The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 06, 1918, SECTION TWO, Page 2, Image 20

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Foundation Boys Ready and
Willing to Meet Soldier
P1oIeskin Stars Today. '
Far-Famed Vancouver Barracks
Music Makers Will Contest Really
, With Eugene Cloffi's Aggrega
- tion Which Has Reputation.
Everything is in readiness for today's
big- football clash at Vaughn-street
park between the Foundation shipyard
eleven and the soldier-moleskin artists
from Vancouver Barracks. The game
starts promptly at S o'clock and the
proceeds of the oattle -will go to Uncle
Sam's Kanning Kitchen.
The National Woman's League for
Service, which is assisting in making
arrangements for the big game today,
has fixed an automobile parade through
the downtown streets, starting at 1:30
o'clock. The crack Foundation band,
under the leadership of Eugene Cioffi,
will lead the vanguard of shipbuilders,
but the soldiers have promised to go
one better by bringing along the far
lamed Vancouver . Barracks band and
Also the Second Provisional Regiment
hand, which is garded as one of the
best in the Northwest. There will be
no lack of patriotic and jazz music
when these three bands and their root
ers go into action this afternoon at
Vaughn-street park and every minute
promises to be oozing over with good
natured excitement.
While both, gridiron aggregations
claim a sprinkling of all-war timber,
neither- of the teams have been under
fire and today is-their first real con
test of the season. Last Sunday morn
ing on Multnomah field the soldiers
scrimmaged with the Winged-M eleven,
nut Coach Malarkey claimed some of
Jiis regulars were not on the Job but
xpects a formidable aggregation to
line up against the shipbuilders today.
If Malarkey could coax some of the
stars in the .Yeon building into turning
out for practice with the Barracks
eleven he would have an eleven rank
ing with any on the coast service or
otherwise but the chief trouble lies in
the fact that when the soldiers working
in the Spruce Division" Headquarters
finish their daily jtoil they are loath to
travel across the Columbia River just
to scrimmage. However, Malarkey is
still hopeful.
George Dewey, coach at Foundation,
Is preparing a sweet little surprise
package for the soldiers this afternoon.
At least, that is the way the former
Oregon Aggie star puts it. "Every one
is a fighter. Some of them are well
versed in the pigskin game, others are
just learning the rudiments, but
everyone is a fighter."
The officials for today's contest will
probably be as follows: Referee, Reh
bein; umpire, Wittmer; head linesman,
Lineup and weights:
Foundation. Position. Vancouver.
Kilduft (170) C (180) Mitchell
Kendall (15J L. O. (170) Steere
Louttit (185 L T
. .. (17n) Black
. .. (160) Kilts
(187) Shlpman
.. (180) Leslie
. . (1S2) Davis
C.enn (160) LB..,
Hazztrd (170) .....KG...
Pechin (10) RT...
FeichtinKer (165) ..RE...
Watts (IS.".) ..LH..
, Horton (Ilia) LF-CS.... (168) Koleryus
Evans (170) R F-F (1DO) Daly
Coo (170) Rir.
Players Affected by Federal Order
Cannot Collect Full Pay.
CHICAGO. Oct. 5. A sweeping ruling
against attempts of major league base
ball players to collect salaries on con
tracts extending beyond September 1,
the date fixed by the Government for
the suspension of professional baseball,
was handed down tonight by the Na
tional Baseball Commission, which held
such claims to be unjustified and
The decision was announced by
President Johnson of the American
League, a member of the commission.
The commission's decision was based
on the case of "Jake" Daubert. of the
Brooklyn Nationals, who sought to col
lect $2150 from the Brooklyn Club be
cause his contract, calling for $9(ft0 a
aeason, was terminated on September 2:
The commission's ruling, which-prob-ably
will apply to ail similar cases,
held that the club could not be com
pelled to pay Daubert the full amount
agreed upon because under the "work
or fight" order, his contract was vir
tually rendered Illegal and impossible.
Hawk Held Fastest Flyer
and Crow the Slowest..
Flight of Game Birds Compared la
Report of Expert.
While there Is a considerable varia
tion in the epeed of flight of game
Virds, the table below may be taken
as the most accurate approximation of
the comparative speed at which the
better-known wild birds fly.
The crow may be taken as an ex
ample of the elower-flylng bird, with a
rate of 35 to 55 feet a second, and with
an average epeed of 45 miles an hour,
while jnany species of hawks attain
the remarkably fast speed of 200 feet a
Here is the. table showing: the aver
age speed in flight:
c Fwt per A-rer-
Blrtl k second. asr.
Quail - 61 to 85 T.j
Kuffed Grouse .............. () to no 75
Snipe 50 to 70 5
Mallard .15 to 00 75
Wood luck . 70 to PO SO
Ttal 120 to 14U 13
CanvBsbsrk . . . . 130 to lfiO 145
Cansda Geese ............. ...100 to 120 110
Ked Head 110 to 130 liO
It may be said that If duckr are
scared they can reach maximum speed
at will, and this sprinting flight is
usually what the gunner has to make
allowance for.
On the other hand, many wildfowl
are jumped and killed while hovering
over decoys and moving slowly, and
birds like enipe and quail are often
killed before, they have attained full
Upland birds are not often shot while
passing the- gun at right angles, but
going traight away, quartering or
Tuget Sound Teams Clash Today In
Championship Contest".
SEATTLE. Oct. 5. The Duthie and
Patterson - McDonald baseball teams
will meet here Sunday in an effort to
pcttle the championship of the Puget
Sound Shipyard League. ' Patterson
McDonald's team leads Duthie's men
by one game.
Byron Houck. former Coast League
star, will pitch for Patterson -McDonald,
and Tom Seaton, former Philadelphia
National pitcher, for Duthle.
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Ladies' Golf Ciub Champion
ship Postponed One Week.
Qnallfying Coarse for John G. Clem
son Trophy, First Start in Beat
en 8 and Second of Champion
ship Scheduled at Portland.
W. E. Pearson, chairman of the
handicap and tournament committee of
the Waverley Country Ciub, announces
some changes In the list of events
scheduled for October and November.
The ladies' club championship has been
postponed one week. It had been
planned originally to hold the qualify
ing rounds of the ladies' club cham
pionship next Tuesday, but. according
to a bulletin issued yesterday, this
event will not start until October 15.
Owing to opposition to giving cups
In the big club events such as the
president's cup and director's cup tour
neys it has been decided to give the
victors .of these two big events a win
ner's certificate and recipient of same
will have the honor -of turning over
to the Ked Cross the cash equivalent
of a cup. This arrangement meets with
the approval of all Waverley Country
Club members.
Next Saturday the Columbus Day
men's sweepstakes handicap will be
played. It will be medal play, 18
holes, entrance fee one ball. Stakes
will be divided. 50 per cent to winning
net score, 30 per cent to second best
net score and 20 per cent to low gross
score. Competitors have the option
of entering as many times as en
trance fee is paid, by banding in score
card for each 18 holes played.
The qualifying rounds of the John G.
Clemson trophy are being played at
the Portland Golf Club today. A num
ber of matches were played yesterday.
The first rouyd in the beaten eight
and second round of the club cham
pionship are also on the calendar at
the Portland Club today.
There were 112 golfers competing
in the San Francisco Municipal cham
pionship tournament at Lincoln Park
last Sutfday and there were 65 more
within a mile (or so engaged In a tomb
stone contest a the Presidio Golf Club.
Golf is enjoying a big play in the Cali
fornia metropolis.
e - .
The golfers of the Olympic Club, San
Francisco, headed by Judge Tim Fitx-
patrick, are doing a lot of missionary
work among their fellow members in
advance of the vote at the general
meeting, which is to" decide the pro
posed annexation of the Lakeside Golf
Club property.
Mike Brady, well known professional
golfer, is- again doing his "bit" with
the California Naval Reserves after a
brief furlough at his old home in Bos
ton. Brady likes the Facific Coast ana
his year's sojourn on California soil
has won him over from his former
Hunter Caught Without License.
ALBANY, Or., Oct. 6. (Special.)
M. J. Looser, of Tangent, paid Io7.0
in fines and costs in the justice court
here yesterday after pleading guilty to
two charges of violation of the game
laws. He was arrested with two dead
hen pheasants in his possession and in
addition to this offense was charged
with hunting without a license. The
minimum fine of $25 was imposed in
each case.
Mather Field Eleven in Training
Cnder Famous Quarterback.
MATHER FIELD. Sacramento, Cat,
Oct. 5. Seventy football men at Mather
Field aviation training school, among
them a number of former college grid
iron stars, are practicing under Coach
James Xe Hart, all-American quarter
back of the Pittsburg University.
Among .the former college players
who are out to make the team are the
following: Rose, Oregon Aggies;
Hamilton, Washington State Univer
sity; Jacoby, University of Wisconsin;
Loque, of Michigan; Moser, Clark Uni
versity; Warner, Nebraska; Walker,
University of California; Lieutenant
Higby, Michigan; Lieutenant Miller.
Olympic Club; Lieutenant Smith, Dart
mouth and Lieutenant Newbig, Colgate.
game: for army ad navy cham
pionship is raoposED.
Mare Island Eleven V"b.o Count ea
Beattn, ISverytklngj ' Coaat
Would Seek Freak Laurels.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cat., Oct. 5. An
inter-series and, at the same time, an
intersectional football championship is
the aim of Captain Lynn B. Coovert, of
the United States Marine Corps. Cap
tain Coovert is in charge of the Ma
rines football team stationed at the
Mare Island Navy-yard., and is so cer
tain his aggregation will beat every
thing on the Pacific coast that he is
anxious to take the eleven as far East
as is feasible In order to meet the
best service team of that section of
the country. ,
"It is too early. In the season as yet
to determine which of the Eastern Army
or Navy service teams will prove to
be the best of the lot, but as soon as
there can be no question as to a team's
superiority, we are anxious to arrange
a game to play .for the Army and Navy
championship of the United States."
It is understood here that Camp
Grant. Camp Sheridan and the Great
Lakes training station all expect to
have good teams in the field. The Mare
Islanders want to play whichever one
of these elevens, or any other for that
matter, which clearly stands out as
the best of Eastern teams at the end of
the season.
"The Mare Island team, which last
year won the championship of the Pa
cific Coast, again is 'made up entirely
of college and university players. Every
man is an experienced player so that
no time has been lost in learning the
rudiments of the game. The men
started right in at perfecting their
team play and their trick play. The
backs average approximately ISO
pounds, which, admittedly is 'an im
pressive figure, especially .when com
bined with speed", with which Captain
Coovert says his men are liberally pro
vided. "Such a game," said Captain Coovert,
"would arouse a great amount of in
terest and the big gate receipts which
would result add a substantial sum to
any war fund which it might be. de
termined to help. Wherever it was
played, there would be tens of thou
sands of men in training and the at
tendance would probably be quite up to
the numerical standard of a Yale
Princeton or Tale-Harvard gams."
Football Is Leading Sport in
Various Army Camps.
Most of Former ,Collejre Stars Are
'ovr in Service and Will Be
Called fpon to Defend
Honor of Stations.
WASHINGTON". Oct. S. Football will
be one of the most popular sports In
the various Army and Navife training
camps this Autumn, if report received
by the War and Navy Departments,
Commission on Training Camp Activi
ties from the athletic directors are any
criterion. Many colleges and prepara
tory schools have announced that foot
ball will be taboo so far as academic
and collegiate mafches are concerned.
Most of the college football stars of
previous years have entered the servioe
and as a result the Training Camp Com
mission athletic directors are making
extensive plans to utilise these men In
the formation of championship divis
ional, regimental and company elevens.
Although the galaxy of former col
lege football stars that twinkled last
season in the uniforms of the various
naval -station elevens has ceased to
shine, manv players being transferred
to active- ee'a service, athletic directors
are confident that the teams will be
even better than a year ago.
Preliminary reports received by Wal-
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Llestteaaat Everett May.
Since flie former well-known
Oregon Aggie football and bas
ketball star went overseas he
and Lieutenant "Spec" Hurlburt.
well known In local gridiron cir
cles, have shaved their heads'
every week. Everett says that
grass never grows on a busy
street, hence the head shave.
"3 ... ':
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tw Camp, head of the athletic division
of the Navy Commission on Training
Camp Activities, make it clear that
football will form the principal feature
of the Fall programme for sports in
every naval station from Machias, Me.,
to Miami, Fla, on the Atlantic seaboard,
and from Puget Sound, Washington, to
San Diego, Cal., on the Pacific Slope.
Installed in the-naval stations by Mr.
Camp as athletic directors are a dozen
coaches whose names are familiar to
followers of the gridiron sport. Calls
for preliminary practice have been Is
sued by these coaches, and from all ac
counts the response baa been gratify
ing. In the First, or Boston. district,
George V. Brown, for 16 years athletic
organiser for the Boston Athletic Asso
ciation, Is forming a league among sta
tions in the district and a score of other
station football units will be formed
Tale Star Coaches Elevesu
In the second, or Newport, district.
Dr. William' T. Bull,- a former Tale
coach. wio last year organised an all
star eleven of old college players, has
retired from active service and Fred M.
Walker, a former University of" Chicago
baseball and football star, and more
recently pitched for the St. Louis Na
tionals, has been appointed athletic di
rector. Dr. Rull will remain In an ad
visory capacity and his services will ben
utilised by Mr. walker aa associate
football coach.
Frank Berg'n, the former Princeton
quarterback. Is the Commission on
Training Camp Activities athletic di
rector of the Third Naval District, the
headquarters of which are at Pelhara
Bay. He will be assisted In turning
out football material by Lieutenant W.
T. Cochran, the Navy athletio officer at
that station.- Lieutenant Cochran la a
former Annapolis football star.
Great Lakes Teaaa Fast.
In the Fourth district, at League
Island. Philadelphia, Byron W. Dickson,
a former University of Pennsylvania
star, has assumed the duties of athletic
director. He will be assisted, in the
football coaching this Fall by "Big
Bill" Hollenbeck, another Quaker 'star.
More than 600 candidates for the rep
resentative football team of the Great
Lakes Naval Training Station. Great
Lakes, 111., have responded to the call
of Coach Herman P. Olcott, the former
Yale star. Every unit at this atation
will have its own football team and the
representative Great Lake team is cer
tain to make a stout showing In its
matches with the representative Army
elevens which It will meet this season.
Out at Bremerton, Puget Sound, and
the naval station at Seattle Elmer C
Henderson and Arthur C. Woodward
are organising football extensively In
these two leading stations of the North
west. Both have had experience as In
terscholaatio coaches in that section for
years. .
Andy Smith, the former University
of Pennsylvania fullback, has just been
appointed by the Navy Commission on
Training Camp Activities to the post of
athletic director at Mare Island. - He
will promote football as the chief Au
tumn sport at the station.
Soldiers Over There Rank Ball
Snppliea High.
Next to rifle, ammunition ami can
teent American soldiers seem to rank
baseball supplies among the list Of the
necessities of life in the front lines.
At least such was the decision of a
Yankee unit operating with the French
forces lately. It happened that this
unit got into a very hot corner and the
order came to retreat.
The necessity for haste made it . Im
possible for the men to carry much
with them in the way of personal be
longings, but when they arrived at a
station out of immediate danger it was
found that the baseball paraphernalia
bad been saved, while many kinds of
personal belongings had been sacri
ficed. The balls and gloves had been fur
nished by the Y. M. C. A. and the men
took it upon themselves to carry them
In preference to their own little
As soon as the unit had reached a
quiet place the supplies were turned
oyer to the Y. M. C. A. secretary, who
was Immediately railed on to reissue
them for a game. The tide of war ebbs
and flows apparently, but baseball goes
on forever.
War Department Strong for Ath
letics in Various Army Camps.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 5. With in
creasing Interest being manifested in
cage ball, one of the latest additions
to the long list of sports played In the
training camps, athletic directors of
the War Department Commission on
Training Camp Activities have devised
a number of new games in which the
regulation cage ball Is used.
Water cage ball is one of the most
popular of these games. As played In
the swimming pools in the various
training camps, a score or more men
can participate. There Is really, no
limit to the number of men who may
play water cage balL The rules of the
game are simple and resemble those
governing water polo.
Giant volley ball, as plaved with a
regulation cage ball. In another ex
hilarating exercise. It is simply
crdlnary volley ball on a magnified
scale, and number of men participating.
Billy Jaekaon, After Breaking the Ire
at Syracuse. Paces Three Heata la
2 104 at CoIuakBa,
Two postponements on account of
rain and a heavy track slowed up the
speed average of the Columbus Septem
ber Grand Circutt meeting, which closed
last Friday, after nine days' racing,
during which 33 events were decided,
18 of them being for trotters and 17 for
pacers, and J74.J70.JJ distributed in
'All of the programme was disposed
of except the free-for-all trot, in which
the horses were excused on account of
the heavy footing, and tho second free-for-all
pace, the first one being a gift
for Miss Harris M. She was ready for
the fray, notwithstanding that her an
gagements were canceled at Readville
and Hartford.
During the two weeks at Columbus
Murphy ran bis number of winning
mounts for the year up to 69 and if he
Is as fortunate at Lexington and At
lanta his score card for the year should
be close to 70. He won two races at
the Backeye capital wtth Petrex and
gave Binland his first defeat over a
mile track. Billy Jackson, after break
ing the ice at Syracuse, also came
through in front again at Columbus,
pacing his three heats in 2:04 14, when
he defeated Drift Patchen and John A.
Two of the best contests at the meet
ing were between Directum J. and Lit
tle Batica In the 1:06 pace and the 1:04
pace, in which McMahcyi defeated Judge
Ormonde and Adioo Guy with Hal Boy,
the Oregon gelding, winning his two
heata In 2:03 1 and !:6IH. and Judge
Ormoade grabbing one in 2:01)6.
A recently patented reclining chair
which also can be used as a couch Is so
light that when folded it can be carried
unde M u.
M. A. A. C. Propose Taking
Team in Spring to Compete
Against Country Class.
Wonderful Card Can Be Got To
gether, Including Championship
Diving Team, Thelma Payne
, and Constance Meyera.
Plans are already being made for a
tour of the country by the Multnomah
Amateur Athletio Club swimming and
diving team next Spring. A trip of
this kind should be self supporting and
would be a great boost for swimming
In the Northwest. The team would be
composed of Thelma Tayne, women's
National Indoor diving champion, and
one or two of her teammates; Happy
Keuhn, Northwest champion diver, and
other swimmers who show up best in
the sprint and middle distances.
The team would be large enough to
put on exhibitions without outside tal
ent, if necessary, in some of the cities
at which they could give exhibitions.
It may be possible that the tour will
be made as a benefit for the Red Crow,
and a straight tour of this kind should
realise a neat sum. as the only outlay
of the trip would be traveling expenses.
There sre quite a few boys at Mult
nomah Club who can make good if they
will get in and work. Myron Wils y
Is pretty sure to be one of those picked,
as is Brownie Webster, now at Berke
ley. Albert Engrene. O. J. Hosford.
Liddell and Frank Lindstrum are likely
mermen, but they need a lot of hard
work to get in shape to compete
against the class of the country. W. H.
Buckland. the soldier boy who won the
Northwest backstroke championships,
would probably be able to get a fur
lough, especially as the trip will un
doubtedly be made as a Red Cross af
fair. Aa for drawing power, swimming haa
taken a strong hold of public Interest.
Then with the championship diving
team, which Is known the country over;
with Miss Thelma Payne, the prest-nt
National diving champion: Mrs. Con
stance Meyera. who held the title for
several years, and Helen Hicks, who
always has been a strong contender. It
would be a wonderful card. There are
also Irene and Virginia Pembroke, lni
provjng right along, and there will be
plenty of talent to pick from as far as
the girls are concerned. The Pembroke
girls are also coming to the front aa
swimmers. Irene Pembroke won the
Willamette River marathon this year,
defeating the field of women swimmers
by a wide margin.
Miss, Frances Taylor. Pittsburg's girl
swimming champion, has displayed
such remarkable improvement la recent
title tests that Smoketown experts be
lieve she will be in line for National
laurels before long- m
Detroit has decided to hold its inter-
scholastlc swimming championsnip a
good deal earlier than usual, probably
this month, or early it, November.
There will be nc closed season in
water sports this year. In several dis
tricts the initial indoor water carnivals
have Just been scheduled for early in
this month, while In other sections open
water competitions will continue for
several weeks, and In some cases not
end until in November.
Miss Anna Casaneva, of Stockton,
Cat, a young girl Just breaking Into
the swimming game, defeated -Several
weeks ago at B0 yards her teammate.
Miss Deila Dumkum, who has figured
prominently In all Important Coast
meets. The victory stamrs the- new
comer as a mermaid of brilliant
Several swimming pools have been
completed at tho Pelham Bay Naval
Training Station. N. Y.. so the strong
camp team will have better . facilities
for practice hereafter.
Portland Boy Shows Class '
on Foreign Diamond.
Emery Wcla Foeln Bitine aa Ha
Expects to Baffle Haa.
Emery Webb, former Portland semi
pro and Pacific Coast International
League pitcher, is overseas with one of
the engineer units and. according to
letter sent his former battery mate.
Denny Shea. Is still fooling opposing
hatymen the same as he expects to baf
fle the Hun. Webb enlisted in one of
the engineer corps and was sent to
Philadelphia, from which port he sailed
across the deep blue sea.
His letter" to Shea in part follows:
"We'don't get much news from home
and are always glad to get letters. You
fellows must have quite a league, from
all reports. We havea league ourselves
and are in aecond place. There is a big
game this afternoon to see whether
we go into first or second place. We
have won 11 and lost one. which is a
good record. I had a good day last
week and pitched a no-hit. no-run
game. Only one man rot to first, and
the next play was a double, and only
27 men faced me during the nine In
nings. I also got one hit and it waa
a circuit blow. The old boy is htttimr
them. I have met several boys over
here, among them Jim Burke, the cop's
son. and Art Gores, a Portland semi
pro catcher.
"Take It all In all. we have a lot of
fun. along with plenty of work. The
fellows sre all doing their best, and the
slogan is. 'Home by Christmas.' Tha
French girls are O. K-. but they can't
hold a candle with onr American girls."
Veterans of Eastern Diamonds Jfow
Starring in Northwest.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Oct. 6. Former
big leaguers and minor leaguers known
in most of the Nation's baseball citlea
are playing In the six clubs of the
semi-professional Puget Sound Ship
yard Baseball League, which is draw
ing its 191 S season to a dose.
Six yards from three Puget Sound
cities have clubs In the league. Tho
clubs are: Patterson-McDonald. Seat
tle: Duthies. Seattle; Sloan's. Olympla;
Todd's. Tacoma; Founoatlon. Seattle,
and North Pacific Seattle. Sunday
game are played and good crowds at
tend. Patterson-McDonald and Duthies,
two local teams, lead the league and
tt is probable they will settle the cham
pionship question between them.
Among the former Eastern players
now in the shipyard league ara Walter
Mails. Jacques Fournler. Tom Seaton.
ike Woifer. Ham Hyatt. Byron Houck.
jack Snyder and Frank Wilson. One
time Coast leaguers now here are: Bill
gpeas. Buddy Kyan. Joe Dunn. Babe
Burton, Harry Gardner, Jerry Downs
and IZarl Sheely.