THE SUNDAY OTIEGOXIAX, PORTLAXD, OCTOBER G, 1018. 9 OK SALE. Machinery. FOR SALE OR RENT. 2000 ft. 1-in. black pipe. 1 40-H. P. gasoline engine. 1 eO-M. P. gasoline engine. '4 15-H. P. Foos gas engine. , 1 5 H. P. gas engine. 1 z -yd. Smith traction paving mixer. 1 No. 50 Marian steam shovel. 1 drag line scraper, 1 yards. 1 54-in. by lti-ft. return tubular boiler And finings. 2 oO-in. by 16-ft. boilers, 125 lbs. pres sure. ' 1 D. D. electric hoist with 20 H. P. motor, 1 9-ln, by 10-ln. Munday roader. 1 6-in. by 6-in. D. D. hoist. 1 luoO-ft. capacity air compressor. 1 IS-in. by 42-in. Bates Cortiss engine. 1 u-thousand capacity sawmilL 1 10-thotisand capacity sawuulL. 1 shingle machine. Also a large line of used equipment WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT CU, 2'J North 1st Street. s Bdwy. 1046. A 1040. R-FT, Pel ton water wheeL IS" Turbine type water wheel. 1 44"xl4 return tubular boiler. 1 iiu H. P. automatic engine. 6x double cylinder steam hoist. XT. S. boring, drilling and milling machine. Several air receivers. Sebastian Q. C. lathe. Several belt and gasoline hoists. 4 Pierce amalgamators, XT. S. IKON WORKS, SEATTLH. SPISC1A1 One second-hand Berlin reiaw. No. $42. With 6-in. Diaacg. One second-hand 24x24 timber planer. Aieo all kin as of rebuilt second-hand Inaca.nery. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 Fiist St.. Portland, Or. S?"OR SALE Machinery of sand lime brick press. Including hardening cylinder, suit able for shipyard work. AIeo small shop with lathe shaper ana small toois. A good fine grinding mill. Address B. F. Forrester, "West Tacoma, Wash. SEVERAL horizontal boilers, from 60 to 120 H. P. ; also one firebox boiler, 400 H. P. All lti good condition and prices reasonable. Will also figure on brick wo: k.. 7l 1st st. Main G-iiO. JE W Kerning ton, rental plan ; rent applies to purchase. Visible modeis. Remington Typewriter Co., bo1 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. FOR SALE 10x12 Washington donkey; A-l condition, equipped with lines, etc. Also complete camp equipment. AV 133, Cre gonian. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters ALL. MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co., rttail dept., 321 Wash. st. Dogs. Uaubitb. iiirus. Vet Stock. AIREDALES -Tieton Tip, sire of Mike Bald win and son of imported charupion Il luminator, and Goluie Bingo, by champion Eilrncr Bingo; dam by international cham pion King Oorang; nine champions In three generations; good dojs In any com pany ; $25 each, or pair $45. Choice pup Dies bv Tie ton Tin. son of champion Il luminator; dam by the great Mike Bald win. Splendid prospects, business or bench. L. E. Wornom, box 344, phone 20 K. 25, Vancouver. Wash. ROSE CITY CATTERY. At service "Dai Lifcht" (silver), from champion stock, S this season only to in troduce. "Jack Frost" t white), first in ' Seattle, first and second In Tacoma. "Sun burst" (oransei, the grand old man sires better kits than ever. Tabor 7274. 12oU East Morrison st. AISE RABBITS FOR M K AT We have Belgians. New Zealand Flemish Giants. English Lop Ears and White English, all ages and sizes; utility stock as well as fancy pure-hied. Write for prices and catalogue. Routledge Sued & Floral Co., 145 Second et., Portland. Or. AIREDALE PUPPIES. Fine breed, well marked, black and tan, 6 weeks old, $0 to $15 each; also two 7 -mo n i hs-old males and one bitch. Copper. Phone Uak Grove 10-J. JfEW ZEALAND and utility bred does, $1.50 and $2; giant buck, 0 mo. old, $0; New Zealand buck, IS mo. old. $5; Belgian buk, D mo. oid, $4. Copper. Phone Uak Grove 10-J. THE BIRD SHOP. Beautiful Canary singers for $5 and up; 350 to choose from; mail orders promptly filled. 1151 E. 2Sjth st. N. C 2217. AlRcUALE TERRIERS, the aog of ail wo. a. McKenna Park Kennels. Ale Ken n a ave and Lomoard at. liEAUTlFUL Persian kittens from registered stock ; reasonable. Main 5450. Hillsdale, Or., box 22. TWO dark yellow St. of Imported stock, way lOui. A-ndreasburg singers Call Monday. Broad- 9VHY pay more? Services Sir Kewple, best orange, $5; Sir Talco. silver. $4; kltteua. Portland Cat Kenneis. Tabor 75ul. FOR SALE CHEAP 3 Angoras, mother and 2 kittens. Can be seen at any time. Phone East 77,10. 304 East 0th St. 1"K10 steel grays, pair blacks; these are the wanted kind of Flemish. 05 E, &4lh N. K, il j ore-. A THOROUGH BRED Scotch collie dog, 1 yoar o Id. Tabor 30 13. CHAMPION' Airedale puppies. $20 up. J. It. Doar.e. b2d and MilL Tabor 6024. THOROUGHBRED English setter. Marshall 048. 3TAXCY blue and white pit fantail pigeons fur salo ch?ap. Sellwood 41S. H MALE Prutsian cats for sale. 152o. Call Tabor FOR SALE Boston bull bitch. Irving street. Phone Main 190. FOR SALE Canary birds. $:i.50 and $4. 62; East 50th st. North. Tabor 1077. "FULL-BLOOD rabbit3 for sale or trade for chickens, w dm. 2oi. TWO superfine orange Persian C-mos.-old kits. Sellwood 2270. 5407 44th St. S. E. GENUINE GOO. St. Andreasburg rollers. East FOR SALE Ail 14tW kinds of rabbits. Tabor Poultry. tULLETS for sale: Barred Rocks and Wyan dottes, nearly grown, UOc to $1.00 each; young Leghorn hens, some laying, $1.25 each. 7S7 Oregon st. Leghorn and Bull" Orpington laying hens, ' $1.10 to each. .Miss, ave. THOROUGH BRED White W y a n dotte cock ' ere.s, four and ave mos. old, $2 each, Lucy Adams, Greaham, Or. "WANTED 100 Pure Toulouse female geese. Classic Lake W ild Fowl Farm, M.anzanita, Oregon. m POULTRY. Six Rhode Island Reds cheap. 261 Glenn ave. FOR SALE Black Minorca rooster, 4& months old. Marshall 201L TEN 1-year-old thoroughbred White Leg horn hens, $1.50 each. East 8031. 20 THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock chick - ens. $1.25 apiece. Phone OakGrove 22-R. 10 MAY-hatcb White Leghorns, $1.25 each. Sel Iwood 2046. Launches and Boats. 6TSRN-WHEEL eteamers. $2500 to $25.00O. Tow ng freight and passenger boats for sale cheap and on easy terras. A powerful 60-LL P. steam tugboat. SI TOO. 50-H. P. flshtng and heavy work boat. ehenu. FULTON BOATYARD. Marshall 2005. Foot of Virginia St. HOUSEBOAT. 3 rooms, unfurnished, porch suitable for sleeping porch; nicely painted wired with lo electric drops; $37o. will ecccpt liberty bond. Ai?o houseboat and canoe, electric wired. $175. Inquire of keeper. Portland Motorbout Club, foot of "Woodward ave. Brooklyn car. AN exceptional bargain in a 22-ft. motor boat with b-ath ousc Call Sell. 3202 Sun day, or MMu 23 weekdays. Ask for ship piug clerk. Van TED One l'J-ft, rowbuat, 5 ft. beam, heavy construction, to be used as tender on suction d "edge. Peninsula Industrial Company. North Portland, Or. FOR SALE T roller, new this year. 36 feet by 9 feet 6 inches, 2-cylmder. 4-cycle en gine. Lanherson &. Reid. 242 Hawthorne. VANTED Gasoline towboat. 25 to 50 H. P.. to do light towing around mill. Apply Cl;irk & Wilson Lumber Company. WELL-BUILT 2-room houseboat with large KUre room. $-175. Se'lwond 3470. I1 ES II. ABLE mooring for 2-i-fnOt houseboat at S '. w c oil Moorage. Sellwood 3 7 b 3. CANOE: Ca-h Tor It if price is right. Write or i;UI 12.1 Eleventh st. PARTY with ;;2-ft. workboat wants towing, ilar. 2005 or 52S'a Flanders. MO R KIM cano sails and leeboards; $27.50, Sf!!n ood ;;"2' Typewr 1 1 era. W E will buy your old typewriter and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 FUth REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona den'. erg. H. W. Co.. IIP Sixth. X'FW. rebui't. second-hand rentals at "nt rates, P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st.t Main 1407. TYPEWRITERS repaired; all makes M. J. Hirshnrn. )!.v,n 17-S2 or Main 3253 ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94A 5th. Main L. C. SMITH No. S. Address Eva, Flood, 753 Marshall, Inclose phoue .No. FOR BALK. Typewriter. WILL exchange new Brunswick, Vlctrola, Grafonola or Edison and records for good typewriter. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. REMINGTON typewriter for sale. Dayton Hardware Co.. li 1st st 14-INCH Underwood, $65; L. C. Smith. $40, Ben. S. Backman. 110 Third st. Cabh Registers. We Make and ?ell NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS AND CREDIT FILES. Lowest prices. Small 'monthly payments. No Interest charges. Written guarantee. Old registers repaired, rebuilt. bought, sold and exchanged. J. R. ilullMA Agent. The National Cash Register Co.. S90-&- Stark Street. .Broadway 1810. M isce llan eoas. COMPLETE course of engineering of the American School of Correspondence; worth $40. Will trade for bicycle or Vlctrola. Newman, 12S 1st, near Alder. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Rolltop desk, letter file, adding ma chine, check protector, typewriter, safe. Newman, 128 1st, near Alder. LARGE heater with coils and one set pipe dies, one set bolt dies, one small chicken coop and wire netting. 410 Ivy st. East 7704. LAD I S3 new black Astrakhan coat, never worn, size 33 to 40. Also good heavy weight blue serge ladies' suit, 3s to 4u, in good condition. Main &3S0. BEAUTIFUL 24-foot mahogany back-bar and counter; original cost $2500 ; now $1'.0. Inquire 3d and Salmon, Monday only. 5 5-S YARDS beautiful dark red cheviot cloaking, 54-lnches; $6 value; two dozen buttons. Wiil sell, $25. Y 706, Orego- nian. 10 11. P. W'lTTB gasoline engine, good con diiion; have new tractor and don't need it ; will sell at a bargain. W J. Gregg, Hillsboro, Or., R. F. D. 3. FOR SALE; Set of black fur. also child's corduroy coat. 2-yr.-old size, bargain. Phone Tabor &504. FOR SALE: Cookstove. wood or coal. lS-in oven, hot water pipes, bargain. 935 E. 17th st. N. 12-FOOT, new office counter, shelves and drawers complete, bargain. 003 Pittock block. GAS range for sale and mission sectional book case for sale, very reasonable. Phone I abor 4Ui or call 403 tfi. 43d N. NEW Eastman folding kodak, postcard size; child's bed, high-chair, and carriage. 403 FOR SALE or trade, Atwaters Kent Ignition system for Ford car; cost $30, good as new. Central Laundry, 630 E. Stark. FOR SALE Some full-dress suits, at The Nobby Cleaners; very cheap. 355 Salmon street. CHOICEST Con.cord grapes, 3 H cents per pounu pioKea; onng your basKets. Mrs. Charles Bigham. Oak Grove. Rose BUSHES, shrubbery and flowering pi ants. Phone orders delivered promptly. Portland Rose Nursery. Tabor 5790. FOR SALE 5 double 1 single lumber wag ons, with or without rollers. 311 East Oak. Phone East 4. FOll SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase. 174 1st St., corner Yamhill TOTJ will find ED. V. PRICE & CO. tall oring for sale in Portland at 40!) E. lior- rison Et. oniy; showing new Fall line. SUIT to order. $10 down, balance $5 a month. Unique Tailoring Co4 104 Fourth Bt., bet. Wash, and Stark. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show caes and walicases, fixtures, easy trma W. J. Quigley, 227 First. Main 53Ja. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinos. machinery, rails, car. Railway Equipment Co.. 235 Stark st. BAKE oven for sale, wood-burner: also some ciiairs. American Cafeteria, 150 Fifth St. Phone 405y Main. LADIES, save $10. Jobber sella exclusive moueis, rencn serge, satins. georgette, coat style. Sunday afternoon. 1S9 Chapman. FOR SALE By owner. 3 masquerade suits, 2 evening gowns, one coat, ail iu good condition. Marshall CS0. ONE set of mink furs, a bird of paradise feather and ostrica . plumes. Call Tabor WHISKY kegs and barrels for sale; no coun try orders. Panama Cooperage Co.. 228 ror.t. TEXTS at a bargain. 3 30x20 12-oz. tents, 1 4OX20 14-oz. tent. Call 221 Front SU Monday. M. B. Levin. NOTICE Retailers, fireproof McCaskey acc. safe, cheap at 540 Wins. ave. E. 4I7 week days, ask ftr Savage. FOR SALE -One-room real estate office, good condition. $15U. J. J. Cahalln, 035 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Winchester .32-40, reloading tools and box cartridges, $17. M 442, Oregoiiian. UN EXl'l RED course at Behnke-Walker's for sale ch'-ap. Credit Department. POWERS F U R N lTL'CE CO. G irl'V your Graphophone and records at 172 3d. We sell them on easy payments. ii afonnjas from $20 arrd up. 172 3d. BARGAINS In used sewing machines, drop - heads and all mak-s, in good sewing order. $12.50 lo $15. 172 3d. Foil SALE Guitar and nearly -karat diamond, not perfect, $50. Broadway 1 75 L Morning and after 6. FOR SALE; 14 volumes American Law and Procedure; pTico reasonable. Woodlawn 2.'.43. RELIABLE gas ranpe. four burners, high oven. Ruud coil am! ' water heater, drum heater. a-eMwood 127. Call 845 Kelly. BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and revolv ers, all makes, cheap. Beauregard, 702 Main St.. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE Kitchen 2tiS2. cabinet. Woodlawn ONE' LIpplncott planlmeter for sale reason able. 1120 Division st. BOWSER 5-ga! tittiiigs, $225. gas pump. 2S0-gaU tank and Tabor 35. FOR SALE Pears and quinces. Harrison, 716 Col. blvd., x-z mile E. Union ave. SUM B furniture for sale. 2U7 Eugene st. East .6. GOOD, strong bicycle, $15; girl's, $9. Tabor WANTED Graphophone oi exchange for tires. AN davenport in iS. Oregonlan. WANTED Good duck lake, Washington or uregon. v. otoenr, aiiiwauKie, or. FOR SALE Beautiful 15-year-old house palm; perfect condition. Main 1240. FOR SALE case. S3t -1A Eastman kodak special and 67th and Sandy blvd. FOR SALE 22 Winchester repeating rifle and case. $10. 67th and Sandy blvd. SEVERAL good second-hand eafes at the right price- 46 Front St. Broadway 190& FOR SALE Sewing machine. A-l condition. Woodiawn 3S30. 1170 Williams ave. FOR SALE cheap. Singer sewing machine, M0 Belmont st. FOR SALE About 1000 ftl K -in7maniTa rope, like new. Phone E. 21 S3. BROWN suit for sale, size 39. $12.50. Excel lent condition. G 504, Oregouian. FOR SALE 3 show cass and counter. Washington st. Broadway 27Wa. FOR SALE: One bird of paradise and 1 red tox fur; a bargain. Sellwood 2410. OAK ROLLS for sawmill. lllihee Mill"" Manufactory, Oakland. Or. FOR PALE or trade, 1 gasoline traction woodsaw, 6404 Slst st. ffc E. Mt Scott car. FOR SALE Almost new gas ranpo; reason able. 'Jl'O Woodward ave. Sellwood 1107. SINGING teacher wishes to chare studio with pianist AE 5ul, Oregonlan. COAL and wood heater, nearly new, $16.50. Mfiin 1159. ONE nice carpet, one nice 'linoleum. Call 2a E; 7th st- Sunday only. FOR SALE Bridge carpenter's too la bor 53110. TWO 5 1 -eVg incubators. 1453 27 Woodiawn car. end of the line. Fc-R SALE One 7-foot showcase, two glas wail cases, 142 2d et, 2d floor, room 2-1 TENT for sale, 9x14. nearly new. rison. SM ALL fireproof safe; regular price $00; will Fell for half. 12S 1st. FOR SALE Red baby carr.age and bus s nt at baran. Main &35S. VOULD like to buy a four or six-coll funiT-lest;- Ps radiator. E. TJ. Hatt. o.'.O Alder. SOX knitting machine, reasonable. Call E. S270. 13 1-3 FEET flag pole condition ; reasonable. from porch; good E 14, Oregon lan. QUINCES. 3c a pound. Sellwood 1345. GENUINE mink scarf. S30. Marshall 37 DARK blue, tailored- skirt. Mar. S2y5. WOOD or coal ranpe for sale. Tabor 2023. HAIR dyer. Durnore. Mar. S295. ELECTRIC vibrator, large. Mar. 5293. RANGE and coai oil stove. Tabor 7202, rOR SALE. MlaeeU&neous. ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY: Ali-steel, feu.OOU capacity Russell trucas with lo-ft. bunks. 33 -i a. wheels, auto ma t ic couplers. &4-ton Iieisier locomotive 4'j-ion HeisifcT locomotive. Tank cars. Rogers ballast car. New sleds for large donkeys. Hammond drag-line scrapers. luxl2 Seattle donkeys, wide dram. 5Vzxg American double-drum hoisting engine. loo-H. P. firebox boilers. 6o-H. P. firebox boilers. 7xl0 Mundy logging engine. bxlO horizontal steam engine. PLOW STEEL CABLE: Thirty-five hundred feet 11-16-lnch, Thirty-five hundred feet V -inch-One thousand feet 1-inch, Twelve thousand feet 1 '-A -Inch. Send us your inquiries for "knythlng tn Iron or woodworking machinery, loggings sawmill, shipbuilding and contractors' equipment and supplies. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY. o-b Kauwijr Exchange Bldg. Main 1212. x 242S. pl.e'- PIPE. PIPE. v e carry pipe In sizes from the small est to the largest made. For this week n', w are soing to smash prices, re gardless of wholesale price. Every foot we seil is guaranteed. BOILERS. BOILERS. , rw nave Just secured several 250 H. P., 1 0-pound pressure boilers, second-hand, but have only bn used a very short time, and therefore are practically as good as new. If you are interested in such, be sure to see us first. It will pay you to do so. SAWMILL OWNERS. LOGGERS AND CONTRACTORS. A complete stock of sawmill machinery, loggers and contractors' equipment. Our stock Is the largest and our prices are the lowest. Get our quotations and In spect our stock. ALASKA JTJN'K CO., 201 Front St. Main 4110. SHOTGUN bargains L C. firnith hammer-it-sa. 12-bore, 25; Parker liroa, 12-bore, hammerles. two barrels and leather case, $75; Ithaca, 1 0-bore. automatic ejector, bammerless. $:;5; L. C. Smith, 12-bore. single-trigger, automatic ejector and fine leather cae. $ 1 no; Remington automatic, high-grade hammerless, automatic ejector, $lu0; Winchester, 12-bore. pump, new, $.;2.50; Baker, 1 2-bore. hammerleus, rub ber butt plate, $27.5"; 12-10-20 single bar rel, new. $:; lj Mariln pump, $21.50. Ben. S. Cackraan, llo Third st "11 VATT'S." "H YATT'S " We have the most complete store in the city. x recora ana rnaciiine rooms, lull line of Brunswick. Victrolas, Grafonolas and Edlsob and records. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 35 O Alder, between Broadway anu rant BIG rolltop desk $3S High back swivel chair...:..-. J. 2Sx4S-incu top office table 8.0 Solid oak office settee S.5'J Wall hanging show cases 7.50 EDWARDS CO.. Fifth and Oak. A oood place to Trde. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE. 9 -bank. same as nw, complete w itn a tana, 0.V UUi FURNITURE COMPANY, The Big Store. 1S5 to 101 FirsL St., near Yamhill Public Market. FOR SALE Portable tent-house. 20x30 t khaki), iron uprights, flooring in 20 sec tions 3x10 ft., with rustic and beaverboard room inside tent 12x15; also cor. iron house vxiv it. tieo. H. CuoK. 010 iipalding DiUg. a in -iuui. A BARGAIN For sale by owner, brand new u a. i-wooi .ng,tsn craveneiiea coat; Blash pockets, leather but tons, oartly siik lined; value not to be equaled elsewhere for the money. First $37.50 takes it. Last uO.)j. CARPETS of all kinds, 35c per yard and up. A large assortment oZ rugs, S3. .O up come and see tlu-m. uKi FLKMTURE CO.. 2')J 2d St. FOR SALE One No. 12 DeLaval milk sepa rator, serial number 1222407. This ma chine has never been used and Is in good condition. Price $00. Crown-Willamette Paper Co. FOR SALE, cheap 1 carpet sweeper, col lapsible go-cart, clothes wringer. Iron coll gdi water neater, copper con gas water heater, baby jumper, man's dark suit, never worn, 37 coat and veat, 34-33 pants. . an -j.t- f.ast iota su TWO small Wilton carpet rugs 27 In, by 30 in., one 27 In. by 24 in.; two brass vases, graphophone, 30 records and record cabi net; size 4U, lady a green coat. 44 Last loth st. N. FINK $225 hornless Grafonola, taken on deal price only gnu; down, $10 monthly Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. S-e our new store: 12 rooms. S-r r. wvill ca?d eliding glass, cash reg Ister. counters. atoois. chairs, tables, gas plates, ranges, copper steam tabie coiu- plte, 24 yds. linoleum. 4b4 Washington. Fitlt SALE; Suit: owner In Navy; make, Hart Schaffner & Marx: navy blue, size 3d. In good shape; cost $35; very reasonable. A i- .44, Oregonlan. CH E AP A practically new wash log ma chine (water power; dos excellent work. with no boiitng or clothes; to private par ih-m. laijor -jj. GEORGETTE crepe gown, sand shade, lat est model, ricv- r worn ; half price ; si ze 3s; black charmruse and net, size 30. -Marshall 4iuu, apartment 517. COMPLETE index and cross index, all sub j-cts issued by Railroad Administration regarding control railroads. AF o3. Ore- EDISON hornless graphophone, cylinder rec ords, almost new. with 20 records, $20 aio Ans-co Camera, posnard size; bar gain. Phone Woodiawn 4,... GAS heaters, $1 up; wood and coal heaters. ov up. OKI FURNITURE CO.. 2: 2d St. WILL exchange new talking machine or r:orus ior btnaii joo piumninf. Hyatt la.Kifig jj.icnir.c o.. j.mi Aioer. GOOD heating stove; 2 almost new gent'; s.iit. size s; also line, ripe quinces, ONE acre of real Concord grapes, 23 cents p-r pound u taicen as a wno.e. .Mrs. C, Dunning. Mliwaukie, Or. Phone Ax. PORTABLE garage, painted, good as new i by 13 le-t uoor, vjv. Woodlaw 3:t::t or C 2uu2. FOR SALE: One dandy little coal heat er as good as new. 143 E. 40th sc., near Belmont. FOR SALE Two three-piece suits of men clothes, medium s.ze, excellent vaiue. Ai oi.-. orcr;or.:an. t OH SALE Plaid coat with green collar, culls and belt; size 33 or 40; $15. Broad way &jtij. S POWER high-grade Busch prUm binocu lars, stereo-ultralux and caae, $s5. Ben. . uacKman. no Third at. MAN'S suit, size 33. splendid condition. $15: camera, $5; lady's coat, $2.50. Phone 3iain 4l. FOR SALE CHEAP One safe, tiOx3Sx30 inches; one .-o. a Burroughs adding ma cninc, i itve new. .tiaiH .oia. VACANT lot, 00X150. Jovlta Hts, Add. S at tie. Will sel or trade lor anything oi vaiue. -a. n u.isa, urefioniaa. FINE CUcago fireproof safe. Cost $175. Price 2d aown, $10 monthly. Hyatt Tak ing Machine Co., 3-0 Aider. LINOTYPE AT BARGAIN. Good second-h and model 1. Address "Linotype. 34 heeler et.. Portland. VAIL LM c.eanera som. repaired, rented, ex char, yed. bought. Bent ley Co., Main 5,s2 TWO good looking suits, blue serge dress. lurs, etc pnone aiaia ed. RIPE and green tomatoes; bring your boxes. y.i cast uroajway. LARGE Mosler tit Bahman safe, bargain $. 120 Front sL LATE model Todd protectograph check writer, liKe new. l Front st. FISH net 150xSx.1-ln, mesh, like new, $25. 43 uii su crouc ay .uonaay. GRAPES. 3c pound on vines. Mrs. M, Millard. Lake road, Milwaukle. FOR SALK chtap. child's metal folding go cart. l;nther uphoh-tered. Ca'l 411 H"vt m FO R SAL E Se t of w h i te f ura, liae ne Phone Woodiawn 452. FOR SALE New ivory wicker baby sulky, foldinir. $7. Tabor 2-jOO. FU RS FO R SALE Set 'of pointed fox in fine condition. AE 513. Oregonlan. FOR SALE, cheap, two retTirn tickets to Minneapolis, Minn. Tabor 620L MAN'S fur auto coat for sale cheap, good condition. $15. Rir.adway 4t0$. W ANTED Graphophone or davenport la ex change for tirva. AN 52.S, Oregonlan. ON E Buck's No. 16 hi-atr, wood, coal or briquette. $12. Tabor 41$. RKM ING TON hammerless pump gun and case. 12-gauge. $17. 1"07 Hancock st. WANTED Diamond, about -kt., cash. Main SS04, ilonday. 9 to 5, $!K WHITS fox fur for sale cheap, to 6. Marshall 4400. Apt. 504. CalL 9 12-ca. sincle-barrel shotgun, almost new. $7 50 j East Wa&hir.gton. RANGE for sale or trade for heater. In quire Daker. p4th and Yamhill; M. T. car. BARGAIN Invincible gas range. 2 ovens. good condition, $10. Call 600 E.Ankeny. l"AXMINSTER rug, 0x12, pretty design. $20. Ens: r.s-i. HAVE enl'fted. will sell my tailor-made ault cheap Phone Main 1044. 5x7 ZEISS-TESSAR, seri. s 11-B, $75. S. Backman, 110 Third at. FOR SALE Folding baby buggy like new. F h o ne Wood I a w n 4 52. WFKER baby carriage, good condition. 13. Wovdlawa 2s, FOR SALE. M i ere 1 1 aurn u . A BI3 BARGAIN. Street sprinkler in good condition. 2 -H 1 Srovr horizontal cai engine. Tx hk ceatrifugal pump, be.tlng. pipe. etc. complete. auo it. l-lnch water pipe and connections. WW iineai rt. trestle. it. wine. e- sisting of about L'-O piling. 30 to SO ft. long, 45 places 12x12. 2tt ft.. 10.UO0 ft 4x14. 20 ft., good ecoid-hand lumber. 2UV ft. ex 12, 32 ft., 5o.vOti et. 3x1.'. 2d fU bitctncai materia!, luoti it. -o. o v.. rlre. Ouoo ft. No. 10 W. P. wire. 20"u f. No. 12. W. p. wire. CH0 ft. No. 14 W. P. ire. 20UU ft. streamers. 400 Maxaa giooea. 2.',. 40. t.o and 75-watt CALL 31K. LEWIS. WQQDL K W e J-u. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. CONSISTING OF EbowcaiM and wailcases. Large table and counters, candy Jars ('h register and safes. S-aies. cheesw cutters, meat sllcere. Roll-top dtske. fiat-top desks. Adding machines and typewriters. One large and one small Icebox. Large gas range, cider press. Two soua fountains: also one SO-foot 'front and back bar. with large mirror. work board and sinks complete. GOODS SOLD OX EASY TERMS. HOCii F 1 E LD B ROSl 7 4 1st., co r.Y amhlU- FOR SALE 9x12 chenille rug and valour draperies to sin a ten, rope portieres, size tan corauroy coat. sixe on ngni ij broadcloth coat with large Anora col lar. $20; silk and wool drcsa. II". man h w ool raincoat. $S; some mahogany fur niture; porch rocker, $1; wicKer arm chair, $2; book shelves. II-50; two spark; guards, fire set, stapladder, garden loois etc East 02GL 26 DROPHEAD sewing macaines. coop.m with attachments, in goou swing orair, $e to $25; sewing machines rented $J pr month, mac bines cleaned and repaired E. R. Steea. 152 Grand ave. U 4307. East 235. liAND cultivator, garden hose, water powrr wasning mac a., isies screen aoor, - u &tt 5-vanel door, lot window glas. 10x3O. 4 l-iighl saph 5x7 lot garden to.s. U w. n mower, lot tf-ft. chicken wire. 5ju3 45th ave. S. . Sellwood 3o5. SE WING machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, so'd for , no ageo is employed : machines repaired and leuteo. $3 Per month. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 1T0 3d. u e ar Ta.yor. A St2. Main H431. MAHOGANY fiat-top desk with gljs top. 1 rotary mahogany chair. 3 armchau. mahogany; 1 T. W. desk, mahogany; 2 iTurk of flline ribinen. oak: alos. oak office chairs. But hoi. g Sl Co., 91 Park st. WOOD WATER TANKS. Far ia!e. six 5000-2alloa water tanks have been used about six months for fuel oit storage. Inquire 227 Sherlock bldg. or Main 2 ' L CAMERA FOR SALE. Real bargain. Prerno. 6x7 camera, fine condition, with carrying case, film pact, auapter and plate hoiders: ony $12.50. Marshall 5391. 35 Roaefnund Apt. DAYTON computing scale, suitable for m?at market or grocery store, wntcn i wiii i,ej tor one-fifth of its value, either cash or in trade. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. KALE Plants: Plant now : cabbage : rabbits. Call and see them, - c ID., live; some line breeders. Corner huth and Last stark. Mt. Tabor MT-8STH car to end. four b.ocks north, one east. HOT water tanks, all sizes, in good service able condition. 30-cal.. $7: 40-gal.. J. --'l Adams st., east end steel briuge. Phone E. h516. CONCORD grapes for Jelly or Juice; bring your lakets: c oer pound, 'take urei; City car to Rupert Station, 3d house north. V. J. Weber. ONE pair of lady's button shoes, size 2-4 in SDlendid condition: mans union suit, 75 wool, regular Royal Court, selling for $3.oo. will sei lor $J. iio diviihoq. G R a PES Concord, Waraen and White Niagara. J. R. McRae, Milwaukle La.e road to city limits, second house on iett from there. THREE Pairs shoes, size 8. perfect condl tlon; one workingman s suit; one r-rinco Albert sulL 133a Sist St., Laaimorfr land ; Sellwood car. HIGH-GRADE raincoats made to order for men and women; we repair raincoats; salesman will call. 314 Dekutn blg. Main 172. LADIES' and gents' made-to-measure, two coats combined, rain coat .and overcoat, two coats for the price of one. 655 Albert street. FOR SALE at a bargain, 50 single iron beds. 1 '4-inch tubing and 25 best single leit mattresses. Used but 12 weeks. Inquire oi J. H Ackerman. M on mouth. Or. FOR SALE: AC'TOMOBILFA BETTER BARGAINS. STILL CLEANING UP I OUR USED CARS. 1917 Ford, a great buy $450 1917 Ford, like new $475 1916 Maxwell automobile; the small, mod ern car; overhauled and repainted; a bargain $575 1917 Maxwell automobiles: a few to select from; great buy for the money ; $..s-, to 4 $5 1918 Maxwell automobiles: the bt buys on the market; some were traded in. some left by boys in the draft for us to sell. Great buy la Dodge $625 Overland bargain .$475 1917 Met bargain $245 Hudson six-cylinder, one of the fine, larg automobiles; $2-100 car at about h:f the market price $ 4tMJ HUDSON SUPER-SIX. 1917 Hudson Supr-Stx; run only a llttl. with a regular factory OO-day guarantee; looks like new, and grand chance to gt a leading automobile lor little mor. Price $1556 C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. 815-617 Wash. St. Portland. FARTS FARTS GEARS GEARS BEARING 3, AXLES. WHEELS . SPRINGS att. PARTS FOR THE MOTOR CAR. NEW GEARS A SPECIALTY. BRING OR SEND US YOCR WORN FARTS AND WE WILL DUPLI - CATS THEM. DAVID BODES CO BROADWAY AND FLANDERS. GERBER, THE RADIATOR MAN, has for sale the following new and tised radiators and fenders, and where repairs were necessary it waa aone in ine ucuai Gerber way. "that la the best way"; your Inspection invited : Two Wiln tractor radiators. Two Russell tractor rsdiatora. One Cleveland tractor radiator. One tractor radiator. One five-ton White truck radiator. One E'ederal truck radiator. j Two G. M. C. 4-ton radiators. Que Super-Six touring cax radiator, with shutters. One Super-Six radiator. One Old -mobile R radiator. Two Maxwell radiators Several Studebaker radiators. ' Several Dodge radiators. Several Ford radiators. Late model new and used fenders too numerous to mention to fit such curs as Studebaker. Dodge, Mitchell, HudKon. Huick. Oakland; gasoline tanks for Over Lands and Mitchell; number of hoods. One 84x4 U. S, non-skid tire, S, S. One 34x4V- Fisk plain-tread. S. id. One 32x4 Fiak noa-skld, & S. One practically new 1918 Ford car; Ave passenger. For any or all of these goods. ee GERBER. Phone Broadway 1S72. 55 th st. N., corner Davis. 1919 FORD touring with Main 1159, forenoons extras, terms. 191S 6-CYLINDER Buick roadster for sa.e. East 2-0. MERCER racing roadster; $450 cash. O re go n la FORD roadster, like new. W. S. Hahn. B. Smith. Mountalndnle. Or. 1918 FORD, enclosed panel body; flrst-cla condition. E. 4315. VLIi- lur sals, $450. Lax. FOB SALE ATTOMOBILFS. WHY Is It we ar classed as having the best buys in the city for the money? Because me manager has had about 1J yeart ex-peri(.-n. in the business and U docs not take him lor. to convince the se'.ier that his car is only worth so much on the mar ket and by paying cash for ad the cr he buys enables him to alw-sys have on hand the iery best buys u!iki:iab.e, nd as we are an old. reliable firm, you take no chases in buying a used car Irani us. W i,i be ple.ised to have you cad and look oer our tremendous stock now on hand. Remember, you are going to pay from 25 to 35 per cnt more for us-d cats In the near future and take Hopkins' choice. Chevro!et 4M, It's perfect $ Tfl I.l!i M-ixwel'.. 5-pasa. PS new S:.ft P17 Saxon little roadster. V new., 5'i li17 Overland roadster, wr." new.... T0 1'.'I7 Maxeii. runs and looks new.. I'.'l 7 Ford tour., runs p rf srt ....... ?tm 1SI7 Mitchell baby six. t.. new I'M 7 Kco. 5-paiM.. looks brand new.. b5u IM'l 0erland. 5-pasa.. modl 3, per- - f. ct 11 7 Scripts-Booth chummy roadster Tl'O l'.'ltl Cha.rneis ilttie six. u;.4 new.... R.'.o 1'KlO Palce. 5-pasa. looks brand Dew. lion r"W Grant S:x. lum lte new "r.'i Wl 7 kco, 6 -pass., (usl new b50 116 Cole b, overhau.ed and newly palnt-d 1 ?oo 1917 I i uiiion super six. 9 " 1- new .... 14t 1 1J17 ('jl.rnnble 8. it's perfect."..... Lion 1 ' 1 4 Cadillac, cord tirts. t0 new . . l'J'5 Cha.mers little six. 90'V new.... boO lal7 Siven.s-1uryca s:x, ec L and t artor aoft lfi:: Cidtllac. cord ttrea. P5V perfect fe5Q lil 7 Studebaker six. 7-Dasa.. new tires fww I'lin I'oice rosdsrer. looks new 7 1 nld l tod Kt touring. 5 cord tires. ... lld Ford. 5-p-k., run perfect..... H 1:14 Ford. o-pan.. ovorhiu.ed UUO ll - I'lerce-Arrow. rebuilt. VO" per fect aoo 1012 Packard, runs perfect f i:14 7-paa. fine tlrtra V I Pfrss six. 9V new 9O0 1'ierce-Arrow. little 36. 95'i Per fect oo BiTirk taurine, runs fine Ron ovorinmi roaiisier, ovrrhiuled T 131 5 mton baby six. t0r rew. ... SM Many other buy a from $150 up; terms. .jueriv I'onus it iic raiu Open Sundays and evenings. CON-LEY'S CfKD CAR CENTER. Brick budding, second floor, on corner 15th and Washington Sta. TPTE r-ORXER OP ALTFR AVT CTTAP- ia--n ic .now 1 1 1 E !.' ATIi OF RKA i K U , It H. lit ; A I VS. I F YOU SF.F THE PR1. E ON THESE YOU'LL TAKE ONE SI 'RE, - Bl-H-K. 1017. 4-CYL.. 5-PAS3,. IN FOhD ItOADSTIiH, IN FINE SHAPE GiiANT SIX A DANDY HIT. Df!tT ANU RKO SIX BOTH EXCEP- liv.'n I . li til i A l.N Nf'KTiiWKST AUTO COMPANY ALDER AT CHAPMAN fiTd. ONLY. 191 OAKTANT, A-l OXNIITU" N. NEWLY PAINTED; lnii l-oi;r KOAPSTER. NEW BEAR in ' . BrijfiA I MU C ).T1TI N. RM7 OK A NT SIX, G-PASS., VERY VJ v. " J 1 1.M'J HU.'S 1 !' 1 4 OA !H LL AC, NEWLY PAINTED, ri.NC JitLU a.mlal tU.N U1TION. MANY OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM COK A GILL CO., BROMiWAY AND EVERETT. PHON1S BROADWAY 010. USED TRUCK BARGAINS, rvnr.y. 1-ton, nearly rod as new. ..$11?: .M.ixwvii. j,-ton, lii model. $11 D.rtty, 2-ton $n M k. 2-ton sir. Dm by, 3-ton. Just overhauled $15ou OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Park nnd Da ma. ' Phono Lruadway O10L TR A 1LEKS. If you are tnt-rctd in trailers, any sire ircm louu pounut u J tous capacity. any kind of w..rk. s e us. We mauufac lu ; e in Port. and a complete line Uailers ViLXTWOKTH A IRWIN, INC., Trm U H:i d;iiartft s, ni at 'layi.r. IlKST BUY IN CITY. 1919 Chnln.rrs te.x, bought weks ago better than i.ew ; mut sc,.. $ i..ti less t dm ; t ou want a new classy car. uo:i ras this opportunity. Ask i.r Warnock owner, n'miii 122 Broadwa, between Wash and A !!er. I11S NATIONAL. Orcumstam es rompcl mo to 11 my ne 6-- iir. dr. 7-pa!cnKer car. f .nih battle sh.p gray: anyone winning a higu-cla car siioUii n-tt tail to tee in is. it tann be told from new. owner, tcrcce Court. East oooo. o-PAPPENOER Studehaker. lflll model, run ning order. Good app-ar;ng machine. Body ana top m rood conn tlon. $ joy. ca Sunday between 11 A. M. and 3 P. M. No pnutics. e2l M.chignn ave. AUTOMOBILE FK $115. 1I14 Ovtria:;.!. 5-pasr.rf:r. w;;h all ex trfLs ; good condition. goi.'d tires: s.l ior $!'..'. I took it In on a trane and hav r.o u?e f"T peters. 1j N. 5th at. AUTO for sale, l:18 Oakland roadster; has ben ur!vo exclusive y in city ; is In fine condition. It. 1L iirown. "Voodlawn 2boO. Mars.iall 6070. HUPP bug. top, w.ndshieid. etc.; small but classy and rconomicii; fine ordrr; good tires; today's pnre $;;5; terms. 1M0 st Hose City cr. CiiALMKLS 0-c Under. In fine shape, only run Ottoy mies; will take cheap Ford toward it If desired. Address J. J. Knapp Hood River. Or. lbie CUKV RCtLET. 5-pass., 6 good tires; looks i.ko new; will consider late model moiorccie with side car as part payment. East 27'i. TWO lit S Hood tractors, run 3 months. lirM-clu&s met-faanial condition. Price $jiiu F. O. R. A oerd.en. Aoe-deen Lum ber fhlntrle o., Aberdeen. Wash. AiROTT-DETRt ilT. i-p.ticn?or 4 : the hrt-t m:m with $4o0 taaes it. l'hone Wood law n 4 ' BARGAIN In a Ford bug, new engine. Could be turned Into truck at little expense, faell v. ood 2072. - 5-p ASSENG ER Everett ; will sell cheap or trade ior piano; good tires. Set! wood 1216 or Umatilla ae. BUICK bug. f rt-clas cord tlon ; best buy in city if sold at once. Woodlaw n 454 ; a!o Layfn motorcycle. FOR SALS Model N Hupmoliiie, Al con dition, Luy in city, Siiuo casn; lamlly gone South, r.o use for car. laor 42:;o. SUPER SIX Huiljon, $15ji; must be sold at onr--; cun be n at Bmad-iiy. bet. Vsh inton and Alder, or write IuJ4 K. 24th N. SNAP lilJ Ford car, w:th $50 worth of extras. $575 cash lor Quicfc. sale. loiO E. 23d st. N. FOR SALE IMS Ford gdn. only run l.'.0 miles in city; easy terms. Adurcss L 5u0. til's FORD touring, with extras; cah E.i-t F.:.:,2. in pnt or condition. or payment. Phone Ul''.' $1 runabout ; Sunday ; excellent conditiuu. 5. Tabor Llliu. FORD for sale. A-1 cond.tion all r -a son able. 355 :-a Salmon st. FoR SALE dlth.n. -RoafUter, good u-echanic 5. OTI E. Stark et. WANTED liuick Lht six. MT or 'lv f c.i.-h ; must he a r-a r-ain Phon I 1 3.".' PI KKCE-A K KoW car. 5-paf-i;;. lll model. Phu.- WwJl.iM 3H-H. f . 4 1 H. HAYNES lati Mar.-hs'l 2' TiioduL Ca.l Mrs. Eugene Rota. 5-piiss. t.'hevro! t, mdition : ex'.ra tire; run 32'tn l'.s, $7" M,f. 3-1. j Good Cmr.and roadater for csjth, $275. Ta- bor r:i'U. NEW lilS Ford coupeiet. with extras; thing lor web w earner, rawaa x-at w FOR SALE ArTOMOBILr. BIG SALE NOW ON. LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN AT FACE VALUE. MAKE TOUR OWN TERMS. SENSATIONAL SALS. Look over our line before you bay, yoo owe it to yourself. MAKE YOCR OWN TERMS. 1918 Ford Touring Car. like new, lots of run. ltl Kord Touring. At condition. K'li i-orj Touni.g. new. extras. - 3hi; rord Touring w.m lo;s of extras. i7 Ford Touritiu. Al conultlon. l.17 Ford Touring, sv bri;n. 1;17 K,rd RoaUjter, a Larssin. F.'lti Ford Loa..!-iCr, Al coruatioo, extras. 1"-'I Ford Touring. bi value l'.'ld Ford Touring, like t.ew. l.'l o Ford Toum.rf. with lots of extras. 1 M Kurd Touring. A I tone;: Ion. 117 Ford Delivery, like new. Iil7 Ford De.tveiy. brgs.n, Mrlon Ttfurii.g. tug bargA.n. -ver.and Touring. Al condition. Ford liag, case. est in U.a u. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL NINE. UNTIL NOON SUNDAYS. REMEMBER THE BIG SALE: PALACE GARAGE, Authorized Ford Dealer, i itb tud s:aik. Broadway 10 J. H. GRAHAM, Case Kix and Scrirpi-u.Min distributors. loth at.u S:a:k s;s. One 6-c at dor Uvo, per. ecu Two RUT t.u;. t-'ne lilT (i-c;ii;aer Overland with Con tlr. ntil motor. tr.e 1 " I 7 4-iyMndT Overhand One 117 f-c liudtr l'a.tou. 1.;0 Frd tour u, g. One P10 Ford r..ailstr. l'MT o-cyllndr Mit-'hell. one 1U15 ti-ci imdr iiuJcUker, 4-pas-scng.r. Ail of these cars are in perfM?t shspe. but owing to the tat: I that we are getting In new cars rwr day and must have room, we arc goliig to dibpo&d of tin -e cars at targiin prtc-s. Ve m.I gi.a sat l:act.ry f: n.s to re.lable pep.e. a-id look cats over. We wi'.l slad y demouMr.i te any of tuem to your own sat's'a'tion. TKl'CKS for quii-k delivery, manu; acturers' agent for Dearborn Truck Company. V in, ago. o er Ur .:i, W. ur :n n (r t on. 1 a i o 5 - too, 4 ond it - w u -!!, Wuad, ; uin ler. log ging and irans.'t-r trucks: ail l.itvst t-oi:ip- mut. r.ady to worn. Ask about our 2 to 4-t-ord woiid tru'-ls. S.-e t:s for hauling lobs. wood. ore. mii.stiiil. piling and polf. Dea r hornet are mct su t tahle trucks f or haulms i arm produce Tr rn.s reasons b le. Se our plans for plank road work. E. M MAhKW t-. A liicl os H ' 1 lit- KM tZ NS lvLUO., PORTLAND, OREGON. LROAD WA v 341a. FO R D ? FO U US FO ULS. 3Tl; tourinje. 1 1! "I rnutistor. 1 It 1 7 roa 'ister. 1 ;1 7 teurln if. lit 15 d'i 1 erv. 1 l 4 delivery. JiHJ ctns.!. t'lialm-TK hug a beauty. A f'assv F.-rd bug body.- tUANClS MOToil C A It CO., E. Uih and Hawthorne. Phone E. U 7 0. FOR SALE 101 S Vclie, fully equipped, spot lii;ht. bumper, cut-out, extra tire una rover; run 5mt0 miles; In ltl-clasa con dition and looks like new. Two reur tire have not run loo miles- Fire, theft nnd lcihility Insurance in effect till lil. Will take all r part I'.horty bonds at face value. Call Marshall 3'Hi AUTO WRECKEKS. We wreck most a .1 m.ii..-s of cars and e!J the pood r-irta for ls than half price We have all kinds of used bodies for sale. ItiKtiit pri- pat-1 (or .;d c. rs. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 252 Front St. MAIN 470 AUTO FOR SALE. Velle spvrd bug, in p ri-ct condition ; has f -'nders, top and s.dc-. urtaius ; am I-., v 1 1: t ow n. For quick d if oia I. cash $ ;7.'; irrms. $'l. A. w. Sti-ifr, Route 3, It h7t. L-nrV Fhor.e TaUr TML Fo ; I L.; e tui'di l, wit a sp-. d:ii- u r. a-a I covi-r, V ti le u. k. Fhoc k a uc r bers, cutout, eic.ti lc lights, all-round blurting bat:,- , juM Uev:i ov ri.auiid ; a :iip st $4J5. 1 nri Employment OTT'.ce, -3 Lurnsiue. 1017 pn'K Lichl Six touring car In A-l con union, rqu-pped wt: h .oru tire; lr:ii raj.'i, no trauis cuUaidercd, lall MaiU iiuiuhS, gr-srs. bearings. beela. svx es; we w rerk all makes of cars and tdl their parts nt ha.C price. David HodeS Cj, North I'-roa-iway snd F:andeT-a. FOHD, 1 1" mi-tit from factory; etra g..d tires; uited as private car; need cash; $-dO wi.i ;.iki u : i. ou ftutit a good cr. look it thm 155 F r i n t i : . Mt bT sacriilce al once late niix'.'l 0cyl.. 5-pjftS. car, good cor.diM .n. timsh lie rew: wM equipped. $7h. Call at -u Oivgon Lids, or phone 1 :d wy . 2 40. 1 FoKD r ..Tester, p tires. t i-'iU; tc-nna. liuriiSl-e. I'-rt cnnUitlOO. good 50 Grar.d a& N., near tioo DEPOSIT on new Oaktand Six. at prie. for $50; you save $150. L 409, c.:d Ore- gon.n. x FOKD ne-tonNtru-k to leae without drlv". era 121 North 3d st.. cor. Glisan. Broad w.,y 2'12t . 1014 FOitD. rui sooo n.1 es. like new; d" mountaMe and extras. 5 new tires; mul W o.-d a wp. 2o 5. OVERLAND fl-p-swnner by own--; spiendM condition; $Tod or terms. 75u 4!:h se.. n-ar 1 r.ati.n. TWO car.oads l.-w Oter.ands lo im With out drivers. 1-1 North 3rd St.. cor. Gitsan. KrcaJwiy , . P..10 HUPMOnil.E by owner; good condition; new tires an around; i-T:r. i (uai'uuaiu. party Phone East bu.C CH SVIIOLET touring. IftlS, like new: will . 'in 1 1 -.. I bvj, N nrir Rurn- side. A REAL SNAP. " $r.O buve my lls Puick 4. 149 T-nth t. Phone Bdy. 2Qi. MUST he sold st once; owner going to war; IMS Ford. a-perKenger; can uo menu b Vth sL N. U.V----J J;o. STUDEBAKER truck In dally nse. price $500. irf . ni ion. ' 1 Frank L. Smith. 22S Alder St. vOrtO touring, l&l. new. A bargain. wih terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burn with terms. side. 2"fCRDS with self-starter); one bug. Res- sna-.e it Uu im -- w i. uuuus. -;5 Taylor. l'Jl H KKA.NKL.IA car, on y .in;.y u--a ; wil sei rtasinau.y, ui P a rt y : no trade. AN C'regon :n. WILL trade mv new C hsimers. jyis, for mail car. term- ou o -;on:hs. Tnbnr 4.X Mr. H. -firman. MY OVERLAND looks like new-. For saie CveaP UOu. uiiame u'" T a L-c r 4 ." S 51 r. H a g mar.. 101 S M xVvET.L at a barcaia. Am leav ing cty. Nine months time. Tabor 45a. Mr. H age man. $i.-.tM BUYS my new Hudson. BF 555, Ore- 1'.'16 DODGE. $Su0. in good shape; ca-h $tjOo. "ba'ance t-rms. East t..'.v.V i METZ ro.utitir. KO'l condition, wi.i sen i.a. 0 Oruna ave. . CHEVROLET. Intent model, sacrifice for cash. East CI 57 PORD touring. Cine c ; i ) r.rn n.i a vv N.. r ar IurrMdi. DoNT BURN GASOLINE." ino ml for 50 crts. 2S N. Broadway. l-uk; tour in g body. new. for fc.i Robin sons. S rr l i : h 'h a nd Matlrson. SLIGHTLY used ttr.-s. ?:i to $1 canlred 25c; tire repairing. 2' UlS FORD. $:.25j a'o 11 uper-Slx. $1550. l.aRl ' '' 1011-7-Fass, Cadillac. $200. 2 2 1 9. Fhone SelL U1.J OAKLAND SIX. good as new; $iu, terms. Main Wn57ev?niGgs. 101 Studebaker. bumper, mirror. .x "tires r.i 1- "f ton's, pi h p. $1 . E.t--t L'Umv .iiii.iiILE 0. l'.'ls rn.i':i. usd it.a ibn hr. mon'.hs. R 'r(R m.m. i-FASSrlNOril. ec. IlU's. new top, gooil condition throufrr.out. Phone Main 5.'l gTtT'EBAKER, ' 1 5. 5 ra-s, rood condition, $u5u. CaU tvtiuu.. 14 a . i,d. fOH SALE ArTOMOBn.E-, A USED CAR SALE or THREE-FOLD IMPORTANCE. OOK'T PASS IT TJF. 10O CARS TO SELECT FROM 100 Prices Retire fm $i5 Up To $1H AND EVERY CAR A BARQATN. TERM? AFRANGET TO FUTT CONVENIENCE OF BUY ER. Look at these price and ak yoarseTf why you should continue te ta too crowded stret-cars. w hen a little do n a :d a sjuail mont-biy pay me at bu a the cr. A Studebaker (this week aly) H" A Cle touring car. now A dandy little Ford, oniy $.-'" A iii!did oak and 5-pasa. car M.5 A lviie tournu car. pt i ed at ; :. A S:udtbakr 17 fr:. e-c Under. ... ".-.T A snap, Mitchell of L'lN o-cL $iO.J WE HAVE 3 MORE "BARGAINS SUCH AS THESE. SEE THEM TODAY AT rORTT.ANTVS LARGEST AND FOREV MOSX DEALERS IN USED CARS. Portland rsrr car store. 25 NoKTll 1-ROADWAV. 20 steps f roiu liui nside. USED CARS. Tour op-or?anlty to select s car whll prices are low e.-t and ter-ns most lenient. We have exception :'y low and mdiuni prtccd car to ciioose ft om. ranging .a pr u e from $2v0 up to $1250. srwiAL. 1114 PAGE: KLLCTKIO LIGHTS AND ST A RT E K ; 4'". OTHLK-S FROM $200 UP. 1 i 5- PAS- K N 11 E R STUDEBAKER. lild 5-PASSr:Nc;LR GRANT SIX. 1-..17 A-PASfENGER OKANT SIX. CHANDLER LIGHT blN. TOLBINO CA l;. 1UTCK ---PASSENGER. 1.. IN 5-PASS ENGH HUPP; LIKB NEW ; HA K ' 1 A 1 N 1 : 1 7 5 - P A SS E N i'. E R HUPP. isi: HUI MOH1LK KOADSTETL MITCHKLL; 1-1KK NEW; ON LT $S0. 1-.1T OVERLAND: FINK CONI1TION. DON'T FOUutlT SPECIAL TLUMS. MANLET AfTO CO., TITH AND OAK.. AT BURNS IDE, BROADWAY 217. CLOSING OUT SALE. AS WE ARB RETIRING FROM THE PASSENGER CAR BUSINESS EVERT CAR MUST B3 SOLD AT ONCE AND AT PRICES NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE, COME EARLY AND GET YOCR CHOICE. , ROADSTERS. 6-PASSENGERS 7-PASSENGER3 AND DELIVERIES. WESTERN AUTO CO. FAGEOL TRUCK AND TRACTOR DISTRIBUTORS. PHONE BROADWAY COR, BROADWAY AND BURNS1DK. rSED RADIATOR?, for ail n.akea of cars. All our ntfiiaiois are carefuiiy (One Over and ru-'. uhi tctore sold. liU UN ESS MA KTIJ. 15th and Alder ta. SNAP. Dodge road-ter in first-class running or der; 4 new t'-r-s and .be. good hpare tire with new tire cor: new skid chama, .bumper. spotllcht, motomctrr. mirror; 715 cash. Ca.l at 5N5la Unioa ave. N e A M. to 2 P M. . Al TO truck, a Eenulne A (irt cUsfl heavy ton tru. k. jus.t out of shop, whe:e compTcttdy and put In b si of condition for u use. bat ow Ir.g t. udd-n c-haasre of p. ana will seH fr J-mI ll q-.i'.ck cash deal. It's worth at :..i: $luvo. See wuaer. 1"29 Front u r L CVT TOU PEAT THI3T Five jiatrgfr ait- rr.i td'e. good cordl t'on raf!'.v worth $V0 or $7iV. Am leiv l "for the fr.r.t, wl I take $250 cu'.ck. May be short terms. Call Bdwy. 404:. Hurry lor tills. . OLD."MOBiLE "8 " irl model 7-I'sm.. tfrlen POO ral.: sprtt l'c.t. burner. "No-Glare lens, e i uipped tor d.stulate, $1175: larma. A ii4. oreco:.:an. 11- FOKD 4-p-a. cloverleaf sedan, used months. Al condition; good tirrs. .hock absorbers and o:hr extras: th;e :a s frpeclni b-"iy; no:hlr.g like It; $O0) tK- It. 53 lt gt-. Mondsy. 5-i'ASSI.NGEU 11S Maxaell. fully eulpped;-o-i ,y run 15-"i0 miles ; bargain ; forced to s.-.l. At home Sunday N A. M. to 2 P. M evenings 5:0 to 7 P. M, 151 17th au, cor. M -tt:i'H. , H WE 1116 Frd In good running order; c xd tires; make me cah oHer at Irving ton Garage. 14ta t-. Knit BroadMy. aa-c.-y lifter l P- or..y. BUICK 1MB touring car la A-l conditioa. owned and operated by mechanic; wish to sol at onr. Call at No. J0 North l? st.. West Side. ' 117 FOHD with demountable rims ar. o'her extras; a rare buy: liberty bor.K tj.Ken; V. M- C. A. Garage. Main b'.O. MUT sacrifice 101 Ford touring In flr shape, near.y body and t.ew Ureet, $.;75. 711 East Mailt et. East 6NX PRIVATE owner hss model A 22 W ir.tum & bar- .. pia- tica.iy new, to u ispow oi . 404 I'av su Broadway 10. MUST go to war. Will sacrifice 1W17 Stude baker. G-y iimier. 7-pa!---iier fa-uLy car; d condition. Woodlaw n ts21. 101S OLDS MO BILE S-cyl.. 7-Ps- : 1 extra, new tn; run - Smi'kj m ilrs ; $1 05O. W ill take liberty bonds. Call 205 Moms at. FOR SALE 1111 5-pas. R-gal In good con dition; tlrT good. Wt'l sell reasonable, ("all 1. S. Stauies. 24S Fronu 1117 BL'I'K 6. 5-paa., pcrlcct condition. Kod t :r!'. cheap for casa. Call lust E Hm!ii.l st. GRANT SIX 1917. 5 passenger, convertible iiiwpfr; fine condition; $.00; bu?ineas hours; 4S ! Broadaay 1017 FORD tourmg with $'.0 worth of et fa. snap for cash. Last b0;L or cai I 85 E. 2oth St. 5TON truck tn flr-t-cla.s condition; moef. s 11 ot u' count -f other busimw; ter---f i Vii'l ! wn 415' Send. iy or ever, n o.. S.LE overl.,r..I pamI b-'ly ueilvorr; a l-ir:nn. 1'hone 51aln 4il Mndajr. TaN'T 5'"i Sunnav. lPl" Maxwell c;r at a bargain. Terma if d slre.l. M. B. Levin. 221 Front at. llTi's-DODGE touring Car, perfect condition, 77 E:i?t Shimon st. MUST sacrifice 1010 Ford touring. lui 4:h fet. Inquire BUICK Six. tlr-'s : or. ' y lent cond. J. Call Wf-: on; five good liawn 22'H $-lASSENO FR touring car. Briscoe. lulS; g ood as ne w. S 1 1 wood 3433. $lv5 WILL buy Overland roadster, ready to g . fa!! East 4126 quick. 191 F KD. 11S ' CHEVROLET, CHEAP; T E H V S. B 12 1. E.i t 513. DOR T. 1 11 S. 5-pjs ; ru n 3 at, e, baxgu. labor like 0.