10 THE SUNDAY OREGON! AX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER C. 1013. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. A WAR SHORTAGE. Many of the most desirable new cars re now unobtainable. "We have some of these makes silently used, but still splen did cars, from 25o0 aown. Following is !te nartiaJ lut: 3917 Cadillac, 4-passenger, fin shape $20n 317 Cadillac. 7-passenger '2't00 1 11 1 Cadillac touring, good condition lb-u 3!1." Cadillac touring, good condition 14o0 317 Cole sedan, fine condition 1375 2yi7 Winton six touring, excellent shape 2000 3917 Mitchell touring V2o 1V17 Ftudebaker touring 9UU litis Dodge touring, good condition.. lv7., 1117 Dodge touring -"0 3!UJ Dodge touring fc'JO Dodge touring 0So 311 i Hudson 7-passenger 1550 Franklin roadster 1050 1118 Ford delivery - S.iO 1(1 Ford roadster 44 O 11(15 Ford touring 475 1017 Overland Club roadster 8UU Terms and exchanges considered. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 21st and Washington Sts. CONDITIONS GOVERN VALUES. KOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A CAR AT THE RIGHT PRICE. OAKLAND SIX ROADSTER. . 1917 DODGE 1917 SAXON SIX 1917 STUDEBAKER SIX 1917 STUDEBAKER FOUR ....$650 .... 775 750 .... 875 .... 775 1916 MAXWELL 695 1917 GRANT SIX 750 1917 FORD TOURING 500 3915 FORD, GOOD SHAPE 3S3 1914 FORD ROADSTER 325 THE UPED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 Washington St. Where Washington and Burnside Meet. WE GIVE BEPT TERMS. CALL AND SEE SOME OF OUR BARGAINS. 3P14 CADILLAC. 7-PASS. 1114 CADILLAC. 4-PASS. 3914 CHALMERS. 5-PASS. 1013 PACKARD. 7-PASS. 1814 FRANKLIN. ALL COME EQUIPPED WITH CORD TIRES AND ARE MECHANICALLY GUARANTEED. OPEN EVENINGS. DANIELS SALES AGENCY, INC. BROADWAY 294. 84 BROADWAY. AFFERPON MOTOR CAR CO. inis Maxwell, 5-pass.; like new.... 8"0 1 :J 7 Haynea 12, wire wheels, cord tires (5) $1550 3017 8-G Overland, 7-pass., cord tires ?13S0 317 Ptudebaker, 4-cyl., 7-pass. $750 litis Apperson Chummy Roadster, like new $2450 30t7 Hupmobile $lc,o 3017 Velie $050 3017 Franklin. Tainted . . - . 3'i;: Michigan 1:'K Apperson overhauled and $105O . . 41"' . . $400 5-pass. APPERSON MOTOR CAR CO., 60 Broadway, Telephone Broadway 1490. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. 3015 Pf-srnB. -'-pans.. 6-ryl $120f 101 Chevrolet, .-pass., 4-cyl 025 1016 Chevrolet, 5-pass., 4-cyl t3 1017 Mitchell. 5-pass., 6-cyl 1 2"0 1015 Hudson. 7-pass.. 6-cyl 10.0 1013 Hudson. 5-pass., 6-ryl 725 1015 Mil "hell, j-pass.. 4-cyl 675 1012 Rambler, 5-pass.. 4-cyl 2"0 1014 Studebaker. 4 -pass., coupe 55?' 10j 7 St u debater, 7-pass.. 4-cyl bee us for trucks, new and second-hand. USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS & ST AVER CO.. East Morrison at First St. East 7272. B 3216. ONE 1918 model Ford. In perfect condi tion, with extra equipment. One 1916 model Ford, shock absorber, speedometer and other extra equipment. One late model Overland Six. Conti nental motor, cord tire equipment, with two extras and bumper. Two 1917 model Veli-s, mechanically in perfect condition; prices reasonable One three-ton Standard truck, 95 per rnt new, slightly used - and in perfect condition for any kind of work. D. C. WARNER MOTOR CAR CO., 5S N. 23d St. FhoneH Main 780. M 741. VR- AUTOMOBILE PROSPECT T you rin't obtain the car you want nw. look at this car. Fierce-Arrow, 7-passenger touring, electric lights and starter. 5. good rfrd tires, everything in pood shape. This ill especially appeal to the man looking for a car to put in the rent, business. FEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 21st and Washington Sts. LATE MODEL FOR P. OVERHAULED. $0. FRANKLIN. NEW TOP. CORD TIRE?. VEWLY PAINTED. AGREEABLE TYPE, $11 on. r HP 6S TC TTNTT-THIRD ST PHONE MAR. 142&, A 2424. TW0 good used cars priced clop for quick pale; 1917 Maxwell. S passenger, spar wheel end five very good tires; used care fully nd is almost new; So75. NORTHWEST OAKLAND CO., 344 Burnrdde St. Broadway 82. LEAVING for California, must se;j this wt'tk. light delivery automobile fine mo tor, good condition, small gas and tire ex pense, tires aid pood: liberty bonds or cash; VJIO today or tomorrow. 01 J K. Ulth N.. no;ir Skid mnrp. WINTON SIX. good tires, 34x4';. body and motor nil right. 1 spare tire, new lop. $'J75 rash, $;0o terms. Mar. 110. or Inquire Vourt h St. Garage. corner Fourth and Lincoln Sts. El'l ' " K LIG HT SIX 5 passenger, late 1017 model, spare tire, special top and paint ing, new hat t cry. sho-k absorbers, chains; want cash; $73; 1470 E. Sherman sl Tabor 40S0. 11)12 REO bug. nearly completed, good tires. ' COLE 8. seven-paMHenper touring car. light demountable rims, first class- mechanical! gray, condition excellent, for sale by own condition, price j:;imi. will take liberty I er. Terms- Rdwy. 41. mi. Ponds, phone .Marshall Tulli. HERE IS A REAL BARGAIN. Late model Chevrolet in Rood running order. $450. Fred Dundee, Broadway apd l;US SUPER SIX. HUDSON. driven ttOOO miles, five cord tires, one new; cir in first class condition; now Hudson $Jtlou. this one 51'A"0 and a bargain. V 04 o. Oregonian. FORD touring car. was purchased Sept. -0. 11)17. in f list -ciuss shape. I'sed by the owner only. East Sth and Main. FOR SALE 191S tive-passenner Buick Six. in A No. 1 pondnion. Inquire Portland Buick Repair Co.. ltt'h and Jefferson sts. CHANDLER automobile. P.M7 model, must cll at once; cash only. Apply mornings, Vancouver Barracks. Quarters No. '27. FoK SALE Apperson car. spot iight. Perry look, good tires, at a bargain, by owner QQ4 Dekum hidg. AUTOMOBILE on easy terms, electric lights, starter, fine condition, by owner. Braad n ay 31-5. 1J1 FORD foT sale with Gray & Davis starting and lighting system, spot iight and other extras. 4 111 E. 44th st. N. Bl'ICK. 4-cylinder. 5-passenger, rc-painted; '12 by ;i Sil vert own cord tires; $00. Stalker Oarage. 0th and. Couch. Bl-ICK for sale; newly painted, tine condi tion; five-passenger; $4.0 cash. Marshall J 3' v.. iyl s SERIES .Vcyllnrier Studebaker. Cail FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WE WILL ACCEPT TOUR LTBERTT BONDS AT FULL VALUE ON ANY OF OUR LARGE STOCK OF USED CARS. 1917 Ford touring, completely overhauled. Brood tires. 391 7 Ford touring, 2-tmit electric tart ing and lighting tystem. Havers, 6-cylmder. 5-passenger $300 1-ton truck, attachments fit any car applied ." $425 Studebaker, light 5-piss., new paint. good tires $400 3915 Ford touring, shock absorbers, good shape $350 We have a few more Fords in rood shape at any reasonable price. Franklin touring, late model $1800 Bui'jk six. 7-passenger, special top, new paint $1250 3013 Chevrolet, bumper, special lens. . $; Overland touring, late model $073 Five Studebakers. all models, from $4U0 up to $looo J lckscn louring, best of shape SiuO Stoddard-Day ton light delivery $:t."o Maxwell touring, late Liodel " Cadillac touring, cord tires $60 '1017 Franklin, runs like new. Liberty chummy, 5 cords, new paint. $1450 Maxwell special, needs some work.. $i75 Briscoe delivery, 19 per cent new, oversize tires $950 3918 Briscoe, 99 per cent new, at a b-trgain. Maxwell special, needs some work... $250 W. H. WALLINGFORD. Broadway 2 102. DISTRIBUTORS Liberty Six, Premier Six. Briscoe Cars, Parrett Tractors. 02 Alder. White, Manager Used Car Department. USED CARS USED CARS EAST TERMS. The big sale of used cars and trucks still continues at the East Side Used Car Depot. Buy now and save money. Here are a few we have to offer: 191S Studebaker De Luxe. 6-cyL, 7-pass. New. 1918 Auburn. 6-cyl.. 7-pass. Just new. 1017 Cole eight, 7-pass., 95 per cent new. 1017 Studebaker. 4-cyl., 7-pass. , loin Studebaker. New series light 4. 1017 Oakland S-cyl. 7-pass. Like new. 1917 Reo. -cyl.. 7-pass. A fine buy. 1015 Mitchell. 4-cyl.. 5-pass. 1015 Mitchell, 6-cyl.. 7-paaS. 1015 Hupmobile touring. 1015 Marion touring. lolt Overland touring.. 1014 Overland touring. 301j Saxon 6 touring. 1912 Locomobile. 4-pass.. 4 new tires. 101 5 Ford touring. 1916 Ford touring. 1017 Ford touring. - 191 S Ford touring. 1 White truck. 3-ton. 1 Denby truck. 1-ton. 1 Oarford truck. 1 -ton. 1 Maxwell truck. 1-ton. 1 Ford truck. 1-ton. We have several other cars and trucks and among them you will find Just what you are looking for. DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING-HOUSE, East Stark and Grand Ave. E. 7S10. Open Evenings and Sunday's. Liberty bonds taken at face value. FORD ROADSTER. $400. FORD BUG. $:J75. FORD TOURING CAR, $350. FORD DELIVERY FORD TR1TK, ri0 PTT'DEBA KKR ROADSTER, $150. PTFDE BA K K ft DELIVERY. ?.;40 STUDEBAKER DELIVERY, $400. CADILLAC TOURING. $500. COLK S I0O'. WHITK TOURING. $-1.10. MAXWELL TOURING, $10. RENAULT DELIVERY, $.",1,0. FORD TRUCK. 5(io. WILCOX 1U-TON TRUCK. $!V,0. WHITE -1-TON TRUCK. $1650. STANDARD TRUCK $1150. FORD SEDAN, ELECTRIC STARTER. $82.. KNOX TRACTION UNIT, LIKE NEW, $lo-5. NEW 5-PASSENGER FORD., WTLLTAM T- HUGHSON CO., BROADWAY AND DAVIS. PHONE BROADWAY :2. FO RDS. Vf R DS. FO R DS. 101 roadster. $75 extras, 1017 roadster. 1014 delivery. 1016 coupclct. 1015 touring. , 117 touring, like new. 101S touring, like new. 1917 touring, in good mechanical condi tion; a snap. 1917 touring, best buy in town. See these cars if you wish to get the most for your money. TALBOT & CASEY. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny Ft. We close at 5 o'clock weekdays and all day Sunday. USED TRUCK BARGAESS. G M. C. NEARLY AS GOOD AS XK1T. JFFFERY 1U-TO.N, OVERHAULED. FORD 1U.TOX. FEDERAL 1-TOV. 4-CYL. COLE WITH NEW 2-TON AT TACHMENT, VERY CHEAP. ALSO 2 FORD TRUCK EXPRESS BODIES. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 10TH AND BURNSIDE tSTri. B R OADWA Y f. 2 1 . FORD OWNERS, LOOK! 3t3 casing snd tub. . . . . $1R. r.O 30x3 "is casing and tube- .$21.75 Good ear and Firestone. NEW FORD TOURING BODIES. Some Used Delivery Bodies, loi 7 Roadster. 1917 Touring. ROBTNSOS'-SMITH COM PANT, Sixth and Madison. " BRAND NEW " 1017 series light six Studebaker touring car. equipped with Goodvear coTd tires all around, including spare; brnnpT. etc : owner leaving for East . nothing but cash considered; no dealers. Call room &23 M'l!tnmah Hotel. Sundav. " HUDSON SUPER SIX. Fine 1017 Hudson Super Six. splendid mechanical condition, good tires. New Hud sons cost $270. Price of this on $147. $koo down, balance monthly. E. B. Hvatt. 350 Ader. 5-PASS car. electric starter, litrhts and horn. $75 Warner speedometer. Pantasote. top. cushion cover?, six tires, two of them new; owner pick, rannvt use r r . will & el 1 for $400. ran be fen at 71 Flanders sr., 'j:-;d-'t. ar. LATE MODEL SAXON SIX ROADSTER, LIKE NEW IN EVERY PARTICULAR. 75-, TERMS A-l AUTO WORKS - PAINTING CO., 52 ALDER ST. IF YOiT want a real hug. see this on; lust thoroughly overhauled and m A -1 con dition, wire wheels and ttrep in good shape ; must be sold at one. $7o. Fred Dundee, (proadway and Flanders. MAXWELL roadster. 1 01 model almost like new. ressonablo FaTi'ie. Ca'l at 722 Sbuvler s-t.. nar BroadwaT" and 22d. or phone East 12'0. Sunday before 2 or any evening LEAVING for war. must sell or trade dandy 7-pasencer Lozic-. ""ome out and r-ee. make anv offer. 772 Eatt Yamhill. Phone East WANT '"ASH. 1013 SIX 4 PACKARD. Has been used as private car. Phone East 12"1. T n74. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Late 3P1T Buick liRht snx, good condlt ion. cord tires in rear, one extra tie. two bumpers, spotlight. Wood lawn j:i.or HOW MUOH? Hudson Super Six. look.i and runs like new, to be old Monday. Best offer takes it. Room !'. Courthouse. DO DUB ROADSTER, mis mode, excellent condition: looks like new; pood t:re: bargain. Call liar shall So" Sunday morn in p. EOR SALE Oakland roadster, " five-pas-f.TSfr Overianda. 1 Ford delivery. Keo roadster, ail in pood running order; sell cht:aj. 3M 1st st.. day or eveninga. Mt'ST s 11 at om-e my 1017 Franklin tour ing car; will consider terms to r-ponsibie party. (5 4.".. Orecniun. DRAFTED 1917 Oakland has to be sold today; or trade lor rora. Main Zti). ;i l Hoyt ' FRAN K LI X lour ins car. bought lat year. In rirst-cia cunn:n.in ; utiui ii ues;rea. Braly Auto Co.. 01 Waah. 191S EI .GIN S"iX, J." per cent new, a real buy for one w no w& nts a new car at reason able prire. Braly Auto Co.. Q1 Wajh. st. FO li D SEDAN BODY. 1 have a. -branJ nt?w Ford sedan body for sale cheap. I'hone East T7. 1914 BUICK. light. and starter. Owner In Army. Cail Marshall 27S2 Monday. 1918. 7-pass?:n new tires. J14" ER Buick. practicaly new. . Phone Broadway 178. 191S DODGE must be In first-claps condi- tinn: I have the ca?h. I'hTe Fast 4t4. 191t DoDGE, absolutely lirst-class condition; looks iike new. Phone East 4ti4. FORD truck, flrut-class condition. Stalger's Garage, 9th and Couch. Broadway 3ti4. MUST sell today for cash. Oakland light six touring car. Tabor 4573. D01TiE pa Fie r. g- r. $12 nee, 9th and Couch. Staiger'a Ga- FOR SALE -Franklin hup. ?3'.K). S9." E. Alder. Eawt 7.149. LATE model Dodge roadster, perfect con dition. Snap for cash. Tabor tJH.. TWO-CYLINDER Maxwell cheap for on account of sickness. Tabor SG4.". 1317. IX)LK. call Tber 4.7 or Eut. tilXZ. -AUTOMOBILES. DON'T DISCOUNT TOUR LIBERTY BOND. You have helped Uncle Sam and your ; country to win the war by your liberal purchase of liberty bonds and " you need - not discount them to buy that machine ; you anticipated. We will accept your , bonds at - per cent above par. $50 bon.is taken at 51 : SlOO bond taken 1 Id' I on any automobile in our establishment, j and the prices remain the same. j 1 19I 5-pass.. repainted, all . - kuu tires ani two extra tires; tnls 1 ia an excentiunal htiv lf1S Chevrolet, good a new Aifin tsuirtc v Z7; some car 1JH Oakland roadster, like new ' HG Regal roadster, excellent shape. i;14 Ford. 5-pass., fine shape lr.li Saxon roadster. 15 per cent new U10 Reo 5-pass. ; an excellent car. . . 1:14 M itchetl 5-pass.. repainted. ..... lil Frd. 5-pass.. good shape Maxwell ft-pass., good shape... 111! Dodge Bros. 5-pass 3W17 Hudson Super-Six. S5 per cent new Grant roadster, wire wheels We have man V ot hers, all nt vle It .Ml 4!' A SJ5 350 M0 1 690 1 150 J makes, to select from. . Easy terms on any car in the house. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO., 525 Alder SC TT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE WHAT TOUR LIMIT IS. WE HAVE A GOOD CAR HERii FOR YOUR MONEY. TERMS CAN UK ARRANGED. AMONG THOSE VkH HAVE NOW ARE: FORD PAIGE REO 4 Bl'ICK OVERLAND COLE REO 6 STEA RNS-KNIGHT CADILLAC MARMON NORTHWEST AUTO 0., ALDER AT CHAPMAN. USED TRUCKS. We have on hand some very good ha r gatns In used trucks. The sizes range from a-ton to 'A tons, in all standard makes. The majr-jty of the, trucks have been t borough! v overhauled and are In first -rUsM condition in every respect. If In the market for n used truck. se nw. WENTWORTH A IHWIN, ixr., Wc will give ve- Mbertl terms. Trurk Headq uarrers. Second and Ta lor. TWO T.ATE MODEL FtVP-TrV TRT'CKS. WITH SIX-Tf'N TWO-WHEEL TRAIL FRS ". MPLETELY KQt'l F'PKP FOR HAULING LUMBER. WILT, HE SOLD FOR PR ACTTCAT.LV ONE-HALF THEIR ORIGINAL COST. SEE MR. HOW K AT NORTHWEST AUTO CO., ALDER AT CHAPMAN. BROADWAY 1 f,r,. ATL BARGAINS. TWO TO V RKO TRI CK 11117 OLD-iMOHTLK ' TOlrt OLDSMOHILK l!if SAXON "rt" 1 good condition)... i:H.- PI K'K. special ford tottrtno car i:m ford tourino oar 1m7 -studebaker the oldsmobixe com fa nt OF ORRr.OV. S7 N. BROA DWAY. PHONE BROADWAY 2?70. FOR 6AL1 $14IO 1 r.;.M 1 .-.7r 1 17.-. 1 $700 1 FORDS FORDS FORDS. lOis touring. 191 roadster. 1017 roadster. 1117 touring. I'M 5 rielivf rv. 114 delivery. . chassis. Chalmers bug n benut-v. A claepv Ford hue hodv. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., E. l''h and Hawthorne. Phone e. o77'. 1317 BUICK . model D-4. Has bn run than miles and has had bes of ca 1 e : rear tires new ; t wo extra t ires ; spotlight, chains and other equipment You are buving direct from owner and w(!l have to pay no d"fll"r's commiEJion. Frtce fll?r.O cash, or term to responsible party who makes Piihstan'ial payment dow n. Phone Marshall o.04 Sunday be fore 12 SPORTY ROADSTERS. We are headquarters for the classy, racy cars. We offer a little beauty. 118 model, run onlv few iijles. five wire wheels and tire, for $1?0; also a ppectal racing Mercer, the faster In state, for luou. and a Stutz for fi7o A CTOR EST OARAGE. TENTH AT SALMON. NEW UGHT STZVES TO BE CLOSED OLT Owing to factory engaged In war work exclusively will pet one four-pasencer f'olumbla. and one five-papsencrer model at hie reductions REGULAR GUARANTEE and SERVICE COLUMBIA AGENCY, TENTH AT SALMON. MAXWELL. ' FAS?. : FINE FI,NTN3 J PHArlV. ALU I ,"- L I1C,S A . D bTKA TIKES. NEWLY PAINTED. $.t7. TERMS. A-l AUTO WOPKP A- PATNTTKfJ CO.. .VJ." ALDER ST. ONE REO. $200. 1I15 MAXWELL. $3. FTI DEBAKER Hl'fJ, Jftp. 1 r'- 1917 mntorevcl with side cur. $"n(l 1 1 TH ST. OARAGE. EAST 5072. FOR SALE Five-j?a.sengr automobile In fin condition; if you want a g-ood buv. rail Sunday A. M . Montcomery Garage. rsK Front st . eorner Montgomery. 39IS FORP. fine condition, fu extra equip ment, will sell for f."i73; also 1917 Sajton ft. cVieao ; Kord eond it ion. See same at f-iO K. :tlsf s. BF ."!. Oreaontan. FOR SALE 11S ildsrnobile, Al condition; spot licht. lire pump on enpine. snuhbers and many ot her extras. .Price $1000. Marshall 1435. OAKLAND LIGHT SIX Car in appearance and condition Is equal to nem-; cirrum-t.mc- force nn immediate sale. Price it Si HI rawh. "JIS Tenth Ft. HERB I enlisted In Co. B. Ennineers and must sell ft-pasjsencr StudViaker car; sold last year for fr.tt. MAKE ME AN OF FER. Call H 21 OR. $l!ir BUYS A STUDEBAKER S-PAgSEX-4 J E R CAR. C A L.L B 2 1 08 FO R PA R T1CULARS. SNAP (or rash. 1917 Chevrolet. sUjthtly used, extra tires and tubes, chains, spot lis at; leaving city. Owner, Broadxvay I."i. Bl'ICK ."-paas., 191i, an up-to-date car In fine condition at a bargain. Private own er. AH 844. Oregonian. 1 it 1 7 H UP MOB I L E. 7-ppaa., in fine condl ton. Owner will sell very reasonable. Tabor 57K IT, 70 E. Yamhill St. 1917 HUDSON Super-Six, newly refintshed; cord tir-s. very classy; am leaving - city, so will sacrifice. N 38, Oregonian. 1917 DODGE, fine condition ; b-nt Good vear tire; leaving for overseas service. Main T.94W. BA RGAIN Chevrolet. Al shape. 735 Eaat 4(t h st- Take Woodstock car. Call Sun day. MICHIGAN car, fine condition, good tires. Heaver Garage, Union and Holladay. Cail evenings. HUPMOBILE. overhauled, new upholstered and top. in f:rst -class condition. Liberty bonds or cash. Phone Woodlawn Soil. BUYER WANTED for my 1917. 7-paaaTHup. In fine condition, very reasonable. Tabor 070-J. ir.70 E. Yamhill. filS MAXWELL, run 2no miles; special paint Job and equipment. For informa tion call Wdin. 4:is:i. MtDEL K3 Overland, recently painted, new seat covers; uO, half caah. Call &S6 E. 3ith st. North. OLDSMOBILE J, almost new; $1100, bonds or terms. 1130 Belmont. CHEVROLET Baby Grand roadster. 191S model, new. Wdin. i.H. -u Morris st. ORDERED to California, must sell 5-pis-senger Ford; good condition. Tabor b42 WILI tell my Studebaker tlx very reason -vULa. 1'llxuaa fsujxa. .Waaiangioa ai FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. 1917 BUK'K LIGHT SIX. louring. lUUO. Will take In Ford or liberty bonds on either car. NORTHWEST OAKLAND CO.. 344 Burnshle SL BruaMuy h2. OAKLAND 0 roaJi-r for sale by on-r. Phone Miin 7145 between t and 12 or see Ca" at Kmg-st. Garage, cor. i.h. lyi - 1 w;ht utrw v, fm.rinv i.umnir .BS ,h r,"n. nt Piine 0k Grove 1 r"UBe -jKrove. ly. with extra tire. ON E late model Marmon roadster; fully equipped with all new tire; line con- tiltii.ti; 12oii. B. C. Warren Motor Car Co. - r- " umn. i- . ' . - 7. 1 II -1 ON N.th truck, uml lys, in fine cou 1 dition. $2voo. Seli wood UMS FORD touring body, top and windshield. J3 Morrison. Apt. lo. Call today. - OVERLAND 1!MS. 4-pdsa. Country Club. 750. Hudson. Alder Hotel. PACKARD. 1010. good coti dition. 1 - pass., S : cash. Hudson. Alder Hotfl. 1S1S FoRD for aale. run only 400 milea. Eaat AoiomobtlPB snird. ROADSTER WANTED. Will exchange two choice lota at Saltatr tat ton. Tillamook Beach, near depot and hotel, adjoin board u alk. county road and railroads; face the Pacific Ocean; size 25 by about 14U feet, suitable for business or for cottage; wtll pay so me difference. Address A 402. Oregonlan. LONG & SILVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and you 60 per cent on par tit. Send In the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought. regardless of condition. I'hone Last t840. Hawthorne tt. WANTED A second-hand sedan, Cadillac or rrankltn preferred; must he in good run nine condition and not battered un. Ad- dre. stating make .year, imleaxe.' general condition ana price. .v,)i. uregonian. WANTED Buick light six. Chalmers or Hup: a-pas.scnger. li or 'is. for rush: mut-t be a bargain; give full particulars and low est zitfure in first letter. It t5. orego nlan. AUTOMOBILE wmited; will trade 200 acres or land. -lea.r of incumbrance. Can Wood Ian n 6384. . WANTED A ni e-loo king c r must look like new ; chea p cars not considered: will Py cash If necessary. L 477. Oregon uwi. WANTED Metz roadster or bug. Must be In good condition. State model, price, etc. AH H1. Oregnnmn. WILL pav rash for or 3-ton truck, must be absolutely In perfect condition. Railway Equipment Co. 'J.'tri Stark WILL pay cash for ftrst class closed car or roadster, must be litis model. l!oa Stark. W A NT ED Roadster in jrood condition, pre fer late model. No Fords. 1 46U, Orego nlan. t LET ine repa lr your machini In your own Kuril ge. I'rivate service car, day and niKiit. Sell wood 37.io. -PASSENOER touring body for Buick; wtll trade f.r roadster Hui-k body. Bdwy. rlHtt a! ter Sunday. TO T KA 11", on Ford car, 1 cow, good light farm wagon and harness. ii Zt'J-, Orego ruan. LATE model ar. lia fine lots cloke In. 1 block to pavement. 0 to fast canine ; fine lew. iall roiim ;t1 Hotel Phiitp. WILL cxclianwe Bond residence lot In Port land for a uioinbtle. Jl. E. (jnmnt, Cen trail. Wfb. H ii' 'E building w alk. high pari model car. Wo lot, cost $0O. cement . nd snirte cash for late HAVE --,oo t o spend for ron dster. Thone East ;;40. have you .' I PAT SPOT CASH FOR USED CARS. L. E. OBVK. Trai.d ave. mid E. Stark WNTi:i To tiade lot (11 cood location for autcmobile M Km" 7:tv W A N T ED F R D. IOH PHONB MARSHALL 4: OR BL'ICK. WANTED - llH 1 or "IS Ford touring body. Mam WILL take HO 7 or U'lS auto for 7'- a, jn berirltof walnuts. J -'. Oregon tan. $.mmi r.Si and fine Int (.r late model light machine. Tabor 1 Of. LfflllT car in Al condition must be chesp, Lithuanian Farm. Lens. Or. Moiorcytrlea. i s e d m o t o n l i ; s . 1017 elect, equipped Mnrley. , Al shape, regular, fully equipped HarJey. U1." i;-speed hayion. ful'y equipped. U1 t 2?peed Harlev. fully equipped. 1 ii 10 elect. Excelsior, just WUm new. JtilH Hendersons. 1 elect . 1 regular. 111 Honrtrrjor, w Ith side car. l!iH Indian. 11M 4 Merkel. l'.ilH Excelsior We have quite few used parts st less than ha'r prlc for jtevemi oil-inaK ma chines, repajrin. htcvclen, tires, etc. DAVTON i-YCLK CO.. r.s. S'xth St. BARGAIN'S IV USET MACHINES ON EASY TERMS. Motors, clutches, carbureiora. etc TTivlnv Merkel Parts. Cylrnder grinding, acetylene welding and general oxerhc. unng EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44 Grand Ave. EXCELSIOR A AD CLEVELAND AGENCY. 3-SPEED electric Indian $.Vo 1!J 4 'J -speed reeular Indian It' 1017 3-s.nee.l iect ric 1 nd ian 110 V and sidecar, romaleu 101S light, twin Indian -"0 i;lll regular Indian C INDIAN AGENCY. Main 6130 273 3d Ft. RIDE A CLEVELAND. Easv terms. Oak St Vew and Utd Blcycl-s. FOR SALK If IS Indian mnlorcyl. with about $00 extra equipment. Ca 11 Niehol&on. Marsh wll 867 or Mr. Lowell Romer Tabor 4ftW ONE UM7 reeuiar Harley-Davfdson. fully euIrPd. this machine haa soerfal mo tr and Is as pood as new. Phone East CTflfi. H A R L E Y motnrryele. equip Ped. $ 1 or rsdn" br 'i1. '7t .k )t like n"v. welli Mstn 1743. la- 111 r, rOWER FLT'S India n. in good con-ii-i ion. ."-sneed. full v e-Uipped, new tires, 417;. E-t 1147. k fr Mr. DoHowttch. CSPEED Indian motorryci and sidecar, f ul lv equipped, .lust overhauled, f . i;4i K a si ".Id st. Fhone K n s t .Mi'4. N E W a nd second -ha nd h- rles Joe's Bl eyei Flepair Shop. 104 4lh pt. 1917 3-SPEED Hary. ful'y eautpped and rrently overhatiled. Fnap for Cash. Tabor O ..' A u toiuobllw tor Hire AUTO'S W T T H TT DRIVERS FR HIRE. CO ITI'UX A- SI " I . T. I V A N. MAR '1.Y2. lAT'I AND YAMHILL. A 123 I NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV- t'R ii N: SMTTIf THIRD AND OLISAV STS. A 2t;29. BROADWAY 2i29 AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable ratea. City Gar ace, M luth st. Broadway Fl NE T-paFsenRer rienccd drl er. Hudson, careful, expe- Marshall OLDSMOBILE. EASY RTDINO CAR; SERV ICE DAY AND NIGHT. EAST 293. 6-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling. shopnlng, highway. Broadway ."4 . SN V DERS AUTO SERVICE Highway, tie- pots, funeral, calling, shopping, hint 4.1S2. FORI Competent driver, $1.50 an hour; go bti y where. I shoe io.h. FORI), competent driver. $1 50 an hour; go anywhere. Tabor 102S. A nto Tire and ArcwMorleR. WE DISMANTLE CARS FOR THEIR PARTS For All JaktJ'of Cars at ONE -HALF THU REGULAR PRICE, , Auto Parts. Auto Supplies. Brake Lining. Wheeis and Rliua. MOTOR PARTS. M FG CO.. 825-327 Burnside EL, Portland. Or. P. H. Markworth, Mgr. Phone Bdwy. 32 PUNCTURE INS FRANCE. To'lver tubes are guaranteed &AOO miles without a puncture or brand new tube free; made of pure ruhber and inflated with air in usual manner. Three years on market. J"x3S. IG; SxJ1!, ttl.a. Made in al! sizes. E. 5-'" "NEVTl7.ESAT ABOUT HALF PRICE. 2 :nx3. 1 3 2x3V. 2 '14x4. 1 3.4 4. M. B. LEVIN. -221 FRONT ST. FOR SALE at a bargain, one 400-gallon gasoline tank, sidewalk pump. J. H. GRAHAM. 10th and Stark. Bdwy. 3231. 5 WELL-MADE delivery bodies, have been used on and 1-ton mall cars. PORTLAND G A RACE. 5th and Taylor. Phone Marshall nn. SECOND-HAND 30xW tires for front end of Ford trucks, (io. I'M Grand ave. North. X Ford trucks, flu. - FOR SALE AtTOMOBII ES. Auto Trea an1 Ace eorie. BEARINGS FRAMES TRANSMISSIONS MOTORS RADIATORS WHEELS MAGNETOS GENERATORS PISTONS AT BARGAIN PRICES. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO. 121 N. 3D. CORNER GLISAN. NEW Ford tourinir ear. side curtain. Call tocay. ;G3 Morrison. Apt. 10. FOR SALE One Stewart vacuum feed. 1 bor r.t3a W A NT ED M X MT FLLA N FO r 37.50 AND UP 7.5o .foe second-hand suits. J. Meyer th tailor pays the highest price for suits, overcoats. snoee. ec e call anywhere in the cur, day or evenings. Call Marsh All !-'- or .-.i 31 am sun si. OUR specialty la buying lad!e and gents c.tsi-uii coining, iiichest cash price paid. v i.i c:i ay or nig lit. I'EuPLE'S Si:C0NL-HAND STORE. M :i ru h a i 1 3Ll'5. or 'JOit Madison St. HKiMKST I'Rir-ES PAID. I buy a:i second-hand clothes. especialTy :acK-s and gen:iemens sua, dresavs. etc. New buyer. Try me before you call others. I'hone Hroadway J4. Burnside. a .n i t.LJ jo ouy relics present war. gas maRs ana neimeis. eic. Apply it. M Ityrne. JL.tei Venable. 1'ortlaud. or Mon day Meter A- Frank. SECOND-HAND CLOTHINO WANTED. We buy rents clothing and we pay full price aim over. buy anoes and hi Call M.iln A GOOD grand piano, amall else preferred, suitable for war rnnio community service. wanted; will pay tah, but xuut be cheap. u i.,. urek'onun. WANTKIi To purchase pool tble. bunga low pta no nd r rd a momobtle : must te In good condlt tori and reasonable Ad dress M 4J7. treeonln. A NT hU ycle or (irafono.a. Will trade rompleie rourve of architecture of t! American ichool of Correspndcnce. 1- lt St. WANTED Flrehox or return tuhulsr holler. l'Mt or !"'." horsepower, fllve full particu Ura and hrrn . be seen. L 4TL Orefo nmn. JUNK WANT K D -J INK. HUSHKM PRICES I'AlD. for p.irks. rubber, second-bind cooda. Call Main 7,14. A c.ooD piano anted. cheap, suitable for 4-ount ry home ; i I pay spot ash ; no dealers need answer. R 42, oreeonian. WANTED USED STNC.I.E HARNESS AND CART MIS BI ;iiV. i;on ORDER AND ''HE A P. P.I 3H. ORE U IN I A N. W WTKli T buy good t-e.-ond-hand Na tional rih r-Kis t siili penny key a. Mmnn si'Te. vd Alder. WANTKD iood diir-k lake, one that can be reaehed easily: also l.-r;e enough for four or fix men. .1 l' :7. (rr conlon. WE BUY DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD. OLD .ilry for cash: name jour price. Bring or mail. t-3 Wasa.. bet. 6th and Bdwy. t E -O ND-tfAND CLOTH f NO BUYER. We need ihe riothinar and me pay all It Is worth. Cn'l Ms in 71. joi H 1st St. WANT to retit a typewnter: muft oe reas rnahie; a Remincton or Underwood pre fert ed. T .'i7. resonian. WANTED I'sed stump puller, one man or horsepower. Must be in working order. Will Johnson. Box 4. Hiy, WANT blyele; wtll trade orjan, violin, cor !)'. in a ti do 1 in. banio. Nea man. Main 4 :i.V 1st St., near Alder. W A NTKD PKON D -1 1 ND LATHE. A ROUT FT. ; STATE PRP'E. TOWN OR COUN TRY. .iiWi OAK ST. W ANTE D To hu v a sa f ; must be a ba r ffiin fr all ash; state inside and oul side measurements. O 31. oregonian. TF I'i'K coming; from Sa'em t bring load to Portland. Unique Tailoring Co., 104 4th st. rood sport desires Interest In Hurk lake in Scappooe territory or any nearby lake. BD 64J, Oregonlan. PHYSICIAN wants to huv office equipment; natic machine, instruments, etc Tabor 17T WI LL exrhange new talking plumbing. Hyatt Talking r.'.'t Aider machine frr Mai hi ne Co.. WANTED Baler to bale- wsstepaper. Unique Tailoring Co. 104 4th st. WANT Iluud gas tank hai'r from private parTv. Mrsn-eias rnniinon fast .""77. WANTKD First-eta1 trunk; also long seal f;r eoat. B' 4TO. Orenntn WANTED Rnlneost. excellent condlt Ion. boy i; r-aat t"-. Monony or 1 ucsday. t to 12. WANTED- -A n r AV ertrie sign with the word 1 r. Oreaon'sn .rH race USED Evtnrude or equal engine. In good rep.ilr end cheap. East 1974. TA L KING machine snd record wanted; rt5h paid. Main 4.'-. Tflbr 679. WINCHESTER. Remington automatic and pump xhotruns wanted. Hehfetd. 8 3d. WANT ElO (iraphophon or davenport In exchange for tlrep. A N 12$, Oregnlan. WANTED CFed kltrhen sbinet ; will pay rssh. Ca'l Woodlawn n'7. , WANTED Fito rhicken coop. Phone Tabnr W A NTED jraphophne or davenport In ex ehange fr fire. AN Oregon'sn. WANTED 2 S-H. ..Krt. (regonlsn P. fire box boilera. JINK. nc9. met a la. sack?, old etothtng. too' 9. tents. g-od prire s. East ?94. TXI.hINO AND REcriKD-" W A NT I'D PAY CASH. MAIN 449!N. TABOR ftTPS. ANTED-FoMinj East 1271. screen tor br a room. WA NTED A steam, or hot water heating plant fr sma!l factory. L 49. Oregonlan. DENTAI, cabinet, lath and sterilizer. Mar shall II 35 or Broadway 47'. PIKING, hewn tie and anee timber wanted. O. V. Gamble. Ger?mgr bldg. I PAY cash for old gold. Solomon's Jewelry Store. Morrison st. Furniture Wanted. CASH CASH CASH We will pay the highest price for your vised furniture, carpet, stovee. rangea. of fire furniture, rtc. I'hone Marshall SS7 and our buyer will call at om-e. GtVURTZ FURNITURE STORK, "J n 5 and -07 Flnt t St. FELDSTEI N F I'RNITU RlTcO.. 14R-1GS 1st et., requires second-hand furniture. Beat prices paid. If you have any furniture, new or uaed. call on us and you will he sure of good treatment. Main 4633. I WANT used furniture; cash wtll be paid for stove and ranges and a.l kinds of household goods. Cil us for one article or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer ni l can. Mar. '!3. ARE YOU GOING EAST? Consult us about reduced freight rates en household goods to alt points; fast, through service. Pacific Coast Forward ing Co.. Wth and Hoyt sta. Bdwy. 7o3. FntMTl'H E WANTED We will pay fu:l value for your aecond-hand furniture. bia. drepsera. carpeta. stove, and house hold good. Call Main I3. 13 Front at. OI. D mahogany desk or secretaire, also threo-quarter spool bed: must be Id cood condition. Marshall K.in. WE NEED SECOND-HAND KCRNITt'KE of any desenpt Ion : have the re .1 fly cash. I'hor.e today. Mmn 41-" or L'4 First st. MIC Mlt.A.N' FC KN I T L H E L'U nevus used furniture, rugs and stoves. Highest prices pall. Marshai! 1 WANTED A B rt'.'o. Good safe and filing cabinet. Oregonlan. WANTED Folding East for bedroom. MAHOGANY or walnut bedroom suite or am gle i-tcea. AH 4I. Oregonlan. WANTALL KINDS OF Fl'RN ITCRE ; PAT YOU 6POT CASH. MAIN 4495. HOCPEHOLD FT'RNITURB WANTED. WLLi FAX CASiX, al AJNj &332 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. urnuare W srnca. GEVURTTS FURNITURE COMPANY. 1&5 to 1W1 First St. . BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE- Stovea. ran rea, rnr. store f Itture. res taurant outfits. hotela roml ng-hou!e. office f urn It urc furniture stock e ; not h lug too big or too suimII for ua. I'rompt at tention and coiirteoua treatment. MARSHALL 5lM A 8224. K KA I 1 M PORTA NT READ We carry a greater varied a;ortment of new and used mVrchandit-e than any store In the city. There la hardly an item a I do not buy and sell. We specialise in shelf and neaxy hardware, sponing good, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or aelL call or phone M A I N POT2. A 71 74. LEVIN HAHDWAKE & FURNITURE CO.. 221-3-& Front t.. cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAT THE HTOHEST CASH PRTCFS r'KH PAID RY ANYONE IN' THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC YOUR (.'ALL WILL UHlNti TUB BUY ER with the money. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE. 1V2 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR MAIN Soft. HELP WANTED MA I.E. WANTED LOJ,fc;RS FOR BRIDAL, VKII. I.BR. CC WHISTLE BUY. SNIl'ER CROCKER SETTER. CHASER. WOOD BUCK. WOOD SPLITTER. LOADERS. MILL HANDS I. Oil POND MAN. Lui DECK MAN. MILL LABORERS. APPLY 1117 YEOV BI.DO. MARS. Is-Ol. WINT RIER LRU CO.. HAVE RESUMED OPERATIONS IN LOOU I NO CAMP AND W A N T LO;c.EiiS AS FOLLOWS; 'lifKKR MEN. RIGiNO HUSTLER?. Wood SPLITTERS. id Loaders. MILJ..VFN. rAR LOADERS. LUMBER PILE It. V A LP M EN. APPLY HIT VKu. BLDG. CAF.niKR for ene of th hpt routes n the vri r-iae. arrive must be 1 era ft; ace or over E pen -need crr-er pre L"!r Anr )r rwm L-'C.. The urrsor.iHD TALKING MACHINE MECHANIC AND FINISH ER WANTED. MUST GIVE REF ERENCES AND MAN WHO WILL AP PRECIATE STEADY POSITIONT AT GOOD WAGES. APPLY IN PERSON MONDAY MORNING AT f 30 TO MR. I.ODER, RUSH & LANE PIANO CO.. CORN ER 1?TH AND WASH. V, NTED Manur( lurlne t:nnt or'xinc about rtO men refjulr a ser Ires or m nrst- c end expef-nei ai-r.iuul ant. i tmr ouehlT undertandina cot accounting muM be aereeabie, neat. aitresie and ompeter.l to take charce -f entire ountMij deparimeot. keeping It up In a nnern way; poi:i"n rrimauent to rigiii party and chanre given for an In vest men In anpwcrhc aive ace. eTperien e and ref erenrea. If you are not A-l In this Hue. ti'eM to a,PFer p 4 Oregonian WANTKD A manufacturing plant in t h m tal lln reoulrcji the servic es of a Urn fiB meehantl and e;vti frclir to take entire auperintendncy of plant working about men: npi kunt mu?t re tnorougn 1 v ex pet lenced. god . sy stems t irer and agreeable: In anaweririr stale a-. expe- rienre and salarv expected and referents from pirt em p. oyer . position permanent and right partv would he given opporlunl'T er msKirg irvfMTifin. i.'regoman LTPMAN. WOl-FE A- CO. require the srv rea of 4 experience! drivers fof their d liver depart men t. M'iFt k now the eit y ilin-onithlv and understand driving I'odce car. An P-hour da v. 1 h pay f ai! overtime. AppJv Super 1 n t enden t 'a of n.-e. 7th floor, between and 10 Monday morning. AhTj manufacturers and lrg commerris concerns now have manr fricht rate trou b'en. Our eFte-rt ie the only solution Hundreds of testimonials. me aEgreyi man acquainted with business exeryev wanted. Our representatives earning $C'o pr w eeK comni i wtons. ..o torn pt i' ion ,ve reference when replvlng. Edward Oetrt-r. I'nited bldg. rochcttter. N V. LIPMAN. WOLFE COM PA NY require the services of two experienced salesmen for their men s furnl.-hings department Permanent position with good salary I? ot fered to those who can Quality. Appi supe rlntendenfs office, seven t h floor, be tween 0 and 10 Monday morning. experienced boss cauik'r fr a lire wood shipbuilding plan': "n'y ftrst-ciass man ul) bent of references ned apply. State age. evprlence and where you last worked. Address AV l.7. "tretoni a n . W A NTED Thorough lv practical bo'er- maker; with previous experience as Inspec tor preferred . Give a ge. ex pe-ten-e and compensation expected. AB t!4. Orego nlan WANTED At e-pee, f ir.M-c'afs open-shop f ound ry he 'per 5. Cooj . q ge. stead v work, eight hours, Oregon bldg., fiih and sts. WA NTED Drivers for Federal and Frd trucks. mist know the city snd b ab'e to take cre of irucTk; age and ref- erencei. A P Oregop'an. WANTED Billiard and pool -man on floor or one who has bad some experience: wiM he oyep draf age. Bialto Bii'Urd Parlor. Bark and A Mer. W NTED Ca feterls. chef. a"o '2 1 cook . good wagea to competent men with good refren en. Coxy Dairy Lunch. 33 W'aah Ingron st. TRC"KS -aanted. gravel baullr.g. on Colum bia River Highway at Hood River; $1 :-0 P-r hr. for 3 3 and 5-ton trucks. Rhone r-tate Highway Dept.. Sa.em. Or. A f'AIUVASHKR w nted. a good. stead v m:n. Will pay 1 1 Ml per month. Must be ab'e to h.ind'e cars In garage. Call after ::. A. M .. -1 Uih. KK,; ISTKKKD druKBiit. A-I -:'ary to A-l man. Write or mire. Farr Drug Co., As ton.. Or. WANT reliable high school boy to manage the ou tide clrcui; tlon of af t. rnoon pa per. I'ecorcl-Abntract. V2 AIVKKTISIN1 so; ic I tor for theater pro gramme and curtains. Robinson, '21 Mck E xch a n ge bldg. ASSISTANT manager motion picture, thea ter; state previous emp'oment. wagea ex pected and age. AL cregomn. WANT good man for porter and putting up orders In wholesale house. t o, Orrgo nian. VATKI A b'.ackmlth helper, a titan who can do small jnhbirt. but m ut be gooa on the floor. , CaJi Mar. '2-Y or B --'12.. -High i-!iiK! boy -atth wheel a'tef Paclllc Lalioi,ery & Printing Co.. c b oL. 1u7 -d st WANT men for general work '-oyt factory, i-linnet Broom Handle Worka, Slat and 1 ork sta MAN and wife, or slng'.e m n for Janitor in .... k. . . - X C.i 1 T-nnlan j HEAD sawyer for small sawmill. N CA. Ore j ALI--A Kul'ND assistant. C.l or addreaa. Cl alvert St uulo. tl h and Ankeny. WANTED Bellbor ar.d Hoyt- Campbell Hotel. W A NTED Pressman and preaa feeder. Ad dress AK 6C7, Oregonlan. JANITOR wanted, gteady Job: no furnace; paid by the hour. A;p'.y 2tx- 3d. CAKi'ENTEHS wan'ed. Pon: Ituid Shipbuud- ing Cv. fiHJt of NeDrafKa st B"V for draughting room, one familiar lih blue print in C racir .c 31 ar: ne iron n "rns. tl Fill tN'"ED pacaer for wholesale houa Address P. O. box HS1. ST KONG boy for eator. ;;'.." East Brwdwiy. fitate Laundry, VOL'NO man for grocery store. 6."4 Northrup. EXPERIENCED advertlrng sollHton. rem- UV oOice boy. KELP WANTED MALE. YOl'KO man with high school education lor position In credit department. Boy for accommodation desk. Two men for receiving room. Boy for hanging shades. Boy for phonograph depart menC Apr!" superintendent's office, Baaement Bicony. Meier A Frank Co. WANTFTV Pallere for logging camp: rxx1 . uuniry. maximum Oovernment waa-ea p&ld. Wilson Bios. Loggtcg Company. In tl. p-nder.ca. W ajOi.ngtoa. TaJ&e . A W. Kaihroatl. LIHKRTV LABOR AGENCY. 4:D NORTH SECOND ST. Wante.i tmiay. all in the city, or on carhre leading into city. 5 young or mid d e-aged mm to work inside factory; good chance for advancement . 4 4i. t hours. 6 dry lumber handlers around factory. $4. 8 houm. 4 general building ls'xvrers. no too.s required. 4 ;.u. s hours; old men for b:g concern. g hours. SPECIAL I-Arm teamster, $ b. and r., faro blC CKN AT lil A. M. today WITH lowr premium rates, with the hlgh- t.i-niens pa. a ry my company in the itd st.kit-s, a life co-npsnv with 14. (HKt.tHMi f assets and S4.0VO.O00 of sur plus, would like to hire an Al successful Insurance solicitor, el: her w.th or without ep(-r;ence. If inivrented. RaUTVM AV 134. ''rrsonian. Commuuicationa strictly con f t!.-n::a:. W ANTKD An experienced married man on ca.ry farm, pure-bred Jersey a, in Wil'.am ete Va:iev. $7. per month, including house, garden spot and mi.k. plenty wood on p . e. w ine In first letter gjvir.g full par t Icu 'nrs as to age. nationality, size of fa mi. v snd ex perienre ; wl . 1 only answer ie: ters most favorable. A V ld, Orego -nan W A NTED Married man for my farm ad- joinirg .m osier. Or: 3 blocks from clt-r eehooi; 4i acre orehard. 1.'5 acres gratn land. 4-room modern bungalow, unlur r.ishfd. fine spring water, firewood, team, lu.plements. etc.; gt e references. stale oriard frinre and wag eiPevtert; rermanent position, W. II. Weber. Mo s:er. r. TATTER WANTED AT ONCE TO TAKE CHARGE !- SHOP. MUST PE EXTKK T N M.TKK ATIOs s. BEST WAO.L S A HEY - B ilH'K.M AN. THE TTST.MRS Cl. .TH1KKS. Tt VLCIGU BLlMl.. iTH AND W AS H I NGTONi W A NTED a t once, experienced right 1an- f f 1 ;' A. M . euperinien Jent S Off.t-e. 0'ia Wort man a King. M AN or nomn to manare branch office dunr.g .pnr lime; tif 4 not interfere mtt prp-r.t rmpiox inent ; essentia.; applicant tiiBt have rorr.e office, cieilcal or steno graphic ftp"f tence ; nn Invest ment re -quired evrilent p j y Applications heltf In frf r--tc o r. f ' i. on.f. A V 1 2. Ore gnnla n. KM KhlK.N'i'Kh insurance man. preferah y narrn'O. uante.t io esTabiieti sgencv for I. use New Inrk Tturme ml general tn surrre brokerace house; spleniiid oppor tune y : st .i te ex perience nd remunr'!nn d'-n-.d f.idrrM ifl M;or, Inc., Marl- iTlie b ' d c.. New York Cry. W A NTK I - A t once, ft rM - lai-s experience ml-1ers for ork In ci v. Eig nt hour, time a ntl half f itr overt i nie. iooJ w ages. t-ady soi k. f0 Aregon bldg.. 5th and 'ak si. R.AILKOAI Clerk, experienced in material a counting preferred, for temporary work. Expense paid whiie out of cttv. For In ter iew call at room KH'J W clla-Eargo b-dg riilNTKH, !)! to bundle loh work and heip on ads.; Well-equipped office, weekly, city CntXi. permanent. S hurs; give full trior ma!on f ir-t letter. Addres AV U2, tre- V i NTKD Pnshi oung man for stock-r-om nd d.- f-om fetirg. 'tuen's funH'i -In c 5 : good oppomtn : ( y for a dvi nceuien t. At-r'y m person Mandav. M. t?!chel. 3S1 'sh'ngtoii P WANTED E derly me-i eking light, p.eas snt and remunerative emp'.ovment a!l or pa rt time; l j hers ! rmtnni ion. A ddu Ore-n Nursery, ureaco. or., for fuil par- tvui.trs W A NTED A ca rpenter to do some repa'e tvork on fime of our houses in Alameda Bark. As nunti t repair chtmnev. Alameda Land Company, '2f$ Corbett bldg. WANTED Two good collectors, steady pi st'ion. not fuhjf t to ri"-ft. do rot if p T uiiii-s you are looking for permanent po- s-t:on Appiv 31ti 1'tttock bik. VV A N TK D A t on -e. f int - rlas open-shop experienced all-round maehlnLts. Good wrt a-ey. r ready work. eight hour. Z0 Oregon bidg. Nth and Oak sts WANTED at once, good watchmaker; ona a ho i espabie o nt on trade: perma nent poMuon snd good salary to right . nui o. Korber, 1J1 ;:d st. W. NTED A cm pet en r chauffeur; good ealarv; must hae unquestionable refer enen. None o'hr reed apply. L Low-cT-cart. It N". Broadway. W A NT KD A t once. First-class open -shop marhinifJ heper. 1ood wages, teadT work. e(ght hours. oJi Oregon bldg., 0th fed H'lli StS WANTFT Good, all-around country printer, one with linotvpe experience prefrrd; s'eadv pot-itton and good pay. The Appeal, Siix ertn. Orcon. WANTED FelMble man with Ford or eim ilar auto tru k fr light delivery work. WiM pv SMt mon'Mv to right partv. Fhon Mpn 111. a?k for Perry Graves. I KST-CLAi met or truck repair foreman wanted, gtve ae. experience, sa'ary x pec ted and petition In draft. AJ 6o4. Ore- WANTED First -c:a-sj furnishing goods man. goori position to riEht party. stj.te experi n' and salary txpected. AG a?, Ore gonan. WANTED Man for small factory, hand ih tools srd rood worker; one nt subvert to draft; ? te start steady work. I n'on ave. rirrw Fast Oak. c M ETENT veneer man to operate lathe n fitin packing pant; seady position for r.ght man. Address bog 243, Puyal'.Jp. W ash WANTED One experienced car tal'yman. w r- $4 per ridy. Apply West, Ore. l.u'v.her "0 . f.tnnton. Or I N G ptctu re opera to-. even'n s; state r ;er'ence. references, saTary expected. L '12. 1 t ' con 1 n . WAITED Teamwier for driving goose-neck waeort Marjljaii-W eils Co.. IMh and T'.f H'T ST. W N 1 K 1 re a m ei y , f - rj-on. vod man for general work ' Sunset Creamery. 1st and. Jf- B A K B K K wanted at on- e. JL'." per week; over 3".. steady job. King O. K. Batha. As-orln. -. EXP KkTenc K D baker's helper wanted at once; w a-a 1 20 per week. Winters Bake- ry.. Da '.as. r GI-NEKAI f tremai for a mttk plant; man 1 1 h aoine r r ience In coadeneary pre-f- rred 477. OrcconlaTi. WANT ED Two experienced draftsmen for ra:lroad maintenance of way work, App.y Tl. Pittock bl"ck. WANTKD NiSht cletk. eideriy man. steady Job; must know or '.earn switchboard. Ho tel JV.:k kstonc. 4-7 Mark. jJT E man for laun'.ry rou'a. need not apb T if you do not foeinM address of your rcf- e-. nccS. " CC. iTreoiinn. E. I E H I i:.N"C i ;t a.ivert'aing solicitors want ed ai ot-c; t-et-palng tork you can Lad. !ivcmo k reporter. W d ' n. - ' "'. ONE experienced loomman at S4.40 per .v Apply West Or. Luibrr Co., Lluo to. f-r WaNTKI I'yllin'.pr preman. steady job, non-union preferred. Mat wagea Wanted. LAKi'KK wanted, f t-t-clns man, at Ii ti nier H trbT Miop, lit n and Gllsan. Guaran-!- per cent over J. BlchrG WAN 'i' ED- -P- nier t e nnge serv ices for I . rr. A N . j re con 1 r n . rr.U.lon. 4l-!2 McKay bid. f MKN wanted to distribute circular. AfN Monday morning. Kclley Co., lOOSj FYont st. B V fr grocery delivery wagon. Apply Wascher Bros.. E:ist !.! h and Bdw y. tlJiKKLY man to start firea. ete : basement rrt.i m. llpKt honsckeeping. 6'..'i Fla r.dersu WANTKD Van to run 1-ton Ford truck. M a z 1. a ' 1 - W" e ; l s Co.. 1 5th and Lovejoy eta TV A NTED Wood hau'.ed. 4." con?i wood. 11 miles from Portland; iaed road. JBL 7343. WANTED Man to ki!l and dresa rabblta. Comer r:'.h and East Stark. WASTED eh 11 ."'" -Exp. hotel Janitor. Call Mar JAPANESE boy wants private teacher for Mudying Entfllsh. B C X C'reitonan: Lul uJiLcii 74 OUl AU