THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, ' PORTLAND. OCTOBER 6, 191S. 13 roa kent. Ho as em. RENT LES3 THAN IX 1910-12. REAL ESTATE MUCH CHEAPER, we have been telling you for the past several month you should buy don't put It off. Building material is now over bO per cent higher nooobdy can build and sell as cheap a heretofore; your time Is now; let tne other fellow pay the big price. This is coming. Bee us before cur list is all knocked to pieces "SES THE VELUDW SIGN." SMITH-WAGuNEK CO.. STOCK EX. NEW bungalow, modern, o rooms, all built jn features, hardwood floors, hot air fur nace, breakfast nook, screened porch. Ex clusive neighborhood, magnificent view and large garden. To permanent couple only, no children or dogs, $40. Owner (employed) to retain use of 2d floor. Pos session Oct. 15, for period of war., Address J '2&J. Oregonian. k OVERTOX ST.. 9 rooms, open fireplaces, furnace, etc Open for inspection today 1 to 4 P. M. 6 rooms. Willamette Heights, modern, good view, lease to desirable tenant; rea sonable rent. A. H. RIRRF.T.T. m 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall til. A -138. FOR RENT. Owner leaving city and will rent his Beautiful house at 647 Summit drive, Port land Heights; 8 rooms, double garage; considered one of Portland. Heights' finest homes; price $100 a month; lease for year. THE FRED A- JACOBS COMPANY, 104 5th Street. Alain 6SG9. 9-EOOM . strictly modern house, No. 732 Lovejoy si-; hardwood floors, white enamel Kitchen, sleeping porctt, all conveniences, for rent at $.35 per month to private fam ily only. WAJ.EFIELJD, FRIES A CO., S3 Fourth st. -ROOM house, lot 50x100. 12 fruit trees. $18. Three large ground floor rooms In another house 31S. Appiy corner S9th and East Stark (rear door). Mt, Tabor (MT&STH) car to end. four blocks north. one east. EAST I6TH. near Hawthorne. 8 large rooms and garage, hardwood floors, full con crete basement, two fireplaces, furnace, automatic water 'heater,, bath, extra toilet; rental terms on sale. Owner. 2X2 U. S. Bank bldg. ILARG-B 3-room bungalow, completely fur nished, large attic f irenlace. absolute) v Ciean, electric lights, gaa and water fur nished, $40; no children. Phone Tabor 1610. Call 242 East 44th Bt, 2 blocks north of Hawthorne av. LAL'hELHUKST HOME. "Will rent my unusually comfortable and attractive 2-story modern troom house to right party for year at $t0. Open to- day. 1222 E. Giisan. Also have another near by at $40. R. H. Torrey, Tabor 407. LARGE modern home at 622 Clackamas st, Irving ton district, built-in conveniences, furnace, 3 large bedrooms, for $45 per month. Winter fuel in the cellar at cost. Will only rent to responsible people, Par tlcu!ar3 at 404 Piatt bldg. FOR RENT I largo 3-room house and some land, $10 per mo., 4 mile south west of Dosch Station, Southern Pacific Mrs. Bertha Fick, P. O. address R. F. L r No. 2. box 203, HlllEdaleLOr. $10 5-room house; 1830 Ttorbura, " $lo fr-room house, tt lot $20 5-room house; 4103 G2d. $50 8-room house furnished. Best' S9th. WILLIAM G. BECK, 215 Selling Bids. 13 House, main floor 3 rooms. attic, porches, woodshed and yard, gas. electric and fireplace. 72 Periander st.. 4 blocks west of Pat ton road and Council Crest Junction. Take Port 1 a nd Hts. car. Adults. FOR RE N T $ 2 0. 7-room, 2-story house, bath, basement, all modern convnlencies, two lots, on Mt, Scott carline. 803j Woodstock avo. Owner there from 10 to 4 Sunday. 10-ROOM fireproof dwelling, steam heat, leeping porch, 2 baths. 2 toilets. 2 fire- filaces. garage, beautiful view; cor. Wll amett blvd. and AJnsworth ave.: rent $o0. See Mr. Strong. 3Q6 Oregonian bldg. HOUSE. 7 rooms, lease to tenant who can pay in advance and make repairs, or will sell on terms like rent; $1600; owner at lira. Smith's. 0630 6Stu st- S. iH. Mt. Scott car. Nashville station. 3TOR RENT 9-room house, in good condi tion; linoleum and carpets on floors; all on one floor; near Foundation shipyard. Phone Broadway 44.i0. THOROUGHLY modern 8-room house, fin ished attic and sleeping porch; hardwood finish: jfartly furnished In walnut. W'ood lawn 4173. Woodlawn 334. ."WHEN YOU MOVE " XJe NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC Ughl service. Broadway KB. A 747. RIVERA. Modern home, beautiful location, fine view ; lonr lease; $50 a month. Might partly furnish. Owner, Main 8G3 or 1042. KODERN 7-room house, 86T E. Yamhill st., for rent, partially furnished; Just refin Jshed throughout; rnt $40. Inquire S10 Washington. Main 371. - STRICTLY modern 7-room house. Mrs. "Walworth. Marshall &5L lliUiO to C:0 Sunday. MODERN 8-room house, walking distance from Mllwaukie carllne. Phone Milwau kee 51R. -ROOM bungalow, partly furnished, fire place. 659 East Slat N near Klickitat, Broadway car. 9 . . -1 - FOR RENT $25 per mo. 1 7-room houne and 3 lots; no children under 16 years. 2H7 E. 60th N.. near Twoby Bros. shops. $30 ROSE CITY PARK $30. 8 rooms, semi-modern, ntar school. SW1TH-WAGONEP. CO., STOCK EX. WEST side: 10 ROOMS. 221 12th street, corner Salmon. 15 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. IKVIXGTON Fine home and garage. $65. 110 children. 403 E. 15th T. B. T. Street. b gent. VAXTED Couple to share house, $15 rent. gonian. IRVINGTON, ucu 13, strictly modern 7 room and large sleeping porch, $50. Phone 4-ROOM' bungalow lor rent. $13 per month. Inquire of ilrs. C. L. Dunning, MilwauiUe. jr. 8 ROOMS and large store on E. 21st and 'iibbets; inquire Parrish & Watkln CAR AGS for rent. 1074 Sandy blvd., near ooin st. t vaii laoor oi-. 8-ROOM house, garage, chicken house, cor- ner. lOOxlOQ, 13 rJ. 69th st. Marshall 2431 'T-ROOM modern house. $35, at Portsmouth. rnone wooaiavrn 3js. FOR RENT Six acres, good house, 15 blocks iiom car. uooaiawn JiOl. FOR RENT Modern 9-room house, 332 N. 23d st. H. B. Stout. Famished Houses. -ROOM house, furnished, n North Alblna will rent to reliable parties, no children. iui v iuuuiu. ruuuo evenings, V oou lawn 103L FOR Rb.NT Large - plastered, furnished house at Manhattan Beach. 1 block from station, -o per mo. icu WOOUiawn 2ti7( nunuays or evenings. MODERN 7-room. house. S67 E. Yamhill st. for rent, partially furnished: lust rf-fln ished throughout; rent $40. Inquire 310 Washington. Main 379. I-ROOM modern bungalow, nicely furnished. $47.50, and we have others. Northwestern j. rust iiLoi uia. iiain 3iil7, uaii i or Air. raauen. $40 FURNISHED complete, modem 7-room house; furnace. 303 Glenn ave. Long responsible leas required. References exchanged. - .WANTED Man and wife to take fumjshed house In exchange for owner's room and hoard. 470 Lexington ave. Phone SeU- wood W 'ELL-FL'RNISHED house, 8 rooms, Port land Heights; references required. Phone Main "-Ij.j . COUPLE to share home with family of two; free rent in exchange for some work on place; near city. AH 65r Oregenlan. FURNISHED cottage. 5 rooms and bath. $40: no small children. Winter's fuel In basement for sale. 103S Williams ave. SMALL 3-room furnished eottace In roar, close In. 49 East 7th, between Oak and Pine. $14. BEAUTIFUL, large house and grounds, bath rooms and fireplace, good heating plant. West Side; furnished. Main 3J25. IRVINGTON Attractive 7-room modern house; rent $60; no children; references. Mam 302 d. IRVINGTON Attractive furnished home, near club; $60. Neuhaun A Co Main 3078. MODERN, 5-room bungalow, Winter's fuel In basement ; furniture for sale. 1035 Woodward ave. N., cor. E. 36th st. iROOil ' furnished bungalow, Hawthorne ave., to re-nt to middie-aped couple. Ta bor 1545 before 12 M., Sunday. THOROUGHLY modern furnished house. West Side; lease otie year. Main S547. FOR RENT-Furnihed 3 rooms"; modern, ex cept beat. Phone East 3102 Sunday. A FURNISHED 7-ro-m Laurelhurst home. Tahor L0o2 103' Pnciflc. COMFORTABLE home, hard?omely fur nished, Irvington district. Call East 4337. 8-ROOM furnished house, close in. 5a East 7th. between Oak ar.d Pine. SIS. FURNISHED 3-room house. Woodlawn car end of the line. 14.13 B. -7th st. $5 5-R. cot lag, modern, Woodstock car. Call .Monday. MrFar.and. HQS Yeon bldg. FURNISHED house to rent to want to batch, bell wood 418. boys who HIGHEST class, choicest view home in city, rooms. Owner. AS 600, Oregonian. FOB BOX Furnished Hons WILL, rent my strictly modern and hand-1 Bomely furnished b-room bungalow Rose City Park to adults who will guar antee best of care, and will lease for 6 months or longer. Rent $00. References reouired. Telcnhone after 10 A M. only. Tabor 1252, and if no answer, call Tabor FOR RENT because of war service to re sponsible party only, clean, unusually weM furnished home on Johnson St.. nar gae, electricity, prate, furnace. Stein waj nifltin e-;.ra?P. tc. fuel in basement: shown by appointment on.y. - Phone Mar- . shall 1309. WILL lease furnished house, Irvingion, fJQ F!ajt i r.T h st North, for tt montf.i or year. Lot 70x100, eight rooms, piano, fireplace. two baths, furnace; references exchanged. r.J0 East 15th st. North. FOR RE XT at Seaside, modern 6 -room cot tage, furnished, for Winter months: no single month. Call Main 21S3'on Monday. Marshall 58-S9. - 2 5-ROflM furnished house: eas and liehts. laundry trays, fireplace. llJi E. Madison, Eat. or un Summer Report. FURNISHED Newport cottage; close to stores and beach ; cosy, clean, linoleum throughout: electric liehts: modern plumb ing: to rent for number of months. $3 month. John M. Payne Co.. Main 9011 6 tore. TWO stores for rent ; abont 18,000 work Ingmen in that neighborhood ; stood for any line of business; loth and Pettygrove Bts. : rent reasonable; answer ay man 510 Dekum bldg. " Officers. OFFICES, storerooms and halls; also rooms suitable for light manufacturing; office buiiuing accommoaation; rent reasonanie. Sweeney Investment Co., 815 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. DEKK ROOM with lawver or other f iret- class people In up-to-date building; where no smoking preferred. Air. Stiles, East etna. FOR RENT Desirable desk room in Cor- bett bni!dn(r. Place for nermaaent ten ant. Call Main 3131, or Inquire T17 Cor- Dett Diag. FURNISHED, private office, $10. Dandy corner suite of 3 offices, best service, rea- I sonable rent. Bupt. Steele Exchange bldg. MOST centrally located offices, low rent. S wet land bldg.. 5th and Washington. FURNISHED ' with steno. or unfurnished private office! service, oiu dittoes oiocic PART OFFICE. 053 Plttock block, for rent; stno g ra pher services if desired. SPLENDID location for barber or shoK-shop, 5 blocks from shipyards. 11 Sherman st. Mlscc lianeoM, FOR RENT Garage, Phone Tabor 554 EiiSt 46th N. FOR RENT Space ior auto. $3 month. 040 Maiiory ave. GARAGE. 523 East 11th Irvine ton. Phone BCSINT1SS OPPORTOTTTES. INCORPORATE your business under th common law. rto organization tax; no franchise tax; no Federal corporation tax; certificates not taxable; stockholders exempt from company debts; do business any wnere ; directors resiae wnere you wish ; lowest cost organization possible. common Law organization Co., iti dolph, Detroit, Mich. CAFETERIA DAIRY LUNCH. Downtown location: rood business: only $5000. Also fine dairy lunch uptown, re quires about $lo,ouo cash. Clearing over $1UU month. Investigate. JOSEPH C GIBSON, Gorllnger Bldg., Portland, Or. CONFECTIONERY STORE, VALLEY TOWN. $1300 stock and modern 7-room house. lC0xl5-ft. grounds, ail for $i00; terms. or house in or near fomano. F. Rierdon, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. GROCERY. established. corner location. cheap rent, living-rooms; clean, saiaute stock : daiiy sales around $60- stock and fixtures will invoice about $3000; owner retirine. wholesale houses ana Dan it rer- erences; a good opportunity. F 434, Ore gonian. 5-TAB1.E billiard parlor, all tables In good condition; II you want a taoie ior j our home, come see these, or buy the business as established; did $340 last mo. Will ac ceDt liberty bonds or some trade; forced to sell to meet other obligation. 1 Derby st- ' CASTLE eoM to the ship. Too i to take charge of the eating establish ment, so he has his well-paying "beanerV" on Fifth street between Stark and Oak, for sale. Must be sold this week. AO 921, Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest tn established real estate business, gat advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL, S e creta r y PAFKTKUTA for sate. 385 E. Bumslde St.; good business; will sell on terms; nave run this four years; ill health cause for selling. n n: a .-fount nf tho rfRth of S. A. Jones, art ist, dealer In art ana antiques, a: j. a street. Portland. Oregon, will sell out the entire stock. Established over 2j years. UNDERTAKERS, N O T I C E Undertaking pa i lors and cnapei ror saie, mcdiea 11 Valley city of 750 pop., a large outside tfrritorv. new blag. Aadress P. O. Box 212, CorvalUs, Or. WILL LET business man with $2500 to $CO00 in on cround-f lonr. prontaDie manuraciur- i ing bus;7iess. Bis opening for good man, 1 B 4T.M, Oregonian. HANDY man with $.00 and willing to learn can buy in automobile business with a eood mechanic; profits extra good. Call room 403 Dekum bldg NEW plant with large contract Cor railroad ti. r,cc(lH more canital or will give am ple security for short loan. S. R. C 2j8 Henry b.di?. RESTAT'RAXT. doing a'.l we can handle: liggest snap In city. Thr good reasons for telling. 293 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 2102 evening. CHE AP Good, going restaui ant, best small town Yakima Valley, good location, very little competition; well equipped, low rent. Call or write box bi, i.iati, w asn. FOR SALE Small country store; P. O. In store, furniture of 0 rooms, for sale on account of sickness. For particulars write 879 Junior St.. city. MILLINERY store established 11 years, for sale; doing gooa ousiness; must sacri fice on account of il!-he:uth; must go Immediately. Ellen Gregory, Newberg, Or. A LIVE man to associate himself with real estate and business brokerage office: partnership considered. Address AO 20, Oregonian. CAFETERIA-, over $50 per day business, $50 per week payrolL $20 per month rent, good prices; $1000 Is the price. -429 Lum ber Exchange. AUTO garage with fully equipped repair hop: 30 cars steaay storage; eotaonanea trade; profits large; only $UoO cash re-! quired. Room Dekum Diag. R VfS T A V R AN T Good location and taking in - $!HJ day. and light expenses; will veil cheats Room 403 Dekum bldg. a-AbU prmtiiis jr. I will sen at a pargam. aj k. ore-1 gonian. FOR SALE Ladies' and gents tailoring svnd cleaning business; university city. Address A V lol, Oregonian. FOR SALE A wet wash laundry doing JO no business a week; modern plant. AP 557. Oregonian. pnnT T'OOM clear stand. confectionery. barber F'lop ana news sc&na; in next draft. Call Col. S31. WANTED Location for starting carpenter I siiop or some contractor that has lots work. John Stolberg. Carlton, Or. PATENT for sale, small article, used In every home. Address John Auer, Hotel 1 Couch. id and Couch. W-VNTED Partner or lady with $b00; busi ness clears $i'o0 to $400 a month. M 409. Oreeonian. CliE A P Stock and property grocery and confectionery; good school trade off Wood rr. e re School ; cat-h or terms. Tabor 416. T;.00 AT 7 Per cent n'rllt-edge Portland property ; assesseu. diuuiiuu j.o,ouu. 066", Oregonian. FINE corner flat, four larce rooms and al cove, choice ;ocaiion. o inn iu, near 1 Ciay. Rent ?-- sttttatT man with $250 can buy In a rood- "pnvincr store easiness wun a reuaoie part-4 ner. Room 403 Dekum blag. PARTNER wanted for manuractnring; pay 5150 sa.ary; aisr. large profit $1000 reo.uiref Room 4o3 Dekum bldg. SPOT rash buyer of all kinds of stocks and merchandise. Wm. Greenberg, 100 Second; st., corner tatartc RESTAURANT and alx furnished rooms. Owner In i ranee. Cn.I Col. 5-l. 100x100 lot in Portsmouth, nar St. Johns car, to trade lor trucK. 4 -a t. j.avis. SAWMILL for sale; 15.000 capacity. Chi.rles F..k;e;. Jewel. Oregon. FOR SALE or trade, grocery and con!ection- ery. owner. 4 .4 tiawtnorne ave. FI NE lunchroom -on Washington st., gnod lease, reasonable rent, terms, iiain 63 7. RESTAURANT for sale. gJ X. business. Inquire within. 6th sL Good DRUG STORE for sale. East Side, paying well. owner in orai . 1 o, Oregon lan. RESTAURANT targaln. half or whole; pay ing; wuo sick. ouu, ureKoaan. BUSINESS OFPORTO'TTTES. BIG AiONEY-MAKING MAIL ORDER OPPORTUNITY. Wanted, state representative (draft ex empt, to circular, ze fdrmen by mall (no experience ncfssary ). Also employ sub axents for world's best f ive-year farm ers' " simplified accounting system. Muii orders aione should net over $J0 daily. from him r r rff-rm Dti'v mvm-m n A r. r- A iy Government officials, ban iters, agri culturists, etc Covers a. I farm transac tions it whole yerf rs. Practically every farmer must buy. Federal law demands statements yearly. Fai.ure provides heavy penalty, fceilm top sped. thousands al ready soid (Nationally advertised, cost ing thousands uoi lars . $43 required lor complete mail order outfit, sulficient to circularize 5ooo farmers. Including 1O0 systems. Money-making possibilities un- ujniir-u. cing.e eampie 3I0. r:ta quicK for protected territory. Federal Farm Bu reau. 140 So. Learborn St.. Chicago. DO YOU WANT TO MAKE SOME MONEY! m account or scattered interests I have decided to sell a ha -interest in one of the best provision businesses a complete mar ket house) in the great wheat btlt of Eastern Oregon. Best town in state. 10, Ouu population, two banks with nearly $7,0O0,uoo deposits; long Ieas; location one of the best: rent reasonable; tiie floor, two large cold-storagt refrigerators, re frigerator window and showcases; up-to-date In every way. No long-time credivs. Plentiy ot business. Will bear strict in vest lg atlon. Never offered before. Un derpriced at $0uOO, part cash, or will in voice, R 73. OREGOMAX. IF YOU are open for a good business prop osition that will clear you J-tfOO a month, here is your opportunity. Located In ons of the best towns in the Northwest. Prin cipal output is to the Govt, and ship yards. This is a milk and creamery prop osition. Pasteurizing plant, 2 auto trucks, cans, business all established and every thing complete ; 3-year lease on brick building on main street, with office on the first floor and modern living rooms above. Owner going in Army. Price $10,000. If you do not see where you can tret your mm. v back, in 5 months do not buy. For further particulars call Tabor t:;, or write iv. it. -tJ.air, 01. xu. sjiu st. N., Portland. HELP WIN THE WAR. $15,000 wanted by experienced man to establish an industry in Oregon inai should yield a regular Income to investor oo rer cent nniiv or more: ouick in vestigation Is requested; no wildcat specu lation or dreamy scheme proposition; I will secure you with Portland property worth $15,000; get in with me ana assist th rvrnH for Portland. Fu- tnr nrnfiM r Cfrrni n wit hln BIX mOtlthK. See my aKent. Frank McFarland, 140ii Yeon bldg., Portland, Or. ORGANIZE your business under the com mon law. don t Incorporate: no taxes or state or U. S. Government fees to pay, nor any annual reports to make. Hold direc tors and stockholders meeting anywhere; operate every state and fordlgn country without license, sell stock anywhere with out paving taxes on certificates; no lia bility; all benerlts of corporations with none of their restrictions; small organis ing fees. Common Law Co., SOli" Lyon bldg.. Seattle. Wash. rn VT I.RT Y OT T It WAGES BB AT TACHED. Take all tne time you wans tn nav "hurit biiia." Wa itoo the oressure of creditors, give rou a chance to clear yourcelf and live without worry: keep your nreaent lob. avoid attachments, satlafy your creditors, ail on the money you are now earning. Our plan and services are fr, W r! ft n't loan moneV or ask TOO for one cent. If you need' help, address box l'fj, city. DISTRICT managers wanted In every state for new auto clutch loca. ine cieverem and most effective anti-theft device on -ivtnrLrot uTnmalir.allv dmeDCaCEl tll clutch and locks if so car cannot be moved under its own power. Big money maker for ambitious hustler. Exclusive Inrrllnrv Hv1 S.'.lMt to XIUOO neCC&Sary. American Auto Clutch Lock, feu 3 Wast Ninth street, Los Angeles, taL $2000 WILL handle my old estaoiiFnea soaa iouuiiiin, confectionery, magazine, clga and variety business. In which more than $2500 per year clear profit can be made. K 634, Oregonian WAVTKn Ctnm nr two mod salesmen wit a few hundred dollars eacn to nafnta Xhv .-an be used in every bou, etor or building. The right man can make $3000 to $.".u00 per year. The state of Idaho alone is worm tnau e vassing. A V 124. Oregonian. r.r.F.r.AL merchandise store, located near Portland. yearly cash cusinese w.uu i,,vr.ln S1TOOO: ou.V fienera., store In the town; owners subject to draft only reason for selling ; goods bought at right price. Trlfiers please do not answer. x e . J, oregonian. COMPANY, established four year a wltn Deai Ksstern connections aoinr an annual u.o n.u nf srt.vuoo. bcmi cash capital ; wit .L- In nartn,p V llh fill (lOO CHSh 1 mtll should be able to handle office and make collections, correspondence, etc n Oregonian. DENTAL PRACTICE for sale Of rent. Hh h'a nract c. lot-aieu in one 01 x--i.cru Oregon's largest cities. Modern, up to date iiiilr.mnt. 12 veara establlshea. vear'M recelois over $i0i)U. Going into Brvic. Aiust cet auick returns. AV 111. Oregonian. rnn t ."F no ooo stork of merchant I $1."00 fixtures, m one or tne most. pruw tive farmiiig and lumbering communttiei in the Inland Empire; doing excellent bus! win tau- hflif trade In soofl. unen cumbered farm land. Address AV 120. Oregonian. Xf KRrW A VTS. ATTENTION. Rrnorter and wholesale dealer In elothv Inc. shoes, dry goods, men's furnishings. Ik Rnrlnn n IwaV"! OIT hand. It Wl 1 nay you to see me. Wm. G reenter, 100 Second street, corner Stark. WH EN WANTING to sell, buy or trade our tuercantlte busl ness, address J. L. HARTMAM COMPAVT, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce blds, 4th and Starlc sts. A REAL location and a good stock of mer chandise for sale In a good farming, log' cine and sawmill community; practical. n n nnrinl nn arnrlt and f:stur8 abOU .000. sales 4oo per month; $4000 will handle it- A V C'J. Oregonian. FOR SALE Vulcanizing accessories an Cat's Half Sole tlr business, a goo money-maker: must dlepuse on accouii of other business. Will t,e. at Invoice price Will Uikc $1"00 to hapulc uaho Tire Rubber Co.. Hoi3. Id 2. ho. SAW MILL for sale at one-half price; tim ber cut out, capacity 15,000 M, eight hours, SO-hnrae power-engine; everything In good condition; one-naif cash, bal. easy pay ments. Price $1250. Address P. O. liox 271. Hillxboro. Or. Phone 2413. WILL consider any reasonable offer for well locate. 1 furniture factory; favorable lease on premises can be obtained. Detailed in formation can be had of the Adjustment Bureau. 641 Pittockblock. SAWMILL for sale. rouble husk: frame. 3-in. ar bora, two ao-in. saws, o aouDie acting I-beam eerewhead blocks, 2-tn. car riage axles and track; cable feed. B. M. Dlmlck, Woodburn. Or. WILL sell or trade one of the best and modem drug stores tn aowntown location, city; invoice about $7.tOO; this store Is a money-maker, but owner must sell. See agent at 4ii0 Chamber of Com. bldg. FIRST-CLASS cleaning, pressing and repair shop; big opportunity, doing over $100 a week; steam press and all necessary equip ment; splendid opportunity for a woman; $3T.O. Main 430. Salmon st. fiirfc'RAT murchandiM store 1olnr larira --- 7---- . ' 'r.,r , c,v..,.ro; Washington; win nana:. ousinew too big for present owner. Full lcvestlga tiorf. Lyons. 0 McKay bldg. BARBER shop, 2 chairs, all complete; nets owner weekly 4o; rent only ir per month; have to leave Oct. 8; sacrifice for $150. Portland Cutlery Haxber Supply Co. S Gth st. l xi;t. OOU Mucn. 01 general roercnanaue in I'und town in eood farming district. Good opjMrtunity for experienced merchant to make money. R, F. Bryan, GOO Cham, of Com. ' CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY. Located on Washington st." transfer cor ner ; will Invoice 1000 ; must sell ; price $73o ; terms, jr-etors. 10 r. am st. NEW Public Market, Vancouver. Wash., now under construction : cnoice space tor an lines of market business, reasonable rent good lease. 05 Ftock Exchange bldg. MOVING ctcture show for sale, good money. maker, sman capnai neeuea. gooa reason for selling; do not answer unless you mean business. f 4 no. oregonian. FOR PALE Firat-Ciass dry goods and fui nishlngs stock. j-ois oi iuii 0011 gooa a A swell buy at oia invoice. AO uiui, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted to wait on customers, sell gasoline anc mane nimseiz generally use ful In auto garage: cau c;tar $50 month. Room 4Q3 I'tKum ORGANIZE, finance, sell stock under Decla ration of Trust, state cnarters limit you. Information free. Nat 1 Org. Co.. Chicago. vnR RALT1 Lunch wagon at Columbia ahiD yard. uasn or lerms. .an in rsnaii 1.14 or 788 Kelly, between s ana 4:3Q f. M. GROCERY for ealeat lnvoic.-: net profits mo-nth : iriai given oeiore you buy. Room ueaum p:k. nr.AR stand in Carlton Hotel for sale at in voice price. iooa opportunity ior laay. A tJ ooo. oregonian. FOR SALE Strictly modem 2-chair barber shop, aoing gooa pusines: price s 125. 311 v. aihingTon si.. Vancouver, w asn. W ANTED Partner wtth small means take an Interest in gooa paying business lady or genti man. A oregonian. IFOR SALE Gooa cean stock of groceries I ana 1 ixiures. rw -. vrtnanian, FOR quick sale, lft-room apt bouse. West Siae ciose tn. ALaia- j.aao ior parucuiara. B CSINE 9-9 OPPOB TTTNJT I E S. WAR INDUSTRY FOR SALE, THE WTLBUR WOOLEN MILLS. STAT TON. OREGON. IS FuK SALE ON AC COUNT OWNER W I S K f : S TO RKT1RR 1 FROM ACTIVE BUSINESS. THIS PLANT ta i.N M l.L tU'SrtATiuX AN DulMi A LAK'iC. ESTABLISHED. PAYING BUSINESS. CAPACITY THREE FULL I btTS WOOLEN MACHINERY. SUIT ABLE FOR ANY KIND OK WOOLEN V.i-t Ol'j. AT PRESENT EVOXOKD ON 1OOL BLANKETS AND WOOL BATTS AN li V)LU UP UNTIL JAN. 1. 1!H9. ANY AMOUNT OF PRO r IT A RLE BUSINESS CAN BE SECURED KuR YEAK.S TO I COilK. HAS A PERMANENT ESTAB LISHED BUSINESS AND CAN BE BOUOHT RIGHT. ADDRESS JOHN P. iLOiLit, MANAGER, bTAi TON, ORE GON. WE manufacture a carburetor for Ford cars I nicn is guaranteed to give doub.e the 1 mlieage over any other carburetor ever j constructed recard!cM of name, make or I pnee. aioney rerunded ir 15-day Tree trial 1 does not prove It. Entirely new principle -mi hi p. am tuoe not a moving part. uu.i.uLeeu io start in xcro weather with out heating or priming. Tremendous de mand. Thousands now In use in Chicago territory. Reliable, energetic man who can guarantee sales and carry stock of $5o0 to $2UO0 depending on demand. on se cure exclusive territory and will easily net $lu.0O0 this year. No idkl-u; xtr:enc necessary. We also furnish carburetors I yr otner cars in about ou daya Frank A. urwan, auj y. Jackson blvd., Chicago. 111. CITV WATER SYSTEM. In one of the best cities in Alaska. In corporated for $15o,000, with $S7uo paid in. Bringing good returns ou investment. btock Is $10 per share, par value: 74o0 snares remain unissued. ft.ooO fet of pipe line, a iso two large reservoirs In at pres enL 50-year franchise.1 Copy can be seen a. i in is oiace, aiso Diue print or city, snow ing pipeline and reservoirs. $35,000 ban dies. F. Rierdon, BITTER. LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE Beautiful home duiry ranch, lo- C4ica o nines ironi one oi Oregon s oesi Inland cities of -I0u0 population. A most delightful home ranch, modern buildings, witu fenced, complete and modern system of irrigation from gravity ditch covering entire tract; complete equipment of farm machinery and tools. Owner obliged to leave and will not rent; must sell at once or will consider exchange for good Port- property or stoca ot mase. me oe and cheapest irrigated ranch proposition in the state of Oregon. No commission and no agents. Write H 533. Oregonian. INCORPORATE your business under the common law. No organization tax; no franchise tax; no Federal corporation tax; cert i ilea tes not taxaoie : stocanoiuers ex empt from company debts; do business anywhere; directors reside where you wish: lowest cost organization possible. Common Law Organization Co., it Ran dolph, Detroit, Mich. Business Opportunities Wanted, WANTED to buy A grocery store or lunch counter, with ;;- living-rooms, on v est Bide preferred. Not over $30 a month rent and not over $000 for business. 6 2, oregonian. , WANT the best West Side Income In vestment at $65,000; will pay, for I mean business; give full details. BJ 619, Ore gonian. WANTED Small grocery and confectionery with living rooms, city or country; no agents. AN L'J.Zr Oregonian. Ilotcfei ami Koomlnv-lloura, MODERN HOTEL. Strictly modern, fireproof building. 78 rooms, 86 private baths. 6 public tM.tha. All solid carpels and lino furniture. 5 year lease; $40 per month. $ll,oo0 han- W'ATCll OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. F. Rierdon. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Hoard of Trade bldg. ItOOMING-I10L"i?E, over .00 imiil room. S lariea roomL'.nuic-room. Kltcnen. etc; anil table for cafeteria or. other bus4nebs: fine location, central Fast Side, near big shlDvard and many factories: unfurnished; here is an opportunity for someone with a little money to make a big clean-up In the next throe years. Deal direct with owner. II. H. M: E wen. l -"l Front Pt! SO apt., good district, welt furnished svnd strictly modern; heat, water, telephone and all expense furnished. Rent $410 per month. No clearing $450 per month. P. Rierdon. HITTER. LOW E A CO-20-5-7 13oard of Trade bldg. IF TOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL a Business, Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House or any aina. any wnere, se h Rierdon. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS RITTEK, St LO., 203-6-7 Loard of Trade HMr 40-ROOlf HOTEL Modern brick building. extra fine furniture and carpets, or bds, silk fiofca mattresses, quarter sawed oak and btrdseye maple and ma hogany ; thla place haa not been on the market for five years; can he bought rlKht: call 16J' W. Park st. w eiu a Anderson. 2S ROOMS 2S. Mostly rnt $50, ri. KL Well locate 4. sfl full; with good lease. Price $2100. Terms. P. Rterdrn, RITTEK, LOWK CO., 20n-.-7 ltoard of Trade bldg. $800 A MONTH PROFIT guaranteed on very mouerato rentals that can be in creased on 60-apartment house ; rent but $12. BO an apartment; one-half the house furnished ; money alone will not get this; first-class references required. 203 stock Exchange bios'. TRANSIENT HOTEL. Modem brlcii building. 72 rooms, fine lo cation, doing bisr businrs. cheapest old lease In city. Price $10,000. P. Kle'don, RITTER. LOWE ft CO., 203-.-7 Hoard of Trade bldg. ANOTHER 22-ROOM HOUSE. Hot and cold waLer in rooms, steam heat; downtown location; $1So0 cash, bal- anco monthly. F. Rierdon, RITTER, LOWE A CO., ?03-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. SAVE RENT. ApL-house, 10 rooms, building and R0t ion crouna. an ror .s j $j00 mortgage, balance cash. F. Rierdon, BITTER, LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. MODERN rooming-house. 10 rooms. 2 blocks St Johns snipyaras; sn cnwpi wn can- ir residence as part pay; also large modern hotel and rooming-house, close to shiDvards : if lntereniea see ma. raom Col. 2. 15 N. Jersey st- t l Kav R mom rood furniture. ... -S -on We have 1 -r. nat s;ooa mrnunra, . o.w We have 1 5-r. flat good f urnltsire. . . J400 Rent right: some terms; call 1034 West Park St. iv e 1 is at Anaenwn. & ROOMS 8. Located on West Side, where rooms are always full; rnt $40, clearing $170 per month; price ojd; terms. feiers, x 6th st A PA RTM ENT-HOUSES. ir0-ro,om classy hotfse, 40 apartmenta. 80 rooms, 24 apartments. 00 rooms. 34 apartments. SOft Stock Exchange Bldg, 3d and Tamhlll r.ET IN MT AUTOMOBILE And I will quickly and comfortably show you the best buys la rooming-houses in Portland. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501 Conch Bldg. "-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. Fine location; water, electric lights. gas and steam heat in an apartments; good clean furniture: you 11 like tt. B. F. KELLY, 715 Swctlantt Bldg. LITTLE BRICK APARTMENT. 5ft rooms. 3-room apartment for nse; nets il."o month. Price $Jto0. Terms. George T. Moore t;o.. a Dingion Diag. 25-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE Well tur- niched, rood location, clears over all ex penses s 1 60 ; terms ; call 163 '.a W. Park st. Wells A Anderson. :u-KuOM rooming -house, fine location, low rnr- lease: inis is a die monev-msKer. Fee this if In the market. Call 1634 West Park st. wena t Anoerfon. il'ARTMKNT and rooming-house, f,0 room; nicely luraisneu; an iuii; retiring irorn business. Can be bought right. Main SWELL DOWNTOWN HOTEL. an rooms. private baths, thoroughly modern: oooo win nanaia oeorge T. Moore Co, ADtngton biag. Small apartment house. -IS rooms; rent only 2. Price Sl&OO. George T. Moore Co., Abington bldg. 130-ROOM fireproof hotel. Northwest heat, furnltifra at half f trst cost. 2ua Stock Exchange, ad and TamhHL WANTED Rooming-house. 13 to 20 rooms, for ca?h. M. W. Garland, 1S8 Sd sL Main 366- FINE 10-room house, completely furnished, swell location. Price FOu. George T. Moore Co.. Abington bldg. v MART E LENT. HOTEL APAKTMEVT-HOUS-E RROKKA 723-24 N' W BANK BLDO. Ji-OO CASH buys outfit: clean place. 19 rooms; can profit l-i monthly; low rent. Don't phone. McFarland. HuH Yeon bldg. FOR Test bargain in rooming or apartment houses see members of the P.ea.ty Board, Yates Realty Co.. 240 4th at HEADQUARTERS for ROOMING-HOUSES, H. W. GARLAND. 18ft 3d. Main 3ff&. 16 ROOMS downtown. transient: money mskr: $13t; banrain. 31 H Ptark st WANTED i0 to 6-room rooming-house, cIom la. Call Alonday, ALarahaU 674X lloU-N 3l Rooming - li ou. MART V.. TEXT. ' HOTEL AND A PA H'l MENT-HOCPE B RO K K R. 723-4 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Mam jOW for appointment. If oa wish to buy or s.:i. come In for further particulars on all the best bi'M In the city. I am exclusive ttent for allowing bsruaina Oxer- 11 yrs in t - is business In Portland enables me to locate ou riht. ai'AKTm: r-ML't r.r. I have the beet oroposi ion: over pirtmentf. elvgantly furnished. lor.j; lenae to rellaolo warty: no.v c-":iring f11' per month. If you bav $ ask to see th's. 4. APARTMENTS PRICT3 $12,000. Terms to responsible party ; very low remal ; lease was obtained two ye--rs fo and runs r. early thre years : showing . o er $W0 monthly profit and new owatr can Increase income and still have low rentals compared to oihcr apartments of th:s kind. , JO APARTMENTS PKR't: $..4HI. Here is a wonderful opportunity U se- i cute a htgb-claas place at lo piue; all completely and b-auttftj!ly furnished, fent on building only $-'00 rcr month; close In, West Side: this will not last. A LITTLE biiAt l . H annrtments. furnish fd. large lobby, sleeping porcues or baicntcs wiin eitrti apartment; tins fiace is in ciass by itseif; very easy to manage; lady alone can care for this: wood or oil heat: if you do the work yourself It will net ou $400 per month, at present rentals, mhich can be Increased; $0'J"o cash required. HtKh. JSi YOLK CliA.NLb. 20 APARTMENTS, corner brick building. all equipped, with bath, sleeping porches. an nicety turnisnea tn a luronuio, large rooms; no better apartment In he city; If you have ;1Mm, can arrange terms on the balance: uric $i'KM). OVER 50 APARTMENTS. PRICE $7000: can be handled with t.VKX cash, balance as you make it: rent only $4O0. with '2 4: -year lease; brick building: steam heat; furniture all new. Come in for further paniculurs. 30 ROOMS PRICE $2TOO. Rent only located un one of th best streets In the city ; crn-.r building ; atuam heat; very clean; Jtnni h audita it. 4 0 KOU M a P KICK $ . Ko. One of the nice little hotels; 12 bsths; rent $C5 per month; requires $3000 cush. 48 KOOJIS Piticri HU.UtMl. Most beautifully furnished house In the city; corner brick butluinr. private bat hs ; ay to manage; about .'uu c.isn requireu. 0 ROOMS PRICE 7MJO. Owner retiring from business, will sell her splendid hotel proposn ion ; large, airy rooms, fine corner DncK uuiminK, wie prn. hss dropped from mmkj to $T5oO fur quick ale; requires $:.Vm cash. o-rtooja no i .l-. 20 private eths, corner brick building; always ful! of bfest-clss guests; has North western heat; easy lor a la ay to ruu. about $40oo cash; full price $tooo. Oi-UM. apartment, modern brick with au tomatic elevator on. ate oatns ipu modern detail; rent $4o. includes free heat, hot water and individual phone; sulendidly furnished: clear nearly $oud 55-rm. modern apartment. Nob Hill dls- trtrt - rent 1J.. le.iaa: comnietely ft nUhed In best oak, etc.; Juii tee p. ace for lone woman : S4o0 will handle. nnrtmurr muflarn CimtDt bid C rent $150. includes free beut, lights and water; tomplet.iy and extra lui n kiii,rf - i.n.', x:;-'.0 teniiB- fS-rm. modern trick corner In centt-r of husinea district: 10 private baths; Ismi ture and floor coverings like now ; e wiy- thing In a class by lte.f. See thls.De.. h.ttv nihom l.'.OO hand'ea Price $ . ii II K rma rent iO. '2-yr. lt?c : hot rri cold water, call beil system, electric lights, etc.. in all loom; good, furniture; price $1700. terms. 10 H. K. rms.. rent $30. near City Hall well furnished and a RooU buy at $ . OO. Y AT iS HEAI.TY Co.. -4W 4th M. ix' !! i w AN' APT.-ll l'l?E ? 22-room modern brick art. and Winter fuel, rent i-nr .uvw. V. Rirdn. RITTER. LOWE & CO., SOT. -3-7 Hoard of Trade bi Jg. ixrt a nt rorvo. TO AVOID FURTHER TROLDLlu tne party no pi'. a-n ui " iF WeJnenday P. M. coni.nn:ng money ami gold watch, at koog A Inion i, An. t ir i nmn ave. and K 1! lints orth. will return same by Tueanay niKht. m)U receive riuurri M n. no oiifi'.ions askd. Mrs. L. A- liarian. llu2Vs L'niun ave. N.Apt.3. LOST On the M. S. car the morning of the ..tli. a Macs i'iu"B with a child1! overr-oat, skltl marker and la.iv aonsj-el: finder D.eaa cvll Tabor 4105. Rev arrt. t.r i..mAt u man w no tan ' case in liberty loan paraue iur leader Erlckson please communicate with Vftrrn Huraesty. Tabor f.-'S7 ? 1 cannot afford loss; reasonable reward- LOST About a month ago on kom car. lady a purse conuinun w p"",,rB 8 keys; party who picked It up tiwcn 72U and end or canine p:ai rr.i- ' to dmg store. 72d andSandyewjird $l KTitavKn or atoleo. S-nt. -K. lrs Coilie dog. wnitt ring arounti white on brat, now; has small bump on left leg below ka e; named Hover. Kii ward. W. K. La.l.i. Latourell. It vwr XT,.- MAr-kftiAf (niartenk viiuc Finder please address W. 1. br-ence. Route 2. Ori'sham, Or. L,oT Between Webster and Aorta on Orand ave., or on Aiorrut i. - r,.i nrt iTih st. v.. 2 kys strung ou but ton -hook. Woodlawn 131. . 5t . i- v r ajl i j i r : iii .ii.- iv SHORT HAIK; v na '-..v, X!V. ON COLLAR. liEWARD. SELL- WOOD 1553. LOST Somewhere between 12th ana tnos. Wortman ec rwing s. on -. . hand-embroidered waist, teir on ritfTJ sleeve. Phone faln 4T.; reward. r y--r mrt lAthrr nurM. left en Pbo table at Ollice, ronmmru Lwav ' " cah and i-heck for ?35.8o; kindly phone Fetlwood l:5tfi; rewarL LOST A note for f:JOO In favor of J. An derson, with sup attacnea nounS pavment of $25. Main 0072 or B 2o0o. Ro ws rd. LOST A Scotch terrier. S pt. 6; white With Tea spots; COliar msraru -11 ad-lre? and name Prince; 1M9 llcens: reward for informrtt Ion. 39 3d. apt. C. LOST Fox terrier, male, since fc-epu o. aii white, one oiscg eye. won Hmii license 11-L I'lve dollars reward. Mar. 2uja. WILL person who found green siik um brella in entrance 10 Laca at tni. yesterday afternoon, ucl ii, p.'.ase cai Seliwood 1 PM ? Regard. 1 Saturday ou 6th st, between Mor rison and Jerierson. frown skuhh. iur scarf. Notify Mrs. Twining, Oswego, B e 1 l rew ard. LOST In or near Orpheum Theater, r naay eve.. ladvs goia wrisi wi.- lej; reward. Martin, tax depu. Courthouse LOST Sept. 16 or 17. $100 liberty bond; $0 Mrs. P. C Waldron. 4J Hall st. LOST Japunese mink coilar. btu Couit- houe ana m ana iuvu. a.uu . Oregonian. I XjOST By worklngman, $35 In greenbacks. downtown Dusines ui.mi. finder. Seliwood 3lJd. Ask for Neon. j WILL party who has Llewellyn setter, olar-k wim oiue m' 1 " . . . - Hairht ave. Call Woodlawn 0147. BLACK silk umbrella at Lipman-w olfe s: owner can nave same or luwiuiymB -mm paying for ad. Hotel Csrlton. room Sll. LOST Friday afternoon (October 4), West fcide, smau goiu waicu. erne. Ruium to 017 gelling bldg. Ueward. SHOTOL'N at Holfomb ranch. HilUboro j;oad. KenuDRiun w ..-rt. t.w. u. H. How'.and on case. Main 1 LOST An envelope containing three nte. maae out to aiiu m. (uwju. hi 3. Reward. Fawn-colored 'Angora kitten. Tum- day. Aiberta and iu:ama St. reward. l'hone oud. i.'..o. I LOST English bull terrier puppy; brinj.e with white leei ana cni. ruvuw a tuui 3tO. it E. Grant. Pcward. Malo caL wLite wtth rnaiiee-gray ffots; collar with bei;: name "Weary." Wdln. l-t. 11)2 Minr.eent avo, LOST Hifn-n of kes n htart-sliaped key ring. Finder please call Alar. 1S1. after 6 P. M. LOST Laat Monday, bunch ot keys between Union ave and Portsmouth. Under p.ea rail Woodlawn SH.'.o. Peward. I ON Williams ave.. Bridge Transfer or Bunny- side car. bar pis wun u:mont; inu oearis set In platinum. Csll Wood!aw-n r:H3. A BLACK. pur?e contalrlng wrist witch and bra -t heirloom; liberal reward. Mar shall BETWEEN Camas and Vancouver, on river road, pi ark bandr-ag; f nder lunoly caU Seilwood 4O0 i receive reward. LOST Thurvldf. small black purse. 1 ble information to owner ; rew ard. J. W. Hamilton. Fargo at- alua Mr. LciaT In Jones Market or on 4: !i 1 In bills, ahout -4 P. M- Finder call Sell. f'X Liberal rewtrd plea PH'Tl'RES and negatives. B. Mackes. Leave at Qa Owner s nsma office, reward. gTRATFD from Com:l road Fall sL, one pet sheep. Finder call Mam 47J. LOST Dark bor 251a. y Peraiaa cat. Call T- L.OSTV Roll of forrpn"T ; liberal reward of fered. Phone East --'3. LOST On highway, ward. Bros i wsy Sept. -J. gray coat. Re- !0 40. SCIENCE and Health." Itieasa return to lC $ leXt in Ford car; N. W. Bans; bids. LOT A M FOOD THE following art !rts have b en found on cars of the Portland Railway, L;ght 4e 1 o r Co. : October 4. 191 Five purfe. 8 pins. 3 ba-1 BfR. 1 e;at -n ri.r. k-ys. I glov. 8 p'r gfov. 1 bur. ft pa X -Mr". 2 tKoks. 4 buk Ijv. 1 box peaches. 1 (oiNtX, 3 SUU Ca's. 7 lurhrKtXf . 10 umbrellas. own. -s may obtain proierty at First and Al.lrr-ji'. 8:. S.0 RKWAr.D. Ftnlen from parking nt Roitnd-Vp grounds 1 P-ituTviay af .enn'ori. Svp: rr. hr lt i w . I'"!' k 4 rr 31 '.. n;otor No. S 7 "J T J 4 . Will psy at-oie regard for return or information !rH:lir. to r. o- e.-y of aauie. T. J. Cher.ey. PtnJtrton, Oregon. f-Pr.CIAL NOTICF-. rll H. E. JOMN'JX has rc.l;:ned ae ecre:srT of the Motor Works. Inc.. taking e'ft- t Of.ouer L l'.-'-S. Mr. Jhr.ron is no loiscer connected lin the co;i;'r,y. NOTICE TO SHIPPER. Tne steamer Saa;awea will tujcor.unue t!.e St. Johns 1. 1 r.;.; on -Port. and ru:. or. Ott 10. u&Ul f irrht-r r.otlce. Cspt. F. E. Smith. WILL NOT be refpon.bie for any bil.s ictpt what I contract pers-oi C. O. MSliBACK. rTNANClAI. $-K.00O TO LOAN in s:nis to suit; bui'.dir. K loans, lowest rat rs. V . O lirck, Fail;ng bldg. Phone Main 34oT. .W'L'ST.MKNTS, lokm, notes, F. II. Lewis. SOS Lewis b dp.. mortga a. Mar. I'MiX Money to Loan on Real Estate. OLR installment plan la the best and surest method, of paying a lean. ' f:i2.2ft per month fur S months, or $ Jl i?4 per month lor k months, or $15 17 lor U$ months pays a $1000 loan and Interest. Ot her a mounts in proportion. We loan on Improved city property No ru!nn:r;un tlnrc-J. KQCITA3LE SAVINGS A LOAN AES"M. -Stark St., Portland. Or. SCORTOAGiS LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OR E ION. VTA SHIN O TON AND IDAHO; LONG TIME IF DKSIKED AND REPAYMENT FY INSTALLMENTS TO SLIT THE UOnr.OWER. CIRKKNT RATES. NO COMMISSION. WM. Mae M AS I ER. Stl L S. NATIONAL BANK HI. DO. . 1'QUTU ND MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate a.cmuy; auy amount from $500 up on Improved city or farm prop erty. THE LAWRENCE COM PANT, Cot bett bldg. M. V15. A CS15. FARM LONa Insurance con. puny money to losn at lorn-ear current rates on Willamette alley frn.s No coir. mission. No d lays. r;VtRKAl'X li Ti A G E CO M I A.N T, a" tixth S.I.. i, or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low ruu. promptly closed. Attractive repaying privilege. A. IL Bli.KELL CO.. 217 Northwestern iiunk Rldg. Marshall 4114. A-41 1!. M ORTvi AGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 54 PER ti.M. t'tK t l-Ni, 7 ftK i.T. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Oorbett Ti'lg. MONEY TO LOAN l:i sa:i:a to suit, on itu- prove-J city i;ufnoi' property. Low ra! j. rtiinptly ciOk.'U, l.beral repayment priv.- lrgi . Gtvf us v-iK. t .ark. Runda.l 'oT.pany, Nort e stt-nt R.vt.K FOIt SALT-: S-Ura contract, amount $1 o' - ltiTi rrt; W u.g paid o per riot and interest; will Luke lOU cu&h. AF 740. .r'fT.ti!;m. FDWARD E. GOtt'EY CO, 2d floor L nited States Lank BMff. MortxrtK loa n a i. d bond iNSUes, espe- clalty tr. inrge juimcn'f. o I" r c-ni up. $3041, 4oo. jOO. $750. SlOfK) atid up at low et liiteraaft rates. irorl ripaym r.t priv 11. ges. no deiay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 631 Chamb-r of Commerce. $3od. $4MJ. $(.M. $700. $10o0 and UP lowest rat a. guicc action, r red . etr ma c Co.. 7 "-'h- ot Com. Ma : n C 4 45. KI.L l .S Vul'k LI !IK!1TY 1U NDS AND -MONTHLY I 1 M;.. T ruNTiUCTS. fcillTli-VV A NKH CO.. JTOj nL EX. Ml'NKY to loan by pr.vate par.y on im proved city iropri ; nu comtiiiiun. P 4 .' 4 . O r - c o n 1 u SEE CS i ci:ll.m 'iltAV : It. ana any a iiu-unt, i-Ml I'.T'.'N Cl . 7.: Gr.-o bldg $h TO Ho.ihh.1 TL fclON. P. t. I-f X LOAN, S71 NO Com mis MoNKY To LOAN on farm and improved el'y prop -rty. K. K. baj ; r, i'4 .-pau:mr bidg $4000 to loan. cent, na good city property. Tabor bUl. MOKTG r.K LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. Lucid SALOMON A CO..Os- Seeing bi $.VMi TO f ;;."iK on unproved cltr or suburban prtiji-ny, pnnrtp., a. Last v. LoANS on ,fity nd l-rm property. 5 pvi ct-tit up. r . r u h. l.u ( turn. 01 torn 7'V iN approved lnc. property la aums $1000 to 'o,'0. AF o: eg 01. 1 $.'00 TO $ ISoO without eutTinlwIon. In proved rc-il erttate. Main m'-. Tr.t-or 1M"'J f J'-oO TO lojn on rt-ai e- Ca.i U:ti 41 Money to l oan Chattel anil aiarlca. Si A UArTvI LOA N i C HATTtu WK . LOAN .MONEY on short notKe to salaried or worklnsj m-n on tn-'ir own noiea. eK ly, j-iiu-monthly or monthly pajnu-nu. Liicb 1 1 n -imc! tti ntri'- ly eonf .dem iaL NO lMUTOA'.;;a NO INpilRSSR. A liSoLV T ELY NO SECIK1TY. a We a'w loan on houwhuiu " furniture, pianos, etc., It hoial reir.ova i CALL AND 1XVWTMATE. COLLWU1A COMPANY. LICSNtD. :iS FailUiK Iulldfng. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. 3.' St.-rk St. -K?T air. Ished by Por: land busineas men to protect the borrower. C Myers Hcrrman. Mrr Ijoant mai on fcou.hoid furniture, pi inui, uiamouds aud jewelry. IF Y'.U NEED MONEV. FEB US. SALARIES CHATTELS. Loans made to persons on salary or fix-d income: on household turn. Lure, pi anos, diamonds and other personal prop erty; legal rates. tumf.-s conTidn ?1. private office, PORTLAND LOAN CO. tL:censeL SOtt- 307 Dekum Bldg. MONET to loan on anythir.K of value, legal ruti; all articles held n r. I'anauia Loan Olfict'. 4 Thir.l. n-nr Oak. AM Pl.K f un-ls for jood mortgage loans. Georgo Ok fct.. room 2. r.-al dilate flrt 11. Thymus, MONEY l.i L'an on u la mo rid s. Jewe.ry; legal rates; a l "1 ri icl'.s h.-id 1 yir; s:abilsiiel 1. 1 nee lSh. Dan Marx. 2S3 WRshmRlon. 110h. XI.jOO. $1200 TO LOAN. EAST 641S. Loans lfsateo. PARTY with some extra money wanted to in helping 1. nance a war necessity hou'.d ycld siLvfactory rium. t-1 re gonian. assist that THOROUGHLY responsible business man with lare rsurces wants loan ot srJ0tki; ill five $4u.oi'0 s unty and pay 7 per cent interest. PC 471. oregonian. $1(M0 PRIVATE money wanted by reliable person on r-st siie residence; a gnoa Iran. Se Mr. Carlos, The Brotig Co., I'-'T Oak sL WAN TED To borrow direct from private party $"to at """i on modern bunira.ow occupied by owner; valued 34J00. O 32. Orr untan. Jw1-' Fal 7 pr cent wanted on chIce'y lo rated Income property on West Siue; am p! value. l,e I'aprt. G0 C'trbett bldg. WANT J17'o firKt mortttace on modern h'i; private party; 110 commission. AH I f.i:t. itr'Kitiiin. WANTED f'.fMiO at t rr cent, on real e-?t worth ever fl"OOO0. F. Kucha, 4-U Chamber of Commerce. REPONlBLE business man neeos $100 for lH davs, pay -0 for Its use; bet of Tff'T'-r' eg. J V H. r.gonin. WA NT $ VOu bn on t w o st rlctly modern hoies on . Weitiver Term e. Stanley S. Tr.i'Mipaon Co., f'nnclal tccnis. Suj &u $r."u on ImprcvH reSd-nce property. clou In : no om mission. 7 p r c-nt C. K. Jilapfi, 154 E. 1-: h. East A PARTY would mouths: wtll.ns 4"J. Orcgon-lan. like to borrow $jioo for la to pay lo per cent Int. T W A N T LI I 'Hi nt 7 per cent from ontr. home a : 1-37 E. S 1 it t. N. ; Tta cwrllpe. Iot WANT f -r two eac kt 7 rr c-t I on fine unimproved prop'-rty wcrta $ J.Ouo : rr.nral s-- urity good. T I.M. Oregorsian. lot. b-i. -'". 3 vea: s at FM 1TH-W Ai N 1 : H CM HulSS. ; I12'K lr.s. ri-.. Sly'K EX. WANTED ft'o from 1 to 3 V ara. city property, f.:at mortgage. A1C 63. Ortev man. . WANT $H.iO. ti'.'., no com rt isatlon. A'.arr.-!, AF 7.vj. h Park residence. Ot cnlrvn. ANT $liuo, g.It-edac security. F 4;'3. Ore- WANTED S.'' on fne Irvlngtun home; CO mtz. ntJ S S'l. CTgorlan. IF Y'"i au -V hi v idenda P 427. Ore- WANT t-."'Mt for a yrs., , realty. H.u.t. r cent. Port h si. I.uera.iiv dUiuata for uoick 431. Oregonian. money. K W A NTED Loan on valuable Wh:tf"rd. Alp'.ne. Or WANT J'H. a years, vsiye $0ui, co manias ion. A t3 oiegoniaji. FTNANCIAL. Lcaai tT anted. B. LEK PAOET. Clients want mortgage loans as follows: T-H at -'r. $: at 7',. $i.i.-.0 at 7 i. ?ivk) at 71".. $HlO St 'r. A:l improved Portland properties. H. LEE PAOET. Corbett rMg. Main W I I.I, PAY J-N PER NiO. FOR tlvd. liuve you $.l0 to ;.0 drawing small Interest ? Let me hae it for six months and 1 win psr you $25 a month for its Use Nei money for working capitaJ In my growing manufacturing busineas; beat ot referencea. M 47".'. OrvpTian. $ltHH) TO $5000 LOANoncity homes la l-st districts st per cent; 10 years ts repay, protected by life Insurance in l'.quitab;e Life of N. Y. No brokerage. Mr. Strong at Equitable offices. Ore Fr.lan bldg. LONS WANTED. ?xy a re-v.dence. value $oao. j.niO on raldence. valtie $t.KV. $Ii"m on So acres, value $40 BOX 2:3. GRESHAM. vREGOX. WISH to borrow $7500 on a cboire p'ers of real ectate. worth at least $lS.O'10. Will pay current rates of r.iterst. W ish to , deal with principal only. For particulars cail at my ofr;cc at 4o4 Piatt bldg. WANTED $13,500 for 8 years from private party; loan securea ov oricK apartment building, valued at $45 000. Call Mrs. John Weift at Multnomah Hotel, city. Jolk at 7 per cent and $1R00 at 7 per cent wanted on wel! located East Side residents rrperties. H. Lee Paget, 6o3 Corbett TERSONAJU FREE. FBsa FREE. Every day. from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M.. and venlnga on Monday. Wednesday and Fri- l. trouk to w. ana buuai'i tram iw to 11 THOUSANDS OF PCFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to rt relief In any other way are Invited to investigate Chiropractic methoda. whK-h are permanently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thoroughly examine you. make a com plete diagnosis of our case and direct your treatments. WITliOLT ANT COFT TO TOU WHATEVER CHIROPRACliC is the safe, sane, sure and modern science of curing and prevent lug disease. CHIROPRACTIC! will permanently cure 95 per cent of all disease a CHIROPRACTIC removes the cause health returns. The above service Is all free to yoa at the college buiidins; and may be had in private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also bo had In college building by members of the faculty, by eithtr lady or men practitioners, PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEO&, Corner cf Park and YaxuhilL Tel. Main 1014. HOSPITAL In connection with college. WITl handle ut-of-town patients at a most reasonable rat, in order to show what CUlrvpractio can Co. Address ai I communications t DK. O. W. ELLioIT. President. IOO PER CENT CHIROPRACTIC BTSTF.Jt. Ir. MrMabon. ii:ifiy bldg.. Port.o.nd. a ehiroi'ractor of eipenenco, a past ama teur, a 1"0 per cent chlropiactio p ria :st, wtth his heat teat t moniaU from patients Irom Laaiern states. familiar with the best; a. so from Western and lora; patl-n-.a having unfortunately baa less than loo per cent chiropracue s-a where, with, of courae. corresponding dis appointment in CilayeJ re.iei. Tbeae dirrerent c;ssaes of patients) are fu'iy satifcUed my loo per cent ehi ropracuc philosophy and experience and supt-rior eklli. d m ons i rated In conau.ta tions. jna. adjustmecta. rates sr.d final rrsuita Rcci'mnifLfltiloa Cle for eara; eighth ear In this c)t ; rental East and Weat Sice office. .4 a msV'th; cred.t so ad. All cases per sona, .y examined aud adjusted by ms!f at a.l times. Phone, ca.l or write. iX oonea Installed. Lu y or evening treS4 &,cnu " "c ra:, SI adjustments. $1$ 4 Til AND WASHINGTON, C1PT AND HAWThuKXE AVE. IF our aliment ts astsma. goiter, rbeu m:ttlrm, luuihaco. neuiltis. neurasthenia, Irtomau, lud vestlon, liver, stcmaca, bowel. Mdner. b.advier. female, recta: or prostatic troubles, akin diseases, para.ysts, bith blood pressure or oifct-r chronic dis aes. my PLHlcal Therapeutic Wctboos mi.. acompUch more lor ou than any thing lnveaiigate. It will cost ttotiiing. Always g.ud to DK. K. A PHlLLll'a. po5 Hroad wa IS. Jg. HAIR GOAL'S. LOWEST PKlCEd. CO-liu li wavy awitvli, 2 rp ......... .110 l-inch wavy sw.;ch. 3 p - 1 All-around translorinai ion 1 $ Hai ri 1 oramt, nbanipooing. tac mainc, hair buhb'.nic. muai urine. 2ii. Kir re ziived by nctric Ut-ti.-. switch nale ot conih,ns-s t.c. We buy your cmnhings. Sanitary Parlors, 4UO-412 Dum bidg d ml lungTfn. a:arl,iil l.fei. DRINK AND DRUG HABIT Can post 1 1 ve ly be cured . W s guarantee it absolutely. No bad ! 'ecta. SwilieU t- tendnta, private, homelike, pleaMtit sur-r-uii.i.nga Investigate tor yourself r fnnus. Nal Institute. Phone Bd y. ;w".tt. Adur 1T K earn e yst 1 ort land. lUP..R;l:L',STS copyright lturt ; Dr. S. P. LlurrnDorit; I ndi put able FACT?, iltntions rverv (hM:. fully expiamir.g what It really is." FR.EE. 1SA Sutter. I'ranr iscrt. L.VDIV:S ONLY. Rheumat iii psl: ivcly cured, sclent If e rnasK'. neroi?nea successiully treaiwo; ;: of b;th ; years of expru r-r-. Washington t Phone Mr.nll l.4l. LADIES UNLY. Rhetimati?n positively cured. srlntlf in massage, nervousues-s sucesafu. ly treated; s ' t a. 11 Is of tiii9; yers ot eperin e. -i-ti-, Washington st. Phono Marshall lb. AN LLLCTK1C C AL1 NET HATH, a tub and a scientific mas.ite reduces h;;h biood p-ei,i.ure and "f :-ns the arteries- Iron tie ln:ltuL. 3J7-S-1 lutock b ock, Nur attendants Phone Hroadwuy ALL the lateat remedies sold st the Ciem er.son Drug Co, oO korriion St.. St. Charles Hotel corner. At this drugstore you act Just what you cail for. We bave no substitutes. MTS. STEVENS. 375 Taylor SV, the notd crystal gHZr, na placed on sale a numbrr of tunphon1! crystals at a v ry moders ! price. Instructions given with cotots f r highest acvtlupiiifftt. ( I W ILL ret both your feet fixed up good at Dr. F.Mton . 1 he Chiropodist that doean I t"irt von: years here, exam. iree. Oob Tf;fn:Vr bM?.. lltli and Nati EJ. -&J4. Ui;tY H V 1 iw Tt'NIC Rfttori gray hair to natural color n short time. Harmless. Tested jyithout failure for ovtr 0 years. Ka.-t LU"!i before 11 o'clock. toi'iKlXCAUSM-Mra M. L. LA MAR. 133 5;h si., cor. Main, teaches palmistry aud card reading; a. so leuuu in science ot b c a 1 1 h and success. F Eli VET A HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers, finest stock human hair cooUs; hairdresaing. manicuring, face and t-.wip tn-atmnt. 3 1 Alder. Main &4. bLFt-KE SHOPPING ELSEWHEKE visit Peterson's Upstairs Sample Suop. -o3 Plt tock ulk.. for suite, coata. dreas, VIU14 p e f.icoa'-a. and save your dollars. KEV. Mrs- J. C Schorl. No. 15 East 15th at. North cor. Burnside. Circles Sun. and Thurs. 8 P. M. East :04, MlS MULLEN' 6 scalp and facial treat ments, manicuring. 0 Fliexlner bldg.. loth andVash. BKT steam batn, matsg. vibration, trie and chiropractic in city. Dr. Mar garet liayn'.e. 01? fc-wetiand biag. Main lTtti L'l. ELNA SORENSEN. 5oS Pant ma Bidg. pru.iM mcihoti u.ed fcr rheumatism, coi,.-t:patlon. Consu'.ta'. Ion f rye. UE'l KC-Tl' r- United Stvi reau ; on iy ra. penenced Ptujed. .4 Par an; a b.ig : Leteottv Hu operaies cm- CJiy. Mam 3;i PLAIN and fan-j' sewing done by rxper- it need samira; satisl action guaranteed. Tkbor iab3. SuTeIvI-LUul'S hair dest royed forever. Lr. Purcij's multip.e need.e me:hod, indorsed ' by ph f H tans. 5t4 Svet;at!d b'dg. L. r' 1 it L I E LA N 1 t.i-A. supti f .UOul fckir c-1 .t. manicuring, face and acaip, JJ2 r ..ei:n.-r biug. Uy tiiiAUtAl E nurse treats lumbago, atsv Hours - to 6 or by afMaUusnt. PhoA Main 1041. fiat C 3'tl 3d- fcL 1 LtLa hat. mt:es, mails removod ty lo-n;cile mitnod. trt&: fre. Jost sia ,ey C14 Ei-ers b.ay. Main ttjfiS. ktr . iM.LT. -1 Ma n JU4L Mineral s bitbi, nrve and b.ood or tu.::ns matsag . scwntif :c massage. ilit bTEV EN 3, 33 ye ara Portiads ra cownva paAUiL crystal gazer and pint ual reader. a?3 Taylor, corner V cat j-ark. FU B3. New orders ana 1 ttnodallng. The FWr Fhop. rW'.etiand l n-g.. i:u ana Vaa. i:om--1'A for sale at ll pm an wolfe. GoITKeI enlarged gands amfelr curi a. K. 5:ra'hn. HlKsooro. Or. It. 3w CASi pnia lor diamonis aud old Jew;a lH kura birfT. PP.IMEI'A BALM. formr:y called Balm ot r Mta 44 E. 3Jd Se,U 13 Mornings. FACE massage, tcblrg scalp, moist rw x&oved. 1:au iiedner bidg- Broadwar 1 MA AM'KEWh. ypirituai adviser, teacher, trnl fu!li. i' k. Ma:n 74 la ri r tha l-c. haircut J'Srn. ror. f.n. Sophia R- h1p. Spiritual readtngi' clrcios lurk. KrL b K XL 6 Ki coot nout ft w. RO)M-t'A FOR SALE AT Kut.RSTS EROS.'