6 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, PORTLAND, OCTORER G, 1913, KEAL ESTATE. Tor Sale Houses. W-E-E-K-L-r B-A.-R-Ct-A-1-N-S. 3-0-0-0 PORTLAND BOULEVARD, 2 blocks from St. Johns car; 7 room house, ba.th, toilet, lights, full basement, hot and coid waie, corner lot, &JxI00 it., nne s:iau trees, iruit, Dtrries snd rests, chicken-house; 0uu cash, bal ance to suit. $2-6-5-0 CLuSE TO L-AUREL.HU RST PARK.; 7 rooms, bath, touet, lights, gas, hot and coid water. . tine laroi; lot, 12. bearing truit trees, Beautiful rusts, paved streets ana ail improvements in; $loUU cash will handle. $2-3-0-0 ALjiEKTA ; 7 rooms, full base ment, bath, toilet, lights, gas. hot and cold water; clear of in cumbrance ; a J ley in rear; cash will hanuie. 2-1-5-0 GODSTOoiv.; 5-room bunga low, built-in ouffet. Dutch kitch en, batn, toittt, iighis, etc.; this i3 a snao; ?oU0 cash will handle. $1-3-0-0 ALBEiiTA: very neat cottage. Close to school; fine lawn and roses, sleeping porch, lignts, gas, toi.et ana coid w at.tr. Let us show you. Bee W. W. JO it DAN, with, F. E. TAYLOR CO., Inside Property Dealers, Ground Floor, Henry Uu.laing. ' S2200 VACANT MOVE IN $2200. A 5-room substantial home, like new. Just renovated, good basement, bath, toiiet, elec. and gcrs, sleeping porch, 40x 200 lot; good macadam street and sewer in and paid for. On Morris street near Com mercial, only S blocks north of Broadway; convenient to all sntpyards and 0.-"W. R, & N. shops. Total price $2200; terms. FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1U63. 43150 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $11150 5-room bungalow, like new. very artistic lines, hardwood floors, fireplace, leaded glass bookcases, large built-in buffet and other built-in effects. paneled dining room with platerail, Pullman breakfast room. Bleeping porch, large floored attic block to car. 4U xlU-foot lot. Price $olo0. Terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main lub8. BUNGALOW LADD ADDITION ix rooms, strictly modern, not stereo typed, larce, beautiful living-room, all built-in conveniences, full cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, improvements in and paid; $4750; J622o0 cash. Might sell furniture also. 654 jCypress st.. east from the Central Park. Owner home all day today to show the house. U. S. MORTGAGE &. INVESTMENT CO., 607 Yeon Bids. Main 243.S. 11S6 EAST YAMHILL ST. $3600. S3600. 5 rooms, bath, pantry, full cement base ment, laundry trays, gas water heater; new oak floors and electric features: streets all improved; large lot with lawn, fruit, roses and berries. Go and see this place and if interested call R. M. Stayda. with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5 1 h St axi 0S69. CLOSE IN MODERN BUNGALOW. Here is a snap in a beautiful modern home within easy walking distance of business center. Six rooms and large finished attic, full concrete basement, fur nace, bard wood floors, built-in features, garage, all street work in and paid. Only $4100 ; $1000 cash, balance easy terms. R. F. FEEM3TER, 309 Abington BIdg. L VACANT MOVE IN. FURNISHED HOUSE 6- room home, in good condition, f. t basement, bath, toilet, elect, and gas. ; house is furnished and includes player piano. On beautiful Mount Tabor, 2 biks. to car; 12 fruit trees. Price $31o0. Terms, fcee FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Blflg. .To Buy Your Home. Main 1U6S. EAST YAMHILL. NEAR EAST 39TH. ti rooms, furnace, full cement basement, garage, 2-story, modern, ail improvements in and paid in full ; $3000. terms; will give a good discount for cash ; only one block from best car service in thee ity. See R. M. Staysa with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th St. Main 069. EXCEPTIONALLY EASY TERMS. $5250 7-rm. modern home, corner E. 26th and Salmon ; grand view ; now va cant, ready to occupy. 4750 Very modern bungalow, 7 rooms, parage; Alameda Park; very easy terms. $3250 Modern ti-rm. house, best condi tion ; East 10th near Morrison ; terms. F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock BIdg. FOR SALE by owner, Hawthorne district, modern bungalow. parlor, dining, den. kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath on one floor; attic above, all built-ins. fireplace, fca.rdw3od floors, fine basement, laundry trays, cement steps, good garden, fenced, all in fine condition; paved street, no in cumbrance ; price $3300 ; must have $15.'0 cash; no agents. See this at 343 East41st. FOR SALE House and lot in Sunnyside dis trict; 5 rooms on lower fioor, 3 finished rooms in attic, bath. sink, wash trays, band sink. gas. electric lights, lot 42 front by 141 ; 10 large fruit trees, street im provements paid; $21:50; can see inside of house with owner Sunday and Wednes day afternoons between 4 and 5 o'clock. Tabor 1300. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. $MO00 5 large rooms, delightful interior finish and in pink of condition. All con veniences, full cement basement, bearing fruit trees, larse grounds, 2 blocks to car. Too nice to think of renting. Selling at a sacrifice. Easy terms. R. W. Fisher, 4i5 Stock Excange. Marshall 4990. Office open Sunday. Js'EAT BUNGALOW RENTAL TERMS. NOW VACANT. 5 rooms and bath. good basement, garage, ail in fine .shape. Nice lot, several fir trees. Price $1500, $200 cash, balance like rent. C. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEAT LITTLE HOME! $2000. Living-room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, full cement basement, full modern plumb ing, double construction, 5"xliio lot, pav ing and all other street improvements in and paid. Milwaukie ave., near Lambert; $j00 cash. J. C. CORBIN CO.. S05-7 Lewis Bldg. $3500 ROSE eMTT PARK $3500. Five-room bungalow, full lot; fireplace, white enamel plumbing, many bui't-in ei fects. White Dutch kitchen. Price $3500; terms. Spe FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BI.DG. To Buy Your Home. Main 100S. 8-ROOM HOUSE. $21O0. You never will beat th is buy; 8-room house. 8uxl 00 lot. with aiiey. nice lawn. Fhale trees, attractive terms. $350 will handle. GEO. T. MOORE CO. Abi-njrton Bldg. We Accept Liberty Bunds. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, GARAGE $1750. $2.0 cash, $15 monthly, buys a dandy B-room bungaiow near Reed College, 5ux 100 lot. Modern plumbing, gas, etc. To be sold this week. Ri F. FEEMSTER, 309 Abington Bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW BUY. 6 rooms, modern, paved street paid. 200 ft. off Hawthorne ave.; Price $2mj0. $400 down, balance like rent. R. W. Fisher, 415 Stock Exchange. Marshall 4990. Of fice open Sunday. REAL cosy home, 52d and Hawthorne, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, built-ins. lot 50x117, fruit and berries. Owner will sell much below value. accept liberty bonds as cash. Phone Columbia 7StJ. $ 4 500 LA URELHURS T 4 5 00. Exceptional bargain, 9 rooms, modern, fireplace. Full basement, fine furnace, dandy lot, 50x100, all assessments paid, near the best intersection in Laurelhurst. .Great location. $1250 cash. Phone 6741.- ONE BLOCK HAWTHORNE CAR, 5-room bungalow, one acre ground. Full price onlv $3HM"; attractive terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO. Abington Bldg. We Accept Liberty Bonds. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. Hardwood 'loors, fireplace, deeping porch, built-in effects. Dutch kitchen, nice neighborhood. Will sell for $2i'5i. Some terms. Apply 543 E. 39th, Richmond car. COMFORTABLE cottage, 3 rooms and hall, porch, basement, with '-a lots, on cor ner, sidewalks, close to car and conveni ences; $250 down, balance easy terms, 5225 SWth avt., Anabe:, S. E. $1550 5-RM. cottage near Mt. Tabor, on very easy monthly payments. $1900 5-rm. cottage, near E. 12th and Ash; easv terms. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock bldg. $200 DOWN. $15 MONTH. Including interest, buys 4-room house, bath. du:. t-ms, uea room. :ot ouxhs, on car line, fruit, fine garden fpot; $155: lot alone is worth the price. Sell wood 2 7 S3. WOODLAwTc B A R G AIN" 7 R O O V 1 OA S HEAT. GARAGE. 100x100; BERRIES. S2S50. EASY TERMS. OWNER fc3 N. W. BANK BLDG. 7-ROOM modern house in best of condition on Woodstock carl.ne, large lot. fruit and shrubbery. Price $2o00. easy terms. East 7473. 5-ROOM cottage, 23 Biaadena St. (Will iams ave. car), srr.a'l payment down and monthly installments; a bargain. Call Sun riiy from 10 to 5 o'clock. LAURELHURST. 8-room home, mahoprany, white enamel, all conveniences, priced for immediate sale. 11S5 Royal Court. Tabor 2793. 52300 BARGAIN Flr.e 7-room house. 32d. near car. Terms Owner, 321) Salmon. IRVJNGTON HCMES OUR SPECIALTY SEE NEL-HAUSEN A CO.. FOR EX CLUSIVE BA RGAINS. A MODERN 5-room house. Rose Citv. Hard wood fioors. fireplace. 615 E. 64th st. X. Tabor 73$$. HUPT sell my 7-room. all modern homeon account moving to a different town. 33 Coliege. 3iUST sell my S4GO0 home; will talce 3500; no asenta. T&bor 720-4. REAL ESTATE. IRVING TON. A most desirable and attractive resi dence of eight large rooms, practically new; large glass-enclosed sleeping porch, heated ir desired, tiied bath and shower, separate bath lor maid's room, tiied fire place in living-room and bedroom, con servatory and beautifully finished throughout; this property has every mod ern convenience, even to burglar alarm system; located in the very best of Irving ton on 1 00 loo, well improved witn Lowers and snrubs, south and east front age. This property has cost 'between $18,000 and $20,0uo, but owner will make an at tractive price on actual sale, or exenange his equity for desirable, W LLL-LOCATLJ vacant or improved Portland property. Lr ou2, Oregonian, SOMETHING FOR YOU. MR. RENTER. A small payment down, a few eXLra dol lars with your rent money ana you can se cure a big bargain in a 7-room house in i-aure. hurst $iwuu under original cost; built aoou: tour years ago on a very low mar ket. House is newly finished throughout in oid ivory, large hail, living-room, dining room, music-room. Dutch kitchen, 3 nne large bedrooms and extra .urge sleeping porch, fine view lot 5oxl20; good garage See it toaay if possible. Pnone and I w ill ca.I for you with auto. Tabor 3433. Even- mgs, Last 20SO. SACRI FICE $1000 below cost; one acre, large i-room bungalow style, all modern conveniences; garage, barn and chicken bouses; large chicken run; pears, prunes, apples, cherries, berries, in city two blocKs from M. V. -Depot car on 67th st , haif-hour ride from 3d and Morrison: G.isan street paved all the way to 87th; can drive in auto in 12 minutes. Cow, two tons hay, mill feed, chickens, ducks, etc ; all with pla.ee ready to move into. .. three-fourths living expenses. Call Tabor 2&70. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME! Nine rooms, living room, dining room, maid s room, den, kitchen first floor. 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath, upper rioor. Hardwood floors in every room, all white enamel finish. Garage in connec tion. The owner will sell for S550O and accept $2000 cash or liberty bonds. The price quoted is at least $1000 below value. Let us sbow you. , .R CE A- McKENNA & CO., M. 4522. 727 Chamber Comi ber Commerce. LOOK. -ROSE -CITY PARK, xnis Is a real home for someone; 9 lots, ail nicely improved, with fine orchard V -room bunga.ow, strictly modem, 2 large garages, fine lawn and shrubbery. Let us tdVrZ?nrhis- Price $11,000; terms. WATCH OUtt ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A Warriner, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-O-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVLN'OTON. S00. $8000. and worth more. This Is certainly a rare opportunity to get a fine 7-room plastered nouae, modern in every respect; neighbor hood the best; could not be duplicated for $12,000 today; is in perfect condition, ga rage. Come in and see the picture. Bat tm. with THE FRED A JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th Street.. Main 6809. DO TOTJ GET ME? WEST SIDE NOB HILL. 8-room house, cost $b000. 50x100 lot worth $6500. TOTAL VALUE J14.500. Price for quick sale. 6uu. Admitted be lne blSgest bargain in Portland. Address owner, G 45s, Oregontan. WAVKKLY HEIGHTS CuR.N'ER. PAVED STREETS. Vacant; six rooms, with dandy sleeping porch, white enamel interior, hardwood floors, built-ins, lurnace and fireplace, ce ment basement and laundrv trays, a very complete and modern home; sa.crih.ee 432 jU, $.00 cash,, balance terms. juw.NSUA, 212 Lumbermens Bldg. Broadway 1012, East b421. BUNGALOW G la.rge rooms and reception hall, living-room, fireplace beautiful din-(ng-room and breajctaat room. Dutch kitch en, built-in refrigerator, large bedrooms, roomy bath and show er. with dressing room, hardwood floors. large attic, full concrete basement, porcelain laundrv travs. hot-water heat, fine garage. large lot" paved streets, paid. $5uoo. terms. Mar. frt'-". M ain, 1 0 03 . H A W T I f O RNE BUNGALOW. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 5 rooms and floored attic, hard-surface In and paid, one block from Hawthorn car. Price, ;t000. terms. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS C. A. Warriner, RITTER, LOWE & CO 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Completely furnished and modern In every respect except oak floors; 0 large rooms. 1 blocks from Sancy on East 6.th st. N. This property shown onlv by appointment. Owner non-r&ident. This is an exceptionally good value; price $2350 $tjOi Ciiih. C. Ai. Derr, 304 U. Oak et Broadway 200. " . modern hawthorns bungalow. 5-room bungalow in Hawthorne. full bas.-ment. laundry trays. li. W. floors, all bi:t-ins. fireplace and In first-class con dition. Lot SoxloO; 14 block from car. A d:noy place and a real buy at S25i; Jt3'i down. bal. monthly. Mariels or William. S2' Cham of Com. bldg. Sunday, Mar. 5?h3: week days. Main 767. ATTRACTIVE modern bungalow, with nice ly finished reception haii. parlor, oen, dining-room, white Dutch kitchen, 3 bed rooms and all built-in conveniences. North Albma district, good location, near car. $25.i0 for immediate sale. Improvements paid ; on good terms. Owner. Woodlawn 1S43. IN ROSE CITY PARK. $4200 buys a strictly modern 6-room bungalow with garage. Has -all built-in conveniences. 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, fii cement basement, furnace; terms STAN LTV S. THOMPSON CO.. 3 '.'2 Oak. 1RVINGTON. 7-room strict' y modern bungalow, ga rage, close to Broadway car. For bargain see Miss Vertrees, with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 1045thStreet. Main 6869. WELL located and very attractive modern 5-room house, uostairs unfinished; nice fireplace and good car service. A real bargain at $3750 and will give easy terms. SAMUEL DO A K 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 6-ROOM bungalow, very terms. East 543S. - modern, $3500; CORNER, 6 rooms, good location, $2750; fine terms. East 543&. MODERN 6-room cottage. 2 blocks from Jefferson High School, 60x100 lot, with all kinds of fruit and berries. This is a won derful buy at $3150; terms. C. M. Derr 304 '-2 Oak st. Broadway L'66. ST. JOHNS BARGAIN. $2250; modern 7-room house, full base ment, largfl lot; excellent condition; $300 cash, balance $20 monthlv. Interest 6 J. F. STAVE R. Macieay Bldg. S1200 200 DOWN'. 8-room modern cottage, one block, from laoor cur. Phone Tabor 5196. Evenings. IK I.N (J ION SACRIFICE $5000. attractive modern home, near Knott, center hall, one bedroom downstairs, ideal kitchen. Neu- $1000 CASH takes good 5-room house, full lot, Vontavilia. Needs some fixing up then worth $2000. Hart. 910 Ch. of Com! Tel. M arshail 15S5. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, modern, full-sized an cny improvements made, Sunnv side district, 52o00. easy terms. Hatfield & Crabtree. 231 Morrison st. Room IS. 6-ROOM house, modern, Everett, lot SOxlOO Fnce 52O0O, $200 cash, bal. $20. Hatfield raoiree, 1. iiornson. Room 13 Phone Main 9323. S2350 6-ROOM semi-modern rnffc nyslde) near Hawthorne car, $350 cash balance $25 monthly. See owner. 416 Cham ber or commerce. 5-ROOM bungalow on Church St., close to Union ave., easy terms. Call at 456 Pit- locit uiutii. jiuati.vay itos. I.NCO.ME property, nets S90 mo.. 3 furnished flats. 3 stores, garage, iot 90x35. Owner In service. Vood:awn 5-R. COTTAGE, plenty fruit. Piedmont Park near Union ave.; total price $12S5: terms! Phone Sellwood 3602 or Marshall 2432. IKVINGTON SNAP Dandy little home, near .L .uu .uui(.( f.uvu. itiuts. -.eunausen SELLWOOD S1400 takes 6-room cottar lot 50x100, near car. now vacant: $2ot cash. Tabor 6441. 671 EAST SALMON" ST. 7-room house, lot 4xll.. rnce no; terms; snap. J. Ha, 3u: Chamber of Commerce. S-P.OOM modern house $1800 If sold at once. Owner. 6S14 46th ave. S. E. Tabor 5610. E-isy terms. TWO a-r.d a half acres, all In cultivation. 4 room house. Courtney station. $20,0: $300 cown. bal. easy. Mar. faao. Main 1UG3. 52S EAST 35th rt. 6-room modern house car. S"j.,tO. Owner. C. Meehan.Main c7u in i-.ui v. . ti. uiicr iiuiiic ui rooms. bedrooms ar.d sleeping porch, way belo, value. Owner. East 2$3S 3-ROOM small house. large lot. for SQr.o tlOO down. tl5 a month. M. E. Lee. 5o3 Coroett o'.dg: . 4-ROOM cottatre. near St. Johns carline. lot roxioii. Price Very easy terms. Hatnelq & crabtree. -31H Morrison St. $17Xt MODERN 5-room house. Burn. s:ce St.: monthlv rjavments: to'z a Eart. 810 Ch. of Com. Tel. Marshall loss. REAL ESTATE. tor Sale -flonaem. - ROSE CITT PARK. di00 8-room modern house, full basement. 1 h b.ocks from Sandy blvd: tuil lot. Terms. lfM-9 ROSE CITY PARK. -Btory 6-room, sleeping porcli: fnll basement, with hot-water heating plant; lot Soxion. Terms, c ,wft B E A L M -NT. -ot 5-room lVs-etory house; hardwood doors; full basement; furnace; hard surface street; & blocks to car. I arms. I!:,'-!SE CIT PARK LOT. S30 60X11,0; IS from e-aiulv blvd.; ,trt Term, palll; Suing .way. MT SCOTT FOCR-ROOM plMiereJ hou'.e on eornor lot 100x100. 14u,,. Trm. HAUIHOK.VK J150 5 rooms, firep.ace. largo dlnlns-room. - Leilroorrts. larse bam room, .ireel -Main 14 -. jr,' ,w o. SOAtETHl.NVj FOR YOU. SIR RENTErT Pyment down, a fe exlra 3ol 'r .your rent money and vou can Jn 'd Ivor-, large ha.:. liv!nK-room. a'n "V ?m- mu,lc-room. Dutch kucn.-n tiA large beiiroom, and extra Urce la-aPieS 8rCh- t:nl v:ew lot SOxlaO. Gd fnrt I Jifi ".. t.c,day 11 Po'"ie. Phone 1 ca" ior jou ua -ti A ELT-POOX . BrXGALOW, NEAR tiCHELUL-RST modern, $3300 EAST mm TABOR B9. FIXE CORXER RESIDENCE. Tnl la tne choice location or the fin, homes, close In on the East Side: rooms. larse finished attic, hardwood rioor,. fireplaces. furnace. full cement basement, garage, hard-surface In and terms 5t SUkln' hear Bdwy. Price, 87Su, C. A. Warriner. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. g"3-S-, Board of Trade Bide. LA C RE L HURST. O-room moaern residence, two full stoiiei and attic, all hardwood fioors. tiled bath room. 3 beorooma. enc sJeeplns porch. Jy 2a-lnt,!d an1 tinted, deiiihtlul neigh borhood near Laurelhurst Ciub. full lot. hard-surfaced street In and fully paid for r--?.e food 33 day buiit- u r3 aEo: i.i-oO; house cannot be built for this, be-e.-lea the lot worth 2O00 Is thrown In tree. Some bargain, eh? tiet busy. E. J Laiy. --Jl Failing bliig. VACANT BUNGALOW: MOVE TOMORROW 7-room bungalow type house. Just off Kll.ingsworth. full basement. laundry trays, fine plumbing, just newly tinted and painted, lot SOxlOO. with an alley f.,'UV-Jl- monthly. Mariels or Will &5 . JZS?' .."i? Sunday. . .- t.v.jfc jiaja, Jiain i JOi. t.'b.0 HAWTHORXE DISTRICT S2850. On East 46th st. two blocks from car; L.!18; ,,urn?ce- fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays, an Improvements, sleeping porchf. bath, built-ins. This U a tTHrt"i-it.I?!' R- M- Staysa. with ,J.H?i'!tED A- JACOBS COMPANY. 104 ath Street. Main BSR9 IT GOES THIS WEEK -m 1 ,J -t--ifJ ESTATE. FIRST f.ir.o DEPOSIT TAKES IT PKiCE ONLY JT00. 7-room house, corner lot. all Improve ?r,rfpald ,clear lltle- "diking distance, this side of Ladd's addition. u 40!. Ore gonlan. W AVER LEY HTS. HOME, o rooms, full cement basement, furnace hard-surface streets, half block from car Nice fruit trees, berries and shrubbery ioth, near Clinton. Price J370O, terms. C. A. Warriner. RITTER. LOWE & CO g03-0--7 Board of Trade Bldg. A KIAL GOOD BUY. k , c;ri ''ARK. 6-room. 1 -story bungalow, located in the choicest part of the district, 2 fireplaces, good garage Im provements all In and paid for. price only 42.j0. but must have at least tOOo cash Invest, ue t once. A splendid buy. Phone Last 2-6, Tabor 3433. :30- 2f.00 I have 4 or 5 modern, np-to-date homes', all In good location, not far out. I can sell with a .-,,io cash payment and bal ance J20 or S30 per month. See P AL fataysa. THK PR ED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 1Q4 Itti Street; Main 6S09. nvE-nooM modern cottage 2v.h jind Oregon st . one block Sandy blvd ; this is ell built and has full ce ment basement, with hot water heating p. ant; a very good buy at J270U. eay terms. JOHNSON. 212 Lumbermens Bldr. Broadway 1012. East 421 HAWTHORNE lino bungalow 419 E. 60th. ju. i.ioor i-arK. reservoirs and Franklin High School; has 5 imm-ne rooms, with space for 4 more ur.slalrs: large lot, hard-surface street, garage, etc For immediate sale 40o. half cash. For inspection phone Dr. Holliater. Morgan b 1 ,1 jr. iEE Hughes 6t Blake for real bargains and easy terms. We have several good buvs in sma.l bungalow-a Small pavment down balance like rent. Some furnished, ready to move into. See us at orce Our auto at your service. Hutrhes & Blake, 114'i Grand ave.. over Citizens' Bank. Phone Last 1.1S1. MOUNT TABOR DISTRICT. Beautiful 5-room bung-i.ow with attic oak floors, white enrunel finish excep tionally large rooms. f,ren!;tr nn.l every built-in convenience; 70x100 corner mi., rntf ?3 gooa terms. Must be sol, by Oct. 15. Owner leaving for the Ent C M. Derr. 3, ,4 '4 Oak St. Broadway 20'l WILLIAMS AVE. BAROAIN. 6-room house. l;y Williams ave.. mod ern appointments, splendid lot. 130 ft. long to alley: lots of shrubbery and flowers. This is a good, comfortably, roomy house aid a big bargain at 27r,0. Convenient terms. Fine location for ship workers THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO., 270 Stark. ONE ACRE AND COTTAGE. 4-room. newly built, ground all in culti vation, good barn, abundance of fruit anu Denies, close to car. Price S2O0 terms. C. A. Warriner. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. VERY. VERY EASY TERMS An 6-room house on 55t!i st.. Just off onsan. run oasement. lurnace. tine plumb ing. about J lots. lots o: fruit, street macadam. Price $2C0o. Small payment uown. oai. montniy. Mariels or " lliiams 820 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 7067. - VACANT GOOD. AS NEW. Foor-room bungalow. Altamead, close to flat, laoor car; narawooa noors. built-ins, laundry trays, cement basement: $2000, easv terms. JOHNSON, 213 LuVibermens Bldg. Broadway 1612. East 8421. EXTRA good, two-story modern house, free irom ueot. rwee Darn ana two good large lots affording good garden, which I can sell for $4250 and the house alone Is worth mis money. Give terms. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. J6700 ATTRACTIVE IRVIXGTON HOME 7-roora high-class home, very modem, every convenience, f. c. basement,' fur nace and fireplace. H. W. floors, etc Price S0700. Terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldr To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. 4500. IRVING TON. $4,100. 7-room house, modern in every respect, located between Thompson and Brazee sla. oee oniLin. . wun THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th Street Main 6869. $1700 MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $1700. Close In on Morrison St.. small lof s.i.r,n If you want a dandy little home see this at o H Sin . i i- Tabor 3433. DELAKUMV. $1SK0 $250 CASH. Will seM good 5-room house, full base ment, bath and electric lights, convenient to Broadway and Alberta cars. Miss Slo- como. Jiain oo. o- irienry bids. 1R V I N GT ON HO M K 8 room 9 r .rfrt dition. strictly modern, with carafre: owner leaving city: ;-icrif!'?e at $700o. Hart. 910 in. orj-oro, iti. aiarsnait lo. 4-ROOM house, partly modern. lower Albina near Mississippi ave: cash, balance SI 5 month. Hatfield & Crabtree. 231 jiorriwa auoiQS as ana lit. MODERN 6-room. house; al! improvements In and p-aid; healthy and def lrable lo cality; haf block to car. Terms. Phone renwooa km i, owner. HAWTHORXE DISTRICT, near r,2il. $Zr,0 $."00 cash.. 4 per cent on deferred pay - ments; 4 bedrooms, 2 toilets, cement base nient. S:!3 X. W. Bank bids. WEST SIDE corner. 2 stores; Income 2.m0 5-room furn:?ied touse, all for $4o00 $2f.Q0 cash. MarshHil Si;S2. $4'50 Comer buns low, Rose City, for s'-reei pa inciuaea. Terms. Go ee n. uwner, .narsnaii iuu nuuv ij.., ir.e oaiance monthly payments. bt:ys a fine 7-room house. 4ur- msneu. ai. c. L.e. o" Loroen n;n k. ALBKF.TA Delightful 5-room bungalow. 5-KOOM house for ?12i0. nice iot. f3'0 down S-0 a month. E. Lee. 5'5 Corbett bUlg 5-ROOM buncaiow. S25 E. 4th . N. Open fcunaay, i io o. rnone .ast aiiais. TWO-THIRDS of an sere. 4-room houif. ft cent tare, at Capitol Hill station. Max. 1ST. REAL ESTATE, lor ale Houses. THE HOUSING "PROBLEM SOLVED AT BEAUTIFUL CAHjuX HElHTi Within the city limits. 8-cent ear fare, cement sidewalks, tu, electricity. Hull Run water. U lota 50x100 feet. Bvery mnnnarn In view at all ttrnea. rotiage ............... $ H7r 4-rcom conaue lo-.o 4-room cottaue ls6o 4- room but.ga,ow with every modern conveniene O00 5- room i'W Kalo w !!!!!!! .-, , . ir m house S200 Terma. JO per cert down. 1 per cent per month. Buy early ana have your chuice. THB CARSON COMPANY. OWNER. H'4 Piatt bldg. Phone llaisaall t,,23. ARTISUTC 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. n.-.J n onr ,f'oor- "il lidfawooj floors; I!mg room full width with fireplace, am- ?rllu" Vltt UrKe bu'rt- klichtn with breakfast bay; txxo bedrooms and sleep ing porch, bath, nursery or sewing room: iuii cement bawtnent. furnace, garace 3 blocks to Franklin Hih. near tTubllc cnooi and kindergarten. A reiined hums1 i I-opie. frlce only S4JO0. in cluding coal ar.d wood for Winter. slouO CAtola, baiance eajv pavniPiiUL MAC f.WV jhone Main 17U0 or Tabor !; l eves. - . . '' 'tl have been looking for ooo it never has been offered for sale 5,.J.rea modern five-room bungaiow. with two full lota riifht In the city, just a nice distance from two canines, one a o-cent fare. You cannot build the bunga- "i?w l0.r t.he prlc- Th" lot nothing. Ihis is ia a very healthy locality, high and level on Carson Heighta. city water. as. electric light and city school. The price is only 16o0. 000 cash la all vou have to have. . . M. J. CLOHESST. 415 ABINGTON BLDG. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Btrlctly modern. 1 rooms, sleeping porch, sun parlor, furnace, fireplace, bulit-in ef fects, best bathroom fixtures, finely fin ished throughout with all . modem con veniences, situated on lu(lxl20 lot, flna v ,wi aU ,mProv'nents In and paid, choice neighborhood, convenient to car. If you 7500 aci" ct home Investigate It. Price A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bids. . Marshall 4114. A 4118. MR. RENTKrt Avr n ii i cvu u.- r- rj ' 'm, BU.il t bAKlJAI.NS. 4-room cot tape, full cement basement, ana two-room house and barn, large lot. full of truit. ana aU for ibuu. some cash, balance to suit. 4-room houe and lot with fruit. $950. 6-room bungalow, 2 lots, plenty of fruit, and only ljo. These are only 20 minutes from 8d and Morrison sis. and double ear service J. H. HOl.BKOUK, 14-215 Panama bidg. CENTRAL EAST SIDE. - Ground JJ2xSr. 8-room. well built house, rull cement banetnent. fruit trees, large barn, fine garden soiL This is a fm home for a large family. Price, S350U. easy terms. WATCH oLR ADS; WE GET RESULTS C. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 503-G-7 Board of Trade. Li Id g. S3 250 ROPE CITY PARK CORNER CLOSE IN Modern 5-room bungalow with oak floors. fireplace. furnace, full cem&nt basement, and all built-in features. IMPROVEMENTS PAID J U KAKNOPP St CO.. 819 Ry. ExchanKe Bldg. Main 6T5. LAURELHURST 1010 PAHHC ST. Up to date. 0 rooms and sleeping porch; aU improvements in; $."oii0, easy term. Will be open Sunday, 2 to 5. W. H baw tell. Tabor loll. FORFXLOFVRE BARGAIN". J. A. WICK MAN CO.. :;i4 Stark. Main 553 VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN $3000 8-room modern 2-story home near Alberta car; furnace. fu!I cement basement. wah tra s. No inort g;ii"fi to acmjine. Terms. J. A WIOKMAN CO.. 314 Stark. Main 53. SAVE CARFARE. 5 rooms, with bath, connected to sewer, electric lights, etc.. hd. surf, street, rear good car service, close In East ide; sac rificed at tl."inj, on etuiy terms. See A H. BIRKDLL CO.. 217 Northwestern Hank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. EAST PINE-ST. HUXGALOW. 6 rooms and fireplace, a blocks from car, on hard-surface streets, nice location, close to school and stores, near 17 in street. C. A. Warriner. HITTER, L-OWK & CO.. 203-5-7 Hoard of Trade lildg. KENTON CAR. 5-room bungalow, inciudln g 3 cords wood, in m ber :or keeping porch ; prl- $:vif, $:o cnh, b:il,uue like r-ni; also . rooms, Tr.x lmi, fruit and berries, same terms. JUfi XSOX-bODsuX CO.. C34 N. W. HANK BLlw;. COUNCIL iT.KST district. G-room hou.c in line contliuon; 3 lots on hillside; iruit trees snd bt rrles. line view. c,o to car; $:;."o. easy terms; will conrlder part trade for iTinali house In suburbs. PhuUfl Mar shall 3"1J. M O I K H N ti L'XGALO w s. 5 fnomi, MontaviMa gTTo 0 rooms, I;iLlim'nd )juuu Kasy terms. HERMAN ilULLLER, 1025 Gasco bitig Main 140. -ROOM bungulow. Including den and breaU-fapt-rooni. g1 assert -in sleeping porch, uak Poors, rr.-pKie, bookcast's. bi. fft-i, garaj;e; $:;:iou. cash, balance mouth y. juUN S S-DVUQS CO., bi 4 N . V. ii.V N K ulih;. $12oo TAKES a nifty bung.-i.low, 3 rooms Idence district, close to good car and hard-eurfaced f?treets. Call for partlcu- ioi n u v. -i x lull u I ii 5 DONJT YOU WANT A REAL BARGAIN? to cur. " to Franklin Hich. A nice home with a d;miv view. Terms. J. A. WICK. VAN CO.. 314 Stark. Main 5S3 $100 CASH $H'0. Four-room modern houee, corner lot. 43x150, lf,io. $100 cash. $10 per montn. EPTON & McCLELLAN, Main 2941. 512 Chamber of Com - $C'0 MT. TABOR HOME FOR $4250. $-'0 cash. bal. terms. Widow must lt her fine modern home at sacrifice. Better sea tms. BARR. BDWT. 3125. HOME at Mil wiukle. 6-room house, base ment ana attic. acre rrult and berries, light, water, bath snd gas; price $i!.".otJ. easy r rms Call or phono Mrs. Maggie jonnson, jiii wauaie, ur. FOR SALE One of the most beautiful homes on the East Side; magnificent view; must be seen to be appreciated; all latest improvements. inquire from owner, Chi Kudeen, East 931 or Main 12s7. LARGE 8-room new house, 5 acres, near Kellrose Station, tree wood and water. price only $15 month; chance to work rent out. Pee Ott. G. S. Smith & Co., 432 namoer ox commerce. $700 BUYS a nice little 3-room house on lot Duxio. close to good car service and ciose to the South Portland shin- yards. For particulars call at 404 Piatt ounc.ing. WHY not buy this brand new seven-room bungalow, to be finished In few davs. and have tinted ar.d finished to suit; bargain price -4ou. 4-Ja ana tnnton sts., Riun mond car. 2 to 4 P. M. today. HANDY place for shipbuilder; acre tract, 4 room house. 3 blocks from electric station. 11c fare : want to sell or trade for farm. A G4.J, Oregon lan. 2ti-"0 moxlOO ground: good six-room house rear car; small amount down and easy monthly payments; big bargain. Owner. 1 :riti n. w. Hur. k nice. Main 1 YOUR choice of two fine residences in Irvington. the best part of it for $0500 each. L,iherni terms will re given. M. J. CLOHESSY. 415 ABINGTON BLDO. $1800 BUTS my modern 5-room cottnge with full basement, full lot, fc a-1 Haisey street. See owner at 404 Piatt bldg., for partic ulars. KENTON DISTRICT J1TOO. $300 cash, $'5 Der month: 4 rooms, batn. gns. elect.- cltv convenient to car. JOHN.-ON-DODSOS CO. . :.4 N. W. BANK E L D.l . VKOuM houi. furnished. In walUi:.g tiis- tance. near Washington High and Iiuck man schools; J4."'.'0. Owner. Ea?t 414$. FOR SALE 1-room real estate office, good condition. J. J. Cahalin, 630 Chamber of Conunerce. FOR SALE cheap, store and five-room mod em cotTaee. on Union ave. business prop erty; titsxiou lot. w oooiawn lytt. owner. HAVE 6-room house and lot on 4tn st.. near Mt. bron car, to trace tor ?mai farm: mtg. $225. L. Conlee, 213 First st. ."-ROOM house ; gas. electricity, bath, base ment, close In; terms Owner, 6j3 uanten bein ave. MUST be sold nice houe for 4 families terms to suit; only $2500. Owner. 3ti: Front st. 5-ROOM modf-rn house. E. 3'th St.. just oti Belmont: $22.".n; terms. Herman Moel'.er, 1025 Gasco b:Jg. Mam 1MJ. IF IT IS !XPrSAT2. "WE WRITE IT. A N V KIN D - A N T W R E K E . SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. MOTiERN 7-rcom hoi! two lots 100x100. worth $4500. for "."oo- leaving city ; anxious to sen. bt. a. tu. 5-BOOM bungalow. Rose Oty Park; s'.eei inc pori'h. furnace. nrei'ce. hardwefd floors. SSI E, 61st st. North. East 1163. REAL C0TATS. TWO PRAXl) N"W BCN "rAU'WS. , On it n Cirara. One a Flue Cori.--. Five, rooms and Urge attic, fireplace, hsrrtwooj ti-'ors tn liurr-rooni, d::i!nir room and K;tchn; buiit-ln bufft and Ironing l-rd. lars cupboarf1! In WiTChen. Iirit-n cluhet o"('.-i:t. e:c. while en.imc-ird ba:h ar.d kitchen, nne plumbing tlxiures ar.d rii ; -cln niMtcriM is throu saoui; f ti .1 cement bas-men;; furnace If dr- , sir: 1. Vt'ur opportunity to a line new home for but iu'.'e nn-re ih-D old houe will cot you. liny direct Irom own-r and builder; no contractor's profits or aF-'its' cimml5toR!i lor you to pay- tar Ituin price toiiny or.t : t. rrr.s to nit l. Lo cated at 4 lid tir.d Clinton ats.. Mock from hidimond car. two blocks south of L't vt.tion St.. near graded ani IukI scbooi. Own'-r on pr.-mts4- 1 to 5 P. W. A HOME AND AN INCOME. Owners leaving Portland niil-sell their home, consiftm of three flats; owner lives In upper fiat. litch has 6 rooms, large port h ; nothing cheap about it. as It was built for a home; loer fiat Is always rented to a a-ruble tenant and smi-basetnent of thre rooms and bath is occupied by couple who tio the Janitor work and care for lawn for the rent of same; has one furnace, hot mater heat and takes no more lu heat all than one hot air furnace; It cost $10,000. but ill sell for les and mu.k e reasonable terms to desirable party. Call for par ticulars at 24 Northwestern Bans. bldg. Ask tor M rs. Lent. A PPLEVDID OPPORTCXITT. 7-room houss on Stanton street, near Williams avenue; has good basement, bath. wnh trays, eta. The lot is 40x150, with Jots of fruit. This property was taken on a fore closure of mortgage and can be had for the amount now due. which is $-'4 00 Terms. $5(H cah. balan $20 per month; Interest 8 per cent. For further Information, sea J. b HILL,, 636 Williams Avenue, East 68. REAL BARGAINS! READ THIS LIST. Dandy small houde on large lot, near East Moreiand. easy terms, $ oo. Seven rooms. West Side. $ I so0 Five rooms. Hawthorne district. $1500. Seven-room house, la fruit trees, good barn, nearly half acre ground, shrubbery and shade trees, oniy two blocks to either w oodmock or Mt. Scott carline ; a real bar gain, $Ii2t;0. $.iOO cash. SHE US FO R SNAPS. PAKUISH & WATK1NS, 10 gd St. Main 1644. ROSE CITT PARK BUNGALOW. Of the better class; beautiful 6 rooms, having firep.ace. furnace, all bunt-Ins, fin ished tn hJie with tapestry paper and beautiful Eastern white oak floors: nice lawn and shrubbery, all improvements pd Close to car. I m In the draft and mill sell for $5ino, terms $I0o0 cash, and rent. Ta bor Utn3 THE BEST BUY IN THE CITY. ' Modern 5-room cottage, mith sleeping porch, located on Cook ave., near Williams ave., cloe to schools and business district, easy walking distance from the West Side. This is a ver- attractive little place and will make someone a mighty nti-e borne. Price $20i; terms $600 cash, bal ance $25 per month. J. F. HILL, Williams Avenue. Bast 26S. FOR SALE OR EXCHAXOE. 11-room modern house, full cement base ment, lui na e. 1 an nary trays ana all con veniences, 15 cords of good wood In base ment, 5 lots in small torn n. one hour's riae from 1'ortlanrt, on two electric lines, good schools, a fine home; will se4 cheap, terms given, or mill trade for Irvington or Hose City Park property. What have you ? Look this up. A V 125. Oregonian. WOULD YOU PAT $2250 for an honestiy bu.lt 6-room house on a ouxloo lot at li;o Wilbur St., half block to car? -There are s i ral k.ccis of fru.t and you could keep c.iicken; 1300 is all you n"eU pay down, and you can move la tomorrow. CE A. McKENNA & CO. Main 4522. 727 unu:r.ber of Commerce. 5 rooms, buftt-ln co n ve n Ic n ces, showei bath, bot and cold mater in bedrooms, nice garage, fruit trees and shrubbery. Clear of ail encumbrances, one-half blocs from car. Alberta district. Price. $:tluu WATCU OUK ADS; WE GET RESULTS C. A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. S03-5-7 Hoard of Trade Hldg. M U ST S E LI Owner going to California Tuesday. Modern 7-room bungalow, 1 blor-k from Rich mond car ; a bi-auty and bargain at $3200. Phone East 0727 for inspection feun!oy, or ee peterso;i, m-ith THE FRED A JACOBS COMPANY. I04 rth Street. Main 6SG9. GOOD six -room house, full lot. near Ft. Johns car ana For.. and rou.evard; very desirable and rt-asur.able: sub:ar.lial first pament; la anr trms to sulU Owner. Sun. ar.d eveuiuas. Tabor S552. other days Main wu52. EXCEPTIONALLY well constructed bungalow. hardwood floors, all built-in conveniences, dandy fireplace, fine Interior finish ; Richmond district. 20-y Forty-ttird street Southeast, lilihrnond car, get off on 41st street, go one I- --ck eajtt. open today. 1'uoue Ta bor 4531. "vim iimii m uni iri j i lt Willi ff ""j. ri-iuum iivubp, Mini mil i nt l u : n l -turn, near the Franklin High School. Do All you have to have is $7:0 In ca-ii. M. J. CLuliESriT. 415 ABINGTON 1'LPQ WOODLAWN 240 A LITTLE FARM ON 74TH ST. PRICE $1V50. 6-room modern, lot 5'x225. Select or cnaxu. cnickeu parx . terma. TABOR 4101. ROSE CITT PARK. On East 47th street, close to carline 6 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, furnace, fire place, hardwood f.oora. lot 5xlU0; every tiling included for $it"00, terpis. liUODAltD i WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. FOR SALE Ry owner, nice 5-room 14- story modern bungalow, on the cor ner; hard-surface street on one side; $:i7K cash; 1132 Stephens st., corner E. 3Mh St., four blocks south Hawthorne ave. Phone Tabor 1200; home Sunday. MODEP.N 6-room house. East 22d st., be tween Oak and Pine. This property has netted b per cent interest on oiiy dur ing the pant 6 years. Terms purt ra?h, balance monthly payments. J. W. Dimlck, care Standard Oii Co., Independence. Or. 7-P.OOM HOUSE Sleeping porches." mod ern conveniences, about six lots, great variety fruit bearing, chicken-houses and runs, lawn, roses, etc. ; $5000. Tabor 2381. A 637, Oregonian. SOUTH PORTLAND. Have too many houses In that district to be advertised ; if you want a house near shipyards and close In at a reasonable price, call. John Singer, 410 C. of C. NO PROFITEERING AT 4."00. Modern 7-room house on E. 3Uth st. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace. larj?e porch, hard-surface street. Phone Tabor lui0. 5-ROOM modem furnished bungalow. In Irvington. rented for $40 a month ; price $5fMiO. clear of incumbrance; want small farm not too far from Portland- Morris. 619 Henry bldg. FOR SALE 1O0t14 feet on 61st and East Stark streets. Portland. 7-room house with basement, street paved and paid for, yard ' in fruit and berries; $3o0. terms given. Address owner, Box 56, Cornelius. Or. FOR SAL15 11-room house, newly painted and kulsomined Inside, fireplace, furnace, modern; 115 East Mth st. North; price f2.V0 cash. C. B. Woodworth. 214 Spald ing bldg. Main 7191. FOR SALE By owner, modern 5-room bungalow. Rose City Park. one-half block from car; hardwood floors; lovely location ; $270. Woodlamn 1400. FOR SALE Good house and lot tn Eurene. Or.. O' mMll trade equity for most any thing of value. W. E, King. 440 V, il Hams ave. East ru.'.0. ?600 EQUITY. 5-room house, bath, etc ; light, gas. basement, buiit-ln features; home Sunday; 9712 ti." t h ave. S. E. Woodlawn 33 4 L FOR SALE 6-room modem house, near St-Jor-ns car line; 1117 Concord st.; price Jl:;to; part cash. Phone owner. Wood lam n 2Cj4- 5-ROOM HOUSE: 40x100 lot. fruit, berries, one block Hawthorne car; m alklng dis tance. Phone East 753L 734 C Mad ison Bt FOR SALE By owner. 6-room modern bun. gaiow. as, e-ectric light. Al furnace, rire place. ail built-in effects, close In. 614 E. frth S. EiiAi.L ho use. mjth attic and cement l"-a se men t, fir.e garden . ground, well buiit. chicken runs ; very reasonable. Owner, Main CS43. week days. SNAP. S-room furnished shack In nlea-snt dls- trlct. -o0 cas;i. Phone Wdln. XitQ EQUITY MUST BE SOLD. C rooms. Tibbiv.a st.. r.r. E. 31 st. E. 2j71. A SNAP 75 by 115, 3-room house, plastered, lipht and gaa Tabor -3jd 5-ROOM modern bnngalow on Emerson, close to Union ; owner. 521 Webster. llWi-S-ROOM modern bungalow. E:7st Irvington. near school, terms. East -i. liiHWS.ROOM modern buna-alow. ciose E. MOIiERX house, fine orchard, on paved I road; will give terma. East -5 tin. REAL rSTATE. FINE HOME FOR SALE OR RENT. Leaving city, mu.-t ee. or rent mr home Immediately; six-room house. s.eeplng porch, bardmood fitxrs. fireplace. Ameri can Idi-ai hot mater hruung s lru . large garage, cetied and hea ;ed ; corner 40t. mitri a.i street ar.d mooern improve ments in; Woot frontage, racing eaut. aii;o,nirig IteneUicttne He.g:rts. n. ar river; good eievation. tin vu- of mountains; ex t-Iltnt nt -ighboi hood and parucu.ariy deairabie for fsim.y with chliaren. rru.t tr-! s and berries, place in good condition and must be sxa to be apprriaied v ;i. K-.l Cor $.oco ii-Ka than pre- ar c5t to rr.HK nuica sa:e; home juntlay and if don't .-n mill rent, atth or wlthui gsrare ; agents nocd not appl ; you deal uh owner; t. th IL 1'huna tocu- SOod 1104. LACKi-ruiM-fT HOME HAKGA1NS. BETTER KKAD THIS. Classy, near.v new 6-room bungalow with cen. brvakfnst room and attic, a.t in o. a ivory. U o;ock E. of i.aureihuri ark; 11 '. K. Anketiey; price 4;ou. c. y onn $t o. Two strictly modern S-story. 6-room riouses with immere rooms, all in o:d tory. No. 115 Mi.-.mar P.ae (E st . Just tv of OJ.iant. $4 750. and No. 1--2 E. G isaa. $5oou. might rent latter for a year at Jt,o. Attractive modern 6-roora bungalow 'T.1'" 5Pr! Prch and garage in l:i- mere -No. ;,o K. 4t5t . N.. near ISrase nJa,LiCr lot" of tr rd ihrubrt. $4otHi. lorry. owner. !., Floral ave. Tabor 4-, ; accept liber-y bonds. DISTINCTIVE NCW BUNGALOW. .n bnfSI boulevard at 4th, In Rose p ty Park. 5 rooms, garage, up to the min ote la every deiaii, enamel finish through out; $aoOu. wuh everything in and paid, i erma. 6-room modern bungalow on 43d. Just err Mndy, fireplate. furnace. cement basement, built-ina, pmed street; $JOOO, $ouo cash. We win be at our office aU day 6ua ay with autoe to show you. B. F. POND REALTY CO., ir'0 Sandy Bl vd..near4.:d Tabor 85. JG200 TAKES MT Ir1XGTON RESIDENCE Located on a prominent corner; large nvinc-room. reception hall, dining-room.. J" a on r!rht rioor; on sec ond florfr are 4 bedrooms, large bath and steeping- porch. Inclosed with glass; extra lavatory; you will grt lost in closets and buiit-ln erfects; full basement, furnace, laundry and toilet; will soli right direct to responsible purchaser with small cash payment, balance Like rent. Call Mrs. gtilea. East 6458. SPLENDID BUT. Modern 6-room house at 2S1 Fargo st can have pv-.sion Immediately. This rioue has hardwood floors, hot water Heating system and other modern con veniences If you are looking for a nice J. F. KILL. 8! TTIlllams Av.nue. Bast IS. ROSE CITY PARK, rooma. oen, new furnace., fireplace, fa J1''"; heater hardwood f.oora. built- ! a ."?."" batn- Thls ' beautv. located In Rose City Park s best district. lrt ma ahow you thta barEalo. R. iL s.aysa, mV'oE JACOBS COMPA.VT. J045th fatreeu ilala 6SC9. would you pat niKJo " ' ror one of t., most boaut:fui home. In Rose Lity Park? u e hut a 7-room bun sa.ow f:n:shd la hlte enamel that Is a ortam of beauty The location la the bet In thla bauulul district. There are ho lMn aas-ssnients to ' assume and you c.m move in on payiisi $louu dowa. Let ui anow you. 4 VE .MCKENNA A CO. aiam o... ..i Chamber of Commerce DO YOU WANT to move in tomorrow In a line residence right in the heart of the fa ty. WilUln diMunce, one block from the Hawtnurne car? if so why don't you buy that place. No. 71S E. Mad:son st. I here is a full lot go-s with tins nire residenca and the thing can be boutxnt for about the price of the lot alutie. St. J. CLOHESSY. 15 APINOTON PL. DO. SKK TODAY. ROSc; CITV PARK. 8 E. 4ttth ft. N. 3 rooma, new!; papered, white enamel woodwork. but:t lii. Rinse, n Ice ru u nds. A Iso 7 ro. ms at fc:. 41st N.; th.- are both soU;h of Sandy blvd.. modern in every may. c!-in and read y lu move In, Owner, id. or Main 914. t'ZQ A REAL BARGAIN TV0. Dunay big living room, lante dining room. mattf-ive buffet. hardwood fioors. convenient kitrVn. three larpe bedrooms, large closets. Iirepla e. furnace, cement biist-ment. paved isLreet. splendid neighbor. hootl. clo. e to car; nvd stly priteu. e.sy lem.s; 4750 wiii hanuic. O w ner. Kiut 1SM7. NEAR FRANKLIN HI. Too can gt quu-k possession of this neat 7-rr.ora bungalow, one bedroom on lower fior. 2 b.ocks from car. on hard surface streets, chit ken bou.t and nice Iruit trees. Price. ;:.h. terma. C. A. Warriner. RITTER, Lowe a Co.. f03-i-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. $4!50 IRAINC.TON DISTRICT. Here is a beaut ifut nearly new house; SG5U cash required ; cottage ef tect ; three lritf rooms on f rsi i ior; three hed rtxms ar.d bath on second ; all modern conveniences; garage on lot; shorn n by appointment. M r. Stiles, owner. East ol. oifice. Marshall 3331. -ROOM BL'MIA 1,0 V J 7 0 . One blo-lc frx-m carcne on Ki.Ilncsworth v. ; fu;i baement. msh trsvs. aas. e ec tnc l:rhts, 0oxlK lot and several bear.r.g fruit ire, a; j :.m cnn. asv terms on bai ance. E M. Itrown. wl?h THE SHAW-KEAR COM PANT, 10J Fourth St. BEACTIFCL bungalow, select location, ele gantly f itisher) on Inside, quarter block, garage, all street imp. in and paid; $7-00, terms If wnnted. A-room cottape. In very good condition.' bath, toilet, hot and col I water, bear in a L uit lr s in yard . l.MiO terma L, K. iioore. an uoara or i raue. NEAR FRANK 1.1 N HK.H. 5-room bungalow, completely furnished and re.ifiy to move Into; very attractive and homelike; large Tot. St'xlS. about "0 bearing fruit trees. This la a reaJ buy at tj.uu. terms. P. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 4th St. A HOME IN Ul'KELHfRST. A strictly modern house. S rooma. new papered and tinted, book casa. buifet. oe.tT:uiui corner iot. nowers a-ia iruit. Ka ra ire. Location S3d and Pacific st. Tabor 4473- EAST YAMHILL. NEAR EAST sTtH. Oood S-room bouse. 1 stories, full ce ment basement, furnace, laundry, 3 bed rooms i r in; aud rear stairs. 10u0 cash; prire 53SOO. GODDAKU & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. ROSE CITY PARK PROPERTY. I270O. $2."0 down and $25 mo. New 5 roorn buriRalow. bsth. basement and ce ment walks, lot 50x100. i-s block north of Sandy. S74 SOth bl Phone Tabor ts25. Owner mill be there Sunday from 2 to 5. 4-ROOM bunpalow. fine large tract of land, all kinds of fruit and berries, near school and carline; beautilui shrubbery, etc.; price $-My ; reasonable terms. JOHN loX-DOUSON CO.. 634 N. W. BANK BLIKj. FOR SALE By owner. 6-room bouse, full basem nt; 4-ioom bungalow and caraxe on same lot; 2 blocks from end of Mona vtlla carline and 4 blocks from Mt. Tabor carline; reasonable terms. Phono East I WILL sell you Just what rou want- Tell me the Mze. price and location of the home yon want and I wiil show it to you; also the terms of purchase you want, O .J3. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. 1- acres on Oatf.eld road, nice grounds, grapes, etc.; 6 rooms and large att.c, mod ern in every way. A rare chance. Last $,..75 Modern six-room house on carline. Richmond district; hardwood floors, lur nace, gas range. See R J. O'Neil. Auy.. 717 Board of Trade bldg. " $300 DOWN " $2150 5-room bungalow, full basement. near 47th and Division. A good buy. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. S14 Stark. Main 5S3. $l$rio 5-ROOM cottage, lot lOCxlOO. Wood stock car. S.i6 J7th er. near S. P. shops. Ca CoJumola 3u. after 6 P. M. Terms. J 2- Oregonian. lOt-xlOu CHOICE corner. 23d and Hawthorne trsde for Portland home. A 514. Orego na n. MUST SELL two 2i B-room houses, in fine condl'.hn. 2 blocks to car. If vou want a b a rgain. see I::s y. 214 Ablr.cton. . SNAP 5iT.".CK CLOSE IN. 5-room cottage, lot ;oxlio. on E. 12th between W.iSh and Stark. Terms. E. 2571. NEAR KENTON. 8-room p!s?tered house, with sleeping porch, electric i chts. gas and bath. 1 .,.iV 0-ROOM HOUSE A full elxed lot. Central Albma: price S240fi. or may assume. Phone Woodlamn 49L FOR SALE By owner. comp1-Iy furnished 6-room house, one-half block Alberta car; splendid buy Woodiawn 1465. GOOD 4 -room modem bungalow, $ 1?S30: terma Call Tabor 232. 6134 54th court 8. E- Ow n e r. pop. SALE 5-room modem bungalow, sOA; f ll0 down and balance as rent; Hawthorne district. Phone Tabor 9522. iROOM mortem hou. A berta d istrtctr; i:VKl; half cash, mortgage on balance; call or write, tthk 6Ui au owner. K E A I EST A T K. For Ssie Houaea, N tw (XE5 TOr MAXES T SEEN $17 lu: rrjt 4.roo-n rustic b3nct!ow, cotr.r rl- y furn.h-.1 .ifh foJ furmtttr,, err. Miil'fl. ,ott. t.-nu snd d'CtCL cbickva I:- e:r . very .y 9 rt buys S-roorn collars m!fFn p.un-.iir.y. good ba.rm.nt. corner lot. iix I'M. on p..'U SI., srw.r. s.lr-m.iu cios. t cr. 15 n-.inut-. f:om UI,.fs c.at.r. or wi;h two io:.. .s tirm. -"0 buy. -r.orn couM. conTnittf4 no...... or. r..dr-Kira dp. r.'. ai r. . cla. I. ? .!r,r. car. etc; 6. .iwood dlsu '1'-, ' ,H (ll'l S-'.'-'O buys -r. mod. bunc.. with fl r a. (,. k:.r. bullrl. I-j:ch kltcheD. trsiK. n;c n una r;c.r. th.. :s i.'.t. aunu'tiv litf. l,pji nj . or; n r-i;. morr f.an m. r as.m; ii0 tun. .. I't r rr.or.; h Al.,. th. olo hay. m.rlt and but '"l":.f.i: op lu M OATETvoor ft CO. lfvi th st. BLXOALOW BAtC.tlxS, ROSE CITT -. . KAKK. .r.. o 5-room bur.sa.ow. Ro. City Park: M" J.ors, turr.ace, Me.a. .. aouuM U -ca: : caa aiov. la at orn. n - 'j 1" room. moCra la ffvary par i . .tt i -room R. 'i . y J'.i . hot:.. In brst part of I'.iKty rrod-ra. roorua, oaa fircplaca. bui.l-t:ia. i'. UiDUTS, M. CMmbw Commena Ma n 19.-..V DESIGNERS A.ND ERECTORS. OF ARTISTIC HOME NORTHWESTERN TRUST COStPAXT. WIIXTOX BLXKX Main 8MT. Sixth and Wa-hlnrton. WHY Nof o.t ao artli-.lc horn, areortsiac t. ir WD lor. by n.poM.bn f,rm trie. ar. om. b:(h.r than uormal. out Ih. wl.l oot b, ,o.r for aotu. y.ara. W. dci.ra and bul.d r.,:ocnt.a. apartment, anytlua. Aaaiat to tinanc, .rt. if d.air.d. U R. hAlLt,i Co.. INC. Contract, n Arch:t.rla. 924 Non attiiem iiqnk Bldg. :350 SCNXTSIDE tliJO. o-room bungalow. modern, flr.p;aca. etc i.rxe auic. lull cenienl basemen: and tine lurnace. blaji-s: snap y.r oliered; lot Is e.:iiu,i. but .i e. n hti y ou are gelling. l-:u San,:y bud, 'tabor S52j. . WALNUT PARK. INCOME ivtlriiDclNCfcl. Make your own home .pai for ust.-;:. We have a spieadid rro.iern hcuve near Killing. wort h and Vi:::ams. arrunged for two lam Lies, m i; h upiaira now rented for .3 per month ; may be b'u;ht very re-iso::aatv on ternis; dt-: rr-d p.t in en is moniiiiy. Don't ov er look tins ch.irite. W. U. Ro.-S. 11O0 N. W. Bank Bldg. BEAUTIFUL lit: :e home. 4 rooma recep- l:m hat toi.et. iath. pantiy, electric I-s ."it. gas. fuil bc ntr.t. cement w:k around huse. n:ce lawn, plt-niy of roses, gooa nej.yhoorhood. one b:ork from c'r l;ne and pavcn.ent. flood; i;o0 down, .0 per montn inc.uoing interest, owner, t5 E. 7tl .Norm. la phoae Co.umuia 34, evenings Co:umb,a IOiki. LEAVING the city; n; 6.1 at a sacrlnca ' our , - room muaern house, completely lur n:?hed; a has :ui cenient basement, laun dry tr.iv . i urease, hii ge porch, gits, tiec tnc. ct-ntraliy .j;a.d. West Sice; good neighborhood. 11! minutes' maik from Com nit-rcla; an-. Lincoln High Scnool, will se.l with or without lurniiura. 447 luth it, Ma.n 7 BKALTI Fl u HOM E (0000. 8 rooms snd sleeping porch; targe living-room ; white ens met finish ; thorough ly modern ; large grounds m na trees a :.d shrubs; cn corner looxloO leet on E 2t;ta St., near Mt. Tabor car line. Full particu-1-irse jpon tipplicat.oti. fTict $0o00. terma, but no t rs "i e. Main Srt'.'.. Ei.EiJANT 8-room hcufe. East Side; hot wa:-r system, tine ar:.ge. J beUrooma, second Iloor. one on (rind Poor. t-peciiil pi'.moing nnd liijhilng nxtures. Owner IS ;.- in c t it n - o win reo uire sm ad caa payment, balance monthly. AJ 797, Ore e' or paone biwua) -7 SO or ROSE CITT BUNGALOW. Six rooms and large atttc spar, fur nace, fireplace, exceptionally meil built and complete: gss range, beater and lino leum ro with the ptace. Clean and at tractive possession. V 1L ROSS, 1100 N. W. Lank Bldg. BV OW NER. 5-room bungalow, paved street, full basement, gas, .. c ; no : . bath and garage, chirken houe; truit and berries. i'ur. lot i Sio, a -so 4-room bungalow, pjved street, g sm elect ricjty, batu. lull t-ie merit, cor. lut 7'--jxivo, mtii sell rrasjuuMe; suotantiai pMyment down, bal. ta. . Main 7J. Aparinit.nl 17. ELEGANT mod.rn 7-room residence, 471 10, Uro.i.!way, choicest district; i.on-resulent muft . e.i: now open for tnpertioa; It on.y taks 3.1UOO to UvH to h.inuie. If yott m i( t a r.!iie t tia 1 w . . 1 ir. create in value, call at 1104 North m catena Bank, bulla. ng. iV R S ALE St n't ly modern four-room bun g:i:ow. lurnlsiicd or unfurnished; hot mater hent. lare sleeping porch, glassed and screened. araee, corner lot, nice lawn; two blocks irorn i:os.e Ci'sf car; n; one rate iv prn.c d. 1 1 Si&kiyou. Phone Tauor 4470. M TKR.' 5-room hotie. splendid neighbor hood. llo7 East Market, at S7ta, (wo bioo'h! from carline; paved st ; nem-ly pa.ntcd inside and out; cement basement, stationary trays and built-in buffet; .5oik, t( nns. Apply to omcer. A. V. Wella Phone V.iT 3:i.;7 OWNER leuvr.g city, will s-H 8-room house, one lot; j.ol mater heat, splend.J y ou!pped : house e st f c.oijo; win sell for t: lo'M) ca.'-ti required. !U? Ore (.r.uin, cr p.'io-ie Broatlmay 270 or A 10r.2. 7.od IUV1 ngtVTn .V.oo. 8 rooms, ol.i ivory f.ni?h. g.xsm bresk-fafl-room, modern f i x t u re s, onk -f loo ra, g:.rage. chofgt-s: . Irvington district. 5-tt l-;;.il l'ith X- btlm-een liniee and Knott. tort SALE S-room house, double construc tion; ;u.l cement oasement, lot ,'ni loS. t r"-it trt -s. shrubbery. S owner, 4" A Ivy st. Woodlamn or Alberta car. Get out a: Fremont. 5-7.O0M house. East Side; price J2T.OO; re q u:rs only m cash ; spier. ri Id' y located. Y o:. On gonian. or phone Broadway 2s0 or A 1-'-2. TOR SALE. 4 rooms, built-in ef:eve. Lot 100xl00. $1-25. rash, remrainder $15 per month. F. K. STK A HNS. 202 Wilcox Build. ng. Main 5517. BEFORE purchasing property obtain report on its v a . ue and cono it ion. Get your money's worth. Reasonable charges. Alac Naug hi on A p.ay mond. valuation experia, Corl-elt bidg. Min M5. BOLLA DAT ADD. Close in; two 5-room n.oilern flats ar.d 5-room house; Income t''.o0 per month. Pnce S6to ; has been he:d at Sl2.t. Phone East 244 S Owner. i ii REE 5-room houses In good condition, ail impro. ements In. $2:00 up. " U. S, bonds in full on payment; at your own t-TTv.s. 'jC'J First st. Marshall 4431. MuL-tKN 5-room bungaiow. 50 by li0 lot. 2 big porches, good parage, garden plot; m 1.1 consider part cash, baiance terms. Wood:awn 79. 6-ROOM house, best location on East 61 do; so id by owner. Inquire H24 Gay st. (St. Johns car) tor fu.l particulars. Phone Woodiawn Pit. FoR SALE.by owner, new. modern bunga iow. containing living and dining-room, kitchen, two bedrooms snd bath, $JuuO terms. Call F road may 4 1 0 7-ROOM' house, basement, bath, lot 50x l'"i. in good district; paying 8 per cent on $:i cab.i, terms to suit on baiance. O 2t. Orcgoni:tn. LEAVING city, must sell my 5-room mod era bungs lom. 3 blocks to car; fine garage; also 5-passenger liilS Brisco, aimost new. Sell wood li'iTVv MODERN six-room bur. gu low, all on one fioor. Don't a;piy mithout you are look ins for something nice, 444 E. S9lh R . ssm erf- A a a u ion. .ifi SALE 3-room house and lot on , side st.. near .V-d; price $ii."0. $500 balance ilHe rent, labor 177. cash. 5 ROOMS, modern. 52 Fouth ave. Sellwood car. By out-of-tom-n owr.er; exceptional bargain Call bet ween 12 a a d 5. Fv SALE A 3-room house and lot f.OxlOO. See owner- at 155 i'fT h st North Sunday, Oct. MontavHIa car. 2 blocks north. 5 4 AN D 5-room bungalows, furnished H, -;.h near S. P. R- R Shops. ?H0 to 5o(m0: easy terrr.a Owner. East 31:25. ptTR SALE, f owner, 4-room cottage, 2 lots 1-K'xlOO on paved street. 134 E, 53th, cor E. Koyt. near G::san. CVUSl'AULT attractive mod om $-100 cash. month - rU v9 n 3.11 - modern T rooma Teeps Co-, COS Y 5-room bungalow, close. West Side, fine view; with furniture. S3400. Call Main 1111. FOR S VLE -r om modern houseboat fur nished, slso Winter wood. PeUwood 5470. Houseboat 34. Willamette Moorage. iTl'O Terms: -room house. H "Mock 5u Johns cat; plenty fruit. Columbia 236, IRVINGTON Attractive 7-room home, Ji new; 4 bedrooms. Owner, East 2SJ3. FINE 5-room bunra'ovr. w!;h b-.i S '. t -ins, ; new g a rage ; ;UT0 cash. Taror 7463. FO R TI. AND HFIGHTS home f50 cash. giS I m o o n y ".. mr,. o c g ! i;xl' 0 rice 6-eoom house. s!l kmds fruit ' and berries Qf'r.er. r-yr. 11th end Alberta. 'MODERN 5-room f-irnished banga'.omr. Rose C:y Psrk Et 2U.V F-'R S AI. r.-roo-n coitage. walking dls 1 lance; Uv0. Bio&dw' 5.0