15 BUYER PROTECTED CONS TIME AND IN SALES BY FRAUD T S ING AT SI THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER CI. 1918. Seller Must Repay Purchase Price if False Represen tations Are Made. RULE OF LAW IS STATED Even if Seller Is Ignorant of Mis representations by Agent, Sale 31 ust Be Rescinded, and Money Repaid, Courts Have Held. Portland ( BY W. B. SHIVELT, Chairman Legal- Committee of Realty Board. aiay tne buyer of property compel me seller to rescind a sale thereof and to repay the purchase money on ac count or misrepresentations of fact made prior to the closing of tho sale by the seller's broker or agent, not withstanding that said misrepresenta tions -were made by the agent without ine Knowledge of his principal, the ei ler i the general rule relative to this question may be stated thus: The seller may be compelled by the buyer through .the courts to rescind the sale and repay the purchase money where the seller's agent, even without the knowledge or consent of his principal, in order to bring about the sale, misrepresents the facts, if the representations are made within the scope of the agent's author ity and if the buyer believes the rep resentations to be true, is ignorant of meir iaisity, and thereby suffers dam age; the owner cannot take' advantage of or profit by the contract made for him by the broker without becoming responsible for the representations :wmcn induced it. (La. R. A. 1317, F. 963.) in me case or Wilson vs. McCarthy, 66 Or. 498, 134 Pac. 1189, the facts were that a Mrs. Rogers owned 80 acres of land in "Washington practically barren or timber, steep, lying in places at an angle of 60 degrees, rocky, rough and with only two acres cleared. There was a one-room cabin on the land. One McCarthy was Mrs. Rogers' broker to sell the land and in order to effect sale McCarthy represented to the buyer Liim. me jaiia in question was covered witli good merchantable timber, that eight to 10 acres of the property were cleared, that the land was practically level, iiat all of it was susceptible of cultivation and that there was a cozy tnree or iour-room house on the prera ises. Buyer Brings Spit. The buyer did not go to see the land r-ut relied on the agent's representa tions. The sale was closed, after which the buyer discovered the true character of the property she had pur uiiaseu. one men orougnt suit to re scind the sale. The seller contended that she personally had made no ren resentations of any kind to the buyer and that therefore the sale should be upheld. The Supreme Court of Oregon cam: "If the contract was made' by Mc Carthy, who, in order to induce plain tin fo make the exchange, made repre sentations which were known to htm to be false and upon which plaintiff re lied to her injury, the defendant, Nellie M. Rogers, by availing herself of the benefits of the transaction, is bound by the representations, whether McCarthy was her appointed agent or not. The doctrine is well established and rests upon sound principles of law that a person who seeks to avail himself of a contract made by another for him whether by appointment or by a self constituted agent, is bound by the rep resentations made and the methods employed by the agent to effect a con tract. Defendant Nellie M. Rogers cannot ratify a part of the transaction negotiated by McCarthy and repudiate the same in part. In the case of Owen vs. Jones, 68 Or. 311. 136 Fac. 33::. numerous representa tions were made by an agent of the Heller to the buyer, including state ments to the effect that the rent of certain apartment-house offered for sale was $108 per month (in truth the monthly rental was J130) and that the building could be heated at a cost not to exceed $10 per month (in truth the cost was $65 per month). Principal Bound by Agent. The agent, said the court, "in a gen eral way painted the transaction with a roseato hue to Mrs. Owen, who was fredulous. did not appear to understand ligures and believed his statements, but soon after entering into possession of the property found to the contrary." In deciding the case the Supreme Court said: "Mrs. Jones (the seller) seeks to evade the responsibility of the misrep resentations made by her broker. He being shown to be her agent in the transaction, she cannot escape the con sequences of his acts, whether she au thorized the same or not. By availing herself of the benefits of tho transac tion she is bound by the representa tions made and the methods employed by her agent to enect the contract. In the ease of Copeland vs. Tweedle 61 Or. 303, 122 Pac 302, the seller's broker, unknown to the seller and without authority, represented to the buyer that certain timber land cruised 4.000,000 feet of merchantable timber. .After the sale based on this representa tion it was discovered that the land cruised less than half the quantity rep resented. In deciding the case the Supreme Court uses the following reasoning: "It is beyond dispute that this representa tion was made while Corcoran (the broker) was empowered by the defend ant, Kllen Tweedle (the seller) to pro cure a purchaser for the land in ques tion. It was within the scopo of his authority to describe the land to an intending purchaser and to state what it contained in the way of improve ments or timber or the like. Without making such representation It would be impracticable to procure a pur chaser. It affects the defendant, Ellen the same as if she was there personal ly present and made it herself. Corcoran was familiar with the land. had been over it and knew the condi tions there, and his knowledge on that subject is imputed to his principal. El len Tweedle. The plaintiff and her husband both testify that they relied I Just aT I I The Cash Store With No Bad Bills and Light Overhead Expenses Again to the Front With a Record Breaking Sale of Women's, Misses', Children's Ready-to-Wear Apparel If yon want the itncit style, nine and service. Investigate these pheaoaaeaal offers. Despite ths Increase In e-verythlaa; that enters into manufacture of Wnitrt Apparel, oar trnuadou baying newer enables as te sapply oar customers needa with stylish nppnrel of unquestioned onallty and workmanship at MONEY-SATING PRICES. Values Extraordinary in Juniors' and Women's High - Grade Fall Coats PLAIN AND FCR-TR1.HMGD STYLES ARE BEING SHOWN AT $12.50, $19.0, $22.50, $27.SO A British stamp on one corner of the wrapper, on the front "The Portland, U. S. A.,"- and it was de livered safely. Another incident that shows that the name and fame of the Portland have traveled across the continent and over the water. Sunday Dinner, $1.25 Also Service a la Carte Special Music The Portland Trader the Management ef Richard W. Child ' . I WHEREVER women meet, the mention of Red Feather Complexion Powder is the sig nal for smiles of approvaland nods of endorsement. This, the perfect complexion powder, produces a natural, genuine effect because of its peculiar transparent and ad hering qualities. Red Feather Complexion Powder May be had in white, flVsh or brunette. In hinged cover boxes. Price's 0c The Remiller Co. 230 W. 17th St. ffmim York Sold in all Owl Drug Stores and by other good druggists and department stores NSN " "T"" upon him. and we think they had a rigrht to do so, because they had not equal opportunities of knowing the truth. . . . Under these circum stances, therefore, the defendant, Ellen, must abide the result of her agent's misrepresentations. Although per fectly innocent of fraud herself, yet, having: placed her broker in a position to defraud by putting her land in his hands for sale, the loss resulting' from his deception must fall upon her as be tween herself an another equally Inno cent. Law Protects Buyer. In a further case involvipg. the same principles of law (Firebaugh vs. Bent ley, 65 Or. 170, 130 Pac. 1129) the court held that the buyer had a right to reply upon the representations of the seller's agents as to the true location of the land, for such statements were within the ordinary scope of the authority of real estate brokers. In this case the brokers were honestly mistaken as to the true location of the acreage sold, so that there was no element of fraud in the case: nevertheless the court compelled a rescispion of the contract and the repayment of the purchase money on the theory of mutual mistake. That the foregoing is good law can not be denied. If it were not so, the owner of property might employ the most unscrupulous agents and profit through their gross misrepresentations. by claiming that the representations were made without his knowledge or consent. This the law will not permit. By accepting the result of the agent's efforts the owner in effect makes the agent's representations his own and becomes responsible thereior. provioai the buyer relies upon the representa tions, is ignorant of their falsity and. so relying, suffers damage. The duty is therefore placed upon sellers of prop erty to employ brokers concerning whose integrity and sales methods there can be no question. Campaign Veloar. Broadcloth, Salts, Plashes, Zlbellnea, Cordoroj In fashionable Fall colors Rasalaa green, tobacco brown, pinna, tanpe navy blue and black: are featured In Motor. Street. XTtlllty aad Dress Coats. Many handsome new models dMlgars with large cape, convertible and muffler collars, empire effects aad belted ntyles ta choose from. Women who aatlctpate re plenishing; their wardrobe will surely find something here to their advantage, for these bcantlfnl Coati are rarely- offered at such a low figure. Other Exclusive Coats $32.00 to $60.00 Each THESE ITEMS ON SALE MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY AT THESE PRICES A Noteworthy Sale of ft afT. . mm Waists In a Wonderful Disposal, Each $3.95 Monday and Tuesday will be RED LR'l'I'KH DAYS at Shanahan's Waist Department. Main Kloor. These Dainty Waists are made of sn excellent quality Georgette. We show them In flesh, pink, white, maize snd taupe, roll collars, neat cuffs. SiJCAHK or V-neck. Front finished with tucks and hemstitching, others with sprays of embroidery. Don't fall to take advantage of this exceptional offering. EITI1AORDISAKT BAJIGAJV OFFEIUJfCS OF" HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAk FOR MOJTDAT A.JID TUESDAY ONLY. Boys Union Suits, Special 85t to S1.00 Each Boys Fleeced Lined Union Bults, gray color, high neck, long- sleeves, ankle length, sizes 2 years to lit years. Kxtra heavy weight for 85C to 81. OO. . Girls' Union Suits, Special 85d to S1.25 Each Girls' Fine Ribbed Fleeced Cotton Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, drop seats or open fat, taped neck, sizes 2 to 16 years. Priced, according to size, 85c to S1.25. Women's Vests or Tights, Special SI. 00 Each Ladies' Extra Fine Ribbed Combed Tarn Vests or Tights, Dutch neck, elbow-sleeve vests, ankle-length tights, with draw-string tops; sizes 34 to 38, especially priced at Sl.OO. Children's "Wunder" Hose, Special 35d Pair Children's "Wunder" Hose, medium weight, ribbed cotton, black, double heels and toes, very elastic; an excellent -school hose; sizes 6 to 10. Priced at 35c. Children's Fine Hose, Special, 3 Pairs 85d Children's Extra Fine Ribbed Black Cotton Hose, slightly imperfect, double heels and toes; sizes 6 to K'.i; especially good at 3 pairs 85c. A REMARKABLE SALE OF Children's Winter Coats, Special S4.95 Each This unusual value Is made of medium weight cordurova and fancv mix tures. Without a doubt these values are beyond compare. Sizes 2 to C years. Astonishing; Value in Women's Serge Dresses, Each S9.08 These Dresses are remarkable for quality and workmanship, fine fitting nicely tailored. Colors blue, black, etc Collars and cuffs in white alik poplin, sixes 1 to 44. Indies who are seeking something stvlish and serviceable will surely find something to their liking among these ex cellent garments. Sensational Sale of Women's Silk Poplin Dresses, Each S10 Borne nifty models with pleated skirts. Surplice Waists, collars and cuffs of white satin, belts ot material with large buckles; others with plain skirt, fancy tab trimmings. Colors green, taupe, light blue, navy, brown, black, BCRGl'XDV. These are beautiful dresses for afternoon, street or evening wear. Hotels, Rooming - Houses, Housekeepers, Attention! Get a Full Supply of These High-Grade Bedspreads ! This Is the time for every careful, well-informed housekeeper to buy ahead, particularly of these good spreads. We show them in a good range of styles, patterns snd quality. A heavy Honeycomb or Marseilles, some hemmed all round, others fringed and cut corners. Sizes to SLIT every bed. PRICKS TO stir KVKRV riHSF. 23 dea. Ioalilr-lird Mae Honeycomb Bedspreads, special JB-1.9S 10 do a. Ioable-Hed Mae Honeycomb Bedspreads, special JfI.lO 1.1 dos. Ikouble-Hed Mae lloaeycomb- Bedapreada, spedaJ 9S 13 dea. Double-Red Mae Scalloped aad t ut Coram Bedapreada. . S3. Hi 11 dos. Double-Bed Mae Scalloped aad Cat Corners Bedapreada. . !$-.. 75 a dos. Double-Bed Slae Scalloped aad Cut Coraera Bedspreads. . St. 23 A Sale of Nottingham and Marquisette Curtains at prices that are beyond competition. It will pay you to get a good supply at these prices for Monday and Tuesday only. 3 arda loag White Netting ham I -a re Curtalaa, special, pair . . . . l.TS n yards loss; White Kottlnarhanm Laca Curtalaa. special, pair. . . - Kli.. 3 Tarda long W hite NilUickia Lc Curtalaa. apedal. pair. . . . St1- yards lone; White Nottingham lre Curtalna, special. palr..el.50 ZVa yards long White Xottlnaham Ure Curtalaa. special, pair.. 2.10 2"-i yardu long W hite ottlaghaa I. arc Cartalaa. special, pair. . 13. 2." 2Va yards long Krru Nottingham I -ace Curtalaa. special, pair. lO 3 yarda long Kcru Nottingham I.a re Curtnlna. apedal. pair cli.l! 3 yarda long Kcru Nfltliaibam Luce Curtnlna. apeclul. pa Ir l.rl 2Va ynrda long Kcru Nottingham Lare Curtnlna. special, pair. . . . . . 3 yarda long Paael Nottingham I .a re Curtalna, special, rark. . . .S1.75 Marquisette Curtains, special, pair 81.25. SI. OS. S2.S3. $2.75 $2.50 Mercerized Round Scallop Table Cloths, Spl SI. OS Every woman will certainly profit by attending this sale. These Tablecloths are without a doubt a genuine bargain. Shown in several beautiful designs. Don't overlook these charming covers. Interstate Realty Association' After New Members. 1000 MEMBERS DESIRED 0. 11. Skolbelm, Formerly of Eugene, to Manage Oregon l'art of IrrlTe) in Xorthurestern States and Also British Columbia. A REMARKABLE SALE OF CORSETS 'SPECIAL $1 EACH These Corsets are made up of excellent quality ooutil, medi um or low bull styles. Also tapeless form supporters neatly trimmed at top with embroide ry. Some have graduated stays. Store . Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Saturday From 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. NEW LOCATION, Dekum Bldgr., Third and Washington Sts. THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY THE BIG CASH STORE" ENTRANCES 266 WASHINGTON ST. AND 125 THIRD ST. WOMEN'S BRASSIERES EXTRA SPECIAL 35c EACH Mad of (rood ma terial, front or back closin (t styles. Trimmed with em broidery or lace. McCall Patterns We Are Noted for a Busy House, Call and See us Why! Telephone Main 8360 SHOW DATES All! Directory of Prominent Life Insurance Agencies Members of Life Underwriters' Association of Oreon. Wm. Goldman. General Manaa;.r NATIONAL LIFE OF VERMONT. Oregonlan Eldg. H. G. Colton, Manager. MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL T.IFS. Chamber of Commerce Bide. S. I Harmon. General Agent PENN MUTUAL. LIFE, yorthwgatern Bank Bids. Real Estate Brisk. "WOODLAND. Wash., Oct. 5. CSpe- clal. ) Some activity has been shown in real estate circles in this section re cently. T. W. Whitlow, of the Lewis River Land Company, reports the sale of a 40-acre tract for $1600, partially improved, an 80-acre tract unimproved. 20-acre unimproved tract and a piece of business property in. Woodland, which has been purchased by C Antral, formerly of Vancouver. He will install a meat market. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eodon, of Yale, have recently partly sold and traded their fine stock and rain ranch at that point for a 47-acre improved tract near Woodland and other considerations, the total property and cash transferred being in the neighborhood of J30.000. Apartment-House for Salem. SALEM, Or.. Oct. 5. (Special.) C W. Kiemeyer. of Salem, is exhibiting plans for a $250,000 apartment-house which it is proposed to construct through lo cal capital on Court street, near the State House. Kederal orders have placed the possibility of construction out of the running just at present, but he says the plan will go ahead as soon as war conditions permit. Almond Crop Good One. GOODN'OK HILI.S, "Wash., Oct. 5. (Special.) Many Portland people and others are in the hills gathering their almonds, of which there is quite a crop this year. Among the orchard owners are L. I. Hewes, J. C. George, D. M. Smith. Jesse Hobson, Mr. McNary, Mr. Myres and L. C. Stone, all of Port land, except Mr. George, who resides at Walla Walla. Horace Mecklem. Manager KEW ENGLAND MUTUAL Lira Northwestern Bank Bldg. H. R- Albees General Agent. NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INS, CO, fionhwetteru isa.nk Bids. Locust eggs treated with sulphuric acid and lime are used as fertilizer in Mediterranean countries where the In sects are numerous. Fhone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7070. A, 6095. . The Interstate Realty Association of tho Pacific Northwest, British Colum bia and Alberta has started a member ship campaign, the goal of which is 1000 new members by January 1. K. E. Taylor, of Portland, former president of the association, is chair man of the membership committee, which has in hand plans for the cam paign. The purpose of the campaign is to strengthen the association and make of it a great body of thoroughly reliable, patriotic and efficient real estate men. Paul C. Murphy, president of the Portland Realty Board, and Paul A. Cowgill, secretary, declare that the Portland territory will bring in at least 100 new membership applications. The canspaign will be in personal charge of O. H. Skotheim, former Kugene real estate man, who has removed to Port land with offices in the Henry building. "The purpose of the campaign," said Paul C Murphy, president of the Port land Realty Board, "is to wipe out the unscrupulous realty operator snd make illegitimate methods Impossible by organizing a great Tody of high-stand am, patriotic ana emclent men. - By a concerted movement, covering the Northwestern states and the two Can adian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, the Interstate Realty Asso ciation is offering Its services to main tain the highest standards of real estate operations, to prevent Invest ments in any but legitimate projects. and to seeic legislation to protect the public . "The Interstate Realty Association consists of individual members, while the National Association, with which It closely co-operates, is made tip of local realty boards. It is the aim of the Interstate Association not alone to unite efficiently all responsible oper stors of the Northwest, but to become the largest individual organization of realty men in the world. The present membership drive with 1000 new mem bers added to the present membership will enable the organization, from the small membership fee of $5, to main tain adequate neadquarters, necessary mailing facilities and the issuing of monthly bulletins. Bankers and ab stractors In the coast states are ap preciating tne value or their close co ordination with the realty profession. "Membership in the association stands for protection and responsible dealin Tho public realizes the inestimable value of such an ethical force in the maintenance of high business standards, and it Is recognized that the place of the individual dealer is within, and not outside, the organization. 2 8 -Aero Ranch Brings $10,000.' ABERDEEN. Wash.. Oct. S (Spe cial.) T. T. Jones, of Sequim. has pur chased the A. G. Harris ranch of 28 acres, south of Montesano. for $10,000 cash. This Is the largest realty deal in the county, xor many months. COHIX'G LIVESTOCK EXHIBIT BB KOTEMBER IS TO 21. The State Board of Equalization, which ncludes members of the State Tax Commission, will meet here October 21 to equalize properties coming under the tax commission. These include utilities hicb operate in more than one county. North Pacific International Display Premises 4a Be Up ts Other Year Standards. SALEM. Or, Oct. 5. (Special.) A. H. Lra. who will be general manager of the North Pacific International Live stock Ehow at Portland this year, today announced tentative dates for the show. November 18 to 21, inclusive, subject to ratification at a meeting to be held in -H. L. Corbett's office in Portland Monday. Among the matters to be decided at this meeting will be the question of holding the show at the stockyards or in some downtown location. The pre mium lists and clsssifications also will be arranged and general plans for the exposition worked out. - Mr. Lea says the showing of stock at the State Fair Indicates that war con ditions will not interfere with the Port land show, which he expects will be up to the standard of past years. Board of Equalization to Meet. SALKM. Or.. Oct. K. Special.) mgworm Scalp Sores If m want speedy help try T. D. D. rreacriptioa. So easy to apply, net Hisii or sia i It washes lata the seelp sad the relief is instaatf Try It today. It is gnaraatoed. Sic, ae and Sloo. SKI DM ore nitro CO owi, imiu co. A Tonic and Health Builder TaVe CALCERBS to lid yourlf of tbat weakening. praistent couira, which la threatening you with throat or Ion it troubla. Even In acute caaa affect Ina; throat and lungs, CALCERE have given much relief In many caaes helping to restore health. They arive ntrenrth to combat lllneaa. Con tain calf turn . lime salt), ao compounded aa to b eaeily abaorbtd. Cavlcerbs. AO rents Box. At all dmrglata or from maautactarer, poe-ipaia, ECK MAX LABORATORY, Phil a4e.pt!. Choir "Roy Among Wounded. Word has been received that Arthur Hutchinson, who was choir boy in the Church of the Good Shepherd, was wounded In the leg: at the battle, of Mmirhv on Aujrunt He hum lout the EASY TO DARKEN YOUR GRAY HAIR You Can Bring Back Color and Luster With Sage Tea and Sulphur. use of the In England. limb and is convalescing Lucy Cotton, the ingenue of "Turn to the Risrht." has junt closed a season of 23 month), in whlrh time she did not When you darken your hair with Safte Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell. because it's done so naturally, so even ly. Preparing this mixture, though, st home is mussy and troublesome. At little cost you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use preparation, im proved by the addition of other Ingre dients, called "Wyeth's Ss and Sul phur Compound." You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with, it snd draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disappears, and. after an other application or two. your hair becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. Gray, faded hair, though no dis grace, is a sign of old age, and as we all desire a youthful and attractive appearance, get busy st once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. This ready to-use preparation is a dellRhtful tol let requisite and no is not intended for tion or prevention. Pt disease. Adv THIS IS THE AGE OF YOUTH Strands of Gray Hair May Be Removed. Strands of gray hair are unattract ive and very unnecessary and acceler ate the appearance 6f approaching age. AN hy not remove all traces of gray In the hair snd possess an even shade of beautiful dark hair in bounteous quan tities by the use of "La Creole" Hair Dressing? Used by thousands of people every day everywhere with perfect satisfaction. No one need be annoyed with gray hair hair streaked with gray, diseased scalp pr dandruff when offered such a preparation as "La Cre ole" Hair Dressing. Apply it freely to scalp and hair, rubbing it in well, and after a few applications you will be delightfully surprised with the results. USE "I.A CREOLE" HAIR DUE5JIVO for gray or faded hair and retain the appearance of youth. Used by gentle men in every walk of life to restore an even dark color to their gray hair, beard or mustache. For sale by The Owl Drug Company's drug stores and all good drug stores everywhere. Mail orders from out-of-town customers filled promptly upon receipt of regular price. J1.20. "La Cre ole" Hair Dressing is cold on a money back guarantee. Adv. t miss a single performance. Miss Cot ton feels not only that she has earned a vacation, but that she needs one. Cer tain Dim magnates do not agree with her. and thereby hangs an Interesting story to come. WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER Wash ths poison and toxins from tern before putting mora food Into stomach. is a deliKhtful tol- j intestinal atln lot a medicine. It L itis. One dosi the cure, mlttga-I refunded, owl Dt disease. Adv 1 even where. He Wont Drop Dead Any More "My husband suffered terribly from etomarh and liver trouble, which caused such bloating of gas as to seriously affect his heart. Doctors wsrned him that he might drop dead at any time from this trouble. A friend in Clevelsnd advised him to take Miyfi Wonderful Remedy, and since taking it, 4 months ago, he is feeling like a young man again. All his friends are surprised at his appearance." It is a simple, harm less preparation that removes the ca tarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract and allays the Inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver snd Intestinal ailments, including sppenoi- ose will convince or money Drug ro. and druggists everj wnere. f aia .a.aj , Wsfh yourself on the Inside before breakfast like you do on the outside. This is vastly mors Important, because the skin pores do not absorb Impuri ties Into the blood, csuslng illness, while the bowel pores do. For every ounce of food and drink taken Into the stomach, nearly an ounce of waste material must be carried out of the body. If this waste material is not eliminated day by day it quickly ferments and generates poisons, gases and toxins which are absorbed or sucked Into the blood stream, through tho lymph ducts which should suck only nourishment to sus tain the body. A splendid health measure Is to drink, before breakfast each day. a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate In it, which is a harmless way to wash these poisons, gases and toxins from the stomach. liver. kidneys and bowels; thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary canal befora putting more iooa into the stomach. A quarter pound of llmestons phos phate costs but very little at Use drug store, but is sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast on Inside bathing. Adv. CATARRH is now easily overcome by using an antiseptic oil spray which absorbs and dislodges the bard, weblike mucus mebrane of throat and nose. Quick relief Is always obtained by using the McKenxi Catarrh spray. Tha prlco complete with special atomiser Is only $1.00. We pay ths postage on this and all other drug orders. Laue-DavisDrug Co. Truss Experts PORTLAND. OREGOJJ