The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 06, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 8, Image 26

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CAN PAY JoOO down balance $40 monthly,
on five- or six-room strictly modern bunga
low or house. Rose City, Piedmont or
Laurel hurst districts. Phono me what you
have. Woocilawn 3i"o4. Must occupy October
loth. P 401, Oreson'an.
P.E.VT or buy, if bargain, 3 to 5-room house
or lot, walking dihiance Benson Tech. Call
K-til01, local 414, Sunday, if possible.
Farms Wanted.
HAVE cash buyer for small tract cheap
land tributary to Portland. Quick deal for
real bargain. Submit lowest price and
complete details at once.
A. K. HILL, 4I'J Henry BIdg.
Va.NTL'D good stock ranch east of the
mountains, V.ith. stock and complete.
Have good dairy farm near Forest Grove
to trade. Value $23,000. F. Fuchs, 40
Chamber of Commerce.
LARGE tract, cheap, unimproved land.
bringing you no income; let me nan die it
and get you some real money. Answer
Quick, giving description. F 02, Orego
WANT farm of about 40 acres, mostly in
cultivation, up to $tW0o if stock and tools
are included, within 40 miles of Portland
and eiear station; will pay half cash.
OUDDAUD &z WlEDillL'K. 243 Stark SL
"WANTED To lease one to three acres with
4 or j-roora house; might buy if uited;
state price, location and particulars in first
ieaer. fo2, oregonian.
10 OR 20 acres within 10 or 15 miles of
Portland for hog and chicken ranch, must
have suitable buildings, state amount of
rent when answering. AN 534. Oregonian.
.WANT, at once, 10 to i0-A farm near Port
land ; not high-priced. Phone Sellwood
or Marshall 2432. iletcaif, 17
Cham, of Com.
I OR S ALL Silver Persian cat and two
kittens. Nottingham st., Parkrose. F. C.
Wanted to Rent Farms.
Ii YOU have a farm to rent we can find
you a good tenant. A client of ours has
the money to pay cash and will buy stock
and implements. If any. Stanley S. Thomp
son Co OaK st.
IF YOxJ want to rent your farm, see us;
we have a number of parties wanting
farms close to Portland ; with stock and
tools preferred. Goduard & WIedrick, 43
Stark st.
WANT to rent a farm of 40 to 60 acres; cash
rent, or would buy a small place partly
cleared; must have spring or running wa
ter and email payment down. P 4S7, Ore
gonian. HAN and wife want a position on a farm or
will run a furnished farm on shares, ii, M.
Owens, 454a K. 4iid St., city.
RELIABLE party to go on 10-acre farm,
rent free. For particulars call Mrs. 12.
Winders, 347 Jefferson St.
WANT 40 to C0-acre dairy farm. Beaverlon,
Route 2, Box 110.
100 acres, just out of city limits of
Vancouver; 13 acres in alfalfa, bal. fine
loam soii. Modern 7-room house, city
lights and water. Large dairy barn, with
electric lights, water. Modern dairy with
all equipment. This place has a free
water right. Rent $luo0 per yr. Will
give 5-year lease. Following personal
property for sale: 5S head high-grade
mil& cows, 2 bulls, 5 head of horses, 15
head of hogs, Empire milking machine,
new auto truck, ensilage cutter, mower, 3
-wagons, disc, 2 plows, 2 cultivators, grain
drill, milk bottles, cans, cooler, cream sep
arator, and all small tools and milk uten
sils too numerous to mention; 2 big silos.
14 acres in fine corn, 5 acres turnips, 2
acres potatoes, 150 tons of hay. This ranch
has an income at the present time of
$1;00 per month. Price of personal prop-
; erty fl4.u00; terms. See MR. BLAIR, with
Thompson, Swan & Thompson, 3d, and
Main sts., Vancouver, Wash.
40 A. cult.. 00 A. tillable, 30 A. level,
'balance mostly rolling; 3 vi A, bearing
orchard, watered by springs piped to bldgs.
5-roora house, barn 57x00 ft.; place is all
fenced with barbed wire; 3 horses. 1 colt.
12 cows, 2 heifers, 2 yearlings, 2 calves. 1
HolKtein bull, 20 chickens, farm imple
ments, cream separator; also has about
8 A. of potatoes ready to dig; 4 miles
to 14. It, station, on county road; has R.
F. D. ; 1 miles to school. Will take $2500
down or sell stock and rent place, or trade
for house in Portland or stock of merchan
d Use. This is near Camas, Wash ; price
$0.-,00. 103-S. Ralph Ackley, 306 Corbett
20u ACRES, rented, 180 acres cultivation,
one mile r. r., 25 cows, 10 heifers, bull,
mostly Holstein, 5 horses, harness, 3
waguns, ; mowers, plows, harrows. Empire
milking . machine, 0-h. p. gas engine,
15-25-li. p. tractor, with plows, hay, some
grain, hogs. chickens and considerable
other stock and equipment not mentioned:
- toOOO will handle.
512 Chamber of Commerce.
FOH RENT to a responsible party, a seven
acre farm, all under cultivation; every
thing lurnished; six-room house, barn, etc.,
potatoes, carrots, cabbage and kale, hay
fur stock, two miicn cows; near good
school and half mile to camp where work
could be obtained all year; rent for cash
or improvements. D i.".S, Oregonian.
270 ACRE farm, 225 acres farmed, good
house and barns, school house on place,
well located, good neighborhood, rents for
n.0 per year, half down, balance next Fall.
Write us for further particulars. Miller &
Walter. Corvallis, Ore.
2u$ ACRE farm, adjoining good town, with
fine schools and college, 150 acres culti
vation, fair house, two fine large barns
and silo, :5 per year, half cash, balance
ntwt Fall. Miller Waiter, Corvallis.
FOH RENT in acres, cultivated, furnished
house, fuel, implements, etc., cow, hens,
horse, feed for stuck; 10 miles Portland,
West Side, two milts carline. Address K.
M. .Shaw, Oregon City, Rt. 5. .
152 'y ACRES, all in cultivation, 70 acre
in Spring oats htubble, balance clover
sod. .Must be reliable man, with good ref
erences. No buildings. Four miles north
of McMinnville. H 507, Oregonian.
SMALL farm, outside city limits, north.
Suitable for dairy and hog ranch, 10 acres
plow ground. 20 acres pasture, paved road
and electric car. Write WV J. Milier, Linn
toa. Or.
TEN" acres land for rent for a number of
years; Base Linev road; city water; two
miles from Montaviila car. Answer by
mail to 510 Dekum bldg.
A DAIRY and hog ranch, from one to five
years; will take- clearing and some money
lor the rent. For particulars phone
mornings. Tabor 35J-5.
OWNER wants reliable tenant, Al farm,
cash rental ; must have own stock and
Implements. H. H. Jack, 1703 Derby st.
Phono Woodlawn 34S.
200-ACRE farm, good soil, running water
well improved; cash rent; close in. John-
;rtn- .".T n l-lont-v 1,1. lo-
FARM for rent. 80 A., stock and all equip
ment for sale. Inquire R. W. Mills, Wood
land. ,Yash.
We have buyer tor a good tract of tim
. ber with medium size mill.
ALSO some Eastern buyers wanting
larger propositions.
ALSO buyer wanting 12 to 20 million
feet choice yellow fir, near Portland on
rail or water.
ALSO buyer wanting 1 2to 20 million
good red tlr for ties, near Portland, with
good outlet. e are in touch with the
buyers: i: you want to sell, see us TIM
11 EK LAND BT K E A U, 701-2 Board of
Tride bldg., Portland.
TIMBER for sale S W 4 Sec 2S: also
E h: of N E 14 and X W of N E 14
Sec. 32, T 15 S. R U W; 20 acres; 7 300 -OOO
feet B. M., nil sound, fine for di
mension and tie timber; fine road; 7 miles
vf railroad station ; can be hauled by
auto truck easily 10 station ; price 700o-one-half
down, balance as timber is
marketed. Best chance In Lane County
lor small sawmill to make big money.
C'WEi-r, M. S. Wailjs, Eugene. Or.
We have a lUiuo-ucre tract that cruises
In round numbers, fir, 250 miiiion; cedar
40 miliicn spruce. 1 w million; hemlock Hi
million; dead and down, poles and piling,
e:c. 12 million; making 324 million in alt
We can sell this at a bargain price and
Kive good terms to responsible Partiea.
601 Nation,;! Realty. Tacorr.a, Wash.
Phone Main 302.".
We have buyer for good tract of Um
ber with medium size mill; also some
Eastern buyer. wanting larger proposi
tions. We are in touch with the buy
ers. If you want to sell, see us. Tim
ber Luii.i Bureau. 701-2 Board of Traue
bMg.. Portland. Or.
WE hae several small tracts of timber
which can be bought at a very low tigure
it taken snn.
1305 Northwestern Bank Bldg..
i'h one Mam 20 no.
BUr SNAP 10 million Uig Columbia River
timber. 1 miKs of tide water; one-half
A-l sprues; a;! for value of spruce. S. M.
Venarti, Chamber Commerce,
FOR SAL E F i n e 20 MR u sse 1 1 ml 11. al
SxlO Seattle donkey, full logging equip
ment; bargain price and terms. F. E. Bow
mail & 'o.. 2l;-t Chamber of Commerce.
S20 ACEES timber. 13.000,000 feet, Douglas
Co., $2.50 M stumpnge. S, P. Hale. 17u4
B'-oadway, Snlem. Or.
FOK SALE Several car lots oak wood, from
car lot and up. Pike woody axd. Yamhill,
FOR immediate sacrifice; choicest view
home in city; 8 rooms; highest class -Westover;
by owner. AE 50S, Oregonian!
. C. J. UcCKACKEN, 304 ilcKay Bids.
50( miiiion feet choice yellow fir near
Portland. 1.30 per M., easy terms, and a
ti-M. mill, modern machinery, almost
new. for a. song.
ALSO 500 million red fir, good outlet.
75c per M., and L'5,000 mill at your own
price. A splendid oppohun.ty.
ALSO 85 million red- fir, with water out
let; cheap; a pick-up.
ALSO several tracts, large and small,
choice timber, with or without mills and
logging outfits, cheap, on easy terms.
This bureau is a clearing-house where
buyers and sellers can get together. -5
years' experience. Add. TIMBER LAND
Bl'REAU, 701-2 Board of Trade bldg.,
30-M. MILL, timber; in operatioin; on R. R.
Be sure to investigate. 20-M mill, tim
ber, equipped donkey; in operation; H in
terest or all; good reason for selling.
40-M. mill, abundance of timber; com
plete logging equipment, on R. R.; Ill
health. Houc'k. 110 10th St.
f250, 0OO Wash.. D. C, brick bldg. leased
to Government $22,500 net. 9120. uoO
equity for timber or land.
975,000 Los Angeles modern apts,, $1000
mo. income. $4U,000 equity, for Portland.
915.000 Elegant Portland home. 7 acres
ground front, garden, etc., garage and
barn, for farm so. of Portland.
94500 Wheat ranch, stocked, equipped,
181 acres, stock ranch. Lexington. Or.,
for Port, or valley.
95500 Grocery store, stock, fixtures, bldg.
with Uving-rqoms, residence district, for
Hotel or apt, house lease wanted for cash
and property.
J2O.0OO Colorado Grand Valley orchard.
910,000 Valley farm for Income.
223 Henry Bldg. .
320 ACRES wheat land. Klickitat County,
Wash., 130 in Summer fallow and ready
to seed : buildings and well. Will trade
for Portland or Willamette property. Price
$20 per acre. Address Dodd Ac ICnapp,
Hermiston, Or.
EAST Ittth, near Hawthorne; 8 large rooms
and garage, hardwood floors, full cement
basement, two fireplaces, furnace, auto
matic water heater, bath, extra toilet;
will exchange $500 equity. Owner. 222
U. S. Bank bldg.
115 ACRES, close to Newberg; 90 acres in
cultivation, balance pasture and timber
fair buildings, family orchard, 5 acres
bearing prunes; price $20,000. Will con
sider $80u0 trade, balance terms, podd o.
Knapp, Hermiston, Or.
I have several pieces of income prop
erty to exchange for farjns; see me if
your property is right.
Main 6173. 517 Corbett bldg
For trade, 320 acres grain land, eastern Ore
gon and 10 acres with some improvements,
14 miles from Portland, near carline. run
ning water, $5000, hat have you ? Box
57 Aloha, Or.
STORE building. Forty-first and Hoigate;
nice living rooms up stairs; rent all or
part ; or will trade for farm worth about
$80i0; have cash and other property. Tabor
0000 or 1185 Laddington Court, Portland.
WILL assume up to $0000 on house in Irv
ington or other good district; will trade
unincumbered valley timber or improved
clear valley acreage for equity: might put
in a little cash. Y 702. Oregonian.
BEAUTIFUL home. 12 rooms, hardwood
throughout, tile bathrooms, tile kitchen,
beautiful grounds and shrubs ; will trade
for business property and assume. Tabor
TO EXCHANGE: $20,000 aheep ranch, well
watered and protected by timber for "Win
ter range. If sold at once will take $50o0
cash and other income property. For par
ticulars. Tabor 3585 mornings.
TO EXCHANGE" at once. 160 acres best
wheat land, all tillable, Sheridan County.
North Dakota, Ave miles from county seat;
all cleared ; for Portland residence with
no Incumbrance. Phone Main 410.
WILL take 4 or 5-room bungalow as first
payment on modern 8-room Irvtngton res
idence, full cement basement. sleeping
porch, vacuum heat and fireplace. Ilitch
cock. 80 4th st.
HAVE good C-room house close in; improve
ments in; clear; want lot or acre with
house further out. Chas. Missllch, 533
Powell st.
FINE corner, lot 24, block 2, Westmoreland.
Portland, for property in or near Oak
land or San Francisco. Henry A. Wood
ard. gen. del.. Oakland, Cal.
15 ACRES, 1 3 miles from Courthouse of
Oregon City, all in cultivation, no build
ings, good school and road.s, for modern
house in Portland. O 27, Oregonian.
BIG HOUSE, close in, 593 E- Salmon ;"8-Tm.
and bath; suitable for roomers; want
smaller place or acreage. Geo. Howard,
owner. Appleton, Wash.
DETROIT. Mich., Income property for sale
or exchange for Portland. Will consider
an apartment or other valuable property.
Phone Marshall 1005, forenoons.
EXCHANGE 40 acres unimproved land
Josephine County, or four miles from rail
road for home or acreage. B lbdG. 500 East
Carruthers. Portland.
FOR suburban home, about 3 acres, $3000
equity in strictly modern 8-room home in
Rose City Park district; will assume. V
654, Oregonian.
WILL exchange two beautiful high-grade
lots on corner 23d and Hawthorne for de
sirable Portland borne. AF 714, Orego
nian. FO.R sale or trade for acreage, close in. a
good corner lot. 17 E. Davis, or a good
quarter block, IS East Glisan, by owner.
East 2704.
$34,000 SOUTHERN California Income prop
erty, ciear, io exenange lor rancn; preier
some timber and small sawmill. O. W.
Taylor, 100 4th st.
W ANTE D 1 2 to 13 million Teet timber in
exenange tor improved acreage, with two
sets buildings and city lots, clear, for
clear. BC 476, Oregonian.
160 ACRES, imp., all tillable, near Fort
Rock, Lake Co., Or., also 320 acres, un
irnp.. Northern Cal., both for Portland
property. V 047. Oregonian.
320 XCRES for sale, best part Alberta. Can..
100 acres cultivated, will take Portland
property; for information write Mr. R,
G until e r, Cu r e w, p. p. , Albert a. Can.
TWO modern bungalows, rented, $2500 irT
cumbrance; equity for improved farm land
well located. Owner, 141 East 6oth N.
GOOD income, residence property, Boise,
ma., ior Portland property. S 31, Ore
gonian. EQUIPPED 40-acre farm, exchange for houe
nu iot in roruana ; auuu. ivd &. nth
st. East 178.
SAN DIEGO lots. 100x100. fine corner; will
exenange ior Portland noma. Owner, R
Pedersen. 25 N. 3d st-, city.
THREE small houses in Alberta, exchange
ior Email nouae irvington. BF 534, Ore
800 acres; equipped, going concern; will
exchange. Claude Cole, 300 Henry bldg.
9-ROOM house, brings-good rent, for acre
age or small farm close in. Johnson. 515
Henry bldg.
MODERN bungalow. Salem, for modern bun
galow in city : will assume small mort
gage. R 89, Oregonian.
B0 ACRES. 35 acres bottom land, creek, on
rock island, close to R. R. and town, for
city property. BD 135. Oregonian.
FOR SALE or trade, 40 acres and 9500 for
u. mi. tt.ii i uve-room uungaiow; no agents.
L 513, Oregonian.
PROPERTY Portland. Seattle and Califor
nia for property any state United States,
give phone. A J 105. Oregonian.
FOR SALE: Lot In Errol Hts. cheap for
t-aau, vi rudiigc iur v,n u mm y roaoster
or dlamnod. A J 827, Oregonian.
SOUTHERN or Central California acreage
ior Portland noma. h. McBurney, tGi
Halsey st.
FOR SALE OR TRADE 6-room house, Van
couver, w aan. moor ooo, butt li. bath
street North.
1 1-6 ACRES, 5c fare, water, lights, $1150
and seme cash, for small house or lots.
THOMSON, Mohawk bldg.
LOTS. Rose City Park carline, to trade
for acreage or equity in acreage or house
and lot. Main 5078.
LOTS or acreage. Portland or Seattle, want
ed for equity In 4 small bouses, all rented.
Owner, AH 659, Oregonian.
10 ACRES fine fruit lane, Columbia River
Highway, between Mosier and The Dalies.
for lot. AR 20S. Oregonian.
HAVE good corner lot, restricted district,
as first payment on modern five or six
room bungalow. Hitchcock. SO 4th st.
SAN DIEGO furnished 5-room house for
Portland unfurnished. Insiey, 214 ALing
ton. EXCHANGE 80-A. improved ranch, $3500,
even trade for houe and lot about ame
value. O 20. Oregonian.
FOR TRADE 7 acres of orange grove at
Colton. Cal., 50 miles from Los Angeles.
AE 505, OregotrTan-
ONE acre at station, Oregon Electric; take
lot; give phone. AJ 112. Oregonian.
I WANT home: have cash and lota for your
house. y3 Ninth st. Northeast.
MODERN home, 4 acres. Valley town, for
Portland cottage, loo1.? Fourth si.
Uninx-umbered lot for 1-ton Gar
ck. Wftlfstein, 114 First t.
ford true
TO TRADE A -room house for
house. Phone Tabor 6b 65.
WILL trade 100 acres Improved land for
good house and lot. T 664. Oregonian.
320 Acres wild land. 35 milee from
land. What have you? Mar. 5'Ji5.
Will sell it ACAan Chi hlgru im
proved 80 aexv lo-e4 7 Si mil from
heart of Portod. oa god auto rxd ; 7
acie under cvlliwlion .nd In cruj 1-
level, fine rivmx 3ottm il. all fn.-d an-t
cro;-feuo-d. --rvsi orchard is rinc
consists ct apfiea. pears, cherries, apri
cots, peaches, prunes, plums and English
walnuts, all kinds of berries, trap-a, as
paragus, 5 acres in alfalia, 10 acres pota
toes, 6 acres turnips and carrots. 20 acres
oats. 5 acres wheat, 10 acres mill't. 8
acres corn, balance seeded to pasture;
good watr system, also living water; 6
room house with large screened porch,
milkhouse. garage, good barn. uxl0u feet,
room for 3o cows, stalls Tor 5 horses,
double driveway, i.ew silo, hog and chick
emiouses. greeuhouee, etc. Personal prop
erty; 3 hordes, la head Holstein cows and
htafra, Houtein bull, 17 head bogs. 3 doz
en Plymouth Rock hens, 2 heavy wagons,
1 h ick, single buggy, 2 fets heavy work
harness. 1 set s.ugie harness, saddle,
plow, 2 harrows, 2-horse cultivator. 2
single cultivators, steder, potato planter
and digger, hay rake, corn planter, cream
Separator. 2 w beeli arrows, ijma Hey en
silage cutter and gas engine, milk cans,
buckets, forks, shovels, tools of all kinds,
household furniture. Will sell at reason
able' price or will take 3u,0O0, part ex
change, fiome cah, balance long time, 0
per cent.
The Acreage Man,"
510 Lewis Bldg.
Main 2081.
120 ACRES in the Gresham district to rent,
sell or. trade; within easy driving distance
of Portland, paved high way most of the
way; 75 A, cult., balance pasture: U5 a.
lies level, balance roiimg ; 3acres of gjod
orchard, water piped to house and barn. S
room modern (arm house, insured for
92uoO, barn 32xo0 ft.; 24-ft. highway;
granary, machine shed, chicken house, ce
ment potato bin, ail well fenced with wire.
If taken soon 3 horses, 6 cows, 1 yearling.
4 2-year-old heifers, 4 calves. 17 hogs. 75
chickens. 2 registered bulls, all kinds
of farm tools, hay in barn to Winter stock.
Priue 91. -,oo. $4000 clown, or will trade
for house in Portland or sell stock and
rent the place. UJ-20. Ralph Ackley, 300
Corbett bldg.
New house, barn, other outbuildings,
fine spring, gasoline engine, water piped
to house. Big team or horses, 4 cows,
chickens, complete set of farm Imple
ni nts, all new ; plenty of feed on hand
Pri-e, $7o0. Exchange for Portland home
up to $4ioo, balance terms, 6 per cent.
See Sam Hcwey at J. L. HARTMAN COM
PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bidg.,
4tu & Stark Sts.
50 ACRES, stocked, for $4200. All level creek
bottom land. 15 acres cult., balance easily
cleared; 7-room house, large barn. 110-ton
silo, orchard, fence and outbldgs. ; lo head
of cows, 3 calves, good team mares, harness,
wagon, buggy. 3 head hogs. 3 doz. chick
ens, hay enough to feed stock and bo bu.
grain; lo: of apples, biackberrics and all
farm irrrrccmcius; on the main county
road, Vk mi.e from R. R. sta., school an J
church; located on the Corvallis and Ya
quira Bay Railroad; price $4200, $25O0
aowa. 2&-12. Ralph Ackley, 3ud Coruett
WILL TRADE for stock of merchandise,
groceries, dry goods, men's furnishings or
general merchandise. 200-acre farm, 100
acres level black loam. 36 acres rolling
but good farm land, balance pasture and
timber ; four-room bouse, good-sized barn
and outbuildings, wire fence, almost all
new; buyer ma- assume, if desired. $6fn0
mortgage, 7!i per cent Interest, due B2l,
can be renewed; two miles to town, level
road. AV 127, Oregonian.
HAVE you got a house and lot you would
like to exchange for three acres of laud
in high state of cultivation, with a six
roorn hoiifo, close to the station at Jen
nings Lodge and close to the river. Thif
place is nicely Improved and no bettei
suburban home to be found. A nice bou.
in the city up to the value of 92500 will
be taken in exchange.
150 acres in Polk Co.. near station, Im
proved farm ; prire $ clear. Will
trade for Portland property.
lOCi acres near Portland, improved farm,
fine buildings, with wat-r piped to them;
price 2u,ooo. Will trade for Portland prop
13 Chamber of Commerce.
STOCK FARM Covers 1654 acres by using
two filings, part deeded land, 0o acres
fenced, good set of buildings, stuck, ma
chinery, tools, furniture, all complete. In
Lake County; exchange for property in
or near Portland, but other places con
sidered. Write full particulars and re
ceive full particulars. G. L. Webb, 414
East Stark st.
WILU sell or exchange for tipper Willamette
Valley or Eugene property, ten acr-s. eigh
In prunes, pears, apples, cherries, ail bear
.Ing, two a c Tf s pasture with good stream,
all under Irrigatio. also "five room house
on one acre lot; cows and team; near good
schools and R. R. station, in beautiful
. Grande Ronde Valley town. Address M. F.
McClain, Eugene. Or.
HERE is that 414 acres at Tigard. close to
the station, with a four-room houe and
other building- nice creek running
through the place, assorted fruits, etc.,
for only $3300, and will take a hou.e and
lot in the city up to that value If you
have anything don't loe any time in
coming in.
TO TRADE Dry climate for wt: One 80
and two 40s. in alfalfa, corn, spuds, etc.;
six tons alfalfa per a-re. loo bushels corn,
400 bushels spuds. 25 tons corn silage;
some clear of debt and $."oo0 to pay boot,
or assume. Omar W. Rich, pioneer, Ken
newick. Wash., "The California of the
HAVE a number of good farms I can trade
for Portland property and also very at
- tractive proposition in close-in improved
acreage. All propositions will be found
goo4 and priced right.
1202 Northwestern nk Bldg.
MODERN 6-room house. 60x100 ft., corner
lot on paved street, close to car line.
Prie,' 94ooO; will consider good, lot as
part payment.
"The Acreage Man"
510 Lewis Bldg.
640 acres, about half is ready to seed;
In good belt of Klickitat Co.. will accept
in trade, bal. cash or mortgage; price
Main 6173. 517 Corbett bMg.
AN unusually attractive proposition Is of
fered by owner of modern duplex house
returning $S3 monthly. Will consider mod
em bungalow in good neighborhood as part
payment. Owner, 501 Selling bldg. Mar
305-ACRE farm near Eugene, Or.; nearly all
tillable and will be In crop this year; fine
land; depot and school on place; fine
road; will take trade, but would like
smaller properties; state properties in re
ply. If interested address Y 603, Oregonian.
160-ACRE improved farm, good black loam
soil. North Dakota, 7 miles from R. R.
town; price $35 per acre, mortgage $2004).
4 years, 6 per cent; trade for city prop
erty. Call Timber Land Bureau, 701-2
Board of Trade bldg.. Portland. Or.
25 ACRES of good land. 8 of which Is or
chard, and also 15 that could be cleared,
on county road; will exchange for a prac
tically new car, 1918 model, not been run
over 5O0 or 000 miles, valued at 912t0. AV
128, Oregon lam
10 ACRES, good buildings, close to" citv;
fine soli, all cleared, orchard. Price, 97500.
Want home In city.
"The Acreage Man,
510 Lewis Bldg.
EASTERN Oregon wheat ranch of 12.10
acres, about lloO acres under cult. Will
accept about half In trade and assume;
price 945.OU0.
Main 6173. 517 Corbett bldg.
30 and 80-acre farms In Josephine Co..
Or. Will take clear Portland res. prop
erty for part. Main fiy46. H. M. Mcln
tyre, 422 ? Jefferson st-
WILL assume up to $40,000 on improved
city property; offer In exchange Improved,
unincumbered vallt y farm lands up to
$40,000 ;or equity; will trjde all or part;
state what you have. V 65.". Oregonian.
1040 A CR E3 stock and grai n ranrn near
Prineville, Eastern Oregon ; Tuto acres in
cut lots, more easily put ready for the
plow, to trade for city property or valley
rnrm. Bundy. 411 Henry Bldg.
E XC HANG E. 10 v- acres, house. fruit. for
modern buncaiow to $.Tnn. balance c.ish or
assume. M. H. M., 774 Pleasant ave, Oregon
Ci t y.
4-ROoM bous, store front ; 2 rooms, plas
tered: S0x!0 lot, fruit find berries, on
paved street and carline. Will accept auto
x a first payment Tabor 1403.
WANTED Loan of $1000. business of un
limited stock fully secures ; will pay 10
per cent; private party preferred. F 407,
FOR EXCHANGE In Leavenworth. Kan,
one 5-room modern house for Portland.
Or, residence. Address 23 Clay st. a!
H. Wellman.
6 lots on Peninsular ave.. trade for
property. Vernon district. 544 E. 17th S.
SelL 3Gh6.
SEV EX-PASSENGER SturiebakT. first-ctuss
condition, to exchange for Portland lots
M 5ol, Oregonian.
RANCHES, acreage and lots for hou.eT;
will assume or pay cash differences when
clear 429 Lumber Exchange.
3 ACRES and 7-room house in Rlllaboro,
lac lots or fcouae in. Portland, Tabor 4,167.
tT1".'' blrhly Improved and in the
city limits of & good town. Inn la sil
i .ur"r tlorn ,oli' on the
or tn i!:aaiu Kiver. Modern 7-room
Booae. moflirn dairy with ail tjulpmnt.
jT lr ba with patent i.ions
. oi'--y conking cups er tn cows.
im-toa siio. S.' head of Rood mt.k cow.
neau of horses, auto truck. 5uo to 0
Dot ties, milk cooler, separator, electric
buttling machine. electric feed cutter,
steam bol!er. with fin lot of milk cus
tomer; ;j necessary farm tools of every
description. This la an ideal dairy loca
t.on and one of the nicest places to Uvm
in the Northwest, and a big money-mikor.
Owner Is unabie to opera.e place and is
expecting to Su la the Army In this draft.
IT ou have a good '.arm or city property
trial wi.l rot require personal attenUoln
we wi.l consider an exchange. Price, in
cluding everything. $o.uou. For particu
lars see MR. B LA lit. with Thompson,
Swan & Thompson, d and Main sts., Van
couver, Wash.
4bO-A RE alfalfa and wheat ranch, cloae
to R. R.; iii cess and old age of owner
compels change of ciimaie; $100 per acre;
want Income property; will asaume.
85-acre fruit ranch. In Ly.e country,
fine buildings. 40 acres In high-grade bear
ing fruit. 925.000; owner unable to look
after this; consider other good property.
Fine modern West Side borne, grand
view, large grounds, select locality. 914.
000; consider part in good clear property.
7-room East Klde home, in good con
dition. 955ou ; consider other property to
H payment, bal. 7 per cent. L. hi. Moore,
317 Board of Trade.
Brick apartments and flats on good cor
ner, bringing in over $4000 year.y, price
927,500. Will take $ in other prop
erty. $,000 cash and mortgage for balance.
Apartment house on West Side, fine lo
cation, bringing la 9750 per mo. Price
950.000. Take part trade In other Income
city property.
Have Portland property, also good im
proved farm properties to trade for apart
mentho uso up to 9100,00 or larger; will
813 Chamber of Commerce.
How would you like to have a very swell
modern and up-to-date six-room bunga
low, with one acre of land on a hard
surface street from the city to the house?
This is a pretty home with all kinds of
trees; the location Is Jennings Lodge;
94.iOO is the price or will consider a nice
residence In the city for a good part of
the purchase price.
A BEAUTIFUL farm six miles from Port
land; 42 acres In cultivation, 11 pasture;
lies sightly, rolling, fine soil, no rocks,
good bui. dings, orcnard, plenty of water,
hard road, near good school; price 91.0o0,
part trade. Answer, give Tel. for informa
tlon. Owner. Oswego, Or, K. 1. box 152.
TWENTY acres fine land 40 miles out on
electric, to exchange for small home in
Kenton district. East 3641.
EXCHANGE or sale 5 acrs in cultivation,
small shack. 14 mi left by rail west o
fci. P. Hlllfboro line, 5 minutes' walk from
Aloha Station, for smaller place closer In
or larger further out ; no commission. A.
E. Dan ley, owner. 59 E. 34th N.
03 ACRES alfalfa land, all In cultivation. 40
In alfalfa, good building:, water right
fully paid up, in Lower Yakima Valley;
prVe 1 0.O00. Will consider Western Ore
gon property. Dodd & Knapp, Hermiston,
WILL trade equity t S3000 In 80 acres ot
sugar beet land, under the Cary Act In
Utah, acce.ssable to the largest sugar fac
tory In statu, for Oregon or Washington
agricultural Iitnd. Address J. C La Plant
lol ',3 Washington St. Vancouver. Wash.
INCOME property, leased for $1300 per year.
In a good, live Central Oregon town; value
2o,ooo; mortgage 9'rouo. to run tlva years;
wi'l sell or exchange for farm, ranch or
gracing land. What have you got to
match it? AV 123. Oregonian.
WANTED To trade four acres of cleared
land. located at 45th ave. and 100th st.,
now in potatoes and has fruit trees ont It;
15 minutes walk to car; for a house and
lot, free of incumbrance. Must be near a
good M'hool. AJ b:i7. oregonian.
02-ACRE Improved farm 22 mllea from Port
land. Want horn4 in Portland or improved
nei' tige. Tabor 3711.
Will exchange two choice lots, 25x1 40.
at Saltair station, Tillamook Beach, near
depot and hotel, adjoins board walk,
county road and faces Pacific Ocean, suit
able for business or cottages. Want city
piopcrty or close-in acreage. Address U
3 10. Oregonian.
TO TRADE All-wool Scotch rug. nearly
new. for laying hens or pullets. Call Ta-
bor O'JhS.
4x0 double Index file cabinet and other sta
tionary supplies; take harness or good sad
d.e. 1UJ7 Belmont St. at 34th.
OLIVER typewriter to trade for table lamp
olJ"hat aavou? Marshall 1167.
COLUMBIA Grafonola worth $50 for good
"' -0 near Aah.
FIXE shotKun or rifle to trad, for bicycle.
Main Tabor tiTOS.
VKLiE to tradQ for Ford.
Mar. 3107.
k'ilt b&vo you?
ALTO tires to trade Tor beds, furniture or
what have you? A J MtJ. Oregonian.
FOR SALE A good small borse at your own
price. Ccntle lor women aitd children to
ride or drive. N. 1. White, eus South
Crawford or call Columbia tHS.
. t'T". Vrtih lea. Livestock. '
iT. 1" any quantity. Ewes
10 and up; rams $2& and up; also tUQ
bead of cattle. ou"
Yakima. V'ivh.
K if" Rtot"i c?w- year, old. Is glvinf Hj
Bal on, of HM,k, will be fre.-h Nov. US. 434T.
Jilh st. a. ii. Take ilt. i-colt car. eet off
at Lenta, go north to 4tuh ave.. so ease
-J blocka. Call after 6 p. M.
SIinf'R SALE In any quantity. Ewe.
1U and up; rams J0 and up; also oou
head of cattle.
iakima. Wash.
CHEAP Team and harness, weight tuiu;
also team and harness. weiKht lioOo- all
sound and true. Cm be teen evening,
and Sunday at Lyon's Stahles. 222 Cnlon
ave. Green Trar.:er Co.. jij.'i. Alder.
MiLK:, GATS Magnificent i Indo-Nublan
buck, winner first prize Salem. 1UU, and
live nign-grade Indo-Xubian does. Gilles
pie, strain: SL'OU takes all. L. E. Wornom.
bpx 344. phone 2U F 25. Vancouver. Wash.
HVE dump wagons, two dump carts, plows,
scrapers and ail tools needed for grading
or construction work, tor sale cheap or
hire. 2t. Front st.
ONLY 175.
for one bay and one buckskin horse: fin,
condition; taken on forced sale; Will sac
orifice. Call aou Concord bldg.
1 PPAN of mares. 2700 lbs.. 4 and 8 year,
old, both single and double, with good set
of harness. Price 200. This la a bargain.
Frazler McLean. 240 E. 8th.
HOHoE and wason In flrst-clus condition
to sell. t)00. or will sell separately rea
son owner working In shipyard. Call
Woodlawn 15S. . "'Mara. (.all
SALE or exchange. 80 head of horses and
mules, harness and wagons of all kinds:
everything guaranteed aa represented. Phil
Fuetter. Crown Stables. 2S5 Front st.
5 HOUSES. 2 sets double. 3 sets single har
ness. 2 wagons. Union Laundry Co. 301
FOR SALE Sulkr with top. cheap. Phon.
woodlawn 54o
FOR SALE Span horsea. age 9 years.
welRht 32i0. true to pull; good locglna:
H. V. tiates. Hills.boro. tobsing.
DEAD stock taken quick: cash paid for
dead cow, and crippled horses. Tabor
TEAM of farm mares, harness and wairnn
l-i5. Jersey family cow 140. 602 E 2Slh
st. S., Woodstock car.
FOR SALE Horse, harness and delivery
. , ' c aoout 13UO lbs.
Phone Bdwy. 878.
A GOOD all round family horse for sale
cheap. Call at 693 E. 0th t. 8.. after
6 P. M.
At Multnomah Fuel Co.', barn. Ma-
Cflflam and Curry sts.
UEAD horses tikn. Highest cash prices paid
4.., wi-, v m u,,n u tuu out nors.a
TWO fresh milch cows and lot of chickens
for sale. Call 620 Buffalo it, between E
irth and 17th. Woodlawn.
FIVE cows. 3 heifers. 1 calf. 1 bull. 1 piks
and hugs for sale cheap on account of
draft. AJ b30. Oregonian.
GOOD saddle and roping1 horse foT sale
i.iiej.?. i..iii -i -jm.murnq ave.
VD horses and anlmaia n.u.,.ri an--, r---
Portland Ilen'lertns Co. Call Vnnl!.n -n
FOR KALE ToRgenberg-Saanen milk goat.
Mount Scott car. 0212 b7lli at ?. K
6-YEAR-OLD gray horse used to kind treat
ment, loOO pounds. 429 E. Liavis.
X u wooa wagons, s.-vo each or liberty
bond. R. 7. 117 X. loth. "ueriy
ONE us-d driving cart, used fr breakin a
coif, price 1-1. S-Ilwpod 2729. "
HORSED, wairons and harness for h!r. and
for sale. 240 E. bth Frazier A McLean.
FOIt SALE cheap, baby buggy: coat new ale.
195 13th at.
SHETLAND pony for a&l, cheap, WdlnBli.
Horsey elileles. Llveafoca.
Monday. Oct, 7, at Io A M. th, entire
farm. cquipnivnt.machinery. wagons, new
rubber-tired bugcy. aiiio the be.t mated
4 bay nj.rea anywhere, we.ght. i2r0 lbs
kind, centl. add handsome, in. kind that
aiway. command the tup pric. : . ml.
nortn of Vv.t.ato. Or, on West bid, Elc
Uic. also Main Uiuway.
Th. 120-aur larw will also b, wild at
J. W. HUOHES. Auctioneer.
E. J. Bit a in. owner.
k discontlnulna th. us. of horses
and have about 10 head to s.IL Follow
ing ar. prices:
Span of young geldings, weight 0
lbs., true to work with harness. 20o:
span of bays, mare sad 0 !.d 7
year, old. 27.',0. free of blem.snrs. 22S;
aiso two llcht delivery horses. :.0 each,
lie.ser Transfer Co, E. Vlh and F'.ar.d-m.
horse, sound, gentle, true; rid.. Urn
B'agle or d iuule- lloo lba. 10 rs
old: also rubber-tired runabout, good listu
driving harness, h.avy o.r. xe work bar
"5"" hc:lv' spring wagon and lop. plow,
narrow; sell part or all or consider
-"ouM ior value lo 5.30.
Grove. Or. phone 10 J.
Copper, Oak
S12o -Good soound team mules, team pomes,
good workers single or double, with bar
"f..5, .anJ ,"nt team mares.
-4"0 los, Ij0: light farm wagon. 2j; one
3-ln. John Deere larm wagon, almost new,
i0; one dump wood wagon, cotr.p.ele. .J5;
several sets of harness; must be sold to
Piake room. Crown tetables. 4153 Front st.
FOR SALE cheap. 5 giod draft teams. 50
dump wagons. Star Sand Co.. 210 Board
Traue lii u g.
FOR SALE 1 team, harness and 1 w ton
long bottom wagun. 3;o. BF 533. Ore-
Al JERSEY-DURHAM family cow. fresh 6
week.-; a family pet Main 7li"S.
FiCol1L7n3tOW 0r 6JJ l'rllictun -'
Pianos. Organs and Musical Imlrumrnn.
. NOI.A.
.u nave Jumt refcived another shipment
or the new electric Grafonola: mm 10
hour, for one cent. Price, $115. 1135. ls
v i -i.f" Special terms, ilyatt Talking
Muchne On ' iih..
" ' ,l,'av! Just added a full lino of the
new ad record U.-unsrlcks. We carry all
mode s and finishes. term. See our
w "i?r.'; '""-ord and machine rooms,
"att laiKlng Machine Co.. 300 Alder, be
tween hrnieiwav .n.i Oirl.
WE have several f ne bargains In sMrhtly
used planus, all in the best of condition;
one for 112a. one at IC5. another at Il.-..
two at g2oU, and yet another at $25; also
a bargain in a player plan", u.-ed but
tnree luinths. Soul. Unas.. lOA.loth ,t,
mar M-rrisn.
i f"A'-fc- Beautiful mahogany Chlcker
ing baby grund piano, perfect repair, wi;h
fine tone, at $475: terms to responsible
jneT,. ms) oe seen Dy apivolntmeut be
J".;':n - hd 4 o'clock any afternoon. East
i... AL17."ne ,-20 Brade llamond disc
l.llBon phrnoKraph. sam. as new. includ
ing u atta. limem for playing all other
maKe.- of d;.ic rui nni. .1' .i.
reoordn. all for Sl,;c cash, p'hone Tabor
Q74J tor appointment If interested.
A I W v I Z Z
7 7. ua "eior, disposing of you-
P.ano. p.ayer piano. Vietrola of other
Phonographs or band Insi.-umentC We pa.
casn tor any Instiumenl in good order, or
?iilf-e i-i.00 ''"eral toitm-ssion baala
Oregon Ellers Music House.
for v.",,,0 Ur-f r" obtain records
for your E.iison. Victor. Co.umbia or
Brunswick, try us. We carry tno largest
TUl,,r"',,:-"rti ln the'euy. II "
Talking Machine ;o, 350 Aider.
A7;,7,,'".alT':l of Pbonograi.hs repaired and
adjUKi-u, guaranteed wora. prompt serv
M?..,"t.rr,l"'va.b " c!"ria- tail Grates
?'"" !?lore- Ma" "- Floneer pbouo-
h i q ,'il tl .rS.
.'L 7 i drum. steel separate thumb
VJt . . J. 'brow-olf mun.. r; original
r-rl.-e iu. just like new. 24; also lu
bass drum lor 2n. Graves Muslo Sto--
Morrison at Fourth.
bhAHlHL early English finish piano, me
uium size, hue tone, Sliiterrotn
make, ou.y snghtly used; looks like new;
ca" r bonus or will give snort lime
If necessary. East 4'.i.;s
Received anoiher hn.. -i..n .
these two records for Columbia or Victor
machine- liatl Talking Machine Co, 350
H i not trade our silent piano for an
all record Itruns-.vick pnonogmph and be
hear tne aorldn greatest artisis
In your home? Souie Bros., lOu loth si
near Morrison. '
25 CASH. $10 MONTHLY, buy. new 1H18
model 450 piano for 337.5o; a $50 bond
pas umll after January L. 1919 ' a.
Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4llist. at Wash.
11IGH-ORADE plaVer piano, more than ha f
paid fer; will sell for balanc, due as w.
do not want the expense ot shipiunii
"""'"I easy tern i a C a 11 Rl k e. Eaton Ho. ..
ALMOST new $130 Conn Uo Tenor saxo
phone. Willi case; now $:5. Terms. Free
Ii ssor.a. Graves Mus.c Store, 233 Muni-
EI.NG Uombone. silver plated, huh and low
PHCh, with case: like new; oiislnal cost
now .I....U. Grave Music Stole.
Morrison at Fourth.
CONN Eb alto saxophone, gold trimmed,
with case; original price $127: now only
$0. Grave, Music Store. Mornacn at
I HAVE a new talking machine that will
levolullonlze the phonograph industry,
t-ee me before you buy. Harold L. Gil
bert. 34 Yamhill St.
GE.C'1E Martin (French Boehm System
lib-low pitch clarinet; worih $110: now
$m). Term. Grave, Music Store, 23
Morrison si.
ONE second-hand Columbia phonograph and
24 cylinder records, all for $5.5u: one nice
portable machine and pi disc records for
$12. G. F. Johnson PianoCo.. 140 0th st.
UOLTON silver $05 mellophona In Eb anJ
C, with solid leather case; only $45
Terms. Fre lessons. Grave, Music Store
2vt Morris n st, at 4t h .
WILL exchange fine new Vietrola. BrunT-u-lck.
Grafonola or Edison and records
for piano. Hyatt Taiaing Machine Co.
350 Aider.
$100 OR MORE CASH paid for your used
upright piano or a w $!0o phonograph
nd $10 in records In exchange at se
curity Storage Co, lO'.i 4th St.. at Wash.
WILL exchange all record Brunswick" pho
nograph for piano, give or take differ
ence. Soul, Bros.. 106 10th t-. near Mor
r.son. $500 EilSRSON piano, fine condition: leav
ing city; $100. Give terms, o 3s. Orego
nian. ALMOST new Conn Eb bass horn, silver
plated, with case; coJt new $185; now $03.
vn.e3 ..logic oioig. jiorriaon at rourth
FINE $70 Conn silver-plated B slide trom
. bone with side-open case. at $17 SO
Graves Music Store. 2S3 Morrison st. '
$450 FINE, high-grade piano, good as new
$150. $50 down, $10 month. Brokerage Co'
312 Worcester bldg.
WANTED To store a piano for It, use:
best references; beat care: no children.
East 3iS3.
FOR SALE Grafonola. record cabinet and
i??e'ec'''on " tash. Phon, Woodlawn
$350 LARGE Stuyvesant piano, fine con
dition. S37.50. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcea
ter bidg.
WILL pay cash or trad, phonograph Tor
your piano. Reed-French Piano UK Co.
Broadway 7SO.
FULL cash value paid for phonograph, and
records. nwman. 12S First st. M. 4403
Tabor 670S.
Must be sold today. 12S 1st, nr. Alder.
LEAVING city, win sell my $900 ciano for
$150 cash: Smith ac Barnes make. 174
13th t. Phone Main f.tis7.
WANT a good second-hand piano; give de
scription and price; wi.l pay spot caaa;
$40O SOHAFF I'-nOS. piano in A-l condition;
Mahogany; $20o cusb or bond. 307 E.
3'ith st. S).
$330 cash; a real bargain. R S3, Ors
. gonian
WANTED Good piano from prTvale party;
give cash or gratonola. Marshall S246.
BARiun S. GILBERT. 3s4 Yamlull st.
PIANOS tuned. $.1. George T. Peck. TaOor
S574. CraJ. New Eng. Con se rv a : o ry .
KENT a piano, no squares or thump box.,
Huro'd S Gilbert 3s4 V,in-'U st.
CABINET phor.opraph, wax 1 uiiah.plays all
recorils. 3 2ti Benton st.
txi:t r.iiN'T UPRIGHT PIANO.
GOOD Kingsbury piano; large size. Phone
East 2S2L
WILL exchange Vietrola for your silent pi. G. F. Johnson Piano Co, 141 Cth st-
GOOD uprljrht plsno. like rew. $223. Q,
Johnson Piano Co, 140 Cth at.
PIANOS tuned, repaired: plane, for rent- G
F. Johnson Piano Co, 140 6:h sc.
$165 2-PIECE Vietrola and 70 records' for
$'.io. or trade on piano. Woodlawn !:!.
$05 GltAFONOLA. brand new. caulnel
cheap. Cail Marshall 5246.
FINE Gibsom mandolin with case, tru. In a-1
positions. 2Q5 S San Itafael st.
STETNW AT piano, real bircs!n.r!rMlsw
1123 Wlll;fr-ns ave. Woodlawn 14JS.
GOOD in ta'king macMce and records.
$17.50. 104 lu:u jt., acax ilwi-iOA,
I''"'". Orlau ,nd Muaicml lajrunsentm.
C.NvlM cabinet pt-onograpa with 12 "
Oou.. e records $72 00
ca or tnahogai.y f.nlsh. sam. pr: t.)
Jl.-uhle r.:t 24.T3
blue A"
rol reo.-rs 7.O0
Con. ert ea
-t p ' raph tmahog-
ai..v or oa.
r cores . . .
is.ta o uojti,, 4iic
It at;ia.-:s the eV.
11 Pleas,, the ear.
it ,avs all re.-..r.i at theJr best.
.1 pl.or.orai-i.s In one-
It is nor
THil in? i . -Ti-e-
siitni. ,s oil
room. Hear jour
y in the music
- -. selection t.i-s
EDWARDS CO. $-ifth and Oak.
u ' s .ace to I rjiif.
lour Credit Is GoeiJ as i;o?d.
;-7;i7-i .orage o. closl-.g out for cash:
.ui!ard uprisht. $-.5; Boord upright. $75.
I.':;; l, $: E.burn t,?riht. $13.
4,0 K.mball. $;:.o; ui $210.
it",, " "ored upritiits. $2.15 and $2f0.
nV.iV lIJ::r ". J.i: 117 model
L .-, 7 P" cash. bo::ds or oilier
r, 4"s acepie.2; eloraire 5oc monthly.
iLiL2r.r!h Jll Washington.
Proad n
104 10:h St.
6E.S.0,L"!! N.K.W f:k'-nogkapii stoT
.ii WJH , record and machine roomfc
S '' light and v-nti.a-
I,n? e.of Brunswick Vietrola
orafonolas and Edison, and records. Hva::,- Machine Co, 350 A.der st.. bet.
Broauway and Park.
Furniture for Sale.
8x12 rui
I S.00
15 Oil
4 7a
IOX12 Axmn.ster rug ...
lxI2 Eru.-sseis rue:
4.0x7.6 Brussels rug . .. '""--
B'ue enamel iron bed...
While enamel iron bed..!"""""""
Golden .pol.shed hotel dresser
Ivory enamel bedroom rock- r
Ivory enamel bedroom cha.r
.lac . bean oak cult hoard
b.r75 'nd .u.:n:,:s...,ci-"'"'fV5'-
Round top dining tables. $"is "and
l.eatnereue uph.,1. sprlrsr edge couch
Genuine leather uphol. couch........
Soild oak arm chair...
Kozy kitchen cabinet
4-oi.rner gas raii. e
e-nolu leg base st.ej range
larae wood heater .
Park Oak enji heater
EDWARDS i ... Fifth Vnd"oa'k."
A G ..d IMace to Trade.
: Your l --edit Is Good s inM
11. 5"
21 5(1
21 50
2. VI
XT0FV!'.l' - AT SAM F R I C E AS
f-om u,'1:;,'" cannot be purchased
aH-?t!v ,Y. r? """ e "e- "ut 'ou cn "
. i A 7 "siuniMiea. i.aii and con-
!?'..? , ; "mpetent salesmen to a,slst you
lere.icY.aVeS"'" lera"'- DO
, The II.-; store
1S5 to 191 First St., near Yamhill Public
J s.'.Tf-'J:1, FOR SALE CARPETS: i
leatiier library chair. 1 Karpen leather
, ,?, -'. - .eeu rorKing chair 2 ten.
ier tank.,, I wa.nut chair. 2 clocks. 1 oak
umlng table 7 oak di, cha.r i 42-ln
ro.I-tf.p UOfk. 1 r.'V..lvln.. r.ff;.... t... . i
nrai oeOfTf
ad. I lull bra? hcdsti-Ad r.,n.t.'i
7 "T- 4 rorkuis cbiiirs. 1 ctomiiiodii
1 r ' ''i .nn. i.r.f rnoon.
Fiir:h ri,;VU'i:Aii HANOI. Complete
nh coil conu.ction ana :i plumblnif nd
rrj 4" rll;'f-". A fine looker ai..t b:icr
.Man o.n. r uit-a :.ivea and ranfiei. Some
, 9n Thu li. s srorf.
13u to 1D1 First f ;.. near YarahKl Public
. Mark-i.
LiKD A. Ii. lIAXii .on!v u.l - t.
Klaus ovt-n door. b;t splashers
--'v... r.-.iitu oven. ranpy top.
same as new; very hani..inie rantre at
cnr..lorabie iav;t;-c: 4.. buys tt. Terms
IT ci-nirt-ci : no lnr. t rhirso-1
GSVUiiTZ FT IiXlTritr: I'uilPAXY
The ;-;or-.
1S5 to 191 Fhst j-;.. n-ar Yamhill Public
Ik-J. . h , If on ;-r. Urciter, o rci
(mi t.t;u tlir.e nv.rrors: a vtry ba
tifu! s-t at the o U pr:-e bt lore t lie ni.n
TsSfs : fr t h? com p:':e outfit, Ttrnii
u i' nfnn , no ir.ieTfs: r;iarsc
Ti;e H:ff
1S5 to 101 Fusi .t.. n,ar Yamhill Public
IiO shout a new tn'king machine (or the
lo,nc Winter We carr 1 fin I
line of CoiumM:! -is arnl. record,
so.fl 00 easy Torn.. We alv) h.i i.-t-ul
brand-new Vhm.Ias at reUucvd prices.
Slcp lo nml liesr them.
'Midi! Kl FlNiTl I!E CO.,
iss-rjM 1st tit.
FX'Ii SAhF. Furniture of (We-room moJem
flat, cp n fc.lont ry aTiii lun. hroom In con-nt-ction.
fiuw store fixture!, rt-nt for s.l
$". Any woman can ni.tke mor ih.m
family lUinic an. I have h uha; .-.i uas.-s
c!-a- N;.-t- !'uail.n. or. guutJ carline. All
for Joo; worth much more. AU Cli. Ore-
B' rn i an.
WANT a brand-new washing machine a.t
. a;most half price? We can give you a
CmUer rr.ari.ine. one of the easiest run
ning mach.r, tiiKde. and a renular $r
vaiue, only $1."; a!io several usod ma
chincs from i'.i ip. i-";iv terms.
Mldil Ft li.VlTl i'iF. CO.,
First rt.
UrsATi.Ks of all uvs-ript 10ns, wood, coal or
combination. 10 suit any purse from the
cheapest to the his:. -grade; a se.ectioo
iu picnrom; . ..u ip,
2"4 First St.
MA J KSTIC M a Ilea hie ran -res, g-ood aa new,
with pin water-front: si:!s new at nrKnt
for ilo: this one oaly $05 set up. Terms
1SS-1VU First St.
A LARGS assortment of used rugs and car
pels st rtafonnb.e pric.s. Come la and
iviu s. Luem okt.
h'4 First s.
COMBINATION bookcase and writing desk.
' mi., auiiu oas, wnn mirror, icn
door; a f'-i value w hen new. for 410.
-r,4 First Pt.
DAINTY ladies' writing deck. In solid oak;
used but in very good condition, Wa only
aak .$ 12. .in for It. T-rms.
First L
BUCKS cook stove with water tank attached,
4 holes. 1 S-:nch oven, in sp.endid condi
tion, for only $rt.
204 First S:.
7-foot, double oven, coal or wood ranjo,
la perfect condition, fi:v
204 First St-
MASSIVE aoild oak round ft-foot extension
tabto in fine Condition for only $1X0.
Thi U a snap.
owl furniturb; co.. ,
204 F.rst St.
$145 CASH buys the furnishings of a clfty
little camp on Went Side, south ; gaa.
phone, water and wood Leavs phona
number. A hi 504. Oregoniaji.
A LARGE assortment of atieboarda, a.Ti5
up; kiLchen tre; inures. $3.00 up.
ivKl ruHMTURii CO.,
ti d St.
REASONABLE One dining-room extension
table. 1 library table, some chairs. Tele
phone Main m."0.
OR SALE Huffet" f ood bargain : mirror
end silver drawers; f!7. Tabor 35$. 160
L. 73d st. North.
"WHITE sewinr machine. $: cook srove. $S;
box couch, complete bed. (U.&u. Id E,
. rear AS.l
UOLL-TOP d-t,k. dark oak, S-4$. used very
little; swivel cha r to match, Wood-
lawn 30:;'. or C
DA K K fumed ol bufT-t and six leather-
sea:-d dining-room cl.airs. 'j'.tZ at., base
meat, bewea 2 and 5 P. M.
SOLIT os k dlnlng-ro m set. urhoTtered
seat an! oak rvru-ipg chairs. l'td Monroe
it Wrtorliawn 3 . 1.
FOK PAI.K Two ftMnsr csbinets and sec
tion mI bookrnsfi. excellent condition. Call
Monday at -iju 3d st.
DAVKXPuRT. iron bed. spring and mattre-sa.
linoleum and mailing, l-io. ttreea shade,
r.!l v-ry rnsfrf-.ab'iB. lid My. 117'J,
A NO. 1 sicei rai.fie for sale. elM'a Lveiett
st re t.
ROl.L,-Tol' t-ffice dt-nk. hardwood.
'.".'13. rarn!ng and evening.
feK md'-board dining table and sitting room
table. I'hone K;it 44-i.
DAVKNPOKT sanitary couch wiiJo mat
tress. atn ost new. Apt. 1'4. American Apia.
DINING and 1 1 vi n r -room set for sale; no
dbslcra Phone Tabor 2SutL
FOR SALE Furniture; am leaving clly;
call Sunday. 44 W. Salmon sl
heater, ea-le rhe: w.M--d n J col
p. Call Tabor 7tl7.
BEAUTIFUL osk diring-room ad cheap:
t aio drfMf-r. l'J1 I'imnnt,
GAS stove, three-burner snd oven attached.
3:7 4- J st 8. fc: Woodstock car.
HAVE sold my horn, must setl nay high
grade furniture. lot 7 Hancock at.
HOUSEHOLD torniture Xoxaaa, Phone
ahur ZJ$X
vVw -N;.is AT FI LL VAuT.
Pli.Nf ALr-,-e.ST,jCK A T FORMER
RI,- rrv,-- V E!t V1- USED PIANOS AT
ft - Pi'vCelvyU-VS LltiEHAL TERMS
ran ai t
Fti rat tare tor Sale.
-Don't BLlaa th Is opportunity. If yoa
are looking for aaapa In household goods
you will fin 4 them here. We want to call
your attention to the fact that wo are
aelUsg new furniture, ruga, linoleum
drapertea. ranges, heaters and complete
furnishings at such low prices aa you win
Py for second-hand good a Be sure you
have compared values before placing your
order for a single thing. Wo have been
ory fortunate In buying two Immense
stocks of furniture in the country, goods
ta were purchased two years ago. Sold
to us at a sacrifice, enables ns to give you
such ridiculous values that defy all com
petition; all we ask. corns and be eon
tnced. In this lot wo have secured a
carlot of up-to-date Whits Rotary sewing
machines think of It. a brand new ma
chins which retails all over for $55. which
we are going to sacrifice at S39.30. Don't
psss this by; It's a lifetime chance; If
you are not ready, a deposit will reserve
one for future delivery. Liberty bonds ac
lee-ies First st..
Bet. Yamhill and Morrison,
1 1 K s We have Just received a de
lned thtpment of 12 ivory bedroom suites
0.(-ht ov.r a year ago at per cent
Wf than the present cost; (hey are very
hiKli-gmde uii?s. in distinct Adams (ie
in; all hardwood construction; each
p.tce ornamented with small dainty hnd
Ciiivir.K.s no characteristic of thai period;
e-ich suite compr.sei very graceful bed,
iar;e dressor and chiffonier, n 1th beveled
euse French pl:e mirrors, dr5Sin-iabie
wita tripiit ate mirrors, all drawers f li ed.
WKh duii brass ring pulls; complete suite,
special for Ihis wtck at lasijears price.
easy terms.
l-lt0 1st St,
I-ave about l!u of these arrives that are In
treat den. as J. We c-n -:i you one in any
i.n.s.i. h or instance we have three fine buffets, a.l are CO inches long: ore is
mahogany In Jacobean design, one is a
mass. ve waxed oak colon. al aesisn in se-jecu-d
qu.iiter-S4t.wd and one is a very
heavy fumed oa. Any one of these pieces
wou.d cost new at .east $15. uur price,
e7. Terms if desired. No lniert-st charted,
i'f c-'urse we have many chawPer ones
from jja up.
The liiK tftore.
15 to 101 F.rst St.. near Yamhill Public
A VlKY fine ma hoitany bed and dresser to
match, mirror ouiJi inches and large base;
a Sl.ap at S4a.
A throe-cushion tapestry ' overstuffeil
davenport, lik.e new; or.g;nal cost SIOO. for
Two French Wi:ton SxlJ ruga, tplendld
patlerns. to new.
one tap.Mry hali runner 11 yards long
1 yard wiuo. with rubor ends, at a bar
gam. one Humphrey No. 30 automatic water
heuu-r. just tl:e thing for a hotel ox rs
tauran: : a snap at .0.
Klin E'S. l :rj 1st st.. near Taylor.
LK N'T liE PlSt'OUR ACFD by Thi high of new gv4is. We have r-0.0"0 square
fett of f ..M.r spice crammed with bar.
gains In used house bo. d goods. Wo
i'AN furnish you up at a moderate pr:ce
an 1 we can give ytfu easy terma We
charge no inteitst and we guarantee aatis
f actum. Call snd see us. ou don't have
to buy. but ten chances to one if you are
""in the market you will buy here and be
Just . c : (i tn ti.y as we re to se. I you.
Tlie li.g
13 to 101 First S: near Yamhill Public
.M ..rkc:.
I n 1 1 ds .... ................(1 7a and up
;ln: ......... i.oo and up
l:.i;lr. lad l..rx) and up
Ciuirs . ............. ......... .75 .nd up
I rey iers 7 '0idi1 up
T-.n:ng taSIci S O0 and up
t'e:u r tabis - 7 a and up
Cock stuves B oo and up
l.ockers . l.&o and up
L'"4 Firs; St.
UtTond st
Free Lt livery.
Phons during day. A 12 no. MMn 633L At
night. A aoOL Wain -7&3.
OVER 10a I'tfED KOCKK R3 from the
St.talr Hotel. These have been through,
the finishing shop snd look like new.
1 here are uuoui 10 others at the extremely
low price of 5o each and others graded
up according to sir.e. Tins is an unusual
oppor u n ; t v.
The Uig Store.
1S5 to 101 First. St.. near Yamhill Public
We surest you step in and let us Show
you our prices are right on heaters: we
have all kinds, wood, coal or combina
tions, new or used; no matter what you
W4.nL, you can liud it here at the price
you want to pav; easy terms.
lSi-l'.H 1st Sl
COAL. 6 1 iT W O CD U A N G E.
Pract.caiiy es good aa new. with water
coll. p.ain nickel trimmings; a beauty;
an $S3 range for 4a; deiiveicd. set up and
204 First St.
W E have an Estey parlor organ In quarter
sawed oak case ; a fine Instrument wit a
rich, clear tone of great volume. Come
and try It ; xve consider It a splendid
value at $42.50. Easy terms.
lS-lt0 Fir ST St.
KITCHEN cabinet, cheap dresser, commode,
organ, heater, sewing macb.. folding screen
up no: stereo cot, 4x4 Iron bed.
spring, folding Ironing board, larre oil
painting, l piece linoleum, arm rocker and
a rm chair, oud chairs, washing machine.
Moa 45th ave. S. E. Sell, aoi.
RELIABLE gas range. 4 burners, elevated
side oven, enameled doors, in fine condi
tion ; duUvered and connected.
Why pay ftit
204 First St.
FOR SALE Massive "llmbert" solid oait
buffet, 54-tncb pedestal type dining tabl.
Art craft style Derary table and Morris
chair with Morocco leather cushions, if
50L Oregonian.
SOLID oak combination bookcase snd writ
lng desk In first-class condition, for
1S3-190 First St,
SOLID oak 6-loot extension tahie. for Quick
sa.e, s.r.0.
SOLID oak Tibrary table. S2x52-tnch; ro
inovable leather cushion Morris chair.
6ft rug; reasonable now. Mala
Monday. '
BEAUTIFUL, massive mahogany 11 -piece
im:ng set. also uavenport, easy chairs.
Vietrola, library table, table lamp, bnc-a-brac,
etc t0 ltKh North, East al&.
CHAMPION coal or wood range. 16-In. oven.
ae.ivered snd et up. $21 CO.
Z-4 First St.
Ons fins mahogany dreraer, extra largo
r!ski. flu; one hue chiConier, Phono
East 2o.t.
EVERAL h gh-grade Axmlnster and Wil
toa ru.i. The pr.cs are right.
2-'4 First St.
OAK bedroom set. chiffonier, chairs, small
l:brry tal'le. go-cart, good as new.
NEW furnitur, rugs, stair carpet; reas-n-m
Me at once. t iuone Tabor otl suorn
lnga m
Ft'ii S.VLI-; To Axmir.ster seamless ruRs.
M-jr!y new. Caii Last 6C77 between
10 and 1 mtaav.
FOR SALE Two PxlO WT.!amette donkeys;
one 1 jlIO Tacoma. ej uipped fir
U.gglng. torms, or will lease. Inquire 24T
LKAOi-AW. almo-t new. for saie. cheap. Jemotkoskl. Erakion liotei. '4 x.
SI st- Home evei.fngs about 7 o'cioclt
nT pTTOVER and 8-lndia-: wiusk e
3 H. P part paymenU W. 6. Uahtt. Mt
nale. Or.
Cl'UMCb. OKAKs. end co:i:p;: et of tin
ners tro.s. u.vaiOD at F&oae Ti.
bor14io Call Sunday.
FOR SALE Five GO 000 "capacity StandaiA
-x cpptd Let cTsV AV la4. OrcozLSh