SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 Warn. Editorial, Society and Music VOLi. XXXVII. SUNDAY MORNING, PORTLAND, OREGON, OCTOBER G, 1918. NO. 40. ocxo o IOC IOE 30 o 0 o u r o S. &H. Green TradingStamps Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before 10th of Each Month Get Your Stamps I Xmas Greeting Cards Order at Once Great variety of different designs and styles on display at the Stationery Counter, Main Floor. Now. is the time to make your selections. TAKE LUNCH IN THE TEA ROOM FOURTH FLOOR SERVICE THE BEST PRICES The Standard Store of the Northwest EXCLUSIVE PORTLAND AGENCY FOR CELEBRATED GOSSARD" FRONT LACE CORSETS 2D FLOOR Savev Peach Stones For Gas Masks Also apricot, cherry, plum, prune and olive pits; walnuts, hickory nuts, and shells of these nuts. The Government needs them in making gas masks for our soldiers. Deposit in barrels near entrances. o 0 o Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods D o n REASONABLE - - V ht ij o D o o D o 0 o Q o a : O D o n o o D o n a o D o o n o o u o n o o a o o a o o o D o o D o The Government Urges Early Choosing of Christmas Goods This Store Stands Ready to Serve You Stocks Are Larger and Better Than $ver. Before Reasonable Prices Courteous Salespeople. Portland's Greatest Showing of Women's Suits Second Floor By coming to this store for your new Suit you have the advantage of choosing from the largest 6tock in Portland and the Northwest. Moreover, a comparison of prices will show that ours are invariably the lowest. Styles for all types of figures, including little women and women who wear the larger sizes. Women's New Winter Suits Priced $27 .50 to $45.00 At these popular prices we show a splendid range of Suits in burellas, 6erges, gabardines, wool poplins, wool velours, wool jerseys and velvets. Beautiful new models in tailored and novelty styles new tans, browns, greens, blues, purple and other shades. Dozens of styles to select from. Priced $27.50 up to $15.00 Beautiful New Dressy Suits Priced $4850 to $225.00 Second Floor Broadcloths, tricotines, velvets, silver-tones, panne velvets, and various' other materials. Tailored and novelty style, many are fur trimmed, others with braids and hand-embroidery. Full range of all the new shades. Priced $48.50 to $225.00 New Waists $3.79 to $42.50 Second Floor Of Georgette crepe, taffetas, messalines and crepe de chine, in the very latest shades for Fall. Novelty styles and plain tailored effects. Our showing of the new Waists is now complete, offering the newest Fall styles. Crepe de Chine Waists at prices ranging from $3.79 to $9.75 New Georgette Crepe Waists, priced at $5.75 up to $ 12J50 Silk Waists $5.75 to $7.50 Bath Robes For Gifts! Second Floor Women who have in mind giving Bathrobes for Christmas are reminded that here is a wonderful showing of the new styles in Blanket Robes and Pendleton, Indian Robes. Numer ous patterns in both light and dark colors, trimmed with satin or ribbons, cord girdle, large pockets. Full range sizes. Prices range from $3.95 up to $25.00 New Tuxedo Sweaters Second Floor The last word in Sweater style. These new Tux edo Sweaters are shown in plain weave and have large collar of white angora. "Various color com binations seal brown with pea cock blue; taupe with gendarme; heather mixtures. Full range of, sizes moderately priced at $20 Silk Sweaters, $27.50 to $45 Wool Sweaters In Latest Models Second Floor Visit the Sweater Section and see this great collection of the new arrivals. Every popular style is shown in just the shade you have been look ing for. Smart belted effects with scarf and Tuxedo collars some have belts of self material, others of patent leather or suede, with covered buckles all the leading shades, including heather, tans, purple. Prices range $13.75 to $16.50 We Give S. & H. Stamps Women's, Misses' Dresses In All the Season's Best Styles Second Floor Dresses for all occasions, from the neat tailored styles of wool serge, and jersey to the more elaborate models made up in Georg ette crepe, taffetas, crepe de chine or satins. No matter how critical your taste, you are sure to find a pleasing model here. Prices $20 to $78 Women's Fall Skirts At $7.95 to $32.50 Second Floor IjEW WOOL SKIRTS in a large assort ment of styles tailored, pleated and tunic effects. Mate rials include serges, velours, novelty mixtures, wool plaids and fancy suitings in striped patterns $7.95 to $27.50 New Silk Skirts Second Floor Silk Poplins, Baronette Satins, Tricolet, Velvet and Georgette Crepe Skirts in beautiful new Fall models trimmed with braids, fringes, buttons and bands. Neat plain tailored styles and the more fancy models in draped, plaited and tunic effects. Many attractive styles to select from. Prices range from $8.50 to $32.50 mi jr $m . urn n I Women's Coats $25 to $200 Second Floor Look where you will youH not find another such stock xtf Coats in all Portland! Coats for all occasions and of every desirable material are here at prices ranging $25 to $200 New Utility Coats S25 to S48.50 2 Second Floor Smart new Belted Coats with Ir.rge convertible collars in round or square effects; new plaited styles and military models in latest cuts. Cheviots, velours, meltons, burellas and mixtures. All sizes. Prices range $25 to $ 18.50 New Dressy Coats $35 to $200 Second Floor Beautiful garments from best makers wool velours, plushes, burellas, broad cloths, velvets and other wanted materials. Belted or semi-fitting models. All leading colors. Prices range from $35.00 on up to $200.00 -New Silk Petticoats At $5.50 and $6.75 Second Floor Two great groups of women's high-class Silk Fetti coats priced for quick disposal. Any woman who has need for a new Petticoat should act quickly and secure one of these. One group is of taffeta and messaline silks in all the new bright shades for Fall, also silk jersey with taffeta flounces. ' The second group contains many beautiful Petticoats made up 'in silk jersey, taffeta and messa lines with plaited, tucked and ruffled flounces. Full assortment of the new Fall shades. Extraordinary values at $5.50 and $0.75 12 He Val. Laces Special 7c Yd. Main Floor A rare opportunity for women to buy dainty Laces for holiday fancy work at a great saving. New shipment, just in by express scores of pretty patterns in two-thread and diamond mesh Valenciennes Laces, Bands and Edges; excellent 10c and 12c values. Priced special for Monday, the yard Embroidered Galloon Bandings Special 35c Yard Main Floor These are regular 50c Laces. Beautiful open, lacy patterns for trimming of garments. Great assortment of designs to select from. Various QCT widths. Priced special, while they last, yard OJU New Neckwear Collars, Sets, Vests, Vestees Main Floor Styles that are different from the usual run. We buy Neckwear only from the best makers, therefore you can always rely upon getting the newest creations here. Prices range 65 up to $12.50 New Fur Collars Black, brown and gray. Latest styles shaped to fit the shoulders. Prices range from $8.95 to $25.00 Great Sale of Boxed Hosiery Center Circle, 1st Floor Monday morning we inaugurate our Annual Sale of Boxed Hosiery for women. This season we shall feature Cotton and Lisle Hose in well known lines, such as Wayne, Burson, Blue Ribbon and Honor Makes. Put up in boxes of 3 or 6 pairs. Don't neglect this chance to buy Hosiery. Buy Gift Hosiery Now! WOMEN'S HOSE, Burson make, black or white cotton with hemmed ribbed tops, or split foot. Regular or outsize. Regular 50c J1 OK grade. Box 6 pairs $2.5, box 3 pairs O-L.OtJ WOMEN'S Cotton Hose in black, white and some colors. Light and heavy weight. Q?f 35c grade box 6 pairs $1.85, box 3 pairs JOx SILK LISLE Seamless Hose black, white and six good colors. Honor brand. 50c Q" OK grade; box 6 pairs $2.G5, box 3 pairs O-L.OtJ Women's 65c Full-Fashioned Hose, Box of 3 Pairs $1.65 39c Lisle Hose, Box of 3 Pairs $1.00 Center Circle Full fashioned, fine grade cotton white, black and balbriggan. Reg ular 65c Hose, special, 3 pairs at $1.65 WAYNE Ribbed Top Hose; O"! JTf fif)r vrrnAc. Box 3 nairs: snecial 0.1.J Center Circle Women's Seamless Plain Lisle Hose, black and white. J1 CC Rntnilar 39r crade. Box 3 nairs D-LUU S1.65 Women's 50c Full-Fashioned Black Cotton Hose, Box 3 pairs, $135 SILK LISLE HOSE; our regu lar 65c grade. Box 3 pairs at r Millinery Sale Gontinues $18 to $35 NewFallHats At $15 For the benefit of those who were unable to attend the sale Saturday we shall continue the offering for Monday. Many beautiful new models will be added to the sale, so there will be bargains equally as good as on first day of sale. Many of the Hats in this collection arp patterns, therefore there is only one of a kind others represent .a special shipment secured underprice; and still others are reproductions of imported models from our own workrooms. Beautiful dressy Hats trimmed with plumes, ostrich fancies, colored embroidery, wings, ribbons, etc. Hats of finest quality. Lyons' Velvets, Hatters' Plush and Velours. Large, medium and small shapes. Black and all the leading col ors are represented. Hats selling formerly at $18.00, $20,00, $25.00 up CI r (f to $35.00 special OIJ.UU IMillinery Salons . 2d Floor Children 'sHats at $1.50 up to $6.50 This Week We Shall Feature a Special Show ing of the New Fall Coatings Main Floor Fortunate is the woman who is able to make her own coat during these strenuous days, for she can save considerable by so doing. Even to have the coat made, the cost would be much less than the same quality in ready-to-wear garments. With such beautiful materials to select from there are literally scores of weaves here many women will see the economy of buying the goods and making their own coats. Don't fail to see these new materials. Prices range $3.50 up to $8.00 yard. New Corduroys, Velvets, Plushes For new Fall coats, suits, skirts you will find all the fabrics here in great variety. New. Silks, too, in the popular weaves and colors. Silk Department, Main Floor. We give S. & II. Trading Stamps. Andirons, Sets, 'Screens Department, 3d Floor Wintry days and nights are made more cheery with the fireplace in working order. Let us show you the latest designs in Fire Sets, Andirons, Spark Guards and Fire Screens. Black iron; brass and brass-trimmed. REA SONABLE PRICES Department Third Floor. Food Choppers 98c to $3 A good Food Chopper will save its cost in a very short time. Every home needs one of these to help in conservation of food. All sizes from small to large. Prices start at 98 and range on up to $3.00 . ,'.;;. -. OCTOBER 7TH TO 12TH will be "Home Craft Week" at this store. The purpose of this event is to stimulate interest in beautifying the home at small cost with the aid of QUAKER CRAFT CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES. A beautiful display of these will be ready for your inspection Monday morning in the Drapery Department on the Third Floor. Come and b'ring your friends. Quaker Craft Curtains And Laces By the Yard Third Floor Have you a room that needs brightening up? QUAKER CRAFT Curtains or Drapes will transform the most un inviting room into a pleasant place to live. Our expert salesmen will be pleased to help you with suggestions about new ideas in drapes. Quaker Curtains $3.75 to $9..00 Pair . Quaker Nets 90c to $1.75 Yard s 1 A. iL?sM 'l.'.ul Third Floor Great variety of beautiful patterns in Quaker Lace Curtains, in fine filet weaves. Shown in white, cream and ecru color. Styles for any room in the house. Priced, the pair, $3.75 on up to $9.00 Third Floor Quaker Curtain Nets and Laces have long been recognized as the most attrac tive and durable materials on the market. Scores of beautiful new designs have just been re ceived. Yard, 90 to $1.75 aim Good Savings on Household Supplies Sheets, Sheetings, Towels, Bed Spreads, Etc. Mam Floor MERCERIZED Cotton Pattern Cloths, the thing for everyday use, and saves your good linens. Shown in beautiful new patterns, rich satin finish. Size 63x63 inches. Only a limited Q"1 QQ number left. Priced special for Monday OA.70 MERCERIZED DAMASK by the yard. This is a good heavy quality that will give excellent tlTZn service. 64 inches wide. Special, the yard OJC MERCERIZED NAPKINS an odd lot; Q- IJfT no cloths to match. Special, the 'dozen I O Bed Spreads Low Priced' Main Floor White Crochet Bed Spreads, beautiful raised patterns. Large size for double bed. Good heavy grade. Hemmed. (JO Kfl Our low price only jJJ CROCHET SPREADS with scal lops and cut corners. These are also the large full sizes and are good weight. Shown in several attractive patterns. Our QO low price Monday, only Oi.ltJ QUILTED BATTS large size rolls; pure white. Ex- Q1 tra good value. Special 3iUU White Goods Specials NEW CLOTH a combination of ratine and crepe, in linen ef fect. Excellent for OQ dresses. Special, the yard HAWAIIAN CLOTH, a popu lar fabric for women's and chil dren's dresses. Water- CCn shed finish; yard wide "tJw NAINSOOK manufacturers' short lengths fine 6oft quality for infants' wear.' Sale O !"T price Monday, the yard OtJU Huck Towels At 40c HUCK TOWELS of excellent heavy quality. Special by the dozen, $4.50; each "C HONEYCOMB Towels, size 1Sx36 inches. Fine soft OO grade. Limited number at BATH TOWEL SETS with pink or blue borders. Priced at $1.75. $2.50 Set. First Floor. New Flannels New Outings, new Bath Robe Flannels, new Silk - Embroidered Flannels, new Eiderdown Flannels. Buy Sheets and Sheeting Now and Save BLEACHED SHEETS of good heavy quality. This is our well known "Hotel Special" brand. Ab solutely the best value in Port land at the price. 2 popular sizes. Bleached Sheets, Bize Q1 CtVL Snecial WliUtJ 69x90 inches. Size 72x90 inches at $1.75 BLEACHED SHEETING of splendid heavy quality. Onlyt about 2000 yards to go at this price. 63 inches wide. rQ Priced special, the yard JJ PILLOW TUBING of good heavy quality. 45 inches wide. Priced special, yard "t II O T E L and rooming-house owners as well as private house keepers can always save money by coming to this store. We are headquarters for everything in the way of household needs Linens, Towels, Spreads, Sheets, etc GET OUR PRICES FIRST! D o o a o a o o D o o D o a o o D o o D o n a Q o a o a o a o a o o a o a o D o a o IOE "A 1 IOEZOI