THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAXD, OCTOBER 6, 1918. lp f ill ;j II 'r ''r AlrV'" til rt vJ li; 5f ? I tr wmm- rHL. TWl 1 - I EST s ' V - C - ''' - - pHTvSVjrijVf f " ' ?X ", '' ' " 1 ' - - r ' If - 1 ' If " 'I ' ' """" ' i .V 4 A""-- - 5 - I ' ' - 1 - " S ' - - - r - ' v " - J yJ". race-rccrFSrrr. 5:', , - - - - ii ' t ' , ' - " ! -t-r , - It J ' " I W -S- at. 'UC T 1 VC -' , (Continued From Paira 3 . ''V - room vera ttrctiTeIy bedecked -with g-arden flowers, and refreshments were served at a table bedecked with a. bowl of Cecil Bruner rosea. Covers were placed for 12. Members of the Emergency Fleet Squadron enjoyed an Informal dance In the assembly room of the Hotel Port land Monday evening, with about EO In attendance. Light refreshments were served. Mrs. r. R Ball entertained with a handsomely appointed dinner In the main dining room of the Hotel Portland Wednesday evening-. Covers were placed for 10 at the table decorated with pink roses and ferns. COMXXC! EVENTS. The officers 'and Gmnl fink nf !.- land Review, No. 7. of Lady Maccabees, will give a card party Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. J. Krall, 553 Hoyt street. All Maccabees and friends are urged to attend, as the proceeds so io me iund for the fourth 11 berty loan bonds purchased by the re The Mlchlff-ftn SZnimt will . lr i v. J . iUDQ day evening In the assembly room of the Hotel Portland. All former resi dents of Michigan, whether members of "t, win oe welcome. Oregon Assembly. No. 1. United ArM SanS. Will Hold ir annual n nA J cara I) H rr v n r xn?iaa u. i rr-.. j ning. The KewftTils ffnith n-ni row at noon for luncheon at the Mult- . teI Port Circle. Ladies of the a. wui g-ive a luncheon Wednes day at Bakers hall, Albina and Kill ingsworth avenues, honoring Mrs. Eva Carnegie, department president of the following tne luncheon a bus ness meeting- and inspection of the cii-cie win do Held. ionic court No. 1. Order or the Amaranth, will hold Its third annual bazaar Saturday evening in the West ciae masonic Temple. Useful and fancy -. a onerea ror sale, also nome-canned goods and Jelly. There ue caras tor those who wish to via. ira uraer or the Amaranth la an organization open to Eastern Star oniy. ionic Court has 100 members and intpEt(ni. . i - '"i, iiiccluieb are held once a month. mv t...i. Smith is the royal matron and Angus . iiiw royal patron. Mare-ner!t rmn ... residence of Mrs. C. C. Hood. 325 East iunj-iirsi streer 'I'h n pcHo -in a ... - 4.iV A- .1 1 ah resident a n rl Bnin,.ru., t . , u ii jcnua are welcome. On Octohr is If.... i- n t i T . iiBucriiB camp. Royal Neighbors, will give another of t imainraents for the pleasure of ne enlisted mnn nH i .- the Se& sir nnl ln i- .i . V7' , wcitome at .cast Side Business Men'i Club Hall, Grand t,anL Aider. The Illlnnl. K,. ' I . - " . 1 "ii udiq us next meeting Tuesdnv AVAnin . c . , - . . , , , , J 111 in ine .o...,,uijr-ruum or tne Portland Hotel dellKhtful nrns-nmm -v li?' ff"r which cards and dancing will be in order. All former residents ,.(. , 7 . " " Ji owiuicrs ana invitea to be present. The commlttf. nn .-..... - , . ... . oiieQIIlCII l XOr the first 'Informal afTali-" in k. nrV? ia-KS' auxillary to the Ancient Order of Hibernians tomorrow evnn- have been busy for thts past week and announces that everything is in readi ness. The evenine- will rimi.t j With nrlzes nnr) r.f...). . . , - . . ...... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n. alter which there will be dancing. Those in at r tif - IJe"a Llllls'. Mrs. D. J. ... m. iainerm Murray. Mrs. Alee fr,.v.i.. . Dowd. Miss Mollie K. McCarthy Mit Catherine Dowd and Miss Anna Kearns. Enlisted men cemDllmni.. , on u wei. come. I ' , Green, and little Mavbelle Woodward fav a reading and the butterfly dance. Mrs. Robert Clark contributed solos, character song in costume, and a recitation with musical accompani ment, by Mrs. Gertrude E. Woodward completed the Interesting programme. The evening closed with dancing, re freshments and cards. All Minnesotans are cordially invited to attend the Toxt meeting, the first Tuesday In .November. m The dancing party jjiven by the aux iliary to Oregon's Catholic War Council at Columbus Hall on Wednesday even ing, was a huge success. An unusually large, number of soldiers and sailors were present, the affair being given in honor of the uniformed men. The patronesses, comprising women of St. Mary's parish, are deserving of a great deal of credit, as it was due to their excellent work and efforts that the party was such a success. They served the refreshments and assisted in every way. These parties will be weekly events, and each time the women of different parishes will act as patronesses and assist in the affair. The Bereans of the White Temple en tertained a few of the enlisted men in the Spruce Division Saturday evening tot the borne of Miss Elsie Moon. Games, and music were the diversions of the evening. Dainty refreshments were served. Those present were Misses Ruth Workman, Genevieve Drew, Pearl Thomas, Hazel Zimmer, Grace Mascher. Ann Pauley, Minnie Mascher, Violet Kerchner, Madge Sparks, Hazel Weiss, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Singletary, Mrs Newkick, Mrs. Shomacher, Mrs. Beach, Mrs. Spielman and the hostess; Messrs. M. C. Martin. U. J. Beach. C. Eckard. B. Donaldson. A Schumacher. L. Chris topher, Charles Newkick, Frank Yar brough. General Nunn. E. Bither. L. Archambeau, Cecil Brooks, P. A. Thompson, V. Anderson, Ira Stromstee, S KurlinisilL Mrs. A. B. Beesley entertained with a charming birthday party Saturday at her home in Rose City Park in honor of her little niece, Jean Elizabeth Murray, of Tacoma. Master Millard Beesley as sisted in receiving the guests. The WEDDIXCS. Bell-Toler. A pretty weddinr w i..i Monday. September 20, at 4 o'clock in Vancouver, Wash., when Ruth A. Toler became t hi-i n tr ... .. Judge Back officiating. Irs. Bell is the only daughter cf Edward P. Bow man, of Glenburn, Cal, a prominent cattleman of that section. Of recent vpan thn v.t , . her home in, San Francisco, where sh J w 9 a nnnnliv I three months mgo. The bridegroom Is a TLi- V "",er Keii' ot this city. Mr. and Mrs. Bell will make their home In San Francisco, where the former In employed. G me t t-Iyyon . Charles Gassett an a xrio- u.. a j lV oila were married spntmhf i TJ. ,nX lsro-,Bot r popular Portland ers, the bride being a daughter of Mrs Ida Greene, of 6S1 Irving Street. Mr. GaSSett is ft. ftnn f T, 1 . n ... v.. . 1 . aim uir. J j. Oassett. 146 Vermont Street. Portland, is Lincoln igh School gradu ate. He Was nODulflp nnrl 1 ( . athleticn during hi v, 1 j ... , - " 1 1 " 'i usys, ne has been in the Medical Corps at Camp iv iironins, ana recently re ceived an honarable discharge. Mr. nH Mrs. ...hi 1. - - . ding trip of two or three months In oner wnicn thev win Sa turn to Portland to make their home. AVella-Xonken. William E. Welln. Tr 1 Anna M. M. Nonken wapa j . the home of th hrM.'. . Christian Nonken. 360 Benton street on Saturday evening. Thomas E. Summers ana Aliss Meta II. N'onken .i.t. the bride, were their .tt. t E. CnnKtant vuialn. m . i . . . . J . "' 1 wi wi me nigniana Congregational Church, officiated. Only "tunica ana relatives of the couple attended the ceremony. Carpe-Rosenthal. Miss Frieda. Rnnnnthol on f - , - 1 bi.u .uipuriu Henry. Carpe were married in Seattle at the Temple bv Rjihhi Wnh tj tonibpr 16. The wedding came as a rreat surprise to their friends. Mrs. Carpe has returned to Portland and will make her hnmA wlfh v. . 1 Mr. Carpe is stationed in Camp Lewis! Compton-IVilla. Sere-eftnt Tlnn w r-- , , ' ' vvuiiiivii Kim Alias Ruth Wills were rrta rrU k c. Boyd AVednesday. September 18. Fol lowing iao marriage ceremony a ban quet was served by Lieutenant Bran son. Of thfl 9fttK Cnr,.AA t.- -t couver Barracks. Later a musical nrt. gramme was given impromptu, the 2d Provisional band and quartet furnish- i n tr entdrtfltnmonf fw . v. - . ,1 errning. Captain Morton acted as toastmaster. JohmoB-TreiclieL The weddinp r,r Xli.. c m., . . . " - . . 1 mic 1 iri- chel and Cyrus Johnson, both of Port- miu, was soiemnisea at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. F TrelcheL E35 Mall straar' .snAn.K- -a at 1 o'clock, the Rev. Mr. Minard offi ciating. A quiet simpl city marked the occasion, the bride being attended by her sister. Fayette, Mr. Scott being best man. Barber-Xortosu Mrs. Florence Norton and James Barber, of Spokane, were married Sep tember 26 in Spokane. The affair was most simple and informal, the only guests being Mr. and Mra'M. Scaler and the two daughters of the bride. The couple are at home at 227 West Third avenue, Spokane. Miss Edith Morton, of 6919 Thirtieth avenjie South east, this city, also is a daughter of Mrs. Barber. Dennis-Georce. MIftfi Helen Rlnlp r' - .- cently married to D. C Dennis, of Bal timore, and is the daughter of Mr. and airs. s. u. oeorge, ot 829 East Stark street, and a sister of Mrs. Charles YOU are always comfortably clad in "Mrode" or "Harvard Mills" underwear, no matter what the tem perature. You can preserve the trim, tailored lines-of fashion, too, for these undergarments are cut to fit without the slightest wrinkle anywhere. . Each garment is skil fully made and finished with patented Flatlock seams so that there is never more than one thickness of material. "Mrode" ' n.nrl 'Harvard Mills" (Hand-finished) Underwear The material is pre shrunk so that the gar meffts retain their shape through many tubbings, making them always de pendable in wear. Union suits, vests, drawers- and tights for women and children. Priced at 50c to $6.75. Sold at the good shops. Ask for "M erode" or "Harvard Mills" by name. WINSHIP, BOIT & CO. .Harvard Knitting Mill) Wakefield, Mas. Brown (Florence W. Georrt). who m-iM also a bride this Summer. Mrs. Dennis Is a graduate of Lincoln Tlfi-l, shnni and the University of Oregon and prior to going East was a teacher in the Portland schools. Seneant and nm Dennis have taken an apartment at 306 North Broadway, Baltimore, where Mrs. Dennis will continue her studies as a senior student In the mriiiai aunnt of Johns Hopkins University. Ser geant Dennis is stationed at Camn Holabfrd. Md.. in the (lMUrtlirm..f..'. Department. PrlT-Cinnlirll. Mlaa Ti-Mith r.n,h.ll . .1.. v.i. ernoon at 4 o'clock in Flint. Mich. Ths weaaing was a simple arralr. only rel atives and a few close friends being in attendance, most of whom came from her former home. Sr Louis. The bride is the d&uehter nf 1r ,nH -Tv. t -w Campbell, 672 Kearney street, this city. SOCIETr PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Connacher. nf - " ' 1 1 ' i-,.. ii.iiii ii.r trnciV'CllU 111 Portland at the Multnomah Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Alshton and B. W. Batchelder. of fhlracft. n r a unonH I n several davs In the citv at thA Mult nomah Hotel. Mr. Alshton is a promi nent railroad man, and he is in the West in the interests of his work. Dr. D. M. Green, a nromlnent nhv- slcian of Detroit, is spending a few days in Portland at the Multnomah Hotel. HI. X, - T "WIT JU . 1 . oi. . i - . my biiu mo laiicrE mother, Mrs. Bradburn Howes, of Van couver, a. c, are visiting in this city, and they are at the Multnomah Hotel. Miss Mary Dunn, a student of the Ladies Attention We have just re ceived by express 75 all-wool Blue Serge Suits, silk lined, button trim med, for ladies or misses; sizes 14 to 44 worth $37.50. On Sale Monday and Tuesday at S24.75 50 Zibeline Coats, full lined, all col ors; worth $27.50. On sale Monday and Tuesday at S18.95 Blue Serge Dresses, latest models, very stylish; worth $39.50. On sale Monday and Tues- Qqn QEf day at. 5-.w.iD 381 Alder St.. Corner Unit Peoples Theater Bulldini Our Reasons Why ' Silk Umbrellas Stunning in styles that surpass all styles of previous seasons are shown here in taupe, 'khaki, brown, navy, purple and green. Prices $3.95 to $15 t Alder- T3Y VIRTUE of our -L highly trained and efficient organization, our specialized manu facturing methods and owe voluminous produc tion, we are enabled to offer hats of superior quality and uncommon and attrac tive styles at very ' modest prices. OUR designers - are constantly alert to the season's style ten dencies and" our Fall models strikingly exem plify the authenticity and originality of our creations. Our prices were never more attrac tive. $7.50 to $35.00 FURS In Wonder Millinery Fur Coatees, Scarfs and Muffs you will always find styles that are orig inal and ever attractive. And you can always de pend upon their uniform high quality and good value from the medium to the better grades. The line for Fall offers a wide choice of unusu ally charming models. Foxes... $38.50 to $10(L Wolves.. $25.00 to $ 85 Lynx $38.50 to $100 l. of O.. is visltina; this week at the Chi Omega house In Kuftene. She ex pects to rpend the "Winter with her father in Southern California. Mr. and Mrs. Charles English (Frances Bchade) are being; showered with con Rratulations upon the arrival of a son. born October 3. at Ht. Vincent's Hos pital. The little chap has been named Charles Joseph English. Miss Ruth Barlow, wbo enent the Summer In Portland with her parents at 26 North Twenty-first street, has returned to Berkeley, Cal., where she win attend the University of Callfor nls. She will be (traduated from the university next June. Mrs. Kmlle Petit, of Ilwsco. Wash will celebrate her SRth birthday today at the home of her sister. Mrs. Josenh Ebertrand, 86 Texas street. Mrs. Petit is a pioneer of the Willamette Valley. She Is the mother of 14 children, seven of whom are llvlnsr. Her descendants include three generations and number about 100. Mrs. P. Bsldsuf. of Cleveland. Ohio formerly Sophie Beck, of this ity. the mother of a bsby girl, born Thurs dsy. Captain and Mrs. XV. B. Buffum are being showered with congratulations over the arrival of s son, eptcmbor 21. Party Invitations Favors, Decorations for the rest of October should take Hallowe'en for its motif. Despite unfavor able market conditions we have a splendid srray of Hallowe'en Novelties Engraved Christmas Persoaal Greeting Cards should be ordered now to the rush. i void Gill3 The J. K. Gill Co. Booksellerm, Sta Ihrnrra. Office Outfitters Third A Alder Streets. liUIlnilllllllll! WOMEN! Come Upstairs and Save Your Dollars Featuring for Monday's Selling 50 New Ail-Wool Fall Coats Plain and fancy trimmed, some fur trimmed; at special $39.50. All sizes. Taupes, brown, plum, black and silrertones. New Sample AII-WooI Serge Dresses no two 'alike plain, accordion and box pleats; braid, fringe and embroidery trimmed. Special at $14.50. $17.50. $19.50 to $31.50. 100 new Serge and Fancy Suits in silver tones, broadcloths, wool velours and navy serge Special $29.50 to $59.50. New lot of Silk, Broad cloth and Serge Dress Skirts, special for Mon day, $1.93 to $17.50. Crepe de Chine and Georgette Waists, all colors; two prices only, $4.95 and $6.95. Satin, Georgette and Taffeta Dresses, $19.50 to $34.50. Petersons Upstairs Sample Shop 203 Pittock Block, Cor. W. Park and Washington Sts. Second Floor C: :0 B7 iimiiimimiitt . LIPPMAN Ladies' Tailor Stylish tiarments t ailored Hailsfaetorily Liberty Bonus Accepted. TO OUR PATRONS f Our Spclml F!l tin of Goods In Duvtyne. Silvrton Vtiotir, tnd . ZZ ZZ cood variety of vtapl material. ZZ ZZ now complete and ready for your ZZ ZZ Inspection. Karb plec la xtramaly ZZ rlcii la Quality mnl color. ZZ SCHWEITZER & EGIN ' 1 LADIES TAILORS. "T SI'4 WASHINGTON. tAK TENTH niiiiiHimiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiuimiimirc Broadway Dye & Cleaning Works Master Dyers f Cleaners Phone East 625 340 Alder 141 Broadway- Manufacturer FURRIER . Importer S. W. Cor. of Broadway and Alder St I am showing a collection of personally created modish Fur Garments of particular interest to buyers of high-grade Furs. They are made of specially selected skins and manufactured in my own workrooms with the utmost care, and priced sensibly.