10 TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, FORTXAND, OCTOBER 6; HWLS. SIX JEWELERS ARE UNDER INDICTMENT Confessions of Gem Thieves Brings Charge of Receiv 4 ing Stolen Property. STONES SOLD FOR TRIFLE Uealers, It Is Said, declared Pre cious Bits Were S apphirea and of Little Value; Grand Jury Promptly Acta. Six Portland jewelers were held to answer charges of receiving: stolen property in indictments returned yes terday by the Multnomah County errand jury. Those indicted are N. Solomon, IKoland David. George R. TurnbuU. B. lieingold, II. I. Mendelsohn and S. Du biver. The indictments resulted from con fessions . and statements made to the grand jury by Alfred Housman, con fessed diamond thief, and Vernon Tagr eart, an admitted accomplice. According to the story told to the prand jury by Housman and Taggart, the former stole a package containing 3 0 diamonds while employed by the American Express Company on August 19. He gave some of them to Taggart, w ho assisted him in disposing of them. Jewelers Fay but Little. Diamonds were sold to each of the jewelers indicted, according to Hous man and Taggart. The jewelers, they taid, told them the jewels were not diamonds but white sapphires and of email value. The young men received but a small amount for the diamonds, they declared. Because of the fact that the jewelers. es alleged, told Housman and. Taggart Te oiamonds were sapphires when they must have known they were val uable diamonds, the grand jury took the position that the jewelers must have known that the diamonds were stolen property. One Jeweler who paid rut a few dollars for one diamond is eaid to have sold it the following day for $300. The 10 diamonds were valued at $2500. Housman and Taggart freely con fessed their guilt and are eaid to have told the grand jury that they would Plead guilty to the indictments re turned against them. Housman was in dieted for stealing the diamonds and Taggart as an accomplice in helping to dispose of them. Other Indictments Returned. "W. H. Devan was indicted for an alleged statutory offense against glnls In the Portsmouth district. Carl Lind ,a Tacoma youth, was held to answer a charge of stealing an automobile. t red . Koslund was Indicted for ag alleged assault on Ted Smith. George Abdie. a youth, was held to answer a charge of stealing a purse. R. Kearns was indicted for contrib uting to the delinquency of Lydia Hoffman, a minor. A. Ammatuzzi was charged with as caulting A. Quentien on August 18. Several secret indictments also were reported. BOTTLE DRINKING BARRED Soldiers at Fort Kearny Required to Imbibe Through Straws. CAMP KEARNY, San Diego, Cal. The rising generation of American sol diers, so far as it may be trained at imp Kearny, is not going to learn how to tilt a bottle upward and drain its contents at a draught. Not that orders prohibiting this practice make mention of antipathy to the physical attitude involved: they are sanitary reasons. Tilting a bottle here cannot lie associated with any improper con duct, as the only bottled drinks for sale are soda water and milk, but even these hereafter must be imbibed through a straw. Recent orders say: "Paper straws will be provided for pop and all soft drinks in all exchanges. nnnking from the bottle will not be allowed. 'Kxchanges will be equipped with iceboxes or refrigerators," the order continues, "and all milk will be kept in these. An abundant supply of ice will be provided." Other paragraphs of the order pro hibit the display of tobacco, cigarettes or other advertising in the exchange and the distribution of samples of any kind. hospital their original units were filled and they were aent to strange com mands. In this way the spirit and loyalty that is developed in each divi sion, making it a coherent body with characteristics all its own, were threa- ' tened. Officers and men returning from hospital went into the Replace ment Division and then might go where chance sent them, into new regiments and new divisions, even into ew corps. The military authorities soon saw this was -destructive of morale and were then faced with -an alternative system. A recently Issued general order pro vides for a "Replacement Battalion" for each corps. This is to be under command of the corps commander, its strength is not fixed but will vary as circumstances require and it has only a small permanent personnel. As wounded officers and men of class A are evacuated from hospital they go to the Replacement Batta-ion of their original division and eventually find tneir way back home to iheir Army family. Only when a division com mander's requisition exceeds the num ber of men of proper grade and arm originally belonging to his division do new men find their way In. The plan has been worked out after a careful analysis of British and French casualties, with a view to determing what percentage of casualties are evacuated from hospital as of class A. that is, men able to return to combat troops and the Army authorities be lieve that for the present at least it will meet the situation that had arisen. It tends to perpetuate the unit per sonnel as far as possible and there also are provisions by which both the com missioned and non-commissioned grades will bo to & certain extent filled by promotion from within the division it self. WORLD RECORD SMASH MOTORSHIP ABERDEEN BCT3LT AND READY FOR SEA Is." 23 DAYS. Grays Harbor Corporation Completes Vessel of 4O0O Tons 'W ith Twin Propellers., Challenges World. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Oct. E. The wooden "speed ship" Aberdeen launched last Saturday night at the yards here of the Grays Harbor Motorship Cor poration after 17 '4 days of work, is ready for her trial trip, and imme diately thereafter will be turned over, complete, to the Emergency Fleet Cor poration, having been fully constructed and ready for sea in 236 days, smash ing every former world's record. The nearest approach to the time made on the Aberdeen that achieved on the steel steamer. Crawl Keys, built at the Encorse yard of the Great Lakes, Engineering Works in 29 days. The Crawl Keys, however, was a single screw seamer, while he Aberdeen, a ship of 4000 ons. has win propellers. When the Aberdeen entered th watr last Saturday night, she was 95 per cent complete as to hull and super structure and 38 per cent complete as to machinery. Her engines have been installed in six days, which is five days The Emergency Flee Corporation has faster than the previous world's record, already challenged the shipyards of the world to equal the record made on the Aberdeen and the motorship corporation managers and workers have declared they will hang up a new record if their present record is either equalled or beaten. IRA POWERS DIRECTOR CMTED WAR WORK CAMPAIGN KIRES FIRST CBS. SOLDIERS TO HAVE BONDS Discharged Fighting Men Protected by War Department. CAMP KEARNY, Cal. Definite ar rangements whereby a discharged sol dier who has made allotments from his ray for the purchase of liberty bonds but has not completed the purchase may obtain either bonds to the amount of his payments or a return of the money paid in are provided in orders from the War Department, recently published here. Other sections of the orders provide for the delivery of the bonds to a per son other than that originally, desig nated by the purchaser, at his direc tion, but specifically eliminate any broker or speculator who "is known to be pecuniarily interested in the bond." "Sale, transfer or hypothecation" of liberty bonds "not yet delivered by the Government to the soldier is prohib ited.. BRITISH SOLVE PROBLEM Replacement Measures Designed to Preserve Vnits Morale. HEADQUARTERS AMERICAN ARMY JN FRANCE. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) The problem of keeping the combat units of the Army up to full strength, or replacement as it is technically termed, has been a rerplexing one to the military authori ties. Here the experience of the French and British did not answer. Their sys tems oi replacement are based on dif ferent conditions than those that con front us. Both are fighting virtually at home while we are overseas. . Originally it was planned to create one replacement division for each corps. This was to be a fully equipped find organized division fed from a depot division as men were drawn from it to fill the combat divisions. Theoretical ly this was perfect, but problems of Tnany kinds began to develop in prac tice. First in time of need it was Been that a completed and trained division could not lie Idle, but inevitab ly would be drawn into the combat troops, thus destroying the essentia replacement reserve. Then came a question of personnel and morale. A very high percentage of wounded soon are able to return to . the front but, under the proposed sys Jem when tbey were discharged from Publicity Headquarters Established In Rorthweatera Bank Building;. Drive Will Resin November 11. Establishment of publicity headquar ters in the Northwestern Bank build ingtoday is the first gun in the united war work campaign which begins No vember 11. Ira F. Powers has been se lected director of- publicity. This drive is the result of a decision by the National officials of the Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. A., the Jewish Wel fare Board, the Salvation Army, the the War Camp Community Service, American Library Association and the Knights of Columbus to ask the public for aid at one time, "These organizations, "said Mr. Powers, "are all working for the same cause, safeguarding the morale of the American soldier, the one thing which can be counted on above everything else to defeat the Hun. "The merging of their campaigns will save thousands of valuable hours on the part of patriotic men." Mr. Powers also announced that the direction of the local publicity would be n tne hands of a committee or cabinet composed of the publicity represents' fives of each of the organizations in terested. Practically all maintain per manent organization in Portland, EXPERTS LECTURE ON WAR University of California to Aid Draft Registrants. BERKELEY, Cal. Lectures on war subjects and personal hygiene will be given for the benefit of draft regis trants by University of California ex perts at the request of any local ex emption board, it was announced at the university. In approving this plan Adjutant-Gen eral J. J. Borree started that local boards should not overlook the oppor tunity offered by the university to help their draft registrants. ' Americans Study German. WITH THE AMERICAN FORCES IN FRANCE. (Correspondence of the As sociated Press.) Many American sol diers in France have taken up the study of the German language. Some say they are eager to talk to the Ger man prisoners and others explain that they desire to be prepared to speak German when they reach Berlin. Nearly every American company has one or more individuals who speak German, more or less, and the boys study Ger man during spare moments. After two or three months in France many Amer ican soldiers are able to speak soma French. War Savings Samps Bought Heavily. In spite of the great liberty loan drive that was in progre- during the month of September and the intensive soliciting then under way, the Port land Post Office sold during the month war- savings stamps amounting to $313,166.84, according to tha monthly re port of Postmaster Myers. Total eales of war savings and thrift stamps since December 3, 1917, now amounts to $2, S13.52S.08 in the Portland office. "cw Trail to Pike's Peak. COLORADO 'SPRINGS. Colo. The building of a new trail to Pike's Peak is under way. tinder the supervision of the United States Forest Service. The completed part of the trail reaches nearly to the timber line. It follows an easy grade, but gives travelers a view of the chief scenic features of the region, including the "bottomless pit" and the great crater standing: east of the peak. . . U I J I 1 1P (AJs-iir n m vrnr -rrr,-,! iSS-1 f- --.7'. -.t -T-l III J BP.. 1 P II Iks I It a itii si i: II is-il 15 11 ikjl lilt a SAM h iigrn rV u i ,,:.,T.,.j.j,r v ifli Ik 1 Las' fef iC Yes, it's here,, installed, tested, proved and in action and it's one of the most remarkable instruments ever turned out by the Ilope-Jones-Wurlitzer Unit Or chestra people. It's been under construction for nearly, two years, and has taken five months to install. We might have told you about it long ago, but preferred to wait until everything was ready for you to hear. It is specially designed to suit the sound conditions of the Majestic Thea ter, and playing tests during the past two weeks have demonstrated its un equaled sweetness and purity of its tone. But the organ is no more remarkable than the organist Mr. Wendell O'Day -who enjoys a national reputation for his almost uncanny ability to interpret on the organ every emotion depicted on the screen. He has been brought to Portland at great expense to help carry out the Majestic policy of giving always the best obtainable as well in music as in pictures. He will be ably assisted by Portland's most popular local organist, E. H. Hunt. The usual magnificent photoplay program is aa follows: 'The Prussian Cur An authentic expose of German spy conditions, and the experiences of Captain Horst von der Goltz One of the Kaiser's leading agents, who him self plays the leading roles Programme of Opening Con cert Today at 12:30 ltARCH--"The Diplomat". ....Souaa. BERCEUSE. . f .Godsrd MAJKSTIC SINGINO RCHOOtr Inaugurated at the suggestion of the United btstes Ciovernment. TESriRA MIA Becuccl The Gerinsns claimed supfriority tn wait composition. This beautiful Italian number shows tha allies aa superior tn music as in battle. THE STORM A Musical Interpreta tion ST MO PS IS Sundown In a beauti ful valley. Btrds railing. A harp sounds faintly, snd a mother's iimaoy softly sung. Morm ap proaches breaks in all its furv and dies away. Chimes are heard and from the village church arises tha strain of "Th Lost Chord." Sunshine Feature Comedy Official War Review Pathe News TODAY JJk, k3 1 BOY INSTANTLY KILLED ROBERT EDWARDS. 13, STRUCK BV SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAIN, OrvUle Xi. Waters. Asjed 8, looses Life la Fall at Northwest Steel Company Yard. Robert Edwards, 13, bo not Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Edwards. 1568 Fifth street, was killed instantly yesterday by an inbound Southern Pacific electric train at Third and Miles streets. A coroner's Jury will investigate the accident to. morrow. The train struck the lad while he was waiting: to board It at a flag sta tion. Ueputy Coroner Goetsch toolt the bodv to the public morgrue. Orville L. Waters, 38, of 34 East Fortieth street. North, died yesterday afternoon from injuries sustained in a fall in the Northwest Steel Company's yards. He stepped off a 40-foot staff ing and fell to the ground, fracturing his skull. Mr. Waters is survived by his wife. He had been in the employ of the Northwest Steel Company six months, as a shipwright JAPANESE TO INVESTIGATE Oriental Professor to Study Psy- chplogy in United Slates. TOKIO, Japan. Dr. Matatare Matsu moto. professor of literature at the Imperial University and a specialist on psychology, has been delegated to pro ceed to the United States to study the recent ororress of experimental psy chology, especially the application of psychological researcnes to military ai fairs. Dr. Matsumoto will sail for America next month and remain there one year. He is connected with the committee for investigation of experimental psychol ogy applied to military affairs organ ized by high officers of the Japanese navv. From the United States Dr. Matsumoto will visit Canada to inspect the conditions of re-education of tha soldiers crippled tn tha war, and later will proceed to England, France and Spain for study. Farmers Back: Temple Plan. SPOKANE. Wash. The plan to build a temple of agriculture in Washington, L. C, at r, cost of 11,250,000 ss the headquarters of all farm organisations in tha United States has been given the Indorsement of executive board of the Farmers' Union of Washington and North Idaho. The matter was con sidered at a recent meeting of the board held here. Phono your want ads to Th Orego- nlan. Main T0T0, A 60f6. ft "I had been troubled for a long time with chronic constipation and never found any thing that gave me the natural relief that 'Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin has." (From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by Mr. I. Rosenthal, 6 y. 28th St., New York, N. Y.)' Nearly every disease can be traced to constipation. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that quickly relieves constipation and restores normal activity. It is gentle in its action and does not gripe. - - DR.rCALDWELL'S Syrtip Pepsiiv The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. $1.00 TRIAL BOTTie CAN BC OBTAINED. FRCC Of CHA'CC. BY WRITING TO DR. W. B. CALDWELL. 459 WASHINGTON. STREET. M0NTICEU0. ILLINOIS 4-tt tth i Sails Fine for Aching Kidneys ! We eat too much meat which clogs Kidney, then the Back hurts ,. 2 Most people forget that the kidneys. like the bowels. ft sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occaslon slly. else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your kidneys setlve and clean, and tho moment you feel an acha or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store here, tska a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few "days snd your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with lithia. and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neu tralises the srids in the urine so It no longer Irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts 1 harmless: Inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithla water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kid neys clesn, thus avoiding serious com plications. A well-known local druggist ssys ha sells lots of Jad Balls to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while It Is only trouble. Adv. Warner's Safe Remedies A Constant Boon to Invalids Since 1877 Warntr's Safe Kidney and Livtr Remedy. Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy. Warner's Safe Rheumatic Remedy. Warner's Safe Asthma Remedy. Warner's Safe Nervine. r)t narncrs aia rui, ii,oniipai.ion ana Biliousness; The Reliable Familv Medicine Sold by leading (Jrugsists everywhere. Sample sent on receipt of tea cens WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES CO.. Dept. &S ROCHESTER N. Y 3PH