted
district and caph. BF 5V1, Oregonian.
A REAL bargain, am drafted, 191S Chev
rolet; must bo sold today; will accept a
good grafonola as lirst payment. Call and
see me. No. 12 Grand ave. Ask for Mr.
WANTED by private party. 5 or -room
bungalow; garage if possible; R. C. or
Hawthorne districts preferred. about
$3500; please give full particulars. Bl
Oregonian. WANTED Shipvard mechanic desires priv
ate board, room. Willing to pay well for
Mervtces. Address W. J. Reynolds, General
Delivery. -
ONE acre. S:M and Schuyler St., A-room
house, chicken run. fruit, city water and
ga,s, near school; decided snap. Main -i-O-Bunday.
Bdwy. 75 Monday.
WANTED One or two-ton truck. first-claJi
condition; will give as first payment 10 a.
land. Union County, value $400. " bit.
Oregonian. .
LOST Monday, near Vancouver, gray silk
and pattern for dress, two pairs of over
alls, toilet articles, valued as gift. Reward.
Call East 7v-. ,
WANTED Home for a young lady, mental
case who is receiving Christian Science
treatment; country preferred; must be
reasonable. Apply AN 554, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED cashier, now employed,
willing to make change about Nov. 1 ; city
references. Phone Marshall 4507. Leave
message where call. BD 690, Oregonian.
WILL rent to shipworker and wife. Nov. 1,
3 rooms and bath: light, water, telephone;
$18 month. Apply after o P. M. Sell
wood 1347.
WIDOW with 5-year-old child wants house
keeping to do in widower's home: average
wages required. Please cull Sunday until
5 o'clock at 091 Mj Everett st.
FOR SALE $150, 1-room well-built house,
ehingle roof; must be moved from lot. J.
C. Ahalin. 635 Chamber of Commerce.
Marshall lo3.
FOR SALE Lots loOxlOO, with shack, 15
fruit trees, raspberry, gooseberry and
blackberry bushes. Easy terms, no agent.
Kast 7-83.
LOST Gold brooch pin, with diamond cen
ter, on Broadway in front of State Laun
dry, one block east of Union ave. Reward.
Columbia lbu.
FOR SALE Three room furnished house.
small payment down and balance to suit.
See me at 3730 64th st, S. E.. between 10
a. m. and p. m. . , . - -
IS HOUSEKEEPING rooms, steam heated.
clearing over $1J5 mo. Bargain. C. .
FURNISHED room in private home, desir
able neighborhood, walking distance. East
RESPONSIBLE party can have cow until
April for her keep: 4-hole range for sale.
$10. 4300 51st st. S. E. Sell wood 1041.
PUSITION wanted Wholesale firm, office
or store clerk. Call Bdwy. 1275 after Sun
day. WANTED Girl lor general housework, two
in family, no laundry. 369 Hemlock st
Ladd's Add. Phone East 7337.
RESPONSIBLE girl for general housework.
l m family; no Sunday dinner; good wages.
West Side. Phone Main 5J1T. m
OX Y ACETYLENE welder wants job. short
'hours, from tt A. M. to 2 P. M. K OIL
6-ROOM modern house, corner lot, 50x100.
3 blocks from carline. $U000, terms. C. W
MiHershlp. Alder Hotel. '
WANTED Flat, two sleeping rooms, be
tween E. Morrison and Hawthorne. V 0.0.
Oregonian. -
FOR SALE Four-room house, fruit trees,
water. This is a good bargain. Call A.
FOR RENT 9-room new modern house,
very close in. East Side; wood and some
furniture for sale. Phone East 78 0.
A B gas range, four-burner, fine condition:
"mahogany library table, two chairs. Call
cast -u.o.
WANTED Experienced finisher; also shirt
maker. Bndgewater. Cordova Hotel, Main
LIVE voung business man would like eve
ning work from 7 P. M. to 10:30 or 11 P.
M. M 497, Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese girl wishes to do house
work in private family; wages $30 up.-
KV oy, uregonian.
COMPETENT stenographer with 4 years' ex
perience desires permanent position. Tele-
pnone .warsnau moi
FOR SALE One 4-burner A. B. gas range,
fine condition: also mahogany library
taoie ana two cnairs. nu n.t .
FOR SALE Hardwood kees of all sizes.
Pacific Cooperage Co., 20th and York st.
ti 1 1 wTO
CAPABLE, energetic woman, past 35, as
clerk in hotel. Room furnished. Goadon
WANT to buy 4 or 5-room house; good lot
fbr first' payment; $'20 and interest per
month on balance. Phone Tabor 3743.
WANTED Position as caretaker snd man
ager of apartment by an experienced man
and wife. Apply W 572, Oregonian.
WANTED A first-class automobile washer;
.none others need apply. $5 per. liegner
& Fields. 12 Grand ave.
WANTED-Sinall truck to haul slabwood
from mill to car on new plank road. Phone
East 770 or call at 63 East 21st, City.
EXTRAORDINARY opening to man want
ing to engage, in real estate business. Write
C. M. Thomason, Box 14S, City.
BIRD dogs cheap. Woodlawn 4024. Write
A R 902. Oregonian, stating residence ad
dress. SITUATION wanted, a nursemaid for one
small child. Call Main 330 Sunday.
LOST Some das ago a star sapphire scarf
pin. Rewaru. Phone, Main 124H.
EXCHANGE 40 acres and some cash for
late model car. Tabor 5925.
I HAVE several good bargains in rooming
houses. C. W. Millership. Alder Hotel.
HAVE 6 lots in Astoria, trade or sell. C. W.
Millership. Alder Hotel.
U. S- LIBERTY BONDS. Will pay cash. 416
P i ttock bloc k.
SNAP1 Apt. house, 30 rooms, clears $200,
cheap rent, good location. East &225.
PERSIAN cats and kitiens. orange and
blue, cheap. Must sell. East S225.
7-ROOM furnished house for rent in Laurel
hurst. Tabor 2902. l"-2 Pacific.
8-HUOM flat for rent, furniture for sale. 434
Mill st. Call after 2 o'clock.
TRAINED nurse- wishes, engagements; terms
reasonable. A 2922 or Main OM'5.
A H-ROOM unfurnished houseboat at a bar
gain. 43 Willamette moorage.
HOUSEKEEPER, lady, employed or widower
with children, city or country. Tabor 695
FIVE rooms, partly furnished, with garage.
Phone Tabor 604.
CANARY birds for sale. 1651 Berkeley sU
near Lombard.
160 ACRES, 3 mflMon fet timber: trade or
sell. C. W. Millership. Alder Hotel.
WANTED A truck driver. Call 27 4th st.
WILL share my modern ."-room house in
Woodlawn with couple with furniture for
4 rooms; $1'0 month, including light, wa
ter, gas and heat. Phone Main -MOti Sun
day between 1 and & P. M-, after write M.
O ' 67 Corbet t st.