The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 20, 1918, Section One, Page 11, Image 11

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School Officials and Teachers
of "ultnomah Are Aiding.
So Vrgent la Xeed for Nurses in
France That Aids Two Weeks
Overseas Are Put la Charge.
Acting under instructions from the
Secretary of War, the Portland chapter,
American Red Cross, yesterday began
m. survey which is destined to show
the exact whereabouts of every Red
Cross or graduate nurse, every Red
Cross nurse's aid. every practical
aurse. midwife or woman with nursing
experience. The survey will be com
pleted this week.
throughout the country, at the be
best of the War Department, the Red
Cross is listing the nurse strength of
the country.
In Multnomah County, as well as In
the other counties of the Portland
chapter, the school superintendents,
principals and teachers are voluntarily
making the survey as they make their
school census.
33,000 Xarsea Required.
The principals and teachers must, of
necessity, visit every house In their
district. Hence the inquiry of the Red
Cross: "Does any women with nursing
experience live here?" will be success
ful in listing all women with nursing
With the Increase in the size of the
Army. 23,000 more nurses will be re
quired. If these nurses are to be ob
tained the hospitals must be emptied
of them. Nurses must then be drawn
from private life to fill the gaps.
"So urgent is the need for nurses in
France that nurses' aids, just two
weeks overseas, have been given the
management of entire wards in French
hospitals to release the ward nurses
for the operating rooms.
Need for Xaraes Desperate.
This Is what Mrs. M. Barnett Mc
Comb, one of the first nurses' aids sent
by the American Red Cross to France,
reported upon her return to this coun-
"The need for American nurses, con
tinued Mrs. McComb, "is desperate, and
those already in France are working
far beyond their strength. While there
is work to do they will not stop. They
cannot go on forever, and It is obvious
that unless nurses are supplied to take
their place and give them a chance to
regain their strength, they will go to
Mrs. McComb told of a GOO-bed hos
pital run entirely by three French
women, where wounds had to heal by
"first intention." that is. to heal shrap
nel, bullets and alL It takes the three
women Just three days to make the
rounds of dressings once.
James F. Ewinx Ia Chairman.
James F. Ewing is chairman of the
nursing survey for the Portland chap
ter. He reports that the survey here
through the teachers and principals
will be wonderfully complete.
Following are tlje instructors who
will head their respective school dts-
trlcta in Portland:
Alnaworth. Mrs. L. D. Thomas: Alblna
Homestead. Etta Portwood and Beulah Dun
comb; Arleia. T. E. Spiers: Brooklyn, Mrs.
iurffaret "VVtat: Buckman. T. J. Gary; Cen
tral. T. t. Van Tine: Chapman. L. D. Rob
erts: Clinton Kelly, I. A. Read: Couch. 1
A. Wiley: Creaton. J. C. Hall: Davis. Mrs.
W. C. Kantner: East. Mlsa Emma T. Clan
ton; Eaatmnrelaml. A. J. Prideaux: Eliot.
Mrs. Gertrude Sharp: Fernwood, Mrs. Ida
3L Allhanda: Glenroe. C. A. Pry: Glenhaven.
1. U Baker; Gregory Relrhts. Lillian
Downing: Hawthorne. K. J. Hadley; High
land. Charles H. Boyd: Hnlladay. Louise
Kelly and Bessie Rawson: Hoiman. Mabel
.Finn: Hudson. Cornelia J. Spencer: Irving
Inn. H. M. Barr; Josiah Falling. C. D. Laien-
ty; Kellogg. B. A. Thaxter: Kennedy. E. T.
Falling: Kenton. W. A. Petteys: Kern. Veda
Xowning: Lents. A., t . Hershner: LJewellyn,
C. V. Kllgore: Montavilla. Jesse AlcCord:
Blount Tabor. W. M. Miller: North. Nellie
M. Ktevens: Ockley Green. W. A. Dlckion;
Penlnaula. W. A. Petteys: Portsmouth. A. P.
Blount) ; KU-hmond. R. R. bteele; Rose City
Park. A. A. Campbell; pellwood. L. H. Mor
gan: Shattuck. r . P. Maimer; t.naveet L
1L Baker; SU-phens. Charlotte Reed: Sun
r Tilde. E. D. Curtis; Terwilllger, C. E. Fer
guson; Thompson. Mrs. Cotta and Mrs.
tontag; Vernon. William Parker; Wlll
1rtdge and Llnnton. Mrs. A. A. Carter;
Woodlawn. C. M. Stafford; Wood mere. Mrs.
A. Alexander: Woodstock. A. J. Prldeaux.
Sonth Bend Closes Poolrooms.
SOUTH BEND, Wash, Oct. 19. (Spe
cial.) Sheriff McDonald and Mayor
J.awler. of Raymond, this week closed
four poolhalls at Raymond where idlers
congregated. The officers locked the
places up and told the proprietors that
they were conducting a non-essential
place of business, which was contrary
to the wishes of the Government and
that the closing order would remain
in force until the war was over. Sheriff
McDonald also forbid street fakirs
from selling their wares In South Bend
or Raymond during the continuance of
the war.
The Beacon Light
The great statue of Liberty, with her
flaming torch, stands outside the harbor at
New York, to tell the world that America
has nothing to hide.
For many years, our profession has felt
that publicity was unnecessary. But as in
many other things, old ideas are replaced
with better ones.
This firm has an establishment and a serv
ice which we believe the public should know
about Our beautiful chapel is part of
Finley service, without additional charge.
The private driveway avoids the curious.
Yet this' "Better Way" costs no more.
No one can, or does, make their charges
more moderate.
J. P. Finley & Son
Progressive Funeral Directors.
Montgomery at Fifth
PUIiy a. til. vi i " ana ouo. aiv owa -ia
Every Bit of Dandruff Disap
pears and Hair Stops
Coming Out.
Try This! Your Hair Appears
Glossy, Abundant, Wavy
and Beautiful.
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair is mute evidence of a neglected
scalp: of dandruff that awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of its lustre, its strength and Its very
life; eventually producing a feverish
ness and itching of the scalp which, if
not remedied, causes the hair roots to
shrink, loosen and die then the hair
falls out fast- A little Danderine to
ntgnt now any time will surely save
your hair.
Get a small bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any drug store or toilet
counter for a few cents, and after the
first application your hair will take on
that life, lustre and luxuriance which is
' so beautiful. It will become wavy and
fluffy and have the appearance of
abundance, an Incomparable gloss and
softness; but what will please you most
will be after just a few weeks' use,
when you will actually see a lot of fine,
downy hair new hair growing ail
over the scalp.
Danderine is to the hair what fresh
showers of rain and sunshine are to
vegetation. It goes right to the roots,
invigorates and strengthens them. Its
exhilarating and life-producing proper
ties cause the hair to grow long, strong
mil beautiful Adv,
' ' with Colonel Currey's command of three
. . -., tt-v-c- I companies in the Harney Lake country.
MAJOR WTLIilAM VASCE KIE-I Captain Rinehart was married Octo-
I ber 18, 1864. to Amanda E. Gaines, of
Yamhill County, who survives him. tie
ia survived also by three children
William Vance Rinehart, Seattle; David
E. Rinehart, of California, and Mrs.
J. E. Chilberg. of Seattle.
In July, 1865, another promotion was
received that of Major of the First
Oregon Infantry.
In 1866 he was mustered out of the
service; Soon after he joined with W.
W. Beach in a general merchandise
business in Jefferson. Or., where he re
mained until May, 1868, then removed
to Canyon City and opened a general
store. He was appointed postmaster
July 1. 1869, serving as such until July,
He moved soon after to Los Angeles,
where he lived until 1876. when he was
appointed United States Indian Agent
in charge of the Maineur Agency, ure
gon, serving until 1882, when the agen
cy was discontinued. In the same year
Major Rinehart went to Seattle and
engaged in the hardware business and
later opened a retail, grocery store.
Later he operated the Chilberg agen
cy, with his son as general manager.
He continued In that office up to the
time of his death.
The funeral was held at 1:30 o'clock
yesterday afternoon in Seattle, being
in charge of John Arthur and Rev.
William A. Major.
Ex-Presldent of Washington. Pio
neers' Association Resident in
Coast States Since 1856.
'Major "William Vance Rinehart, who
died October 16 in Seattle, following
month's illness caused by grippe and
subsequent pneumonia, was one of the
best-known pioneers of Washington
and Oregon. In 1896 he was president
of the. Washington Pioneers Assocla
tion and was its secretary at the time
of his death. He was a member or Jonn
F. Miller Post. G. A. R-. and the wasn
Intrton Commandery of the Military
Order of the Loyal Legion, 01 wnicn
ha was nast commander. We was prom
inent also in Masonic orders and had
written a number of poems, the princi
pal one being a tribute to Joaquin
Miller. "Poet of the Sierras," who was
a neighbor of Major Rinehart in Canyon
City. Or.
Major Rinehart was born near Clarks
Hill, Tippecanoe County. Ind- Decem
ber 28, 1835, and was rearea on a larm
anil educated in the common schools.
He left home March 22, 1854, when he
went to the gold fields of California
and mined in the Feather River district
for two years. Later he went to Cres
cent City and on March 8, 1856, went
with troops en route to the Rogue In
dian War. where he helped the miners
build a stockade at Fort Briggs for
the protection of families of the set
tlers. In June, 1858, Major Rinehart was
the Republican candidate for Clerk of
Josephine County, but was defeated.
He then entered the service of A. B.
Melliwaine in the general store at Sailor
Diggings (now Waldo) and was active
in Republican politics, voting for Lin
coln in I860. In January, 1862, he
Joined Company F, First Oregon Cav-
i " ' ' ' It
v " f I
t tin.-iiiar
"-O f
George Snidow.
News of the death of George
Snidow in action in France Sep
tember 15 was received yester
day by his parents from the War
Department. Mr. Snidow enlisted
in the Sixth Regiment, Company
78, V. S. Marines. In May, 1917,
and was sent to Mare Island, and
later to Quantico, Va., where he
finished his training and, in Jan
uary, was sent over the seas to
. France. In an encounter with the
Huns In May he. with others, was
gassed with mustard gas and was
confined in the hospital for sev
eral weeks.
His parents, three brothers and
four sisters reside at Willamette,
Or. Mr. Snidow was born Octo
ber 26. 1895, and attended Oregon
City High School and later worked
for the Crown-Willamette Paper
Company at that place. He was
engaged to be married to Miss
Gladys Plo. 331 East Twelfth
street, Portland, Or. He was a
member of the Market-Street
Evangelical Church, and his death
will be the cause of the first gold
star being placed in their service
Letter Indicates What People
Abroad Think of Uncle's Sam's,
Boys Battling for Democracy.
Another of the countless friendships
resulting among women of the allied
nations through the common bond of
the trreat war has been begun in a
quaint little letter written in a deli
cate foreign hand and received by
Miss Ethelburt Harold, 463 North
Twenty-second street.
The writer. Mademoiselle Tvonne
Rillh, of St. Martin du Fresne, Ain.
France, has made the acquaintance of
Miss Harold's brother, who is billeted
with a regiment of engineers near me
In the following letter sne evinces
many interests in common with Amer
ican girls or her same age ana a warm
love for America and its people:
I am not auite a stranger to you ana
I believe you are the same. American
and French girls are in this terrible
war for the same cause, our tnougnts
are at the front with our dear own
ones, father, friends, brothers. We have
the same hope's and fears.
Now I will explain you why a lit
tle sister of France writes to you. First
1 present me. My name is Tvonne Rillh.
I am 20 vears old and I studied English
language three years at Superior school.
My native village, martin au x resuc,
la situated far in the mountains of the
Southwest Jura, not far from Geneva.
Near it there is a large lorest, wnere
the American engineers are working.
On Sundays they rest and many of them
take a walk. Thus, one day, 1 met
someone that is very dear to you. Mas
ter Harold, who gave me your address
to write you.
T think you will receive tne letter
In the spirit it was written. I would
have you know the country where your
brother is living now so far from you
and tell you the best thoughts of a
French girL I feel and know one is
mnre haDDV If someone talks with you
of those that are dear to you and far,
and I hope you will be glad to know
thaf your brother is not quite aione
amidst strangers. No, French people
conceive how much it is sad to live fas
from his native country and his family,
and in my village held American sol
diers and fraternize with them as much
as possible.
"Certainly the customs In France are
not the same as in America, and things,
too. In your new land the life is easier
and comfortable. Then, everything here
is smaller, I believe; towns, rivers,
houses, fields and even people. But
hearts are the same. Since the war
there Is no distinction for anyone in
my village. Perhaps the American peo
ple do not like it for this. But, be it as
it may, French people say to American
soldiers 'Welcome. Before the war I
liked America, for it is the land of lib
erty. I like it more now for its devo
tion to France in this war. I like and.
If You Are Not Ready to Pay All Down "A DEPOSIT" Will Hold Any Coat, Suit or Dress Until Wanted
Low Prices for Standard Merchandise
Will Prevail at Shanahan's This Week
Extraordinary low prices will be the order of the day during the present week, especially in the Ready-to-Wear, Dress
Goods, Silk, Underwear and Hosiery Departments. The prices will be surprising when comparison is made with offerings
elsewhere and you can make substantial savings on every purchase you make at Shanahans this week. Come in and
see for yourself. - '
Your Logical Store for Women's, Misses' and Children's
nr A nv rT,V WTT? A r A DD A OT7T r-
SsliIU I -1 J- yv Hiaix jtsr i i-rviiii-i
Offerlna- choice of tremendous assortments of the season's moat stylish merchandise at these low prices
that have made this style headquarters for economical women. If you want the utmoxt tyle. value and
service, lnve.tiitnte these phenomenal offers. Despite the increase In everything that enters Into the
manufacture of women's apparel, our tremendous buying power enables u to supply our customers' needs
with stylUh apparel of unquestioned quality and workmanship at MOt--SA 1-U I Mlt-fc-s.
Values Extraordinary in Juniors' and Women's High-Grade Fall
$12.50, $19.50, $22.50, $27.50
Telour. Broadcloth, Salts, Plushes, Zlbelines, Corduroy In fashionable Fall colors Russian screen, to
bacco brown, plum, taupe, navy blue and black are featured in Motor. Street. I tillty and Dretm Coats.
Many handsome new models desimed with large cape, convertible and muffler collars, empire effects
j Other Exclusive Coats $32.00 to $60.00 Each
A Sensational Sale and Discontinued Lines of
Dress Goods and Silks
Qualities that are of the best values that are phenomenal when you
consider the extremely high market quotations of today. It will pay
you well to supply your present and future needs now. You 11 SAVt. at
least 25 per cent to 50 per cent.
, $1.50 All-Wool Suitings
While They Last, Yard 95c
M-TNCH. An extra fine heavy quality of these Beautiful Dress Suitings,
strictly all wool and in deep rich shades, as brown. A splendid weight
for either that Fall suit, skirt, middy blouse, or very desirable for
men's shirts. A particularly splendid offering at our sals.. pnce-of
only 95C yard.
$4.50 to $5.00 All-Wool Broadcloths
In a Wonderful Disposal, Yard $3.50
66-IXCH. All-wool Broadcloths in attractive new shades for skirts, suits,
coats, etc. Beautiful deep, rich, lustrous finish. Shown in prown, navy
and the ever-popular black. These are an extraordinary buy at only
S3.50 yard.
A Wonderful Sale of Plaid Suiting
Marvelously Underpriced, Yard 49c
These DOUBLE-WIDTH Plaid Suitings will create wild enthusiasm
among the economical shoppers. Shown in broken plaids and che?ks
In delightful combinations of dark colors. Excellent quality. Just the
proper weight for children's school dresses, also for women s street
wear and business suits.
36 to 42-inch Storm Serges
In a Wonderful Disposal, Yard 95c
This standard line of serviceable dress materials is always desirable
for Fall and Winter suitings, and we are well prepared to meet your
wants in the staple shades as green brown, wine navy tan and black
and now offer them at the extraordinarily low price of only, yd., 5tf.
"High Grade" Black Dress Taffeta Silks
Amazingly Underpriced, Yard $1.49
36-INCH. Dressmakers and those who do their own sewing will do well
to attend this sale, for such splendid silks are rarely offered at so low a
Price Beautiful I deep, rich, lustrous finish and just the right weight for
costume!, suits, coats, skirts, waists and petticoats. Unequaled for their
durability, both for service and color. .
Sale Remarkable of
Women's, Misses' and
Children's Sweaters
These Sweaters are, without a doubt, the greatest values ever offered
in our history. A single glance will but convince that the preceding
statement is the absolute truth. FIVE BIG SPECIALS to which thrilty
women will eagerly respond.
Sale of Women's Wool Sweaters
Extra Special at $6,75 Each
Now is the time to purchase these necessary garments while the stock
is complete and the prices phenomenally low. Made with sailor collars,
belted stvle and combination trimming; large assortment of popular col
brs. These Wool Sweaters will surely meet the approval of the most
oareful buyer.
Children's Jersey Sweaters
Extra Special at 75c Each
These are slip - on style and shown in khaki only, sizes 28 to 34. If in
need of any of these goods, come in and look them over. This sale
eclipses all former efforts.
Sale of Children's Sweaters
Extra Special at $1.25 Each
These are shown with military collar and belt; colors rose, white, gray
and navy. A serviceable sweater for the little ones at an extraor
dinarilylow price. Sizes 1 to 3 years.
Sale of Infants' Sweaters
Extra Special at 75c Each
Colors red. green, white and navy, with combination trimmings; high
neck and belt. Sizes 1 to 2 years. The scarcity of raw materials and
advancing prices should prompt all shrewd buyers to take advantage of
this phenomenal offer.
Sale of Misses' Heavy Wool Sweaters
Extra Special at $4.95 Each
Below wholesale cost of raw material. These fine Wool Sweaters are
of excellent quality and In belted styles: colors rose. Copenhagen and
cardinal; sizes 28 to 34. A Sweater that will surely appeal to the
economical buyer.
Women's Union Suits
Special at $1.00 Each
Women's Fleeced Union Suits, medium weight; high neck, long sleeves;
Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, or low neck, no sleeves; ankle length, bizes
31 to 38 at 1.QO. Sizes 40 to 44 at $1.25.
Children's Union Suits
Special at $1.00 Each
Children's Fine Ribbed White Cotton Union Suits, fleece lined, full
taped with buttons, drop seat; all sizes 4 to 12 years at 81. OO.
Children's Vests or Pants
Special at 45c and 50c Each
Children's Fleeced Cotton Ribbed Vests or Pants, gray color high neck,
long-sleeve vests, ankle-length pants. Priced according to size, 2 to 14
years, 45 and 5Q.
Women's Woolen Hose
Special at 65c Pair
Women's Fine Wool Hose, with elastic ribbed top, gray color with
white wool heels and toes, or black cashmere with hem top, and seam
less foot; fashioned leg; all sizes at 65d.
Women's Cotton Hose
Special at 35c, 3 for $1.00
Women's Fine Cotton Seamless Hose, hem top, most all the leading col
ors wanted; all sizes. Special 3 pairs for 81. OO.
Children's Extra Fine Hose
Three Pairs 85c
CMldren's Extra Fine Ribbed Black Cotton Hose slightly imperfect,
double heels and toes; very elastic: nil sizes 5 to u. at 3 pairs 8i.
Specially L'nderprlced
YARD 69c
24-IX. In an infinite
variety of beautiful
colorings. Fine yarn
dyed fabrics, which
Insure a permanent
rich, lustrous , color.
Shown in black, white
& full range of street
and evening auaocs
9A.M. to
6 P.M.
9 A.M. to
8 P.M.
NEW LOCATION, Dekum BIdg., Third and Washington Sts.
Monday and
SPI $1.19 EACH
Men! Here are good
Work Shirts at bed
rock prices! They
are just what you
need. Made of excel
lent quality evenly
woven twill material
and have the appear
ance of wool. Sizes
14 to 17.
McCaU Patterns We Are Noted for a Busy House, Call and See Us-Why? Telephone Main 8360
admire President Wilson for his great
Tomato Has Elf-Iike Appearance.
COTTAGE GROVE,' Or., Oct. 19
(Special.) C. D. Brown has found an
odd tomato on his vines. It has two
perfectly shaped ears or' horns, set
squarely on top of the tomato, and of
the same substance as the body of the
tomato. They are well proportioned
and of the same size and shape, giving
the tomato an elf-like appearance.
"Having suffered from nervous indigestion
fnr mitral vear.r. I find after usina Dr.
Caldwell's Srut Pefisin that J am as well
as I ever was ana can now eat anytmng
without fear of consequences." (From a
letter to ur. caiaweu written dv ivirs. jonn
K. Moore, 516 No. 27th St, Richmond, Va.),
Indigestion an J constipation are condi
tions closely related and the cause of much suf
fering. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a mild,
pleasantly effective laxative; it quickly relieves
the intestinal . congestion that retards digestion
and has been the standard household remedy
in countless homes for many years.,
Syrup Pepsin
. ; The Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists' Everywhere
50 as. Q) $1.00
Safe Pills
have been the ideal Family
Laxative for 40 years a guar
antee of reliability. Gentle
in action, they are entirely
free from injurious drugs,
and are intended especially
for constipation,
biliousness, indi
gestion, torpid liv
er or inactivity of
the bowels.
Your druggist
sells them.
Winer's Salt Hemedlci Ca,
Kochuler. N. Y.
Chemist Wins Lasting
"I tried several doctors and all kinds
of medicine, and had about given up
all hope of getting better. I did not
think it possible thai any meaicine
could be so wonderful in its effect as
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy has proven
in my case. Tou sure have won my last
ing gratitude. I could not work at all
and had constant pain in my stomach
before taking your medicine." It is a
simple, harmless preparation that re
moves the catarrhal mucus from the
intestinal tract and allays the inflam
mation which causes practically all
stomach, liver and intestinal ailments,
including appendicitis. One dose will
convince or money refunded. Owl Drug
Co. and druggists everywhere. fald
Bead The .Oregonian classified ads.
Says w can't help but look
better and feel better
after an inslds bath.
To look one's best and feel one's best
Is to enjoy an inside bath each morning
to flush from the system the previous
day's waste, sour fermentations and
poisonous toxins before it la absorbed
into the blood. Just as coal, when it
burns, leaves behind a certain amount
of incombustible material in the form
of ashes, so the fopd and drink taken
each day leave in the alimentary organs
a certain amount of indigestible ma
terial, which if not eliminated, form
toxins and poisons, which are then
sucked into the blood through the very
ducts which are intended to suck in
only nourishment to sustain the body.
If you want to see the glow of
healthy bloom in your cheeks, 10 see
your skin get clearer and clearer, you
are told to drink every morning upo:t
arising a glass of hot water with a
teaspoonful of limestone pnospnace u
it, wniun ia aTiiiiiujcoa . .
ing the waste material and toxins from
the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels,
before putting more food Into the stom-
acn- .. , .
Men and women with sallow skins,
liver spots, pimples or pallid complex
ion are those who wake up with a
coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath,
others who are bothered with head
aches, bilious spells, acid stomach or
constipation should begin, this phos
phated hot water drinking.
A quarter pound of limestone phos
phate costs very little at the drug
store, but is sufficient to demonstrate
that just as soap and hot water
,-lpansps. nurifies and freshens tha
skin on the outside, so hot water and
limestone phosphate act on the inside
crsans, Adv.