4 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER C, 1913. Dryer Equipment Insufficient. MONMOUTH, Or.. Oct. 5. (Special.) The quantity of prunes to be har vested In orchards near this city is so .arg that dryer equipment is not large enough to acccommodate it. For this reason considerable quantities have been wasted through spoiling before being cured. The yield is again as grreat as was ever known before. On 72 acres the Monmouth Orchard Com pany will have 150,000 pounds of dried prunes, if the crop on the trees can be safely handled. Some of the excess local supply of prunes is being" sent to XrHis and Albany to be dried. TOO tATE TO CLASSIFY. riVB carloads of new wall paper from c per single roll up: rhi-namel, $1.43 qt.. now 87e. Good paint, per gallon, now S2. 1 5. Interior varnish, per gallon, now 12. Kalsomine, bbl. lota, tints, 6Vfec. Clii-namei auto enameii at half price. Discontinued line paint, per gallon, $2.50. lo-ln, paperhangera' dry bruuhea, 4.c. 'i pts. Chi-nanitl bathtub enamel. SOc. Oregon standard paint, beat grade, $3.50. Floor paint, qt. cans. GZc. Kauri enamel, guaranteed, per ga'.. 3.75. Idll.LER PAINT & WALL. PAPER CO., 172 First Street. Main 1916 FORD roadster. 45n. 100 extras, 1015 Ford, 70, ttrea &Zee new. 1t17 Ford, run r.0G miles, $50 extras, 1816 Chevrolet, demountable rims, new tires, one extra, $."o0. 1116 Chevrolet. ntw geara. $415, Terms. ST IF GARAGE, Beaverton, Or. 2"i0 NORTH 10th. near MarshalL Beauti fully furnished, steam -heated. 6-room apartment, hardwood floors, real Turkish ruga. Circassian walnut furniture, sleeping porches, for rent while owner is In Cali fornia. Apply to 12 noon. Phone Broadway 17!7 or Broadway 2722 on Monday. Main 31U0. Rented only to responsible person. 1U17 DODGK touring car 7- 1:117 Overland, model 75 1018 Overland, model 00 lH'X 101 S Ford touring car f" -2 liil7 Overland, model 85 These cars are 05 per cent new. 125 LownsdaJe St., cor. "Washington. "WILL, share an 8-room house, three acres ground partially cleared: 2 miles from city limits, near station; wood on place, rent to be paid in work. Would like a man who understands gasoline engine; adults. Bath, phone, furnace, atatiouary tuba in kitchen. AF 745, Oregonian. "WANTED Furniture man of experience to help to deliver and run Ford delivery car. Prefer man who desires to better Mh condition and wants a better Job; give rrerenea and state experience and sal ary w anted. AB WOO, Oregonian. WANTED- Furn. 4 or 5-room cottage or bungalow or H. K. rooms; must be clean, pleasant and in pood neighborhood; baby 8 months old. whom we would like to have live with us; good references. Call Sunday. Bdwv. 1S(. . JAPANESE bov fr houat-work in gentle man'a home; excellont position: school boy acceptable. Apply Sunday or Monday, is- St. Clair Kt. KVftNJTL'KB for sale or trade for tent; bed, mattress and springs, kitchen treasure, four chairs, breakfast table. Inquire 131J Dolftwarp. Al'TO trip to Sacramento, working few towns en route; a chance for two sales men who want to make It. Start next week. P 4.")U, Oregonian. . WANTHD Good g'.rl for general house work; pleasant country home at seashore; all modern improvements. Konlan. W 5ti9. Ore- Bt" NO ALOW flat, upper six rooms, newly furnished, fireplace, furnace, sightly, near car; no "children; Hawthorne district, $40. 7S7 V- E. Main. Phone E. JtiUO. BOOKKEEPER and stenograher, one familiar with bank work preferred; for i-ountry bank. References required. Reply Promptly. T 5S4. Oregonian. BI'NGALOW flat, upper 6 rooms, newly furnished. Hawthorne diet.; fireplace, fur nace, sightly, near car; no children, $40. 7S71s K. Main. Phone K. ii20. vnp kai.k HHtir with hot wafr coils burns coal or wood, almost new, $23; also hot water tank, $'J0; new leatherette couch M2. Tabor 1 Mift. 10 SO Belmont. V ANTED A home in respectable family for a four-yea r-old girl where mother can room reasonable. Call .Main oaou. irs. WANTED Bv a neat couple, 2 or 3 fur nished H. K. roomn by the 10th; can give references. J 2-. Oregonian. am it-Bvinff fitv: must uell my lf17 Max well 5-paes. in first-class shape; fine tires. 1313 E. Yamhill st. xaoor i:m j. E.XPfSRIENUED houseman; must be able to repair locks, make keys, etc.; salary $0, room and meals. Hotel Marion, faletn. Or. WANTED Cottage, will give 3 acres, near lentz. part payment. L'10 Lumber Ii-x LOT for sale by private party on B. Yam hill and Stn. ."asli, an; or in payments, $M. 5H E. Oak. Phone fcJast ft.tw. BHAVTIFUL kitchenette, Everett. furnished, 2 first floor. rooms modern. and bud WHITE ROTARY sewing machine, leather seated oak rocker. Phone Ainrsnau jjos, mornings. Vv A XT PI D By married couple wit h 2-year-iId boy. a , 4 or 5-room house, furnished. Please Phone Woodlown 4'.',U2. T-PA6SEXGKR Ptudebitker Six. late '17 model, A-l condition; quick sacrifice. Call Sell wood 2.".;i. JKST buy on Willamette River, a real boat; must be seen to be appreciated; -quick sacrifice. AM 64M, Oregonian. 2 KL'RNISHED h.-k rooms for mother and son, walking distance from W. Park and Oak. West Sidf. heat. Woodlawn T.017. VANTRl) 3-ton Hiito truck and trtiiler to haul piling. Phone Bdw 178, 1 to 5 fo liar. TjKIRK position In widower's home, where son, 2t., employed, can pay for his board and room. Woodln. 5017. Sunday. M I'hT sell, am in service. 1016 Bristol car. East ;c;:o or c II at Benson Polytechnic, Walter Kitzmlller. J'TliXISHED rooms for rnt. In private fam ily, modern conveniences, reasonable. 348 Mill st .. near Park. "WANTED Man to care for horses. Apply Portland Killing Academy, Johnson, bet. lilt nnd H:M. In'ICKLY furnished rooms, walking distance, rnt reasonable. Flat B, 407 Kast Couch street. 4 Ji.XPERlKNCED driver. exempt. to drive machine : no delivery; state requirements. O Oregonian. OI for disi ashine in small hospital; .ood wigek. room and board. Call Bdwy. 1 1 UNFURNISHED 5-room house or flat: refer ences: will take bert of care. Tabor 7414. FOR RENT Room for gentleman, "West Side apartment. Marshall 2439. I P.VIXiSTON 0-room upper flat, fine attic, furnace and fireplace. East 63fiS. 5-ROOM, ronipieteiy furnished, adults only. rhor.e Tabor i;;io alter lit A. M. i't'KTA LL,E B.'r-iffe wanted. Miou?h to build. Kast 7177. or lumber $ Ji.'.'. ..-PASs. auto. Sunday or evenings. S..me terms. H2 Eaft 14th St. Xorth. CiiiAPEis AND PEAKS FOR SALE. 11 E. t'.OTH ST. X. ON E room and kitchenette, Everett. finely fur. 609 NICELY furnished Evvrett. sleeping room. 609 KXPKRIKNTEn penser wanted. I.tdv sod:i fountain 3J0 W'ahinpton st. V ANTE D H eater l,qn; preferred. with East hot water coils. tnd lot for sale by owner; close In. Est n tl'Nii eirl to ;M-iRt Phone Marshall i:t-M. with housework. WOMAN wants day work, cleaning or iron In k. Phone M. UJt. REWARD Return of 3 Lew. Wt.odUwn 4024 Smith. eetter pups. LADY to sell toilet roode; partner conbid- e:-ed. .T Ore?0!i!rsn. SP'TB of 2 or 4 h.-k. rooms for rent. E.it-t Davis. bVKXIC lodge cottaces. T2 Heiirhts Ter rae. Hall ntid lth; cheap rent. CI HI for peneraJ housework, small family, cood w-r ces. T.- bor l-'oiy. No wnoliinr. UanTKU Automobile washer, f-urae-e Rth and Ta lor. FOR SALE f-1 1 ri. '. ooiier. iirsi-ciass or .. pain. Kast 47r. der: a ba 7-RASrENGER Studebaker, good condition. Phone Bdwy. 41V , IVMPETFNT Kirl to do second work; frood wapes. 4-i Vita ave.. corner Carter Lane. AT Vauphn ft. to ball white Hatliintr suit. E. F-irk. sr. or.. purple and AMERICAN worklnir man to board and r..om: a small cor.cenlal home. Wain r,9. PNAP 3-room huue. larse lot. fruit, lawn, ood location. Owner. Enst PL" RE-FRED tiellan, hte Klemish hares. Npw Zealand 1S!S2 Kelly. r ANTED ShtnRler. Portland. t332 Kelly st.. South URN' to mork prune pacKinir plant. EUrman & Co., lth and Overton. t TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. L.GST A purse, $0-$dO and registration card and classification card. Saturday fore noon; $10 reward. Notify Oregon Transfer warehouse. 10O ACRES, 40 alfalfa. 12 in orchard. 10$ acres under plow ; this ia a fine place. Will accept residence property or business. BP 579. Oregon Jan. ONS 1916 Iodge sedan, fine condition, $7..o. One 1016 Hord. fine condition. shock absorbers and large radiator, new tirea, $4."t. V. 8. Garage. 817 Williams ave. WANTED Billing girl to work in whole sale house; steady employment; state age, experience and wages. Address K Ox. Oregon Ian. LOST A lady's pocket book on Yamhill at., between 3d and 4th eta., coming out of Butter-Nut store. Reward. AK 06$, Ortf gonian. WANTED To buy small, modern, well-finished house; small first payment; good monthly installments. Owners please an swer. BC 4ft, Oregon lan. AiAN , 47, employed in market during day, wishes work 7 to 10 P. M. AM &44, Ore gonian. FERTILIZER -Ail kinds of well rotted ma nure. Delivered to any paxt of the city. East 538. WANTED Second girl in private family; references required; best wages paid. Main Aii'j. FOR ItEXT 10-room house, completely fur nished, centrally located. $100 per month. AF 747. Oregonian. LOST Brown fur coat, last Funday. road from Taylor's Ferry, Portland, to Wii la mina. Reward. E. Bissell. general delivery. $l'm BUYS ."-room old house, fine lot r0x loo, on Montana ave., near Failing ; terms. Inquire at 801 Minnesota ave. UPHOLSTERER wanted to learn auto trtm . mine buitiaesw. The Auto Top o., 431 Bumaide. NEAT young or old man to learn auto top trade; good chance to advance; steady work. The Auto Top Co., 431 Bumaide. 1914 FORD In line condition for sale; don't miss to see It; a snap. Call Main 2819. No dealer. LOST Brown purse containing about 25: between Hart man & Thompson Bunk ana Yamhill. Reward. AF 746. OTegonis.n. FOR RENT Fine big 6-room cottage, walk ing d istance ; adulta ; ref erencea. o& . Rth South. TWO-STORY 6-room house. Rose City Farlc uaraee. Tabor nu.t. $6J0O AT 7 per cent on good income city property. 5 years. Newen, g'm ueKum oiog. A STENOGRAPHER wanted two hours. evenings. AE 302. Oregonian. WANTED Partner with $75; fine busi ness opportunity. AK t4 , oregonian. WILL seil a 10x14 new wall tent for 23; Phone Main 5Pf-t. cost $o4. WANT TO BUY hemstitching machine. 2335. K 034, Oregonian. ONE Remington typewriter No. 10, in good condition. Marshall U 4.0, oregonian. PIANOS tuned. 3. George T. Peck. Tator S374. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. NICELY furnished room, private home, one or two gentlemen ; breakfast. i-eat n,5jw. FOR rtALl Itesldsnce at a bargain. 2499. LO?T Bunch of keys. net. Til'amook and Sheridan. Reward. AC 128, Oregonian. MEETING NOTICES. EUREKA COUNCIL No. K and L. of 8. At home Monday evening. Oc tober 7, East Ride W. O. W. Hall, Bast 6th and Alder. New and attractive opening and closing flag service. Captain P. P. Fisher's degree staff will Initiate large class. Dancing afterwarda, to which all are welcome. PUMPKIN PIE AND CIDER. Everyone who reads this ad, la Invited. Cards. 500, 8 to 10; dancing 10 to 12; gro ceries for prizes : good union music; given by Anchor Council. No. 747, K. and L. of P., Tuesday night. October 8. W. O. W. Hall, on 11th. between Wash, and Alder. There'll be ail the pumpkin pie and cider you can eat. Large floor committee to see everyone haa a good time. Come and get acquainted and you will never mit-s one. Admission 20 cents, PORTLAND TENT. NO. 1, THE MAC CABEES, will give their first card party and dance of the season at their hall, 40U Alder street, on Thursday evening, October 10. This will be given jointly by Portland Tent No. 1 and Review No. 7, of the Ladies Maccabees. All are cordially Invifl. Good music; good prlaes and a good time la as sured. Come and bring your friend. Admis sion 23 cents, isy oraer oi COMMITTEE. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD. NO. 42, BROTHERHOOD OP AMERICAN YEOMEN. Public installation, dancing and patriotic songs. In the new Moose Temple, corner Fourth and Taylor streets, Thursday even ing. October 10. You are cordially Invited, No admiFion. TBTTA HAINES, Correspondent. 203 Alisky BJdff. Phone Main 6356 : res, phone East 7900. KTR KPATRICR COUNCIL, NO. 2227. KNIGHTS AND LA D I Erf OF SECURITY Big open meeting nxt Friday. October 11. S:3n p. M. sharp. Swiss Hal!. Third and Jef ferson streets. Cards. "50." Entertainment, dancing. Hoch'a union music. Kirkpatrick mandolin and banjo orchestra Good prizes. Admission 15 cents. You and your friends are invited to come for a good time. Come early. KIRKPATRICK CL'i'XCIL NO. 2227. KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY Grand closing dancing festival at Crystal Lake Park. Sunday. October 6, 1:30 P. M tn in TV M Hoch's famous union orchestra. Just the place for you to come and have a good time. OVER THE TOP AGAIN" "500" party by High Cost of Living Club. We set the pace. Look at these pHxea: Two 9-lb. cans Criaco. other prizes. omen of W oodcrart H:T, 10th and Taylor, Wed. eve., Oct. 9. Admis sion 25 cents. THE LOTUS DANCING CLUB Dancing every Saturday e-ening in W. O. W. Temple, 12S Eleventh street. Lnton music Aamieaion, ladies 25c, gents 85c. PORTLAND LODGE. No. 209. The Fra ternal Brotherhood have moA-cd to Women of Woodcraft Hall. 10th and Taylor, and meet every Wednesday night. EMBLEM Jewelry, nuitoni. chirm Visa gew deaigna. Jaeger roa, i21-3 Stta at FRIBDLANDER9 for lodge emblems, claaa pins and medals, ai't Washington st. FC NT K R A LKOT ICES, HICK OK At the family residence, 844 Eaat Kitty-rourtn atreet, October a. Clarence G. Hlckok, age i2 years 5 months 7 days. He leaves a widow and five children Captain C. B. Hickok, U. 8. A., Bna Curps; Clarence Hickok, naval unit, stu dents Army training corps; Mrs. Hupn Wiley, Mrs. Julius Helwig and Mrs. Wal ter Losle. Remains at the parloys of Breeze & Snook. Belmont at Thirty-fifth.. Notice of funeral later. WALDEN In this city. October 3. Elsie Walden, ss;ed liS years, wife of C. M. Walden. of SOI West John street, St. Johns, Or. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Monday), October 7, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at the residence estab lishment of J. P. Fin ley & Son, Mont gomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Inter ment at Mount Scott Park Cemetery. THOMPSON In this city, October 5, Mer vin M. Thompson, ased 40 years, husband of Mrs, Lena Thompson, of Tillamook sLreet. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Monday). October 7. at 1 o'clock P. M. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Pon. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Interment at Rose City Cemetery. WAGNER At Gilbert station. October 3, Max E. A. Waicner. aped 66 years. Funeral services will be conducted Mon day, October 7. at 10 A. M., in mortuary chapei of A. D. Ken worthy A Co.. ."Js02 S04 y2d St. S. FI- In Lents. Friends in vited. Incineration Mount Scott Park cre matorium. UELEAU In this city, October 4. Joseph Deleau, aged t4 years. Funeral will leave the residential funeral parlors of Miller & Tracey Monday, October 7, at 8:30 A. M.. thence to St. Patrick's Church, Nineteenth and Savler streets, where mass will be offered at 0 A. M. Interment at River View cemetery. CARSON In this city, October 6. Baby Corson, beloved infant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Carson. Funeral services will be held Sunday, October 6. at 2 P. M. from the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment will be made at Multnomah Parte cemetery, Monday, October 7. BURTON On October 4. at 144 Bast Sixty first street North, Charlie A. Burton, ape 71! years. Funeral services will be held Tuesday. October 8, at 2 P. M. from the residential funeral home of Wilson St Ross, E.tHt Seventh and Multnomub. In terment Rose City Cemetery. SCOOGLL'ND Tn this city. Oct. 4, Mrs. Heien C. ScooRlund, a 40 yers. Fu neral services will be held tomorrow (Mon day), October 7, at 10 A. M. from Kric ton's chapel, Morrison at Uth. Friends invited. no R 1ST 3. CLAXKI BKUa, i'lorlata. 87 Morrlaon .t. aiaio or A laoa. Fin. flow.r. aud Xlor&i 4oaignA No brancn atora MAHTIN FOKBES CIA, FlorUta. i Waanincton. Main 29, A IMS. i- lower. for ail occaalona arttatlcallx arr.n aed. TON SET U FLORAL CO.. 285 Waablnztoa at., bat. 4tn and 6th. Alain Biol A 11U. MAX la aulTH, Main 721&, A IUI bldg.. 6th and Alder .ta. BaUlat LUBUNtK. Portiaud boUL Kt Morruoa at PoEtl ah ri vRlBin e.l-Ru I le A dire ctory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference- For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. AATgCUTTEHS AND Mid, JEWELEKg. JEWELRY and watch repairing. UiUaTa d&v ash. st., Jaajeitlc Theaier bidg. ALALA MEAL, CROIND FEEDS, HA Y. WALTER SCQTT, Boaj-d of Trade. M. SOdf. ASSAYERd AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA AfrSAV OFFICE, 142 becond Uoid. silver and p.atinuin bought. ATTORNEYS. COLfta SOI orthvMlpn Vtank AA W. P. ADAMS. atLorney-at-law, 107 Cbam ber of Commerce. Main 407. BARBER BrPPUES, OREGON BARBER BLI'PLY CO. We buy and ms'A all klnUs of barber snppilea -M -d CARPET CLEAWXG. RUGS The kind that wear the beet, are tntdr tram vmir varnriiit cjLrota by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad dress, l.r4 L'nlon ave, I'.ag rugs woven ail sixes. Carpet cleaning, muting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. ltta laat Sth. PiiONt: EAST 338U, ii l&O. FLUFF RUG CO. Phones: East 6016. -1473 54 Lnlon ave. N. L. M. JONES, M. I. CANCER TREATED. 813 Morgan bldg. Marshall 6143. rELLlTOlO BfTTOTCS. THE IRW1N-HODSON COMPANX 3S7 Waahlngton. Broadway 44, A 1254- CHIROPQD1ST9 AND ARCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Katelle ad Florelle DeVeny, the only aolentlflo chlrcpodlsts and arch spe cialists in the city. Parlors JQ2 Gerllnger bldg., southwest corner Second and A-ldor. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN. DR. McMahon. Macleay bidg., 10i chiro practic. World's best. Adjustment made ea:. Qpsttrate caws 50c rates. CIRCULAR LKTTERM. CRANE LETTKR CO.. 510-11-12 Royal bldg. Mar. loo letters, multigraphed. $1.50. fOLLKCTIOS AGENCIES. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17t No collectlona. o charge. Established 1KO0. DANCINO. ALISKY Dancing Academy; private instruc tions, aay ana evening classes. Friday evening. 'Second floor Aliaky bldg. 10 lessons $5. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADWMY. 854 atn st. All new dancea taught; class a iiurnuij III Kill. B.oU lO 11 competent teacners; lessons, ff. sroaaway 2327. RINGLER'S Dancing School. 14th off Wash. All the popular dances, private and claaa. a lessons, $5. Broadwsy 3280. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. DR. G. H. HUTH MAN. veterinarian "hoapl tal. 415 E. 11th at. Ea3tl&47. B 19C2. EYE. KAR. NOSE ANT THROAT. DrT.Fc"sedy' "PectaH, alacs fitt-d. 700 E. Burnalde. cor. 20th. M-1333, K. 4731. FLV-F RIO AND RAG RIG FACTORY, NORTHWEST RUG CO.. lnb:iahed Fluff ruga and ra rur, woven, all Eaat 8th and Taylor. Eaat 858l. Jt "moil. sir a. 12S0. HEMSTITCHING. HEMSTITCHING. 10 oenta per yard- accor dion, knife ai.d box pleatlnc: button, co- . ered. tui klnn and braldlna: also embroid ery work done. Mil order, promptly at tended to. EASTERN NOVELTY" CO. 85 H 5th at., between Oak and Stark ,t. K. STEPHAN, hematltchlna. acalloplng. ac cordion aid. pleat, buttons covered; mail ordera, 18 Plltock block. Broadway 10U3. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO TOPS. DUBRtlLLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 9ih and Oak. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. L. DINKELSP1EL CO.!ocNk.,gg','.Ra.?rag GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC OKA IN CO.. Boa rd of Trade B.dg. IIAT3 AND CAP. THANHOUSBR HAT CO.. B3-t.5 Front HIDES, WOOL, t'ASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS., lllj Frunt at. PAINTS AND ItBRIcAllNO OILS. W. P.'rt'LLFR CO.. 12th andDavla at,. PAINTS. OILS AND GLAS. RASMUWKKN &t CO.. d and Taylor. Classified Advertisements The Oregonian. IaU and bundajr Per line. One line Two consecutive times ...... Three consecutive times ... 1 "ic .... tie Six or aeten -oecuuve times ... c The following; -lai(i?a:ion excepted, the rate on which is 7c per line per day: KituatJunn Wanted Mule. Hit nations Private i amities. Hoard and Kooms Private I-simile. Housekeeping Kuuiu Private l-amllies. No ad taken for le than t we lines. Count six word to the line. Advertincfnenta (except "A'er oiials") will be taken over tiie tele pbune if the snivertbwpr la a fcubfwritwr to either phone. No price will be quitted over the pooae, but abatement w ill be rendered tiie folio wine day. Advertise ments are taken for The Oaliy Ore go man until S 1. M.$ for las bun day Ore Conian until 6 P. M. Haturday. PIE P. WATERS Tn this city, October 5, Arthur Waters. aj?e 31 years, husband of Mrs, Ada Waters. The remains are at the par lors of the F. F. Dunning, Inc iu.at Side Funeral Li rectors. 414 Kast A Ider. None of funeral will appear in lat-r issue. rt.NERAL PlftCCTORS. II0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Batabllab.d 1877. Tblra and Salmon Stre.ta. Main 07. A lill. Lsdr Aaclntant. Perfect Funeral Bervle. for Less. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Wash. st-. btt- 20th & 21st. Wst Side. Main 20WL Lady assistant. A 7fcS3. J. P. FINLSV tt EON. Prosresaive funeral Uirrc itm. prlvato Urive Women Attenuanta. MONlliUUEi:i A.T rib tu. F. S. PUWNi.NO. INC, THE GOLDEN HU1 tNDiKTAKERS. 414 Eaut Alder Bt. Eaat iX H WILSON & ROSS Multnomah at 7tn. Lady AaalaLant. East 54. C SI 65. DUNNING A McENTEE. runeral dlreetora, Broadway and I'm. atieet. 1'bon. Broadway 431). A 4558. Lady attendant.. BREEZE & SNOOK .'T ?i5 MR. AND MBS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral aervlc. ji tillaau. Tabor aia. A. D. KENWOKTHT CO. BS02 B2d et. Lenta. Tabor 2267. 5 f rrriPTI Kaa' 11111 n1 f"ay Sta l. Li. JLiL-iliVJi. Ea.t 7si. B lass. ERICSON Reaidenca Undertaklna Parlora 12lh and Mo.Tli.on ata Bwdy. 2534. A AR 7.F I-T.'F.R CCt a wmiama a. . rw. ,-LiJiL.iT, tvU. Eagt ,08S 10h8 6KE1VES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. d and Clay. Main 41&2. A 23JL Lady aaalatant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, attuom 153 Coortboase, 6th &t totnuue. Pbnna from S to 6. Msln STS, Home Phone A Nisbt cs.il Skf ter ffive huurs. AVood- 1wb 764. Report all cases of cruelty to the above sddreas. Electric lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one dealrlns a dog or other pet communi cate wiin us. Call lor all lost or Stryd stock, as we look after all Impounding. There la no more oily pouAd. Just Vregoa Humane Swcisijr. in INTERIOR DECORATORS. M. E- ORjsER CO, Interior decorators and painters. In all branches. We can save you money. Oet our estimate, ah Wash. Broadway 8JS. IKON Yt ORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. Engiurs, founders, machinists, boller makera, boiler and blacksmith shop. Of fice and works, Hawthorne ave. aid Eaat Third at. MLblC. OREGON Conservatory iicbooi) nf Music. 2d floor Rusaei: bldg. ovtr the "Lion"). Entrance 1 4th su. cor, of Morrlaoa. WE8T COAST INSTITUTE OF MUSIC, eixth floor Ellera bids. V'a teacU from melody; no drudgery. VIOLIN, Piano, harmony, all airing. Kol Ken beck. 40tt Yamhill. Iratruments sold. EMIL TUI EL HORN, violin fcevcik. 207 Fliedner bldg. leacher. pupil Bdwy. 1629. PIANO LESSONS. 5 PER MONTH, 29 14THsST.. NKAR JEFFShdON. Main 33. OPTO METK l"a T S AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SA 1NO. ct'.i- I solicit your patron, a ffj " b..l. ot cap.bl. aorvlce. Thou- t-t. ,nd, of Mtirfl.d patrons A trial will convince. Chii. W. Goodman. op:umrtr!it, Jul Morris n. PATENTS. R. C WRIGHT 22 yn" xp,rl,nc, U. B. and forclaa patgnta 601 DKum blc. PATENT ATTOREV3. GOLDBERG. CO WotcMiir blda. ln rUY6lCIA"8. DR R. A. PHILLIPS. OJ Broadway b.d. Rheumatlam. femal, dUorl,ra. ,kin trou blefc ilomich. Ilv,r, icldn.ya. bow, a. Incr.aaad fflcl,ncy: drualeaa tr.at- WW rt nnltr oaralysta. headacn,. throat, aoltre. calp. hlah blood pr.Mur,. SSTliui Dr Wiur v Bw.uand bid. MiraUall 4'J2. " PI.IMBING wyPPLIKB. PLUMblN SUPPLIES at wholr.al, price. Stark-U.TvIa Co.. Third. Main 7'Ji. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRtSS J. E. Gnt,nbln. Mar. Printlna and llnotyplna. 10 Front at, cor. htarlt. Main or A 1418. ODtAITIlIf F. W. BALTE3 COMPANY, r HSN I IllO lat and Oak ,1a. Main 105. A1165. SKCOM-llANn STORKS. LEVIN HW. Ft'RN. CO., W, buy and ,ell anythtn Ir i tha hard war, and furnilura llnu. rbon. Mam ill r ront ri. 907a. A 71T4. MAIV 541H) Buy and ,11 cord-hand tool. Junk, old automobilfa. 2.13 Front. STORAGE. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSON TRANSFE R CO.. 24R PTN1C. " STORAGE AND TRANSFER. , Aocnnv TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllaan t-. corner of 13th. Telephone Broadway 12S1 or 11S9. We own and operat, two lir cl, "A warenouaea on iwn,i,.T.. Loweat inauranc. rate. i mi. MADISON-ST DOCK A WAREHOUSE. Of fice Mndlaon. General morchannla. and forwardlna affenia. riioi:. wifVTVfl VIOVtTCG. HTORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 10R Park tst- aiain nii.j. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid old wtche, and lew. t rAnHitinn Tt ft oblert. Repairlnc a ape cla'lty. P.elner Jewelry Co.. 44!H Wash, at. noon AND COAL. COUNTRY SUBWOOD Multnomah Fuel Co. M. 5540. A 2118. IHANUFACTURERS PfPE. PIPB JTTTINOS AND TAI.TKS. M. U KLINE. 4-d Front Bt. PI.l'MBTNO AND STEAM SlTPl.lfS. M. L. KLINE. 8-8 Front U PRODICE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVKRDlXf) A FA RRKLI,, 140 Kront st. ROPE AXP BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Korthrup. SAftH, DOORS AND GLAH8. W. P. F VtA.KR CO., ll'th and Lavla nts. WALL PAPER. MjLLEK Wall Paper tt Ft. Co.. 172 Firat t. MOI'.OAX VAT.L PAPER CO.. '.0 2I at. MONCMEKTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 2ft-26 4tb st.. opposite City Hall. Mala 8064. Philip N'eu & Sons for memorials. NEW TOP AT. Want Portland Property for $25,000 Hotel Completely Furnished and Equipped. Running Full Blast. A Good Money-Maker Brick Building. Clear of Encumbrances. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 203-5-7 BOARD OP. TRADE BLDG. jFor Rent One of Portland's most beautiful homes for rent. Will give lease Fine grounds. House large and modern in every way. Rent rea sonable. Open for inspection after 1 P. M. today. After to. day by appointment only. Phone E. 279, or call at 133 East 29th Street. . WEST SIDE QUARTER BLOCK Corner Sixteenth and Northrirp streets, in the warehouse and manufacturing district; monthly income $85. can be iDLTeasea. i'rice Jl.&OO. See E. M. Brown With THE iH 4.W-FKAR COMPACT. 102 Fourth Street. TO LEASE ' O.XE-HALF BLOCK ON FIFTH. GLISA AXB HOVT 8TKEKTS. BRICK A'D CONCRETE BllLDlNli." Ritter, Lowe & Go. 203-5-7 BOARD op trade: dldg. MORTGAGE LOANS ImprnJ eltr mmd farm property I la. stallanent RPlfaiHl prlvlleae It ,n ferredi prompt, reliable aerrlee. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 217-210 Northwestern Buk BslldJaa Maraball 411-1. A 411S. EXPERIENCED FIRE INSIRAUCE MAN OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENT. CONTROLS DESIRABLE LINES. P 435. OREGONIAN. f, NKW TODAY. AUCTION SALES AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169-171 SKCOXI STREET. NEAR ! 1A31HILL. REGrLAR SAJ.ESDATS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EACH DAT AT 11A.M. BIG SALK FOR vnvnir All Vlnrt. of medlum-prlc Rood,, tncludinc DIM.vn.Konn Kl RMTl HK. BRASS ! Au lKO. UtDS. sprinir.. mattrrrsea. pillows, bl.nk.tfc 1HKKR. lO)l MOOKS. ItOlKKRI and ( HtlKS of 11 dMcrlptlonn: (.OOI) AXMITKK ( AH. PETS and HK.S. GAS HAM.K. STEEL RA.XGE and other numerous lota. wkdm:jday axd fbidat w sell again at 10 A. iL OUR PRIYATE SALE DEPARTMENT offers the PIBIIC AX OPPORTUNITY TO P1KCHASK. Kl lMllll.S of tha HIGHF.ST i.HIDK which have been so LI tti.k Uf ll that they are almost KUl'AL TO NKW. Included In our line are PIANOS and ORGAN. TALKING MACHINES. V P-TO-IIATK VIRNIM I.NGS for the I.I INIi - ROOM. 1 a r a e assortment of UIVIX, SI 111 In the varioua flnlshea. KRASS and K.NAMKI, nr.u. M K W AMI Sr.rllill . HAlll SPRINGS and HATIRKWK, large line of UHF.SSKKS. CHIFKONIEHS. etc: A NGI.O-PKM! A N. WII.TO.N and A- MI.NSTF.lt HI .S of various aiaea; sev eral (iuuD C'AKPETS In fine condition. Majestic. Malleable. Monarch and other GOOD RANGES, HKATING ftTOYES, HUT-WATtR HEA1EUS. etc. GAS RANGES, ALL SIZES STORE FIXTURES OFFICE FURNISHINGS KTC. WF. ALSO SELL. GROCERIES EVERY ARTICLE SPECIALLY PRICED E KK1 DAY OK THE EElv. J. T. WILSON. PROPRIETOR, SPECIAL AUCTION SALE ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 2 P. M. STOCK OF DRY GOODS, ETC. SHIPPED TO VS FROM rOTTKRELU OH, POSITIVELY to e SOLD to the HIGHEST DIDDER AT OI K SALES ROOMS. 169-171 SiXO.NU STREET, near Yamhul. romprltftrn: a-eneral as sortment of DRY" GOODS. LADIES and CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. I.tDIES-. CHILDREN'S mi l MEN'S I Mlr ll WKAB, HOYS' COA1S AND SWEAT ERS, NOTIONS and other MERCHAN DISE. Here's your chance to aave money. ' J. T. WILSON. Al'CTIONEER. Cash Paid for Fur.llarr, Etc. Call Mala 2 feo. BoerQCo. EITABUSBED 189X On Tuesday Next A.T THE BAKER AUCTION HOrJE, MASOMC TEMPLE BVIL.DI.Mi. HAVE RECEIVED TUB COSTLY KVRMH RE, Tl RK!H HlTiS, CI11A. FTf FROM TWO PRIVATE HOMES, WITH INSTRICTKTAS FROM TIIE OWNERS TO SELI, THE SAME AT At'CTION OS ABOVE DV. coinpriPinft mahograny and quarter-sawed oak library tables, larpce easy living-room rockers, oak bookcases, several vol unnes of books, pedsUils. strass arm chairs, davenports and settees, genuine mahogany rocker in tapestry, electric lamps, large mirror. pK-tures. curtains and drapes, ii E N I' I E SERA PI 11 RKIM1 RKiX. SIZE lOvllt ONE KUAK. 4.7x7 1 andirons. Iron fender and fire Irons, arenuine mahoKany riin- Ina- table. &4-inch top: set of leather- seat chairs and serving table; aiother suite is quarter-sawed ouk. via., 4S- Inch top solid quartered oak table, buffet and set of leather-spat chairs, penuine English Mlnton china, white Havlland china, cut frlas and other good glassware, copper percolator. The bedroom furniture Is a choice selection and as rood as new. as fol lowstwo rull Hixe brass beds ana three Vernls Martin bois. all complete with very best steel sprint; and good clean felt mattresses, pillows, wool blankets and spreads; exquisite lady's rhfval dresflnjjr mirror In mnhoeany, larpe size mahopany dresser with oval French plate mirror, other Rood dress ers In solid oak and one chiffonier In Ivorv enamel, antique mahopany wash- stard with marble top. bedroom ruts In Axmlnster, velvet ana rioer in vari ous sizes, linen scrim curtains, toilet ware, foldinsr card tables, rockers and chairs. New Method pas ranpe. kitchen uicnll. refrigerator and many other useful lots. Al'CTIOXEER'S NOTE. Araln we wish to call your especial attention to this auction and would say that this Is another of our usual hisrh itrade sales. If you will kindly call tomorrow and Inspect these poods at your leisure you will find them well worthv of your attention. Al CTION ON TtESDA NEXT AT JO A M On Thursday Next we shall sell another lot of frdod furni ture. Including soirf of whlrti w:ih made In Switzerland. Al'CTIo x o. TUI US. UAV M .T AT 1U A. M. PAV CASH FOR IIOISKIIOI.il noons, our i-iiomc mmber is MAIM 3332. If you contemplate l!1nc now la the Ime. We will sell lor you at your rral rience If convenient, or you may have, the use of our spacious auction rooms, which nre second to none anywhere. The auction business is a science with us. V. C BAKER A W. II. DF.AX. Faraltarc Dealers .ad Ancrtloaeers. Yamblll and Weat Park sts, Mavaonle Temple Dulltlllna;. AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, 2 P. M. ' 191 SECOND ST. Ve will sell a (rood assortment of medium furniture t this sale, con sisting of beds. Fprinars, mattresses, comforts, pillows, dressers, dining table, chairs, rockers, cook stove, rantce and other household require ments. ' Ford AUCTION CO. 'We sell furniture, etc. at any time and will be pleased to quote you prices ou anything: you are in need of. Sain Connell Lumber. Co. Bawr. H- tM A.k.17 St. Portable and Ready-Cut Houses and Garages Call for full particulars and details re garding our houses and caraaa DON'T PA.X UUU RENTS. NEW TODAY. LAURELHUIiST SPECIAL This is a beautiful 8-room home in the most exclusive section of Laurelhurst. It was finished just before the prices of mate rial and labor advanced and be fore the Government restrictions became- effective. A distinctive home harmonious in its sur roundings and appointments was our purpose. An ejj,tra large lot was chosen and finely landscaped. The commission was given to one of Portland's best architects and decorators. The materials were of the highest grade and carefully selected. Every detail had our personal supervision. The result was an exquisite home in perfect taste. We are now offering this house, which has never been occupied, at its actual cost to us the Gov ernment would not permit us to build another under existing conditions. We would consider a smaller house as part pay ment. This house is near the corner of Laurelhurst Ave. and Couch St and will be open for inspection from 1 to 6 Sunday. MAC LNNES, With PAUL C. MURPHY CO. 270i Stark St. Phone Mem 1700 or Tabor 8619 Sun. or Eve. GO TO EAST LINCOLN ST. AND v GLENN AVE. Look at Northwest Corner N CO THROKiM THE HOISE, IT'S N AC A. VI". You Will Kind a Place Really Worth About $0At) to flw.uoo. We Have a Sacrifice Price on It of $4500 Which We Think Is the Best Buy in Portland CAX ARRANGE TERMS. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 203-5-7 BOARD OP TRADE BI.DC. A FINE HOME WITH EXTENSIVE GROUNDS In one of Portland's mo-t eversstv residential sections Is for sal by uwuar. House consists of six rooms on first floor: four bedrooms, lara-e hall, tiled bathroom, dressing room, with runnlnir water; lara- cioaets on sec ond floor; two bedrooms and large ha'l on third floor; maid's bath and toilet, laundry with electric wash! it a machine and Iron, fruit cellar, lars hen tins; plant. Winter's , supply of coal and ood ia basement. All windows and doors are equipped with Chamberlain Metal Wat her Strips and full ized creens. Houss con tains two larc fire places. House nt-wly painted Inside and outside. Grounds ronit of five lots 2VOoO sq ft.), with abundance, of shrubbery nnd flowers, also pera-ola. garden seats. Summer house, etc. One of tha most attractive and best kept place in Portland. Built for and maintained as a HOME. For additional Information and In spection ptions owner. Main 1! V 1 or Tabor SMii. A Delightful Home For a family Interested In living tn a delightful home and fine neigh borhood, this modern eight-room house Is an Ideal place. It baa two sleeping porches, double garage, hardwood floors and finish, lot lOOx 100 and every modern convenience. This home was taken In on mort gage; consequently we offer at tnosl reasonable terms. No p h oar lnf oraaa t loau J.C.CORBINCO. SOS-7 Lew la Bias- IRVINGTON One of Irvlngto n's largest and finest homes: double - else living room. reception parlor or music room, den or library, and dining room ail In fine mahogany or ouk flnifh; 2d floor has t bedrooms, i baths, extra toilets and lavatories. flreplRce; complete 3d floor. Includ ing billiard-room: beautiful corner lOuxlsO; double garage, steam beat. Priced at bargain to sell on this market. 623 Wasco street. N. K. cor ner Sixteenth. . R. T. STREET IRV. AGENT. EAST 894. EAST 42SO. TERMS $5500 LIENS PAID SIX ROOMS. TWO-STORY. OAK FLOORS. IVOHY FINISH, TILE BATH. FINK CROl'MM) VIRtCiF. THIS WILL M IIKLV END VOIR TRUl BLES. OWNER AT PREMISES. 1037 FREMONT STREET W11L. 1143. Send Us Your Old Carpets, Ola Rags aad Waolea Clotklag. W Makia Keveralble. Hu4 - Wavaa FLUFF RUGS Tfccv Wear Like I re a. Mall Orders. bead for Booklet. Rag Ruga Wavea. All Slaea. Carpet Cleaning ' 9x12 Rusts Steam Cleaned $1.50 WESTKRlf FLCFF Rro CO, 4 rntoa Ave. N. Eaat B 147B. FOR MORTGAGE I OtM See Oregoa laveataaeat Jk Mortgage C. Stock Lick. Blag. 'I bird aad kacakOl. NEW TODAY. For Sale or Exchange Portland Income Property NO. 1 BUSINESS PROPERTY Kour-story reinforced con crete bullrtlnjc. well located, c'oe In, lOoxlOO-ft. corner. Producing pood income. Price $125,000. lncumhranc $.5,000: three years at . In order to cepitr&te Inter ests, owners will accept smaller properties to valua of equity, lireat opportu nity to concentrate your scattered holdings into one good business property. NO. 2 NEW APARTMENT HOUSE New modern brick and stucco apartment houso, 100y occupied, with large waiting list. According to owner's sisned tatcm ent, this property has a present net Income of over 10co on the asking price of $75,000. Will consider one or raor wen located properties In value to $45,000. Balance mortgage. NO. 3 WANTED, APARTMENT DDnDCOTYClIent w t h I IIWI L.U I I clear, property, und improved under lease, $45,000. stock in local con cern 130.000. desirinp to ex chanpe for income property, apartment house preferred, to $100,000. Will assume or pay cash difference. Inside Property Dealers Ground Floor, Henry Building VACANT LOTS BARGAINS Hawthorne Ave. Lots Hard-surface streets; very choice location. Can assist contractor to finance buildings on this choice property. Irvington Several choice lots In this rice dis trict. Attractive for home liujera. Rose City Park Can help contractors o finance moderate-priced homes on these fine lots. PRICES The prices at which we can sell these vacant lots will convince you that this is the lime to build homes. A. H. Birrell Co. sir n. w. Baak Bldg. A 411. Mar. 4114. IV - ir Willamette Heights CROIXD TSalOO Seven rooma, sleeping porch In rear, three bedrooms and one for maid; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, living-room acrosa entire front of house; good view from every room; garage. Inspection by appulnlmeat onlv. Price SiOO. Goddard & Wiedrick 243 STARK ST. IRVINGTON FLATS $24,000 WALKING DISTANCE. 100x100 Lot and Ex- t tremely Modern Flat Building SIX APARTMENTS OF FIVE ROOMS CACU. THIS IS AN EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD AND CLEAN INVESTMENT. i Ritter, Lowe & Co. 203-5-T BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. THE BEST WAY TO LIFT THE MORTGAGE on your city home Is in easy Install ments, with 10 years' time to repay, fully protected by Life Insurance under Home Purchase Plan of Equitable 1.1 fa Assurance Society. Interest 6. No brokerage. See Mr. Strong at Equitable. Offices, Oregonian Building. WHITE PINE SAW MILL AND BOX FACTORY White Salmon, Wash. On account of tha drath of tha" manaalnfr own.r, tha Mount A1.1111 Lumber company offrrs for aala lie .awmUl and box tc tory at Trout Laae, V.h.. Wiih office .tl r.taO yard at Whin Salmon. The bunet-a haa bn established 12 years and will bo old at a .aendce. If Interested, call or write tha company at White Salmon, aata. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BCMNFS Air RESlUENCal PROPERTY. ROBERI SON EWTNO. tor-H Karlknsaufa aiaak BVaa. IRVINGTON K. T. Hhr.CT, UuUta IRV- AUaCN r. JNO. B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOAMS. Insurance, Surety Bonds 03 WILCOX BLDG. Mala- 702 A S7?4